-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Game Two, Week Two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 207 - Alignment [Enactment] Here is a list of possible Alignments, with explanations: Horizontal : heading either east or west. Vertical : heading either north or south. One-Three : heading either north-east or south-west. Two-Four : heading either north-west or south-east. Unknown : somehow not falling into any of the above categories. Each Station has an Alignment which is the set of all the Alignments of the Lines that pass through or end at that station. If there is an ambuguity, such as in the case of Green Park's Jubilee Line heading toward Bond Street ('is it Two-Four or Vertical') then any Player may submit a Point of Order, to ask the Speaker to decide the exact set of Alignments the Station will have. The Speaker is empowered to add this information to this rule immediately below this paragraph in an appropriately formatted list. A Player's Move has an Alignment which is the set of all the Alignments of the Stations that the Move passes through, starts at, and finishes at. If the Player's Move is "Pass" or "Forced Pass", then the Alignment of eir Move is considered to be the Alignment of their last non-Pass Move. If the Player's Alignment, at the end of eir Move, includes "Unknown" as well as any other Alignments, then "Unknown" is removed from the Player's Alignment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 208 - Finger on the Pulse [Amendment] Add the Event "Voting For all Proposals that pass, and Against all Proposals that fail, besides eir own Proposals, in one Week." and the corresponding Kudos Modifier "+5" to the table of Kudos adjustments in Rule 1005. {Comments: Yes, it's a hangover from Thring, but I like it, and giving people an extra incentive to Vote never hurt...} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 209 - Moving House Is Wrong [Amendment] Add the following paragraph to Rule 1006: "A player may not change eir Home Station after e has played eir first move of the current game. E may, however, change eir Home Station as many times as e wishes before that point." {Comment: quashes any sneaky advantages a player may gain by frequently changing Home Stations once the game is in progress.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 210 - Six of One [Amendment] Amend the following line in Rule 1006: "A Player cannot have an Interchange Station as eir Home Station. A Player cannot have as eir Home Station a Station which is within six Stations' distance of Mornington Crescent." to: "A Player cannot have an Interchange Station as eir Home Station. A Player cannot have as eir Home Station a Station which is six Stations or fewer from Mornington Crescent." {Comments: sorry, PaulWay, this puts St Paul's out of the question, but the sole intention is to dispel the ambiguity of the current wording.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 211 - You Can Leave Your Hat On [Enactment] There are five Categories of station: 1. Verdant (any station with Park, Green or Garden in its name) 2. Termini (any station at the end of a line, including both Heathrow stations) 3. Compass (any station with North, South, East or West in its name) 4. A to Z (any station with Street, Road or Lane in its name) 5. Overground (any station with a connection to British Rail) Stations may fall into more than one category. Stations that fall into no category are deemed 'Hors Classification'. On playing a move to a station that falls into one of these five categories, a player may perform the action [Collecting Hat]. If a player performs this action at a station that falls into more than one category, e must specify which type of hat e is collecting, after the following example: Rushton: Walthamstow Central [Collecting Hat (Overground)] Once a player has collected a hat from one station in each category e may then proceed to Bank and perform the action [Cashing in Hats] which exchanges the hats for One Gold Token. A player may own no more than one hat from each category at any time. Any player may perform the action [Stealing Hat from ] for a cost of 4 Blue Tokens. Stolen Hats are discarded and may not be kept by the player performing the [Stealing Hat] action. {Comments: a potentially interesting subgame devised to while away a sleepless night; a new way to gain that vital gold token; and a reason not to make straight for MC as quick as possible. Why hats? Why not.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 212 - Your Name In Lights [Amendment] Rule 107 shall have the following paragraph added to it:- "When Proposals are distributed for Voting, each shall have the name of its Proposer appended to it." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 213 - New Judicial System [Other, Multiple] 1. Points of Order [Amendment] Reword Rule 204 (Points of Order) to:- "If a Player is concerned about aspects of the Game State, wordings or spellings within the Ruleset, or any point e considers to be minor, e may email the Speaker to this effect. Corrective action shall be taken by the Speaker if e feels it to be appropriate, and announced on the Mailing List. If any Player is unhappy with the result of a Point of Order, e may make an Emergency Proposal to correct it." 2. Emergency Proposals [Amendment] Reword Rule 205 (Calls for Judgement) to:- "If a Player is concerned about serious aspects of the Ruleset, e may make an Emergency Proposal. This is effectively identical to a normal Proposal, and should be emailed to the Speaker along with indication that it is an Emergency Proposal. Instead of being Voted upon normally, a Judge is selected at random from the set of Active Players, excluding the Player who made the Emergency Proposal. If the chosen Judge does not wish to make a Judgement, and voices this wish, another Judge is selected at random from the valid subjects remaining. Players may not be selected as Judge more than once for the same Emergency Proposal. When a Judge has been chosen, the Speaker should send a copy of the Emergency Proposal to the mailing list, also mentioning the name of the chosen Judge, and any comments e feels are appropriate. The Judge should return a Judgement of FOR or AGAINST for the Emergency Proposal. If e Judges FOR, the Emergency Proposal takes effect immediately. If e Judges AGAINST, the Emergency Proposal is ignored. If an Emergency Proposal has not received a Judgement within 72 hours of it being distributed on the mailing list, another Judge is selected at random with the above criteria. If there are no valid Judges available, the Emergency Proposal automatically fails." And rename it "Emergency Proposals". 3. Twenty Seconds To Comply [Amendment] Add to the Kudos modifiers in Rule 1005 (Kudos) "Failure to Judge or refuse Judgement of an Emergency | -5 Proposal within 72 hours of it being distributed, if | selected as Judge |" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 214 - Multiple Games [Other, Multiple] { Comments : Brace yourselves... } 1. More Than Just A Game [Enactment] Upon Enactment of this Rule, the Ruleset should be altered so that relevant references (selected by the Speaker as e amends them) to "the Game" should be amended to "the Nomic". Similarly, relevant mentions of "Mornington Crescent" should become "Mornington Nomic". Also, relevant references to "the Game" should be changed to "a Game" or "that Game", as appropriate. This Rule shall then Repeal itself. 2. Terminus [Amendment] Add the sentence "When a Player Wins a Game, that Game ends." to Rule 1000 (How to Win). 3. Tinkering [Amendment] In Rule 1002 (Taking a Turn), replace the paragraph beginning:- "If a Player does not make eir move within this time..." with "If a Player does not make eir Move within this time, any Player from that Game may submit a Move of "Forced Pass" for that Player. If it the Forcing Player would Move next, e may submit eir Move on the same GSD." 4. Border Control [Amendment] In Rule 1003 (Playing Sequence), replace "If, in the list of currently Active Players," with "If, in the list of currently Active Players for the Game you are playing". Also remove the paragraph beginning "A new Game can only begin when...". 5. A New Game Can Only Begin When... [Amendment] Add to Rule 1047 (A New Game):- "If there are any Players who are not currently Playing in any Games, the Speaker may start a New Game by announcing it on the mailing list. The Game shall have a Game Number one higher than the previous new Game. Initially the new Game has only one Player - the Drone. Players may opt to sign up to the Game by announcing this fact on the mailing list, provided that they are not Playing in any other Games already. When a Game has at least three Players, play commences. The Player to take the first Turn is selected at random by the Speaker. All aspects of a Game's Game State (Blocked Stations, Token Stacks, Line Velocities, etc.) are completely separate from aspects of other Games' Game States." Also replace "When a new Game begins:-" with "When a Game commences, the following status is given to that Game, and all the Players playing it:-" 6. More Border Control [Amendment] In Rule 1019 (Dollis Hill Loop), replace "If a Player's Move is "Dollis Hill", the next Player to take a Turn must either:-" with "If the previous Move in a Game is "Dollis Hill", the Player taking a Turn must:" 7. And More [Amendment] In Rule 1023 (Parks and Greens Cascade), replace "When a Cascade is declared, every following Player must play a Station that is a Park or Green or forfeit a Blue Token." with "If a Cascade is in effect during eir Turn, that Player must play a Station that is a Park or Green Station, or forfeit a Blue Token." 8. Paperwork [Amendment] In Rule 1028 (Ticket Stubs), replace "There exists an Official Document accounting for the British Rail Ticket Stubs of each Player." with "For each Game, there exists an Official Document accounting for the British Rail Ticket Stubs of each Player." 9. Multiple GSDs [Amendment] Amend Rule 1001 (Game State Document), replacing "There shall be an Official Document" with "For each Game, there shall be an Official Document". 10. Keeping Count [Amendment] Amend Rule 1002 (Taking a Turn), adding "The subject line of this message should be 'Game * - Game State Document', where '*' is the number of the Game." to the end of the first paragraph. 11. Theocracy of Muntab [Enactment] The Game of Mornington Nomic shall be counted in Nomic Weeks and Nomic Years. There are fifty-two Nomic Weeks to a Nomic Year. The Nomic Week and Nomic Year have no bearing on Game numbers. The Game of Mornington Nomic shall be in Year One, Week Thirty-Four, rather than Game One, Week Three, and all calendar things shall be retroactively updated accordingly. This paragraph shall then remove itself from this Rule. 12. Keeping the Roof Up [Amendment] In Rule 216 (Boasting Wall), replace "There exists an Official Document known as the "Boasting Wall"." with "For each Game that has ended, there exists an Official Document known as the "Boasting Wall"." { Comments: Nnng. Sorry to offer such a huge Proposal, there, but it's the only way to get a multiple-Game thing going. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 215 - Home Station Inflation [Enactment] Rule 1006 (Home Stations) shall be ameneded such that the toll for passing through a Home Station shall be consistent with the Token table in Rule 1007. Viz: The third paragraph shall be changed to read: "If a Player's Move takes em on or through another Player's Home Station, the Moving Player must give that Station's owner eight Bronze Tokens or their equivalent. If the Moving Player has such Tokens, e may not Move on or through that Station." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 216 - Change Isn't a Forfeit [Amendment] Rule 1007 (Token Gesture) shall be amended as follows: Add the following paragraph immediately prior to the Token table - "The Action of exchanging a Token or Tokens for a different set of Tokens shall not be considered a forfeit hence the Tokens surrendered by the Player have a stated destination of the Token mountain where all Tokens come from." { Comment: A rather dubious forfeit, in my view, swapping one Token for some others. This just stops people from exchanging Tokens in order to populate Token stacks. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 217 - First Move Can Be Anywhere [Amendment] Rule 1026 (Line Velocity) shall be amended as follows: Insert the following paragraph between the third and fourth paragraphs - "The exception to this is that on a Player's first Move of a Game (where the Player has no previous Move to make the calculations from) the Player may make eir Move on any Station not forbidden by other Rules." { Comment: I just think this makes the Game more interesting, and that the choice of Home Station then becomes less of an overriding factor in the result of a Game. Currently, given the interpretation that a Player's Piece begins at eir Home Station, whoever shouts first gets the 'best' Home Station. Unless we institute some system in Home Station selection, this seems unfair. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------