Proposal 1601 - Wed, 1 Jan 1997 19:40:46 -0600 (CST)
Building up and Tearing down
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected
This is a grandious Proposal.

A single space in a structure may be built at a cost of A$ 100. All parts of a lager than one space structure must be built at the same time.

A space of a structure costs A$ 10 to tear down. If a space in a structure has a tower, The tower is destroyed at the same time. An entire structure must be destroyed at the same time.

Proposal 1602 - Wed, 1 Jan 1997 19:42:14 -0600 (CST)
Whose land?
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

The following may own land and build on owned land: Active Players Officially recognized Parties and Churches.

Proposal 1603 - Wed, 1 Jan 1997 19:43:01 -0600 (CST)
Saying how big
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest propal.

Any blueprint or description of a trinket must specify its size in thingee's

The ower of an Item or Trinket must acount for its size.

Proposal 1604 - Wed, 1 Jan 1997 19:44:05 -0600 (CST)
Sweating the Small stuff
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal>

It requires a majority vote of all present and voting active players to allow an item or the object of a blueprint to be zero thingees in size.

Proposal 1605 - Wed, 1 Jan 1997 19:44:44 -0600 (CST)
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

There exist in Acka structure called warehouses.

Warehouses completey fill a Kaa of land and hold 25 thingees

Warehouses may not have towers.

Warehouses cost A$ 50 to erect and 10 to destroy.

Anything within a warehouse is inside.

Any space in a larger structure may be a warehouse except that all warehouse space must be grouped together.

Proposal 1606 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:09:48 -0600 (CST)
P 1518, P 1543 bug fixes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 445, "Preator", to replace

c) the owner of a Gold Stripe


c) the owner of a Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper


Amend R 406, "Promoter", to replace

(c) to assign each proposal a number and distribute it for voting.


(c) assign the proposal a number 1 greater than the number assigned to the previously distributed proposal, and distribute it for voting.

Proposal 1607 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:10:56 -0600 (CST)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Ackanomic maintains the exclusive right to regulate the skies under the bottom side of the earth. No entity, ackanomic, internomic, or extranomic, may pass through Ackanomic's airspace without first recieving permission from the President (or a player he appoints for the purpose of granting flyunder rights) unless that flyunder is specifically permitted by Ackanomic's rules [ie, the goose]

It is impermissable for the President (or his appointee) to grant flyunder rights to an entity who has been specifically banned the right to pass through our airspace by a rule.

Superman may only fly through Ackanomic's airspace when wearing the a tight blue suit with a yellow and red "S" badge on the front, and a red cape, or while traveling as Clark Kent.

Proposal 1608 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:12:19 -0600 (CST)
Just the FAQ's
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest idea.

This creates the functional office of the FAQtotem.

The duties of the FAQtotem is to gather together all required officer reports; a brief description of each office, not to excede 256 ascii characters including spaces; and an E-Mail address of all current officers.

E shall gather all of this information together on a document called Just the FAQs, and shall e-mail all active players, all observers, and anyone else deemed eligable to recieve it.

E shall send it out on or before.the 10th day of each calandar month.

E shall send it to any person who joins Ackanomic as an oberserver or a player.

If the FAQtotem is not available to proform the duties of the office the president shall designate a player to fill this role.

If the !0th days of the month falls on a festival or a holiday, Just the FAQs must

Proposal 1609 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:08:05 -0600 (CST)
Inside Outside
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal

I wish to amend 1519 from

I wish to make a modest proposal.

All Items in Acka have a size measured in thingees.

Negligible 0 Thingees
Small 1 Thingees
Medium 2 Thingees
Large 4 Thingees
Huge 5 Thingees
Really Huge 6 Thingees

The significance of this is that all structures and land have a capacity measured in Thingees as well;
a Space in a structure holds 10 Thingees
a Kaa of land holds 25 Thingeess
A Tower holds 6 Thingees


I wish to make a modest proposal.

All Items in Acka have a size measured in thingees.

Negligible 0 Thingees
Small 1 Thingees
Medium 2 Thingees
Large 4 Thingees
Huge 5 Thingees
Really Huge 6 Thingees

The significance of this is that all structures and land have a capacity measured in Thingees as well;
a Space in a structure holds 10 Thingees
a Kaa of land holds 25 Thingeess
A Tower holds 6 Thingees per 10 meters of height.

If a Space holds a structure 10 Thingees shall be inside the structure and 15 shall be outside the structure.

A tower shall add its capacity to the capacity of the structure it is built on and shall not take away from the space it is on.

Proposal 1610 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:08:49 -0600 (CST)
What may have Towers
Jammer (AKA John-Martin Lotz)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal.

Proposal 1600 be changed from

Proposal 1600
 Elbow room
> This is a modest propsal.
> A full Kaa of land is needed to build a space in a structure.
> Any structure may have additional things built on to it, including
> towers.
to become
> Proposal 1600
> Elbow room
> Jammer
> This is a modest propsal.
> A full Kaa of land is needed to build a space in a structure.
> Only structures legally able to have tower on them may have towers
attached to it.
by deleting

Any structure may have additional things built on to it, including towers

and replacing it with

Only structures legally able to have tower on them may have towers attached to it

Proposal 1611 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:32:58 -0600 (CST)
Cantrip 1
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

A rule shall be created with the following text:

When this rule comes into effect, there shall be a Hearing on the matter of Proposal Bribery. The valid responses will be "Fix Bribes" and "Can Bribes".

If the verdict of the Hearing is "Fix Bribes", then Rule 793 ("Proposal Bribery") shall be amended by changing

B. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted YES on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.


B. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable or gift entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted YES on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.

[This is a semi-necessary fix if we plan to keep Bribery around.]

If, on the other hand, the verdict is "Can Bribes", then Rule 793 ("Proposal Bribery") shall be amended by removing the header "IV. Bribes" and everything that follows it, and by removing the sentence "This section defers to section IV of this rule." from section I; and lastly, Rule 793's title shall be changed to "Fair Voting and Voting Actions".


Proposal 1612 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 10:39:54 -0600 (CST)
Internomic Justice take 3.1
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend Rule 588 (Selecting a Judge) by replacing the second paragraph with:

If the "remaining Pool" is ever reduced to 0 eligible active Players, and a judge needs to be selected, the Clerck of the Court (CotC) shall send a public message to the Ambassador containing the following:

1. A request for Internomic Judgement, with the reason for the request (i.e. no available judges).
2. A copy of the CFJ or CFCJ responsible for the request.
3. The initiator's comments.
4. Any extenuating circumstances that might require Judgement before the default Internomic Judgement.

Prior to submitting the CFJ or CFCJ to Internomic for Judgement, the Ambassador shall request in a public message for additional FOR and AGAINST comments on the CFJ or CFCJ from Players. The iniator of the CFJ or CFCJ shall be given priority in adding to the FOR argument, Any number of Players may submit arguments AGAINST, but in cases of a CFCJ or any CFJ aimed at a particular Player, the concerned Player shall be given priority.

The Ambassador shall pick one or more AGAINST arguments to accompany the FOR argument (even in cases where the only argument is the CFJ Statement) when submitting the CFJ or CFCJ to Internomic.

Any Player providing an argument either FOR or AGAINST should be prepared to defend eir argument if queried by the Internomic Judge.

Proposal 1613 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 10:40:53 -0600 (CST)
Internomic Justice Take 3.2
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend Rule 569 (Overturning Judgements) by replacing the seventh (7th) eighth (8th) and ninth (9th) paragraphs with the following:

In the event that any Player opposes the verdict of the Supreme Court, they may appeal for Internomic Justice as along as they do not exceed any appeal limiots specified by this or other Rules. An Internomic Court of Justice appeal is initiated by submitting a statement to the Praetor containing the following information:
1. A request for Internomic Judgement, with the reason for the request (i.e. opposition to an appeal verdict).
2. A copy of the CFJ or CFCJ and/or appeal responsible for the request.
3. The initiator's and all Judges' comments.
4. Any extenuating circumstances that might require Judgement before the default Internomic Judgement period.

The Praetor shall forward the message to the Internomic Liason in a public message, who shall submit the appeal to the Internomic Court of Justice for Ackanomic.

Prior to submitting the appeal to Internomic for Judgement, the Ambassador shall request in a public message for additional FOR and AGAINST comments on the appeal from Players. The Supreme Court Justices shall be given priority in adding to the FOR argument, Any number of Players may submit arguments AGAINST, but in cases of a CFCJ or any CFJ aimed at a particular Player, the concerned Player shall be given priority.

The Liason shall pick one or more AGAINST arguments to accompany the FOR argument (even in cases where the only argument is the CFJ Statement) when submitting the appeal to the Internomic Court of Justice.

Any Player providing an argument either FOR or AGAINST should be prepared to defend eir argument if queried by the Internomic Judge.

Internomic Judgements may not be appealed either to Ackanomic nor Internomic. This takes precedence over any Ackanomic Rule governing appeals of CFJ's, CFCJ's or Supreme Court Rulings or Judgements.

Proposal 1614 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 10:43:17 -0600 (CST)
Internomic Justice Take 3.3
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend Rule 589 (Invoking Judgement) By inserting between the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) paragraphs the following: Any Player who believes that a pending CFJ is either too controversial or too important to the existing Ruleset to be Judged by any single Player in Ackanomic, may request that the CFJ be judged by the Internomic Court of Justice. A request for Internomic Justice on an existing CFJ is made by posting a message to the Clerk of the Courts containg the following information: 1. A request for Internomic Judgement, with the reason for the request (i.e. impact on ruleset).
2. A copy of the CFJresponsible for the request.
3. The initiator's comments and any additional comments FOR or AGAINST.
4. Any extenuating circumstances that might require Judgement before the default Internomic Judgement period.

The Clerk of the Court shall post to the public Forum a summary of the reasoning for requesting Internomic Justice, and commence a Hearing to determine if the CFJ will be heard by the existing Ackanomic Judge, or be forwarded to Internomic. Valid responses are "No, our Judge is good enough" and "Yes, Internomic needs to hear this". If fifty percent (50) plus one (1) of the votes are for "Yes, Internomic needs to hear this", then the Liason shall forward the CFJ to Internomic; otherwise, the case goes back to the original Judge.

Prior to submitting the CFJ to Internomic for Judgement, the Liason shall request in a public message for additional FOR and AGAINST comments on the CFJ from Players. Any number of Players may submit arguments FOR or AGAINST.

The Liason shall send all arguments both FOR and AGAINST when submitting the CFJ to Internomic.

Any Player providing an argument either FOR or AGAINST should be prepared to defend eir argument if queried by the Internomic Judge.

Internomic Judgements may only be appealed either to Ackanomic nor Internomic if there was a demonstrable violation of Ackanomic Rules in the Judgement delivered. This takes precedence over any Ackanomic Rule governing appeals of CFJ's or CFCJ's.

CFJ's that would result in a Rule 219 Win (Winning by Paradox) are not elligable for submission to the Internomic Court of Justice.

Proposal 1615 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 10:42:20 -0600 (CST)
Internomic Justice Take 3.4
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend Rule 1374 (Praetor) by adding to Section IV the following paragraph:

The Praetor shall review any appeals to Supreme Court Rulings or Judgements submitted by a Player. If the Praetor finds that the Player's complaint does not meet the required Format, nor canotains a valid argument for opposoing the appeal, the complaint shall be deemed Invalid and returned to the Player with an explanation as to why it was Invalid. The Player must resubmit the complaint within three (3) days or forfeit the right to submit compaints on the particular CFJ, CFCJ or Supreme Court Ruling or Judgement. The Praetor may not judge the complaint for content, only form. If any Player believes a complaint was judged Invalid for content or personal bias, e may call for the impeachment of the Praetor, challenge the Praetor to a Duel, sneer at the Praetor, or resubmit the complaint with no time limit.

Proposal 1616 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 12:30:01 -0600 (CST)
Fixing the Price of Land, Meditation, and Scoring Silliness
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend rule 207 as follows:
Number the 8 paragraphs of the rule I through VIII, and insert these titles at the front of the respective paragraphs:
I. Timing of these score changes
II. Timing when results are reported simultaneously
III. Scoring on Accepted Proposals
IV. Scoring on Rejected Proposals
V. Effect of Proposals which do not meet Quorum
VI. Short Proposal Bonus
VII. New Player Author Bonus/Soft Penalty
VIII. Null Proposals
2. Amend rule 1554 to read, in full:
"Any active player may purchase a kaa of empty, common land by paying the current Price of Land (rounded down to the nearest whole number of A$) to the treasury. This purchase does not require senate approval; this paragraph takes precedence over rule 839.

Every two weeks, at the time officer's salaries are paid, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall choose one of the following five possible events to occur:

A. The Price of Land increases by five percent (5%)
B. The Price of Land increases by 1%
C. The Price of Land does not change
D. The Price of Land decreases by 1%
E. The Price of Land decreases by 5%
If this results in the Price of Land having more than 3 digits to the right of the decimal point, those beyond the third are truncated."

{{[This prevents having the price of land being 49.871562302625 after many months of doing this, while still being reasonably exact.]}}

3. Renumber rule 1554 to 844.

4. Renumber rule 728 to 207.1 {{[ Scoring for silly proposals ]}}

5. Repeal rule 1564. {{[ Days of Meditation -- the strident approach of showing how much work it is to keep this idea changed some minds. I'm leaving the Festival for Malenkai or Mohammed or somebody else to fix up. ]}}

Proposal 1617 - Sat, 4 Jan 1997 12:31:56 -0600 (CST)
Yet Another Stab At Point Reform
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 220 ("Winning by Points") is amended by changing:
Immediately upon a single player reaching the Magic Number of points exactly, that player will be declared the Winner of the Cycle, and all rules pertaining to what happens when someone wins the cycle, including, but not limited to, Rule 666, shall apply.

If 2 or more players reach the Magic Number at exactly the same time, as determined by the Scorekeeper, the Magic Number shall be incremented by 13, and none of the players shall be declared winner of the cycle at that time.

If 2 or more players reach the Magic Number at substantially the same time, and the Scorekeeper, in a good faith attempt, cannot determine which of the players reached it first, then the players are deemed to have reached the Magic Number at exactly the same time, and the preceding paragraph shall apply. Making this determination is a duty of the Scorekeeper.

If the score of any player becomes greater than the Magic Number, then the Magic Number is increased by 16, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater. ---
If a single player has a number of points equal to or greater than the Magic Number, that player has achieved a Winning Condition.
[See Rule 666 for the effects of winning a cycle.]

If two or more players reach the Magic Number at exactly the same time, as determined by the Scorekeeper, the Magic Number shall be increased by 100, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater. None of the players shall win the cycle at that time.

If two or more players reach the Magic Number at substantially the same time, and the Scorekeeper, in a good faith attempt, cannot determine which of the players reached it first, then the players are deemed to have reached the Magic Number at exactly the same time, and the preceding paragraph shall apply. Making this determination is a duty of the Scorekeeper.

Proposal 1618 - Wed, 8 Jan 1997 18:01:02 -0600 (CST)
Reorganization IIa
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

I. This is a continuation of Reorg I and "Players". The idea is to move some more stuff near its brothers. As for xx.yyy, etc, my personal preference is to have no more than one "." in rule number. This reorg does a logical grouping and does not worry about that issue for now. The idea here is that its fairly easy to learn that locations are in the 800s, players in the 250s, Judgement in the low 200s, crime in the 700s, etc, and the "." isn't needed until a cluster gets crowded.

II. It leaves open some issues:

1) Seperate vs single rule documents. This preserves the single rule document concept that acka uses, and many players like.

2) Drift. What about new rules, and where they go. I have been counting on people placing self-renumbering clauses in their new rules. This is where the descretion should be, IMO, so that both the content and organization can be reasons to vote no (in other words, write a good rule, and be clear as to where it belongs). Ulitmately, then, reorg descretion is with the voters.

This proposal, then, does not address the issue of giving some player or players the power to renumber rules; that is a seperate issue and is not its intent.

3) Logical Rule Order. We can defer whether or not we want to do this. I believe we can accomplish the same thing by chapter heading rules in our rules. Again, that issue is beyond the scope of this reorg.

III. What I am trying to do here.

1. Move some of the meta rules, and other rules dealing with proposals and voting and rule organization into the 300s. There is nothing related to that stuff in the 300s now, they are in the mid 400s and scattered. The first thought was to move the scatter into the mid 400s, but I find it a better idea to move this stuff into the 300s, as it seems more meta, and helps the rules by 100s byte count. There are a few oddballs in the 300s now, which all have logical places to go elsewhere anyway.

2. Move e-mail related stuff into the high 300s. More meta stuff that is now scattered.

3. Move all entities someplace. 900s to 1000s sounds good. Entites are scattered now, and 900s to 1000s will be freed up.

Thats the controversial stuff in my mind. The rest is just clustering stuff around where it currently is anyway.

I. [Proposal/Voting and Rule Meta-Rules, other meta rules]
renumber R 452, "Proposal and Rule Titles" to 301
renumber R 453, "Proposal and Rule Numbering" to 303
renumber R 454, "For Personal Glory..." to 305
renumber R 455, "Revision Numbers" to 307
renumber R 1325, "Substantially Similar Proposals" to 309
renumber R 1307.1, "Rule Suites" to 311 [great band]
renumber R 793, "Proposal Bribery" to 313
renumber R 554, "Tammany" to 315
renumber R 1386, "Bonus Votes" to 317
renumber R 1457, "Unanimity Is Lovely (although not so lovely as it used to be)" to 319
renumber R 450, "Retractions" to 330
renumber R 451, "Spelling Errors" to 340
renumber R 1022, "Spelling Bee" to 342
renumber R 545, "Notes and Comments" to 344
renumber R 546, "Self Deleting Text" to 346
renumber R 703, " " to 348
renumber R 1396, "Hearings" to 360
renumber R 629, "Crisis Resolution" to 362

II. [E-mail/ettiquite]
renumber R 901, "No E-mail, No Game" to 370
renumber R 622, "Customary Subject Line" to 372
renumber R 400, "Politeness Moon" to 374
renumber R 1311, "Time Zone" to 380 [a bit of a stretch, got a better idea, it is 'meta']

III. [Actual Entities (and their related rules)]
renumber R 306, "The Magic Potato" to 901
renumber R 495, "Gumball" to 903
renumber R 549, "The Blue Cross" to 905
renumber R 1033, "Bronze Torch" to 907
renumber R 730, "Steel Flea" to 909
renumber R 762, "The Great Trombone of Ackanomia" to 911
renumber R 761, "Parades" to 913
renumber R 818, "Prosthetic Foreheads" to 915
renumber R 1036, "Rock" to 917
renumber R 824, "Brass Monkey" to 919
renumber R 826, "Acid Rain Dance" to 921
renumber R 827, "The Amber Banana" to 923
renumber R 891, "The Press" to 925
renumber R 937, "Silly Vacation Hat" to 927
renumber R 1046, "Baaa" to 929
renumber R 1312, "Garments" to 931
renumber R 1313, "Purple Robe of Justice" to 933
renumber R 1428, "Processing Chips" to 935

IV. [Party Stuff (to the other party related stuff)]
renumber R 542, "Political Parties" to 722
renumber R 543, "Rewarding Party Unity" to 723
renumber R 728, "Thats just silly" to 207.1 [just in case]
renumber R 729, "Ackanomic Middle Ages" to 1307
renumber R 1269, "Newton, Parties, and Apples" to 728, and amend it so that its title is "Swingpoints"
renumber R 1571, "Another Truly Deplorable Pun" to 729

V. [Locations]
amend R 840 so that its title is "Library"
renumber R 1096 to 852, and amend its title to be "Portrait Gallery"
renumber R 1364, "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication" to 854 [is this on the map?]
renumber R 1554, "Land Baroncy" to 844 [just in case]

VI. [Subgame Related]
renumber R 1206, "Games & Contests" to 1201
renumber R 1155, "Decks of Playing Cards" to 1203
renumber R 1185, "Description of a Legacy Deck" to 1205
renumber R 1156, "Description of a Eleusis Deck" to 1207
renumber R 1240, "The Machine that goes *ping*" to 1209
renumber R 1241, "Boons of the Ancients" to 1211
renumber R 1276, "Grab-a-Donkey" to 1213
renumber R 1302, "Duels" to 1215
renumber R 1348.2, "Buried Treasure!" to 1217

renumber R 985, "Party Chess Rule Suite" to 1230
renumber rules 985.1 thru 985.99 to 1230.1 thru 1230.99 respectively, ignoring any rule in the source range which does not exist.

renumber R 1369, "Otzma Card Rule Suite" to 1240
renumber rules 1369.1 thru 1369.99 to 1240.1 thru 1240.99 respectively, ignoring any rule in the source range which does not exist.

VII. Religion, Physics, and Nature (all Intertwined)
renumber R 775, "Church" to 1301
renumber R 1356, "Synod" to 1303
renumber R 1014, "Taking the Altar by the Horns" to 1305
[Ackanomic middle ages has previously been renumbered to 1307]
renumber R 1238, "We don't need Gravity" to 1309
renumber R 1306, "If we don't need Gravity, we'd better have Pressure" to 1311
renumber R 1253, "Tornado" to 1313
renumber R 1329, "Church Sanctuary" to 1315
renumber R 1335, "Codex of Kra" to 1317
renumber R 1344, "Round Earth Restoration Society" to 1319
renumber R 1349, "Rama-lama-ding-dong" to 1321

VIII. [Other Stuff]
renumber R 339, "Keep 'Em In The Game", to 207.2
renumber R 362, "No Dead Players Allowed" to 257
renumber R 1540.1, "The Mad Scientist" to 596
renumber R 1540.2, "The Frankenstein Monster(s)" to 597
renumber R 1023, "Auction" to 516
renumber R 964, "Undead" to 258
renumber R 419, "Ambassador" to 419.1
renumber R 970, "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface" to 419.2

IX. [Unclassifiable Harf]
[1112 series is already there]

renumber R 1237, "Fulfilling Campaign Promises" to 1115
renumber R 1330, "Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Side Effecs" to 1117
renumber R 1458, "Undead (aka I didn't come back as a bag of groceries)" to 1119
renumber R 1508, "This Is Where The Party Ends" to 1121
renumber R 1526, "snowgod's disease" to 1123
renumber R 1579, "Bartender" to 1125
renumber R 1581, "Sanctity of Harf" to 1127

X. [Unneeded]
Repeal R 797, "Festival of Torkola" [fold into 415]
Repeal R 924, "Required Reading" [:(]
Repeal R 1564, "Days of Meditation"

XI. [In the queue, some of these will be invalid rule changes]

renumber R 1586, "Birdhouse in your Soul" to 937
renumber R 1594.1, "Beldin's Tailor" to 939
renumber R 1595.2, "Beldin's Pants" to 940
renumber R 1595, "The Golden Baton of Ackanomia" to 914 [sic]
renumber R 1599, "No False Modesty", to 209.1
[1600 to 1609, we see what passes and decide how to organize it]
renumber R 1607, "Flyunder" to 1129

XI. [Bad Pointer fixup - yuck this counts on the previous renumberings already having been completed]

Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "793" with "313".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "400" with "374".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "306" with "901".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "730" with "909".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "761" with "913".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "824" with "919".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "937" with "927".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "728" with "207.1".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "729" with "1307".
Amend R 208 to replace all occurrances of "339" with "207.2".
Amend R 313 to replace all occurrances of "554" with "315".
Amend R 313 to replace all occurrances of "1386" with "317".
Amend R 330 to replace all occurrances of "1206" with "1201".
Amend R 340 to replace all occurrances of "1022" with "342".
Amend R 408 to replace all occurrances of "1396" with "360".
Amend R 424 to replace all occurrances of "1237" with "1115".
Amend R 595 to replace all occurrances of "1023" with "516".
Amend R 939 to replace all occurrances of "1022" with "342".
Amend R 1211 to replace all occurrances of "1396" with "360".
Amend R 1209 to replace all occurrances of "400" with "374".
Amend R 1305 to replace all occurrances of "729" with "1307".
Amend R 1319 to replace all occurrances of "729" with "1307".
Amend R 1240.1 to replace all occurrances of "1023" with "516".
Amend R 1240.3 to replace all occurrances of "1348.2" with "1217".
Amend R 1240.12 to replace all occurrances of "1240" with "1209".

XIII. [Torkola Elimination]

1) Amend R 406, "Promoter", to replace

except during a Festival of Torkola. Then, the Promoter may not distribute the proposal until the Festival is over and is given three days from the end of the Festival to do so. [See Rule 797 ("Festival of Torkola").]

The Promoter has the Privilege of being able to call a Festival of Torkola under certain, special circumstances. [See Rule 797.]


"except during a Proposal Moratorium [see R 415]."

2) Amend R 415, "Presidential Decisions", to replace

II. Festival

The President may declare a Festival of Torkola to start on the day following the declaration, so long as the Festival is in accordance with R 797.


II. Proposal Moratorium

The President may declare a Proposal Moratorium to start on the day following the declaration, so long as the declatation is an integral amount of days from 1 to 10, and a Proposal Moratorium is not currently in progress. No officers may distribute Proposals during a Proposal Moratorium.

3) Amend R 1123, "Bartender" to replace the following passage, (or a substantially similar one which has been amended by the Spelling Bee, as appropriate):

Whenever the start of a Festival of Torkula, Parade or any other festivity allowing the frinking of alchololic beverages is anounced


Whenever a public gathering [rule 1115] which allows the frinking of alcoholic beverages is announced

XIV. [make new locations actual locations]

Amend R 852, "Portrait Gallery", to replace

It is a Duty of the Web-Harfer to maintain a gallery of portraits.


The Portrait Gallery is a small building and a Common Location. It is a duty of the Web-Harfer to maintain a gallery of portraits.

Amend R 854, "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication" to add the sentence

"It is a Common Location."

directly after the second sentence of the first paragrah.

[yikes :)]

Proposal 1619 - Wed, 8 Jan 1997 18:02:39 -0600 (CST)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


I. [Make Processing Chips Tradeable, so perhaps they can become used]

Amend the rule created by proposal 1428, "Processing Chips", as follows:

1) Insert the word 'Tradeable' after the first word of the rule, 'The'.

2) [the next amendment makes clear that non-Modest proposals receive no processing chips from the bonus schedule]


"for each condition the proposal"


"for each condition that non-Modest proposal"


II. [Auction paradox fix]

Amend the rule created by Proposal 1023, "Auction", to replace:

6b) In a public auction, each bid must exceed the previous bid by at least 10%, or it is disqualified.


6b) In a public auction, each bid, except the first one, must exceed the previous bid by at least 10%, or it is disqualified.


III. [Get rid of the ripoff A$900 starting money, go average]

Amend the rule entitled "Joining the Game" [currently listed as rule #252] as follows:

1) replace

2) The New player is paid from the Treasury the lesser of A$900 or the average A$balance of all other extant players.


2) The New player is paid from the Treasury the average A$balance of all other extant players.

2) Add line breaks to the numbered sections of the rule.


Proposal 1620 - Thu, 9 Jan 1997 14:31:29 -0600
Swann (Steven Swiniarski)
Decision: Rejected

Create a Rule entitled "Proposing Things" with the following text delimited by "~";


Anything designated by the rules as a Proposing Thing may submit a proposal to be voted on. All Proposing Things must have a player designated to e-mail its Proposals to the appropriate officer. (If there is no such Player, the Proposing Thing may make Proposals, but not submit them.) Players are Proposing Things, and each player is designated to e-mail eir own proposals.

If there is to be any bonus or penalty applied to a Proposing Thing based on a proposal it made, or on the voting on that proposal, it shall only be applied if the bonus/penalty specifically applies itself to that type of Proposing Thing. [i.e. all rules that refer to the "player who proposed <foo> shall only apply when the Proposing Thing was a Player.] If the bonus/penalty does not specifically apply itself to a specific type of Proposing Thing, then it shall only be applied to players.


Create another rule entitled "The Manic Rule Goblin" with the following text delimited by "~";


There is a unique Proposing Thing named The Manic Rule Goblin which rarely, if ever, makes any sense. The Manic Rule Goblin only makes modest proposals. Whenever there is no rantee, the officer in charge of random things shall determine the player that the Manic Rule Goblin appears to.

The Manic Rule Goblin appears, grabs the chosen player by the shoulders, and gibbers a proposal. That player, becomes the rantee, and is designated to e-mail the Goblin's gibbered proposal (appropriately credited to the Goblin) to the appropriate officer.

The rantee shall decipher the Goblin's gibbering as follows:

E shall secretly pick a current Rule as being the one most closely resembling the gist of the Goblin's rant. E shall use this Rule as the basic text of the Goblin's rant. Of course, since the Goblin rarely makes that much sense, the rantee shall delete 3 to 10 nouns, 3 to 10 verbs, 0 to 5 adjective, and 0 to 5 adverbs, from the basic text of the Goblin's proposal. E shall note each part of speech (as well as tense, number &c.) for each gap where a word had been deleted.

E shall then publicly ask the players of Acka (who may have overheard what the Goblin actually said) for more Rules, without revealing the one e has chosen eimself. Helpful players shall then post their own suggested Rules. If the rantee fails to do this within a week of the Goblin ranting at eim, e is deemed to have wax in his ears, loses 3 points, and ceases to be rantee.

Once the other players have suggested at least two rules that do not duplicate the one selected by the rantee, the rantee shall fill in the gaps in the basic text with words from the suggested rules with the following restrictions:

i) The word filling the gap must be the same part of speech as the deleted word (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
ii) The word filling the gap may not be the same as the word that was deleted.
iii) The Nth part of speech in the basic text must be replaced by the Nth part of speech from a suggested rule (i.e. If the basic text is missing the second noun, that gap must be filled by the second noun from a suggested rule.)

The rantee may change the form of a word to fit it in the basic text as long as its part of speach does not change. (i.e. if the original verb is past tense, it may be replaced by a present tense verb, and the rantee may change the tense of the new verb to match the original. E may not, however, replace an adjective with a noun, even if he changes the noun into a possessive by adding "'s")

When the rantee has filled all the gaps in the basic text, e must submit that text in a proposal for a Rule creation, with the basic text being the text of the rule being created. The rantee may title proposal and this rule in any way e wishes. (The Goblin cares little for titles:)

The rantee has one week from the receipt of the second (non- duplicate) rule suggestion to assemble the text of the Goblin's Proposal and submit it.

If the rantee asked the players to suggest rules, but does not assemble the Goblin's Proposal and submit it within a week of the second rule being suggested, e has insulted the Goblin, ceases to be rantee, and loses 5 points. E may also never be selected as rantee again until e makes a public apology to the Goblin.

If the Goblin's proposal fails, the rantee gains 6 points for eir trouble, and ceases to be rantee; the Goblin sulks.

If the Goblin's proposal passes, the rantee gains 12 points for getting the rant right, and ceases to be rantee; the Goblin dances.


#end proposal

Proposal 1621 - Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:02:59 -0600 (CST)
Gift Gadgets
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 595/9 ("Gadgets") is amended by changing
(iii) Gadgets are tradeable entities.
(iii) Gadgets are entities. A Gadget is tradeable unless its Blueprint specifies otherwise. A Blueprint has the authority to specify that Gadgets made from it are nontradeable or gift.

Proposal 1622 - Sat, 11 Jan 1997 22:41:03 -0600 (CST)
In Which Justices Do Not Rock
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

The rule titled "Justices Rock" is hereby repealed.

[The President doesn't have any powers other than declaring holidays and building bomb shelters... and the Justices should *not* be able to overturn either one of those emergency powers. Should the Justices be able to roll over the Senate's Internomic votes?]

[Current text:

Rule 417/5
Justices Rock
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Justices Rock

The players that are also Justices (should the position exist) that is, members of the Supreme Court, have the following powers, provided all agree to use it and how to use it, on the one instance.

They may nullify a Presidential decision. That is, a decision made by the President acting in his or her capacity as the President.

They may nullify a Senatorial decision. That is, a decision made by the Senate acting in its capacity as the Senate.

They may nullify a previous Supreme Court decision. That is, a previous decision made by the Supreme Court acting in its capacity as Supreme Court, including, but not limited to, AOJs, and CFJ appeals.

The decision must be made public by an Act Of Justice (AOJ) in which they give a statement on what decision is being nullified, and an explanation as to why. The AOJ must be published with the names of all the justices at the end, with the phrase "verified and agreed" before each of their names. As soon as it is made public, it is in effect and cannot be overturned except by another AOJ, unless it is deemed unlawful by a Call For Criminal Judgement (CFCJ), should such a procedure exist.

The following types of AOJs are explicitly prohibited:

1) An AOJ to nullify a Presidential Decision to appoint a particular player to the Supreme Court.
2) An AOJ to nullify a Senatorial Decision to confirm a particular player to the Supreme Court.
3) An AOJ that nullifies a decision made 7 days or more prior to the time of the (attempted) AOJ.

If either/both the Senate and president do not exist, then Justices cannot use their first two powers.

Supreme Court Justices and acting Supreme Court Justices are ineligible to be selected to judge CFJs.

Proposal 1623 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 03:21:42 -0600
Numbering Rules Created by Rules
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

{{[P1606 passed, so the promoter rule will handle the first section of this rule about numbering proposals.]}}

Amend the rule which began as initial rule 107, named "Proposal and Rule Numbering" [rule 453 before reorg II, rule 303 if reorg II passes], to read:

I. Each rule has an effective ordinal number, hereafter referred to simply as the rule's number. Rule numbers and proposal numbers are unownable entities. A valid rule number is one or two positive integers. The first is called the base rule number, and the second, if present, is called the sub rule number and is separated from the base rule number by a period.

II. When a rule change in an accepted proposal creates a new rule, it is numbered as follows:

1. If the proposal specifies that the new rule is to be a member of a Rule Suite, and a Head of a Rule Suite rule exists for that Rule Suite, then that new rule has the base rule number of the Head of the Rule Suite, and the least sub rule number greater than all other sub rule numbers in that Rule Suite. [New rules in Rule Suites default to going at the end.]

2. Otherwise, if the proposal specifies a valid rule number for the new rule, and that number is not already the number of another rule, then the new rule is assigned that number.

3. Otherwise, the new rule uses the number of the proposal that created it as its base rule number. If some other rule already has this number, then the new rule takes a sub rule number as large as necessary to have a rule number different from all other rules.

III. When a new rule is created by another rule, or by some entity (other than a rule change in an accepted proposal) granted the power to create rules by some rule, it is numbered as follows:

1. If the entity creating the rule declares it to be a member of a Rule Suite, as in II.1. above, then it is numbered as in II.1. above.

2. Otherwise, if the rule or entity creating the new rule assigns it a valid rule number which is not already the number of another rule, then the new rule is uses that number.

3. If neither 1 nor 2 above numbers the rule, then the rule is numbered with the least positive integer greater than all existing base rule numbers.
= = = = = = = = = =

Amend Rule 103 by adding the following to the end of the third paragraph:
"A renumbering rule change is not valid if it attempts to assign a rule a number which is already the number of some other rule, or if it attempts to assign a rule number that is not valid."
{{[ Absolutely refuse to allow two rules to have the same number. ]}}

= = = = = = = = = =

Amend Rule 421, by replacing "amending" in section (c) with "amending, renumbering" . {{[ CSR ]}}

= = = = = = = = = =

Amend Rule 210 by replacing the sections numbered 1 through 4 and the section immediately before that, beginning with "Hereafter", with:
"If two rules have different base numbers, use the base number to determine which is lowest. Among rules with the same base number, use the sub rule numbers to determine which rule has the lowest number, treating a rule without a sub rule number as if the sub rule number was zero."
{{[ Replaces more of those X's and Y's Mohammed doesn't like. ]}}

Proposal 1624 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 09:25:24 -0600
Remove the paradox from R 844
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 844, "Land Baroncy" to replace

Every two weeks, at the time officer's salaries are paid, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall choose one of the following five possible events to occur:


At the time officer's salaries are paid, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall choose one of the following five possible events to occur:

{{[officer's salaries are paid monthly, so I am construing the existing passage as if the two week thing wasn't there, in accordance with the game custom that a non-paradoxical construction should be favored over a paradoxical one. I guess the later in the rule precedence thing also applies, but I was never confortable with that for same sentence things.

Officer in charge of random things
this is also my first bot proposal, hoping for the best :)

Proposal 1625 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 09:45:26 -0600
Earning a flight of the Goose
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 235, "Chartreuse Goose" to append the following new section to the end of the rule:

7) Upon a player who possesses the Goose achieving any of the following titles, the Goose is transferred Somewhere Else: Commander of the Blue Cross, Officer of the Blue Cross, Sage o'Doe Gas. If the event which granted one of these titles also would have established a winning condition had the player not had the Goose, this transfer is deemed to have occurred an infintesimal amount of time after that event.

Proposal 1626 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 18:22:53 -0600
Ackanomic Dixieland Jazz Quartet
Strider (Jason McCulley)
Decision: Rejected

Create two tradeable, gift entities. One shall be known as the Cornet of Ackanomia and shall be initially possessed by the player whose score is the closest to the average of all players scores. If there is a tie, the initial recipient shall be determined by the Officer in Charge of Random Things. The other entity is the Unholy Clarinet, which shall be initially possessed by the person with the highest score who is not a member of a church. If there is a tie, the initial recipient shall be determined by the officer in charge of random things. Members of churches may not possess the Unholy Clarinet, and must refer to it as the Toothpick. Church members are permitted to publicly ridicule the Clarinet's owner about the Clarinet. Church members are exempt from the Politeness Moon in doing so.

On the twenty-third day of each month, the Ackanomic Dixieland Jazz Quartet, consisting of the owners of The Great Trombone of Ackanomia, The Magic Tuba, the Cornet of Ackanomia, and the Unholy Clarinet, hereafter collectively referred to as owners, must post thet they are going to Party Hall to perform. If all of the owners attend, and if all four of the instruments are played, the each owner shall receive A$25 from the Treasury for each instrument e owns. A Player may perform on one instrument for each head e has. If all owners do not attend, and/or if all instruments are not played, each owner must pay a fine of A$25 to the Treasury for each instrument e owns, or publicly post an apology, in the form of a poem of at least four lines.

Proposal 1627 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 20:02:59 -0600
Tweaking Silly Vacation Hats
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend the rule created by proposal 937, "Silly Vacation Hat", to replace ""on vacation"" in the second paragraph with "on a voluntarily activated vacation".

Proposal 1628 - Sun, 12 Jan 1997 21:54:04 -0600
Miscellaneous Fixes.
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

I. Words in quotes the Bee can't touch:

1. In Rule 670, change "Comission" (in quotes) to "Commission".
2. In Rule 843, change "relavent" (in quotes) to "relevent".
3. In the Rule "Games & Contests" (either 1206 or 1201), change "exibition" (in quotes) to "exhibition" (section 12).
4. In the Rule "Rama-lama-ding-dong" (either 1349 or 1321), change "tounges" (in quotes) to "tongues" (end 1st par.).

II. Grammar errors and little omissions:

5. In the Rule "Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play" (either 985.2 or 1230.2), delete "mutables" (section 1).

6. In Rule 408, change "A privilege of the Tabulator is to:" to "The privileges of the Tabulator are:"
and insert "To" before "approve" at the start of privilege (a).

7. In Rule 726:
A. In section III.A.8, insert a comma after the first occurrence of "dissolves".
B. Before "the Swinger's Office becomes a Capital Swinger's Office" insert "instead of creating a new Capital Swinger Office, "
C. Near the beginning of section III.B, insert before the period at the end of "Capital Swinger Offices are Tradable." the following: ", but may not be traded to anybody who is already a Swinger"

8. In rule 844, change "events to occur:" to "events to occur at random, with equal probabilities:"
{{[ Why didn't anybody tell me I left this out? ]}}

Proposal 1629 - Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:23:23 -0600 (CST)
Limiting Unreasonable Holidays
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 415, "Presidential Decisions" to replace

The President may declare any period of 1 or more days a Holiday. The declaration must include the Holiday's duration and start date/time.


The President may declare any period of 1 to 7 days a Holiday, provided there are no declared Holidays which have not ended, and provided no Holiday has ended within the past 3 days. The declaration must include the Holiday's duration and start date/time.

Proposal 1630 - Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:16:59 -0600 (CST)
Happy Birthday Ackanomic!
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

January 22 of every year shall henceforth be known as "Happy Bee Day" in recognition of Ackanomic's Birthday. Happy Bee Day festivities start on January 22, and continue until 12 noon on the following day. It is considered good form for each player to publically wish happy birthday greeting to Ackanomic at some point during the festivities.

During Happy Bee Day festivities, the following things will happen and in this order:

1) A parade will be held with the player who has spent the most time in Ackanomic as the Guest of Honor (the oldest player)

2) The Brass Monkey will climb to the top of the tallest building in Ackanomic and boom out a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" to the motherland. The Fat Lady will not sing during the festivities, due to contracting difficulties.

3) The undead's of all dead players will gather at the house of one unluckly player and cheer as one of them kisses him. This player will be randomly selected from a list of players who have not publically wished happy birthday greetings to ackanomic.

4) Every Player who has publically wished happy birthday greetings to Ackanomic shall recieve a Boon of the Ancients.

5) The president shall make a speech commemerating the end of another Happy Bee Day and congratuling Ackanomic, and her players, for growing one year older.

6) Festivities will end.

Proposal 1631 - Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:17:23 -0600 (CST)
Happy Birthday!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

A player's birthday occurs on the day the whole number of years the player has been in the game changes. The undead do not have birthdays but players may write a 32 syllable eulogies on the day an undead would have had a birthday.

On their birthday and only on that day, players are allowed to pet either the Brass Monkey or the Chartreuse Goose by posting: "This is my birthday and I wanna hold the cuddly-wuddly monkey and hug him and pet him" for the monkey, or "This is my birthday and I wanna hold the cute fluffy goose, and hug her and pet her" for the goose. More than one player can pet one of the two animals, but no one may pet both animals on the same day.

It is good form to wish players a happy birthday on their birthday. The Poet Laureate may write a poem for the event if so commissioned by a Senator.

Since a birthday could not be complete without gifts, other players are encouraged to create and give trinkets to the player. If the total value of the trinkets the player receives as birthday gifts is less than A$50 and the player petted the monkey or goose, then the Financier will give the player a trinket. That trinket must be worth A$18 exactly. It should be created by the Financier and given to the player. The treasury will then pay the Financier A$18.

Proposal 1632 - Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:12:20 -0600
Parents, Children, the Bees and the Gumball
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

{Renumber this rule to number 904, so as to place it right after the gumball rule}

After chewing the gumball, the player must break it up into three pieces. He should keep one piece and find two recipients for the others by publicly posting: "I've got a chewy bit of gumball, will the following two players parent a child with me by biting a bit?" This message should then list the names of two players.

Those two players may either accept the offer by replying "Yes, we'll make wonderful parents together, I'll bite", or to turn it down saying "No, I'm thinking of running for office and I'll have too much work".

Once someone chews (not bites) the gumball, other players may begin courting to get a piece of the gumball by saying they would accept a piece. This courting must be done in the form of poetry. Trinkets can also be traded in exchange for one of the bits of gumball. Only the person who just chewed the gumball may give a bit to other players, nor can there be more than three bits of the gumball at any time.

The player giving out the bits of gumball may give one to any player who said they would accept one. The Poet Laureate will always accept one, so one can always be given to him -- his poetry is just awesome and wonderful you just want to give him a bit of gumball. Players who would accept a bit of gumball are assumed to acknowledge transfer of the gumball and biting it once.

As soon as three different players have a bit of gumball, the Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication (AIGR) will take the pieces, and process the three into a whole gumball again. If the AIGR process the pieces, then the three players who had pieces become eligible parents together. These three players may each write a poem about the experience.

If the AIGR has not processed the pieces one day before the next time someone could legally chew the gumball, the pieces are collected and put back together anyway and the players who had pieces do not become eligible parents together.

The Registrar should keep a list of eligible parent groups. When a new player joins, the Registrar must choose the members of the oldest parent group as parents to the child. All new players in the following week are said to be children of those parents and no new group need be chosen. Once the week is over, the parental group disbands. Players who have all the same parents are said to be Ackasiblings. If there are no parent groups, then that player has no parents. Players without parents are said to be immaculately conceived. The Historian must keep track of the families.

Any parental group disbands after 14 weeks if they have had no children. Players can be eligible parents in more than one parental group at the same time. The gumball and bits thereof are always the property of the person who last chewed it, until someone else legally chews it.

Proposal 1633 - Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:12:21 -0600
Evil Twins
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

{Renumber this rule to number 259, so it is with other "player states" rules}
Provided two player agree to it, they will become the other's evil twin. They will remain as such until one of them sends a public message containing the phrase: "my evil twin is a good twin".

Proposal 1634 - Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:12:22 -0600
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal R 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages"

Proposal 1635 - Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:00:39 -0600
Minor Cleaning
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 219 to read, in full:

A call for judgement whose statement alleges that further play is impossible, that rule changes are impossible, or that a player action which would affect the game state appears equally legal and illegal is a "Paradox Win CFJ." Only those CFJs so specified by the rules are Paradox Win CFJs. When it ceases to be legal to appeal a particular Paradox Win CFJ, if the final verdict is true then the initiator wins the cycle.

{{ [ This is a minor maintenance proposal. The part of R 219 that explicitly permits the filing of these specific CFJs is removed, as it is redundant. The requirement that the initiator specify a paradox win claim in his reasoning is eliminated as unnecessary, though I imagine that the practice will continue. The language covering when and whether the initiator wins the cycle is simplified, and the wording "is declared winner" is changed to "wins," which is much more robust. The resulting text is somewhat shorter than the original.] }}

Proposal 1636 - Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:00:39 -0600
Removing Dangerous Redundancy Dangerous Redundancy
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

The first sentence of the last paragraph of rule 211 "Invoking Judgement" shall be amended to read, in whole:

If the statements of two unresolved Paradox Win CFJs are substantially similar, in the opinion of the judge of the higher-numbered one, then the higher-numbered one shall be judged Invalid.

{{ [ Aside from simplifying the language, this removes the specific reference to R 219 (which could be renumbered) and removes a redundant definition of "Paradox Win CFJ" from the rules. (The term is also defined in R219, which is more appropriate anyway.) I think it imperative that official terms be defined only once. This also fixes a loophole by which one could attempt to torpedo any pending CFJ win attempt by submitting a substantially similar attempt. (The current rule doesn't specify that only the more recent would be judged Invalid, and my reading has either one or both being so judged.) ] }}

Proposal 1637 - Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:00:40 -0600
Changing Changing Player Names
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 251 "Player Names" shall be amended in the following ways:
1) The second sentence of the second paragraph shall be changed to: "The Registrar shall record and acknowledge each legal name change; a legal name change takes effect at the time of the Registrar's acknowledgement."
2) The last sentence shall be changed to: "It is a duty of the Registrar to notify any player who attempts to illegally change his name."

{{ [ This clarifies the effective time of name changes, and revises the somewhat confusing duty/right bit at the end of the rule. I wouldn't have thought it necessary if not for the recent bruhaha among Red Barn, fnord, and myself. ] }}

Proposal 1638 - Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:00:42 -0600
Removing the nasty side effects of R 1315
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

The is a Modest proposal

Amend R 1315, "Church Sanctuary", in the following ways:

I. replace

If a player is declared a Heretic or otherwise threatened to be burned, then any priest can grant the player a "Sanctuary Of Salvation", even if the priest is the player herself, by making a public statement to that effect.


If a player is alledged a Heretic or otherwise threatened to be burned, via the specific application of another rule pertaining to Heresy or burning, then any priest can grant the player a "Sanctuary Of Salvation" (SOS), even if the priest is the player herself, by making a public statement to that effect, and provided the player receiving the SOS consents to it.

II. In the third paragraph of the rule, replace "can resume" with "resume as if they had not been cancelled".

Proposal 1639 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:56:49 -0600
Presidential Debate
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled "Presidential Debate" which contains the following text:

1. Every Presedential Election where there are at least two candidates, and no more than 30 candidates is preceded by a Presidential Debate.

2. If the Speaker is not a candidate for President, and no other player volunteers for the job then e acts as the Debate Moderator. If the Speaker is running for President, then it is his duty to appoint another player who is not running for President as Debate Moderator. In any case, the name of the Moderator should be anounced no later than the end of the nomination period.

3. Once the Moderator's name has been anounced players and candidates may send debate questions to the Debate Moderator. Each player may send up to two questions. Each Candidate sends at least two questions, and at most 4 questions. If there are two or more substantially similar questions, the Debate Moderator may unify them into a single question.

4. Once the names of the candidates have been anounced, the Debate Moderator anounces the begining of the Presidential Debate

5. All posts which are part of the Debate, must have the word 'Debate' in their subject line.

6. The Debate Moderator may post the Debate questions in any order, and in any time interval, as long as each post contains at most 5 questions, the first post should posted five days before the end of the elections and the last post for any given elections is posted at least 24hours before the end of the elections.

7. Each candidate may post one reply per question. Each reply has the folowing limits:
a. A maximum of 10 lines of qouted text
b. A maximum of 15 lines of unquoted (original) text.
c. A maximum of 20 lines altogether.
The question, if qouted, is not counted in any of the above clauses .

8. Each candidate may reply to another candidate's reply to a debate question, provided the other candidate's reply is a direct reply to a Debate question, and not a reply to another candidate's reply. Such replies are limited to one reply per candidate per question, and must meet the restrictions in section 7 of this rule.

9. In any posting which is outside the context of the Debate, candidates may not quote either questions or answers that were posted as part of the Debate.

10. If a candidate violates any of the above restrictions, each violation counts as one vote for each of the other candidates.

11. Should any of the above fail to occur for any reason, the elections still end at the prescribed time according to R504.

Proposal 1640 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:56:50 -0600
Duel with Seconds
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In R1215 "Duels" Replace the following text:
"Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players and have definitive rules for determining a winner."

with the text:
"Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players, or two teams of two players each and have definitive rules for determining a winner, or a winning team. If the chosen contest is for two teams, then each of the participants of the Duel teams up with eir respective Second."

Proposal 1641 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:56:51 -0600
Fix Swingers' demise
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted (Null)

This is a Modest propoal.
In R1230.2 "Swinger Like to Play Around II - Let's Play section 2 D
delete the text :"as a result of eir Party being destroyed,"

{{[The current text would not cover Capital-Swinger's Offices. The current Party-Hall rule allows for Party Swingers of dissolved Parties to become Capital Swingers, this has no effect of the NAP Swinger, since the NAP Swinger's Office is not destoyed]}}

Proposal 1642 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:56:51 -0600
Creation of a PartyChessPiece Demon
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

A proposal to create a rule as a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Demon" which contains the following the text:

1. A Demon is represented by the ASCII Character D
2. When the square the Demon currently occupies (R,C) is in the range 5<R<15, e<C<o (that is between columns e and o, exclusive) it can move a distance of exactly 1 in any given direction, when the square the Demon is on is not included in the above range, the Demon can move a distance of exactly 2 squares in any given direction.
3. A Demon is promotobale. A Demon can be promoted if an only if there exist two friendly pieces of the same type (as each other, not necessarily the Demon), X and Y such that
(xR<R<yR /AND/ xC<C<yC) /OR/ (xR<R<yR /AND/ xC>C>yC)

4. A Demon's materail value is 2

Proposal 1643 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:56:52 -0600
Witchhunt Reform (or Stopping those annoying 'quota
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

exceeded' messages from my ISP)

This is a Modest proposal

Amend R 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to replace:

If, in a public message, a Player refers to the Earth being round, or implies that this may be the case, any other Player may start a Witchhunt by sending a public message that names the alleged witch, quotes his or her allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt.


If, in a public message, a Player refers to the Earth being round, or implies that this may be the case, any other Player may start a Witchhunt by sending a public message that names the alleged witch, quotes his or her allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt, provided a Witchhunt is not already in progress against that player, and provided there are less than 5 Witchhunts in progress.


Amend R 360, "Hearings", to append the following text onto the end of the second paragraph:

Any response contained in a post that does not unambiguously identify the Hearing it is in response to, even if only one Hearing is in progress, is invalid.

Proposal 1644 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:36:50 -0600
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: Rejected

I propose that the entire contents of the Treaury be transferred to Red Barn.

Proposal 1645 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:36:51 -0600
Too Many Hunters
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

I propose that all players who have, in the past, called for at least three witch hunts within a single day be penalized by having A$20 transferrred from each of their possessions to the Treasury.

Proposal 1646 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:36:52 -0600
Unambiguizing ambiguities
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule, with text:

Anyone responding to a hearing, subgame move, duel, or any other specific game action that affects scores or requires an action by any functional officer without explicitly naming the specific game action in the subject line shall be guilty of a crime.

Proposal 1647 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:36:52 -0600
snowgod's Cure
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made harfy by Malenkai at Tue, 28 Jan 1997 23:24:00 -0500
Decision: Rejected

No player may have
a score of forty-two points
a sacred number

Proposal 1648 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:14:27 -0600
Generic Proposal Title #1648
Eponimondas (Moses Rojas)
Decision: Rejected

preface: This is a grandiose proposal

This proposal, if adopted, is two non simultaneous events in unique order a,b. a) this proposal is a public 30x retraction of itself b) cows eat grass.

comment: though it might appear a null rule, I appeal to immutable 103 para ii.L6-7.

Proposal 1649 - Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:20:38 -0600
Witchhunt Reform
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal

Amend R 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to replace:

If, in a public message, a Player refers to the Earth being round, or implies that this may be the case, any other Player may start a Witchhunt by sending a public message that names the alleged witch, quotes his or her allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt.


If, in a public message, a Player refers to the Earth being round, or implies that this may be the case, any other Player may start a Witchhunt by sending a public message that names the alleged witch, quotes his or her allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt, provided a Witchhunt is not already in progress against that player, and provided there are less than 5 Witchhunts in progress.


Amend R 360, "Hearings", to append the following text onto the end of the second paragraph:

Any response contained in a post that does not unambiguously identify the Hearing it is in response to, even if only one Hearing is in progress, is invalid.

Proposal 1650 - Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:33:07 -0600
Sometimes we want to randomly choose non-active players
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[ This has been bugging me. The problem would really have shown itself if the tornado had hit, because Malenkai would have found himself unable to complete the random reassignment, as the non-active players could never be chosen, and would just be stuck with 0 score, even though (most likely) somebody else ended up with their scores. Worse, the reassignment process would wait around for players to become active. There are a few other places in the rules where excluding non-active players from a random assignment doesn't make sense. ]}}

I. Amend Rule 254, "Player States", by changing

"Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything."
"Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything, except where the rules specifically allow non-active players to be selected."
II. Amend Rule 255, "Vacationing", by changing
"While a player is on vacation, the player shall not be randomly selected for anything."
"While a player is on vacation, the player shall not be randomly selected for anything, except where the rules specifically allow vacationing or non-active players to be selected.
III. Amend Rule 402, "Offices, Related Definitions", by adding to the end of section (ii) h) 1):
"All tied Nominees shall be ranked this way, including any non-active ones."

IV. Amend Rule 516, "Auction", by adding to the end of section 6d:
"All tied bidders shall be eligible for the random selection, including non-active ones."

V. Amend Rule 1217, "Buried Treasure!", by adding "All such players shall be eligible for the random selection, even non-active ones." to the end of the paragraph which now ends "If the condition is achieved simultaneously by 2 or more players, the finder is determined at random by the Officer in charge of Random Things."

VI. Amend Rule 1313, "Tornado", by inserting after the first sentence of the second paragraph:
"All non-Sheltered players shall be involved in the random reassignment of scores, including non-active ones."

VII. Amend Rule 1230.2, "Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play", by changing the last sentence of section 2.E. from

"The Chess-Umpire determines the playing-order of the Party Swingers randomly."
"The Chess-Umpire determines the playing-order of the other Swingers, including any non-active swingers, randomly."
VIII. Create a new rule, with text:
Amend the Games & Contest game "Limerick Contest" by adding a new paragraph to the end with this text:
"If the winner is chosen at random, both players shall be eligible, even if one or both are non-active."

Amend the Games & Contest game "Ghost" by inserting after the first sentence of the first paragraph in section 4:
"All players shall be randomly assigned numbers in this way, including non-active ones."

Amend the Games & Contest game "Fictionary" by adding a period to the end of section III, followed by:
"All players shall be randomly assigned numbers in this way, including non-active ones."