-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 193 - No Sleep 'Til Brixton [Amendment] [LURK] Remove the following paragraph from Rule 1002 (Taking A Turn): If no Turns have been taken for a period of seventy-two consecutive hours, any Player may submit a turn with the Move "Forced Pass" for the Player whose turn it is to Move. In the event of more than one of these being made for the same Turn, any beyond the first are to be ignored. If a Player's past three Moves have been "Forced Pass", that Player automatically becomes Inactive. and insert the following two paragraphs in its place: Players have 36 hours to make eir move, starting from the time the previous move was made. Saturdays and Sundays are ignored for the purposes of this rule, so that if a Player makes a move at 10am on Friday, the next Player has until 10pm on Monday to make eir move. A Player may still make a move at the weekend, in which case the 36 hours start at 0000GMT Monday. If a Player does not make eir move within this time, it automatically becomes the next active player's turn. This player then submits a revised Game State Document, including the Move Forced Pass for the previous Player, plus eir own move. Forced Passing is accumulative: if consecutive Players fail to move, the subsequent Player may play a Forced Pass for each. A Player with three consecutive Forced Passes automatically becomes Inactive. { Comments: Reduction from 72 hours to 36 to help speed up game play. Obviously the principal objective is to create a working ruleset, but rules cannot very well be tested if there are hardly ever any moves. The new wording puts the responsibility directly on the next player for making the Forced Pass (which seems to be the de facto rule anyway) and condenses the Forced Pass into the next player's move. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 194 - Basic Straddles [Enactment] There shall be an Action of Straddling which may be performed at the end of a Player's Turn, after eir Move and all other Actions, in order to continue on to another Station. The Straddling Action shall take the form [Straddling To ] ... after which the Player's position will be the Station named in the Action. There are two forms of Straddle, both requiring the proximity of a Token Stack: - a standing Straddle requires that the Player's Move leave em at the same location as a Token Stack. - a running Straddle requires that the Player's Move leave em adjacent to a Token Stack, in the Line Direction of eir last Move Segment. The Straddle may be for a number of stations no greater than the size of the Token Stack (the count of Stations being made from the Stack itself), and is not considered to pass through any of the intervening Stations. The Straddle must be along a Line or series of Lines. The target Station must be a valid destination, taking into account all Rules governing Token penalties and so on. Running Straddles may only be performed in the Player's Line Direction. Standing Straddles may be performed in any direction. Line Velocity is preserved across a Straddle. The Straddling Action is considered to occur after all other Actions, but may not be combined with aggressive Actions (eg Blocking). { Comment: Apologies for the length of this Proposal, but we need more move types, and this (I think) is an interesting one. For example: a Player is at Lancaster Gate with an LV of 1. There is a Token Stack of four Tokens at Bond Street. Oxford Circus is Blocked. E moves to Marble Arch and plays a running Straddle. Eir target Station may be as far away as Chancery Lane (unimpeded by the impassability of Oxford Circus), but e may not Straddle to Oxford Circus itself. If Chancery Lane were another Player's Home Station, the Straddling Player would be required to pay the requisite Gold or Silver Token. Some things to note: 1. there's no token cost because I think the conditions for straddling are sufficient to restrict its use 2. the point about not passing through intervening Stations makes it possible to Straddle over a Blocked Station, another Player's Home, etc (as shown by the example above) 3. combining straddles with standard moves will make for a more interesting and (hopefully) free-flowing game style. Incidentally, this Proposal was oh-so-nearly called "Straddling Nancy" in honour of a Blackadder episode (the one with the highwayman). However, I decided that such a name might not be the best legacy to bequeath a grateful nation. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------