Proposal 3751
Mommy: what's a Synod?
Pol Pot
Due: Fri Nov 27 01:59:33 1998
Status: accepted
this is a modest proposal
in rule 594.17 (BWG Laser), remove "to the Synod, if such an entity exists,
otherwise the trinket will be transfered"

Proposal 3752
That was scammy of us
Pol Pot
Due: Fri Nov 27 01:59:43 1998
Status: retracted
in rule 506 (Trinkets), replace 
", and a player points this fact out publicly, it is a forgery"
"it is a forgery as soon as it is publically knowable"

Proposal 3753
Winning Conditions Fix-Up
Due: Fri Nov 27 02:00:02 1998
Status: accepted
Amend Rule 600, 'Winning Conditions', by replacing its text with the
following WIN-delimited text:

A player may only achieve a Winning Condition as described in the
Rules. If any Rule besides this one, Rule 601, Rule 603, Rule 620, and
Rule 666, refers to a player winning a Cycle, this shall be considered
to be achieving a Winning Condition, and will not result in an actual
Cycle win except as described by this Rule. A player cannot achieve a
Winning Condition while e holds the Chartreuse Goose.

Winning Conditions are nontradeable entities.  Winning Conditions may only
be created, destroyed, or manipulated as described by the rules.  Winning
Conditions have a state attribute, which can be either Unclaimed, Claimed,
or Finalized.  Winning Conditions also have a creator attribute.

When a player achieves a Winning Condition, a Winning Condition is created
in his possession in the Unclaimed state, with its creator attribute set
to the rule number of the rule which caused the Winning Condition to
be achieved.  This is the only way Winning Conditions can be created; this
sentence takes precedence over all other rules.  For the purpose of setting
creator attributes of Winning Conditions, this rule is never the rule which
caused a Winning Condition to achieved; if this rule causes another rule's
text to be interpreted as causing a player to achieve a Winning Condition,
then that other rule is considered to be the rule which caused the Winning
Condition to be achieved.  No player may ever own more than one Winning
Condition with the same creator attribute; if the creation of a Winning
Condition would violate this, it fails to be created; if it is created
anyway, then it is immediately destroyed.

If a player believes emself to have achieved a Winning Condition, then
e should submit a Cycle-Win CFJ.  A Cycle-Win CFJ is a CFJ whose statement
alleges that the submitter has an Unclaimed Winning Condition, and which
also specifies the creator attribute of this Winning Condition (specifying
"XXX has an Unclaimed Winning Condition by Rule NNN", where XXX is replaced
by the submitter's name, and NNN is replaced by a rule number, is sufficient
to make a CFJ be a Cycle-Win CFJ).  The reasoning of the CFJ should describe
how the player thinks e has achieved a Winning Condition.

Immediately after a player submits a Cycle-Win CFJ, any Winning Condition
e owns with the creator attribute specified in its statement changes to the
Claimed state, and attaches itself to that Cycle-Win CFJ.  When a TRUE
verdict on a Cycle-Win CFJ becomes final, any Winning Condition the player
who submitted it owns which is attached to that CFJ changes to the Finalized
state.  Whenever a Cycle-Win CFJ has any other final verdict, any Winning
Condition attached to it is destroyed.  Whenever a Cycle-Win CFJ is
retracted, any Winning Condition attached to it changes to the Unclaimed
state and detaches from the CFJ.

When a Winning Condition changes to the Finalized state, if its owner is
a voting player at that time, e wins the cycle, and the Winning Condition
is destroyed.  The player may win the cycle even if e holds the Chartreuse
Goose, as long as e did not do so when the Winning Condition was achieved.

A Cycle-Win CFJ shall be judged INVALID if it claims a Winning Condition
established by Rule 603, and the Scorekeeper has judged its author to have
achieved a Winning Condition within the last three days, and no-one has yet
objected to the Scorekeeper's announcement.

This rule takes precedence over all rules which mention winning a
cycle or Winning Conditions, wherever there is a conflict.

Only Cycle-Win CFJs and Paradox Win CFJs are Winning Condition CFJs.

Amend Rule 607, Winning by Agenda, by changing
  "Additionally, any player who had owned a Nemesis Eggplant that was
   destroyed as above has eir score reset to -40 rather than 0 when
   scores are reset at the start of the next cycle. [See Rule 666]"
  "At the end of a cycle won by this method, any player who had owned
   a Nemesis Eggplant that was destroyed as above when the Winning
   Condition that led to the win of that cycle was achieved
   has eir score set to -40. [See Rule 666]"

Amend Rule 611, Le Grand Fromage, by changing 
  "If ever a voting player owns one of each type of cheese then e will
   achieve a Winning Condition."
  "Whenever a voting player owns one of each type of cheese, and has not
   achieved a Winning Condition this way since the last time all cheeses
   were destroyed by this rule at the end of a cycle, e achieves a
   Winning Condition."

Amend Rule 615, Win By World Domination, by changing
  'If a single Player (A) is Overlord of more than 60% of all Active
   Players, then Player (A) achieves a Winning Condition, provided that
   Player (A) did not win the previous Cycle by achieving a Winning
   Condition under the provisions of this rule.'
  'If a single Player (A) is Overlord of more than 60% of all Active
   Players, then Player (A) achieves a Winning Condition, provided that
   Player (A) did not win the previous Cycle by achieving a Winning
   Condition under the provisions of this rule, and has not achieved a
   Winning Condition by this rule since the last time all Thrall
   Attributes were set to "" at the end of a cycle by this rule.'

Amend Rule 620, "Chartreuse Goose", as follows:
In condition 1 upon which the goose is transferred, add to the end of the
last sentence:
   "unless the verdict was the result of an appeal of a CFJ by a player
    other than its submitter"

In condition 7, change:
  "this transfer is deemed to have occurred an infinitesimal
   amount of time after that event."
  "this transfer is deemed to have occurred an infinitesimal
   amount of time after the winning condition would have been

Create a new rule numbered 599.9, entitled "ZZimsy Wins", with the
following TRANSITION-delimited text:

This rule takes precedence over rule 600.
{{For each time a winning condition has been achieved since the beginning
of cycle 24, but at most one per rule that awards winning conditions per
player, a Winning Condition is created in that player's possession in the
Unclaimed state with creator attribute 599.9.}}

{{For each cycle a player has won since (and including) cycle 24, a Winning
Condition in that player's possession is destroyed.

{{For each CFJ which has not yet reached a final verdict nor been retracted,
and which was a Cycle-Win CFJ prior to the acceptance of the proposal which
created this rule, the statement is changed to 'NNN has an Unclaimed Winning
Condition by Rule 599.9,' where NNN is replaced by the name of the player
who submitted that CFJ.  [Rather than trying to guess which rule to assign
each one to, assign all the old ones to this rule, so they can be judged in
the old method.] }}

{{For each CFJ which became a Cycle-Win CFJ by the application of the
paragraph which originally preceded this one in this rule, in the order
in which they were originally submitted, beginning with the oldest one,
if its submitter owns one or more Winning Conditions in the Unclaimed
state with creator attribute 599.9, one of these changes to the Claimed
state and is attached to this CFJ.}}

Winning Conditions with creator attribute 599.9 are not destroyed by
Rule 600 due to a player owning more than one of them.

Whenever no Winning Conditions with creator attribute 599.9 exist, this
rule repeals itself.

Proposal 3754
Anti-Museum Win
Due: Fri Nov 27 03:16:55 1998
Status: rejected
Declared Harfy fri, 20 nov 1998 10:13:04 -0500 (est) by /dev/joe
This is a Modest Proposal.

[Note the hyphen in the title, and exactly where it goes.]

Create a new Rule, numbered 619, entitled "Win By Horrendous Debt", with
the following sentence as its text:

If a player has not previously achieved a Winning Condition by the
application of this Rule, and currently that player owes more than A$5000
(i.e. has an A$ balance of -5000 or less), then that player achieves a
Winning Condition.

Proposal 3755
Org Recovery, part n
Due: Fri Nov 27 12:14:52 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1003 (Organizations) by changing "H Similarity" to "L Similarity"
in section 6.

{{ [
L Similarity should have been used from the beginning.  If it had been, then
the original proposal would have had many fewer side effects.  As the rule
now stands, it is impossible for a player who is already a member of at least
one organization to form a VSO.  Since we are all likely to soon be caste
members again, this is a significant problem.  The problem extends beyond
VSO's, too, and P3739 will not fully fix it.
] }}

Proposal 3756
Who's got the fish?
Due: Fri Nov 27 12:15:02 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal.

{{ If the Trinket Alice in Wonderland exists, then it is transferred to
the Treasury.  Otherwise, A$17 is tranferred from the entity which
destroyed Alice in Wonderland to the Treasury. }}

{{ [
Pol Pot's paradox win failed, but the game state remains unclear about
just who has that pesky trinket.  This clears it up.  Yes, there are
several ways in which the purpose of this proposal could be foiled; I
could not come up with a good way to account for all the possibilities.
So just don't.

If this proposal passes then I promise to give Pol Pot A$17 in compensation,
if he should ask for it.
] }}

Proposal 3757
Where did this go?
Due: Fri Nov 27 12:15:13 1998
Status: accepted
This is a modest proposal.

{{ [
We used to have some text in the Organizations rule which nixed empty
orgs.  It got lost somewhere, so here is a replacement.  This will also
take out any existing orgs that are still empty when this is adopted.
(If it is adopted.)

This rule will not clobber Trust Funds, because the Trust Fund rule
claims precedence.
] }}

Amend rule 1003 (Organizations) by appending the following
THEREMUSTBEATLEASTONE-delimited text to the end of section 2:


Whenever an organization ceases to have any members it is disbanded, unless
the existence or constitution of that particular organization is stipulated
by the rules.

   The Fat Lady counts as a player for the purposes of whether she may be
   a member of an organization.

   The Fat Lady, always looking for something new and different, joins
   every existing organization.  She can be a real bully when it suits
   her, so this happens automatically, notwithstanding any conflicting
   provision of this or any other rule.

   Unfortunately (for her) the Fat Lady does not find contentment in any
   of our Organizations.  She leaves every organization of which she is
   a member.


Proposal 3758
An excellent suggestion by my girlfriend
Due: Fri Nov 27 13:20:45 1998
Status: rejected
Replace all occurances of the word Ackanomic in the ruleset with

Proposal 3759
Creme d'Impeachmant
Due: Fri Nov 27 13:20:56 1998
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[As the impeachment rule stands a successful IP is practically
impossible. It seems to me that the rule as it stands is designed to
prevent an unduly small number of players from being able to remove
someone from office, but I think its requirements can easily be relaxed
without increasing the risk of trivial or spiteful impeachments. This
proposal will simply change the word BOTH to any.]}}

In Rule 404 Offices, Impeachments, replace section (iv) with the following
EASIER delimited text:


(iv) At the expiration of the voting period, there will be a resolution of
ACCEPTED or REJECTED for the IP. An IP is REJECTED unless it meets one or
more of the conditions below, in which case it is ACCEPTED: a) at least
1/2 of all active players, excluding the Officer named in the IP, voted
YES. b) At least 2/3 of all players who voted on the IP voted YES.


Proposal 3760
Reset Button
Due: Fri Nov 27 13:21:06 1998
Status: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal

Amend Rule 207.1 That's Just Silly by replacing all occurances of
"contains monosodium glutamate" with "cows eat grass".

{{Vynd loses 3 points, The Green Ripper gains 3 points [For coming up with
a phrase that was just too darn silly]}}

Proposal 3761
Scam Day
Due: Fri Nov 27 13:21:17 1998
Status: accepted
Create a new Rule entitled Scam Day, with the following FLONK delimited


The 13th of November is Scam Day, an official holiday of Ackanomic.
On this day, players are encouraged to reflect upon the place of scams in
Ackanomic society. A large beach party shall be held at noon, at which
there will be much loophole surfing. 

On Scam Day, it is the duty of the Poet Laureate (or the Speaker, if
there is no Poet) to recite the following poem (post it to the public

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
[Artist: William Butler Yeats; The Second Coming]


Proposal 3762
Nip it in the bud
Due: Fri Nov 27 16:50:00 1998
Status: accepted
{{ [
Just what would happen if we had a Revolution now, with no valid choice
available for a proto-Government?  I don't want to find out.
] }}

Amend rule 320 (Governments Rule Suite) by replacing the following
BARNEY-delimited text:

If ever over 50% of all voting players have a rebelliousness characteristic
of "on" and any player points this out publicly then a Revolution shall

with the following ANDY-delimited text:

If ever (a) more than 50% of all voting players have a rebelliousness
characteristic of "on", (b) no Revolution is in progress, and (c) at
least one Government Type other than the current one and Anarchy exists,
and any player points this out publicly, then a Revolution shall begin.

Proposal 3763
Wild Card
Due: Fri Nov 27 18:13:55 1998
Status: rejected
 Amend Rule 106 by inserting the following FOO-delimited text between the
first and second paragraphs.

 If at the time at which a player sends their votes to the Tabulator they
are a proxer then the same votes that they cast are deemed to also have
been cast by any proxees to whom they are proxer.

 Whilst a player is a proxee any votes that they send to the Tabulator
should be ignored.

 Create a new rule with a number that is the least integer that is greater
than all other rule numbers, with title "Proxy Voting" and the following
BAR-delimited text:

 A pair of players may create a proxying agreement whereby one of them
(the proxer) will cast votes for the other (the proxee) by the proxee
offering this arrangement as a public action and the proxer accepting it
as a public action.

 A player may not become agree to a proxying agreement as a proxer if they
are already proxer to two or more other proxees.

 Under the following conditions proxying agreements will cease to exist:

 Either the proxee or the proxer cease to be voting.

 The proxer becomes a proxee.

 The proxee becomes a proxee with a different proxer.

 This rule is repealed.

 Either the proxer or the proxee say that they are ceasing the agreement
as an action.

Proposal 3764
An old fashioned barn raising
Due: Fri Nov 27 21:05:19 1998
Status: accepted
	Create rule 810.1, "Bridge Building" reading as delimited by BUILDIT
	{Destroy all logs and all stones.  Create 100 logs and 100 stones
in the posession of each player.}
	Ackanomic intends to build a bridge across the Ackanomic River so
that Ackans can begin exploring the lands on the other side of it.  To
complete this task it needs 500 logs and 300 stones.  Stones and logs are
considered resources.  It will select providers by accepting competitive
bids.  A player may offer to sell eir resources by publicly announcing the
price they will sell at, and how many they will sell at that price, as well
as which type of resource they are offering to sell.  The price must be a
nonnegative number of A$ smaller than any other offer made on items of that
type and smaller than A$100.
	Two weeks after this proposal passes, there is a 10% chance each
day that the bidding process was closed at a randomly determined hour of
the previous day, and all bids after that time were invalid.  At that time
the lowest bidders on each type of resources are selected in the following
	1) The player who has the lowest bid remaining is selected
	2) N resources of that type are transfered to the Treasury from
that player, where N is the largest number not greater than the number of
resources of that type the player has, not greater than the player offered
to sell at that price, and not large enough to give the Treasury more of
that resource than it needs.
	3) The player is given a number of A$ equal to the bid times the
number of resources transfered in the last step.
	4) The first three steps are repeated until the Treasury has all of
that type of resource it needs or there are no more bids.
	All resources are then destroyed, section 7 of rule 810 is replaced
by the following NEWRULE-delimited text, and this rule is repealed.  If
there were not enough bids to provide the Treasury with enough resources,
the above steps are still performed however no changes are made to rule 810.
	7) Let the common location known as the Ackanomian River, referred
to as the river, exist deep in the wilds. No player may enter the river, as
it is a rapidly moving stream with many rocks. Players are able to cross
the river, since there is a bridge across it. [It is possible that with the
proper equipment, one could white-water raft down the Ackanomian River.]

Proposal 3765
Space Travel
Due: Fri Nov 27 21:05:30 1998
Status: retracted
	Create rule 827, "Cross-Temporal Hyper-Undulating Location
Unstabilizers" reading as delimited by GADGET
	Cross-Temporal Hyper-Undulating Location Unstabilizers may be
purchased by a player from the Treasury for A$200.  CTHULUs are nameless,
tradeable entities which are either ACTIVE or INACTIVE.  The owner of an
INACTIVE CTHULU may link it to a building e owns which does not already
have a CTHULU linked to it; it ceases to be linked to any other buildings
the CTHULU was already linked to.  A linked CTHULU may be ACTIVEated.  An
delinked, at which time it ceases to be linked to any buildings.  An ACTIVE
CTHULU may not be delinked or traded.
	When a CTHULU is ACTIVE, a dial appears on it which has all the
numbers from 1 to the number of kaas the building it is linked to is on,
however it may only be set to integers in that range.  Only the owner of a
CTHULU may set its dial.  When an earthquake occurs, a building which is
linked to an ACTIVE CTHULU should consist of a number of non-contiguous
pieces equal to the number on the dial after the earthquake.
	The owner of an ACTIVE CTHULU may pay one SHF to the Treasury and
one to the Map-Harfer to trigger an earthquake.
	This rule takes priority over rules which would allow ACTIVE
CTHULUs to be traded or rules which give alternate instructions for what
should be done with buildings during an earthquake.

Proposal 3766
The One Person, One Name Principle
Due: Fri Nov 27 21:38:04 1998
Status: rejected
Remove ", at which time the player in question shall pay the Standard
Harfer Fee" from rule 251 (Player Names).

Append "Three days after this sentence is added to this rule, all
paragraphs in this rule other than the first are repealed." to the end of
rule 251.

Proposal 3767
Creme d'Impeachmant a la Mode
Due: Fri Nov 27 23:20:36 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[As the impeachment rule stands a successful IP is practically
impossible. It seems to me that the rule as it stands is designed to
prevent an unduly small number of players from being able to remove
someone from office, but I think its requirements can easily be relaxed
without increasing the risk of trivial or spiteful impeachments. But maybe
I was a little overzealous in my first draft, so I've gone ahead and
included a minimum of 25% of voting players, as requested. By my count,
this would require at least 6 votes if the rule were in force today, I
guess I can live with that. But if we ever actually have every single
active player vote in an IP, and their votes split exactly down the
middle, well maybe, MAYBE, then we will need to think about "fixing" the
other condition. Maybe.]}}

In Rule 404 Offices, Impeachments, replace section (iv) with the following
EASIER delimited text:


(iv) At the expiration of the voting period, there will be a resolution of
ACCEPTED or REJECTED for the IP. An IP is always rejected if less than
25% of all active players, excluding the Officer named in the IP, vote on
that IP. An IP is also REJECTED unless it meets one or more of the
conditions below, in which case it is ACCEPTED: a) at least 1/2 of all
active players, excluding the Officer named in the IP, voted YES. b) At
least 2/3 of all players who voted on the IP voted YES.


Proposal 3768
It Hurt My Eyes
Due: Sat Nov 28 00:53:12 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 206, "Keep 'Em In The Game".

{{[ The Otzma Creation loophole should be patched soon, but if anything
like it comes along in the future, it would be a bad idea.  And there's
also all those Puppetheaders who've been taking advantage of it. ]}}

Proposal 3769
Don't Annoy the Harfers
Due: Sat Nov 28 02:51:56 1998
Status: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
Amend rule 721 (Annoyances) as follows by replacing section IV with the
following text as delimited by EVEN_MORE_ANNOYING
   IV. Disrespecting the Harfers

   Showing a lack of respect to the officers who harf the game when they
   are acting in their capacity as officers, or refusing to acknowledge
   the work done by such functional officers is Annoying. It is also very

   It is considered disrepectful to the harfers to include actions in a
   majority of messages over a given 24 hour period such that those
   actions continuosly require a harfer to check or modify some piece of
   data.  [Examples of this would be adding "More than 50% of the players
   have a rebelliousness characteristic set to 'on'" or "Happy! Happy!
   Happy!" or "I remove myself from the CFJ ineligibility list".]  A
   player who does not take the time to check the game conditions to the
   best of eir ability before performing an action that is dependant
   on game conditions is Annoying, Impolite, and downright Obnoxious.

Proposal 3770
Space Travel
Due: Sat Nov 28 10:16:48 1998
Status: accepted
	Create rule 827, "Cross-Temporal Hyper-Undulating Location Harfing
Unstabilizers" reading as delimited by GADGET
	Cross-Temporal Hyper-Undulating Location Harfing Unstabilizers may
be purchased by a player from the Treasury for A$200.  CTHULHUs are
nameless, tradeable entities which are either ACTIVE or INACTIVE.  The
owner of an INACTIVE CTHULHU may link it to a building e owns which does
not already have a CTHULU linked to it; it ceases to be linked to any other
buildings the CTHULHU was already linked to.  A linked CTHULHU may be
CTHULHU may be delinked, at which time it ceases to be linked to any
buildings.  An ACTIVE CTHULHU may not be delinked or traded.
	When a CTHULHU is ACTIVE, a dial appears on it which has all the
numbers from 1 to the number of kaas the building it is linked to is on,
however it may only be set to integers in that range.  Only the owner of a
CTHULHU may set its dial.  When an earthquake occurs, a building which is
linked to an ACTIVE CTHULHU should consist of a number of non-contiguous
pieces equal to the number on the dial after the earthquake.
	The owner of an ACTIVE CTHULHU may pay one SHF to the Treasury and
one to the Map-Harfer to trigger an earthquake.
	This rule takes priority over rules which would allow ACTIVE
CTHULHUs to be traded or rules which give alternate instructions for what
should be done with buildings during an earthquake.

Proposal 3771
Beyond The Bounds of Reason
Due: Sat Nov 28 23:32:05 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 431, "Illuminatus", to replace the sentence
"The Illuminatus shall announce a call for Agenda Condition submissions
if, for any reason, the player currently holding the office of
Illuminatus has announced no such call during the current cycle."
"The Illuminatus has the Duty to announce a call for Agenda Condition
submissions if, for any reason, the player currently holding the office
of Illuminatus has announced no such call during the current cycle,
and there is no call for Agenda Conditions currently in progress."

Proposal 3772
A Real Museum Fix
Due: Sun Nov 29 03:07:38 1998
Status: accepted
   This proposal has a couple of effects.  One it makes it so that
   museum win trinkets cannot be art-thiefed out of the museum even
   by accident.
   Second, it allows the forgeries rule to stay as it is now, which
   makes (honestly) less work for the harfers which is a good thing
   while still stopping the donate, call forgery, break up, recreate,
   repeat scam we saw a few days ago.
   It also recreates the concepts of Magicks, and gives them back to
   the Trinket-Harfer to harf.

Amend rule 850 (Museum) by appending the following text as delimited
by MAGICK to the end of Section VII. The Value of Winning

When a Trinket is moved to the West Wing of the museum according to the
previous paragraph it becomes a Magick.

Create a new rule numbered 507 and titled Magicks with the following
text as delimited by MAGICKS
A class of named entities known as Magicks exist.   Magicks are non-tradeable
entities.   Magicks always have a name, a description, and an original value.

When a rule directs that a Trinket becomes a Magick, the Trinket is destroyed
and a new Magick is created with the same name and description of the destroyed
trinket and an original value equal to the value of the destroyed Trinket.

A Trinket may only become a Magick as directed by the rules, and no other
entity other than Trinkets may be transformed into Magicks.

Amend rule 428 (Trinket-Harfer) by appending the the following AND_MAGICKS
delimited text
   b) To keep an accurate record of all Magick names, original values, and
   descriptions, and to make that record available to any player on

{{All Trinkets currently in the West Wing of the Museum become Magicks}}

Proposal 3773
Share What Income? I'm Already Skint!
Due: Sun Nov 29 06:48:43 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

[If your SYI has been Go Fished, you have already lost out.  Why should
others then be able to penalise you for your attempt?  Actually, I think
this whole nesting of SYI attacks makes things less than fun, turning it
into a battle of who can get hold of the most Otzma Cards.]

Replace the first paragraph of Rule 1240.7 with the following
CLEAN-delimited text:

An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. 
When a player plays this a Card of this type e also names another player,
and a sum of money which is at most half of a Valid Sum of Money the named
player received in the preceding three days (All sums of money
received by players are Valid Sums except for amounts received as a
direct result of the playing of one or more Otzma Cards).  The Named
player transfers that same amount to the player who played the Card. 

Proposal 3774
Organisational Policies
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:46:47 1998
Status: retracted
{{[When there isn't a scam in the offing societies just sit around and
do nothing. Churches on the other hand have become a vehicle for players
to circumvent ownership restrictions and penalties, since church
policies can allow players to retrieve eir entities with out the even
having to disturb eir co-members.

This proposal reduces the powers of church policies and permits other
org types to own em.]}}

1. Create a rule numbered 1000 with the title "Zzimzypolicies" and the
Zzimzypolicies are documents and entities.

2. {{All existing church policies are converted into Zzimzypolicies
owned by the church who's policy it was created from. }}

3. Create a rule numbered 1018 with the title "Organisational Policies"
and the text:
I. Description

Each organisation may own a single policy. A policy is a entity and a
document. Polices have effect within Ackanomic, only as described within
the rules.

Organisations may attempt the any of the following as organisational
i) create a policy in its possession, provided it doesn't already own
ii) destroy its policy.
iii) reveal or hide any part of its policy.

Only the revealed portion of a policy has effect within Ackanomic. This
paragraph takes precedence over any rule which would allow otherwise but
defers to the following paragraph.

A policy may only be modified as described in that document or as an
organisational action, unless it explicitly prohibits itself from being
modified in that manner. Such modifications need not be made public
except that any modifications to a revealed section of an organisation's
policy must be reported publicly before the new version shall have
effect within Ackanomic.

II. Effects

An organisation's policy may :

i) place requirements upon its members.

ii) detail penalties that will apply to a member who fails to meet a
particular requirement. Unless specified otherwise the organisation
shall receive the proceeds of the penalty.

iii) establish conditions under which :
a) an entity's request for membership in the organisation may be granted

b) an entity may be removed from the organisation.

iv) contain other information, except that such information shall only
have effect within Ackanomic as permitted by the rules.

If any member of an organisation, which is not a VSO, publicly points
out that a member of the same organisation is currently in violation of
that organisation's policy then the penalty described in the policy is
applied to the member who is in violation.

III. Restrictions

Unless the rules specify otherwise, an entity transfer initiated by a
policy must abide by the following restrictions, otherwise it does not
i) it may only involve the org and its members, except that it may also
transfer entities to the treasury.
ii) it must be legal, at the time the transfer is initiated, for it to
occur as a voluntary trade between the effected entities.

If a particular section of a policy requires a member to perform an
action which is either illegal or impossible for that member, then that
section shall have no effect on that member.

A policy may not force any of its members to meet any of its

4. {{All Zzimzypolicies are converted into Policies. }}

5. Repeal Rule 1000 (Zzimzypolicies).

6. Create a rule numbered 1014 with the title "Churches and Cults: and
the following text:
I. Churches
A church is an organisation.

A church may not be founded until at least three players in addition to
the pseudo-founder have expressed eir consent to join.

The player who founds a church is its founder. A church's founder may
ordain and defrock priests. A player will remain a priest of that church
until defrocked or e is no longer a member of the church.

A church's Policy may specify which of its members are permitted to
ordain and defrock priests, otherwise it shall be the privilege of the
church's founder.

A Church may own and trade currency and Entities.

If a Church ever has no Priests, or (Heaven Forbid!) fewer than zero
Priests, or fewer than four members, it is transformed into a Cult.

II. Cults
A cult is an organisation.
It is impermissible for a Cult to trade or to use any Organisational
Powers. This takes precedence over R1003.

7. Repeal rule 1301 (Church).
{{[Rule 1014 now defines Churches]}}

8. Repeal Rule 1007.1 (Admissions Policies).
{{[Policies are now permitted to carry out this function]}}

9. Amend Rule 1003 (Organizations) in the following ways:

9.1 Replace the following phrase from section 1 (Forming an
Additionally the founder may establish the organisation's admissions
policy at this time, otherwise the Standard Admissions
policy shall apply.
Additionally the founder may create an Organisational Policy in the
possession of the organisation at this time.

9.2 Replace the following text from section 2 (Organization
When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization
is transferred to the Treasury, all members of the
Organization are no longer considered to be members of the Organization
with any attendant effects [such as Swinger/Party
Hall], and the Organization is then no more.
When an Organization is disbanded, its organisational policy, if it owns
one, is destroyed, everything owned by the Organization is transferred
to the Treasury, all members of the Organization are no longer
considered to be members of the Organization with any attendant effects
[such as Swinger/Party Hall], and the Organization is then no more.

9.3 Replace the following text from section 3 (Very Small
b. Change admissions policy
b. Modify, reveal and hide sections of its Organisational Policy.

10. {{[The Organisation section of the rules is getting a little mixed
up so the following groups the rules into three subsections: General
(1000-1004), the different types of (1010-1014), Powers (1020-1023).]}}

Renumber Rule 1003 (Organizations) to 1000
Renumber Rule 1005 (Organizational Action) to 1001
Renumber Rule 1006 (When You Don't Get a Say) to 1002
Renumber Rule 1007 (Organizational Name Change) to 1003
Renumber Rule 1004 (Societies) to 1010
Renumber Rule 10018 (Organisational Policies) and to 1004

{{[Types of]}}
Renumber Rule 1011 (Excavation Permit) to 1021
Renumber Rule 1009 (Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity) to 1011

Renumber Rule 1017 (Trusts) to 1012

Renumber Rule 1008 (Organizational Powers) to 1020
Renumber Rule 1013 (Secret Laboratories) to 1022
Renumber Rule 1015 (More Than Human) to 1023

Proposal 3775
How to Summon Frozen Water Deities.
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:46:57 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[During the Senate's most recent take over of the game state, I had a
chat with Mr. Lunatic Fringe. During the course of our devious
scheming... erm chat, e admitted e was thinking of re-joining the game
but expressed some concern that (if e did) e would need help to re-learn
the game. Thus:

Players who have been On Ice for more than 90 days become newbies when
they re-join and receive a complimentary Mentor. Of course this means
they can exploit the Crazy French Scotsman rule... :) ]}}

1. Append the following text to the end of the list in section II
(Player-related Definitions) of Rule 250 (Players and Player States):
g) A Player who has changed eir state from On Ice less than 21 days ago
having been On Ice continuously for at least 90 days prior to that, is
also a newbie. At any time while e is still a newbie, e may request that
the registrar select a mentor for em.

Proposal 3776
I'm a Teapot
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:47:07 1998
Status: accepted
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.

This is a Modestly Silly Proposal.

On any Tuesday for which the date is prime, there shall be pudding for
everyone, except cows (since cows eat grass) and those pesky aliens
(since pudding contains monosodium glutamate).

Pudding was considered by the ancients to be a Royal Frink. In fact is
it said the Tensor, a well known loophole surfing expert of yore, would
frink great quantities of it before reading the rules.

Since Pudding is a Royal Fink,  players who are caught publicly eating
pudding (as opposed to frinking it) shall be tarred and feathered. A
player who has been tarred and feathered in this manner shall be
considered to be a cow since they shall be indistinguishable in
appearance from real cows.

Proposal 3777
Contractual Obligations.
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:47:18 1998
Status: accepted
Replace the following text from Rule 560 (Contracts):
Any player may sign a public Contract by paying the Standard Harfer Fee
and signing it as a public action.

Any player may sign a private Contract by paying the Standard Harfer Fee
and signing it as a public action. If the creator of the Contract
agrees, then the Contract is signed by the player.
Any player may sign a public Contract as a public action.

Any player may sign a private Contract as a public action. If the
creator of the Contract agrees, then the Contract is signed by the

Proposal 3778
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:47:29 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal

Add the following text as a new entry in the list of Repeatably
Honourable Acts in Rule 550.1 (Honourable Acts).
1 Honour : Being elected to a Political Office.
2 Honour : Being appointed to a Functional Office.

Replace the following text in Rule 550.2 (Dishonourable Acts):
"2 Honour: gaining the Chartreuse Goose for a failed PWCFJ."
"2 Honour: gaining the Chartreuse Goose for a failed PWCFJ or CWCFJ."

Proposal 3779
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:47:40 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.

Append the following paragraph to Rule 550.3 "Honour among Thieves (Take

If there is one player who has a lower honour score than all other
players, and that honour score is less than -20, then that player is
Evil and all other players cease to be Evil.

Proposal 3780
Lets give em something to do
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:47:50 1998
Status: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[CSRs become the sole province of the CSRR. Players may make
submissions to the CSRR]}}

Replace the following text from Rule 421.1 (Office of Common Sense,
Redundancy, and Redundancy):
It is a privilege of the Office of CSRR to author Common Sense Reports
in accordance with the Rules on said Reports.
Office of CSRR has the following Privileges:
i) to author Common Sense Reports in accordance with the Rules on said

Office of CSRR has the following Duties:
i) to author Common Sense Reports which include any appropriate text
sent to em by any player for that purpose.
ii) to publicly announce the enaction, or failure of a CSR.

Amend Rule 421.2 (Common Sense Reports) to read in full:
A Common Sense Report (CSR) is a list of suggested changes to the Rules
or other documents, but is not a proposal. A CSR may only be authored by
the CSRR.

Whenever the CSRR authors a CSR, he must assign it a unique number and
distribute it publicly. After it has been distributed, any player may
publicly object to that CSR. 3 days after it has been distributed, the
changes described in a CSR are enacted, unless 2 or more players
objected to the CSR within those 3 days.

Delete Secetion 5 of Rule 311 (Rule Suites) which reads:
5) Each Rule Suite (being the collection of all rules X.Y for some fixed
integer X which satisfy the above conditions) may have
exactly one Office as its Custodian. It is a privilege of an Office to
issue a CSR which only modifies rules in the Rule Suite or
Rule Suites of which that Office is Custodian.

Delete the sentence which reads "The Herald is the Custodian of the
Honour System Rule Suite." from Rule 550 (Honour System Rule Suite)

Delete section VII (Custodianship) of Rule 950 (Ackanomic Sound System
Rule Suite) which reads:
"The DeeJay is Custodian of the Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite (the
950.Y rules)."

Delete Section 6 (Custodianship) of Rule 1060 (Transnomicial Trade Pacts
Rule Suite.) which reads:
"The Ambassador is Custodian of the Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite
(the 1060.Y rules)."

Delete the following text from Rule 1230 (Party Chess Rule Suite):
The ChessUmpire is the Custodian of the Party Chess Rule Suite (the
1230.Y rules).

Amend Rule 1240 (Otzma Cards Rule Suite) by deleting the following text:

The RuneMaker is the Custodian of the Otzma Card Rule Suite (the 1240.Y

Amend Rule 210 (Literature) by deleting section V which reads:
V. Any player may issue a CSR that consists solely of modifications to
the Literature list. Otherwise, the Literature list may only
be modified by Proposals and by the Spelling Bee.

Amend Rule 346 (The Ackanomic Lexicon) by deleting the following text:
Any Player may author a CSR which modifies only the Ackanomic Lexicon.

Delete section d of Rule 407.1 (Rule-Harfer) which reads:
d) To submit Common Sense Reports (CSRs) which only affect rule numbers
and rule number references in the rules.

Amend Rule 422 (Postmaster) by deleting the following text:
It is a privilege of the Postmaster to issue CSRs that consist solely of
modifications to the Postal Code.

Delete the following text from Rule 847 (Earthquakes):
The Map-Harfer may author a CSR within three days of announcing that a
Really Bad Earthquake has occurred, he should restrict this CSR to
altering the Rules in regards to Locations.

Delete item b which reads "b) Common Sense Reports" from the lettered
list in Rule 330 (Retractions) and re-letter the list as appropriate.

Proposal 3781
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:00 1998
Status: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal

Repeal Rule 432 (Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved /
Watch me scare you though / Able am I son)
{{ The Office of Scaremonger is Destroyed}}

Append the following text to Rule 424 (Poet Laureate) as a separate
The Poet Laureate may be refered to as the Scaremonger.

Proposal 3782
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:11 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Repeal Rule 594.3 (Blueprint: Whamiol)

Proposal 3783
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:21 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Repeal Rule 594.9 (Blueprint: Spell Book of Chorg)

Proposal 3784
The Benefits of being one of a constutionally limited
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:32 1998
Status: rejected
number of players
This is a Modest Proposal.

Repeal Rule 1044 (The Benefits of Swinging)

Proposal 3785
Whatever happened to scarcity
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:42 1998
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Replace section a (Otzma Card Conversion) of Rule 1045 (Alternative uses
for points) with:
(i) A Player may convert 10 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected
from those types with an F-Designation of Common.

(ii) A Player may convert 15 points into an Otzma Card randomly selected
from those types with an F-Designation of Normal or Common.

(iii) A Player may convert 20 points into an Otzma Card of a randomly
determined type.

Proposal 3786
Anti-Voting Rules
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:48:52 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Create a rule as a member of Governments Rule Suite (rule 320) with the
title "Government Type: AntiVoting" with the text:
I. Government Definition.
While the AntiVoting government type is active, scoring for anti-voting
shall be active. Additionally players shall not receive points for
simply voting.

Anti-Voting is defined as voting NO on an accepted proposal or voting
YES on a rejected proposal (determined at the end of the prescribed
voting period).

II. Scoring for anti-voting.
Players who anti-vote on a proposal shall gain:
i) one point if it was Modest.
ii) three points if it was Non-Modest.
iii) five points if it was Grandiose.

Proposal 3787
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:03 1998
Status: accepted
Create a rule as a member of Governments Rule Suite (rule 320) with the
title "Government Type: Inflationary" with the text:
At the time this government type becomes active and every week
thereafter the following shall occour:
i) The Standard Harfer Fee shall be set to a random number between 5 and
ii) The price of an unowned Kaa of land shall be changed to a random
number between 25 and 75.
iii) The price a player may sell land to the treasury for shall be
changed to a random number between 5 and 50.
iv) The amount which N is multiplied by in Rule 855 (Monolith) is set to
a random number between 25 and 75.

The values generated in the pervious section superceed the relevent
values specified elsewhere in the rules.

A player may not buy or sell more than 5 Kaa of land during any 7 day

Proposal 3788
An important date.
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:13 1998
Status: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal
Amend Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) by replacing the phrase "August 28th" with
"April 4th and August 28th" whereever it apears.

Proposal 3789
Generic Proposal Title #3789
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:24 1998
Status: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.

Add the following text as a new section immediatly after the final
numbered section [VI] in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) and number is
If both players invovled in a duel are in the free market, when the duel
is resolved, the thrall attribute of the loser is set to the name of the

Proposal 3790
Generic Proposal Title #3790
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:34 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Add the following text as a new section immediatly after the final
numbered section [VI] in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) and number is
If a player is on a Moon eir Air Skill is increased by 5. If the Moon is
full, however, all of eir elemental skills are incresed by 5.

Proposal 3791
Flow Voting
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:44 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Create a rule as a member of Governments Rule Suite (rule 320) with the
title "Government Type: Flow Voting" with the text:
I. Government Definition.
While the Flow Voting government type is active, scoring for flow-voting
shall be active. Additionally players shall not receive points for
simply voting.

Flow-Voting is defined as voting YES on an accepted proposal or voting
NO on a rejected proposal (determined at the end of the prescribed
voting period).

II. Scoring for flow-voting.
Players who flow-vote on a proposal shall gain:
i) one point if it was Modest.
ii) three points if it was Non-Modest.
iii) five points if it was Grandiose.

Proposal 3792
Legit ut clericus
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 14:49:55 1998
Status: rejected
[If a clerk had been taken
For stealing of bacon.
For burglary, murder, or rape.
If he could but rehearse
(Well prompt) his neck-verse,
He never could fail to escape.''
British Apollo (1710).]

Add neckverse to the Ackanomic Lexicon.

# end proposal

Proposal 3793
Generic Proposal Title #3793
K 2
Due: Sun Nov 29 15:13:32 1998
Status: accepted
Amend Rule 320 (Governments Rule Suite) by replacing the following text:

4. Exactly one week after the Revolution started the Proto-Government
shall become Active.
4. Exactly three days after the Revolution started the Proto-Government
shall become Active.

Proposal 3794
Please Sir. I didn't mean to.
K 2
Due: Mon Nov 30 09:31:10 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Anyone remember CFCJ 174? Adding the word "correctly" gives officers
a little more breathing space. I was actually thinking of doing away
with Non-Performance and Malpractice and letting the presidential
impeachment process do its thing....]}}

Amend section x (Efficiency) of Rule 401 (Offices, Commonalities) to
read in full:
Officers have 3 days to correctly complete the tasks and duties they are
responsible for, not counting any time the officer is vacationing or in
Gaol, unless other rules unambiguously specify a different finite amount
of time for these things.

Proposal 3795
K 2
Due: Mon Nov 30 09:31:20 1998
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Replace the following text from Rule 613 "Winning is pretty harfy
(Winning by doing a lot of stuff)":
"18 Jazz JackRabbit, Passive Contemplator, or Owner of the Amber Banana
"18 Jazz JackRabbit or Passive Contemplator"

Replace the following text from Rule 910 (The Ackanomicon):
Not so Forbidden Fruit (4 pages): The player has an out of body
experience in which he is transported to an primordial jungle where he
is worshiped as a god by the natives. Upon waking up, he will find that
all he has left to remember it by is an Amber Banana.
Not so Forbidden Fruit (4 pages): The player has an out of body
experience in which he is transported to an primordial jungle where he
is worshiped as a god by the natives. Upon waking up, he will find that
all he has left to remember it by is a pint of lager.

Repeal Rule 921 (Acid Rain Dance).

Repeal Rule 923 (The Amber Banana).

Replace the phrase "eating an Amber Banana" with "frinking a pint of
lager" in Rule 943 (Hula!).

Replace the phrase "III. If a player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic, he
receives an Amber Banana" in Rule 975 (Yes Virginia) with "III. If a
player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic, he receives a pint of lager."

{{All Amber Bananas are turned into a pint of lager.}}

Proposal 3796
K 2
Due: Mon Nov 30 09:40:33 1998
Status: accepted
On the line immediately following the following text from Rule 1390.2
(Royal Frinks):
Right Handed Grapefruit juice is a Royal Frink.
insert the following text:
Lager, Sir is a Royal Frink.

Proposal 3797
The Doppleslakko did SOMEthing..or should have
Pol Pot
Due: Mon Nov 30 17:09:50 1998
Status: accepted
K2 is considered to have found treasure 207

[Treasure 207 (Attila the Pun, April 5th, 1998):

I am creating a trinket, valued at A$100, known as "The Mu-Cow." It has the
following description: "It is green and it is not green." 

I am burying the Mu-Cow, and revealing the following, which might have some
relation to its map: 

di,noy s [tp[sds; ejovj trvorbrd mp URD bpyrd smf fprd mpy gso; wipti,
yp gomf yjr <i=Vpe/]

Proposal 3798
Out of good proposal titles
Due: Mon Nov 30 17:38:14 1998
Status: accepted
	Create rule 851.1, "The Best and the Most Logical" with the
following NITROGENOUSBASE-containing text
	If a player believes that a rule is so clever and well thought out
that it deserves special notice, they may call a Remembrance hearing on
that rule, and they become the Hearing Harfer for it.  The valid responses
to this hearing are "It's not bad, but it's not good.  It must be ugly" and
"YES!".  If the result is the former the player who called the hearing pays
the SHF to the Treasury.  If the result is the latter the rule becomes an
Excellent rule.  The rule-harfer should mark excellent rules as such.  The
player who created that rule receives a Gold Star, which is a nontradeable,
nameless entity engraved with the title of the rule it was awarded for.
	When an excellent rule is repealed, its original text (that is its
text at the time it was most recently created prior to its repeal) and its
text at the time it was repealed are both stored in the Harfonian, along
with the number of the proposal which created it and any other proposals
the Archivist feels especially contributed to it.

Proposal 3799
Squashing Hubert
K 2
Due: Mon Nov 30 18:23:51 1998
Status: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.

Delete the following text from Rule 675 (Mercury Poisoning):
2) A player trades A$10 to the Mad Hatters in exchange for a Visible
Agenda Hat, and the player involved in the trade was not the last player
to trade this particular Agenda Hat to the Mad Hatters. 
and insert the following text as a separate paragraph in its stead:
The Mad Hatters are permitted to call a public auction on any of the
Agenda Hats they own and will do so upon request. When the Mad Hatters
call an auction, the illuminatus shall initiate it and the minimum shall
be A$10.

Proposal 3800
Paradigm Switch
Due: Mon Nov 30 19:04:48 1998
Status: retracted
	Create rule 325, "Experiment Rule Suite" with the following
SEMIINTRODUCED-delimited text:
	An Experiment is something which although accepted may still be
removed.  Each rule in this rule suite other than this one is an
Experiment.  All rules in this rule suite other than this one must consist
of a series of changes to the ruleset, like a proposal.  As long as the
Experiment exists the game is played as if the changes in that Experiment
had taken effect.  An Experiment which alters any rule in this rule suite,
including this one, is invalid and is instantly repealed.
	When an Experiment is created all players will have their Support
characteristic for that Experiment set to Supportive.  The Support
characteristic may only be Supportive or Opposed, and may be changed by the
characterized player as a public action.  If more than one-half of the
players are Opposed to an Experiment then upon a player publicly noting
that, the Experiment is repealed.  Two months after an Experiment is
created, if a minority of the players are opposed to it, its changes are
actually applied to the rules as if it were an accepted proposal and it is