Proposal Archive (3001-3050)

Proposal 3001 - Tue 05 May 1998 22:15 EDT
H*bert (Jonathan David Amery)
Status: removed (invalid due to illegal bribe)

{{All players who voted for this proposal are gifted a trinket of value A$1 with a description of "Voucher for one calendar." and a name of "<name>'s Calender", where <name> is replaced by the name of the player.}}

Create a rule entitled "TGW's idea" numbered with the lowest legal integer number and with the following PTERRY-delimited text.

On the first Wednesday following the the creation of the trinkets created by the proposal which created this rule the following will happen:

Each of the trinkets mentioned above will be destroyed, and each of the players who had posessed one will recieve a trinket with the same name as the one that they had which had just been destroyed and the description "a calendar for the year surmounted by a rather angular picture of a beagle, standing on its hind legs." [Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times, p. 350 or 281] but with a value of A$200.

One Good Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

One Evil Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

This rule will repeal itself.

Proposal 3002 - Tue 05 May 1998 22:16 EDT
Ignore This
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 209)

This is a Modest Proposal.

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

{{[Actually, this is just a test of nomicbot. Sorry for the intrusion.]}}

breadbox achieves a Winning Condition.

Proposal 3003 - Wed 06 May 1998 07:45 EDT
A Haunting Name
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Malenkai's return has opened the whole can of worms about the names of the Undead. I don't like eating worms, I'd rather close the can.]

Append the following GHOUL-delimited text to Rule 258:

It is legal for an Undead to have a name which is the name of a former player, provided that that Undead was made Undead as a result of the player who possessed said name leaving the game.

[Trying my best to avoid nasty tricks about renaming undead here.]

Proposal 3004 - Wed 06 May 1998 20:59 EDT
H*bert (Jonathan David Amery)
Status: retracted

{{All players are gifted a trinket of value A$1 with a description of "Voucher for one calendar." and a name of "<name>'s Calender", where <name> is replaced by the name of the player.}}

Create a rule entitled "TGW's idea" numbered with the lowest legal integer number and with the following PTERRY-delimited text.

On the first Wednesday following the the creation of the trinkets created by the proposal which created this rule the following will happen:

Each of the trinkets mentioned above that were created in the possession of players who did not vote either YES or BAA! on the proposal that created this rule are destroyed.

Each of the trinkets mentioned above that were created in the possession of players who voted BAA! on the proposal that created this rule have their description changed to "This is just an example."

Each of the remaining trinkets mentioned above will be destroyed, and each of the players who had posessed one will recieve a trinket with the same name as the one that they had which had just been destroyed and the description "a calendar for the year surmounted by a rather angular picture of a beagle, standing on its hind legs." [Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times, p. 350 or 281] but with a value of A$200.

One Good Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

One Evil Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

This rule will repeal itself.

Proposal 3005 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:01 EDT
You Want Middle Ages? I'll Give You Middle Ages!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 1013, "Secret Laboratories", as follows:

Insert the following text(delimited by GUTENBERG)before the last paragraph of the Rule:

Churches may own Secret Laboratories, but, because of their inherently superstitious nature, not without some risk. Every time a Church uses its Secret Laboratory, then for each Church member who is not Enlightened, there is a 10% chance(20% of the member is a Priest or the Founder)that that member shall, in an involuntary fit of Luddite rage, destroy the Secret Laboratory and the Gadget it is in the process of making.

{{[ While I'm here ]}}

Add a period to the last sentence of the Rule("An Organization may own at most one Secret Laboratory").

Proposal 3006 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:02 EDT
What the?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

{{[I was quite surprised to have been burnt as a witch for having failed to produce a list of Silver Moon Nominees within 4 days of the end of the cycle. I've been a Senator a long time now (perhaps not much longer?) and this was new to me. Its downright strange since a) 4 days isn't enough time, and b) the first paragraph of the rule says we have a week. I'm not positive, but my best guess is this burning business was introdcued when the Commision d' Arts was an Ad Hoc Committee, and was never removed. This change resotres the rule to its original penalty, Contempt for the Senators, and puts us back on a reasonable 7 day time limit. I also noticed that the rule doesn't actually describe how the Commission is supposed to reach a decision. Its members are the Seantors, but it is not itself the Senate or any other organization, so it doesn't fall under any of the usual rules. So I fixed that too. Finally, there are some just plain quirky uses of the English language that I figured may as wel go while I'm at it. What fun.]}}

Amend Rule 670 Commission d'Arts in the following manner.

Replace the first sentence of section 2) with: The Commission (as represented by one of its members) shall publically post a report listing 4 Silver Moon Nominees, which the Commission decided on using the standard procedures for Senatorial decision making.

Replace the text of section 4) with: If the Commission fails to produce a report in accordance with this rule, then all the Commissioners who did not vote in favor of any proposed report are placed in Contempt. All other Commissioners are fined 2 points.

In section 5), delete the phrase "the names of".

In section 6) replace the phrase "the Silver Moon" with "a Silver Moon".

In section 9) replace the first sentence with: Silver Moons are non-tradeable entities. They may only be created and awarded in accordance with the Rules.

Proposal 3007 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:03 EDT
Show Some Respect!
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 721 by adding the following GROUCHY delimited text to the end:


IV. Disrespecting the Harfers

Showing a lack of respect to the officers who harf the game when they are acting in their capacity as officers, or refusing to acknowledge the work done by such functional officers is Annoying. It is also very impolite.

Proposal 3008 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:04 EDT
Egotistical? Me?
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule titled Quarantine reading as follows (text delimited by RIMMER):

Gingham is the national fabric of Ackanomic. A Gingham Dress is a type of nameless garments. Any player may purchase a Gingham Dress for A$20. However, if a player has suffered a concussion due to capsizing while white water rafting on the Ackanomic River then e will automatically receive a Gingham Dress, since it is appropriate to eir insane behaviour.

[For anyone interested this is based on the same source as my Acka name. If you're curious as to what this motivation is then get in touch with me and I'll send it to you.]

Proposal 3009 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:05 EDT
Don't vote against your own proposals
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal

Amend Rule 106 by inserting the following YES text between first and second sentences:

The player who submited a proposal shall not vote on it: e will be deemed to have voted YES on this proposal.

Proposal 3010 - Wed 06 May 1998 21:09 EDT
Walk, don't run, on your nearest bank
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: accepted

Add the following "-delimited text after the first sentence of rule 534 "The Ackan Reserve is a branch of the Treasury. "

{{Transfer A$1000 from the Treasury to the Ackan Reserve. Transfer A$50 to the Ackan Reserve from the treasury for every stock not owned by the treasury.}}

Replace the first three paragraphs of section D of rule 530 with the following "-delimited text: "d) Players may buy or sell stocks from or to the Ackan Reserve as a public action. Stocks may be bought from the Ackan Reserve for a per-unit price of the smallest integer number of A$ at least as large as 105% of the current value of the Stock Market. Stocks may be sold to the Ackan Reserve for a per-unit price of the largest integer number of A$ no greater than 95% of the current value of the Stock Market as long as doing so would not put the Ackan Reserve into debt. A stock may not be sold if doing so would put the Ackan Reserve into debt.
If a player attempts to purchase more stocks than they have A$ to purchase, they will purchase as many stocks as they can without going into debt. When multiple stocks are bought or sold to or from the Ackan Reserve, the trades occur one at a time.
Whenever a Stock is in the Treasury or a branch of the Treasury it is destroyed. Whenever a player buys a Stock from the Ackan Reserve, they pay the purchase price to the Ackan Reserve and a new Stock is created in their possession."

Add the following "-delimited text between the second-to-last and last paragraphs of rule 534:
The AREB may requisition additional money from the Treasury. If two members of the AREB publicly specify the same requisition within three days of each other then the amount of A$ specified by the payoff will be transferred from the Treasury to the Ackan Reserve. The specification must include an amount of A$ equal to or less than the amount of A$ in the Treasury.

Add the following "-delimited text at the end of section II of rule 505: "
The Treasury has a number of branches dedicated to special purposes. Such branches may own A$ or other entities, but those entities are not counted as being in the Treasury except for tax purposes. This paragraph takes precedence over all rules which define what is in the Treasury.

Replace section IV.b of rule 505 with the following "-delimited text: "
Each Undead and Branch of the Treasury transfers 10% (round up) of its A$ to the Treasury.

Proposal 3011 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:49 EDT
H*bert (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: rejected

{{All players are gifted a trinket of value A$1 with a description of "Voucher for one calendar." and a name of "<name>'s Calender", where <name> is replaced by the name of the player.}}

Create a rule entitled "TGW's idea" numbered with the lowest legal integer number and with the following PTERRY-delimited text.

[Sorry about the muck ups - can't read...]

This rule takes precedence over all other rules, particually rule 313.

On the first Wednesday following the the creation of the trinkets created by the proposal which created this rule the following will happen:

Each of the trinkets mentioned above that were created in the possession of players who did not vote either YES or BAA! on the proposal that created this rule are destroyed.

Each of the trinkets mentioned above that were created in the possession of players who voted BAA! on the proposal that created this rule have their description changed to "This is just an example."

Each of the remaining trinkets mentioned above will be destroyed, and each of the players who had posessed one will recieve a trinket with the same name as the one that they had which had just been destroyed and the description "a calendar for the year surmounted by a rather angular picture of a beagle, standing on its hind legs." [Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times, p. 350 or 281] but with a value of A$200.

One Good Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

One Evil Ballot Stuffer will be created in the possession of a randomly determined player who possesses one of the trinkets created in the paragraph above.

This rule will repeal itself.

Proposal 3012 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:50 EDT
I may be wrong but it still needs changing
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 252 (Joining the Game) by replacing the first paragraph

[I. For the purposes of this rule, a player whose most recent departure from Ackanomic caused him or her to become an Undead that still exists is considered a Returning player. All other players are considered New. ]

with the following SAAREMAA delimited text

I. For the purposes of this rule, a person whose most recent departure from Ackanomic caused the creation of an Undead that still exists [i.e. has not decomposed] is able to join as a Returning Player. All other people are considered New Players.

Also, modify section IV. (of the same rule)

[IV. A person able to join the game as a Returning player may do so by posting a public message to that effect. This message must include their Ackanomic and real life names, as well as a valid email address. The Registrar shall then record their return to the players list. ]

to read as follows (text delimited by TEXT)

IV. A person able to join the game as a Returning Player may do so by posting a public message to that effect. This message must include the Ackanomic name they most recently held when they were a player, their real life name, and a valid email address. The Registrar shall then record their return to the players list.

Thirdly, modify section V. 1) (again of the same rule)

[1) The Undead with that player's Ackanomic name changes from an Undead to a player. ]

to read:

"1) The Undead with the Ackanomic name provided by the person who is returning to the game changes from an Undead to a player. "

[I was considering trying to create a self deleting clause that would make saaremaa a player again (if he isn't already) but was having difficulty getting it to work. As it is I'll let him rejoin for himself.]

Proposal 3013 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:51 EDT
Why wait around?
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 1230.40 (Winning a Hand) by replacing the RESPITE delimited text with the HILL delimited text:

If, at any stage, the number of Stabber's Knives held by all current Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation) exceeds the number of Swingers (including Swingers on vacation), and there is a single Swinger (to be called the ChessChamp) with more Stabber's Knives than any other single Swinger, then the ChessChamp will be declared the Winner of this Game of Party Chess. The ChessChamp will receive the title "Winner of a game of Party Chess", a title of which multiple copies may be held simultaneously.

If, at any stage, the number of Stabber's Knives held by all current Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation) exceeds the number of Swingers (including Swingers on vacation), and there is a single Swinger with more Stabber's Knives than any other single Swinger, or a single Swinger holds a number of Stabber's Knives greater than the number of Swingers (including those on vacation) divided by two, then that player will be declared the Winner of this Game of Party Chess. E will also receive the title "Winner of a game of Party Chess", a title of which multiple copies may be held simultaneously.

Proposal 3014 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:52 EDT
If you're gonna do it, do it right
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: accepted

[As Proposal 2946 was accepted, the "The Secret" page of the Ackanomicon vanished in the haze. Then, all references to it should be removed from the rules.]

Amend Rule 1301 by removing the text "(c) The Secret", and by replacing the text "(d) Long Lost Treasure" with "(c) Long Lost Treasure".

Proposal 3015 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:53 EDT
A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Even though that doesn't do me a blind bit of good. This is going to amend Rule 207 - so, if it passes, no antivoting or sheep points will be scored. So there is no reason to anti-vote NO - as it is impossible to gain points. Just thought I'd remind people, as it might help this pass.]

Amend Rule 207 by replacing all instances of the text "(n-p)" with the text "(n+2-p)".

[This increases the points available to sheepish voters, to decrease the likelihood of negative points being earned, and thereby increase the incentives to both vote BAA! and PRESENT. As the rule stands, it is impossible to gain points by voting B or P on a Modest Proposal, and quite easy to lose them, if multiple people vote the same way. The points scoring was introduced as a sort of incentive - but the outcome is currently more of a disincentive. The addition of two points should fix it, while still not encouraging wholesale sheeping. I also appear to be trying for the longest comment / action ratio - have I succeeded yet?]

Proposal 3016 - Fri 08 May 1998 01:54 EDT
Now it's history
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: accepted

[I have recently asked what the purpose of Rule 1379 was. According to /dev/joe, who submited the Proposal that created it, it had a purpose when it was created, but not any more.]

Repeal Rule 1379

Proposal 3017 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:45 EDT
If it has to be Boring, let it be *really* Boring!
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 207 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported), so that its last sentence reads as follows:

The above provisions notwithstanding, no points are scored by any player as a result of a Boring proposal being accepted or rejected.

Proposal 3018 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:46 EDT
Deadbeats and CFJ's
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 212 (Selecting a Judge) by removing its last paragraph.

[The last paragraph of Rule 212 states that "Whenever a player is considered a deadbeat as per this rule or rule 213, their name is added to the CFJ Ineligibility List if it is not already there." (sic), but Rule 212 says nothing about any player being considered a deadbeat. So, I think the cause-effect relationship between being considered a deadbeat and the CFJ Ineligibility List belongs to Rule 213 only]

Amend Rule 213 (Delivering Judgement) by changing its second sentence so that it looks as follows:

"A Judge who defaults is a deadbeat. This causes em to be penalized 10 points, eir name to be added to the CFJ Ineligibility List, and the CFJ e defaulted on to be assigned to the Praetor."

Proposal 3019 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:47 EDT
If it's public, it's public; if it's private, it's private
Ayla (Raquel Peres da Silva)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 212 (Selecting a Judge) by removing the text "as a public action or" from the second paragraph.

[As most people agreed to add the text "or by mailing the Clerk of the Court" after the quoted text above, I think we might as well make it a private action. That would mean less mail in the public list - OK, not *that* less! - and anyone who can mail the public list can mail the Clerk of the Court.]

Proposal 3020 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:48 EDT
Removal of the Possible two-star Paradox
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Current situation: If a Pending player is Rule 257'ed, and fails to respond, they are removed as if they never joined. This could be problematic if the Pending player is Pending because they just returned from vacation, but had previously been very active - what happens to all their rule changes, etc. It isn't quite clear, but a simple fix will avoid this. This simple fix allows only always Pending players to be booted off in such a way.]

Amend Rule 257 by replacing the text "unless eir player state was pending" with "unless eir player state has only ever been Pending" wherever it appears.

[There is another problem: How can you remove someone "as if they never joined"? - if they never joined they cannot be removed as they never joined. This need to eliminate players as if they never joined is obviated by Rule 256 - which creates an Undead only for players who have actually gone Active, or been Non-Voting for >= 2 weeks.]

Amend Rule 257 by replacing the text "e is removed from the game as if e never joined" with "e is treated as having left the game at that point, for the purposes of Rule 256", wherever it occurs.

Proposal 3021 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:49 EDT
Le traffic warden est mort, vive le traffic warden
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Status: retracted

Amend rule 313 by inserting the word "non-trinket" after the word "tradeable" in subsection D of section IV.

Replace the second occurence of the text "C." in section IV with the text "E."

Proposal 3022 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:50 EDT
And The Twain Shall Meet
Hubert (Eric Plumb)
Decision: rejected

[ This is almost identical to my RFC, if anyone indeed read that... The only change is the depiction of the Virus from '.' to '@'. I would still appreciate comments and suggestions for modifications if anyone has any.]

Append to the end of section 2 of Rule 1230.1, "Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces," the string "F. Individual PartyChessPieceDef rules may define other ways in which pieces may be created in a Swinger's possession."

Create a Rule as a new member of the Party Chess Rule Suite entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece UberVirus" reading as follows, delimited by UBERVIRUS:

The material value of an UberVirus is 8. When an UberVirus is placed on the Party Chess board, four off-board Virus pieces are created in the position of the Swinger who placed the UberVirus.

An UberVirus is represented by the ASCII character 'U'.

There is an instance limit of one UberVirus per player. {{ [ I don't know if this is necessary (I rather like the idea of having more of them) but it seemed prudent and made the Genesis part of the Rule easier. ] }}

An UberVirus may move any number of squares in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, as long as each square it crosses in doing so, including the destination square, is adjacent to at least one friendly Virus piece. An UberVirus may skip over friendly Virus pieces in its path, but no other pieces. An UberVirus can Capture using this move.

Unless the Swinger controlling an UberVirus has no on-board Virus pieces, an UberVirus is taken off-board and placed back into its Swinger's hand if at any time it is adjacent to no friendly Virus pieces.

As a Special Move, the Swinger controlling an on-board UberVirus can spend one Benefyt to cause that UberVirus to initiate a Genesis.

When an UberVirus initiates a Genesis, for each square on the Party Chess board adjacent to at least one friendly Virus piece (i.e., a Virus piece owned by the Swinger who controls the UberVirus undergoing the Genesis), one of the following three actions will happen, with the actions occurring simultaneously for all relevant squares:

a) If that square is unoccupied and adjacent to exactly three friendly Virus pieces, a new on-board Virus piece is created in that square in the possession of the Swinger who owns the UberVirus causing the Genesis.

b) If that square is occupied by a friendly Virus piece, the piece is destroyed if it is adjacent to more than three or fewer than two friendly Virus pieces.

c) If that square is occupied by a piece other than a friendly Virus piece and there are three or more Virus pieces adjacent to the square, the UberVirus initiating the Genesis is considered to have Captured the piece in that square, but the piece is not removed from the Party Chess board. [ Basically, three or more Viruses can Infect a neighboring piece, bringing it under the control of their Swinger. ]

For the purposes of determining the number of Virus pieces adjacent to a given square, an UberVirus piece counts as a Virus piece. In other words, if a square is adjacent to an UberVirus piece, the count of Virus pieces adjacent to that square is increased by one.

If a Swinger A with an on-board UberVirus has more than 10 on-board Viruses, any other Swinger may spend one Benefyt to cause Swinger A's UberVirus to initiate a Genesis. [ Which might possibly get rid of some of the excess Viruses. ]

This Rule takes precedence over Rule 1230.1 where necessary.

Create a Rule as a new member of the Party Chess Rule Suite entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Virus" reading as follows, delimited by VIRUS:

VIRUS The material value of a Virus is 1. In order to purchase a Virus, a Swinger must have a score of over 1000000. {{[ R1230.1 doesn't allow this Rule to forbid the purchase, but does allow horrendously unachievable conditions to be set in order to make the purchase. ]}}

A Virus is represented by the ASCII character '@'.

A Virus can move in any one of the following three ways:
a) A Virus can move to an unoccupied square at a distance of 1 in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.
b) A Virus can move exactly two squares in any of the usual eight directions if and only if another piece occupies the square at a distance of 1 from the Virus in that direction.
c) If all of the squares SQ1 through SQn (where n is a positive integer) in one of the usual eight directions from a Virus piece are occupied by friendly Virus pieces, the Virus may move to SQm in that direction, where m is one greater than n.

A Virus may not Capture other pieces.

If, at any time, the Swinger controlling an on-board Virus has no on-board UberVirus piece, that Virus piece is destroyed. If a Swinger owning one or more off-board Virus pieces can legally make a Placement move on eir turn, and does not place at least one Virus piece, one off-board Virus piece in eir possession is destroyed.

This Rule takes precedence over Rule 1230.1 where there is a conflict.

Proposal 3023 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:51 EDT
On Both Your Houses
Hubert (Eric Plumb)
Status: retracted

[ Having RFCed this to resounding silence, I thought I'd put it to the acid test already. You know, full speed ahead, both feet forward, take the bull by the horns and damn the torpedoes. I would also like to point out that since this is going to amend Rule 207, no anti-voting points will be scored due to the Potato Paradox. So there's no reason to anti-vote NO. ]

This is a chess proposal.

Create a rule as a new member of the Party Chess Rule Suite entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Locust" with the following EXPONENTIA-delimited text:

A Locust is a piece with a Material Value of the smaller of
a) 6, or
b) 1.5*N rounded down, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces.

A Locust is depicted by the ASCII character 'L'.

A Locust may move up to N/2 squares, rounded up, in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, and then N/2 squares, rounded down, in a direction perpendicular to that of the first move, where N is the number of on-board Locust pieces. A Locust may not skip over pieces in its path, and must make both halves of its move in order to move at all.

{{ Hubert loses 2 points. Richard Garfield gains 2 points. }}

Append the end of the second-to-last paragraph of Rule 1230.14, "Creation of a PartyChessPiece HarfyBlob," the sentence "If the captured piece was a Locust, the Hn of the HarfyBlob is increased by the number of Locust pieces remaining on-board after the Capture." [ This actually increases the Hn of the HarfyBlob by the number of Locust pieces on-board *before* the capture, because it was increased by 1 by the first sentence. ]

Proposal 3024 - Sat 09 May 1998 09:52 EDT
Fictionary Submission Ficx
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Game custom dictates that inadvertent violations of the "verbatim description" requirement in Fictionary go unpunished. Come on people - it is cut and paste - you can get that right can't you?]

Amend Rule 1250.10, "Fictionary", by changing section IV subsection 3e to read as delimited by NOFREEBIE below:

3e) Default: The Brainiac loses 4 Gamepoints, no other scoring occurs this round, and play proceeds to the next round. This default section is applied even if a list of definitions as described in sections 3c or 3d is posted, if the list does not include a legitimate Actual Definition, or modifies any of the submitted definitions in a manner not explicitly allowed above.

Proposal 3025 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:08 EDT
Le traffic warden est encore mort, vive le traffic/
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: rejected


Amend rule 313 in the following ways:

1. by inserting the word "non-trinket" after the word "tradeable" in subsection D of section IV.

2. by replacing the second occurence of the text "C." in section IV with the text "E."

Proposal 3026 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:09 EDT
Rene And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", as follows:

In Section VII., "Boring Proposals", replace "Present" with "Present or Baa!".

Proposal 3027 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:10 EDT
Anti-vote repeal
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[This has been discussed on and off, and I (and some others I've talked to) really feel that it has lost the fun value it might have once had. It encourages in some cases good proposals to fail because people feel that the proposal was a shoe in. Voting should be based on what is best for the game, not as a way to increase points and or Ackadollars. One of the comments that Slakko made was that removing anti-voting would skew the economy. Therefore this proposal does away with anti-voting and replaces it with an incentive to vote the way you want the proposal to end up instead.]}}

All of the following changes should be applied to Rule 207 until noted otherwise.

In Section III paragraph 1, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted NO on it recieves 1 point' with the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it, except for the author, recieves 1 point'.

In Section III paragraph 1, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted NO on it recieves 5 points' with the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it, except for the author, recieves 5 points'.

In Section III paragraph 1, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted NO on it recieves 3 points' with the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it, except for the author, recieves 3 points'.

In Section III paragraph 2, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it recieves 1 point' with 'and every player who voted NO on it, except the author, recieves 1 point'.

In Section III paragraph 2, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it recieves 5 points' with 'and every player who voted NO on it, except the author, recieves 5 points'.

In Section III paragraph 2, replace the phrase 'and every player who voted YES on it recieves 3 points' with 'and every player who voted NO on it, except the author, recieves 3 points'.

Replace the third paragraph of section III. {{[ current text is: "Voting NO on a proposal which is accepted or voting YES on a proposal which is rejected, is called "anti-voting". ]}} with the following FLOW delimited text.
Voting YES on an accepted proposal or NO on a rejected proposal is called flow-voting.

In Section III paragraph 2, replace the word 'anti-voting' with the word 'flow-voting'.

In Section V paragraph 1, replace the 'anti-voting' with the word 'flow-voting'.

In rule 1140, remove the sentance 'Any players who vote against a proposal made by the First Citizen will recieve no points for anti-voting.'

Proposal 3028 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:11 EDT
Modesty and Hubris
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[I have submitted a few proposals recently that really were meant to be modest. Rather than retract them from the voting queue and resubmit I'd like a way to make them modest post-fact. This allows that to occur in a sensible fashion, but deliberately doesn't allow changing something away from modest or to grandiose. ]}}

Create rule 209.1 with the following MODESTY delimited text
The author of a proposal may, by notifying the Tabulator, change any proposal of his that is currently under voting consideration to be Modest.

If the proposal is already Modest, then nothing occurs.

When the tabulator recieves such notification, if the proposal has the furniture 'This is a Grandiose proposal.', then that furniture is removed.

The proposal shall then have the sentance 'This is a Modest proposal.' prepended to the front of the proposal text.

Proposal 3029 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:12 EDT
Heraldry modification
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[I think that the Herald is a cool office and think that it should have the ability to rotate every now and again. I also believe that the Herald will involve some work (at least at the beginning and possibly more later down the road) which is deserving of a Salary. ]}}

Append the following OFFICER delimited text to paragraph 2 of rule 1160
The Herald has a Minimum Term of Office of 6 months. The Herald has the priveledge of recieving a monthly salary of the Standard Harfers Fee less A$5.

Proposal 3030 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:13 EDT
A Boon on Thee!
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

{{[If you can recieve a Boon for guessing the Truth of the Machine, you should be able to recieve one for producing an unguessable Truth, especially since nobody has yet seemed to be able to do so. This proposal attempts to cause that to happen, as well as tidying up just what happens when the Machine goes *ping* for the thirtieth time.]}}

Replace section VIII of rule 1209 ("The Machine that goes *ping) with the following BANANA-delimited text:

VIII. The Machine shall go *ping* no more than thirty times in the term of any one Scholar; this paragraph takes precedence over any clause of this rule which would cause the Machine to go *ping* a thirty-first time. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times, and at least three days have passed since the last *ping*, the Scholar may post the undisguised Truth of the Machine.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth as directed by this section, e recieves a random Boon of the Ancients and the title "Master of *ping*, and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

{{[Current wording:

VIII. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times during the current Scholar's term, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth as directed by this section, the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.]}}

Proposal 3031 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:13 EDT
Heraldic Tinctures
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1155 as follows.
Append the following to the list of colors or; argent; gules; vert; sable; purpure; sanguine; tenne; ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair; bleu celeste; sky-blue; mulberry;

Create a new rule 1160.1 titled 'Heraldic Tinctures' with the following HERALDRY delimited text
The Heraldic Tinctures consist of the following Ackanomic colours: or; gold; yellow; argent; silver; white; purpure; purple; vert; green; sable; black; gules; red; azure; blue; tenne; orange; murrey; mulberry; bleu celeste; sky-blue; sanguine; ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair;

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Metals: or; gold; yellow; argent; silver; white

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Colors: purpure; purple; vert; green; sable; black; gules; red; azure; blue; tenne; orange; murrey; mulberry; bleu celeste; sky-blue; sanguine

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Furs: ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair

Amend rule 1160 as follows. Between the second and third paragraphs insert the following TINCTURES delimited text as a seperate paragraph
A Coat of Arms may only be use colours which are defined as Tinctures by rule 1160.1, and should abide (if possible) by the Heraldic Rule of Tincture which states that: Metal may not be placed on Metal nor Color upon Color. A Fur may take the place of either a Color or Metal and is considered to be either Color or Metal depending upon it's predominant Tincture.

Proposal 3032 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:14 EDT
Removing ultra negative scores
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 206 "Keep 'Em in the game" as follows. Remove the phrase 'and above -1000000 [negative one million]'.
{{[It seems obvious to me, that the negative one million was a fairly arbitrary limit. Let's just remove it.]}}

Amend rule 999 to remove section d) from the first paragraph.
{{[ which currently reads d) Reduce eir score to a number less than -1000000.]}}
{{[This section was in there obviously to only circumvent rule 206.]}}

Proposal 3033 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:15 EDT
TAKE TWO!, take two
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal. {{[What K 2's proposal intended to do.]}}

Amend Rule 1217 ("Buried Treasure!") by replacing the second to last paragraph of section I, which currently reads:

An Organization which is able to transfer Entities (e.g. a Church, or an Organization with a Trade License) may bury Treasure as a public auction. Each member at the time the Treasure is buried is considered a Map Custodian for that Treasure, and therefore must have a copy of the Map. [The Map itself may be created in any way the members of the Organization wish among themselves.] Otherwise, the procedure is exactly the same as for a player.

with the following paragraph:

An Organization which is able to transfer Entities (e.g. a Church, or an Organization with an Excavation Permit) may bury Treasure as a public action. Each member at the time the Treasure is buried is considered a Map Custodian for that Treasure, and therefore must have a copy of the Map. [The Map itself may be created in any way the members of the Organization wish among themselves.] Otherwise, the procedure is exactly the same as for a player.

and by replacing the second to last paragraph of section IV, which currently reads:

An Organization which is able to transfer Entities (e.g. a Church, or an Organization with an Excavation Permit) may bury Treasure as a public auction. Each player assigned shall find the Treasure they are assigned to.

with the following paragraph:

If, on the other hand, at the time of the Expedition there are more Expedition members than Historical Artefacts, then the Archaeologist shall randomly determine one expedition member to be assigned to each Historical Artefact. Each player assigned shall find the Treasure they are assigned to.

{{[I also fixed the old typo in the first replaced paragraph ... although I must admit I was tempted to leave it there, if only to find out exactly how anyone was going to go about burying treasure as a "public auction".]}}

Proposal 3034 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:40 EDT
Small Bug Fix
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ In the Otzma Card of type Shield, I forgot to specify an instance limit. This should fix that. ]}}

Append the following FIX delimited text to the second paragraph of rule 1240.50 except that XXX is replaced with the the number 5 or the number of Otzma cards of Type Shield in existance at the time this proposal takes effect, which ever is greater.
At any time, there can be no more than XXX Otzma Cards of type Shield in existance.

Proposal 3035 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:41 EDT
Heraldic Tinctures
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1155 as follows.
Append the following to the list of colors
or; argent; gules; vert; sable; purpure; sanguine; tenne; tawny; ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair; counter-vair; potent; counter-potent; bleu celeste; sky-blue; mulberry;

Create a new rule 1160.1 titled 'Heraldic Tinctures' with the following HERALDRY delimited text
The Heraldic Tinctures consist of the following Ackanomic colours: or; gold; yellow; argent; silver; white; purpure; purple; vert; green; sable; black; gules; red; azure; blue; tenne; tawny; orange; murrey; mulberry; bleu celeste; sky-blue; sanguine; ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair; counter-vair; potent; counter-potent;

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Metals: or; gold; yellow; argent; silver; white;

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Colors: purpure; purple; vert; green; sable; black; gules; red; azure; blue; tenne; tawny; orange; murrey; mulberry; bleu celeste; sky-blue; sanguine;

The following Tinctures are considered to be Heraldic Furs: ermine; ermines; erminois; pean; vair; counter-vair; potent; counter-potent;

Amend rule 1160 as follows. Between the second and third paragraphs insert the following TINCTURES delimited text as a seperate paragraph
A Coat of Arms may only be use colours which are defined as Tinctures by rule 1160.1, and should abide (if possible) by the Heraldic Rule of Tincture which states that: Metal may not be placed on Metal nor Color upon Color. A Fur may take the place of either a Color or Metal and is considered to be either Color or Metal depending upon it's predominant Tincture.

Proposal 3036 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:42 EDT
Trinket Quirpele
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal

Append to Rule 910 (The Ackanomicon):
The Secret (2 Pages): Within 3 days of reading this page the player may publicly announce a desire to defibrillate the Quirpele of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosois and pay the standard harfer fee. If they do so the Quirpele of Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosois is transferred to em.

Proposal 3037 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:43 EDT
Medium Rare
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Create a rule numbered 920, titled "Outcast, and Rightly So!", with the text:

When a streak of nine proposals is followed by a rejected proposal all hell will break lose, the sky shall rain fire, and earth shall be rent with gigantic chasms.

Upon this grievous event becoming publicly knowable yet another hearing shall be called. Valid responses are "No e's just very very unlucky... No, Really." and "E's heinous and righteously frightening". Tammany shall be the hearing harfer and is required to either withhold the results or alter em at eir whim or both.

Regardless of the outcome of the Hearing, in fact before the hearing is even called, the player who authored the rejected proposal shall be punished, and not just a slap on the wrist either. Since that player is now exposed as a hideous, anarchistic, reprobate for y'all to see, whose evil machinations are intended to destroy the world as we know it, they shall be Outcast.

When a player is Outcast, they are transferred to the Wilds of Ackanomic. An Outcast player may not enter any location in which they would be sheltered, nor will they ever be considered to be sheltered while Outcast. It is Illegal for an outcast player to dance on the Town Hall Steps, and the Crime of Repetition for em to submit a proposal. It is permissible to hunt an Outcast player like a dog and the B-Ack shall take this to heart. While an Outcast player is in the Wilds of Ackanomic the B-Ack shall have a 100% chance of chasing that player. This paragraph has precedence over any rule which would refute or otherwise impede its natural justice.

Once Outcast, a player remains in that state until a proposal is rejected or for three days, whichever is longer. At that time they shall receive a bonus vote, that it may never happen again, and shall cease to be Outcast. They shall be considered lucky to have gotten off so lightly.

Proposal 3038 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:44 EDT
Controlling the Weather
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

All party chess pieces of type tornado are moved off board. All swingers who control a party chess piece tornado receive A$70. All party chess pieces of type tornado are destroyed. Repeal rule 1230.19.

Proposal 3039 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:45 EDT
Placements and check thingy
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal. [And yes I am running out of fun ideas for proposal titles.]

In rule 1230.2 replace the text:

"C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless either

(a) it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece, and the Swinger involved has fewer than five on-board pieces and a weight of 0;


(b) the placement is made in accordance with Rule 1240.10. "

with the text:

"C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless either

(a) it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece, and the Swinger involved has fewer than five on-board pieces and a weight of 0;


(b) the placement is made in accordance with Rule 1240.10.

No matter what, no piece may be placed in such a way as to cause any swinger to be in check. "

Proposal 3040 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:46 EDT
What's going on!
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

{{[P2952 created an optional office of the AR-F and transferred it to the treasury. Since it was unspecified as to what type of office it was to be it became political. Thus the office was not tradeable and couldn't be auctioned. The wording of rule 534 makes it clear that it should be capital. This fixes that so next week I can call an auction those entities thingy on it]}}

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 534 (The Ackan Reserve) to read as delimited by MULTITUDES


There is a named, unownable, unique entity known as The Ackan Reserve.
i) There is an optional functional office with one seat known as Chair of the Ackan Reserve, or AR-C.
ii) There is an optional political office known as the People's Member of the Ackan Reserve, or AR-P.
iii) There is an capital office known as the Financial Community's Member of the Ackan Reserve, or AR-F.

There are also six Appointed Members of the Ackan Reserve, known to be upstanding citizens of Acka, however as they are not players, their votes are assumed to be similar to the player members, and can be safely ignored. [Presumably this includes Phoebe and so on.] The AR-C, AR-P, and AR-F, are collectively known as the Executive Board of the Ackan Reserve, or AREB. If a player has two offices which are on the AREB than one will be confiscated, either the AR-F, of the AR-P if they do not own the AR-F.


Proposal 3041 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:47 EDT
A merciful end
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[ This is the first in a series of four proposals to modify the game of spades. They are in separate proposals because they are separate ideas that may stand apart from one another. Now that we have had a long game of spades played out over several months, we may more accurately judge whether or not we want each of these features. ]}}

Amend rule 1250.15, Spades, by inserting the text "or one team has a Spadescore 500 points more than the other team, " immediately after the text "and the teams aren't tied, " in section 5.

All spades games in progress are changed to follow the modified rule.

Proposal 3042 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:48 EDT
Another merciful end: the rufus amendment
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1250.15, Spades, by adding the following text as a new paragraph at the end of section 7:

"If one player misses the time limit on 3 consecutive actions [such as his play to three consecutive tricks, or his play to the last trick fully played in one hand and his bid and first play to the next hand] eir team forfeits. If the players on one team miss the time limit 7 times over the course of a match, eir team forfeits."

All spades games in progress are changed to follow the modified rule.

Proposal 3043 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:49 EDT
Trump leads
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[ When I wrote up the game rules, this rule which is usually used slipped my mind. ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.15, Spades, by inserting the sentence "However, e may not lead a spade unless a spade has been played to an earlier trick that round, or all the cards in eir hand are spades." after the text "playing any card from eir hand (called the card led)." in section 3.

All spades games in progress are changed to follow the modified rule.

Proposal 3044 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:50 EDT
Blind Nil
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[ This is a favorite option of many players, and if combined with the 500-point-difference option could serve to end lopsided games quicker, while giving the far-behind players a better chance to come back. ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.15, Spades, as follows:

In section 1, change "(sending each player eir cards by private email)" to ", sending each player eir cards by a private message, except that those players eligible to bid Blind Nil shall not be sent their cards until they ask for them or the bidding is completed."

At the end of section 2, add as a new paragraph: "Players on a team which is behind by 200 or more points at the start of the round are also eligible to bid Blind Nil. Such a player will not initially be sent eir cards, and when it is eir turn to bid, e may either bid Blind Nil or ask to be shown eir cards. If e chooses to be shown eir cards, the referee shall send em eir cards and then e shall make one of the other allowed bids besides Blind Nil. After the bidding completes, if one player bid Blind Nil, the referee shall send em eir cards and e must then choose one card in eir hand to give to eir teammate, and send this card privately to the referee and eir teammate. The teammate then similarly chooses a card in eir hand to be given to the Blind Nil bidder. [This ensures that one out of 4 Blind Nils don't automatically fail by having the ace of spades.] If both players on a team are daring enough to bid Blind Nil, no such exchange occurs. Once this has completed the referee should announce that it is completed and the first trick begins, though if the opening lead belongs to a member of the Blind Nil team, e need not wait for this signal to begin play."

Amend section 4 by adding to the end of the next-to-last paragraph: "For each player on the team who bid Blind Nil, the team scores 200 if e took no tricks, or -200 if e took at least one trick."

Amend section 7 by inserting the following after the first paragraph: "If it occurs when a player is deciding whether or not to bid Blind Nil, e is considered to have chosen to look at eir hand."

All spades games in progress are changed to follow the modified rule.

Proposal 3045 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:41 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[The intention of this proposal is to repeal Prosthetic Foreheads. Yes I know, they are harfy, but almost no one buys them any more. Those Foreheads in existence are converted to trinkets and then destroyed. One is left for placement in the Harfonian]}}

For the purposes of this proposal, forehead shall be interpreted to mean Prosthetic Forehead.

For each forehead currently in existence:

Create a trinket valued at A$ 7 called "X's Prosthetic Forehead N" with the description ascribed to the forehead, in the possession of the forehead's owner, where:
a) X is replaced with the name of the player who described the forehead

b) N is removed if the player who described the forehead did not describe any other foreheads
c) otherwise N is replaced with the smallest positive non-zero integer that would give the trinket a unique name

{{Destroy all prosthetic foreheads except the oldest described forehead.}}
{{[Have to leave something for the Harfonian :) ]}}

{{[Tidyup forehead References]}}

Amend the second list item in Rule 716 (Patent Infringement) to read:
2) create a trinket valued at more than A$ 6, containing the phrase "Prosthetic Forehead" in its name, and present it to a Scientist as a symbolic apology to the intellectual community.

Amend section III (Donation) of rule Rule 850 (Museum) to read:
A player may donate any Gadget or Trinket e owns to the Museum. If the player attempting it is not at the Museum, e first moves to the Museum, and then the donation occurs. If e is unable to move to the Museum, then the attempt fails. All newly donated objects (along with the name of the associated benefactor) are placed on display in the North Wing. Items on display in the Museum are not considered in the Treasury.

Delete list item a) of section IV (Donation Value) of rule Rule 850 (Museum) and reletter the list appropriately.

Amend the [final] paragraph of Rule 929 (Baaa) which currently reads:
Any number of Wool Sweaters may exist at one time. They are created by the Orkatass Lamb Products Company when purchased. A player may put on a Wool Sweater if e possesses one. However, players wearing Prosthetic Foreheads may not put on a Wool Sweater, because Wool Sweaters will not fit over Prosthetic Foreheads. Wool sweaters are tradeable, mimsy garments.

to read:
Any number of Wool Sweaters may exist at one time. They are created by the Orkatass Lamb Products Company when purchased. A player may put on a Wool Sweater if e possesses one. Wool sweaters are tradeable, mimsy garments.

{{[Well that's it nothing left but to:]}}

Repeal rule 915 (Prosthetic Foreheads). {{[]}}

Proposal 3046 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:52 EDT
I Don't Want Your Poxy Approval
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend the [final] paragraph of Rule 1005 (Organizational Action) which reads:
A member of an Organization may proxy their approval to that Organization. A player whose approval is proxied to an Organization may renounce their proxy to that Organization. Whenever an Organizational Action is suggested by a member of that Organization, all members of that Organization whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.

to read:
A member of an Organization may proxy their approval to that Organization, or renounce it as a public action. At the time a member proxys their approval, they shall automatically aprove of all orgalisational actions under consideration for that organisation. Whenever an Organizational Action is suggested by a member of that Organization, all members of that Organization whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.

{{[This will allow Non-Player-Members to remove eir proxy and will surmount the problem Fortunato ran into]}}

Proposal 3047 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:53 EDT
I Don't Want Your Poxy Approval
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend the [final] paragraph of Rule 1005 (Organizational Action) which reads:
A member of an Organization may proxy their approval to that Organization. A player whose approval is proxied to an Organization may renounce their proxy to that Organization. Whenever an Organizational Action is suggested by a member of that Organization, all members of that Organization whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.

to read:
A member of an Organization may proxy their approval to that Organization, or renounce it as a public action. At the time a member proxys their approval, they shall automatically aprove of all orgalisational actions under consideration for that organisation. Whenever an Organizational Action is suggested by a member of that Organization, all members of that Organization whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.

{{[This will allow Non-Player-Members to remove eir proxy and will surmount the problem Fortunato ran into]}}

Proposal 3048 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:54 EDT
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

{{[I fixed a couple of things. First the case where two players are both members of two Feuding organizations, is not considered to be part of that Feud.There was one point where I used Duel instead of Feud in the original proposal. and I changed members to player members, so that for now, until there is a way for non-human to participate in Duels, non-player members are exempt from the Duels. I'd like to allow non-human entities to participate in Duels via proxy. That's a matter for a seperate amendment, and if it passes, I'll change the 'player members' here to members]}}

Create a new rule entitles 'Feuds' which contains the following text:

1. An Organization may declare a Feud on another Organization as an Organizational Action provided that:
a. The Similarity between the Organizations is less than 50
b. Neither Organization is currently engaged in 3 or more Feuds.
c. The Organizations are not already Feuding each other.

2. Once such a Declaration has been made the two Organizations are said to be engaged in a Feud with each other, or just Feuding each other.

3. A state of Feud is over when on of the following condition have been met:
a. Every player member of the two Organizations engaged in a Feud with each other, fought a Duel with at least one member of the Organization it is Feuding with, since the Feud begun.
b. For a period of two month no Duel was fought between a member of one Organization and a member of the Organization it is Feuding with. In this case the Organizations are said to have forgotten the cause of the Feud.
c. Either Organization has suggested a 'Sulkha' as an Organizational Action, and the Organization it is Feuding with has accepted the 'Sulkha' as an Organizational Action. In such a case it customary for members of both Organizations to have a big celebration together, to which they are free to invite other players as well. [Organization should be wary, that many a Feud have started over which organization shall have the honor of hosting such celebrations]

4. If a Feud is over as described in 3a. and members of one Organization have won Duels than members of the other Organization it Feuding with. Than each member of the former Organization receives 6 points, and each member of the latter organization loses 6 points.

5. When Organization A is Feuding with Organization B, and a player from Organization A is dueling with a player from Organization B, it is considered good form for the each player's Second to be a member of the same organization that player is a member of. It is permissible for the Second to be a member of neither Organization. It is impermissible for the player to have a Second who is a member of the other Organizations. However, if a player is a member of both Organizations A and B, then it is permissible for him to have a Second from Organization A when he is Dueling a player from Organization B, and vice versa.

6. Any single Duel may count towards more than Feud. No Duel may count towards a Feud that started after the Duel ended.

7. If a player is a member of two Feuding Organizations A and B, then any victory in a duel against a player from Organization A will count as a victory by a member of Organization B, and any victory in a duel against a player from organization B will count as a victory by a member of Organization A.
If two Dueling players are both members of Organization A and B while Organizations A and B are Feuding, then that specific Duel does not count as part of that Feud. "

Proposal 3049 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:55 EDT
Party Chess Defensive Positions
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

[This is a Chess Proposal]

This is a Modest Proposal.

Append the following text to R1230.1 "Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces" as section 8:
8. Defensive Positions
An on-board piece is in a Defensive Position if the distance between that piece a friendly King is equal to or smaller than 4.

Proposal 3050 - Tue 12 May 1998 18:56 EDT
Pandora (David Kenning)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal

Add the following IRRITANT-delimited text to Rule 721 in a suitable place:

IV. Bracket Abuse

Wilful breaking of the ancient Code of Pedantry by a Player who has Learned their Lesson, safe in the knowledge that a Bracket Pedantry hearing may not be called against them, is annoying.

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