-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGTON NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 010 - Perpetual Turbo Play [Amendment] Strike: "A Player may make no more than one move per Game Week." from Rule 1002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 011 - Passing [Enactment] If a Player plays "Pass" as eir Move, any references to eir "previous Move" should be taken as referring to the last Station e played as eir Move. A Player may not play "Pass" as eir first Move of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 012 - Space for Other Things [Amendment] Rule 1002 shall be amended as follows: If Proposal 005 was passed - Where the form of a Player Move is stated, the lines " : Where is the name of the Player making the Move and is a valid Move." shall be changed to read " : [] Where is the name of the Player making the Move, is a valid Move, and is an optional Action performed by the Player. Any Action shall be enclosed in square brackets. Only Actions defined by Rules are valid. If no Action is to be performed by the Player, the square brackets are not to be written." If Proposal 005 was not passed - Paragraph 2 currently reads: "Players are permitted to add their move to the end of the Game State Document, in the format given below, and nothing more." This shall be amended to read as "Players are permitted to add their move to the end of the Game State Document, in the format given below, and with an optional Action performed by the Player. Any Action shall be enclosed in square brackets. Only Actions defined by Rules are valid. If no Action is to be performed by the Player, the square brackets are not to be written." { Speaker's Comment:- Proposal 005 *was* passed, if you can't be bothered to check. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 013 - Basic Blocks [Enactment] There shall be an Action called a Block. A Player may make this Action as a supplement to their Move. A Block may only be played on a station adjacent to that Moved to. The form of the Action shall be: Blocking Once played, a Block is treated as an obstruction on the line - a Player may not Move onto or through a Blocked station. A Block lasts for one turn only - that is, the station is only Blocked for one round of Moves. The station ceases to be Blocked after the Player who played the Block Moves once more (or would have Moved should e be Inactive). This Proposal is invalid if Proposal 009 or Proposal "Space For Other Things" is not passed. { Speaker's Comment:- Proposal 009 was passed. This Proposal will be declared invalid if Proposal 012 does not pass - viz. this Proposal will be deemed never to have been mad. But only if it passes. If it doesn't pass, the final paragraph of it isn't binding, and it is still deemed to have been Proposed. So the Proposer will still lose the Kudos. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 014 - Token Gesture II [Enactment] A record of the Tokens possessed by the Players shall be incorporated in the Game State Document (as defined in Rule 1001). This will be in the form of a table, and will tabulate the number of Tokens owned by each Player according to token type. The columns of the table shall be set of valid types of Token. The rows of the table shall be the set of Players. Both rows and columns are to be ordered alphabetically (and case insensitively). The row/column intersections shall contain the number of Tokens of the column Token type owned by the Player row. A zero total may be entered as blank. Each Player's Token totals shall be maintained by the Player concerned upon their Move. If this maintainance is not performed, the Player will forfeit one Token of each type of which e has a non-zero quantity. A Player may not alter another Player's Token totals unless either permission is gained from the owning Player, or permission is granted by a Rule. Unauthorised changes will result in the Player making the changes forfeiting all eir Tokens. All forfeited Tokens shall be deemed to have been lost in the Thames. This proposal is invalid if Proposal 007 was not passed. { Speaker's Comments: Proposal 007 was passed. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 015 - Blocking Proposal [Enactment] If a station is Blocked no Player is allowed to move there, or to pass through it as part of their Move. A Player may Block a station by expending a Token of the same Colour as the Line on which Station resides. If the Station is an Interchange, a Player must expend a Token of the appropiate colour for each Line. The colour of each line shall be as follows: Bakerloo: Brown Central: Red Circle: Yellow District: Green East London: Orange Hammersmith and City: Pink Jubilee: Grey Metropoliton: Maroon Northern: Black Picadilly: Navy Victoria: Blue Docklands Light Railway: Blue British Rail: Crystal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 016 - You Still Move Me [Amendment] In Rule 1002 (Making a Move): Replace "a Player simply responds to the previous posting of the Game State Document, posting eir reply to the Mailing List, with their Move appended" with "a Player responds to the previous posting of the Game State Document by posting to the Mailing List an Updated Game State Document. When posting an Updated Game State Document, a Player must make the following changes: * Remove from the previous Game State Document any illegal Move made by a previous player. * Append to the previous Game State Document a valid Move, in the format given in Rule 1001." Add after "The word "Pass"." " In addition, a Player may make any or all of the following changes: * Remove from the Game State Document any Comments made by a previous Player or Players. * If the Player has just made a valid Move consisting of Tooting Bec, add "(Toot Toot!)" after this Move on the same line. * Append to the Game State Document a Comment. Comments begin with "{Comment:" and end with a close brace "}". Comments in no way affect the state of play of the Game of Mornington Crescent. * Reformat, by adding or removing spaces, but not otherwise, the Game State Document if for any reason the components of the Moves fail to line up vertically. A Player's name and/or e-mail signature, being posted after the Updated Game State Document, are not to be considered part of that Document. " {Comment: I think this is clearer and a little more flexible. The original Rule, strictly speaking, didn't allow reformatting if the spacing got mangled, for example. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 017 - Helicopter Shuttle [Enactment] Any Player whose current position is at Heathrow Terminal 2 may Move to Silvertown & London City Airport. Any player whose current position is at Silvertown & London City Airport may Move to Heathrow Terminal 2. Either of the aforementioned Moves is always valid with no mitigating cicumstances of any kind. No Rule concerning a Player's Move may take precedence over this Rule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 018 - Recognition of London Underground Zoning [Enactment] That Mornington Nomic shall recognize and adhere to the London Underground system of zoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 019 - But Don't Quote Me [Amendment] Add the paragraph:- "If a Player includes quoted text in eir posting of the Game State Document (viz. text preceded by ">" symbols), e loses two Kudos points." Between the final and penultimate paragraphs of Rule 1005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 020 - Give Me That Map [Amendment] Amend the paragraph of Rule 1002 (Making a Move) that reads:- " * The name of any London Underground Station which appears on the London Underground Map at http://(whatever) (I'm currently looking for a decent map to reference, here...)" to read:- " * The name of any London Underground Station which appears on the list at http://www.physiol.ucl.ac.uk/~jcameron/stationlist.txt" { Comments:- We'll worry about what Lines they're on later, when that becomes more of an issue. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --