[Nomic02] Turn: Psmith's turn

Dylan O'Donnell nomic02@wurb.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 02:54:34 +0100

I fly to UtHW(oar) (+6 bp, pink primary -> secondary).
I drop the esplodng cigar, and Crawle picks it up.
Crawle moves to the Servants' Quarters.
I move the robot to Brigadoon.

My turn is completed. It is jwalrus' turn. Under the High Wall (on a
resting) now has 6 visits.

:  Dylan O'Donnell                     http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/  :
:   "The danger is that a jelly of the ghostly partner of the quark could    :
:     form spontaneously at any moment, changing the laws of physics of      :
:       the whole Universe."      -- BBC online news report 2001-09-06       :