-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirty-One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 195 - Droning On [Amendment] Rule 1045 (Nyurmenyurmenyurmen) shall have its final paragraph changed to read as follows - "If there is no Drone Keeper or if the Drone Keeper is Inactive then the Drone shall be treated as Inactive as defined in Rule 211." { Comment: Just to help speed things up if the Drone Keeper stops playing for a while. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 196 - Player Mode Tweaks [Amendment] Rule 1055 (Player Mode) shall be amended as follows - All occurrences of the possessive pronoun "es" shall be replaced with the Spivak pronoun "eir". The last sentence of the first paragraph shall be changed to read thusly: "E is then further removed from the turn sequence (making it unnecessary to indicate any further plays of PASS), and relinquishes the role of Drone Keeper if held." { Comment: Perhaps being picky about Spivak terms isn't the most inspiring Proposal material (although it niggles me I'm afraid), but the Drone thing is important. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 197 - Dawn of the Bronze Age [Amendment] Amend Rule 1007 (Token Gesture):- Change "Valid Token colours shall be Black, Red, Blue, Silver and Gold." to read "Valid Token colours shall be Black, Red, Blue, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The first three colours are referred to as "non-Metallic", the latter as "Metallic"." Add the paragraph:- "One Gold Token is equivalent to two Silver Tokens, and one Silver Token is equivalent to four Bronze Tokens. (Although such Tokens cannot be exchanged for one another unless permitted by a Rule.) Non-Metallic Tokens have no comparative value." Replace:- "Moving onto or through another | -1 Silver or Player's Home Station | -1 Gold" with:- "Moving onto or through another | -8 Bronze Player's Home Station |" { Comments: Making the toll effectively "1 Gold / 2 Silver / 8 Bronze" } And add:- Gain 8 Bronze Tokens | -1 Gold | Gain 4 Bronze Tokens | -1 Silver { Comments: Probably the easiest approach to a "change" system; if you need to pay three Bronze for something, just convert a Silver to four Bronzes and keep one of them. Or a Gold to a couple of Silvers, and one of those to four Bronzes. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 198 - Price Increase [Amendment] In Rule 1028 (Ticket Stubs), replace:- "A Player may play a "Getting Stub" Action along with a Move of "Pass" at any Station that has a Connection with British Rail, provide that e is the first to do so at that Station. A "Getting Stub" Action may not be played at North London." with:- "A Player may perform a "[Getting Stub - Queueing]" Action if eir Piece is at any Station that has a Connection with British Rail. If e has played a Move of "Pass" this Turn, and forfeits two Bronze Tokens, e gains the Ticket Stub for that Station. A Player may perform a "[Getting Stub - ]" Action, nominating any Station that has a Connection with British Rail. If e forfeits eight Bronze Tokens, e gains the Ticket Stub for that Station. A Player may not gain a Ticket Stub for a Station if another Player already owns that Stub." If the "Dawn of the Bronze Age" Proposal did not pass, replace "two Bronze Tokens" with "one Silver Token" and "eight Bronze Tokens" with "one Gold Token", in the amended Rule 1028. { Comments: Well, we can't have British Rail *not* charging extortionate amounts for tickets, can we? You can buy them for two Bronze at the Station itself, if you don't mind queueing, or you can pay extra to book over the phone. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 199 - Railcard [Other, Multiple] If the "Dawn of the Bronze Age" Proposal did not pass, this Proposal shall not take effect. 1. Railcard [Enactment] A Player may perform the Action of "[Buying Railcard]" if e has Played a Move of "Pass" during that Turn, and if e forfeits four Bronze Tokens. Upon performing such an Action, that Player gains a Railcard. If a Player owns a Railcard, all Token costs and penalties that result in a loss of Bronze Tokens are reduced by one Bronze Token. 2. Surrendered to Officials on Demand [Amendment] Add "All Players lose their Railcards" to the list of things that occur at the start of each Game, in Rule 1047 (A New Game). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------