---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency Proposal 021 - Scam Sandwich [Amendment] In Rule 1.4.16 (Playing With Food), replace:- "A player may perform the 20-minute Pre-Move Action of [Eating ] at the start of eir Turn, and gain a number of LV points equal to the cost of the Victual in Bronze Tokens (again, up to the maximum of 10.) On eir next Turn, bevore making eir next Move, e must decrease eir LV by the same amount, or to zero if e cannot do so, in which case eir move must be a Pass. In both cases, the increase and decrease are applied after, and in addition to, the standard LV adjustment for the Turn." with:- "A Player may perform the 20-minute Pre-Move Action of [Eating ] at the start of eir Turn, where is an Edible Possession that the Player is carrying. Upon performance of this Action, the Actioning Player gains Line Velocity equal to the cost of the Victual in Bronze Tokens, and the Eaten Possession is destroyed. The Actioning Player's LV is automatically decreased by an amount equal to the cost of that Victual in Bronze Tokens, at the start of eir next Turn." { Comments: Just to stop the rather dull scam of eating Victuals you don't own, and enforcing the destruction of Victuals what have been Et. LV limits are already defined neatly enough in the LV rule, and the references originall made here are superfluous. } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raised by Kevan, 21/05/98 miKi has been selected to Judge this Proposal miKi Judged FOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------