------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GARDEN NOMIC Proposals for Voting on in Week Seven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 89 - Enact Book II, Chapter 3, Rule 3: Yer me besht mate. Hic! (Poltroon) {Possible future uses are yet to be decided; I don't know what the motivation is for drinking, given that the effects described aren't necessarily positive, but it seemed like fun} Gnomes may use the plants grown in their allotments for various purposes. One of the more traditional uses is in brewing, the ancient art handed down through the generations. Any gnome who has four fully-grown plants of a single type may use them for brewing by announcing that e is doing so in a public message, specifying which plants e is using; these are removed from eir allotment -- naturally, any attempt to do this will not succeed if e does not have the plants in eir allotment, or they are not fully grown. The brewing process takes two weeks starting from the time the gnome makes eir announcement (this is to allow all the fermenting to occur -- the gnome doesn't have to watch over eir brew during this time and may leave it happily brewing away in eir toadstool while e goes about eir daily business). At the end of two weeks, the gnome has one bottle of home brew (as per the table below). This may be drunk (which may have a special effect), kept for future use, or sold for the price indicated: Plant used: Beverage produced: ABV*: Sells for: Effect when drunk: Buttercup Buttercup Cordial none 25 groats None. Daisy Daisy Ale 5% 10 groats Makes the drinker cheerful, causing em to vote aye on all proposals that week.** Dandelion Dandelion Wine 15% 40 groats Causes the drinker to wet the bed. Poppy Poppy Beer 7% 20 groats Makes the drinker merry, encouraging em to go and placate the goblins. Thistle Thistle Whisky 45% 20 groats Imbues the drinker with much bravado, encouraging em to go and taunt the goblins. Weed Herbal Medicine 10% 20 groats Instantly cures all known ills. Beanstalk Magic Potion 85% 0 groats Fatal.*** Magic Witch's Brew none 20 groats Causes extreme lethargy and a Mushrooms craving for snacks. *Alcohol by volume **If e casts any other votes on proposals that week, they are ignored and replaced with votes of aye. *** If a gnome dies from drinking magic potion, e may be reincarnated as a new player. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 90 - Enact Book I, Chapter 2, Rule 8: Proposal of the Week (Poltroon) {there have been some really good proposals recently, but no way to show your appreciation other than voting aye; this should also encourage people to keep the standards up} When a gnome submits eir votes to the mistress, e may optionally also nominate a proposal of the week -- this may be any proposal which e feels adds to or enhances the game in a particularly pleasing way. Natural modesty prevents gnomes from nominating eir own proposals, and doing so is just plain naughty. At the end of the week, if any single proposal has received more nominations than any other, that proposal shall be named Proposal of the Week; its author shall receive a bonus three groats, regardless of whether the proposal passed or failed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 91 - The Price of Fish [multiple] (Poltroon) 1. repeal Book II, Chapter 3, Rule 2 2. enact Book II, Chapter 1, Rule 7: Pond Life To the east of Gnome Town, and adjacent to it, is the Pond, an unexplored location. It is a vast expanse of water (well, it seems vast to the gnomes) and little is known about it, except that it is very, very deep. Legend has it that a hideous gnome-eating monster lurks at the bottom of the pond, though no gnome has ever actually seen it. The ancient great gnome civilization was renowned for its boat-building skills, but these have been lost in the mists of time; also, gnomes are unable to swim, which means that the pond is forbidden territory for gnomes, even if they have an exploration permit. 3. enact Book II, Chapter 3, Rule 2: The Compleat Angler On the edge of the pond where it borders Gnome Town (technically within Gnome Town) there is a grassy bank, which is common ground. Gnomes often like to go there to do a spot of fishing. A gnome who wants to go fishing should first purchase the appropriate equipment, which e does by emailing eir order to the gamekeeper. If e does not have the requisite groats, this will be unsuccessful. The equipment needed for a fishing trip is as follows: a rod, costing 3 groats; a line, costing 1 groat; and bait, which costs 1 groat per bag. Each fishing trip uses up 1 bag of bait, regardless of the outcome of the trip, and a new bag must be bought for each trip. Rods and lines may be kept for repeated fishing trips, unless they become damaged or lost, in which case a gnome must buy a replacement if e wants to go fishing again. Gnomes may not purchase bait while they are at the grassy bank and may not purchase more than one bag of bait at a time. If a gnome owns the necessary equipment and has walked to the grassy bank, e may announce in a public message that e has gone fishing (this may be the same message in which e walks to the grassy bank). The gamekeeper then rolls a 100-sided die to determine the results of eir fishing trip, which are as follows: 1-50 The gnome catches a fish (see below). 51-60 The gnome catches nothing but a worthless old boot. 61-70 The gnome catches nothing but a cold -- e must return to eir toadstool and remain there for a whole week. E is forbidden under doctor's orders from doing any gardening in eir allotment during this time. 71-80 The gnome sits there patiently all day and not the slightest bit of interest is shown by the fish. 81-90 A fish takes the bait and gets hooked, but after quite a struggle the line breaks (becomes damaged) and the fish gets away. 91-100 A fish takes the bait and gets hooked, but after an almighty struggle the rod and line are wrenched from the gnome's hands and lost forever in the depths of the pond. If a gnome catches a fish, e may either eat it or sell it. The type of fish caught and its saleable value are as follows: 1-5: goldfish, 1 groat; 6-10: eel, 2 groats; 11-15: tench, 2 groats; 16-20: carp, 3 groats; 21-25: trout, 4 groats; 26-30: plaice, 5 groats; 31-35: halibut, 5 groats; 36-40: tuna, 6 groats; 41-45: salmon, 8 groats; 46-50: pike, 10 groats. If e neither eats it or sells a fish within a week of catching it, it goes bad and must be thrown away. There is no limit to the number of gnomes that may be at the grassy bank at any one time, but if there are more than five gnomes there at once, all the fish will be scared away, and all gnomes attempting to fish will be unsuccessful (if this is the case, the gamekeeper does not bother to roll the die, and any bait bought is wasted). 4. enact Book I, Chapter 5, Rule 9: Gamekeeper The gamekeeper is the officer responsible for keeping a track of gnome fishing activities, identifying catches and selling fishing equipment. E should also keep a record of any fish in the possession of gnomes. About 24 hours before the end of each nomic week, the gamekeeper should post a public message detailing all groat changes that week due to fishing activities (purchases of equipment, catches, etc). The office of gamekeeper has a weekly salary of three groats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 92 - The Recipe Book [Multiple] (Abirrond) {This proposal aims to give us something to do with our possessions, such as fully grown plants.} A) The Recipe Book [Enactment] "There exists an Official Document known as the Recipe Book which is available to all Gnomes. This book details all known combinations of seeds, fully grown plants, medals, groats, or other objects (defined within the Ruleset) which can be combined to fabricate another object, henceforth referred to as "Constructs". The Recipe Book itself is considered a "Book" within the Ruleset, with its own Roman Numeral designation, and subject to Amendment like all other Rules. This sentence and the preceding one will vanish upon enactment." {These last two sentences may be struck if need be - I wouldn’t mind putting all the Medals into a Book of Medals too. But I wanted to avoid TWO documents, and inventing any new terminology like "Recipe Book Amendment", since my Medal Amendment proposal did not fare very well.} "All references to Plants in the Recipe Book are to Fully Grown Plants unless otherwise specified. The Sale Price is provided as a ‘fair market value’ of the Construct, and will only have meaning as defined by the Rules concerning gnome commerce." [Upon the passage of this rule, the following entries exist within the Recipe Book and this hard bracketed ([]) text will remove itself from this Rule. All curly-braced text will be removed before these entries are included in the Recipe Book Knapsack - Requires: 2 Thistles, 1 Buttercup, 3 Groats Notes: A Gnome must own a Knapsack to obtain an Exploration Permit. Sale Price: around 20 Groats Status: This object can enjoy repeated uses (unless eaten). Gizmo - Reqires: 1 Daisy, 1 Dandelion, 1 Weed, 7 Groats Notes: The Gizmo is required in the construction of some other Constructs. It is said that they are also quite tasty. A Gizmo may not be used in the construction of another Construct during the Week in which it was produced, because it needs time to embresfronate. (Kinda like curing.) Sale Price: Around 27 Groats. Status: This Construct is destroyed upon inclusion in the construction of another Construct (or when eaten) {Note: No Constructs requiring a Gizmo in their Construction are defined in this initial proposal - the Gizmo is more of a demonstration of the concept, so that it would take longer to create some more advanced constructs.} {Like the medals, the Recipe Book is meant to be added to, and these two examples are included primarily as just that: examples. Like medals, Constructs can also be repealed from the Recipe Book.} B) Harvest Moon [Amendment] In the rule named "Allotment Allotter" replace all instances of the words "remove", "removal", and "removals" with the phrases "remove or harvest", "removal or harvesting", and "removals or harvestings" respectively. To the end of the second paragraph of that same rule, add the following: "Gnomes may harvest any number of fully grown plants and keep them in their toadstools for sale at another time, use in the construction of Constructs, or just because they are pretty. Harvested plants have infinite shelf life, within the context of any one game. (i.e. they do not survive any resets associated with somegnome winning the game, as defined elsewhere in the Ruleset.)" To the end of first paragraph of that same rule, add the following responsibility to the Office of Allotment Allotter: "The Allotment Allotter will also record, keep track of, and report any changes to a Gnome's harvested inventory." C) Constructs -R- Us [Enactment] There exists an Office of the Construct Administrator (CA) has a weekly salary of 3 Groats, unless the holder of this office is also the Allotment Allotter (AA), in which case it is only 2 Groats. The holder of this office will maintain a report of Constructs in each Gnome's possession, said report be made available to all Gnomes on a weekly basis. To build a Construct, a Gnome must first send, by private EMail, an Intent To Construct notice (Subject line must read "GN: Intent to Construct") to the AA the CA and the Gnome Mistress (GM), specifying the Construct to be constructed. Unless it can be determined by either the GM, the AA or the CA that the petitioning Gnome does not have the required components, the Construct is considered to be constructed. The CA, GM and AA will make the required adjustments to their records. A Construct may not be Used during the week in which it is constructed. {Almost forgot I need the GM to record changes in Groat Balances. I hope reverting to the Initials is acceptable - its just plain silly typing them all out when I have to use them so much in the same paragraph. Would this be a good thing for the ruleset in general?} Fabricated Constructs may never be deconstructed back to their original components, and the construction of a Construct results in the destruction of its components. If that component is required by the Rules to exist, it is recreated, and its ownership is dictated by the rules concerning that component. Creating a Construct which requires a Bronze Medal as a component is almost, but not quite, just a little naughty. Creating a Construct which requires a Silver Medal actually IS just a little naughty, and creating a construct which requires a Gold Medal is very naughty indeed. {Note that no such constructs are proposed.} To use a Construct, a Gnome must post to the mailing list that they intend to use it, and the CA will make the necessary adjustments. D) Construct THIS (clean up) [Amendments] {multiple} 1) Add this medal to the list of medals to the rule named "How to Win": The Gizmo Medal (Bronze) Gained if: The Gnome candidate has 3 or more Gizmos Lost if: The candidate Gnome has less than three Gizmos 2) Add the following to the end of the rule named "Gno Place Like Gnome": "Harvested Plants and constructed Constructs may also be stored in one's Toadstool, and the Allotment Allotter and Construct Administrator keep track of these as well." 3) Add the following bullet point to the list in the rule named "It Matters Who Won or Lost" (after "All Allotments are emptied"): "* All Harvested Plants and constructed Constructs cease to exist." Upon passage of this proposal, Abirrond nominates emself for the Office of Construct Administrator, as well as nominating the current holder of the Office of Allotment Allotter for the same office, and this sentence will vanish. {Both are good choices. For my own part, I’m a big Excel Spreadsheet junkie - I’m sure I can keep the numbers straight. Given some time, I imagine I could also generate appropriate graphics, although Kevan’s plants and medals are certainly NOT without merit. BTW - "vanish" sounds more gnomey to me than "shall remove itself" - I hope that’s ok} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 93 - Dandelion Wine [Multiple] (Abirrond) A) If the proposal named "The Recipe Book" does not pass, this proposal will vanish as if it had never existed, and any votes cast for it will be ignored. {Nearly all of this text was originally part of the Recipe Book Proposal, but I kinda went nutty with this particular Construct, so in hopes of saving the Recipe Book, I thought it best to propose this one separately. At the same time, I hope it will demonstrate the goofy kinds of things we can do if The Recipe Book should pass.} B) Dandelion Wine [Amendment] Add the following Construct to the Recipe Book: Dandelion Wine - Requires: 3 Dandelions, 1 Poppy, 6 Groats, 1 Gizmo, 1 Bronze Medal. (Produces one mugfull) Notes: Dandelion Wine may be presented to the Fairy or Goblin Liaisons (via private Email with the subject line GN: Dandelion Wine) to be bartered with the Fairies or Goblins. Goblins will pay 80 +/- 20 Groats determined by Goblin Liaison rolling a two-sided die (1 = plus, 2 = minus) and a twenty-sided die for the price fluctuation. Regardless of the price paid by the Goblins, this transaction will also be considered a Placation, pursuant to the Rule named "The Goblins" The Groat Transaction will be reported by the Goblin Liaison to the Gnome Mistress for inclusion in Gnome Balances. Fairies, forever in pursuit of such pleasures as fine wine, will credit the offering gnome with three 50 Groat bribes for use at some point in the future, which are kept track of by the Fairy Liaison. A Gnome wishing to make use of these Bribe Credits will inform the Fairy Liaison in the prescribed manner, making it clear that they intend to use the Bribe Credit in question. A Gnome on Herbaceous Border Patrol, in possession of a mugfull of Dandelion Wine, during a Goblin ransack, will drink it ("eat" as defined in the Ruleset) enabling them to decrease the Goblin’s population by four (rather than two) and be invulnerable to being "mugged" as described by the Rule named "The Goblins". Only under these specific circumstances will this Rule take precedence over the one named "The Goblins" {I fear my wording may be off, here - I’m trying to avoid getting mugged during a Ransack while on border patrol, plus let the wine pump one up.} Sale Price: around 70 Groats Status: This Construct is destroyed upon use. C) Liaison Life [Amendment] Insert the following after the second sentence of the Rule named "Fairy Liaison" "The Fairy Liaison will also transport any offerings of Dandelion Wine to the Fairies, and will keep track of any Bribe Credits thus earned." D) A Nice Goblin of Wine [Amendment] Insert the following as the first bullet point of the Goblin Liaison’s list of amendments and tasks in the Rule named "The Goblins": * Any submission of Dandelion Wine for Goblin Barter will be consummated as prescribed by the Recipe Book, and the Gnome Mistress and Construct Administrator will be informed of the relevant Groat and Construct balance changes via Private Email. Insert the following after the first sentence of the bullet point (currently the last one) concerning the conditions under which the Goblins will Ransack: Any Gnome in possession of Dandelion Wine and on Herbaceous Border Patrol while a Ransack is declared will consume the Dandelion Wine, and enjoy its effects. E) Instant Coffee [Amendment] Add the following to the end of the last paragraph of the Rule named "Constructs -R- Us" (Unless the Gnome possesses Dandelion Wine while on Herbaceous Border Patrol during a Goblin Ransacking, as described by the Recipe Book, in which case the usage is automatic, and no posting is required.) F) This too must go [Amendment] Add the following bullet to the bullet list of the Rule named "It Matters Who Won or Lost", immediately before the last bullet: *Any outstanding Bribe Credits maintained by the Fairy Liaison vanish." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 94 - That's Just Silly [enactment] (Sneeze) This rule belongs in book I, chapter 6. This paragraph deletes itself after this rule is in place. Certain acts that a Gnome may do are Silly, and Just a Little Naughty, besides. These acts are: 1. Referring to another Gnome in a public email as a 'fish,' or, worse yet, a 'fast fish.' 2. Dancing whilst alone in one's Allotment. 3. Singing in the rain (ie, singing while it is raining and when one is outside of any covered dwelling, such as a Toadstool or the Shed). 4. Spotting a Fish in an email, and retracting the spotting in that same email. 5. Eating a Medal. 6. Eating a number of Groats without an entrenching tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 95 - What's Yanking You? [multiple] (Sneeze) 1. Pulling Strings [enactment] This rule belongs in book II, chapter 2. This paragraph deletes itself after this rule is in place. There are a class of game entities known as Puppets. Puppets have all the rights, privledges and abilities as Gnomes, but are bound by the same rules. Puppets are therefore a 'subclass' of Gnome, inasmuch as when the rules talk about Gnomes, Puppets are assumed to be included. However, Puppets are purely theoretical constructs, and as such, have no email. Thus, Puppeteers speak for the Puppets. Whenever the rules specify that a Puppet do something, it is assumed that the Puppeteer will submit the messages necessary for that Puppet to actually perform that action. Puppets may not earn medals, vote, or Win the Game. 2. Her Mistress's Royal Puppet Troupe [enactment] This rule belongs in book I, chapter 5. This paragraph deletes itself after this rule is in place. Her Mistress's Royal Puppet Troupe (HMRPT) is an Office, with at least one Seat, known as the Demented Puppetmaster (DP). Gnomes in HMRPT are collectively known as Puppeteers. The DP is responsible for dividing and overseeing the duties and salaries of HMRPT. The salary of a Puppeteer must be commensurate with eir duties, as described below. The salary of the DP is one Groat, plus any salary from additional duties e takes on as a Puppeteer. The DP may redivide the duties of HMRPT at eir discretion. The DP may also create a new Seat of HMRPT at any time, and call an Election to fill that Seat. When a Seat of HMRPT becomes vacant, the DP has two options: (1) E may call an Election to fill that Seat, or (2) e may destroy that seat. The primary duty of HMRPT is to control the Puppets. Only one Puppeteer at a time may control a Puppet. For each Puppet a Puppeteer controls, e earns a Weekly Salary of two Groats. A Puppeteer who controls a Puppet must submit messages for that Puppet, but may only have the Puppet do things that are specified in the rules. A Puppeteer who controls a puppet must keep track of the location, wealth, and posessions of that Puppet, so as not to burden the other Officers. The allotments of Puppets are still managed by the Allotment Allotter, however. 3. First Bookstores, Then Banks, Now This. [enactment] This rule belongs in book II, chapter 2. This paragraph deletes itself once this rule is in place. There is a Puppet named Starbuck. Starbuck is a bean merchant. Every week, Starbuck will do the following things, in order: i. Starbuck will weed eir allotment, should e have the money. ii. Starbuck will then Remove all of the fully-grown Beanstalks in eir allotment, and collect the resulting Beans. iii. E will then make sure there is a thistle growing in eir allotment, if this is possible. iv. E will then make sure that e has at least as many Beanstalks growing in eir Garden as e has Magic Beans, if this is possible. v. E will then Eat one Bean, unless that would leave em with no Beans in hand. vi. E will then calculate the Bean Price, in the following way: E will first calculate the number of Groats in circulation (to the best of eir knowledge). E will then divide by the number of Beans in circulation (to the best of eir knowledge), rounding up. vii. E will then attempt to sell eir Beans to other Gnomes at the following prices: a. If there is a Gnome with more Groats than any other Gnome, Starbuck will sell Beans to that Gnome at eleven-tenths the Bean Price, rounded up. b. Everyone else gets sold Beans at the Bean Price. E will not attempt to sell more Beans that e has. Starbuck will also run in all elections for any position with a salary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 96 - Falling Through the Cracks [Multiple] (Sneeze) {Apparently I missed some rules. How odd.} 1. Open a New Chapter [Divide] Add a new chapter to book I, "Winnning". 2. Shufflement [Reorder] Move rule III/1 to chapter I/3 Move rule III/2 to chapter I/3 Move rule III/3 to chapter I/3 Move rule I/4.3 to chapter I/7 Move rule III/4 to chapter I/7 Move rule III/5 to chapter II/4 Move rule III/6 to chapter II/1 Move rule III/7 to chapter I/4 Move rule III/8 to chapter I/7 Move rule III/9 to chapter I/2 Move rule III/10 to chapter I/5 Move rule III/11 to chapter II/4 Move rule III/12 to chapter II/4 Move rule III/13 to chapter II/2 Move rule III/14 to chapter II/1 Move rule III/15 to chapter I/5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 97 - Going Nuts [Enactment] (Cub) {For the lack of a proper game chapter this goes to the addenda. I don't know if it should belong to the players chapter in book I or as a new chapter in book II...} This game can be started by the referee unless a game of Going Nuts is already being played. The Gnome Mistress is the referee, but e can give that job to another Gnome for one game if both agree. When the game is started, all Gnomes but the referee are players and get one hazelnut, and round one begins. Hazelnuts may only being distributed within this game of Going Nuts and by its rules. At the beginning of each round, the referee announces the results of the previous round (or in round 1, that the game began), and a deadline for the players which must be at least 60 hours after this announcement. Up to this deadlines, players may make their moves, if a player made no move, e counts as missing (within this game). A move consists in a mail to the referee, in which a player states whom e gives each hazelnut e has, including emself (example: Sam has 5 nuts and decides to keep 2, give 2 to Bob and 1 to Fred). If there is a mistake that can be corrected by correcting the number of nuts a player keeps (which must not be negative), the referee shall do so, otherwise e shall count the player as missing. At the end of each round, the hazelnuts are redistributed according to the moves; if a player counts as missing, e is assumed to have kept all of eir nuts. Then players are excluded from the game in two steps: First, players who were counted as missing in three consecutive rounds are excluded. Then, the player(s) with the greatest number of hazelnuts are excluded (because they're 'going nuts'), unless that would remove all players from the game. When a player is excluded, all of eir hazelnuts are destroyed. Unless the game ends, each player who is still in the game gains one hazelnut (additional to those e got and kept in the redistribution), then the referee announces the moves each player made, or that e was missing, and the number of hazelnuts each player has now, and starts the next round. The game ends in the following three cases: a) no player is left, nobody wins the game, or b) one player is left, who is then the winner, or c) two players are left with the same number of hazelnuts, who are then joint winners. When the game ends, the remaining hazelnuts are destroyed, and the referee announces the moves and numbers of the last round, and congratulates the winners if there are any. If there is a winner, e gets a number of groats equal to the number of players at the beginning; if there are two joint winners, they get each a number of groats equal to half the number of players at the beginning, rounded down. {Sigh... too wordy again} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 98 - Would Gnomes? [Multiple] (Cub) Gnomeswood [Enactment] To the north of the open space of Gnome Town lies an area of many bushes and trees known as Gnomeswood. Although it is quite safe, Gnomes easily feel uneasy because the many paths there are in Gnomeswood often take turns around trees or bushes so Gnomes cannot see very far. Because of this, some Gnomes use Gnomeswood as a place to hide, for whatever reason. The best known place in Gnomeswood is the spreading chestnut tree, not far from the border to Gnome Town. Where was I? [Amendment] In the rule named "The world as we know it", make the following amendments: In the list of Grand Locations, add the Grand Location 'Gnomeswood', Type 'Unexplored', adjacent to Gnome Town, and for the Grand Location 'Gnome Town', add that it is adjacent to Gnomeswood. In the list of Minor Locations, add the Minor Location 'Spreading Chestnut Tree', no owner, Type 'Common Ground', Grand Location 'Gnomeswood'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 99 - On the run [Amendment] (Cub) In book II, chapter 1, rule 1, make the following amendment: Replace the sentences "A Minor location may be one of three sub-types: Common, Private or Out-of-Bounds. Anything described in the rules as common ground, private or out-of- bounds is implicitly a minor location." with "A Minor location may be one of four sub-types: Common, Private, Hideout or Out-of-Bounds. Anything described in the rules as common ground, private, hideout or out-of-bounds is implicitly a minor location." {The sub-type "hideout" was added for minor locations; bringing hideouts into existance remains to be done...} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposal 100 - 'Tis But a Scratch [Multiple] (Kevan) 1. Health Levels [Enactment] { This should be placed in the "Players" Chapter. } Although Gnomes are a fairly resilient bunch and the Garden is rarely that dangerous a place, they do become injured occasionally. A Gnome's Health may be at one of several Levels (in decreasing order of healthiness); "Healthy", "Scratched", "Wounded", "Injured", "Incapacitated" or "Comatose". When a new Gnome joins the Game, e is Healthy. Certain events may cause a Gnome's Health Level to rise or fall. If a Gnome's Health Level ever rises above "Healthy", e becomes "Healthy", and should it ever fall below "Comatose", e becomes "Comatose". If a Gnome is Comatose, e is treated as if e were Hibernating, except that e keeps any Offices that e holds. Gnomes heal naturally, if slowly, rising by one Health Level at the end of each Week. If a Gnome is in eir Toadstool at the end of the Week, though, e is able to relax and recuperate properly; e rises three Health Levels instead. Upon enactment of this Rule, all Gnomes are Healthy. This paragraph shall then be stricken from the Ruleset. 2. The Machine That Goes Bing [Amendment] In Rule III/.1 (The Registrar), add "eir Health Level" to the list of things which must be maintained. 3. Go On Without Me, It's Your Only Hope [Amendment] To Rule II/1.2 (A Walk in the Garden), replace "Gnomes are permitted to walk to any minor location adjacent to the one e currently occupies." with "Gnomes are permitted to walk to any minor location adjacent to the one they currently occupy, unless they are Incapacitated or Comatose. And add, to the end of the Rule:- If a Gnome Walks into an Allotment containing any Thistles, and if it is not eir own Allotment, e immediately snags and scratches emself hopelessly, falling one Health Level for each fully-grown Thistle. 4. War is Pain [Amendment] In Rule III/.13 (The Goblins), replace "are mugged and lose half of eir Groats at the end of the Week (prior to any other Groat modifications)" with "are mugged, falling three Health Levels immediately, and losing a quarter of eir Groats at the end of the Week (prior to any other Groat modifications)" 5. I Can't Believe It's Not Buttercup! [Amendment] To Rule III/.5 (Hungry Gnomes!), add:- If a Gnome Eats a Buttercup, e rises one Health Level, healthy and nutritious Plants that they are. { As Stephen Fry says; why people leave buttocks lying around, I've no idea. } And:- Should e Eats a Weed, however, e falls two Health Levels, because they're quite poisonous and bitter and you should pay for weedkiller like everyone else, damn you. 6. I Got Better [Amendment] Add the following to the list of things that happen when the Game resets, in Rule 8 (It Matters Who Won or Lost):- * All Gnomes become Healthy. 7. That's The Way To Do It [Enactment] { This should be added to the "Law and Order" Chapter. } A non-Comatose Gnome may Punch another Gnome, provided that both Gnomes are in the same Location. This is done posting a message to the mailing list announcing the Punch, with the subject line "GN: Punching" (or it may be combined with a Walk, using the subject line "GN: Walking and Punching"). When a Gnome Punches a Gnome, the Punched Gnome falls one Health Level, and the Puncher may not make another Punch for twenty-four hours. Punching a Nice Gnome is Just Plain Naughty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 101 - Party Time [Multiple] (Kevan) 1. Political Parties [Enactment] { One for the "Government" Chapter, I feel... } There exist three Political Parties, in the Garden - the Red Party, the Blue Party and the Green Party. Each Gnome may belong to one of these Parties; if e belongs to none of them, e is considered to be Independent. (When a new Gnome joins the Game, e belongs to no Party.) An Independent Gnome may, at any time, email the Registrar announcing eir decision to join an existing Party. This email should have the subject line "GN: Party-Joining". A Party's Strength is equal to the number of members it has, plus the number of Official Positions held by its members. At the end of each Week, any Party with a higher Strength than all other Parties is considered to be "in Power" until the end of the next Week. Upon Enactment of this Rule, all Gnomes are Independent. This paragraph shall then remove itself from the ruleset. { Comments : I'll leave it to future Proposals to have the poor taxed when the Blue Party is in power, the rich taxed during a Red reign and whatever gardening incentives whilst Green is prevalent. Perhaps. Maybe Reds could be in favour of Repealing old Rules, Blues for Amending, Greens for Enacting, with bonuses for Party members making such Proposals... Hmm. } 2. Easily Swayed [Amendment] To the top of the bulletted list in Rule II/2.1 (The Fairies), add:- * Any Proposal made by a member of the Party currently in Power will receive a Vote of AYE. 3. Declaration of Interests [Amendment] In Rule III/.1 (The Registrar), add "eir Political Affliation" to the list of things which must be maintained. { Comment : Perhaps best implemented as a coloured rosette, next to the Medals? } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 102 - Order, Order [Multiple] (Kevan) 1. Jolly Nice Chapter [Divide] Create a new Chapter 5, "Things to Do", in Book II. 2. Creative Editing [Amendment] Replace the first paragraph of Rule I/1.2 (New Structure) with:- "Rules shall be organized for reference purposes. Enactment Proposals (or any other Game mechanic which creates new Rules) should specify a Chapter in to which the new Rules should be placed. If none is specified, the Mistress may place it in whichever Chapter she deems appropriate, when that Rule is created." { Comments : I imagine there'll be times when we forget to specify Chapters for our Enactments - better to let the Mistress place them as she sees fit (it'll be blindingly obvious, most of the time, after all), rather than have them lying around in the Addenda until someone feels like wasting one of their three Proposals to move them. } 3. (That's Enough Addenda - Ed) [Enactment] At the end of the current Week, the following Rules from Book III (Addenda) shall be moved into the cited Books and Chapters. Rule Moves to The Registrar I/5 Once Upon A Time... II/5 But First, The Weather II/1 Winning and How to Cope I/4 Hungry Gnomes! II/5 Gnome Town II/1 Abolish Tuesdays I/1 It Matters Who Won or Lost I/1 Battling Proposals I/2 Fairy Liaison I/5 Physicality II/3 Don't Spill the Magic Beans II/4 The Goblins II/2 The Herbaceous Border II/1 The History of the Garden I/5 In addition, the following miscellaneous Rules shall be moved into the cited Books and Chapters. Rule Moves to The Fishing Game II/5 Finally, any Rules left in the Addenda Book (those Enacted by other Proposals this Week, if any forgot to specify Chapters, basically) shall be moved into Chapters of the Mistress's choosing, unless e can't be bothered with it, which is fair enough. Also rename the "Garden Economy" Chapter to "Objects", and the "Introduction" Chapter to "The Garden". This Rule will then repeal itself in a puff of smoke. { Comments : That'll do. I was toying with the idea of making the whole Ruleset into just one Book, since it seems a damn sight easier, but such is probably a bit too sweeping for a Proposal that only promised to "tidy up". Maybe next Week. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 103 - A Minor Gripe of Mine [Ammendment] (Womble) In the rule "When to Vote" replace the text: "6:00PM (GMT)" with the text: "6:10PM (GMT)" {I know it doesn't make much diffeence but the cost of local phone calls goes down about 4 fold after 6 PM here in the UK so it's annoying either having to vote the day before, or spend more money than necessary.} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 104 - To stop bean build up [Ammendment] (Womble) Add the following text to the list of events in the rule It Matters Who Won or Lost: "All have the number of magic beans they own set to five." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal 105 - Tie a yellow ribbbon... [Multiple] (Womble) Add a rule called "Tie a yelolow ribbon..." to chapter 1 of Book II of the rules reading as follows: "Towering tall above the rest of the garden is the Old Oak Tree. This is a place of great veneration for all gnomes because the Wise Old Owl lives there. For this reason no gnome may visit the old oak tree more than once a month." Ammend the rule "The World As We Know It" by adding The Old Oak Tree as a Minor location, which is common ground and in the major location Gnome Town and no owner Add a rule to chapter 2 of book II called "The Wise Old Owl" reading as follows: "The Wise Old Owl is very old and very, very wise. She will speak to any gnome who visits her at the Old Oak Tree and impart her wisdom. One of the following wisdoms will be given at random: A prediction of the weather: due to the increased knowledge of the weather the gnome is better able to tend to the plants in his allotment and so they shall all grow at double speed this week. Knowledge about the cultures of other races: If this gnome placates or taunts the gnomes within the next week then he shall count as two gnomes for purposes of working out whether more gnomes placated or taunted. If he bribes the fairies then the bribe will count double (i.e.Jenny was given this wisdom and bribes the fairies two groats to vote NAY on a proposal, and Dave hasn't received this wisdom and bribes the fairies three groats to vote AYE. The fairies would vote NAY). Miscelaneous knowledge: The gnome receives the knowledge medal." Add the following to the rule "How to Win": "THE KNOWLEDGE MEDAL (Bronze) Gained if: The candidate receives miscellaneous knowledge from the Wise Old Owl." {Okay, so there's not much knowledge there at the moment but the way I see it, people should feel free to add things as they see fit.} -----------------------------------------------------------------------------