-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Eighteen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 126 - Back to the Future [Amendment] Append the following paragraph to Rule 1036 (Time and Tide):- "Any Player may pay 'n' Blue Tokens to advance Game Time by 'n' hours; this action can only be performed as an Action during eir Move, and is appended to eir Move in the format, for an example of three hours: "[Game Time: +0300]"" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 127 - Move Along, Now [Amendment] In Rule 1036 (Time and Tide), replace:- "If a Player's current Position is at a Station which is not open, the Player is defined as being On The Street and must Pass." with "If a Player's current Position is at a Station which is not open when it is eir Turn, that Player must play 'Pass' as eir Move." { Comments: "On the Street" is a term used nowhere else in the Ruleset, and it seems a little superfluous. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------