ackanomic Digest Thursday, December 03 1998 Volume 03 : Issue 433 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Acka: Gumball From: (Aaron V. Humphrey) Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 01:36:14 -0500 (EST) I chew the Ackanomic Gumball, which I believe is still defined in the Rules. It's a little hard to bite into at first, not having been chewed (successfully), at least that I've seen, in some time. But soon it is bursting with flavour, flavour upon flavour, a rainbow of tastes, from succulent papaya to tongue-blistering jalapeno. Ick. I stop chewing the Gumball and go to soothe my mouth with some sour cream. -- --Alfvaen(Web page: ) Song In My Head--Jerry Cantrell:Cut You In Current Book--David Eddings:The Seeress of Kell I've never owned a telescope, but it's something I'm thinking of looking into. ------------------------------ From: JT Subject: Acka: While I still can Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 01:48:19 -0500 (EST) I repeat the following LOOP delimited action 8 times LOOP I give A$50 to /dev/joe LOOP I give the following trinkets to /dev/joe: /dev/joe's watchface Bottle of Bacardi Hubert Feathers Lucky Ball and Chain Malenkai's Gold Coin #15 Sculpture 2 Shades of Chorg Spasibo khorosho 2 The Mysterious Cone that Was on the Lonely Mountain Yam #2 --JT [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ------------------------------ From: Gabe Drummond-Cole Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 02:45:14 -0500 (EST) Subject: (no subject) #current #end -- Trent Crazy French-Scotsman, Daring Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Really Weird, Rules-Harfer, Worker Caste, Weird ------------------------------ From: Duncan Richer Subject: Acka: CFJ 698,699 (TRUE) Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 04:13:33 -0500 (EST) Amicus Draconis have ruled both of these TRUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Judgement 698 - November 18, 1998 Subject: Museum Win The First Initiator: Thomas Jute (sent Nov 18 1998, 01:35 Acka) 1st Judge: K 2 (chosen Nov 19, 1998, 05:21 Acka) (left) 2nd Judge: IdiotBoy (chosen Nov 21, 1998, 04:15 Acka) Judgement: FALSE (promulgated Nov 25, 1998, 04:05 Acka) Appellant: Pol Pot Cortex: Amicus Draconis (JT and Vynd) (chosen Nov 29 1998, 09:21 Acka) Judgement: TRUE Penalty to 2nd Judge: 6 points. Statement: Thomas Jute has achieved a win condition during the cuurent cycle of Ackanomic. Reasoning: I donated r-attila the farce is happy to the museum. Therefore my benefactor value is greater than A$5000 which R850 indicates gives me a win condition. Judge's Reasoning: At the time of this judgement, I could not find "r-attila the farce is happy" in the Museum. Rule 850 states: "Each Museum benefactor has a benefactor value (BV), which is the sum of the value of all objects on display in the North Wing that that benefactor donated (the benefactor of record is considered to be the last player to donate a particular object)." At the time of this judgement, I can find no items on display in the North Wing which have been donated by Thomas Jute. His BV is, therefore, 0. This conflicts directly with the reasoning for the Winning Condition. Perhaps, then, Thomas Jute has been scammed out of his Winning Condition by an unsavory art thief. The logs indicate, rather, that Thomas Jute gave this Trinket to the Museum, submitted his CWCFJ, then it was pointed out that the Trinket was a Forgery and thus removed from the Museum. Unfortunately for Thomas Jute, all of these actions occured in the same message and must be considered to have occured essentially at the same time. I say unfortunately, for that denies Thomas Jute his hard earned win. Here's what happens, according to R850 (the quotations from the rule will be indented for clarity): Upon a benefactor's BV exceeding A$5000, if e is a voting player, all objects donated by that benefactor are transferred to the West Wing, and a big ceremony, which is a public gathering, is held. At the point where ""r-attila the farce is happy" was donated to the Museum, Thomas Jute's BV exceeded A$5000. So the above happened, except: If this appears to occur simultaneously with a player becoming a Member of the Museum, however, it will occur an infinitesimal time afterwards instead. So, it didn't happen right away. In between the time that the Trinket was donated and it was declared a forgery, Thomas Jute was made a Member of the Museum (since his BV did not exceed A$1000, previously.) He didn't have all of his objects moved to the West Wing, because that would have occured after the forgery had already been discovered. Additionally: Then that benefactor becomes a Life Member of the Museum, and his name is added to the end of the list of names on the plaque in front of the West Wing, and the lighted sign in front of the West Wing stops displaying whatever it was displaying and begins displaying that benefactor's name, and the lighted sign in front of the North Wing starts displaying 'North'. The above didn't happen, occurring even later than the transfer would have occurred. Which means that: Then, if that is the first time that player has had a benefactor value exceeding A$5000, he achieves a Winning Condition. This certainly did not occur. As it would have happened FAR outside of the scope of the message in question, much later than the discovery of the forgery. Additionally, I note that Thomas Jute will now be unable to achieve a so-called "Museum Win", since eir BV has already exceeded A$5000 once. Since I have the right of this forum to do so, I will note that I find this attempted win to be among the most repulsive in all my time in Ackanomic. Perhaps what bothers me most is the tacit (and even in some cases explicit) collusion of some of Ackanomic's foremost citizens and Officers to, quite frankly, steal cycle wins. Ackanomic is -not- a formal system. It should not be interpreted as such. It is the considered opinion of this court that continued reliance on the Letter of the Law, to the -exclusion- to the Spirit of the Law, to direct gameplay will lessen the "fun value" for all Players. Appellant's Reasoning: (none) JT's Bronze Torch Reasoning: I'm going to cover two things here. First, the judge stated that the trinket wasn't in the musuem at the time of judgement. It merely had to be there at the time of CFJ submission, not at time of Judgement for this to be ruled TRUE, and ruling it FALSE based on that would have been an error. Second the judge tried to make a case, as did /dev/joe that it was possible that the objects weren't in the museum at the time that the CFJ was submitted. That is what I wish to address in this Bronze Torch reasoning. In the recent CFJ 689 dealing with Hats and the Chartreuse Goose, I argued that when two rules claim to have an effect happen an infinitesimal time after a specific event the rules essentially have to operate in parallel since nothing defines intra-rule timing, and it makes more sense to use a consistant 'length' for the infinitesimal amount of time passing between two discrete events. This CFJ's reasoning attempts to apply that same reasoning to the case of player actions in the same message (something we allow purely by game custom) versus rule dictated events (the sequence layed out by Rule 850). My view here would have to be that player actions in a message do in fact occur in order, but not necessarily an infinitesimal amount of time after the previous action in the message, but an infinitesimal amount of time after all rule generated sequences of events from the previous action have ceased. For practical purposes this is the 'same' as an infinitesimal time after the previous action because since it's infinitesimal it's not measurable and the fact that 6 events (a completely arbitrary number) happened after the first action in the message and before the second does not substantially alter the time of the second action in the message. So in the case under consideration by this CFJ (and which I believe applies to all three current CFJs about similar sequences of events) the following things happened. Thomas jute created the trinket. (rule 850 section III, forces a move to the museum before the donation) Thomas Jute donates that trinket to the museum (rule 850, Section IV & V, Thomas Jute's Benefactor Value exceeds A$5000) (rule 850, Section V & VII, Thomas Jute becomes a Member of the Museum) / (rule 850, Section V & VII, Thomas Jute added to North Wing plaque) \ (rule 850, Section VII, All of Thomas Jute's items moved to West Wing) / (rule 850, Section V & VII, North Wing sign displays Thomas Jute) \ (rule 850, Section VII, A big ceremony is held) (rule 850, Section VII, Thomas Jute becomes a Life Member) (rule 850, Section VII, Thomas Jute's name added to plaque) (rule 850, Section VII, West Wing sign begins displaying Thomas Jute) (rule 850, Section VII, North Wing sign begins displaying North) (rule 850, Section VII, Thomas Jute gains a Winning Condition) Thomas Jute submits a CFJ claiming the Winning Condition Thomas Jute points out that the trinket is a forgery. (rule 506, trinket is transferred to r-attila the farce) Operations denoted by () above are rule mandated effects. Operations denoted by < (well the larger version :)) occur simultaneously due to the 'parallelization' between two simultaneous rule effects. I believe the above to be sound and consistant with both the rules and current game custom. Cortex's Reasoning: The rules are silent on the fact of whether or not actions in the same message occur in order, or if they all happen simultaneously or if they are all begun simultaneously or what, therefore we need to look at game custom. There seems to be fairly consistant game custom (qv CFJ 448) that actions within a message occur in the order in which they are specified and in fact CFJ 448's reasoning makes a very good case for why this should in fact be the case. Given that, it remains merely to decide if actions specified by a player and all their attendant rule-required effect complete before the next player specified action occurs. Once more the rules are silent, and this time, in resorting to existing game custom we find that it is not spelled out anywhere, so we find that we must create or at least explicate such game custom here, and rely on how we actually play. Consider the following hypothetical situation: Player A has A$5 and is the sole active member of Org B (Players C and D are proxied to Org B). Org B owns the requisite number of A$ to make the actions specified legal. Player A now performs the following actions in a public message. Player A suggests and approves that Org B transfer A$100 to them. Player A creates a trinket named XXX worth A$100 with the description "Foo" The way the game is now played is that the org action would be suggested and approved which would cause the transfer to occur to Player A. Player A would then create the trinket as specified. Given that this is analogous and exemplifies a typical game situation which we encounter, we, the Cortex Amicus Draconis can only find this CFJ to be TRUE and assign a penalty of 6 points to the initial judge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Judgement 699 - November 18, 1998 Subject: Museum Win the Second CWCFJ Initiator: r-attila the farce (sent Nov 18 1998, 01:39 Acka) Judge: else...if (chosen Nov 19 1998, 05:21 Acka) Judgement: TRUE (promulgated Nov 23 1998, 03:15 Acka) Appellant: IdiotBoy Cortex: Amicus Draconis (JT and Vynd) (chosen Nov 25 1998, 04:03 Acka) Judgement: TRUE Penalty to Appellant: 6 points. Statement: r-attila the farce has achieved a win condition during the cuurent cycle of Ackanomic. Reasoning: I donated Thomas Jute is happy to the museum. Therefore my benefactor value was greater than A$5000 which R850 indicates gives me a win condition. Judge's Reasoning: (none) Appellant Reasoning: r-attila the farce never had possession of the Trinket "Thomas Jute is happy". The creation of Thomas Jute is happy was created using A$ the destruction of another Trinket which was still in the Museum, and thus the A$ to create Thoma Jute is happy were not avaiable Since the trinket was never created, it could not have been donated to the Museum. Since it was never donated to the Museum, it could not have changed r-attila the farce's BV. Since r-attila the farce's BV is less than A$5001, e has not achieved a Winning Condition. The Court will note that rule 850 specifically states that: "Entities may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules" Current game custom and rule interpretation leads us to the conclusion that in order for an Entity to be removed from the Museum, the rules must specifically describe the way in which it is to be removed. The "forgery" rule [506] which was used to remove "Thomas Jute is happy"'s ancestor from the Museum do not provide such specification. One may contend that our pragmatic view of the rules allows the "forgery" rules to extract Entities from the Museum. This is insupportable. In cases where the rules provide a means for Entities to be manipulated in a specific manner, those rules provide the ONLY means of such manipulation. We have rules which describe the manner in which Entities may be removed from the Museum, rule 506 is not one of them. Bronze Torch Reasoning (/dev/joe): IdiotBoy wrote a very nice appeal reasoning for this CFJ, but it is all based on the clause in Rule 850 which states: > "Entities may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described > by the rules" However, Rule 850 has no special precedence (except for the Private Collection Room, which this trinket was not in), so if this clause would prevent the forgery from being transferred to Thomas Jute, it fails to do so because Rule 506 has precedence. I also note that (to me) it has never been clear whether entities in the Museum are actually owned by the Museum, or simply unowned and on display in the Museum. It is entirely possible that Thomas Jute owned the trinket in question while it was still on display in the Museum. In this case, the subsequent destruction of the trinket by Rule 506 (which only requires ownership, and does not care that the trinket might happen to be on display in the museum at the time) also had precedence over whatever in Rule 850 may have attempted to prevent such destruction. Cortex's Reasoning: This situation is analogous to CFJ 698 which we have submitted reasoning for. Since the actions under consideration in that CFJ occured in order (and even via /dev/joe's BT reasoning) r-attila the farce did possess the trinket necessary to convert into the A$ which created the new trinket. Given that r-attila the farce had the trinket 'r-attila the farce is happy' at the beginning of his sequence of actions, the actions proceeded in order as reasoned by our judgement on CFJ 698. Thus, we, the Cortex Amicus Draconis find this CFJ to be TRUE, and impose a penalty to the appealer of 6 points. ------------------------------ From: Matt Miller Subject: Acka: Papa's got a brand new *ping* Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:15:49 -0500 (EST) Today is Thursday, the 3rd day of December, and the Machine That Goes *ping* Has Gone *ping* today. Since I have been scholar, the Machine has gone *ping* 10 times. IB Scholar of *ping* ------------------------------ From: AARON KEESLER Subject: Acka: GAD! (Round 9) Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:41:55 -0500 (EST) Welcome to the Post-Post-Thanksgiving Round of Grab-A-Donkey! We're down to six players now, and I think I can sincerely say that they are the best six Grab-A-Donkey players currently playing Grab-A-Donkey at this point. And here's what they did: Slakko went for the massive herd of IdiotBoy. Alas, Alfvaen did as well. IdiotBoy, prescient as ever, snatched one of Slakko's donkeys, causing the sole remaining donkey to panic and head for cover. Trent and Robin Hood Covered their donkeys, and Studge stood around and admired his donkey, a bold and risky move this late in the game. Current GAL: Alfvaen Trent IdiotBoy Robin Hood Studge Current Scores: IdiotBoy - 4 Robin Hood - 4 Trent - 2 Alfvaen - 1 Studge - 1 Reply to this message with yr next play. I'm probably going to move the game to acka-games since there are only five players left, unless someone objects. Fortunato ------------------ Aaron Keesler Lotus Notes Administrator Intranet Administrator Adtran, Inc. ------------------ "And now... Number one: The Larch." ------------------------------ From: Matt Miller Subject: Re: Acka: GAD! (Round 9) Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 10:29:33 -0500 (EST) Now is the time in GAD when we cover. ------------------------------ From: JT Subject: Re: Acka: CFJ 698,699 (TRUE) Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 12:12:08 -0500 (EST) On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Duncan Richer wrote: >Amicus Draconis have ruled both of these TRUE. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >Call for Judgement 698 - November 18, 1998 >Subject: Museum Win The First >Initiator: Thomas Jute (sent Nov 18 1998, 01:35 Acka) Assuming this is not re-appealed, a cycle will end at Mon, 07 Dec 1998 04:13:33 -0500 (EST) and will be won by Thomas Jute. >--------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Call for Judgement 699 - November 18, 1998 >Subject: Museum Win the Second CWCFJ >Initiator: r-attila the farce (sent Nov 18 1998, 01:39 Acka) Assuming this is not re-appealed, a cycle will end an infinitesimal amount of time after the previous cycle at Mon, 07 Dec 1998 04:13:33 -0500 (EST) and will be won by r-attila the farce. --JT [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ------------------------------ From: JT Subject: Acka: Cycle 28 Ends Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 12:18:19 -0500 (EST) At 06:59:02 Acka time this morning, Cycle 28 ended. At this time, the following things happened in order. a) Ackanomic play is suspended b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner are destroyed. I will let Financier K 2 handle the Goose Eggs and Grapefruit. All Hats and Eggplants of series F have been destroyed since none were worn since Tuesday. (NOTE: Agenda conditions can still be submitted for ~2 hours for series G :) c) The winner is given the title of winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak are created in that player's possession. If this results in his having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory. Alfvaen is given the title of winner of the cycle and a RHG. He is given a Champion's Cloak. d) All players who have zero or fewer points are given a Chartreuse Goose Egg. I will let Scorekeeper K 2 provide this information. e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: i) Excluding the winner, all entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero shall transfer 10% of eir Total Wealth to the Treasury. ii) All entities with a Total Wealth greater than zero, shall be placed on The List in decreasing order of Total Wealth. iii) The entity appearing highest on The List, shall transfer 5% of eir total wealth to the player lowest on The List and both entities shall be removed from The List. iv) If there are at least two entities and at least one player are still on The List step iii is repeated. I will let Financier K 2 accomplish this task and report the results. Should there be a need to break ties to place people on the list (people have the same total wealth or whatever) I will be more than happy to generate some random numbers as needed. f) Each Player is awarded A$ equal to his point total. Scorekeeper K 2 should post the final scores shortly :) g) Each player's score is set to zero. Need I keep saying how easy this is :) h) If the cycle currently ending has exceeded 30 days in length, all players who have been vacationing for the entire cycle are removed from the game as if they have quit. The cycle was less than 30 days in length. i) If the cycle was won by points (i.e. the Winning Condition was due to Rule 603), then amend Rule 603 to change the base value of the Magic Number to the smallest prime number greater than (the current Magic Number*1.2). If the last two cycles were not won by points, then amend Rule 603 to change the base value of the Magic Number to the smallest prime number greater than (the current Magic Number*0.9). Neither of the previous two cycles were won by points. The base value of the Magic Number is set to 347. j) The game cycle number is incremented, and the Magic Number is reset to its base value. Welcome to cycle 29. The Magic Number is reset to 347. k) All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol. All players who are in the Ackanomic Afterlife are relocated to their homes. I don't believe anyone was in either place. l) If the game state is such that the single winner of the last cycle would immediately win again upon the resumption of Ackanomic play, the Chartreuse Goose is transferred to that player. This is not the case. m) All events specified by other rules to occur at the end of the cycle occur, in the numeric order of the rule that defines the event. By rule 540, Alfvaen gains 1 point of 'Order'. By rule 550.1, Alfvaen gains 2 honour. n) Ackanomic play resumes. The Fat Lady has begun singing and will continue to sing until 1 day from the time of this message. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ------------------------------ From: Duncan Richer Subject: Acka: Dumb Things Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 14:04:53 -0500 (EST) Memo to my shelf: Do the crumb things I wanna do. Pouch the Tuppet Head. I create a Trinket, valued at A$26, called "Pouch the Tuppet Head" with the description "It looks just like its name suggests." Yours, Slakko -- Duncan C. Richer aka Slakko the Lost Warner Brother | Queens' College Ackanomic | U. of Cambridge Web-Harfer, CotC, ChessUmpire, Map-Harfer, Senator | 2nd Year PhD(PMa) ------------------------------ From: JT Subject: Acka: Ode to Alfvaen Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 14:33:51 -0500 (EST) Taking the tuba in hand, I present the following lyrics to The Fat Lady for her to sing, and begin to accompany her on the Tuba. Alfvaen has won the cycle today, Twenty eight cycles have come and gone. All of Acka is happy and gay As they frolic out on the lawn. One could say this win was the easiest, Since it was given by prop and by rule. I merely say that it was the cheesiest, but denying it would have been much more cruel. So give a cheer for the one who has won, A gent who is often witty and funny, and one who is always the center of fun. For him, I wish this song were more punny. --JT, needing one more Bonus Vote :) [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ------------------------------ From: Gabe Drummond-Cole Subject: Acka: Church Founding Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:42:00 -0500 (EST) I pseudofound a church called the Church of SCAM Any and all players of acka (or non-player entities) who delight in SCAM, in HARF, and in NEEDLESS CAPITALIZATION are welcome. I go to the library, then to *that* room, then home -- Trent Crazy French-Scotsman, Daring Adventurer, Dungeon Master, Really Weird, Rules-Harfer, Worker Caste, Weird ------------------------------ From: (Dice server) Subject: Acka: Ackanomicon Determination Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:47:53 -0500 (EST) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Dice rolls requested by: JT Rolls also sent to: # Player: Trent # Ackanomicon Determination # based on the following (using a 49 sided die) # 1 - 15 Arcane Trivia # 16 - 20 Vile Prophecies # 21 - 25 Inner Workings # 26 - 30 Arcane Lore # 31 - 33 Terrorizing Pages # 34 - 34 Ancient Artifact # 35 - 36 Mutation # 37 - 38 Dark Domain # 39 - 40 Long Lost Treasure # 41 - 41 Forbidden Fruit # 42 - 42 Catastrophe # 43 - 46 Not so Forbidden Fruit # 47 - 47 Ancient One # 48 - 49 Judgement Day No. of sides on every die: 49 No. of dice for every roll: 1 No. of dice rolls requested: 1 No. of rolls per line: 1 28 Information on the dice server: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE! Replies to vanish into a seldom-read mailbox. For instructions on using the dice server, send a message with subject "help" to, or see The dice server is provided by: Shadow Island Games ================================================= ** NewHoo Web Directory ** An army of editors surfing the web for you! ================================================= Original message follows: > From Thu Dec 3 18:47:41 1998 > Received: (from smtp@localhost) by > id SAA07354 for ; Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:47:41 -0500 > Received: from by via smtp (V1.3) > id sma007351; Thu Dec 3 15:47:35 1998 > Received: from localhost (jtraub@localhost) > by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id PAA14049 > for ; Thu, 3 Dec 1998 15:47:46 -0800 > Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 15:47:44 -0800 (PST) > From: JT > To: Dice Server > Subject: Acka: Nomicon > Message-ID: > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > > #P > #S 49 > #D 1 > #R 1 > #L 1 > #T Acka: Ackanomicon Determination > > #C Player: Trent > #C Ackanomicon Determination > #C based on the following (using a 49 sided die) > #C > #C 1 - 15 Arcane Trivia > #C 16 - 20 Vile Prophecies > #C 21 - 25 Inner Workings > #C 26 - 30 Arcane Lore > #C 31 - 33 Terrorizing Pages > #C 34 - 34 Ancient Artifact > #C 35 - 36 Mutation > #C 37 - 38 Dark Domain > #C 39 - 40 Long Lost Treasure > #C 41 - 41 Forbidden Fruit > #C 42 - 42 Catastrophe > #C 43 - 46 Not so Forbidden Fruit > #C 47 - 47 Ancient One > #C 48 - 49 Judgement Day > > > [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] > [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] > [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] > [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.7 iQCVAwUBNmcjID8NitsTFjcVAQGMQAQAsvNID6m3yqbByQQJcywCPFqnM9fFow76 RdDwni8yr4E9dX8Pn6di6ZY2p0W0xEVcxpOs8qvMzwsZYp/Z6zmJVLMKhPcGd79A SuxJD2Bn5UHc4v90xdNYcxnMlUyEslI/WEgxTdnTOkcv8pFF2qoGzbQxbLuOihvu XoTUht94Av4= =derv -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ------------------------------ From: (Dice server) Subject: Acka: Arcane Lore Probablistic Otzma Card determination Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:51:53 -0500 (EST) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Dice rolls requested by: JT Rolls also sent to: # Player: Trent # This is determining the Otzma Card aquired for reading the Arcane # Lore page from the Ackanomicon. # The determination is made according to the following table. # 1-3 Go Fish (normal) (at max instance) # 4-6 Map Shard (normal) # 7-7 Summon Tornado (rare) (at max instance) # 8-10 Share My Expenses (normal) # 11-13 Share Your Income (normal) (at max instance) # 14-16 Swinging Sale (normal) # 17-19 Tactical Retreat (normal) (at max instance) # 20-22 Paratroop (normal) # 23-25 Foul Fowl (normal) (at max instance) # 26-28 Truthseeker (normal) # 29-31 Fix My Gadget (normal) # 32-34 Art Thief (normal) # 35-37 Skeleton Key (normal) (at max instance) # 38-40 Artic Explorer (normal) # 41-43 Lay Off! (normal) (at max instance) # 44-44 Founder's Boon (rare) (at max instance) # 45-47 Roulette Wheel (normal) # 48-50 Training Regime (normal) # 51-53 Shield (normal) (at max instance) # 54-56 ACME InstaGadget (normal) # 57-57 Enslavement (rare) No. of sides on every die: 57 No. of dice for every roll: 1 No. of dice rolls requested: 1 No. of rolls per line: 1 13 Information on the dice server: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE! Replies to vanish into a seldom-read mailbox. For instructions on using the dice server, send a message with subject "help" to, or see The dice server is provided by: Shadow Island Games ================================================= ** NewHoo Web Directory ** An army of editors surfing the web for you! ================================================= Original message follows: > From Thu Dec 3 18:51:42 1998 > Received: (from smtp@localhost) by > id SAA07709 for ; Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:51:42 -0500 > Received: from by via smtp (V1.3) > id sma007694; Thu Dec 3 15:51:40 1998 > Received: from localhost (jtraub@localhost) > by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id PAA14072 > for ; Thu, 3 Dec 1998 15:51:51 -0800 > Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 15:51:50 -0800 (PST) > From: JT > To: Dice Server > Subject: Acka: Arcane Lore > Message-ID: > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > > #P > #T Acka: Arcane Lore Probablistic Otzma Card determination > #S 57 > #D 1 > #R 1 > #L 1 > > #C Player: Trent > #C This is determining the Otzma Card aquired for reading the Arcane > #C Lore page from the Ackanomicon. > #C > #C The determination is made according to the following table. > #C > #C 1-3 Go Fish (normal) (at max instance) > #C 4-6 Map Shard (normal) > #C 7-7 Summon Tornado (rare) (at max instance) > #C 8-10 Share My Expenses (normal) > #C 11-13 Share Your Income (normal) (at max instance) > #C 14-16 Swinging Sale (normal) > #C 17-19 Tactical Retreat (normal) (at max instance) > #C 20-22 Paratroop (normal) > #C 23-25 Foul Fowl (normal) (at max instance) > #C 26-28 Truthseeker (normal) > #C 29-31 Fix My Gadget (normal) > #C 32-34 Art Thief (normal) > #C 35-37 Skeleton Key (normal) (at max instance) > #C 38-40 Artic Explorer (normal) > #C 41-43 Lay Off! (normal) (at max instance) > #C 44-44 Founder's Boon (rare) (at max instance) > #C 45-47 Roulette Wheel (normal) > #C 48-50 Training Regime (normal) > #C 51-53 Shield (normal) (at max instance) > #C 54-56 ACME InstaGadget (normal) > #C 57-57 Enslavement (rare) > > > [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] > [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] > [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] > [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.7 iQCVAwUBNmckDz8NitsTFjcVAQHNwgP/W+X8Sd8StwKrul1Peg0CtTirH1JrG28m 0dsqyYHMpxWem+cFozSRVz28GBMVKm/gDeFpnvlhNevM3QWLxCYK2T86axX649DT GVBGeyEBM+CXcWOb6kV37D7kGcTUxYuU3CtZj1cLT+/PI6qVjvc9yVdMX0f0FKFL R9sJ4yIDS6A= =Hlg4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ------------------------------ From: JT Subject: Re: Acka: Arcane Lore Probablistic Otzma Card determination Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:56:51 -0500 (EST) On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Dice server wrote: ># Player: Trent ># This is determining the Otzma Card aquired for reading the Arcane ># Lore page from the Ackanomicon. ># The determination is made according to the following table. ># 11-13 Share Your Income (normal) (at max instance) >No. of sides on every die: 57 >No. of dice for every roll: 1 >No. of dice rolls requested: 1 >No. of rolls per line: 1 > > 13 Since SYI's are at max instance, I have determined that the OC gained is a Training Regime. --JT, Speaker [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ] [ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ------------------------------ End of ackanomic Digest V3 #433 *******************************