[Nomic02] Turn: Psmith's turn

Dylan O'Donnell nomic02@wurb.com
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 23:17:23 +0000

I pick up the Explorer's Compass, and steal the personal teleporter
from Gideon Crawle.
Laden with goodies, I move to The House of Commons. (+1 bp)
Crawle also moves to The House of Commons.

My turn is completed. It is jwalrus' turn. The House of Commons has
3 visits.

:  Dylan O'Donnell                     http://www.spod-central.org/~psmith/  :
:            "Zao bi ercio pase e garst nith dus carab olet paro             :
:             se volto. Ro se ilsh, se garst ithi."                          :
:                    -- Zarf, "Lighan ses Lion"                              :