------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GARDEN NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Thirteen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 158 - Medal Affecter [Multiple] (Kevan) 1. I Don't Mind If You Forget Me [Amendment] Replace the third paragraph of Rule I/4.3 (How to Win) with:- The following list details the names of the Medals, and the conditions by which a Gnome ("the candidate") may Gain and Lose them. Where an event is cited, that event must have occured in the past Game Week. If a Gnome would both Gain and Lose a Medal simultaneously, the Medal is Lost. A Gnome may not Gain a Medal e already has, unless it is Cumulative. A Gnome may not Gain or Lose more than one of any specific Cumulative Medal per Week. { Comments : A very, *very* minor tweak, but I think an important one - you can't *lose* more than one instance of Cumulative Medal per Week. So if you've managed to get four Literature Medals, you won't lose them *all* the moment someone else gets one, you'll just lose your first one. } If a Medal is marked as Forgettable, the candidate will only Gain it if e emailed the Mistress to claim it, during that Week, with an email which had the subject line "GN: Medal-Claim". Any Gnome is free to alert the Mistress to a Forgettable Medal which should be lost. { Covering things which the Mistress may overlook, or Medals which should only be rewarded for things which were done on purpose (accidentally gaining the Distinguished Service Medal because you forgot you were at the Border and hadn't been paying attention is, I suspect, not in the spirit of things). } Amend the list of Medals as follows, completely rewording any that list Gained and Lost criteria, and amending only the title line of others. THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL (Silver, Cumulative, Forgettable) Gained if : The candidate has been on Herbaceous Border Patrol for three consecutive Weeks. Lost if : The candidate has left the Herbaceous Border. { New, improved, with 33% more common sense - if you're able to tend your Allotment (or do anything else) without leaving the Border, you shouldn't be penalised for it. I've also made it Forgettable, partly to stop me overlooking it (since it means trawling back through three week's worth of messages to see if anyone's walked from there), and partly to avoid the "get it for sitting at the Border ignoring the Game" factor. } THE SILVER STAR (Silver) Gained if : The candidate attacked the Goblins, and they were Aggressive immediately prior to the attack. Lost if : The candidate attacked the Goblins, and they were not Aggressive immediately prior to the attack. { Reworded a bit, and losing the "not attacking Goblins if Aggressive", partly because it means you lose the Medal if you don't constantly send the Goblin Liaison attack emails, and partly because there are a huge number of reasons why you might not be able to attack the Goblins, all of them perfectly reasonable. ("Fractured tibia, sergeant.") } THE NICE AS PIE MEDAL (Bronze, Forgettable) THE PROPAGANDA MEDAL (Bronze, Forgettable) Gained if : The candidate has added a link to the Garden Nomic Web page, to a Web page. { Mere rewording, taking advantage of Forgettability. } THE PURPLE HEART (Bronze, Cumulative) Gained if : The candidate was rendered Comatose by the Goblins, through any means. { "Upon awakening" just made it fiddly to keep track of, and this probably needs expanding to cover other ways in which Goblins can injure Gnomes. } 2. Display Case [Amendment, Enactment] In Rule I/4.3 (How to Win), remove all text including and after "The following list details...", and place it in a new Rule entitled "The Medals". { Just an afterthought. I think Abirrond mused on it a few weeks ago; it sounds like a helpful idea. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 159 - Party Games [Multiple] (Kevan) 1. Waiting in the Shadows [Amendment] Reword the third paragraph of Rule I/7.1 (Political Parties) to:- At any given time, one Party is considered to be "in Power", and another to be "in Opposition". A Party's Strength is equal to the number of members it has, plus one for each of those members who holds any Official Positions, plus one if the Party was in Power during the previous Week. At the end of each Week, if a Party has a higher Strength than the Party which is in Power, that Party becomes the Party in Power and the Party in Power becomes the Party in Opposition. If any Party not in Power then has a Strength higher than the Party in Opposition, that Party becomes the Party in Opposition. { Reworking the Strength calculation to be a little fairer, and adding the idea of a Party in Opposition. } And remove the final paragraph, which will become a Medal... 2. Spin Doctoring [Amendment] Add the following Medal to whichever Rule now contains the list of Medals:- THE PARTY LOYALTY MEDAL (Bronze, Cumulative) Gained if : The candidate voted AYE to all Proposals made by Gnomes in the same Party as em. Lost if : The candidate voted NAY to any Proposals made by Gnomes in the same Party as em. { Fairer than saying "Vote for the Leader's Proposals", I think. A poxy Groat either way didn't make much difference; Medals seem nicer. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 160 - Stocking Filler [Amendment] Amend the third paragraph of Rule II/5.4 (The Gifting Game) to:- Between any two Gift Acceptance Times, any Gnome (other than the Mistress and Gifted One) may email the Gifted One offering em up to three hypothetical Gifts, in the form of simple text strings (eg. "a banana", "a handful of compost", "a dozen pigeons"). These need not be actual Objects, and need not be owned by the giving Gnome, but must be strings describing some sort of physical entities. Gnomes may also attempt to guess the nature of the Gifted One's Acceptance Rule, in this email. { Three guesses instead of one, basically. } And add the following paragraph to the end:- If it comes to light that the Gifted One rejected a Gift which e should have accepted, or vice versa, e is considered to have committed a Just Plain Naughty act. And in the bracketed list of example Acceptance Rules, add " - obscure rules such as "I accept only Etruscan Flasks" are frowned upon", and replace "emailed an Acceptance Rule" with "emailed a reasonable Acceptance Rule". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 161 - Auto-Exile of Sloop [Exile] (Automatic) This proposes to remove Sloop from the Garden, since e has not cast any Votes for the past four Weeks. This Proposal was automatically generated by Rule I/2.10 (Exiling). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 162 - Auto-Exile of Grimace [Exile] (Automatic) This proposes to remove Grimace from the Garden, since e has not cast any Votes for the past four Weeks. This Proposal was automatically generated by Rule I/2.10 (Exiling). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 163 - Auto-Exile of Sneeze [Exile] (Automatic) This proposes to remove Sneeze from the Garden, since e has not cast any Votes for the past four Weeks. This Proposal was automatically generated by Rule I/2.10 (Exiling). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------