-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Twenty-Eight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 176 - Probably Too Little, Too Late [Other, Multiple] Remove " Playing "Mornington Crescent" as eir Move | -1 Gold" from rule 1007 (Token Gesture) Add the text: "All players, and the drone are prohibited from moving to or through Morington Crescent unless the conditions below are met:" to the beginning of rule 1033 (Gordon Brown's Fair Fare) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 177 - Bridge over Rubbled Slaughter [Enactment] In order to cross the Thames in any way (be it as the result of a shunt or during a move), a player must have i. an even number of blue tokens ii. an odd number of red tokens. iii. more than 2 black tokens at the point e crosses the river. If the necessary player does not have the required number of tokens, the move is considered illegal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 178 - Tokens All Over The Place [Enactment] Any player may place one Token of any colour e owns on any unoccupied Station e passes through in a move; via the action [ token on ] which may be performed no more than once in eir Turn. By doing this, the Token is placed at the top of the Token Stack for that Station, and is numbered '1' in the Stack for that Station. The numbers of all (if any) other Tokens in the Stack for that Station immediately increase by one. The Token is removed from that player's reference in the Token Table. A player may remove one Token from the Stack at any Station e passes through which has a Token Stack on it; via the action [Claiming a token from ], which may be performed multiple times in a turn but not on the same Station. By doing this, token number 1 at each designated station is added to the player's Tokens, and the numbers of all (if any) other tokens in that Stack decrease by one. The Token is added to that player's reference in the Token Table. A player may not place a Token on a Stack which has a Token numbered 6. Stacks of Tokens may be Shunted as though they were players. This is performed in the usual way; the Name of the Stack being 'Token Stack'. It is illegal to shunt Token Stacks to Stations which already have Token Stacks on them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 179 - Stack em High, Sell em Cheap [Enactment] This proposal may only pass if Tokens All Over The Place (Proposal 178) also passes. If a player completes the following Stack sequences at any Station (ie, e adds a Token to the necessary Stack to create a pattern of colours), all the Tokens on that Stack are removed from the game and the player is rewarded as shown. NB the Stacks for that Station must be exactly as shown - if there are extra Tokens beneath, it is not allowed. These sequences are displayed from the bottom up, ie, the first token is at the bottom of the stack, the last is at the top. Sequence of Tokens | Reward --------------------------------+-------------------- Red Blue Black Silver Black Red | +1 Gold Token Silver Silver Silver Silver | +1 Gold Token Blue Black Red Black | +1 Silver Token Black Black Black Red Red Blue | +2 Silver Tokens Red Blue Red Blue | +2 Black Tokens Black Silver Black | +3 Red, +5 Blue Tokens. {Comments : I thought of all this whilst on the train at the weekend, nearly forgot all of it, and just remembered it again. I personally think it would work quite well, and it provides another (although still difficult) means of getting Gold tokens. Kevan'd have to display stack details on the web site somehow though, but this shouldn't be a problem unless hundreds of them appear (unlikely). I suppose we'd also need to portray stacks on the GSD for non-web access people, which could be more of a problem. Perhaps in the form; +------------------------------------+ | Token Stack States | +------------------------------------+ |Ongar : Bk Bl S S R | |Tottenham Court Road : Bl S Bl Bl R | |Baker Street : Bk | +------------------------------------+ Or what-have-you. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 180 - Pay the Fare [Amendment] Rule 1033 shall be amended by inserting the word 'only' between the words 'may' and 'Move'. { Comment: Too late for Game 1, probably, but helpful all the same. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 181 - Player Mode [Enactment] If during the course of a Game, a player realizes that e has lost. e may chose to forfeit "Player Mode." This is done by playing a move of PASS with the addition action [Foreit Player Mode]. That player then receives 1 Kudos for every token (regardless of color) owned, 1 Kudos for every ticket stub owned, and 1 Kudos of es Home Station and 1 Kudos for es piece. Es piece is then removed from the board, e loses es home station, tokens, and stubs. E is then further removed from the turn sequence (making it unnecessary to indicate any further plays of PASS). The player does, however retain the right to make and vote on proposals. The decision to forfeit is final and lasts for the remainer of the game. A player cannot decide to forfeit and then rejoin the game later on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 182 - Velocity Means Moving [Amendment] The fourth paragraph Rule 1026 (Line Velocity) shall be amended by replacing the sentence "If a Player plays a Move of Pass, e is deemed to have implicitly performed such an Action (ie. eir LV will be set to zero)." with "If a Player plays a Move of Pass, or is made to play a Forced Pass, or is Inactive, e is deemed to have implicitly performed such an Action (ie. eir LV will be set to zero). { Comment: ... the point being that if you stop moving, you lose velocity. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 183 - "So Have You Finished Your Turn Yet?" [Enactment] When a player posts to the mailing list a message with subject heading including the string "Game State Document", and the message is not a Game State Document e loses 10 kudos. {Comment: With the game drawing closer to the end, it seems that more postings on the mailing list concerning current gameplay appear. Whilst this is not such a bad thing, it would be nice to see the actual gameplay separated from chat and discussion. This would allow players to prioritise their mail and deal with the important ones first.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 184 - "That's a bit expensive, but I've all this change in my pocket" [Amendment] If Proposal 170 passed from last week, Rule 1007 shall be amended as follows: Replace - "Spooning a Line for Turns | 2 * Gold Tokens Spooning a Quadrant for Turns | 3 * Gold Tokens" with - "Spooning a Line for Turns | 2 * Silver Tokens Spooning a Quadrant for Turns | 3 * Silver Tokens" { Comment: It seems a little expensive, does it not? Also, we're not using Silver Tokens yet anyway. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 185 - Simpler Sloping [Other, Multiple] Amend Rule 1049 (The Slippery Slope) to read:- "If a Player's Moves to a Hill Station, eir LV is decreased by one at the end of eir turn. If a Player Moves to a High Hill Station, eir LV is decreased by two. If a Player started eir Move at a Hill Station, eir LV is increased by one at the end of eir turn. If a Player started eir Move at a High Hill Station, eir LV is increased by three." Append the following sentence to the first paragraph of Rule 1026 (Line Velocity):- "If a Player's LV is ever less than zero, it becomes zero. If it ever rises above ten, it becomes ten." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 186 - Thud. Thud. Thud. Splat. [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1029 (On The Rebound). { Comments: I can't really see any situations where Rebounding would be preferable to changing Line Velocity and taking a different route. And the odds of getting a Blocked Station exactly where you need one seem minimal. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposals 187 - No No Thirds Rule [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1039 (No Thirds Rule). ("It is counted as an Illegal Move for a Player to make a Move such that there are three Line Segments and each of these Segments contain an equal number of Stations.") { Comments: A fairly unlikely and meaningless thing to be ruling against, I think. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 188 - Septimus Divergence [Enactment] A Player may perform the action "[Septimus Divergence]" is e has Moved to Seven Sisters during eir Turn. This Action requires the Player to expend two Silver Tokens. At the end of each Player's Turn, if another Player's most recent turn included a "[Septimus Divergence]" Action, and if that Player is Active, any Token gains (but not losses) made by the Player are also awarded to the Player who performed the Septimus Divergence. { Comments: Inspired by the entry in the York Server's Encyclopaedia Morningtonia... } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------