-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Nine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 082 - Time and Tide [Enactment] There shall exist an entity called Game Time which is to be recorded in the Game State Document. Game Time consists of a day of the week and a time of day expressed in 24 hour clock form. A day lasts from 0000 to 2359. The days of the week are (in this order) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Weekend consists of Saturday and Sunday. Peak Hours are defined as being from 0600 to 1759 inclusive on a non-weekend day. Game Time has an initial value of Monday 0900. Game Time is advanced by three hours per Week. The day of the week advances when the time of day reaches midnight (0000). It is the responsibility of the first Player making a Move in a given Week to update the Game Time value. A Move onto or through a Station is only valid if the Station is specified on the Map as being open at the current Game Time. If a Player's current Position is at a Station which is not open, the Player is defined as being On The Street and must Pass. { Comment: I have relied on common sense definitions of time of day, etc, mainly because attempting to define these concepts rigorously (which I did try!) made the wording grossly unwieldy. However, the days are explicitly defined in order to allow amusing calendaric variations. I leave it to someone with more drafting talent to define a 27-hour day. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 083 - For Whom The Quadrant Tolls [Other, Multiple] {Comment: the purpose of this Proposal is to define Quadrant boundary crossing costs. But first, we need to define crossing a Quadrant boundary a little more rigorously...} ENACT: Check Point Charlie For the purposes of this Rule, a 'Boundary' is a Quadrant or Half boundary. A Move is considered to have crossed a Boundary if the path of a Move Portion passes through such a Boundary. All such Boundaries passed through are considered to have been crossed. {Comment: this wording is to prevent the argument that passing through multiple Boundaries during a single Move Portion constitutes only a single Boundary crossing.} A Move onto or along a Boundary is not considered to have crossed that Boundary. Crossing the same Boundary times shall be considered to be equivalent to having crossed such Boundaries. {Comment: trying to avoid ambiguity in the counting of Boundary crossings.} Moving onto a Boundary in one turn, then Moving away from that Boundary in the next Turn is not considered to be a Boundary crossing. Any costs, penalities or Rules incurred by Shunts or other Actions which cause another Player's Piece to cross a Boundary shall be borne by the Player instigating the Shunt or other Action. {Comment: fair's fair, after all.} [End of Enactment] {Comment: now that's defined, we can go on to define some costs...} Amend: Rule 1020 (Token Collection) - Lines shall be added to the table for the following events: Crossing exactly one Quadrant Boundary -1 Red nrossing exactly two Quadrant Boundaries -1 Black Crossing exactly three Quadrant Boundaries -1 Blue Crossing four or more Quadrant Boundaries -1 Silver { Comment: Note that crossing more than three boundaries might involve travelling in a loop around the Meridian and starting in the Quadrant you started, or merely crossing the same boundary four times. } [End of Amendment] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 084 - Pegs Might Fly [Other, Multiple] {Comment: a variant on blocking in two parts - the definition of the variant, and the costs incurred.} ENACT: Pegging Out There shall be Actions defined of Pegging and Unpegging. Pegging and Unpegging are applied to the points at which Lines meet Stations, which are to be termed Lugs. Lugs are identified as , , where is the name of a Station is the name of a Line which the Station is on is a compass point (such as North, E, North West, SW) and are optional where their omission is unambiguous, and shall be considered to be correct where unambiguous. {comment: the optionality sub-clause is to eliminate unnecessary stuff. The correctness sub-clause is to eliminate superfluous challenges. See examples later for usage} Pegging and Unpegging may be performed any number of times in a Move as long as the Actions do not conflict with or duplicate each other. Pegging is of the form Pegging and may be applied by a Player to a Lug of any Station which eir Move passes through, or to a Lug of any Station which is adjacent to eir Move (except that Pegging is Blocked by Pegged Lugs). The effect of Pegging is to Block Moves through the Pegged Lug. This Pegging shall be treated as a Block for gameplay purposes. Pegging shall remain in effect until Unpegging is performed. Unpegging is of the form Unpegging and may be applied by a Player to a Lug of any Station which eir Move passes through, or to a Lug of any Station which is adjacent to eir Move (except that Unpegging is Blocked by Pegged Lugs). {comment: For example - [Pegging Waterloo, Northern, North] - prevents Moves into or out of Waterloo from the North on the Northern [Pegging Pimlico, North] - prevents Moves into or out of Pimlico from the North (Pimlico is only on the Victoria line, so Line is not specified) [Pegging Wimbledon] - Wimbledon is only on the District, and is a terminus [Pegging Oval, Northern, North] - Oval is only on the Northern so that was strictly unnecessary. North is unambiguous, although North East would have been better. [Pegging Stockwell, North] - this is invalid. Either the line or the exact compass point is needed for an unambiguous Lug identification } [End of Enactment] {Comment: and now the costs...} AMEND: Rule 1020 (Token Collection) Lines shall be added to the table for the following events: Pegging a Lug during a Move -1 Silver Pegging a Lug at the end of a Move -1 Black Unpegging a Lug during a Move -1 Blue Unpegging a Lug at the end of a Move -1 Red {comment: note that it costs less to unpeg than to peg} [End of Amendment] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 085 - Reving Up [Other, Multiple] Ammend Rule 1026, Paragraph 3 to read: "The distance from the position of the Player's piece before eir Turn to the position of the Players after eir Turn may not exceed eir line velocity. If the distance between both stations is less that eir line velocity, e should append a comment in curly braces indicating the difference between eir line velocity and the distance travelled." {Comment: Was "The distance from a Player's Move to eir previous Move must be equal to eir Line Velocity. Viz; there must be "n-1" stations between both Moves, where "n" is the Line Velocity of the moving Player on the turn of eir second move - to move from Morden to Balham, for example, you must have an LV of 5."} Enact: "Casey Jones Requirement If a Player's current line velocity is greater than zero and e plays Pass as eir Turn, then e has also made an implicit [LV=0] action." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 086 - Non-conservation of momentum [Enactment] If a player shunts another player, then the Line Velocity of both players becomes zero (0). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 087 - Hills and Highs [Enactment] Any station that contains the string "Hill" in its name is considered a Hill Station. Any station that contains the string "High" in its name is considered a High Station. Any station that conatins both the strong "Hill and the string "High" in its name is considered a High Hill Station. {Comment: Now here is a hook for some good stuff!} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 088 - Informal Discussion [Repeal] Repeal Rule 1034. { Comments: Too bothersome, that one. Better to just have an informal "Here's quite a big complicated rule - your thoughts?" posting to the mailing list, or simply public response to Proposed Rules. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 089 - Can I Play? [Other, Multiple] In Rule 102 (Players, Voters and the Speaker), replace:- "The term "Player" shall refer to any Voter or the Speaker. The Speaker is not eligible to Vote." with "The term "Player" shall refer to any Voter." Remove all but the first sentence of the third paragraph of Rule 200 (How to Vote). This currently reads:- "Each Voter has exactly one Vote per Proposal. The Speaker may not Vote except in the circumstance of an equal number of legally cast FOR and AGAINST Votes for a Proposal. In this situation the Speaker may cast a Vote (FOR or AGAINST) for the Proposal. For the purposes of scoring the Speaker's Vote is deemed to be the same as a normal Player's Vote." { Speaker's Comments: With a fairly small amount of active Players, and an even smaller number of those who are bothering to Vote, I can see only two ways to ensure a fairer load of Voting results - either we get more Players signed up, or we let the Speaker Vote freely. The latter seems more achievable. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 090 - Spread the Word [Amendment] Add the following paragraph prior to the last paragraph of Rule 1005 (Kudos):- "If a Player posts a message containing the string "Mornington Nomic" to the Chat Game at the MC York Server, and if the string "Mornington Nomic" does not appear in the previous forty moves, that Player gains three Kudos." { Comments: Shameless, I know. } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------