200-210 Rules about the Rules

200. Obey The Rules

All Players must always abide by all the Rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance with currently existing Game custom.

201. At Least One Mutable Rule

There must always be at least one Mutable Rule. The adoption of Rule changes must never become completely inpermissible. This is an Immutable Rule.

202. What Is A Rule Change?

A Rule change must be one of the following: (1) the enactment repeal, or amendment of a Mutable Rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment; or (3) the transmutation of an Immutable Rule into a Mutable Rule, or vice versa.

203. Adopting Proposals

All proposals made in the proper way shall be voted on. Three conditions must be satisfied for a proposal to be adopted: (1) a quorum must have been achieved; (2) the required number of votes must have been cast in favor of the proposal; and (3) the prescribed voting period must have elapsed or all Players have cast a vote, whichever is first.

204. Proposals Must Be Written Down

Any proposed Rule change must be written down (or otherwise communicated in print media) before it is voted on. If adopted, it must guide play in the form in which it was voted on.

205. When Proposals Can Take Effect

A Rule change will take effect when either the prescribed voting peroid has elapsed, or all players have cast their vote, whichever is first. No Rule change may have retroactive application.

206. Numbering Proposals

The Speaker shall give each proposed Rule change an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each Rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted. However, the Speaker may reuse the same number for resubmitted proposals that failed quorum on a previous vote. Also, the Speaker will not be penalized for accidentally skipping and reusing numbers when numbering proposals.
When a new a proposal is passed that creates a new Rule, that Rule receives an ordinal for reference. The numbers shall begin with 1000, and each new Rule shall receive the next successive unused ordinal (numbers used for Rules which are then renumbered by the Speaker may be used again).

207. Mutable/Immutable Inconsistencies

Mutable Rules that are inconsistent in some way with some Immutable Rule (except by proposing to transmute it) are wholly void and without effect. They do not implicitly transmute Immutable Rules into Mutable Rules and at the same time amend them. Rule changes that transmute Immutable Rules into Mutable Rules will be effective only if they explicitly state their transmuting effect.

208. Making Proposals

The proper way to make a proposal is to send it by electronic mail to the current Speaker. The Speaker will then distribute the proposal to all Players. The prescribed voting period begins at the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker.

209. Retracting Proposals

At any time during the prescribed voting period, a Player may retract a proposal that he has proposed (he may not, of course, retract a proposal that was proposed by somebody else). To do so, he must publically state that he is retracting the proposal, and must clearly state which proposal it is that he is retracting. The proposal is then retracted. Any votes that had been cast on that proposal are discarded, and need to be cast again if an identical proposal is introduced.

210. No Random Elements

If a potential proposal, if passed, would introduce an element of nondeterminism into the Game (ie: rolled dice, shuffled cards, flipped coins), it is invalid, and will be discarded by the Speaker and not become a proposal or go to vote.

211. Rule Changes That Affect Rule Changing Rules

Rule changes that affect Rules needed to allow or apply Rule changes are as permissible as other Rule changes. Even Rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No Rule change is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a Rule.

212. Resolving Conflicts

If two or more Mutable Rules conflict with one another, or if two or more Immutable Rules conflict with one another, then the Rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the Rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another Rule (or type of Rule) or takes precedence over another Rule (or type of Rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more Rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern.

213. Speaker Must Announce Discarding of Proposals

If the Speaker recieves a proposal that he considers invalid (because of existing Rules defining invalid proposals) and discards it according to the Rules before it goes to vote, then he must publically announce that he is doing so, what the original proposal was, and why he is discarding it.

214. Titles of Rules

All Rules must have a title. When a Player submits a proposal, he may title the proposal by putting the title of the proposal at the beginning of the proposal. If that proposal passes, then the title of the proposal becomes the title of the Rule. If there is no title for a proposal when it passes, then the Speaker shall choose one.

215. Renumbering the Rules

The Speaker has the power and duty to renumber the Rules for organizational purposes. The Speaker can only renumber the Rules according to the Rules.

The Speaker can not renumber the Rules in any way that would actually change the effects of the Rules or the way the Game is played.

If, within Rule A, there is a specific reference to a Rule B, and the Speaker renumbers Rule B, then the Speaker has the power and duty to change the reference in Rule A accordingly. He may not change Rule A in any other way.

If the order of a group of Rules is relevent to how those Rules interact and their effects, then the Speaker must maintain the order of those Rules when renumbering them.

If a Rule specifically assigns itself a number, then the Speaker may not renumber that Rule.

When the Speaker renumbers any Rule or Rules, he must also announce publically that he is doing so.

216. Save our Fingers

Spelling errors and errors of omission which are clearly unintentional, and which the correct form of is unambiguously apparant in the judgement of any player who cares, are unimportant and are not part of the game state.

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