Proposal 1151 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Revenge of the Chartreuse Goose (again, one will be retracted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal R 431


Create a new rule entitled "Cheesecake", reading:

{{The player who authored the proposal which created this rule shall be declared the winner of the cycle. Authoring the proposal which created this rule is considered achieving a winnning condition as described by R 110.}}


Create a new rule entitiled "Chartreuse Goose", reading:

Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a time.

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the cycle or game. This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable rule which establishes winning conditions.

The Chartreuse Goose (hereafter called "Goose") is transferred as specified below. Other rules may specify other ways for it to be transferred.

The term "paradox win CFJ", as used in the following, means any CFJ with a statement in its reasoning similar to the following: "Upon a verdict of TRUE, the initiator wins the cycle in accordance with R 219".

Conditions upon which the Goose is transferred:

1) Upon a verdict of FALSE on a paradox win CFJ, the initiator of the CFJ receives the Goose from wherever it is.

2) Upon a verdict on a paradox win CFJ being overturned to TRUE, the Goose goes Somewhere Else, if and only if the player possessing it was the initiator of the CFJ in question. Immediately afterwords, that player is declared the winner of the cycle.

All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed:

3) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least one week may pay A$200 to the Treasury and cause it to go Somewhere Else.

4) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least 30 days may pay A$75 to the Treasury and transfer the Goose to the single player with the lowest score. The player receiving the Goose receives A$75 from the Treasury. This option is not available if more than one player has the lowest score.

5) A player who possesses the Goose may pay A$350 to the Treasury and transfer it to any other player of their choice.

6) A player possessing a Chartreuse Goose Egg may take the Goose off the hands of any player who possesses it, provided the Goose owner agrees to the transaction, and pays a mutually agreed upon amount of currency (of at least A$50) to the Treasury. The Egg owner will receive from the Treasury the same amount that the Goose owner payed in, as compensation.


Amend R 219 to read in full:

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. Such a call for judgement must contain in its reasoning a statement to the effect that the initiator is claiming a win in accordance with R 219, on a verdict of true.

If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the cycle.

Proposal 1152 - Thu Aug 22 13:15:29 EDT 1996
"Coup I"
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

1. Amend Rule 431 by adding the following to the end of the first paragraph:

An exception to the above is if one player makes 6 or more consecutive proposals. Players may vote NO on all the proposals in such a sequence. A player who votes NO on 6 or more consecutive proposals by the same player may also vote NO on up to 2 more proposals immediately before and up to 2 more proposals immediately after those proposals.

2. Amend Rule 396 by adding the following new paragraph at the end:

No player may submit more than 4 proposals in any 24-hour period or more than 12 proposals in a week. The promoter can and should ignore any proposals which violate this limit.

Proposal 1153 - Thu Aug 22 13:15:41 EDT 1996
Everything in Moderation
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Rejected

A new rule shall be created with the following text:

No player may submit more than four proposals during any contiguous twenty-four hour period. Any proposals submitted in excess of this limit shall be immediately retracted, but shall not otherwise be counted towards the four-proposal limit.

Proposal 1154 - Thu Aug 22 13:15:52 EDT 1996
Something to vote YES for
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal R 431

Proposal 1155 - Fri Aug 23 16:07:20 EDT 1996
Decks of Playing Cards
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable rules dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards. A Deck of Playing Cards (or Deck) is an Ackanomic Entity which consists of some number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply Cards). Cards may not be created, destroyed, sold, or traded except when entire Decks are created, destroyed, sold, or traded together. Cards may not be exchanged between Decks. Decks are tradable.

Unless the rules state otherwise, each Card in a Deck has two attributes, which are normally called suit and rank, and a Deck consists of one card for each combination of suit and rank; these are called the Normal Cards.

The order that the ranks and suits are listed in the definition of a particular deck defines the order of those ranks and suits in any game that cares about the order, unless a different order is specified for that game.

Standard symbols or abbreviations for the suits and ranks can and should be defined in the definition of a deck, to make it easier to write the contents of a player's hand that might contain many cards.

Decks may be used to play card games defined in the rules, as those rules specify. Players may hold individual Cards while playing a card game but they do not own those cards while doing so. While a Deck is being used to play a card game, that deck may not be used in another card game.

An Eleusis Deck has 8 suits: Wands (!), Strudels (@), Pounds (#), Dollars ($), Maces (%), Spears (^), Daemons (&), and Stars (*), and 15 ranks: Suber (S), Nomic (N), Monarch (M), Knave (K), Page (P), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A). In addition to the Normal Cards, there are four indistinguishable Wild cards (W) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. In this deck, Wands and Strudels are blue, Pounds and Dollars are green, Maces and Spears are black, and Daemons and Stars are red.

{{[ Example of another deck type: A Poker Deck has four suits: Spades (S), Hearts (H), Diamonds (D), and Clubs (C), and 13 ranks: Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. In addition to the Normal Cards, there are two Jokers (*1 and *2) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. In this Deck, Spades and Clubs are black and Hearts and Diamonds are red. ]}}

Proposal 1156 - Fri Aug 23 16:07:26 EDT 1996
Making R362 and R691 cause vacation instead of removal from game
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 362 by changing the last sentence to:
"If the player does not reply within two days, then e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of zero days."

Amend rule 691 by changing the last sentence to:
"If the player does not reply within four days, then e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of zero days."

Proposal 1157 - Fri Aug 23 16:07:32 EDT 1996
Getting rid of old players' stuff
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule with the following text:

{{ All PFbonds and buildings in the treasury which once belonged to a player but now do not, and are not haunted by undead, are destroyed. }}

Proposal 1158 - Fri Aug 23 16:07:48 EDT 1996
ammend 991
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A proposal to ammend rule 991 in the following ways:

I. Ammend section 1 B to read in its entirety:
"Any active player is eligible for the office of Chess-Umpire."

II. Delete section 1 C entirely

III. Section 1 D becomes 1 C

Proposal 1159 - Fri Aug 23 16:08:01 EDT 1996
Revising Rules 9 Times Leaves all kinds of Dingleberries
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 569, "Overturning Judgements", to replace all occurrances of the following sentence:

"In the event that a player opposes the appeal, they may appeal again to the Supreme Court by paying the penalty."


"In the event that a player opposes the appeal, they may appeal again to the Supreme Court, assuming they are not exceeding any appeal limits specified elsewhere in this, or other rules."

{{[yes, another self-inconsistent rule ala CFJ 256. Its cheap to claim a win on this after it has been pointed out, IMHO, even I'm not doing it :). Note that I'm not insinuating that CFJ 256 was cheap, I was just waiting until that verdict came back to see if I needed to fix this]}}

Proposal 1160 - Sun Aug 25 13:30:17 EDT 1996
Closing the CFJ 256 paradox in general
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 210, "Resolving Conflicts", by adding the following to the end of the first paragraph:

"If two statements in the same rule conflict with each other, and the rule doesn't define a way to resolve the conflict, then the statement which appears later in the rule takes precedence."

Proposal 1161 - Sun Aug 25 13:31:07 EDT 1996
ammend R991
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal
A proposal to ammend R991 in the following ways
I. In section 2 J (ii) the words "the Number of Round counter" are replaced by the words "RoundCount"
II. In section 2 J (iii) the words "the Number of Round Counter" are replaced by the words "RoundCount"
{{[ This is the term used in Law of Party Gravity, without this change someone could probably make a case that said law does not work as intended]}}

II. In section 3 D (iv) the following text: "If two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously then the following procedure, called "Special DD-Turn", takes place:"

is replaced by the following text:
"If two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously then the procedure described in subsection (a)-(g) of this section is carried out. If the Chess-Umpire is one of the checked Swingers then an Asisstant Chess-Umpire is appointed and takes over the role of the Chess-Umpire for the duration of the Special DD-Turn. If the Special DD-Turn is followed by another Special DD-Turn, then the Assistant Chess-Umpire may continue to act in that capacity until that turn is resolved as well, unless he is a checked Swinger in that Special DD-Turn, in which case another Assistant Chess-Umpire is appointed in eir stead. In any case, Assistant Chess-Umpire should be chosen from among the Players who are not Swingers. If that is not possible, then a Swinger who is not checked can serve as an Assistant Chess-Umpire. If no registered Player can act as Assistant Chess-Umpire, then it is permissible for an observer to act in that capacity, pending eir agreement. If it is not possible to appoint an Assistant Chess-Umpire at all, then the an unresolved conflict is declared. Once an Assistant Chess-Umpire is no longer needed, that is, a Special DD-Turn has ended and the following turn is a normal turn, the Assistant Chess-Umpire resigns, and the position ceases to exist until it is needed again."

{{[another solution would be to automate this procedure, this would take sometime to implement, though, if I can make something like that work any time soon, I'll add this possibility later]}}

Proposal 1162 - Sun Aug 25 18:31:48 EDT 1996
Amend the Steel Flea
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Rejected

The following is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 730, "Steel Flea," by replacing the sentence:

"It is a red and blue matchbox, very pretty, if a little battered."


"It is a blue matchbox, very pretty, if a little battered."

Proposal 1163 - Sun Aug 25 18:32:04 EDT 1996
Making Swing Votes Tradeable
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[This proposal attempts tp bring swing votes into the framework of tradeable entities, while retaining what was intended, as I read the rule, anyway. Currenly, the way I rewrote the financial system, I don't think they can be transferred as this rule claims, at least they cannot be transferred for a *tradeable* entity such as ackadollars.]}}

Amend R 1116, "The Law of Party Gravity" as follows:

1) replace section 2. d. with:

"d. SwingVotes are Tradeable. Parties may regulate the way in which the SwingVotes owned by their Swinger are traded."

2) replace section 2. e. with:

"e. The NAP Swinger may only trade SwingVotes to non-aligned players. The NAP Swinger may not initiatiate an auction of SwingVotes. This has precedence over R 1023."

Proposal 1164 - Mon Aug 26 09:55:36 EDT 1996
I'm Not Allowed to Think
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rules 554, 775, 990, and 991 as follows:

Replace all occurrance of the word "iff" with the phrase "if and only if".

{{[it occurs to me that R 451 forces a rendering of 'iff' to be 'if', not what was intended (at least according to my Websters; I'll admit I didn't ftp and uncompress the official dictionary). It also occurs to me that the 'iff' construct may not be vocationally or linguistly neutral (I guess thats a fancy way of saying its 'jargon'); I'm also in a ridiculous mood after writing CFJ 271, and have never found a use for this loophole, so I'll write comments that are longer than the rule change.]}}

Proposal 1165 - Tue Aug 27 10:24:25 EDT 1996
Back Pay
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{/dev/joe, ThinMan, and Wayne each have A$24 transferred from the Treasury to their accounts. [this is to make up for the work that was done as Registrar, Financier, and Promoter, that wasn't paid (amount is a guess)]}}

Proposal 1166 - Tue Aug 27 10:25:15 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Acka is infested with slimy bluish-green worms which have seethed in from the Wilds of Ackanomia! These horrors are now infesting the Ruleset!

The infestation rate in the ruleset is now low; the infestation is visible only on the Day of the Party Hall party, each and every month.

Whenever a worm infestation in the ruleset becomes visible, a worm will be seen eating a random mutable rule (as chosen randomly and announced publically by the Speaker). The worm will have finished eating the rule, thus repealing it, 3 days from the time of the public announcement of the current visible infestation, unless it is stopped within the 3 days.

The current visible infestation can only be stopped by summoning the Mischievous Mongoose (hereafter called the Mongoose) or as specified elsewhere in the rules.

The Mongoose is summoned if and only if its fee is paid. The fee is considered paid if the sum total of all funds committed by the players wishing to summon it meet or exceed A$25. Players commit funds to the cause of summoning the Mongoose by publically announcing that they are doing so (and announcing the amount that they are committing) during the 3 day period of the current visible infestation. Regardless of whether the fee was met, not met, or exceeded, all funds committed are forfeited to the Treasury. Once summoned, the Mongoose will stop the current visible infestation, then become unsummoned.

This rule has precedence over any mutable rule which would deny a worm the ability to repeal rules as described above. This rule defers precedence to any mutable rule which increases the rate of visible infestation.

Proposal 1167 - Tue Aug 27 10:25:34 EDT 1996
As the World Sees Us
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 970 to replace the paragraph which currently reads

"Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison, but may only do so once per week."


"Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison, but may only do so once per week, provided a version of the proposal was submitted for RFC in either the main forum, a research forum, or an InterNomic forum."

Proposal 1168 - Tue Aug 27 10:26:41 EDT 1996
Encouraging Fun
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 207 to replace the paragraphs which currently read:

"If a proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 9 points and every player who voted NO on it receives 2 points.

If a proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 9 points and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point."


"If a proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.

If a proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points."

{{[attempting to eliminate the incentive to vote no, and add incentive to write more interesting (risky) proposals]}}

Proposal 1169 - Tue Aug 27 10:26:59 EDT 1996
ammend 1083
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Ammend section 5 of R1083 to read in full:
"A Pawn can only be Placed on one of the columns a,b,s,t, or on one of the rows 1,2,19,20."

Proposal 1170 - Wed Aug 28 12:44:54 EDT 1996
Internomic Proposals
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Accepted

Ammend Rule 970 by performing the following action:

Delete the phrase: "but may only do so once per week" from the end of the third paragraph.

{{[This should work, even if Malenkai's Proposal passes.]}}

Proposal 1171 - Wed Aug 28 12:45:25 EDT 1996
Mootability II
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Perform the following actions, in order:

1) Transmute Rule 108 to Mutable.

2) Amend Rule 108 by adding the following statement to the end of Rule 108:
Mutable Rules may not claim Precedence over Immutable Rules.

3) Transmute Rule 108 to Immutable

{{[ Respectfully Submitted,

Habeous Corpus
<A radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air. - FDR>]}}

Proposal 1172 - Sun Sep 01 00:27:42 EDT 1996
I've Always Wondered What to Do if this Came Up
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 588, "Selecting a Judge", to add the following paragraph after the first paragraph:

If the "remaining pool" is ever reduced to 0 eligible active players, and a judge needs to be selected, then all those currently active players who have previously declined judgement on the CFJ in question are added back to the the remaining pool. If doing this still leaves 0 eligible judges, then the CFJ is deemed Invalid, and removed from consideration, and no judge is selected.

Proposal 1173 - Sun Sep 01 00:28:50 EDT 1996
Silly Nomic
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Tue, 03 Sep 1996 01:23:42 EDT
Decision: Rejected

Ackanomic must always strive to be the silliest play by email game of nomic in existance on the internet.

If, during his journeys, the Ambassador discovers that the ruleset of another net-based nomic is substantially sillier than that of ackanomic he must issue a report stating so. This report must begin with the words "Oh, woe are we," and contain at least three specific references to mimsy entities.

Once a report has been issued, as specified by this rule the following events must occur:

1) 3 harfy proposals must be adopted.

2) The speaker must compose, and read, a silly haiku praising the Fat Lady

3) Anyone in possesion of a mimsy entity must post a message thanking the financier for his great work in service to ackanomic in general, and for his great work in the collection and inventory of entities in specific.

If all three of these conditions are not fulfilled within 14 days of the issuance of the report, then every players score shall imediatly be set to -6, with the exception of the harfmeister (whoever that may be at the end of the 14 day period) who's score shall be set to -13.

This rule specifically defers to other rules that outline events that occur upon the issuance of a report, or results of non-compliance with said events.

Proposal 1174 - Sun Sep 01 00:29:02 EDT 1996
Market Research Feedback
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 424, "Office of Registrar", to append the following text after what is currently section (d):

(e) asking new players how they found out about the game, and making this information public.

Proposal 1175 - Sun Sep 01 00:30:30 EDT 1996
Amending 629
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 629, section (f), subsection (2), which currently reads:

If, at the end of the Prescribed Voting Period, 7/8 of the votes received, exclusive of votes of "PRESENT", are "YES", then the Report of the Convention shall be Accepted.

To read as follows:

If, at the end of the Prescribed Voting Period, at least 7/8 of the votes received, exclusive of votes of "PRESENT", are "YES", then the Report of the Convention shall be Accepted.


The framers of rule 629 intended to allow the Report of the Convention to be accepted under circumstances other than an EXACT 7/8 to 1/8 vote. This Rule Change would allow unanimous, and >7/8, acceptance to permit the Report of the Convention to be accepted.

Proposal 1176 - Tue Sep 03 12:02:12 EDT 1996
Fix acting Swingers
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

I.Append the following text to R726
"When any Swinger except for the NAP Swinger goes on Vacation, it is the duty of the Swinger's Party to appoint another member of the Party as acting Swinger. If it is not possible to appoint an acting Swinger, within three days of the begining of eir Vacation, then the Swinger's office is declared to be a Warm office, until either the Swinger returns from Vacation, or it becomes possible to another Party member to assume the role f acting Swinger, or the Swinger is Impeached. When the NAP Swinger goes on Vacation the Speaker shall appoint a non-aligned player to take over the NAP-Swinger's duties. If the Speaker is non-aligned, he may assume the role of NAP-Swinger himself. If it is not possible to appoint an acting NAP-Swinger within three days of the begining of eir Vacation, then the office of the NAP Swinger is declared to be a Warm office until either the NAP-Swinger returns from Vacation, or it becomes possible to appoint another player as acting NAP-Swinger, or the NAP Swinger is Impeached.

This rule takes precedence over R457. Within the rule, every sentence takes precedence over the sentence before it."

II.Append to R991 section 2 H the following text:
"with the following exceptions:
a. With the exception that if a Swinger goes on Vacation during eir turn, then eir turn is extended by two additional days.
b. If a Swinger's office is Warm, then their turn is skipped entirely and considered to be a Pass.
{{[This solves a problem that had not occured to me up to now. Currently, when a Swinger goes on Vacation, an acting Swinger should be appointed, regardless of Party Affiliation. This ammendment fixes that and also provides for a case where there is no acting Swinger]}}

Proposal 1177 - Tue Sep 03 12:02:30 EDT 1996
A small fix for Characters that represent PartyChessPieces
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Append the following text to R990 section 3 A v. :
"For the purpose of this rule, a lower case Latin letter is considered identical to its corresponding upper case Latin letter."

Proposal 1178 - Tue Sep 03 12:02:48 EDT 1996
Compensating for the fact that we are a vacation club anyway
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 609, so that section (iv) reads in full:

(iv) Acting Officers:

The Rules may specify conditions under which a Player serves in an Office in an "Acting" capacity. In such a case, the Player is responsible for performing all of the Duties without receiving any of the Privileges of the Office, except for Privileges which are also explicitly defined to be Duties by the rules, or Privileges required to perform explicitly defined Duties, or Privileges of the office when the Acting officer is filling in for a vacationing player. For any given Seat, there can be an "Acting" Officer only if the Seat is vacant.

{{[the original concept of acting officers was for impeachments, and the privilege distinction made sense. With so much vacation, however, we have to move on and let the acting officers do their full job, and get paid, without this duty/privilege headache]}}

Proposal 1179 - Tue Sep 03 12:04:37 EDT 1996
The Evolution of Cooperation
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

{{[the title of this proposal is taken from a book by Axelrod, which is worth reading for anyone interested in Prisoner's Dilemna stuff. What relavence it has here is marginal, I guess, but I like it.

In any case, the Vulcan party spent A$275 to try to repeal the Gnome last time around; perhaps their pockets are still deep. This comes from an idea Wayne had were we should recycle rules, and since I like my Goose proposal so much, I shall propose it as a replacement for the gnome (which has problems). I've always wanted to try this bi-partisan thing, to see what happens. I'll even kick in some bucks to the cause. I note that "repeal the gnome" came within one vote of passing last time, and "chartreuse goose" came within 2 or 3. It will be interesting to see what happens]}}


Repeal R 355, "The Voting Gnome"


Create a new rule entitiled "Chartreuse Goose", reading:

Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a time.

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the cycle or game. This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable rule which establishes winning conditions.

The Chartreuse Goose (hereafter called "Goose") is transferred as specified below. Other rules may specify other ways for it to be transferred.

The term "paradox win CFJ", as used in the following, means any CFJ with a statement in its reasoning similar to the following: "Upon a verdict of TRUE, the initiator wins the cycle in accordance with R 219".

Conditions upon which the Goose is transferred:

1) Upon a verdict of FALSE on a paradox win CFJ, the initiator of the CFJ receives the Goose from wherever it is.

2) Upon a verdict on a paradox win CFJ being overturned to TRUE, the Goose goes Somewhere Else, if and only if the player possessing it was the initiator of the CFJ in question. Immediately afterwords, that player is declared the winner of the cycle.

All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed:

3) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least one week may pay A$200 to the Treasury and cause it to go Somewhere Else.

4) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least 30 days may pay A$75 to the Treasury and transfer the Goose to the single player with the lowest score. The player receiving the Goose receives A$75 from the Treasury. This option is not available if more than one player has the lowest score.

5) A player who possesses the Goose may pay A$350 to the Treasury and transfer it to any other player of their choice.

6) A player possessing a Chartreuse Goose Egg may take the Goose off the hands of any player who possesses it, provided the Goose owner agrees to the transaction, and pays a mutually agreed upon amount of currency (of at least A$50) to the Treasury. The Egg owner will receive from the Treasury the same amount that the Goose owner payed in, as compensation.


Amend R 219 to read in full:

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. Such a call for judgement must contain in its reasoning a statement to the effect that the initiator is claiming a win in accordance with R 219, on a verdict of true.

If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the cycle.

Proposal 1180 - Wed Sep 04 01:14:15 EDT 1996
National Geographic
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

Acceptance of this proposal will amend the complete text of rule 729 to read:

The Earth is flat. Contradiction of this fact is Heresy.
The Chartreuse Goose came before the Chartreuse Goose Egg. Contradiction of this fact is heresy.

If, in a public message, a player contradicts any of the above facts, or implies that they are not so, any other player may call for a Witchhunt, by publically posting that they are doing so.

During the Witchhunt, which lasts 3 days, players send their votes to the Assistant Tabulator (hereafter referred to as the Witchfinder General) containing the name of the alleged Heretic. Players can vote either "NO! E has spoken truly.", or "BURN THE WITCH!"

After the Witchhunt is over, a simple majority (50% or more) will determine whether or not the alleged Heretic has been burned.The Witchfinder General will publicly announce the outcome.

If the witch has been burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points.

Any player who has been burned as a heretic exactly once is considered Enlightened. Any player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule.

Proposal 1181 - Wed Sep 04 01:14:30 EDT 1996
Appealing Penalties
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 710 to add the following section at the end of the current text:

8c) If a TRUE verdict is upheld on an appeal, the appellate court or judge may impose a penalty different from the previously imposed penalty. If such an appeal verdict is delivered during the grace period, the new penalty is imposed at the end of that grace period instead of the original one (ie, the grace period is not adjusted). If the appeal verdict is delivered after the grace period ended (previous penalty already imposed), then the appropriate transactions are performed to adjust the penalty. In this case, if either penalty involved a SENTENCE in the Gaol, then the difference is tacked on or subtracted from player X's current sentence. If the result is non-positive, player X is released from the Gaol if they are there. If the result is positive, and player X is not in Gaol, they are placed there immediately.

Proposal 1182 - Wed Sep 04 01:14:41 EDT 1996
Fixing up the Gaol rule even more
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 709, "Gaol", as follows:

1. Add this paragraph after paragraph which says that players in Gaol do not count for determining quorum:

Players in the Gaol may not be selected to judge CFJ's, to be mentors, to find Phoebe's Matchbox, or to be Mad Hatters. If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet accepted or declined the appointment when e enters the Gaol, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge.

{{[There is already a blanket precedence clause, but some precedence stuff in the rule needs to be fixed up a bit... part of this rule might be a CFJ256-style paradox, but that loophole is due to be closed any day now by proposal 1160 -- not necessarily in the way we want for this rule, though. The last paragraph gives the rule global precedence, but the section with the list of Gaolbirds' rights globally defers. ]}}

2. Delete these sentences wherever they appear in the rule:

'This takes precedence over Rule 201 "Quorum".'

'This rule has precedence over any other mutable rule which conflicts in whole or in part, with any of its provisions.'

3. Add this paragraph at the beginning of the rule:

This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules, except where this rule explicitly defers to other rules.

Proposal 1183 - Wed Sep 04 11:33:38 EDT 1996
Consolidation I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal

Repeal R 1136


Amend R 666, "End of Cycle", to make the following changes in the order specifed:

1) reletter section k) to section l)

2) add a section k) after section j), reading:

k) If the cycle currently ending has exceeded 30 days in length, all players who have been on vacation for the entire cycle are removed from the game as if they have quit.

Proposal 1184 - Wed Sep 04 11:33:50 EDT 1996
Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Vote YES
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal R 691.

{{[This rule adds NO value, is NOT a deterrent, and has ABSOLUTELY no compensatory benefits for the extra work it creates. It only transfers a required response for the judge designate, and adds an extra step on top of redistributing a deadbeat CFJ. Its bad enough when a CFJ is ignored, and I have to go through the work to redo that step, but to add this step as well, for no return on the work, is too much.]}}

Proposal 1185 - Thu Sep 05 19:10:08 EDT 1996
Legacy Deck
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A Legacy Deck of Cards has four suits: Spades (S), Hearts (H),Diamonds (D), and Clubs (C),
and 13 ranks: Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
Spades and Clubs are black. Hearts and Diamonds are red.

There are also two jokers in this Deck (?1, ?2). Jokers have no suit, rank or color.

{{[This is in a description of the standard deck of cards - many people are more comfortable with those. Personally, I like the Eleusis Deck, but that's no reason for everyone to use it]}}

Proposal 1186 - Thu Sep 05 23:54:20 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 457, "Vacationing", to make the following changes:

1) Replace the second paragraph so that it reads:

A player should specify the expected duration of their vacation. If the duration is not specified when they go on vacation, it is assumed to be 14 days. If the period specified is longer than 30 days, it is assumed, and recorded, as 30 days. If the period specified is shorter than 2 days, it is assumed, and recorded, as 2 days. It is a duty of the Registrar to keep a record of the expected duration of vacationing players.

2) Replace the fifth paragraph so that it reads:

The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation, or perform any action permitted by an Immutable Rule. A player shall take himself off vacation by declaring to the public forum that he is back from his vacation. As soon as the player makes this public declaration, he shall no longer be considered on vacation. The one exception is that a player who has been on vacation less than 2 days may not take themselves off vacation.

Proposal 1187 - Thu Sep 05 23:54:37 EDT 1996
Couldn't Quite Find the Paradox CFJ
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[I believe Techno is still a swinger, even though the Underworld party is defunct. The clause I replace in 1) below makes this so, because it has precedence due to the CFJ 256 fix. This was why I was spooked by that fix, even though it was necessary.]}}

Amend R 726, "Party Hall", to make the following changes:

1) Replace all occurrances of the following text:

"A Swinger, whether a Party Swinger, or a NAP Swinger, holds e's seat until e resigns or voted out."


"A Swinger, whether a Party Swinger, or a NAP Swinger, holds e's seat until e resigns, or is impeached, except that an NAP Swinger loses e's seat when e joins a Political Party, and a Party Swinger loses e's seat when e leaves eir Party, or that Party is dissolved or defunct.

{{all non-NAP Swingers who are not members of political parties are removed from all offices of swinger which they hold. All players who hold more than one office of swinger are removed from all offices of swinger which they hold.}}"

2) Add the following text at the end of the rule:

"There is no NAP Swinger seat if there are no non-aligned players. This clause takes precedence over all others in this rule, or any other mutable rule pertaining to Party Hall or Swingers."

Proposal 1188 - Fri Sep 06 22:20:35 EDT 1996
Cutting the Cheesy Duplicate Paradox Wins
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 589, by adding this new paragraph to the end:

Any CFJ which would constitute a win by rule 219 if it were judged TRUE (hereafter called a Paradox Win CFJ) whose statement is substantially similar, in the judgement of the judge, to the statement of a Paradox Win CFJ submitted by any player and not yet resolved, shall be judged Invalid. Any Paradox Win CFJ which is based on the same sort of Paradox, in the judgement of the judge, as any Paradox Win CFJ ever judged TRUE, shall be judged Invalid.

Proposal 1189 - Fri Sep 06 22:20:47 EDT 1996
Amending the rules about scoring for amendments to the scoring rules
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

1. Amend rule 793, by deleting the following sentence wherever it appears:
"If a proposal adds, changes, or repeals rules that generate effects (including but not limited to score changes) based on the way players vote, then the additions, changes, or repeals in that proposal shall not apply to that proposal."

2. Amend Rule 1089.2, by deleting the following sentence wherever it appears:
"This rule defers precedence to R 793 where there is a conflict."

{{[ Rule 1089.2 section 5 is a better version of the text I'm deleting from rule 793 -- it just turns off the scoring rules being amended for the proposal that amends them, if the proposal passes. ]}}

Proposal 1190 - Fri Sep 06 22:21:14 EDT 1996
Fix Swingers
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A proposal that has the following effect:

I. Append the following text to R990 section A:
"Playing PartyChess is part of a Swinger's duty."

I.Append the following text to R726
"When any Swinger except for the NAP Swinger goes on Vacation, it is the duty of the Swinger's Party to appoint another member of the Party as acting Swinger. When the NAP Swinger goes on Vacation it is the duty of the Speaker to appoint a non-aligned player to be acting Swinger. If the Speaker is non-aligned, and no other player appointed the role of acting Swinger, then the Speaker is the acting Swinger. If the Speaker is a Party member, and no player has been assigned the role of acting NAP Swinger, and there is at least one volunteer from among the non-aligned players for that position, then the Speaker must appoint one of the volunteers as acting NAP Swinger.
If a Swinger's Office remains vacant for more than 6 days then the Chess-Umpire declares the Office to be a Warm Office, until such time as it is no longer vacant.
If all the members of a Party are on Vacation then no acting Swinger is appointed for that Party and eir Office remains Vacant. If all non-aligned players are on Vacation then no acting NAP-Swinger is appointed and eir Office remains vacant.

This rule takes precedence over R457."
{{[The RFC handled implicitly a situation such as the (None Yet) situation, but did not handle implicitly the case where all non-aligned players are on vacation. Statement to handle both cases have been added. - I claiming precedence explicitly]}}

II.Append to R991 section 2 H the following text:
"with the following exceptions:
(i) With the exception that if a Swinger goes on Vacation during eir turn, then eir turn is extended by two additional days. There may be no more than two such extensions per turn, and no more than 4 such extensions for any given six consecutive rounds.
(a)If a Swinger's office is Warm, then their turn is skipped entirely and considered to be a Pass. If a a Swinger's Office is Warm for two whole Rounds, then he is considered to have Surrendered.
(b)If a Swinger Office's King is checked while it is Warm, then that Swinger's turn is not skipped.
The Chess-Umpire must notify all members of the Party whose King has been checked, of the check situations, including members who are on Vacation.
In the case of a Special D-turn, if four days after the Chess-Umpire's message the Swinger's Office is still Warm, then he is considered to have surrendred.
In the case of a Special DD-turn, if the chekced Swinger's Office is still Warm the second time a conflict is declared, then he is considered to have surrendered, however, he is still counted for the purpose of determining the number of repetitions of the procedure described in R991 section D (iv) (b)-(d).

It is permissible for a Party with a Warm Office to notify the Chess-Umpire of a Surrender at any time by sending a public message to that effect. The Surrender becomes effectively immediately. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other sections of this rule."

{{[I've implemented Malenkai's suggsetion wih a slight addition. Some players unsubscribe when they go on Vacation, even if they are within reach of the net. I've made a provision for that case as well. Also for Spcial DD-turns, and I've made the numbering consistent with with the rst of the Party Chess rules. I believe this version is sound and will solve the problems of Party Chess]}}

Proposal 1191 - Fri Sep 06 22:21:30 EDT 1996
Power to the pieces!
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend Rule 990, section 4 to include this after clause B:

"C. There may be pieces whose capturing moves differ from their non-capturing moves. This rule defers to all PartyChessPieceDef rules which provide moves for such pieces. Such captures otherwise proceed as defined above."

Proposal 1192 - Fri Sep 06 22:43:44 EDT 1996
Bringing the Rules into accordance with Game Custom
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R 939, "Party Hall Party", to replace the section header "Otherwise:" with the following:

"If Party Hall is not in session, or at least 1 Swinger fails to comply with the above:"

Proposal 1193 - Fri Sep 06 22:58:55 EDT 1996
Fixing Malenkai's Loophole for Gadgets
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 594, Blueprints, to add the following section after section (iii):

(iv) Entites with the same name as a Gadget proposed or introduced by a Blueprint may only be created in accordance with procedures explicitly delineated in the Rules.

Proposal 1194 - Sat Sep 07 15:18:03 EDT 1996
The Machine That Goes *ping*
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Sat, 07 Sep 1996 15:45:15 -0400 Decision: retracted by author

I. There exists the Ackanomic entity called The Machine That Goes *ping*, henceforth known as the Machine. There is only one Machine at any time; if more than one Machine exists, the most recently created one is destroyed until only one Machine exists. The Machine is protected.

The Machine is a product of advanced technology, covered in buttons, lights, and switches. It may be from the same culture that produced Phoebe, and so it is of great importance that The Machine That Goes *ping* be studied by all of Acka.

II. The Machine That Goes *ping* may exist only in the Home of one active player. {{When this proposal passes, it shall exist in Xanadu.}} The player in whose home the Machine resides has the duty of assisting Acka in its study of the Machine, and e is given the title "Scholar of *ping*" (hereafter, Scholar) for as long as the Machine shares his abode.

III. Within seven days of a player receiving this title, the Machine shall manifest in the Scholar's dreams and utter one truth. This truth shall take the form, "IF AND ONLY IF today {if clause}, THEN the Machine That Goes *ping* shall go *ping*."

In the Machine's truth, {if clause} will be replaced by no more than twelve words. Each of these words must be in the official dictionary or exist in the Rules. {if clause} shall not contain anything that is not a word.

Upon waking from this dream, the Scholar must announce the Machine's truth in a public message to all Acka, but disguise each letter of each word in the {if clause}, but not space characters, with *'s in order to preserve the sacred truth from the eyes of heretics. E.g., the truth "IF AND ONLY IF today is Wednesday or Thursday, THEN the Machine That Goes *ping* shall go *ping*," must be announced, "IF AND ONLY IF today ** ********* ** ********, THEN the Machine That Goes *ping* shall go *ping*." If the Scholar does not announce the Machine's truth in this fashion within seven days of receiving his title, he is deemed to be a quack and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

IV. Under no circumstances may the Scholar announce the Machine's truth in any method other than a public message, nor in any form other than the disguised one described above.

V. Beginning with the day after the Scholar announces the Machine's truth, whenever the statement described by "today {if clause}" is true, The Machine That Goes *ping* shall go *ping*. It is the duty of the Scholar to inform the rest of Acka of this occurrence. E must do so by posting a public message with the form, "Today is Someday, the xth day of Month, in the Year of Our Lord YYYY, and the Machine That Goes *ping* Has Gone *ping* today. Since I have been scholar, the Machine has gone *ping* n times." In the actual message, Someday will replaced by the actual day of the week, xth will be replaced by the ordinal number of that day of the month, Month will be replaced by the name of the current month, YYYY will be replaced by the digits of the current year, and n will be the number of times which the Machine has gone *ping* in the time the Scholar has had his present title.

Once a Scholar has announced the Machine's truth, the Machine shall go *ping* no more than once a day, nor shall it not go *ping* for seven consecutive days. The scholar must never lie concerning *ping*'s.

VI. If any player other than the Scholar believes he knows the Machine's truth, e shall announce what e believes its undisguised form to be in a public message. If he is correct, the Scholar shall congratulate him, and the Machine shall produce one Gadget randomly selected from the existing Blueprints, which shall be awarded to the player who correctly guessed the Machine's truth. The Machine shall then transport itself to that player's Home.

If e guesses incorrectly, the Scholar shall ridicule him in a public message, immune from the Politness Moon in doing so. This takes precedence over Rule 400. The ridiculed player must pay a fine of 5 A$ to the treasury for mocking the sacred truth, and e may not again guess the Machine's truth while the current Scholar holds that title.

If the Scholar does not either congratulate or ridicule the player who guessed within three days, e is deemed a quack, must pay a 25 A$ fine, and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another player's Home.

VII. If the Machine has gone *ping* at least six times since the last time this action was taken, any active player may pay 10 A$ to the treasury, then post a public message naming any one letter of the alphabet as the Magic Letter. The Scholar must respond within three days by publically reposting the Machine's truth in its disguised form, but this time replacing any * representing the magic letter or any letter previously named the magic letter with the letter(s) so represented. Failure to do so will be treated as if the Scholar had failed to respond to a guess.

VIII. If the Machine goes *ping* thirty times under a single Scholar, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form. Failure to do so will be treated as if Scholar had failed to respond to a guess.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth, any active player may, within the next three days, submit a CFCJ that the Scholar violated the rules of his duties during his time under that title. If no player does so in that time, or if the returned verdict is FALSE, the Scholar receives 50 A$ for his services, and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home. If the returned verdict is TRUE, then in addition to a sentence, it is treated as if the Scholar had failed to respond to a guess.

IX. If the Scholar is placed in Gaol, he may continue to report the occurrence of a *ping*. This takes precedence over Rule 709. If the Scholar leaves the game or is placed on vacation, the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

Whenever the Machine randomly teleports itself, it is the duty of the Assistant Tabulator to report its new location. If no such office exists, this duty falls to the Tabulator. If neither office exists, this duty falls to the Speaker.

Proposal 1195 - Sun Sep 08 00:25:16 EDT 1996
Fixing Malenkai's Loophole for Titles
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Place the following amendment at the end of R609

(viii) A player is forbidden to acquire any title or office unless the rules explicitly allow em to do so.

{{[As long as P1193 is up for approval, why fix it only halfway?]}}

Proposal 1196 - Sun Sep 08 00:25:27 EDT 1996
Leash the Hounds of Hell!
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R622 to read in full:

A message is a public message if and only if it is distributed to all registered Players who subscribe to the official mailing list, and the subject line contains either "Ackanomic:" or "Acka:"

{{[Often, vacationing players unsubscribe from the official mailing list, and this is certainly allowed by R832. However, since they are still registered players, the current R622 demands public messages be sent to them anyway. Unable to work this into a paradox win (R622 has precedence), I briefly considered using this truth as grounds for a mass-impeachment since it almost certainly means most of the officials required to send public messages have been violating the "Speed" rule for the better part of the summer. However, I then started to look at all the mentions of public messages in the rules, and I realized sticking this loophole to it could very well unleash the hounds of hell and crash the game, so I'm just trying to quietly fix it.]}}

Proposal 1197 - Sun Sep 08 17:20:48 EDT 1996
What can Cows Eat?
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Sun, 08 Sep 1996 22:37:22 -0400
Decision: Rejected

This rule, which contains gratuitious use of the phrase "Cows eat grass" (and/or "cows eat grass" or "Cows Eat Grass"), attempts, dismally to be self referential but then fails. However, the failure of this rule to be self referential is not all that important since what this rule actually does is prohibit the use of the phrase "Cows eat grass" or any alternate version of that phrase (including alternate spellings of the words "cows" "eat" or "grass" or alternate capitaliazation or punctuations of said phrase, from appearing in any future proposal.

Any player submitting a proposal that contains the phrase "cows eat grass" or any variation on the theme (including alternate spellings and/or capitalization or puntuation of said phrase) shall transfer A$500 to the player who has the lowest balance of A$ in his account within one day, or be eligable for prosecution un the procedures for Criminal Justice.

Proposal 1198 - Sun Sep 08 17:21:03 EDT 1996
Working to Reduce Work
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 1051, "Mentors (Take II)", as follows:

1) replace all occurrance of

"It is the privilege of a mentor to receive A$25 from the treasury at the completion of his mentorship."


"The mentor receives A$25 from the Treasury at the start of his or her mentorship.

{{[the intent is to give the mentor pay when the mentor is selected, so that no one need remember to do any work at the end of the mentorship]}}"

2) add the following section at the end of the rule:

{{all extant mentors who became mentors via application of this rule receive A$25 from the Treasury.}}

3) add the following text at the end of the first paragraph:

"No one may become a mentor except as specified by the Rules."

4) Change the title of the rule to "Mentors".

Proposal 1199 - Sun Sep 08 17:21:20 EDT 1996
Discouraging Party Splits
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 391, "Rewarding Party Unity", to read:

If on any proposal every member of a political party votes in the same way (either Yes or No) then one extra vote is cast on the proposal for every three distinct members of that party. These vote(s) will be Yes vote(s) if the party voted Yes unanimously. The vote(s) will be No vote(s) if the party voted No unanimously. The extra vote(s) are not considered to have been cast by any players.

Party membership and how players voted are determinded based on the facts in force at the end of the prescribed voting period for each proposal.

{{[yeah, it will still make some sense for parties of 6 to split, but it will be less of a disadvantage if they don't. If I were in a party of 6, I would not *want* to split because it would be less FUN. Under the current system, it really makes no sense for them to not split. Why now, when no party is close to 6? I don't know, I've been wanting to do this since March.]}}

Proposal 1200 - Sun Sep 08 17:21:37 EDT 1996
Random Things
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 615, "Speaker", to read:

{{[this comes about from P 1194 specifying gadgets to be randomly distributed when certain conditions are met, but not specifying who is to do so. Thus it falls to R 490 and the Speaker. I figured I'd bring 490 into this rule, and while I was here, define the "Officer in Charge of Random Things" as used elsewhere in the rules. Thus writers can use that phrase without the extra clutter, and we can move it, or create a new office later. I also brought keeping track of unspecified stuff, such as locations and thread splits (along pTang's ref idea) in. I actually only added sections (v) on, and changed the precedence claim, (i) thru (iii) are unchanged, (iv) has a quasi-paradox thats been there for a while removed.]}}

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules, except that it defers to R 779.

(i) The Office of Speaker is declared to have one Seat.

(ii) Whenever this Office is vacant, it shall be filled by an Election for Office. The specifications for the Election for Office are:
a) Nomination Period: 3 days.
b) Voting Period: 3 days.
c) Tie Resolution: New Election.

(iii) As an additional Privilege of Office, the Speaker shall receive a weekly salary of A$10.

(iv) Whenever the Speaker goes on vacation, he is considered to be temporarily vacating the Office until he returns from vacation. No action shall be taken to fill the office. The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period immediately prior to going on vacation. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. This section takes precedence over section (ii) of this Rule.

(v) Performance of tasks required by Sections (vi) thru (viii) are duties of the Office of Speaker.

(vi) The Speaker is the Officer in charge of random things, and shall make random determinations when the rules require such, and those rules do not specify another officer or procedure for making the random determination, or it is not possible for the specified officer to do so.

(vii) If, in any rule, an action is required to be carried out, and the rule does not either specify who is to carry it out or define a mechanism for choosing someone to do so, the Speaker is required to carry out the task.

(viii) If any game state information or data needs to be tracked, and the rules do not specify who is to track it, the Speaker is required to do so, and is required to make it available to any player on request or as needed [e.g. player locations and thread splits].


Repeal R 490.


Amend R 779 to replace all occurrances of "490" with "615".