-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year One, Week Forty-Six -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 331 - Token Security Measures [Other, Multiple] 1. Black Belt in No-Kan-Du [Enactment] Any Player may pay five Bronze Tokens and perform the ten-minute neutral Action of "[Purchasing Money Belt]", at any Station. A Player performing this Action gains a "Money Belt" Possession. 2. Like a Shield of Steel [Amendment] Append the following to the last paragraph of Rule 1.10.1 (A Shunting We Will Go):- "(If the Shunted Player possesses a Money Belt, neither Tokens nor the Money Belt itself may be claimed during the Shunt.)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 332 - Zone Friendly [Other, Multiple] 1. A Dimension of Sight and Sound [Enactment] Any Player may purchase the following Zone Passes, at the following costs, by playing the ten-minute neutral Action of "[Purchasing Pass]" at any Station. Note that Railcard discount does not apply to the purchase of single-Zone Passes. +-------------+--------------------+ | Zone x | 2 Bronze Tokens | | Zones 1-3 | 4 Bronze Tokens | | Zones 1-6 | 8 Bronze Tokens | +-------------+--------------------+ (For "Zone x", "x" may be replaced by any integer number from one to seven, upon purchase of the Pass.) A Player performing such an Action gains a "Zone Pass" or "Zones Pass" Possession appropriately, where the bracketed sections are replaced with the relevant digit or digits. 2. Tickets, Please [Amendment] In the Table in Rule 1.4.1, replace the "Playing any Valid Move" row with:- -----------------------------------------+--------------+--------------- Playing any Valid Move within a Zone | +1 Bronze | End of Turn for which a Zone Pass is carried | | -----------------------------------------+--------------+--------------- { Comments: Originally considered as a single-Bronze fare for Moving to a Station outside the scope of your Zone Pass, this seemed a more straightforward (if perhaps a little less intuitive) implementation. I did consider implementing "Walking" being equally free, somehow, but couldn't see any easy way to word it. I've no idea how the relative Pass costs parallel those of the Underground itself, nor even which Passes are available in real life - I've only ever gotten around on a Zones 1-3, before now. Corrective amendment is welcomed. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 333 - Limerick at your Peril [Other, Multiple] 1. Nantucket [Enactment] If the Proposal "The Luggage" did not pass, this Rule shall immediately repeal itself. If not, this paragraph shall remove itself from the Rule upon Enactment. Each Player is implicitly considered to possess a Nantucket ("the secret pocket which eats your train ticket" - Adams/Lloyd), which e may use to store Small Possessions; Possessions stored in a Nantucket may not be manipulated by any Player except by means of this Rule. For the purposes of any Rule which checks to see if a Player is carrying a Possession, e is considered not to be carrying it if eir only instances of it reside in eir Nantucket. Any Player may play the ten-minute neutral Action of "[Reshuffling]" to put any number of Small Possessions into eir Nantucket, and to remove any number of Possessions from it. Possessions placed in a Player's Nantucket are indicated as such in the Luggage Rack by surrounding the Possession's name with asterisks. 2. Small is Beautiful [Amendments] In Rules 1.4.2 (Ticket Stubs) and Rule 1.4.5 (Railcards), replace "count as Possessions" with "count as Small Possessions". In any Rule entitled "Zone Passes", append "Zone Passes count as Small Possessions." to the end of the final paragraph. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 334 - My Life Story [Amendment] Add the following to the list of Stations with restricted Opening in Rule 1.13.1: "Mornington Crescent -- open Mon to Sat 0700 to 2100, Sun 0800 to 2100" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 335 - Realignment [Amendment] Amend Rule 1.17.5 (Alignment) by appending the following text: "Where required, Alignment may be considered as a scalar quantity known as Scalar Alignment. Scalar Alignment is calculated by treating Horizontal and Vertical Alignments as +1, One-Three and Two-Four Aligments as -1, and Unknown as zero, then summing the set of numbers thus arrived at. "Hence an Alignment set of (Horizontal, Vertical, One-Three) would have a Scalar Alignment of +1." { Comment: Alignment is a lovely idea that hasn't seen any use yet. Allowing its use as a scalar value might make it a bit easier to apply (I certainly have plans for it in this form). This particular conversion produces Scalar Alignments in the range -2 to +2. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 336 - Just Add Water [Amendment] Amend Rule 1.7.16 (Neutral Actions) so that all Token exchange Actions of the form [ to ] have a duration of "none". { Comment: Kevan made the very fine point that Token exchange should be instant. From such points are short Proposals made... } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 337 - And I Had Someone Wearing a Hat In Front Of Me [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1.5.5 (Everyman Cinema). { Comment: Odd this is still here, really. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------