-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Twenty-One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 134 - Nyurmenyurmenyurmen [Enactment] There shall be a Player called "Drone". There shall be a Position of Drone Keeper, the holder of which shall be detailed on the Game State Document. Any Player except the Drone may, during eir Turn, pay three Blue Tokens and perform the Action "[Drone Keeper]" - they then become the Drone Keeper. When it is the Drone's turn to Move, the Drone Keeper may select and Play the Drone's Move. The Drone may not have a Home Station. The Drone is exempt from any Rules defining penalties or bonuses for having a Home Station, and this Rule takes precedence over those Rules. The Drone may not Win the Game. This Rule takes precedence over any Rules defining Winning criteria. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 135 - A Bit of Token Gesturing [Other, Multiple] 1. You Don't Sparkle [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1027 (All That Glitter Is Not Gold). 2. Token Exchange [Amendment] Add the following rows to Rule 1007 (Token Gesture):- Gain 4 Blue Tokens | -1 Gold | Gain 2 Silver Tokens | -1 Gold { Comment: Same effect, simpler phrasing. } 3. Miscellanea [Amendment] Remove the rows containing "Playing a Station on the opposite side of the Thames to eir previous Move, as eir Move" from Rule 1007 (Token Gesture). { Comment: Now that we've got Bridges (Rule 1042), an extra penalty for river-crossing seems a little harsh. } Remove "All forfeited Tokens shall be deemed to have been lost in the Thames." from Rule 1007 (Token Gesture). { Comment: Nice, but meaningless. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 136 - Knip [Enactment] There shall be a State known as "Knip". When this State is active, the Game is said to be "in Knip". A Player may, during eir move, expend three Blue Tokens and perform the Action of "[Into Knip]" or "[Out of Knip]", changing the Knip State accordingly. When the Game is in Knip, each Player must discard a single Token of eir choice at the end of eir Turn (unless e has no Tokens at the end of eir turn), and no Players may perform Actions which include Token expenditure (with the exception of "[Out of Knip]"). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------