-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Year One, Week Forty-Three -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 301 - Wild Card [Amendment] Add the following to Rule 1.4.5 (Railcard): 'Any Player who owns a Railcard may, on eir Turn, place it on any Station that he moves to or passes through by performing the action "Railcard on ". On a subsequent Turn e may perform the "Wild" action to move to the Station where e left eir Railcard, as if it were a Wild Station as described in Rule 1.11.1 and subject to all conditions described in that Rule, but without the Token cost. E may retrieve eir Railcard by performing the action "Collecting Railcard" while at or passing through the Station where e left it. Placing a Railcard on a station does not affect any other privileges gained by Railcard ownership.' {Comment: there has to be more point to a Railcard than just saving the occasional Bronze Token} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 302 - I'm bored with this [Amendment] Add the following to Rule 1.15.1 (Nyurmenyurmenyurmen): 'The Player who is Drone Keeper may relinquish the position at any time by posting a message to the list stating eir intention. The Drone then becomes inactive and the next Player to take a Turn should update the Game State Document appropriately.' {Comment: seems a bit daft being obliged to keep control of the Drone} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 303 - I've come to collect my reward [Amendment] Make the following amendments to the Kudos table in Rule 0.9.1: 1. remove the item: "Making a Proposal | +1" and add the following items in its place: "Making a Proposal that passes | +3" "Making a Proposal that fails | -3" 2. remove the redundant item: "Failure to follow Rule 1001 | -2" and add the following item in its place: "Making a Proposal that contravenes any | -5" of the Rules in Subset 0.4 (Proposals) | {Comment: the rule-making element of the game seems to be playing second fiddle to the Crescent element, so I think we need some enhancements to the Kudos reward/penalty scheme} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 304 - Silver Usage, aka Stupid Compass Tricks [Other, Multiple] Append the following item to the table in Rule 1.4.1: Performing a [ Wormhole] Action | -2 Silver Insert the following in the list of Post-Move Actions in Rule 1.7.3: [ Wormhole to ] must be replaced by North, South, East or West. When the Player is at a station containing the word as a distinct word (e.g. Lambeth North is fine, but Northolt is not), e may play this action to a which satisfies the same restriction as the Current Location. The then becomes the current location, provided the Player pays 2 Silver Tokens. Create a new Rule, numbered 1.7.13, as follows: "Rule 1.7.13 - Stupid Compass Tricks A Player may perform a Stupid Compass Trick via the action of '[ Wormhole to ] where is replaced by one of North, East, West and South, and is a Station containing the word as a distinct word, when the Player's Current Location contains the word as a distinct word. then becomes the Player's Current Location for a cost of 2 Silver Tokens. " [Note: Yes, this does allow a jump to the Northern Line above MC. However, it does require 2 Silver Tokens, and Silver Tokens are fairly hard to come across these days, aren't they? I think that the high cost of this manoeuvre makes up for its usefulness.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 305 - Ask Your Mother [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1.5.8 ("What exactly is changing line"). { Comments: The Rule simply states "A Move is said to involve a change of Line if it involves more than one Line Segment." - rather dodgy in regard to Wild Stations and whatnot, and I think we can live without a definition of what "changing Line" actually means, since it's not really that ambiguous. Perhaps I've missed the point of this Rule's original purpose; kick me and shower my words with AGAINST votes if such is the case. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 306 - Sanctuary [Amendment] In Rule 1.10.1 (A Shunting We Will Go), replace "A Player may not Shunt another Player from Dollis Hill." with "A Player may not Shunt another Player from Dollis Hill, or from a Holy Station." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 307 - Home Is Where You Hang Your Head [Amendment] In Rule 1.12.1 (Home Stations), replace "If the Moving Player has such Tokens, e may not Move on or through that Station." with, er, "If the Moving Player does not have such Tokens, e may not Move on or through that Station." { Comments: Pchah. Tsk. Psk. Pft. Dear me. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 308 - Deputy Dawg [Amendment] Amend Rule 0.3.1 (Players, Voter and the Speaker) by appending the following paragraph: "Throughout these Rules, the term 'Speaker' shall be construed as 'Speaker or eir nominee' such that the Speaker may nominate other Players to take over certain duties within Mornington Nomic (whether temporarily or otherwise), provided that publishing facilities sufficient for those duties are available to the nominated Player or Players." { Comment: I don't know if this is actually sufficient, but I think it covers all the bases. You're allowed to go on holiday now, Kevan. Note that redefining the term Speaker seemed easier than either substituting 'Speaker' for 'Speaker or eir nominee' everywhere it occurred, or specifying a whole set of Official Positions and their duties a la Thring. Incidentally, I was going to try and borrow some wording from Thring, but I can't get at William's Thring site (it's secure for some reason, which means the firewall I go through blocks it) quite apart from the question of whether his site is still there or not. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 309 - Die, Damn You! [Other, Multiple] { Comment: Just explicitly removing a bit of evidence left over from the Age of Mutability. } [Repeal: It Is Thought An Asteroid Struck the Ruleset] Repeal Rule 0.2.4. [Repeal: Or Perhaps a Comet] Repeal Rule 0.2.5. [Amendment: It Threw Up A Tremendous Cloud of Clauses] Amend the following Rules to remove their "Immutable" classification: 0.1.1 - The Name of the Nomic 0.1.2 - Terms of Reference 0.2.3 - Numbering 0.2.6 - Rule Changes 0.2.7 - Free for All 0.3.1 - Players, Voters and the Speaker 0.4.1 - Proposal Types Amend the following Rules to remove their "Mutable" classification: 0.2.8 - Rule Conflict 0.2.9 - Keep the Ruleset Tidy 0.4.7 - Proposal Names 0.4.8 - Multiple Proposals 0.4.9 - Lurker Proposals 0.4.10 - Old Rule References 0.5.2 - How to Vote 0.5.3 - Rule Adoption 0.5.4 - Quorum 0.5.5 - Direct Tinkering Ban 0.5.6 - Distribution of Voting Results 0.6.1 - Theocracy of Muntab 0.7.1 - Points of Order 0.7.2 - Emergency Proposals 0.8.1 - Inactivity 0.9.1 - Kudos 0.10.2 - Wake Up, Damn You [Amendment: And Caused Massive Regulatory Disruption ] Amend Rule 0.2.6 (Rule Changes) to remove the final sentence which begins "No Non-Proposed Rule Change..." [Amendment: Which Wiped Out All the Mutasaurs and Immutasaurs] Amend Rule 0.2.8 (Rule Conflict) by replacing the first paragraph with the following text: "If two or more Rules conflict with one another, then the Rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 310 - The Carol Vorderman Effect [Other, Multiple] { Comment: I've removed all my previous comments from this Proposal to try and reduce its length. } [Amendment: What You Say Is What You Get] Amend Rule 1.2.1 (The Game State Document) to include the following paragraph after the paragraph beginning "Multiple Actions are permitted...": "Actions are considered to occur in the order in which they are specified in the Player's Turn. Any Actions which precede the Move itself must be placed before the Move text." Change the excerpt in Rule 1.2.1 to read as follows: "Brooke-Taylor: Holborn (CN via: PD,NT) Cryer: [LV+1] Edgware Road (BL) Garden: Amersham (MP) Rushton: [LV+3] Mornington Crescent (NT via: VC)" [Amendment: I'll Have One From the Top Row, Carol] Amend Rule 1.7.1 to read as follows: "Actions are classifiable according to when they may be played with relation to movement of the Player's Piece: Pre-Move Actions may only be played prior to movement of the piece Move Substitute Actions are played in lieu of normal piece movement Move Actions may be played during the Move itself (including at the start and end station) Post-Move Actions may only be played after the Piece is moved Neutral Actions may be played at any time. "The following sections list the available Actions according to these classifications. A duration is only specified where it varies from the standard value defined in the Rule 'Carol Vorderman's Revenge'." [Amendment: Pre-Move Actions] Amend Rule 1.7.2 to read as follows: Action Rule Duration ------------------------------------ [Cascade Sidestep] 1.8.2 [Dollis Sidestep] 1.8.1 [LV?X] 1.6.1 [LV=0] 1.6.1 [Amendment: Move Substitute Actions] Change the name of Rule 1.7.3 to "Move Substitute Actions" Amend 1.7.3 to read as follows: Action Rule Duration ---------------------------------------- [Buying Railcard] 1.4.5 [Getting Stub] 1.4.2 [Ghost] 1.7.11 [Home] 1.12.1 [Stub Link] 1.4.3 [Visiting ] 1.7.9 [Walking to ] 1.7.10 [Wild] 1.11.1 [Enactment: Move Actions] Action Rule Duration -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Claiming a Token from ] 1.14.1 [Collecting Hat] 1.4.6 [Dropping Package at ] 1.4.7 [Rebounding off ] 1.5.6 [Fire at ] 1.9.2 [ Token on ] 1.14.1 [Enactment: Post-Move Actions] Action Rule Duration ------------------------------------------------------------ [Banking ] 1.4.9 [Blocking ] 1.9.1 [Collecting ] 1.4.9 [Declaring ____ Gambit/Manoeuvre] 1.18.1 [Parks and Greens Cascade] 1.8.2 [Power Failure] 1.7.8 [Septimus Divergence] 1.7.5 [Shunting to ] 1.10.1 [Spooning ] 1.7.4 [Straddling to ] 1.7.6 [Striling to ] 1.7.12 [Terminating Cascade] 1.8.2 [Unspoon] 1.7.4 [Using ____ Gambit/Manoeuvre] 1.18.3 [Enactment: Neutral Actions] Action Rule Duration ------------------------------------------------------------ [Bonanza] 1.4.10 [Bridges Up] 1.8.3 [Bridges Down] 1.8.3 [Detonating Package] 1.4.7 [Drone Keeper] 1.15.1 [Game Time: +0x00] 1.13.2 [Gold to Blue] 1.4.1 [Gold to Silver] 1.4.1 [Gold to Bronze] 1.4.1 [Ignore the Gap] 1.7.7 [Into Knip] 1.8.4 [Knocking Hat Off ] 1.4.6 [Mind the Gap] 1.7.7 [Out of Knip] 1.8.4 [Late Arrival from ] 1.7.9 [Silver to Bronze] 1.4.1 [ Wild] 1.11.1 [Amendment: Conservation of Action] Amend the second paragraph of Rule 1.8.2 (Parks and Greens Cascade) by replacing its first sentence with the following text: "If a Cascade is in effect during eir Turn, that Player must play a Station that is a Park or a Green Station, or play a [Cascade Sidestep] Action (at the cost of one Blue Token)." Amend the second bullet point of Rule 1.8.1 (Dollis Hill Loop) by inserting the following text before the full stop: ", and play a [Dollis Sidestep] Action" Amend the final sentence of Rule 1.4.3 (Stubbery) by inserting the following text before the full stop: ", by playing a [Stub Link] Action" Amend Rule 1.4.1 (Token Gesture) by modifying the appropriate entries in the Token Table as follows: "Gain 4 Blue Tokens by playing [Gold to Blue] Action Gain 2 Silver Tokens by playing [Gold to Silver] Action Gain 8 Bronze Tokens by playing [Gold to Bronze] Action Gain 4 Bronze Tokens by playing [Silver to Bronze] Action" [Amendment: When Exactly Is Pay Day?] Amend the paragraph in Rule 1.4.1 which begins "The calculation of such costs..." to read as follows: "The calculation of such costs shall be performed in a sequential manner throughout the Player's Turn, such that a Player must possess the required Tokens at the point at which a cost would be incurred." Amend the Token table in Rule 1.4.1 to include an extra column titled "Applied When" with the contents derived as follows: Token Event Applied When ------------------------------------------------------------ Moving to MC start of MC Move Segment Starting at a Terminus start of Turn Valid Move end of Turn playing an Interchange end of Move passing through Interchanges end of Move change of line first line change no change of line end of Move interacting with a Home station point of interaction playing a Holy Station point of interaction Pass Tokens start of Turn all other Actions point of play "where 'Move' is normal Piece movement only." [Enactment: Carol Vorderman's Revenge] Any Action or the movement of the Player's Piece shall have a duration of ten minutes of Game Time unless otherwise specified. Actions and Piece movement occur in sequence such that the total duration of a Player's Turn is calculated by adding the durations of the individual components. Payment of Token forfeits and receipt of Token bonuses shall be considered instantaneous, that is having no duration. A Move of Pass or Forced Pass shall similarly have no duration. A Turn may not have a total duration of more than one hour of Game Time (unless otherwise permitted or specified). Playing a Turn the total duration of which exceeds the allotted Game Time is an Illegal Move. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------