Ackanomic Player & Entity List

Generated at 01 October 1999 10:10:21

Icy Players

Alfvaen [ Aaron Humphrey ] : Log


has A$ 995
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 3 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
has 2 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
was Almost a Benevolent Diktater (retired)
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
is a Member of the Order of the Steel Flea
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has 4 Extra Heads
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has 2 Pairs of Dress Pants
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Dull Spellbook
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM038
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM051
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM041 (Being Worn)
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM049 (Being Worn)
has a pint of Lager
is a Member of All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
is a Member of The Twits
has the A Pat on The Back (Value: A$ 25 )
has the Beware The Forbidden Fruit! (Value: A$ 30 )
has the HTML Standard Playtest Edition Eggplant and Hat Set 1 (Value: A$ 12 )
has the J. M. Bear is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Klortho's Volcano (Value: A$ 75 )
has the Sculpture 19 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the The book of life (Value: A$ 25 )

Ballot Stuffer [ Daniel Knapp ] : Log


has A$ 168
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
is an Elder
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is Weird

Balsamic Dragon [ Vivian Norwood ] : Log


is an Elder
has a pair of Wings  Wings

Bascule [ Matt Black ] : Log


has A$ 208
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
is an Elder
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM009 (Being Worn)
has the Medium-sized Wooden Block (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Brass Umbrella (Value: A$ 25 )
has the The Helm of Impending Vanquishment (Value: A$ 12 )

breadbox [ Brian Raiter ] : Log


has A$ 149
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 2 Silver Moon "> moon.html# ">  Silver Moons
has 2 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
has a pair of Wings  Wings
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM010
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM047
has a Shimmering Spellbok
has the A Cross of Gold (Value: A$ 99 )
has the Big Fun (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Consolation Prize (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Danforth Parrot (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Golden Frinking Straw (Value: A$ 100 )
has the I Opposed P2241 #2 (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Interpol Mug (Value: A$ 7 )
has the It has one (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Little Wooden Ship #5 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Milly Parrot (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Mr. Lunatic Fringe's Treasure Toga #8 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Sally Parrot (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Sculpture 11 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the Sorry bb! (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Strider's Presidential Vision (Value: A$ 100 )
has the String (Value: A$ 6 )
has the Symbol of Sheepish Thanks (Value: A$ 16 )
has the The Flag of Ackanomia (Value: A$ 100 )
has the The Machine That Goes *blurp* (Value: A$ 20 )
has the The Trinket of Awesome, Near-Infinite Possibilities (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Travesty (Value: A$ 10 )

Brinjal [ Simon Clarke ] : Log


has A$ 216
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
is an Elder

Chaos [ Jason Orendorff ] : Log


has A$ 155
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM021
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM039 (Being Worn)
has the A$50 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Normal Matter (Value: A$ 5 )
has the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor (Value: A$ 10 )

Fox [ Charles Fox ] : Log


has A$ 900

Guy Fawkes [ Robert Shimmin ] : Log


has A$ 1501
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
has a Silver Stripe  Silver Stripe
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
has 2 Extra Heads
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has 2 Share My Expenses Otzma Cards
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM008
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM043 (Being Worn)
has the Fibber the Low-Grade Brass-Painted Cheapo Plastic Flea (Value: A$ 9 )
has the I tried to duck out of a duel my pretending the other party was trying to weasel eir way out of it (Value: A$ 25 )
has the Large Wooden Block (Value: A$ 10 )
has the No Tea (Value: A$ 20 )
has the Secret Decoder Ring (Value: A$ 20 )

mr cwm [ Eric Murray ] : Log


has A$ 28
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
is an Elder
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a Pointy Ear  Pointy Ear
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM005
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM012
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM014
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM024
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM029
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM030
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM009 (Being Worn)
has the Little Wooden Ship #8 (Value: A$ 5 )

Mr. Lunatic Fringe [ Phil Ackley ] : Log


has A$ 175
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Silver Stripe  Silver Stripe
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a pair of Wings  Wings
has a Foul Fowl Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM006
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM032 (Being Worn)

mr. no pop culture [ David Scheidt ] : Log


has A$ 601
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has an Extra Head
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has 2 Canaries
has 3 a stick of Dynamite
has a Hard Hat
has a pint of Lager
has a Pick Axe
has 5 nosesacks full of Pink Ore
has a Shovel
has 3 nosesacks full of Silver Ore
is a Member of Tocpe
has the I hate Mondays! (Value: A$ 7 )
has the Lava Lamp (Value: A$ 100 )
has the The Haddocks' Eyes Locket (Value: A$ 75 )
has 2 AFUNY99 memorial hangover ice pick (Value: A$ 10 )

Niccolo Flychuck [ Uri Bruck ] : Log


has A$ 1292
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 2 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has a Silver Stripe  Silver Stripe
is the Chess Umpire
is a Party Chess Swinger ( Tarzan's Treehouse )
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has a pair of Wings  Wings
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM049
has the Pro-Rata Payment (Value: A$ 12 )
has the PrtyChssPc Rk (Value: A$ 75 )
has the my commiserations (Value: A$ 5 )

r-attila the farce [ Bryan Federico ] : Log


has A$ 593
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Forked Tongue
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has an Arctic Explorer Otzma Card
has a Map Shard Otzma Card
has 2 Share My Expenses Otzma Cards
has the Altra's Mantle of Power (Value: A$ 75 )
has the Sponsored by Studge #3 (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Arrow-Straight Path of Deception (Value: A$ 14 )

Robert Sevin [ Mitchell Harding ] : Log


has A$ 477
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is a Commander of the Order of the Harf
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has the I Opposed P2241 #4 (Value: A$ 10 )
has the I Was On A Galactic Rescue Mission (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Little Wooden Ship #3 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Miniature Tower Replica (Value: A$ 7 )
has the Thanatopsis (Value: A$ 27 )

Robin Hood [ Robert Shaw ] : Log


has A$ 1284
has the The Illuminati Hex Code of Doom (Value: A$ 6 )

ThinMan [ John Bollinger ] : Log


has A$ 2253
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
is the Spelling Exchequer
is the Herald
is the Scaremonger - shake in fear
was Almost a Benevolent Diktater (retired)
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired)
has reincarnated into the Third Cat
is Funky and Stylish
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has 2 Pairs of Dress Pants
has a Map Shard Otzma Card
has a Share My Expenses Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a Gold Pocketwatch  Gold Pocketwatch
has the Magic Potato  Magic Potato
has 2 nosesacks full of Brown Ore
has a Canary
has 3 a stick of Dynamite
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM026
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM033
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has 4 nosesacks full of Glowing Ore
has a Hard Hat
has a Pick Axe
has 5 nosesacks full of Pink Ore
has a Shovel
has a nosesack full of Silver Ore
is a Member of All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
has the Black Mark (Value: A$ 101 )
has the God-like status (as defined in 'Amung Gods') (Value: A$ 23 )
has the Mr. Lunatic Fringe's Treasure Toga #1 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Silver Glider (Value: A$ 50 )
has the The Gold Plated Hammer (Value: A$ 250 )
has the Ticket to Marakesh (Value: A$ 20 )
has the Weishaupt's Masterpiece (Value: A$ 7 )
has the an E for effort (Value: A$ 10 )
has the An Acka U Sweatshirt (Value: A$ 100 )
has the A Shrubbery! (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Another Shrubbery! (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Corpse of De Morgan (Value: A$ 23 )
has the Magic Fries (Value: A$ 30 )

this is not a name [ Mike Epstein ] : Log


has A$ 194
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater

Voting Gnome [ Ed Graham ] : Log


has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
is an Elder
has a Champion's Cloak

Wayne [ Wayne Sheppard ] : Log


has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder

Main Rules Player Officers Entity Games Misc All - Together - Now

Automatically generated by K 2 using Rob V0.4.9 on 01 October 1999 10:10:21