Proposal 1051 - Thu Jul 25 14:11:14 EDT 1996
Mentors (Take II)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted
Upon the admittance of a new player into the game, the Registrar shall randomly select a player from a pool of volunteers to act as a "mentor" for the new player.

It is the duty of the Registrar to maintain a list of players who are in the volunteer pool. If there are not enough players in the volunteer pool to assign a mentor for each new player, the Registrar may randomly select a player from the general population.

Non-volunteering selectees must publicly accept mentorship within 1 dayor be assumed to have declined, in which case the registrar must select a new mentor.

It is the privlidge of a mentor to recieve A$25 from the treasury at the completion of his mentorship.

The duties of the mentor are as follows:

1) Answer any questions concerning game procedure to the new player.

2) Provide a new player with history and arguements for and against either side of a proposal in the voting queue upon the new players request.

3) Provide a new player with information on any matter that requires his immediate attention [for example, a newly active player who is required to return judgement]

4) Answer any other questions the new player has concerning the game of Ackanomic.

The mentor shall be responsible for performing these duties for a period of two weeks from the day he assigned to the player, or until the new player declines further services [whichever comes first]

A mentor must always provide information without political or religious bias.

Proposal 1052 - Thu Jul 25 14:11:46 EDT 1996
snowgod's blizzard
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

{{ snowgod's score is changed to -50 . Any player with a negitive score, other than snowgod, is set to 36}}

Proposal 1053 - Tue Jul 30 12:44:40 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended. I will be using Jul 31, 00:55 EDT.]
Gate Money
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

{{ each player shall recieve 25 points and A$100 once for each occasion that he was burned at the stake}}

Proposal 1054 - Tue Jul 30 12:44:44 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Common Sense for the CSRR
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 695/2 "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to replace the text of section (d) with the following:

"(d) The CSRR shall distribute CSR's publicly, and assign each one a unique number. After a CSR is distributed, any player may officially object to it by publishing his or her objection publicly. If less than 2 players object to the CSR within a 3 day review period immediately following its distribution, then the changes it suggests will be made at the end of the review period. The CSRR shall publish a notice that the changes have been made."

{{[right now it seems like a CSR is a proposal that requires almost unamimous support. Also, I wanted to make it so that a single individual could not just veto every CSRR. Putting the period down to 3 days puts it somewhere between spelling bee and a real proposal, where I believe it should be. Perhaps people will use it more, rather than just go for cheap proposal points.]}}

Proposal 1055 - Tue Jul 30 12:44:48 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Coming and Going
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[962.2 largely removes the intent of 859 and renders it useless, except in regards to 691. 962.2 does not claim precedence to have its intended effect with regards to 691]}}

Repeal Rule 859, "Fixing Leaving the Game and Coming Back in a Different Cycle"
Amend R 691, "No Deadbeat Judges", to remove all occurrances of the following sentence:

"The ex-player may rejoin the game later, if he or she desires, with the same score he or she had when he or she left."

Proposal 1056 - Tue Jul 30 12:44:51 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
I Should Be Allowed to Think
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal rule 729, "Ackanomic Middle Ages".

Proposal 1057 - Tue Jul 30 14:05:07 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Name Game
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 570, "Player Names", to read, in full:

{{[this is my third hack at the name rules. I should have done all of this the first time, but... Basically, I consolidating R 570, R 571, and R 604 into one rule, and making 3 char names like fon's legal]}}

Each player will have an Official Ackanomic Name. The Name must consist of at least three, and no more than twenty alphanumerical characters. All nomic business must use the Name when referring to a specific player.

Players must choose a Name when they register. No player may choose a Name that is already in use (or otherwise would be in violation of R703). Players without a Name must choose a Name within one week.

A new player may not choose the name of previous player, or the previous name of a current player, unless they are the player who held that name previously. e.g., no new player could take the name pTang1001001sos unless they were really the Mark Nau who held that name previously. It is a duty of the Registrar to make sure the player's chosen name complies with this Rule, and the Registrar has the final right to approve or deny the chosen name. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would deny the Registrar these duties.

A player may change his or her Ackanomic Name provided the new name complies with the above rules, and any other rule, as if the player were choosing the new name as a new player. The player must publically announce their old name, new name, and real name, with a short explanation. The Registrar shall record the change.

When a player changes their Ackanomic name, all Ackanomic business (for example CFJ's and Proposals) will be changed to follow their new name.

Alphanumerical characters are defined for this rule to include alphanumeric characters and (! @ # $ % ^ & * ' " , . ^ ! : ; / \ | - _ = + space). Excluded are the characters < > ( ) { } [ ].

[This rules justifies the common practice that some players have name like Calvin N Hobbes, Robert Sevin and allow names like /dev/joe and De'ghew. Yes, the ' ' or space is not an alphanumeric character :)]


Repeal Rule 571, "Changing Player Names"


Repeal Rule 604, "After a Name Change"

Proposal 1058 - Tue Jul 30 14:05:17 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Swingers Wish They Could Play Around I
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 990 shall be amended in the following ways:

The last sentence of Section 2, Part A, shall be replaced with: "Whenever the rules refer to pieces as being owned by, or property of, a Swinger, the implied meaning is that they are owned by or property of the Office of the Swinger."

[As long as I am adressing the more serious problems of R 990, I thought I would clean up the grammar a little, too.]

The words "this rules" in Section 2, Part A, shall be changed to "this or other applicable rules."

The words "this rule" in section 2, Part B, shall be changed to "this or another applicable rule."

[PartyChessPieceDef rules may define methods for capturing pieces other than those in R 990]

A period shall be inserted directly after the initial "C" of Section 2, Part C. The terms "on-board" and "off-board" in Section 2, Part C, shall each be placed inside double quotation marks [as in this sentence].

Sections 4 and 5 shall be deleted. [Their functionality is merged into the rewrite of section 3, below.]

All of Section 3 shall be replaced with the text between the next two "--" symbols:

3. PartyChessPieceDef rules
 A. A rule is a PartyChessPieceDef rule iff it meets the following criteria:
  i.   It defines exactly one type of piece that can be purchased and used
       in the game of Party Chess.
  ii.  It includes in its title the words "Creation of a PartyChessPiece,"
       followed by the name of the piece it creates.
  iii. It unambiguously defines the legal moves that the piece may make.
       That is, it defines to which empty squares on the board the piece
       may move.
  iv.  It defines a material value for the piece.
  v.   It defines a non-space ASCII character to represent the piece, and
       this character is different from those that represent all the other
       types of pieces.
 B. Unless otherwise stipulated by the relevant PartyChessPieceDef rule, the
    legal moves for each piece are defined relative to that piece's current
    position on the board, and may depend on the positions of other pieces
    on the board.
 C. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define means different from those defined
    in this rule by which the defined piece may capture opponents' pieces.
    If it does, then this rule defers to that PartyChessPieceDef rule with
    regard to capturing.
 D. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which a piece is
    promoted or demoted.  If it does not, then there are no conditions
    under which the piece it defines is promoted or demoted.
 E. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which a piece may
    skip over other pieces during its movement.  If it does not, then there
    are no conditions under which the piece it defines may skip over other
    pieces during its movement.
 F. Section 3A of this rule defers to the rule entitled "Creation of a
    PartyChessPiece King."  This rule takes precedence over all
    PartyChessPieceDef rules, except where it explicitly defers.

4. Capturing
 A. A Capture may be performed by PartyChessPiece (1) if another piece (2)
    occupies a square on the board to which (1) could otherwise legally move.
    The Swinger that owns (1) performs a capture on his turn by moving (1)
    to the square occupied by (2) and removing (2) from the board, adding (2)
    to his own collection of off-board pieces.  Piece (2) is then said to
    have been captured.
 B. Section 4A notwithstanding, it is forbidden for a piece to capture a
    friendly piece.

5. There are eight directions in terms of which all moves are defined.
 A. Horizontal: A movement from one square to another one in the same row.
    There are two horizontal directions.
 B. Vertical: A movement from one square to another in the same column.
    There are two vertical directions.
 C. Diagonal: A movement from one square to another such that the number of
    rows moved is the same as the number of columns moved.  There are four
    diagonal directions.
 D. A primitive movement is a movement from one square to another in a
    horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.
 E. Every legal move must be defined as a combination of one or more
    primitive movements.  When a piece makes a move, it a legal move, it
    follows the path defined by the primitive movements that make up that

6. Various definitions
 A. In the context of a Party Chess piece, the capital letters R and C
    represent the row and column, respectively, of the square that that
    piece occupies.
 B. The symbols DestR and DestC represent the the row and column of a
    destination square.
 C. The symbol SQn, where n is a positive integer, specifies the square
    n squares distant from a piece's current square in a given direction.
    Which such symbols are meaningful depends on the piece's current position
    on the board.
 D. The symbol dR represents the absolute value of DestR-R.
 E. The symbol dC represents the absolute value of DestC-C, where the
    difference is computed as the difference of the ASCII codes corresponding
    to DestC and C.
 F. The symbols /AND/, /OR/, /XOR/, and /NOT/, in this and all other rules
    governing Party Chess, represent the logical operators AND, OR, XOR, and
    NOT, respectively.

7. All pieces are Protected.


Proposal 1059 - Tue Jul 30 14:05:29 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Swingers Wish They Could Play Around II
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 991 shall be amended in the following ways:

In Section 1, Part A, "Chess Umpire" shall be changed to "Chess-Umpire."

Section 1, Part D, Clause iii, shall be replaced by:
(iii) To notify each Swinger by private e-mail whenever it becomes his turn to move.

Section 1, Part D, Clause iv, shall be replaced with:
(iv) To alert a Swinger by public e-mail whenever he is placed in check.

In Section 2, Part B, the words "defined be" shall be replaced with "defined by."

Section 2, Part F, shall be replaced by:
F. A Player or Observer becomes a Spectator when he informs the Chess-Umpire of his desire to do so. A Spectator ceases to be a Spectator when he informs the Chess-Umpire of his desire to do so. Whenever this rule calls for a public announcement or public e-mail, such announcement or e-mail is to be sent to all Swingers and Spectators, to the Chess-Umpire, and to no-one else. However, the person who sends a public e-mail or announcement may exclude himself from the recipients.

In Section 2, Part H, the second sentence shall be replaced by: Once a play has been publicly announced, it becomes the turn of the next Swinger in the playing-order, unless there are no more Swingers in the playing-order, in which case it becomes the turn of the first Swinger in the playing-order.

Section 2, Part I shall be deleted.
Section 2, Part J shall be relabelled Part I.
Section 2, Part K shall be relabelled Part J.

[It could be argued, perhaps successfully, that under the current section I, after each Swinger had played once then the first Swinger would get all the rest of the turns. I am not positive that my rewrite fixes things, but I would welcome comments.]

Section 3, Part A, shall be replaced with the following:

 i.   A piece (1) is an opposing piece or opponent's piece with respect to
      piece (2) if it is controlled by a different Swinger than (2) is,
      regardless of any agreements, contracts, or treaties made between the
      various Swingers.
 ii.  A piece (1) is friendly with respect to piece (2) if pieces (1) and (2)
      are controlled by the same Swinger.
 iii. A piece (1) is attacking opposing piece (2) iff they are located on the
      board such that if it were (1)'s Swinger's turn to move, he could
      capture piece (2) with piece (1).
 iv.  A piece (1) is defending friendly piece (2) iff they are located on the
      board such that (1) would be attacking (2) if (2) were an opposing
[ The clears up some sloppiness between piece labels and Swinger labels, and I think makes the language somewhat more straightforward. ]

The symbol '%lt;' in Section 3B shall be changed to '&gt;'.

All commas shall be removed from Section 3, Part B, Clause (i).

The first three sentences of Section 3, Part B, Clause (ii) (following the hyphen) shall be replaced by:
The Swinger uses one of his pieces to perform a capture according to the applicable rules.

A colon shall be appended to the word "follows" in Section 3, PartB, Clause (ii).

The following sentence shall be appended to Section 3, Part B, Clause (ii): If a PartyChessPieceDef rule defines special conditions under which the defined piece may perform a capture, then it may also specify a different form of capture announcement for use with that piece; this rule defers to any such alternative capture announcement definition.

The words "of-board" in Section 3, Part B, Clause (iii) shall be replaced by "off-board."

All commas except the last in Section 3, Part B, Clause (iv) shall be removed.

The second comma of the first sentence of Section 3, Part C, Clause (i) shall be deleted.

Section 3, Part C, Clauses (ii) through (iv) shall be replaced by the following:
(ii) No Swinger may be in Check at the end of his move. It is possible that the only move that will satisfy this condition is a surrendur.

[ I think that the intent of the original part (ii) is already handled by the language governing placement. The result of this amendment is not identical to the original wording, however. ]

Section 3, Part D, Clause (i) shall be amended to read, in whole:
(i) A Swinger is in Check when his King is attacked by one or more opposing pieces.

Section 3, Part D, Clause (iii) shall be entirely replaced by:
When a single Swinger is in check and it is not that Swinger's turn to play, the following procedure takes place: the Swinger whose turn it is to play is placed on-hold, and it becomes the turn of the Swinger in check. This turn is called a "Special D-Turn." After the Swinger in check completes the Special D-Turn, the turn reverts to the Swinger on hold, and that Swinger is no longer on-hold.

The first comma in Section 3, Part D, Clause (iv), Subclause (a) shall be deleted.

In Section 3, Part D, Clause (iv) Subclause (c), the words "results of" shall be deleted. The following text shall be inserted between "accordingly" and the following period: "; if a Swinger is on-hold then the turn reverts to that Swinger, and he is no longer on hold, otherwise the turn passes to the next player in the play-order."

The word "decided" in Section 3, Part D, Clause (iv), Subclause (e) shall be replaced with "decides."

The symbols "/b/-/d/" in Section 3, Part D, Clause (iv), Subclause (f) shall be replaced with "(b)-(d)."

Section 3, Part D, Clause (iv), Subclause (g) shall be replaced with the following:
(g) The Special DD-Turn plays conflict if any one or more of the following are true:
/i/ Two or more of the plays call for pieces to move to or capture pieces on the same square.
/ii/ One or more of the plays calls for a movement of or capture using a piece that is the target of a capture in one of the other plays.
/iii/ The result of the plays would be that at least one of the checked Swingers would still be in check.

[ This adds an important conflict condition, and fixes the situation that the old /ii/ would have allowed the game to enter an infinite series of Special DD-Turns. The game can still cycle under the revisions, but it must pass through at least one normal turn in the cycle. ]

Proposal 1060 - Tue Jul 30 14:05:49 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Swingers Wish They Could Play Around III
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 992 shall be amended in the following ways:

In Section 1, Part A, the space character shall be removed from "Chess- Umpire."

In Section 1, Part B, "Weight=1" shall be replaced with "Weight=0."

[There is a problem with the weight calculation that involves the fact that a King's material value is undefined. I will fix that by defining the King's weight to be zero, but then I don't want a Swinger to lose Weight simply by placing his King on the Board. The rule already handles zero weights, so this will not produce a problem.]

In Section 1, Part C, each instance of "minimum Weight" shall be replaced with "minimum Absolute Weight."

[This will greatly clarify things. Upon first reading the rule, I thought that "minimum Weight" was a quantity whose value would be defined in the rule.]

Section 3 shall be deleted.

[Section 3 is empty, having contained only double-curly-braced text. The numeral was not enclosed in the braces, however, so it is now hanging out there, all lonely at the bottom of the rule.]

Proposal 1061 - Tue Jul 30 14:06:22 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
Swingers Wish They Could Play Around IV
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 994 shall be amended in the following ways:

In Section C, the characters "7.b" shall be replaced with "B."

In section D, "undefined" shall be replaced with "zero."

[This takes care of potential problems. There is no need for the material value to be undefined, anyway.]

Section g shall be relabelled as section G.

The following section shall be appended:
H. This is a PartyChessPieceDef rule.

[Just to be sure that everything works.]

Proposal 1062 - Tue Jul 30 15:17:40 EDT 1996
[Web-Harfer's note: Correct date is whenever the festival ended.]
I Cannot Eat for a Week
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 592, "Protection", to append the following at the end of the current text:

"Extra-Nomic entities and actions, and External Concepts, including but not limited to: linguistic and customary interpretation, game custom, spirit of the game, and food and drink, are explicitly not Protected"

Proposal 1063 - Wed Jul 31 11:41:33 EDT 1996
No Weekend Passes
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R709 by adding the following paragraph to the end of the rule.

This rule takes precedence over any rule which would allow a player to preform any game actions.

Proposal 1064 - Thu Aug 01 02:23:57 EDT 1996
457 On Ice Fix
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 457 to add the following after the second paragraph:

{{ Any player who is on vacation who does not have an expected duration recorded will have recorded for them an expected duration of 30 days from the time the proposal which created this rule change was adopted. This paragraph has precedence over the previous one.}}

Proposal 1065 - Fri Aug 02 23:23:16 EDT 1996
Blue Cross Automation
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Amend rule 549, The Blue Cross, to read, in full: {{
0. The following steps are executed, in order:

i. All Undead stop haunting all Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, Gold Stripes, and Blue Cross Bonuses. All Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, Gold Stripes, and Blue Cross Bonuses are destroyed.

ii. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to Robert Sevin.

iii. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to Wayne.

iv. An unowned Blue Cross Bonus with Mohammed's name on it is created and stored in the Treasury, and the Undead named Mohammed begins haunting it.

v. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to each player who would have been given a Blue Cross Bonus between the time the proposal which created this rule was distributed and the time it was accepted, had section 3 of this rule been in effect since the proposal was distributed.

1. Each player has a Blue Cross Rank; it is a non-negative integer. At all times, a player's Blue Cross Rank is equal to the number of proposals he submitted which have been accepted, plus an additional 10 if he has a Blue Cross Bonus. If a player has registered for the game and quit one or more times previous to his most recent registration, proposals he made under his previous registration(s) shall count towards his Blue Cross Rank if they were accepted, even if he wasn't a player when they were accepted.

2. No player may ever have more than one Blue Cross Bonus; this takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would give a player more than one Blue Cross Bonus. Any time a player has more than one Blue Cross Bonus, all but one of his Blue Cross Bonuses are destroyed. Any time a rule requires that a player be given a Blue Cross Bonus, one is created with his name stamped in gold upon it, and it is given to that player.

3. When a President or Senator has ended a term in office by resigning, or due to his term of office expiring, and he has served at least 6 weeks in that office, then he is given a Blue Cross Bonus if he does not already have one, except in the case that the player resigned from the office of President or Senator while an Impeachment Paper was pending to remove him from that office.

4. A player with a Blue Cross Rank of 20 or more qualifies for a Blue Cross.

a. For each 40 points of Blue Cross Rank above 20 that a player has, he qualifies for a Gold Stripe. For each 10 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has beyond that required for his Blue Cross and all his Gold Stripes, he qualifies for a Silver Stripe.

b. No player ever qualifies for more than 3 Silver Stripes or 4 Gold Stripes, and a player who qualifies for 4 Gold Stripes does not qualify for any Silver Stripes. This section takes precedence over section a.

5. Any time a player has too many Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and/or Gold Stripes for his Blue Cross Rank, as defined by the previous section, then medals are taken from him and destroyed such that he no longer has too many. Any time a player has too few of any of these medals, the President, Proconsul, or Senator may award medals of the appropriate types to that player until he has enough of each type. The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, performs the creation and destruction of these medals as medals are to be awarded or destroyed.

6. A player with at least one Gold Stripe shall have the title "Officer of the Blue Cross." A player with four Gold Stripes shall have the title "Commander of the Blue Cross".

{{[ This proposal intentionally does not give fon a Blue Cross Bonus, since he did little to merit such an award. Section v is mainly to give me a Blue Cross Bonus because my term as President will end before the proposal passes. Section i is to close what I am now going to call "Malenkai's loophole" -- due to his treatment of Bronze Torches. Section ii-iv handle the other blue crosses which have been given to past presidents and senators and by Rule 1044.]}}

Proposal 1066 - Fri Aug 02 23:23:18 EDT 1996
Revising Revision Numbers
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 822, "Revision Numbers, Defined" by changing the title to "Revision Numbers" and changing the text to read, in full:

In addition to its effective ordinal number, each rule has a revision number. Rule numbers may be written as X/R; in any such construction, X is the effective ordinal number and R is the revision number.

Each rule's revision number is equal to the number of times that rule has been changed, since its creation, except that changes due to the Spelling Bee or due to the deletion of specially delimited text, or due to the rule amending itself, shall not be counted, and if a proposal changes a rule in more than one way [such as transmuting a rule, amending it, and then transmuting it again] then this counts as only one change.

{{[ This creates more work for me in the short term, but makes some things easier later, and reduces the ugliness that occurs after an immutable rule has been trans-amend-trans-ed. ]}}

Proposal 1067 - Sun Aug 04 23:43:23 EDT 1996
Cow Town Hotel
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

This rule establishes a Hotel named Cow Town. It is a classy building.

Cow Town is located near the Library, at 32 Yellow Roosevelt Avenue in the bottom of a crater filled with water.

Cow Town is a hideout for Gaolbirds. Any player who has been found guilty of violating the rules (per CFCJ) can enter Cow Town during their "grace period". This is accomplished by publically posting a message that reads "I'm going down to Cow Town, Cow's a friend to me. Live's beneath the ocean, that's where I will be. Beneath the waves, the waves, and that's where I will be. I'm going to see the Cow beneath the sea." Imediatly after the posting of such a message, an eligable player will enter Cow Town.

Any player in Cow Town is a Fugitive and should be reffered to as such in any public message.

No player may enter Cow Town except as specified in this rule.

The fee for staying in Cow Town is A$25 a night. Whoever is serving as Gaoler at the time of the passage of this rule shall be considered the owner of Cow Town. Her may do with the hotel as he sees fit, however selling the hotel to another player is considered to be bad form, and players are allowed to sneer. The only exception to the sneering bit is if a former gaoler wishes to sell the hotel to a newly elected gaoler.

Any Player who is staying in Cow Town may submit proposals, vote on proposals, call for judgement, deliver judgement, transfer currency in accordance with the rules, or leave Cow Town of their own consent. A player in Cow Town may also go on vacation or return from vacation.

Any Player who is staying in Cow Town may not perform any action that is not on the above list unless it is allowed by an immutable rule. Upon entering Cow Town all privlidges that a player is entitled to are suspended until the player leaves Cow Town.

No player in Cowtown may beremoved from Cow Town without first giving their consent. This rule takes precedence over Rule 1018 and any mutable rules dealing with heresy, witchhunts, the justice system or the gaol.

The gaoler may visit Cow Town, but shall never stay there.

Proposal 1068 - Sun Aug 04 23:43:36 EDT 1996
Fixing the Senate Loophole
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 609, "Offices, Commonalities", to replace the text of section (i) Seats:, with the following:

The Rule that creates an Office should specify how many players can hold that Office at any one time. This is referred to as the number of "Seats" an Office has. If the Rules fail to specify the number of Seats for any given Office, the Office has only one Seat. A Seat is either held by one Player or it is vacant. No player may hold more than one seat for a given Office, including any seat held in an acting capacity,

{{ original text:
The Rule that creates an Office should specify how many players can hold that Office at any one time. This is referred to as the number of "Seats" an Office has. If the Rules fail to specify the number of Seats for any given Office, the Office has only one Seat. A Seat is either held by one Player or it is vacant.


Amend R 457, "Vacation", in the following ways:

1) replace the third paragraph to read in full:

While a player is on vacation, the player shall not not be randomly selected for anything. The player shall also not be chosen to perform any task. The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker. The person assuming the duties of these offices is said to be assuming them in an acting capacity, and as such, these appointments or assumption must be made in accordance with R 609, section (i). It is permissable for an acting officer, appointed by this clause, to assume the duties of another acting officer.

2) replace all occurrances in the rule of the word "Register" with the word "Registrar".

Proposal 1069 - Sun Aug 04 23:43:51 EDT 1996
Fixing Proposal Retractions
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Transmute R 104 to Mutable.


Amend R 104 to read, in full:

All proposals made in the proper way shall be voted on, unless they are retracted, nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with the Rules. In these cases, they are removed from consideration, and are considered to be neither accepted or rejected.

When a proposal's prescribed voting period ends, or all players have cast a vote on a proposal, then that proposal is accepted if a quorum has been achieved and the required number of YES votes were cast on the proposal.


Transmute R 104 to Immutable.


Amend R 414, "The Office of the Tabulator" to add the following after section (d) under "Duties of the Tabulator"

"The Tabulator need not perform duties (a),(b), or (c) on any proposal which has been retracted, nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with the Rules."

Proposal 1070 - Sun Aug 04 23:44:10 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Upon leaving the game, a player may have his head removed and preserved cryogenically. He may then donate his head to a player of his choosing, or announce that his head is currently unowned.

If a player leaving the game announces that his head is unowned the auction process will occur in the same manner as if the head was a recently completed gadget. A preserved head is an asset, and may be traded on the free market.

If a player does not state what is to be done with his head, it shall be assumed that it leaves the game with him.

This rules takes precedence over all rules which would deny a player the right to remove, give away, or sell his head.

Proposal 1071 - Sun Aug 04 23:44:33 EDT 1996
Chartreuse Goose
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule entitiled "Chartreuse Goose", reading:

Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a time.

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the cycle or game. This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable rule which establishes winning conditions.

The Chartreuse Goose (hereafter called "Goose") is transferred as specified below. Other rules may specify other ways for it to be transferred.

The term "paradox win CFJ", as used in the following, means any CFJ with a statement in its reasoning similar to the following: "Upon a verdict of TRUE, the initiator wins the cycle in accordance with R 219".

Conditions upon which the Goose is transferred:

1) Upon a verdict of FALSE on a paradox win CFJ, the initiator of the CFJ receives the Goose from wherever it is.

2) Upon a verdict on a paradox win CFJ being overturned to TRUE, the Goose goes Somewhere Else, if and only if the player possessing it was the initiator of the CFJ in question. Immediately afterwords, that player is declared the winner of the cycle.

All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed:

3) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least one week may pay A$200 to the Treasury and cause it to go Somewhere Else.

4) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least 30 days may pay A$75 to the Treasury and transfer the Goose to the single player with the lowest score. The player receiving the Goose receives A$75 from the Treasury. This option is not available if more than one player has the lowest score.

5) A player who possesses the Goose may pay A$350 to the Treasury and transfer it to any other player of their choice.

6) A player possessing a Chartreuse Goose Egg may take the Goose off the hands of any player who possesses it, provided the Goose owner agrees to the transaction, and pays a mutually agreed upon amount of currency (of at least A$50) to the Treasury. The Egg owner will receive from the Treasury the same amount that the Goose owner payed in, as compensation.


Amend R 219 to read in full:

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. Such a call for judgement must contain in its reasoning a statement to the effect that the initiator is claiming a win in accordance with R 219, on a verdict of true.

If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the cycle.

Proposal 1072 - Sun Aug 04 23:44:57 EDT 1996
Voting stuff
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 201, to read in full:
"In a vote on a proposal, the quorum required is that at least 50% of the active players cast their one vote allowed by rule 390. Vacationing players who do not vote are not considered active for the purpose of determining quorum."

2. Amend Rule 390 to read, in full:
"Each player may cast one vote on each proposal. Other entities may vote only as specified by other rules."

3. Amend Rule 566 to read, in full:
"A player may pay A$100 to the Treasury to buy an extra vote on a proposal of his choice. When a player does this, the Treasury will cast a vote on the proposal in the same way that player voted on that proposal. This vote shall be marked with that player's name when the voting results are released, but it does not count as having been cast by that player. Each player may buy only one vote per proposal in this manner."

{{[ I want to clear up any possibility of "extra votes", gnome votes, etc. triggering the rules that have effects based on voting, in addition to cleaning up the poor wording addressed by CFJ 220. ]}}

4. Amend Rule 797 by changing "3rd failure" in part 5c to "3rd rejection".
{{[ leftover terminology-check fix ]}}

Proposal 1073 - Sun Aug 04 23:44:59 EDT 1996
Office stuff
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 457 by changing:
"The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker."
"The duties of any offices held by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker, unless some other rule provides for an Acting Officer or some other assignment of these duties."

{{[ This ensures that the above won't be used to try to fill functional offices, since R612 provides for a different way to handle them. ]}}

2. Amend section (iv) of rule 609 by changing:
"In such a case, the Player is responsible for performing all of the Duties without receiving any of the Privileges of the Office."
"In such a case, the Player is responsible for performing all of the Duties without receiving any of the Privileges of the Office, except for Privileges which are also explicitly defined to be Duties by the rules, or Privileges required to perform explicitly defined Duties."

3. Amend rule 648 by adding to the end, as a separate section:
"Voting on confirmations is a duty of the office of Senator."

Proposal 1074 - Sun Aug 04 23:45:22 EDT 1996
Slowly Augmenting Presidential Power
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend R 973 "Presidential Decisions", to append the following text at the end of the rule:

II. Festival

The President may declare a Festival of Torkola to start on the day following the declaration, so long as the Festival is in accordance with R 797.


Amend R 797, "Festival of Torkola", in the following ways, numbered 1 thru 4:

1) Replace the string of text which currently reads:

"5) A Festival is started in one of 3 ways:"


"5) A Festival is started in one of the following ways. Other rules may specify other ways by which a Festival may be started:"

2) In section 4) replace the sentences which reads:

"This specifically applies to Proposals. Not Resolutions, not CFJs, not Recall Petitions, etc. Just Proposals."


"This specifically applies to Proposals only."

3) In section 5c) replace the phrase "the public disclosure of the 3rd failure" with:

"the public distribution of the voting results of the third rejection"

4) Append the following text at the end of the rule:

"6) For the purposes of this rule, and any rule which specifies how a Festival may be started, "the day following" is defined to start at the beginning of the calendar day, in the time zone of the Promoter, following the day the event which started the Festival occurred.

Proposal 1075 - Mon Aug 05 11:45:57 EDT 1996
Syzygy (or, I want a Parade)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Any Gnome Buddy, who is wearing a Prosthetic Forehead, and has a Blue Cross, Gold Stripe, Silver Stripe, Chartreuse Goose Egg, Bronze Torch, Magic Potato, Great Trombone of Ackanomia, and is Enlightened and Silly, wins the cycle the instant he or she chews the Gumball in accordance with the rules.

Proposal 1076 - Mon Aug 05 11:46:08 EDT 1996
Closing Malenkai's Loophole
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend rule 1033, "Bronze Torch", by adding a new paragraph to the end of the rule which says: "Any time a player who is not eligible to receive a Bronze Torch owns a Bronze Torch, that Bronze Torch is destroyed."

Proposal 1077 - Mon Aug 05 11:46:38 EDT 1996
Slowly Augmenting Presidential Power
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 973 "Presidential Decisions", to append the following text at the end of the rule:

II. Festival

The President may declare a Festival of Torkola to start on the day following the declaration, so long as the Festival is in accordance with R 797.


Amend R 797, "Festival of Torkola", in the following ways, numbered 1 thru 4:

1) Replace the string of text which currently reads:

"5) A Festival is started in one of 3 ways:"


"5) A Festival is started in one of the following ways. Other rules may specify other ways by which a Festival may be started:"

2) In section 4) replace the sentences which reads:

"This specifically applies to Proposals. Not Resolutions, not CFJs, not Recall Petitions, etc. Just Proposals."


"This specifically applies to Proposals only."

3) In section 5c) to read in full:

"Upon rejection of 3 consecutive proposals due to Quorum not being met, a Festival of 5 days will automatically start on the day following the public distribution of the voting results of the third rejection. Any rejections which occur during a Festival or before the known start date of one shall not count. e.g, if 6 proposals are rejected on a Saturday, the first 3 are sufficient to start a festival on Sunday, and the other rejections shall be ignored.

4) Append the following text at the end of the rule:

"6) For the purposes of this rule, and any rule which specifies how a Festival may be started, "the day following" is defined to start at the beginning of the calendar day, in the time zone of the Promoter, following the day the event which started the Festival occurred.

Proposal 1078 - Mon Aug 05 22:26:27 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

1. il-Nabi is represented by the ASCII character M
2. il-Nabi has one of the following moves:
(a)3 squares diagonally, and one square either horizontally, or vertically, provided all the squares it passes through are unoccupied, the move must be made in that order.
(b) If, at any given direction, SQ1 is occupied, then il-Nabi may skip over that piece to SQ2.
(c) if, at any given direction, SQ3 is occupied, and SQ2,is unoccupied, then il-Nabi may skip to SQ4.
For this move to be legal, it does not matter whether or not SQ1 is occupied.
3. il-Nabi can legally capture according to 2.(a). It cannot capture using the moves in 2(b), 2(c)
4. il-Nabi's material value is 6
5. The proper pronunciation of il-Nabi, is with an an emphasis of the 'Na', which is pronounced the same as in 'nun', minus the last '-n'.
6. il-Nabi is Arabic for 'the Prophet', and is named in honor of Mohammed, who made a large contribution to the game of Party Chess"

Proposal 1079 - Mon Aug 05 22:26:52 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Rook
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

"1. A Rook is represented by the ASCII character R.
2.A rook can move either vertically, orhorizontally, up to a maximum distance of 10, provided all the squares between the current square, and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A Rook's material value is 9"

Proposal 1080 - Mon Aug 05 22:27:21 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Camel
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1. A Camel is respresented by the ASCII chracter C.
2. A Camel may move either : (a)3 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally, or (b)3 squares horizontally, and 1 square vertically.
3. A Camel can skip over any pieces that occupy any squares between the current square and the desstination square"
4. A Camel's material value is 5

Proposal 1081 - Mon Aug 05 22:27:57 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Knight
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. A Knight is respresented by the ASCII chracter N.
2. A Knight may move either : (a)2 squares vertically and 1 square horizontally, or (b)2 squares horizontally, and 1 square vertically.
3. A Knight can skip over any pieces that occupy any squares between the current square and the desstination square.
4. A Knight's material value is 4

Proposal 1082 - Mon Aug 05 22:28:23 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Bishop
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1.A Bishop is represented by the ASCII character B
2. A Bishop can in a diagonal direction in a single straight line, up to a maximum distance of 10 , provided all the squares between the cuurent square and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A Bishop's material value is 6

Proposal 1083 - Mon Aug 05 22:28:59 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Pawn
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1. A pawn is represented by the ASCII character p .
2. A pawn can move exactly one square either horizontally, or verically, provided that the distance between the quare the pawn occupied, and the square j10, does not increase, where distance is defined as the larger of dR, and dC
3. A pawn can capture, only by moving diagonally, a distance of one square, into a square occupied by an opponent's piece, provided that the distance between the quare the pawn occupied, and the square j10, does not increase, where distance is defined as the larger of dR, and dC
4. a pawn is a promotable piece. When a pawn reaches one the following squares: j10,j11,k10,k11, it is immdiately promoted. It can be promoted to any legal PartyChessPiece the chosen by the Swinger.
5. A pawn can only be Placed on one of the columns a,b,s,t ; and on one of the rows 1,2,19,20
6. A pawns's material value is 1

Proposal 1084 - Mon Aug 05 22:29:36 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Queen
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. A Queen is represented by the ASCII character Q.
2. A Queen can move either as a Rook, or as a Bishop
3. A Queen's material value is 12

Proposal 1085 - Mon Aug 05 22:30:10 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece CopyCat
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1. A CopyCat is reprsened by the ASCII character O
2. A CopyCat can move either 3 or 5 squares in any given direction, provided that all the squares between the current square, and the destination square are unoccupied.
3. A CopyCat captures a piece only according to the rules by which the captured piece can capture.
for example - a CopyCat can capture a Rook, using a Rook's move, it can capture a Knight using a Knight's move. etc.. et."
4. A CopyCat's material value is 7

Proposal 1086 - Mon Aug 05 22:30:35 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Echo
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1. An Echo is represented by ASCII character E.
2. The legal move for an Echo depends on the play made by the Swinger controlling the Echo in the previous round.
a. If the play in the previous round was either Pass or Placement, then there is no legal move for an Echo.
b. If the play in the previous round was either Move or Capture, then the legal move of an Echo is identical to the legal move of the friendly piece that either Moved, or Captured in the previous round
3. If the Swinger controlling the Echo played in either a Special D-turn, or a Special DD-Turn after eir normal play in the previous round, then the legal move for an Echo is identical to the move of the friendly piece that either Moved or Captured, during the Special D-Turn, or Special DD-turn. This section takes precedence over section 2 of this rule
4. An Echo's material value is 7

Proposal 1087 - Mon Aug 05 22:31:14 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece Jester
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1.A Jester is represented by the ASCII character J
2. A Jester can move exactly two squares in any given direction. It may skip any piece that occupies the intervening square, between the Jester's current square and the Jester's destination square.
3. A Jester's material value is 3

Proposal 1088 - Mon Aug 05 22:31:35 EDT 1996
Loophole-Free Contracts Rewrite
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled "Sorry", which reads in full:

{{All extant contracts are hereby destroyed. This has precedence over all other mutable rules.}}
Repeal R 514, "Contracts"
Repeal R 551, "Contracts, Preventing Abuse"
Repeal R 607, "File Clerk, Creation of:"

Proposal 1089 - Tue Aug 06 00:33:56 EDT 1996
Publically Knowable
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[The proposal is complicated, but I believe it will simplify the game. The idea here is that proposals are applied and score changes are effective the time of the post announcing them. So there is none of this pseudo thread splitting where we have to wonder if P 1043 passed. It has no effect until Wayne distributes it, and no pseudo- retrocative effect. Also score changes basically happen in the order of the email that announces the effect that generated the change.

The idea is simple, but the implementation is complex. I, along with input from /dev/joe, spent alot of time on it, so if you're going to vote no, please indicate why from the RFC and I'll try to fix it.

To /dev/joe, I made it work like R 793 does, or at least tried :)

I added one thing from the final RFC version. That was to make sure the Tabulator maintained temporal order of proposal result reporting.]}}


Create a new rule entitled "I'd never be able to sort it out", which reads in full:

No player shall receive any points based on the way they voted for the proposal which created this rule as specified by R 207. The author of the proposal that created this rule shall gain no points by the application of R 207.

If, however, any score changes happened as a result of the proposal which created this rule before the rule first takes effect, then equal but opposite score changes to all such score changes are applied to all players who received such changes.

This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules. This rule shall repeal itself 1 week after it is adopted.


Transmute R 106 to Mutable.


Amend R 106, "When Proposals Can Take Effect" to read, in full:

An accepted rule change is applied, or accepted new rules take effect, at the time their tabulated voting results are officially reported. This is considered the "when a rule change is applied", or "time of application".

No rule may generate any effect that applies retroactively to a time before the generation of the effect. A rule change may not have any effects retroactive to before the time of its application.

A statement verified by judgement, however, applies retroactively to any past game situation it may concern.


Transmute R 106 to Immutable.


Amend R 414, "The Office of the Tabulator" replace section (c) under "Duties of the Tabulator", to read in full:

"(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of each proposal. Proposal results must be reported in the time order in which their voting periods ended."


Amend Rule 491 "What Is A Rule Change?, to replace the second and third paragraphs with the following text"

"When a valid rule change is takes effect, at its time of application, the effect described by the rule change happens. The adoption of an invalid rule change has no effect.

A proposal is any collection of text designated as a proposal, submitted in the proper manner. If a proposal is accepted, any rule changes in the proposal are applied, one at a time, in the order in which they appear."


Amend Rule 207 "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Period Ends" to make the following changes numbered 1 thru 4:

1) Change its title to "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported"

2) Add the following text before the current text:

"All the following scoring changes are applied at the time the Proposal's tabulated voting results are officially reported, unless the new rule or rule change calls for an instantaneous change to 1 or more players' score, in which case the score changes detailed in this rule are applied an infintesimal amount of time after those effects are applied."

If more than one Proposal's tabulated voting results are officially reported at the same time, the scoring changes are applied in numerical order of the Proposals, with an infintesimal amount of time separating each application."

3) Replace all occurrences of the word "When" with the word "If".

4) Add the following sections at the end of the current text:

"If a proposal is accepted which contains less than five lines of text in the body of the proposal (excluding whitespace and furniture), the player who submitted it is awarded 5 extra points."

{{[this is moving R 379 in, it will be easier]}}

"All of these score changes are deemed to occur simultaneously per proposal with respect to each player."


Repeal Rule 379, "Short is Good".


Create a new rule entitled "When Score Changes Take Effect", reading in full:

Score changes take effect as specified below, depending on the category of the score change. If the category cannot be determined for some reason, the score change is deemed to take effect when it is publically knowable.

1) Score Changes Managed by Officers

a) All score changes take effect when the officer in charge of managing or reporting on an activity which could produce a score change, announces the effect which results in the score change.

b) [For example, if a player fails to deliver judgement in a certain time, the penalty for that failure is not scored until the officer responsible for managing and reporting CFJs announces this fact. Another example is polls taken where the result of the poll dictates a scoring change. That change occurs when the results of the poll are publically released.]

c) Players, acting in their capacity as officers, must announce all score changes they are responsible for notification of in the order which they are made aware the occurrance. They must do so in a timely manner.

d) The Scorekeeper is not considered an office for the purpose of this section (1). This section (1), defers precedence to R 207.

e) [Examples of current rules in this category are: 213, 400, 588, 593 (-20), 613, 729 (-10), 730 (-12, -3), 761 (-10 only), 937.]

2) Score Changes Triggered by Player Actions and Public Announcements

a) If a score change is due to some other effect, such as the result of a public posting, proposal retraction, or CFCJ penalty, etc, the score change is said to occur at the time of the public post.

b) [Examples of current rules in this category are: 423, 569, 578, 593 (-5 only), 730 (+6 only).]

3) Rule Based Triggered or Mandated Score Changes

a) If the score change is due to an event occurring (such as a player reaching a certain score, or the adoption of a proposal), this score change is said to occur an infintesimal amount of time after it is possible for the public to be aware of the event occurring.

b) [For example, if there exists a trigger whereby a player has 80 points added to their score if they reach -60 points, and they have -58 points, and make a public proposal retraction which causes a loss of 2 points, they gain 80 points an infintesimal amount of time after that post. The public may not actually know this at the time, but it is possible for them to know it].

e) [Examples of current rules in this category are: 207, 306, 339, 761 (except the -10), 824, 866, 962.2]

4) Scoring Changes Based on the Content of an Adopted Proposal

a) If a Score change is called for based on the content of a Proposal, or a rule change created by that proposal, it is deemed to have occurred simultaneaouly with any score changes mandated by R 207. It is the duty of the Scorekeeper to announce such score changes.

b) [Examples of current rules in this category are: 728, 798]

5) Scoring on Changes to Rules Which Cause Score Changes

If a score change is due to a rule or entity (e.g. Magic Potato), and a rule change is adopted that affects how that rule or entity causes score changes (including, but not limited to, destroying the entity), then no score changes are generated by that rule or entity for the adoption of the specific rule change in question. This paragraph has precedence over sections 2), 3) and 4) where there is a conflict. This rule defers precedence to R 793 where there is a conflict. [This is to handle the "Potato Paradox" when a Proposal passes to repeal the Magic Potato, or the 10th proposal passes that repeals the Brass Monkey, no scoring is generated by those entities for the proposal which passed.]

6) Exceptions, Errors, and Omissions

a) No score changes can occur simultaneously for a given player, except where the rules explicitly say they can. If it appears that they do, they shall be categorizied into the above categories, and occur in the order the above categories occur in this rule. If that still leaves any apparant simultaneous score changes, the score changes will occur in the order of largest absolute value first. If that still leaves a tie, however, the tied score changes shall occur at the same time.

b) Score changes can occur retroactively if an event in the past which caused a score change is altered or nullified due to a Judgement verdict.

c) Score changes can occur retroactively if an error or omission in scoring is discovered, and that error or ommission occurred within the 14 days preceding the public announcement of the error or ommission. This clause defers to R 106 where there is a conflict.

d) Except as specified in b) or c), retroactive score changes are not possible or permitted, except as permitted by R 106.

e) This section (6) has precedence over sections 1 thru 5, where there is a conflict

7) Rule Precedence

This rule has precedence over all other Mutable rules dealing with scoring, except that it defers precedence to R 207, and except where specific clauses above defer precedence.


Amend Rule 422 "Required Number Of Points To Win" to replace all occurrances of the word "privilege" with the word "duty".


Amend Rule 762 "The Great Trombone of Ackanomia" to replace the second paragraph with the following text:

"Whenever the Great Trombone is Somewhere Else, the first player to make a valid public claim will take possession of it. A claim is only valid if the player concerned has had a publically knowable score of exactly 76 points at any time within the past 2 days."


Amend Rule 901 "No E-mail, No Game" to append the following at the end of the current text:

"If possible, all players must configure their e-mail software to correctly report the current time for the time zone specified. Otherwise, they must make public notification of what corrections need to be applied to compensate for erroreneous time stamps indicated on their posts. All posts are deemed to have occurred at the corrected time, if the time stamp of a post is erroreneous."


Amend Rule 1022, "Spelling Bee", to replace section 3) with the following:

3) Its flight may be initiated at any time, including immediately after the Application of a Rule change, or the publication of a CFJ verdict.

Proposal 1090 - Wed Aug 07 15:02:34 EDT 1996
Reservoir Poodles
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal will create a rule with the following text:

1. The players of Ackanomic are greedy criminal types.

2. If the average currency owned by the active players has fallen below A$500, or that the total number of Ackadollars owned by the active players is below A$5000, then any player may alert the Financier (hereafter referred to as Mr. Big) to this fact. Mr. Big is then duty bound to announce that the active players of Ackanomic (hereafter referred to as the mobsters) will "go to work".

3. Once Mr. Big has declared that the mobsters will go to work, it is the duty of the Registrar (hereafter referred to as Joe) to allocate a cover name to each mobster in a single public message. The time of distribution of the cover names is also the start time of the job. For the duration of the job, which lasts a week, the mobsters scheme and plan a heinous crime, and to protect their anonymity must use their cover names instead of their normal names.

4. Cover names:

The Financier's cover name is Mr. Big
The Registrar's cover name is Joe

Up to six more mobsters are assigned a cover name from the following list, then Joe must assign further players covernames of the type Mr. <colour>, where <colour> is a colour, except that Mr. Black is not an option, because all the mobsters would fight to be called Mr. Black. Mr. Purple is not an option either, because Mr. Purple is on a job somewhere else.

Mr. White
Mr. Brown
Mr. Blue
Mr. Orange
Mr. Pink
Mr. Blond

If Mr. Big and Joe are the same mobster, that mobster may choose either cover name, or both, or switch between them.

5. After the end of the job, all mobsters recieve A$100 from the treasury, if any one or more mobsters publically posts a description of a roberry, blackmailing or other nefarious activity within 3 days of the conclusion of the job. Mobsters who post such a description recieve an additional A$50 for their hard work.

6. Other stuff:

A. This rule claims precedence over any mutable rule referring to names. A player's official Ackanomic name shall be deemed to be his cover name until the duration of the job, when that player assumes the name they had immediately before the posting of cover names. No mobster may change their name during the job. If a player joins the to be a mobster and do not use a cover name.

B. After the conclusion of the job, all records of the mobsters names that were made during the job will be altered from the form <cover name> to that of the form <cover name> (<real name>). [For instance, ThinMan was issued the cover name "Mr. Big" at the start of the job. At the end of the job, any proposals or CFJs submitted as "Mr. Big" will be altered so that the record says "Mr. Big (ThinMan)".]

C. Once this rule has been invoked, it may not be invoked again until a four week period has elapsed from the end of the previous job. This subsection has precedence over section 2. above.

D. During the job, quotes from the film "Reservoir Dogs" or any other film about crime are considered good form. Any player who posts a message that approximates the song "Little Green Bag" [e.g. "der, der der, der der, der der, der der DER..." etc.] is especially to be congratulated.

Proposal 1091 - Wed Aug 07 15:02:52 EDT 1996
Bothering the Judges
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[This is something I left out by mistake when I removed the appeal penalty in R 569; the penalty for being frivilous went from 25 to 20 in toto. I'd like to put it back the way it was originally.]}}

Amend R 569 to replace the sentence which reads:

"If the Court agrees with the original verdict, then the player who lodged the appeal shall be fined 20 points for frivolously bothering the Judges."


"If the Court agrees with the original verdict, then the player who lodged the appeal shall be fined 25 points for frivolously bothering the Judges."

Proposal 1092 - Wed Aug 07 15:03:04 EDT 1996
Scientific Sanity
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 594, "Blueprints", to change section (ii) to read in full:

"(ii) When a Blueprint is judged to be in conflict with one or more Rules, the Blueprint is destroyed, as are any extant Gadgets made from that Blueprint.

Proposal 1093 - Wed Aug 07 15:03:22 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{all extant Bottles of Booze, and Blueprints for Bottles of Booze, except for those created by this rule, are hereby destroyed. Anyone who is Drunk is no longer be Drunk.}}

A Blueprint for a Bottle of Booze is hereby created. Its text is (delimited by quotes):

"A Bottle of Booze (aka Booze) may be quaffed by its owner. Upon quaffing, the quaffer is Drunk for seven days. While Drunk from the Booze, the quaffer shall receive one point for each point deducted from his or her score. In other words, all negative scores received by the Drunk while Drunk shall be cancelled by the method described above. Upon the seven day period ending, the Booze is destroyed."

{{3 Artifacts called Bottle of Booze are created from the Blueprint for a Bottle of Booze. Ownership is determined by private auction.}}

Proposal 1094 - Wed Aug 07 15:03:45 EDT 1996
Creation of PartyChessPiece il-Nabi
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

1. il-Nabi is represented by the ASCII character M
2. il-Nabi has one of the following moves:
(a)3 squares diagonally, and one square either horizontally, or vertically, provided all the squares it passes through are unoccupied. the move must be made in that order.
(b) If, at any given direction, SQ1 is occupied, then il-Nabi may skip over that piece to SQ2.
8 (c) if, at any given direction, SQ3 is occupied, and SQ2,is unoccupied, then il-Nabi may skip to SQ4. For this move to be legal, it does not matter whether or not SQ1 is occupied.
3. il-Nabi can legally capture according to 2.(a). It cannot capture using the moves in 2(b), 2(c)
4. il-Nabi's material value is 6
5. The proper pronunciation of il-Nabi, is with an emphasis of the 'Na', which is pronounced the same as in 'nun', minus the last '-n'.
6. il-Nabi is Arabic for 'the Prophet', and is named in honor of Mohammed, who made a large contribution to the game of Party Chess

Proposal 1095 - Wed Aug 07 15:04:05 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Within seven days of the passage of this rule, every existing player must submit a portrait of themself to the Web-Harfer. This portrait may be en electronic representation of a photograph, or a drawing of the player. A portrait need not represent the actual physical being who is the player; instead it must represent the "character" that he is in the game.

After the submission period ends, it is the duty of the speaker to commision a portrait for each player who has not submitted one.

The speaker may choose the method of selecting players to submit portraits. He is authorized to transfer some sum of A$ (not to exceed A$25) from the treasury to the account of a player who is creating a portrait of another.

For any instance of a new player entering the game, he shall have 14 days to submit a portrait to the Web-Harfer.

Proposal 1096 - Wed Aug 07 15:05:30 EDT 1996
Portraits II
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

It is a Duty of the Web-Harfer to maintain a gallery of portraits.

This gallery shall be linked to the Official Ackanomic Web Page and must contain every portrait of a player that the Web-Harfer has recieved. If a player has no portrait the Web-Harfer shall place an empty picture fram in the gallery containing the words "This space reserved for x" (where x is the name of the player without a portrait.)

If the Web-Harfer can think of a feasible way of doing so, he may charge admission to the gallery. However, the price of Admission must never exceed A$2. Charging admission is a privlige of the Web-Harfer.

The Web-Harfer may, but is not required to maintain a gallery containing images of deceased players.

Proposal 1097 - Wed Aug 07 15:07:07 EDT 1996
Protecting Prosthetic Foreheads
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Any player who submits a proposal which would restrict the actions of a player wearing a Prosthetic Forehead, or a proposal which would grant new game play options to players who are not wearing a prosthetic forehead (while denying tose same options to wearers of PFs) shall be fined A$50 (payable to the treasury) and lose 10 points.

Proposal 1098 - Wed Aug 07 15:07:56 EDT 1996
In Debt
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

If at any time a player has a negitive balance of A$ in their account they shall be deemed to be "in debt".

The treasury will transfer A$x(where x is the sum of money required to raise a players balance to A$0) into the account of a player who is in debt so that his account balance will be A$0. The player in debt will then be considered "enslaved".

an enslaved player is required to donate any and all currency he recieves to the treasury, until such time as he has paid the treasury x+(x/20).

When a player has reimbursed the treasury x+(x/20) [the original sum of money, plus another 20 percent] he shall no longer be considered enslaved.

The financier shall maintain a "credit record" wherin each time a player is enslaved he recieves one "divot". For every period of 30 days (not including the first 30 days of enslavement) that a player remains enslaved he shall recieve an additional divot.

Proposal 1099 - Fri Aug 09 14:49:40 EDT 1996
Hall of Elders
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

1) Let the Hall of Elders exist. It is a common location, and is housed in a classy marble building, at least 3 blocks from the Gaol.

2) Whenever a player leaves the game, their likeness (hereafter, where appropriate, referred to as if it were the actual player) is eligible to be enshrined in the Hall of Elders. They shall be a candidate for such an honor if someone nominates them (via a public message) for such within 3 days of them leaving the game. If multiple players nominate the same departing player, they are only considered nominated once.

3) If a departing player has been nominated, their confirmation period starts 3 days after they have left the game. During the confirmation period, players may send messages to the public forum supporting the nominee (maximum one such message per player). The nominee shall receive one confirmation point for each such message posted in accordance with the rules. They shall also receive one point for each cycle (or game) they won while a player, up to a maximum of 5 points from this source.

4) At the end of the nomination period, the nominee is confirmed if and only if the number of confirmation points they received is in excess of the number of active players divided by 2. After it is decided whether or not the player has been confirmed, all of their confirmation points are destroyed.

5) If the departing player returns to the game either during the nomination period, or the confirmation period, they are no longer considered a nominee. This section takes precedence over all the preceeding ones.

6) Once confirmed, the great honor of being enshrined in the Hall of Elders is bestowed upon the nominee. It is a duty of the Web-Harfer to place relavant information about the (including their portrait, if such exists), on a web page which represents the Hall. Such information should include a replica of any items being haunted by the enshrinee's undead (except land and the like). It is a duty of the Historian to provide a brief biography of the enshrinee, and a list of any offices they may have held while a player. This is considered "relavent information", as per above.

7) Whenever an enshrinee is enshrined in the Hall (either by this rule or another), An Ackanomic Holiday shall be placed on the calendar, named after the enshrinee (e.g. Elder X's Day). The date (excluding year) shall be chosen as follows:
1) It shall not be Jan 22nd.
2) It shall be the date the player in question originally joined the game, if that date can be determined with finality, and that date is not already an Ackanomic Holiday, otherwise,
3) It shall be the date the player in question most recently left the game, if that date is not already an Ackanomic Holiday, otherwise,
4) The Speaker shall choose a date that is not already an Ackanomic Holiday.

8) If the player in question returns to the game at least one month after being enshrined, they may use the title Elder, and shall have the powers and benefits explicitly specified by other rules for Elders.

9) The rules may explicitly deliniate other procedures for an active player to be enshrined in the Hall, and this rule defers to such where there is a conflict.

Proposal 1100 - Fri Aug 09 14:49:56 EDT 1996
A New Era Of Harfyness
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author

1) Create a new rule entitled "Let there be harf!" with the following text:

There exists the functional office of Harfmeister.

The purpose of the office of Harfmeister is to determine which, if any, proposals in the voting queue shall be considered Harfy.

The following are the duties of the Harfmeister:

A) To issue a report stating what criteria he uses to consider a proposal's harfyness.
B) To examine each proposal that is submitted to determine if it is or is not harfy.
C) To maintain a list of all harfy proposals that have been submitted.

The following are the privlidges of the Harfmeister:

A) To issue a report when a harfy proposal is discovered in the queue.
B) To recieve the normal salary for a functional officer

The Harfmeister may use his discrition in determining what is to be considered harfy for the purposes of this rule. Any time a new player is appointed to the office of Harfmeister, he may either use the previous Harfmeister's criteria, or issue a report containing his own criteria.


2) Create a new rule entitled "And the harf shall inherit the Earth!" with the following text:

If a proposal in the voting queue

a) has been determined to be harfy by the proper officer
b) passes in accordance with the rules

it's author shall recieve double the amount of points to which he would normally be entitled for that proposal.

This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule dealing with scoring effects related to proposals.