-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Eleven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 099 - Paragraph Shunting [Other, Multiple] [Amendment: Non-Conservation of Momentum] Append the following paragraph to Rule 1018 (Shunting):- "If a Player Shunts another Player, then the Line Velocity of both Players becomes zero (0)." [Repeal: Tidying Up] Repeal Rule 1037 (Non-conservation of Momentum). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 100 - Direct Tinkering Ban [Enactment] If the passing of a Proposal would directly cause any aspect of the Mornington Crescent Game State (such as Token levels, Piece positions or Station Blocks) to be altered, that Proposal may not pass, irrespective of Votes cast. This takes precedence over all other Rules regarding the passing of Proposals. { Comments: Complicated little "Vote FOR this and you'll get a Red Token, AGAINST and you'll lose a Black, unless it's Thursday, in which case you gain a Blue, and boys whose older brothers *aren't* having their hair cut should put their bags on the *lower* pegs." proposals are all very fine and entertaining and lovely, but they shouldn't really be messing around with the Game State, I feel. There's no point having Rules to establish proper Token collection if people can just say "Hey, let's all have ten Blue Tokens!" when they feel like it. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 101 - Monster Raving Loony Payola [Enactment] A Player may Play an Action of RANT if e Plays a Move of PASS whilst at Hyde Park Corner and has less than one (1) Kudos point. Any player who RANTs for two consecutive Turns has all of eir non-Gold Tokens converted to Gold Tokens at a ratio of 1 non-Gold Token to 1 Gold Token. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 102 - Independant British Cinema Payola [Enactment] Once per game, each Player may receive one (1) Gold Token from the British Filmmaker's Association. In order to do so, e must first see a film an Independantly made British Film at the Everyman Cinema and then e must eventually move to Ealing Common. An Independantly made British Film is a film produced by a British Film studio for cinematic release. { Comment : So for example, Whiskey Ahoy! is an Independantly made British Film, but Magical Myster Tour is not (it was produced as a BBC2 special.) Seeing a film at the Everyman Cinema is defined in another rule. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 103 - A Quick Game of Prisoner's Dilemma [Enactment] All Players who Voted either FOR or AGAINST this Rule will receive a reward. If this Rule received no Votes AGAINST, then all Players receive one (1) Gold Token. Otherwise, all Players who vote FOR this Rule will receive one (1) red token and all Players who vote AGAINST this Rule will receive a quantity of Gold Tokens equal in number to the number of Players who voted FOR this rule. The Speaker should indicate the appropriate rewards when e publishes the Voting Results. This Rule then Repeals itself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 104 - No Bonuses Allowed [Amendment] Amend rule 1022 by adding the following paragraph: A Player cannot gain any advantage by using this Rule. E cannot gain Tokens, Ticket Stubs, or any other item specified in the rules that e may later use to eir benefit. When a Player uses this Rule eir Line Velocity becomes zero. {comments: Finding (to my disgust) that Jims last move was legal (unless anyone can find a reason to BZZZT it?) I have set about to remedy the situation, so it may not occur again. I suspect this rule was meant as a last resort, not a power hungry grab for tokens. Congratulations for seeing the possibility Jim, but I don't want it to happen again.} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 105 - On the Rebound [Enactment] If a Player attempts to Move along a Line Segment that contains a Blocked Station, that Player will Rebound off the Station and return the way e came to the extent of eir Line Velocity. The Blocked Station will not be counted as a Station when calculating Line Velocity, but the previous Station will be counted twice. For example, if a player has a Line Velocity of 5 and tries to go from Turnpike Lane to Oakwood but Bounds Green is blocked, e will end up at Finsbury Park. The Rebound must be stated in the Action section of the Game State Document in accordence will rule 1001, and shall take the following form: [Rebounding off ] This Rule takes precedence over Rule 1016 in that the player changes Line direction during a Move portion. {comments: I tried to propose this way back in week 5, but Kevan didn't get it. Here it is again...} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------