acka-voting Digest Monday, February 15 1999 Volume: 04 Issue: 041 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Acka: Proposal 4090 From: Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 04:51:10 -0500 (EST) Proposal 4090 If It Is Thy Will rice Due: Mon Feb 22 04:51:08 1999 If, at any time, there are two or more Proposals in the queue whose game effect upon resolution would be substantially similar (in the judgment of a judge, if there is any disagreement) then upon this fact being pointed out or resolved by CFJ, the following shall happen: i) all of the similar Proposals but the lowest-numbered shall be automatically retracted, retroactively to the time their similarity was first pointed out if necessary [ i.e. if they are resolved before a CFJ ] ii) if more than two of them were submitted by the same player, that player shall serve a Gaol sentence of one day for each automatically retracted Proposal e authored. [ This excuses accidental doublings but punishes flooding. ] {{ Retitle to "Substantially Similar Proposals". Renumber as the Rule-Harfer chooses. [ Don't know where that one got lost, but /dev/joe & JT showed us why we need it back... Don't you hate it when people forget their ending delimiters? ------------------------------ Subject: Acka: Proposal 4091 From: Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 04:51:20 -0500 (EST) Proposal 4091 The Wagers of Sin rice Due: Mon Feb 22 04:51:19 1999 In Rule 2-1-2, "Mannna from Heaven," append to the end of the lettered list of changes to be applied to players' Mannna totals in the following ESCHEWOBFUSCATION-delimited text, preceded by the appropriate letter and parenthesis: ESCHEWOBFUSCATION Players who cast a vote whose absolute value equals the absolute value of the Proposal's Acceptance Index receive that amount in Mannna in addition to any granted to or taken from them by the previous steps. ESCHEWOBFUSCATION [ This should happen seldom enough; the |AI| tends to be >100 and not a nice round number which people seem to like to vote. ] ------------------------------ Subject: Acka: Proposal 4092 From: Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 08:50:09 -0500 (EST) Proposal 4092 Day Hack-know-mink lets-con reeve-amp-dead K 2 Due: Mon Feb 22 08:50:04 1999 Disc ease um oddest pop-hose-ale. Amen drool 1-2-1 (The Ackanomic Lexicon) bay retie-tell-ingot two "Ackanomic Language Institute" anima-king hit reed infall asp fellows: " Da Ackanomic Institute of Language ease us mall bill-ding low-catered knee-err tudor you-knee-verse-it-tea. E tones us shingle fey-cant car off florist laund add-jay-sent twit. Con-tanned writhen da Ackanomic Institute of Language ease haddock-cue-meant colder Ackanomic Lexicon, witch con-tans hay lust off wards witch ha can-ceded tube een da Official Dictionary, en admission twiny udder wards date udder rolls mace pacify tube ean dare. Da Ackanomic Lexicon mayo-nirly bee mundified bay you sov Proposals ore CSRs. En-knee plyer mouther hay CSR witch mundifies own-lee da Ackanomic Lexicon. Know plyer my bay can-ceded toucan-troll da Lexicon, all-voe eat my bay da due-tea off won ore moor plyers chew main train hay cop-pay overt. " ------------------------------ Subject: Acka: Proposal 4069 rejected From: Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 22:50:41 -0500 (EST) Proposal 4069 Acceptance Index: -59: proposal rejected ** This proposal was boring! ** 6 boring votes out of 9 total. Votes to accept: else...if 60 +20 ==> 120 JT 1 +20 ==> 243 Euphrates 100 ==> 100 O Olde Alpha 60 +20 ==> 120 Votes to reject: /dev/joe -1 +20 ==> 176 IdiotBoy -59 +20 ==> 80 rice -61 +20 ==> 236 Danek -100 ==> 100 K 2 -59 +20 ==> -11 Abstainers: r-attila the farce Calvin N Hobbes Laa Laa Vynd 404 Not Found Robin Hood rufus WoHo ThinMan Studge Blest Lax Monk Pal Wild Card Slakko two-star Subject: Acka: Proposal 4069 Proposal 4069 Sometimes you just got to do it else...if Due: Mon Feb 15 21:12:30 1999 Status: rejected This is a modest proposal Repeal rule 7-7 (The Press) ------------------------------ End of acka-voting Digest V4 #41 ********************************