[Nomic02] Losses

Carl Muckenhoupt nomic02@wurb.com
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 19:10:09 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Dylan O'Donnell wrote:

> A proposal for one new rule:
>   Ex Post Facto Repeal [Psmith]
>   The players may, by unanimous agreement, alter the state of the game
>   to be as if some specified rule or rules had been removed from the set
>   of rules at a specified date, provided no actions have been taken that
>   would be invalidated by their removal.

Aye, this sounds like a generally good idea to me.  However, it doesn't
help with the immediate problem.  Repealing Rule 24 ex post facto *would*
invalidate actions that have been taken - specifically, adding Roger
Carbol back into the game after he was removed for nonparticipation back
in March.

I propose the following instead:
Moving the Goalposts Back [baf]
Add the following rule:
Any player with First Honours wins.