Proposal 851 - Sun Jun 02 02:18:59 EDT 1996
Constitutional Convention
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected
Note that this does not count as a proposal, as the term is normally used.
There shall be a Constitutional Convention. [[Sorry about the delay]]

Proposal 852 - Mon Jun 03 09:54:31 EDT 1996
Trashing the welcomer
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend R424 'Office of Registrar' to read:

"The Office of the Registrar is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Registrar are:

"(a) maintaining a list of all registered players and their Ackanomic names.
"(b) furnishing new players with any game information they need, including but not limited to:
(i) instructions on how to vote and how to submit proposals,
(ii) definitions of commonly used acronyms such as CFJ, AOJ, RFC, and CSRR,
(iii) the address of the Ackanomic web page,
(iv) the current list of players,
(v) the current rules,
(vi) the fact that the Registrar is available to answer new players' questions
"(c) to make oneself available for questions from new players.
"(d) keeping track of all of the titles and offices the players hold, and who holds the Magic Potato."

2. Repeal R792 'Head Start'.

3. Repeal R555 'Welcomer, Creation of'.

[[This incorporates R792 into the Registrar rule, and also adds the basic duties of the Welcomer from R555. I feel that the welcomer's job overlaps too much with the Registrar's, and dropping the welcomer's bonus currency also removes one of the confusing references to fractional Ackadollars from the rules. I also dropped ARN from the list of abbreviations.

   Rule 792 says:

  "When a new player joins the game of Ackanomic, the Registrar
   should mail her or him the following:

   1. Instructions on how to vote, with a copy of the current
       nomicbot help file, if such a thing exists.

   2. An explanation of how to submit proposals.

   3. A glossary of acronyms and explanations of said acronyms, 
       including but not limited to the following: CFJ, AOJ, ARN,
       RFC, CSRR.

Rule 555 says:

"(i)   The Functional Office of Welcomer is hereby created.
(ii)  There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) The Duties are:
      a) To contact new Players and impart to them the following:
         1) How to connect with the Ackanomic Web page.
         2) A quick overview of the basics of the game.
         3) The fact that the Welcomer is available to answer
            questions from new Players.
         3) Any other information that seems helpful.
      b) To make oneself available for questions from new Players.

(iv)  The Privileges are:
      a) The usual salary for a Functional Officer.
      b) A bonus of .10 units of currency each time the "Gee, Wally"
         condition is met according to section (v) of this Rule.

(v)   The "Gee, Wally" condition is met whenever all of the following
      a) A Player sends a message to ONLY the Financier that contains
         the phrase: "Gee, Wally, this sure is a neat game."
      b) The Player sending the message mentioned in section (i) does
         so during a time period running from 28 to 42 days after the
         Player first became a Player.
      c) The Player sending the message mentioned in section (i) has
         never before sent a message that triggered a "Gee, Wally"
      d) The message is received on a Tuesday or a Friday, and no
         "Gee, Wally" condition has been triggered yet that day.
      e) The Officer holding the Welcomer Office has made no
         reference to the Player of the "Gee, Wally" condition other
         than the following sentences: "There is a way you can give me
         bonus currency if you think I've done a good job as Welcomer.
         I'm not allowed to tell you anything more about this."

(vi)  Whenever currency is to be awarded as a consequence of the
      "Gee, Wally" condition, the Financier should report the
      change as a result of "mysterious conditions."

(vii) Any Player who makes any mention of the "Gee, Wally" condition
      except as allowed by this Rule shall be penalized .10 units
      of currency.  This change shall be reported as resulting from
      "bad Juju."

(viii)Whenever this Office is vacant, the Registrar shall be the
      Acting Welcomer."]]

Proposal 853 - Mon Jun 03 09:55:21 EDT 1996
eliminating all traces of ARN's from the rule set
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 422 by changing "ARN 666" to "Rule 666".

2. Amend Rule 691 by changing "ARN 588" to "Rule 588".

3. Amend Rule 709 by changing the acronym "ARN" to "Rule" every time it occurs.

[[ We have repealed the ARN rule, but some rules still refer to ARN's. ]]

4. Repeal R794 'Renumbering Proposals'.

[[It has done its work, and is now dead weight. Stupidly I forgot the repealing itself part when I rewrote that proposal. The rule says:

"If there does not exist a rule titled 'No Rule-changing Rules' at the time that this rule takes effect, then at that time, all rules with numbers greater than 642, including this rule, shall be renumbered, giving each rule the number of the proposal that created it. The ARN for such rules will be changed similarly.

If there exists a rule titled 'No Rule-changing Rules' at the time that this rule takes effect, then 3 days after this rule takes effect, all rules with numbers greater than 642, including this rule, shall be renumbered, giving each rule the number of the rule that created it. The ARN for such rules will be changed similarly. Any player opposed to this change may declare their opposition by sending a public message containing the text '____ thinks the rule numbers should stay screwed up!' where ____ is filled in with his Official Ackanomic Name. If at any time within the 3 days after this rule takes effect, N players have declared this, where N is equal to 1 plus 1/3 the number of active players, rounded down to a whole number, then the changes described in this rule will not occur, and the rule numbers will remain screwed up, although new rules will still be numbered properly."]]

Proposal 854 - Mon Jun 03 09:56:20 EDT 1996
Gross Wickedness is Afoot
Brinjal (Simon Clarke)
Decision: Rejected

This Proposal is a Resolution

To unilaterally declare another player`s proposal to be a resolution is an act of Gross Wickedness. All players who commit, or have committed, acts of Gross Wickedness will go to Gaol. They will go directly to Gaol, without passing GO and without collecting 200 ackadollars. The Gaol sentence shall be ten days.

Proposal 855 - Mon Jun 03 09:56:43 EDT 1996
A grapefruit is a grapefruit is a grapefruit
Brinjal (Simon Clarke)
Decision: Rejected

Amend rule 666 in the following manner:

Remove the words "should such an entity be defined by the rules" from section c) of Rule 666 and also from section d) of Rule 666.

[[Rule 666
c) The winner is declared winner of the cycle, and given a Right Handed Grapefruit, should such an entity be defined by the rules. d) All players who have zero or fewer points are given a Chartreuse Goose Egg, should such an entity be defined by the rules. ..]]

[[Assuming the recent CFJ result is not overturned, Right-handed Grapefruit and Chartreuse Goose Eggs cannot be given out until definitions have been provided. We may want to debate the definition and possible powers of these things. In the meantime, this amendment allows Robert Sevin to receive his well earned Grapefruit.]]

Proposal 856 - Tue Jun 04 16:29:37 EDT 1996
Nice one /dev/joe
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

This Proposal is a Resolution

The players of Ackanomic commend the web-harfer on an excellent job. They note that the ruleset is much easier to browse with the new web pages. Their only reservation is that the magic potato somewhat resembles a magic turd. However they are most pleased with what is a grand effort.

Proposal 857 - Tue Jun 04 16:29:57 EDT 1996
Protection bugfix
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Retracted by author

1. Rule 115 ("Permissibility of the Unprohibited") shall be transmuted to Mutable.

2. Rule 115 shall be amended to read, in whole, "All game actions, other than the creation, destruction, and manipulation of protected entities, are legal and valid. This rule defers to all other rules."

> Rule 115/0 (Immutable)
> Permissibility Of The Unprohibited
> Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by a rule is
> permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the
> rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules
> explicitly or implicitly permits it.
[[ The rule set is already protected (see Rule 660), so this little rewrite will not place it at risk. However, currently, R115 allows protected objects to be manipulated almost at will! I think "regulation" as per Judgement 113 will hold up for a little while, at least as far as the manipulation of points goes, but that still needs to be fixed! ]]

[[ I understand rewriting an immutable rule in one chunk is not smiled upon. Still, I see this as an emergency. ]]

Proposal 858 - Tue Jun 04 16:30:14 EDT 1996
Fixing R592
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Retracted by author

Rule 592 shall be ammended to read, in full:

A protected entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except as explicitly allowed by the Rules. It has no effect on the game other than those effects specified by the Rules.

Old version:

A protected entity may not be created, destroyed, or manipulated except in accordance with the Rules. It has no effect on the game other than those effects specified by the Rules.

Proposal 859 - Tue Jun 04 23:36:03 EDT 1996
Fixing Leaving the Game and Coming Back in a Different Cycle
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

A player who leaves the game during one game cycle and re-enters in another shall not be entitled to claim the points e possessed during the first game cycle.

This rule takes precedence over Rules 362 and 691 and any other mutable rules which deals with players' entering and leaving the game.

[[Rule 666 specifies that all players' points are set to zero at the end of a cycle, but this would not apply to non-players. Rules 362 and 691 specify that under certain circumstances an ex-player may rejoin the game with the same score e had when e left. This leaves a loophole the size of Montana in end-of-game situations.]]

Proposal 860 - Wed Jun 05 00:10:59 EDT 1996
Neutering the CSRR (amending R695)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

The text of R695 shall be replaced wholly by the following:

(a) The Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy shall exist. This office may be referred to as CSRR.

(b) The Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy is permitted to make the language in the ruleset gender neutral. The Office is not required to do so. The Office shall have no other powers, and may make no other types of changes to the rules. This clause superceeds all mutable rules which would otherwise give this office any other powers than those defined by this clause.

(c) CSRR shall be a Functional Office with one seat.

(d) The CSRR Officer may publish suggested changes to the rules. Such a publication may be referred to as a "Common Sense Report" or "CSR." The CSRR Officer shall assign a unique number for reference purposes to each CSR he or she publishes.

(e) (1) If any player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Standard Voting Period, he or she shall publish his objection. The changes proposed by the CSR shall not be made.

(2) If no player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Standard Voting Period, the changes proposed in the CSR shall be made. The CSRR Officer shall publish a notice that the changes have been made. All Officers responsible for modifying any official rule set(s) [e.g., the Web-Harfer] shall modify such rule set(s) upon receipt of such publication.

[[original text:

   (a) The Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy shall exist.
This office may be referred to as CSRR.
   (b) The purpose of the Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy
is to make changes to the rules when it finds that the rules, as written, do
not make sense, are redundant, do not conform _in fact_ to their
interpretation in game custom, or are redundant.  The Office may perform
other functions if they conform to the rules.  [The Office should make minor
changes.  But if it can get major changes past the, shall we say, review
process, it can.]
   (c) CSRR shall be a Functional Office with one seat.
   (d) (1) The CSRR Officer may publish suggested changes to the rules.  Such
a publication may be referred to as a "Common Sense Report" or "CSR."  The
CSRR Officer shall assign a unique number for reference purposes to each CSR
he publishes.
       (2) Changes to the rules suggested by a CSR shall be limited to
modifying an existing rule or repealing an existing rule.  A CSR may not
propose the modification or repeal of immutable rules.
   (e) (1) If any player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Official
Voting Period, he shall publish his objection.  The changes proposed by the
CSR shall not be made.  This subsection shall not prevent any formal
proposal from being made.  [In other words, even if there are objections to
the CSR, the CSRR Officer, or anyone else, can still propose it as a formal
rule proposal.]
       (2) If no player objects to the changes in the CSR within the
Official Voting Period, the changes proposed in the CSR shall be made.  The
CSRR Officer shall publish a notice that the changes have been made.  All
Officers responsible for modifying any official rule set(s) [e.g., the
Web-Harfer] shall modify such rule set(s) upon receipt of such publication.

Proposal 861 - Thu Jun 06 17:10:46 EDT 1996
The Dirty Word
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected


It has been discovered that the word "Bandwidth" (from now on known as The Dirty Word) is a curse so horrible in some cultures that merely thinking the word is a serious enough offense to get you stoned to death!

In recognition of this fact, and in an attempt to make Ackanomic A kinder and gentler nomic game any use of The Dirty Word shall henceforth be prohibited in any Ackanomic discussion.

No Player may post a message to any Ackanomic list containing The Dirty Word. No emial message with a subject line containing the words Acka: or Ackanomic: may contain the dirty word. No HTML document pertaining specifically to the game of Ackanomic shall contain The Dirty Word, unless it contains the full text of this rule.

This rule reccomends, but does not require a sentence in the Gaol of three days for any player who uses The Dirty Word in a prohibbited form.

This rule does not apply to itself.

Proposal 862 - Thu Jun 06 17:11:04 EDT 1996
Amend R588 Selecting A Judge
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal appends the following lines to R588 Selecting A Judge:
The first player who has been selected to judge on a CFJ shall be reffered to as the first judge of the CFJ, should another player be selected for whatever reason, the second player selected shall be reffered to as the second judge, and so on. [[in practice this is already done by CotC, it is mentioned here to make the next part possible]]
A player who has been selected as Judge for a given CFJ, will not be eligible to be selected as First Judge for the three CFJs following the one e has been selected for, nor will e be elligible to be selected as Second Judge for the two CFJs following the one e has selected to judge.
[[There were already two attempts to amend this rule in order to make a better distribution of judgement, one by Melankai and one by myself, they both failed, for different reasons. This one is the simple, and effective, and produces some results]]

for refference

Selecting A Judge

When Judgement has been called for, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other active players that are eligible to judge CFJs, as defined by any other applicable rules. This selection is performed by the officer who is officially assigned this duty (the job will be performed by the Speaker in the absence of such an officer). The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the applicable officer. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment. If a selected player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from the remaining pool.]]

Proposal 863 - Thu Jun 06 17:11:44 EDT 1996
Fat Lady revision
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

This proposal will amend R790 by replacing it's entire text with the following:

This rule creates an Acknomic entity known as the Fat Lady. The Fat Lady cannot be owned or controlled except as described in the rules.

The Fat Lady shall sing only if a player wins the game, or a cycle of the game, in accordance with the rules. The speaker is required to announce that the Fat Lady is singing upon a winner being declared, and the Fat Lady will not sing until the speaker announces that she is doing so.

Furthermore, the game, or a cycle of the game, cannot be over untill the Fat Lady sings.

This rule take precendence over all other rules dealing with end-of-game conditions.

[Original text of R790 follows:

Rule 790/1 (Mutable)
Fat Lady
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

This rule creates an Acknomic entity known as the Fat Lady. The Fat Lady cannot be owned or controlled except as described in the rules.

The Fat Lady shall sing only if a player wins the game in accordance with the rules. The speaker is required to announce that the Fat Lady is singing upon a winner being declared, and the Fat Lady will not sing until the speaker announces that she is doing so.

Furthermore, the game cannot be over till the Fat Lady sings.

This rule take precendence over all other rules dealing with end-of-game conditions.

* Created by Proposal 790, May 25 1996
* Renumbered by Rule 794, May 26 1996]

Proposal 864 - Thu Jun 06 17:13:22 EDT 1996
Devious ways to win the game
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

No player may win the game of Ackanomic, or any cycle of Ackanomic, by virtue of having points subtracted from their score. The magic number must be achieved by an addition of points to the player's score for that player to have won the game or cycle.

Proposal 865 - Thu Jun 06 17:14:11 EDT 1996
Cynical exploitation of rules
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

All players must use the ruleset in a chivalrous and courteous manner at all times. If a player cynically exploits rules in order to callously win the game or cycle, that is an offence against this rule and they may have proceedings of Criminal Justice brought against them, providing such proceedings are defined elsewhere in the rules.

Proposal 866 - Thu Jun 06 17:14:53 EDT 1996
No Overshooting
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

A new rule shall be created with the following text:
If the score of any player becomes greater than the magic number, then the magic number shall be increased by 16, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater.

Proposal 867 - Thu Jun 06 17:15:15 EDT 1996
Eggs and Fruit
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

A new rule shall be created with the following text:
A Chartruese Goose Egg is an Ackanomic Entity. Any number may exist at any time. A player who owns a Chartruese Goose Egg may reduce his own score to zero at any time by informing the Scorekeeper that he is doing so, provided that his score is greater than zero. Chartruese Goose Eggs have no other power.

A Right-Handed Grapefruit is an Ackanomic Entity. Only one may exist at any time. A player who owns a Right-Handed Grapefruit may at any time make Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice. Right-Handed Grapefruits have no other power. Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice has only those powers granted it by the Rules.

(a) Chartruese Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice may only be created, destroyed, or manipulated as the Rules specify.

(b) If entities have Power attributes, then Chartruese Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruits, and Right-Handed Grapefruit Juice shall each have power 0.6666, and the sentences labelled (a) and (b) shall be deleted from this rule.

Proposal 868 - Thu Jun 06 17:15:36 EDT 1996
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 549 shall be ammended to read, in whole:
Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and Gold Stripes are Ackanomic entities. Any number of each may exist at any time. They have only those powers specified by the Rules.

Blue Crosses and Silver Stripes are awarded by the President, the Proconsul, or a Senator. Each time one is to be awarded, it is created for the occasion by the Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division.

If at any time a player has four or more Silver Stripes, then four of them fuse together to form a single Gold Stripe. Once they fuse, the Silver Stripes cannot be reconstituted by any means.

Once 20 or more proposals submitted by any particular player have been adopted, that player shall be awarded a Blue Cross as recognition of merit and services to Ackanomic.

For each 10 additional proposals submitted by a Blue Cross owner and subsequently adopted by AckaNomic, that Blue Cross owner shall be awarded a Silver Stripe.

If an elected Senator does not have a Blue Cross at the end of his last consecutive term of office, then he shall be awarded one; otherwise he shall be awarded one Silver Stripe.

If the President does not have a Blue Cross at the end of his last consecutive term of office, then he shall be awarded one; otherwise he shall be awarded one Silver Stripe.

A player with at least one Gold Stripe shall have the title "Officer of the Blue Cross." A player with four Gold Stripes shall have the title "Commander of the Blue Cross". A Commander of the Blue Cross shall not earn any additional Gold Stripes or Silver Stripes, the other provisions of this rule notwithstanding.

Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and Gold Stripes shall only be created and destroyed as specified by the Rules. They may only be owned by players, and may not be obtained except as specified by the Rules. Ownership of Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and Gold Stripes may not be transferred between players.

Proposal 869 - Thu Jun 06 17:16:11 EDT 1996
Amending 592
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 592 shall be ammended by replacing the phrase "in accordance with" with "as specified by".

Proposal 870 - Fri Jun 07 11:23:19 EDT 1996
Self Deleting Text
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

R663, "Resolutions" is hereby repealed. [[quoted later]]


A new rule shall be created, reading:

Any rule text in double curly braces {{eg, this}}, shall be applied exactly once, then shall be deleted from the rule. If such a deletion should leave the rule entirely void of text, excluding the title, header, whitespace, and other furniture, the entire rule is deleted as well.

If a rule contains 2 or more sections of text in double curly braces, these sections shall be applied sequentially in the order that they appear in the rule, not simultaneously.

The term "Resolution", as used elsewhere in the rules, shall come to mean any rule whose entire text is bracketed in double curly braces. This superceeds all mutable rules which define the term Resolution.

Any text anywhere in this rule in double curly braces is explicitly excluded from the effects of this rule.

[Thus the following are semantically equivalent in rule text:

{{Robert Sevin shall be declared the winner of cycle one, the game cycle number shall be set to one, and the full process described above shall be conducted.}}

Paragraph B:
This is the first sentence of Paragraph B, which includes the header "Paragraph B:" just before this sentence. Upon passage of this Rule, Robert Sevin shall be declared the winner of cycle one, the game cycle number shall be set to one, and the full process described above shall be conducted. Then, Paragraph B, which ends with this sentence, shall be stricken from this Rule.

Also, an entire rule in double curly braces is semantically equivalent to what was accomplished by R663.]


Rule 663/1 (Mutable)
The Governor (Dan Marsh)

A player may declare that a proposal is a resolution. A resolution may not change, add, or delete any rules. If a resolution is adopted, the effect described in the resolution shall occur, and the resolution shall not be added to the rule set.

Proposal 871 - Fri Jun 07 11:23:40 EDT 1996
Lines from teacher
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

Bascule must write out 1000 times "I must check the proposal queue more carefully in future"

Proposal 872 - Fri Jun 07 11:24:10 EDT 1996
Just one less point
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

Bascule shall lose one point. This entire rule shall then be stricken from the ruleset.

Proposal 873 - Fri Jun 07 14:27:10 EDT 1996
Isn't he cute?
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Rejected

For as long as an entity named the Voting Gnome exists, this rule shall remain dormant.

There exists a protected entity called the Gnome of Voting. The Gnome of Voting will serve one function, and that is to cast one vote on any proposal. At any time, the Player with the lowest score will have control of the Gnome of Voting. The Player that currently controls the Gnome will be known as The Gnome Buddy.

The Gnome Buddy may cast a vote for himself as well as the Gnome of Voting for every Proposal dated within the period that the Player has control of the Gnome.

If there is more than one person who is tied for the lowest score, then the next lowest score is used, and continues until the lowest single score is found. If all scores are tied, then no one will control the Gnome of Voting until the scores change.

This rule takes precedence over the rule titled "One player one vote".

Proposal 874 - Fri Jun 07 14:27:29 EDT 1996
getting rid of 'poltiical offices, starting list'
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

1. Add this text at the end of R609, 'Offices, Commonalities':
"(viii) Political and Functional Offices
Political Offices and Functional Offices are considered to be Offices."

2. Amend R504 'The President of Ackanomia' to:
"The Presidency of Ackanomia is a Political Office with one Seat. The player who holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is 8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office."

3. Amend R478 'Creation of a Senate' to read:
"The Senate is a Political Office with four Seats, filled by Election for Office. The Speaker or Acting Speaker has the title of ProConsul and will be the head of the Senate. Only when a Senate vote is tied, the ProConsul will cast his vote to determine the outcome."

[[Changes 2 and 3 are identical to the versions from P834 except I added the word Political.]]

4. Amend R507 'The Supreme Court of Ackanomia' to read:
"The Supreme Court is a Political Office with two seats. The players who hold these seats are called Justices. The President, Speaker, and Senators may not be Justices. Justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Should the Senate not agree on a candidate, then the President must propose another person until the Senate agrees or the Senate has already rejected three candidates.

"A Justice may be removed from office by a petition of at least two thirds the number of players."

5. Repeal R576 'Political Offices, Starting List'.

[[We won't need it any more after the other changes in this proposal. The rule says:

"(i) The following Offices are Political Offices: President, Senator, Justice.
(ii) No other Office is to be considered a Political Office unless explicitly specified as such by the Rules."]]

Proposal 875 - Sat Jun 08 00:40:15 EDT 1996
By reference, not by value
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

R 678, "Quoting rules to repeal", is hereby repealed.


My reasoning is:

1) Rules can change while a proposal is in the queue to repeal it. (eg, on my previous proposal, "Self Deleting Text", which repeals "Resolutions"). Quoting the rule text, then, in that proposal, can lead to a misrepresentation of what the rule being repealed, actually says, if this happens. In other words, I'd rather refer to rules by reference instead of by value.

2) We have a Web-Harfer again, so this need has diminished.

3) Most of us know the rules by title (reference).

4) It saves the Dirty Word.


Rule 678/1 (Mutable)
Quoting rules to Repeal
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

Any proposal to repeal another rule is required to contain the text of the rule it repeals.


Proposal 876 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
This Prop Is A Power-Up!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

The President and Senate may each make any two proposal dormant per week. Also, the President and Senate can each make any one dormant proposals awake per week.

These actions are considered as actions/privileges of those offices.

By a week, it means from Monday to Sunday. That means (for example) that the president can't make two proposals dormant on Monday and two on Tuesday, claiming the new week starts on Tuesday.

Proposal 877 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
Title: Clans
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

There shall be three clans in Ackanomic, as listed below. No player may belong to more than one clan simultaneously. No player can be expelled from a clan by any other player(s) or through any other rules.

The Aelhii Clan members are called Aelhas (sng: Aelhai). This clan is traditionally one of scientist and religious figures. It can be referred to as the Wisemen Clan.

The Kh'mor Clan members are called Khemors (sng: Khemor). This can is traditionally one of warriors and leaders. It can be referred to as the Warrior Clan.

The Lothlien Clan members are called Lothlins (sng: Lothlin). This clan is traditionally one of artists, writers and poets. It can be referred to as the Wonderer Clan.

From the time this proposal passes, current players will have three days to pick on a clan of their choosing (players on vacation will have the full 3 days from the day they get back).

Any player that is clanless for more than three days (this includes all players) will be put in the clan with fewest members. If all or some are equal, then it will be decided randomly. The speaker is in charge of this random assignment.

If a clan already has more than one half of all players in acka as members, then no one else may join that clan. A player may resign from her clan.

Proposal 878 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
Clans Are Blood-Friends
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

When a proposal passes, the members of the author's clan will each earn an of points, based on how many players are in the other two clans. That is, there will be as many extra points available to share between as there are players in the other two clans. This number will be divided by the number in the author's clan, then rounded down and awarded to each of the members that clan.

If there are no clans this rule is dormant.

Proposal 879 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
Everything's Up For Sale.
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Points may be bought, sold or exchanged for other points, currency or other asset on the FM as per the rules of the FM regulating such transactions.

A transaction is not allowed if the person receiving or donating the points would have a winning score as a result of that transaction, or if the transaction meant one or all of the players concerned would end up with a negative number of points.

Proposal 880 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
New Organization: Ackae
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

An new organization will be created with the following charter. At the time the organization is created, the ackanomic player known as Chess Piece Face is the Doyen of Ackae.

(1) Definition Of Ackae.
Ackae is a voluntary association of players that are registered in any game that claims a Nomic-like heritage. Members are Ackaens, in tribute to Ackanomic, where it was first created.

(2) Purpose of Ackae.
Ackaens are always ready to assist another Ackaen in any situation, so long as it does not break any rules. Ackaens are ready to help each other financially, politically, or through whatever means they have at their disposal to ensure fellow Ackaens reach their maximum potential, in order of seniority. The only reward an Ackaen expects for such a dedication to others is the knowledge any others would do the same for him. This is the fabric of Ackae, and its only ideological claim.

(3) Becoming an Ackaen.
To join Ackae, a player must send a message (public or private) to an Ackaen. The Ackaen will then contact the others to inform them of the new member. The player will be an Ackaen once he receives a message confirming this from the Doyen. He may leave at any time.

(4) The Doyen.
The most senior Ackaen will be called the Doyen and will be in charge of all official matters concerning Ackae. However, all players are free to express any thoughts, whether to agree or disagree with the Doyen and other Ackaens. There is no other requirement to being the Doyen than seniority on the list of succession. The Doyen may resign or decline the position, in which case he moves down one in the list of succession.

(5)The List Of Succession.
The Doyen will be the keeper of the list of every Ackaen, which is the list of succession. A new Ackaen is placed at the end of that list. Any player that leaves Ackae, for however short a time, is taken off the list. Should he rejoin he is considered a new Ackaen. The list is passed along to the new Doyen when a succession takes place. The Ackaen at the top of that list is the Doyen.

(6) Doyen as Coordinator
The Doyen will coordinate efforts to help an Ackaen, to reach an aim, to complete a task, or will designate another Ackaen to do so.

(7) Ackae As Forum.
Ackaens may propose to Ackae aims and tasks, such as repealing rules, passing proposals, rejecting them, acquiring objects, entities, positions, etc. None of these are binding to Ackaens, and they can do as they wish. Ackae in that respect is only another forum, but one of special allies. Only helping another Ackaen is binding in that each should do as much as he can.

(8) Authority.
Should Ackaens disagree with a decision, action (or lack of action) of any Ackaen, then it is possible for them to do three things:
i/ If over half of all Ackaens vote for it, an Ackaen may be moved down one position on the list.
ii/ If at least two thirds of all Ackaens vote for it, the Ackaen is removed from Ackae and immediately rejoined, with the consequences that apply.
iii/ If at least three quarters of all Ackaens vote for it, the Ackaen is permanently removed from Ackae for at least a month.

(9) Call To Arms.
The Doyen may call for a "Financial Contribution".
- a - This means that all Ackaens need to contribute some asset to the Pool, under the supervision of the Doyen, which is to be used immediately for a purpose specified with the call. Any surplus is to be kept for future needs by the Doyen. The call counts as an action by the Doyen. Any use of the surplus counts as an action by the Doyen.
- b - Starting from the bottom of the succession list, if an Ackaen has contributed more than the person above him, then he is moved above that person in the list. An Ackaen that has been moved up or down cannot move any further up or down on that call. Such movement cannot be impeached or stopped.

(10) Ackaens Are Trustworthy.
All Ackaens should be dedicated to Ackae. But they should be even more dedicated to their Nomic: follow its rules, act honestly and with integrity. This means that any player (even non-Ackaen) may come to an Ackaen for advice, or even help.

Proposal 881 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
Clans and the Senate
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

No clan may have more than two Senators, only one may have exactly two. This does not count the Proconsul. No Clan may have two Justices.

If there are no clans this rule is dormant.

Proposal 882 - Sat Jun 08 00:42:56 EDT 1996
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

There now exists androids. They are machines almost capable of reasoning, but without being sentient. They are not players.

An android can be bought for A$2000, paid to the treasury.

Proposal 883 - Sat Jun 08 00:44:43 EDT 1996
The Return of the Rule Ripper
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Repeal rule 579 'There can be Only One'.
[[The name was cool, but the rule was superfluous:

"There can only be a maximum of one of each of the following things, whether they exist or not:
Official currency
Financial Market

Neither can there ever be two jobs with the same name."]]

2. Amend Rule 110 'Winning the Game' by deleting the last sentence, which reads:
"The winner of the last game shall become the new Speaker for the next game, assuming all current duties allocated to the Speaker."

3. Amend Rule 452 'Rule Titles' by changing the last sentence from:
"Once a Rule has a Title, the only way that the Rule may have its Title changed is if a Proposal is passed which changes the Title."
"The title of a rule may only be changed when a rule change amends the rule, or when a rule changes the title."

[[This ensures that Rule 703 works, which is slightly unclear now.]]

4. Amend Rule 648 'Confirmation Procedure' as follows:
a. Delete the second paragraph:
"Should a Senator be on Vacation during the Standard Confirmation Period, the Period will be extended 3 days beyond the time the Senator returns, if such an extension would lengthen the Period."

[[If a senator is on vacation, too bad; we can't wait around for years for him to return. Besides, we can now make acting senators to do the job.]]

b. Delete the last paragraph:
"If the term Standard Confirmation Period is undefined elsewhere in the rules, it will be defined here as 7 days."

[[It is defined elsewhere.]]

5. Amend rule 414 'The Office of the Tabulator' to read:

"The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Tabulator are:

"(a) to receive and to count votes on each proposal.
"(b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal.
"(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of each proposal.

"If the rules require any other vote and don't otherwise specify who should conduct the vote, the Tabulator shall conduct the vote and have the same duties for that vote as are listed above for proposals."

[[This is the same as in P834 except I added the last part to clear up any confusion about elections, and added "to receive" in part (a). This will further standardize elections.]]

6. Repeal R608, 'Offices, Starting List of'.

[[ As proposal 834 stated, we won't need it any more with the other changes it made, but it first had to be transmuted to mutable. This was the text:

"(i) Offices:
Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be an Office: President, Senator, Justice, Financier, Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Offices if so specified by the Rules.

"(ii) Functional Offices:
Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be a Functional Office: Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Functional Offices if so specified by the Rules."]]

7. Amend R611, 'Offices, Related Definitions', by changing section (ii) c) from:
"If there is no Election Period specified for the Election, the default Period is 72 hours."
"Elections last 72 hours from the time the appropriate officer announces he is starting to accept votes."

8. Amend R636, 'Definitions', by deleting the line:
"Standard Election Period: 5 days"

[[ This differs from R611, so I'm deleting it to remove some confusion. ]]

9. Amend R607, 'File Clerk, Creation of', by changing
"a filing fee of .30 units" to "a filing fee of 2 units" in part (iv) b)

10. Amend R612, 'Functional Offices, Commonalities' by changing section (ii) a) from:
'1 unit plus .25 units for every Office held.'
'3 units plus 1 unit for every Office held.'

[[ This, along with repealing the Welcomer's rule, should remove all mention of fractional ackadollar amounts from the rules. ]]

Proposal 884 - Sat Jun 08 00:45:24 EDT 1996
Loophole Surgery (Amending R569)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

In R569, replace the phrase:

"the judges shall be fined 2 points each"

with the phrase:

"the judges shall be fined 2 Ackadollars each"

[[This fixes a loophole the size of Devonshire (smaller than Montana), in that as the rule stands now, I could filibuster Bascule's attempted win by refusing to agree on any verdict, and watch his score waste away to Voting Gnome territory. He could do the same to me.

This fixes that problem, and still forces the Justices to reach a verdict, or go broke. The alternative would have been to uphold the original verdict, after say a week, but I found that unsatisfactory]]

Proposal 885 - Sun Jun 09 02:40:40 EDT 1996
Description of a pack of playing cards
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1.a. Let there be an Acaknomic entity know as a pack of playing cards.
b. This rule describes an Ackanomic entity called a pack playing cards. This rule does not create such an entity, but merely describes it, how it may be used, created, owned destroyed etc.

2. Description
There are 124 cards in a pack divided in the following manner
There are 8 suits, following are the names of the suits and the symbols that mark them:
! - wands
@ - shtrudels
# - cross-stripes
$ - dollars
% - libra
^ - pointy hats
& - serpents
* - stars

There are 15 cards in each suit. Nine of them are number cards, each card depicts a number from 2-10. In each suit there is exactly one card of each number.
There are also 6 face-cards in each suit. Each suit has exactly one of each of the following:
Ace, Page, Knight, Monarch, Speaker, Nomic.
If no other values are defined for these cards, they default to the following values:
Ace 1
Page 11
Knight 12
Monarch 13
Speaker 14
Nomic 15

The cards have colors, each suit is associated with a color according to the following list:
! - wands @ - shtrudels - Blue
# - cross-stripes $ - dollars - Green
% - libra ^ - pointy hats - Black
& - serpents * - stars - Red

In addition there four Wild cards, Wild cards have no suit, color or value. The four Wild cards are identical. With the exception of the Wild cards, each card is unique within the pack.
Suits may be reffered to either by their names or symbols. Number cards may reffered to by their numerical balue, Face cards may be reffered to either by their full name or by their inital letter.

3. Creation and Destruction
A pack of playing cards may be created by any rule that includes the phrase :"This rule creates a pack of playing cards." or words to that effect. Rules may be created that describe other ways of creating packs of playing cards.
Similarly, other rules may describe methods for the destruction if playing cards.
Whenever a pack of palying cards is created, or destroyed, it is created or destroyed as a full pack as described in section 2 of this rule. Individual playing cards may not be created or destroyed in any other way. The Creation and Destruction of packs of cards are Protected. This section takes precedence over any rule that reffers to playing cards, or packs of playing cards.

4. Usage
Playing cards and packs of playing cards may be used in games or activities, if any exist, as defined by the rules creating those games and activities. Playing cards only have an influence within the scope of the games or activities in which they are being used, and they may only be used within those games and activities in the way described by the rules creating those games and activities.
Playing cards have no influence outside the scope of the games or activities in which they are being used.
However the results of the games or activities, whether intermediary or final, may have an effect on Acaknomic, they may cause currency and assets to change hands, they may have an effect on players' score, but only in the manner described by the rules creating the specific game or activity.

5. Ownership

Each pack of playing card must be owned by a registered player. Any pack may be sold, bought, traded, or given away, unless the rules specifically state otherwise.
When packs of playing cards change ownership, in any manner whatsoever, they as full packs. Individual playing cards may not change ownership in any other way.

A player must own a pack of playing cards in order to organize a game or activity which uses a pack of playing cards. Other players who participate in the game or activity may control cards for the duration of the game or activity, but once the game or activity are over, all playing cards return to the owner of the pack of playing cards used in the game or activity.

Any single pack of playing cards may only be used for one game or activity at a time. A player may own more than one pack of playing cards..

Proposal 886 - Sun Jun 09 02:41:33 EDT 1996
Malenkai vs snowgod, Round IV
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

No officer shall put, or allow to be put, any political advertising (in JavaScript or otherwise), on the WWW page they maintain in conjunction with the duties of that office.

For the purposes of this rule, the rules needn't have dictated that an officer maintain a WWW page for it to be considered in "conjunction with the duties of that office". Ie, if an officer is voluntarily providing a page to the public as a service of the office, it counts (e.g., the Ambassador's Page).

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules that would allow such advertising in the content of these WWW pages. (e.g. Historian).

[[offices, and the WWW pages they create, should be there as a service to Acka, not be soundboards for baud wasting, self-promotional, political advertising.]]

Proposal 887 - Sun Jun 09 02:41:52 EDT 1996
Respect the Dead (and close a loophole)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R570 to replace the following text:

Players must choose a Name when they register. No player may choose a Name that is already in use. Players without a Name must choose a Name within one week.

Players must choose a Name when they register. No player may choose a Name that is already in use (or otherwise would be in violation of R703). Players without a Name must choose a Name within one week.

[[ the parenthetical phrase in the above about R703 is for the benefit of new players as a convienence link. I figured I'd throw it in while I was here.]]

A new player may not choose the name of previous player, unless they are the player who held that name previously. e.g., no new player could take the name pTang1001001sos unless they were really the Mark Nau who held that name previously. It is a duty of the Registrar to make sure the player's chosen name complies with this Rule, and the Registrar has the final right to approve or deny the chosen name. This clause superceeds any mutable rule which would deny the Register these duties and rights.

Proposal 888 - Sun Jun 09 02:42:12 EDT 1996
Givin' Wayne a Hand (Amending R414+)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[[ the following is rather long, it is a suite of changes to make the Tabulator's life easier by breaking proposal voting from all other voting, and giving the other stuff to an assistant. The short term goal is to reduce Wayne's workload.]]

Wholly replace the text of R414, which reads:

The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Tabulator are:

(a) to count votes on each proposal.
(b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal.
(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of each proposal.


The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Tabulator are:

(a) to count votes on each proposal.
(b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal.
(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of each proposal.
(d) to handle the duties (except duty (b), below) of the Assistant Tabluator when that office is vacant, or its holder is on vacation.

A priveledge of the Tabulator is to:

(a) appoint someone to the Functional Office of Assistant Tabulator (created by this rule). This is the only way the office can be filled. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would define other ways to fill the office.

The Duties of the Assistant Tabulator are:

(a) to handle solicitation, tabulation, and reporting of votes on all Ackanomic matters, excluding Proposals and Resolutions. This includes, but is not limited to:
(a.1) Politeness Moons
(a.2) Impeachment Papers
(a.3) Witchhunts
(a.4) All elections, including Senatorial, Presidential, Speaker, Delagates, and other elected offices.
(a.5) Calls for Constitutional Convention
(a.6) Ratification of Constitutional Convention

This clause (a) and its subsections (a.x), takes precedence over any other mutable rule which deny the Assistant Tabulator these duties, or would define an alternate procedure or officer (including Tabulator), to perform them. [[This is really for the future and anything I miss. I've made a good faith effort below to go through and change all the known references to Assistant Tabulator.]]

(b) To assume the duties, but not the priveledges, of the Tabulator when the Tabulator is on vacation.


Amend R 400 "Politeness Moon" as follows:

Replace all occurences of the the phrase "The Tabulator" with "The Assistant Tabulator"

Replace all occurences of the the phrase "the Tabulator" with "the Assistant Tabulator"


Amend R 611 "Offices, Related Definitions" as follows:

In section (ii) g) 1), replace the term "Speaker" with the term "Assistant Tabulator".


Amend R 613 "Office, Impeachment" as follows:

In section (i), replace the phrase "same Officer responsible for distributing Proposals" with the phrase "Assistant Tabulator".


Amend R 629 "Constitutional Convention, Procedure" as follows:

Replace section (b)(2), which reads:

A proposal to hold a Constitutional Convention shall be made and distributed in the manner that the rules specify that proposals are to be made and distributed.


A proposal to hold a Constitutional Convention shall be made by sending such a proposal to the Assistant Tabulator, who will distribute it to the public forum.

In all sections (c) thru (k), inclusive of subsections, replace all occurrences of the phrases "the Tabulator" and "The Tabulator" with the phrases "the Assistant Tabulator" and "The Assistant Tabulator" respectively.


Amend R 729 "Ackanomic Middle Ages" as follows:

Replace the occurrence of the phrase "the tabulator" with the phrase "the Assistant Tabulator"

Proposal 889 - Sun Jun 09 02:42:42 EDT 1996
Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Good Bye
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal rule 355.

Rule 355/0 (Mutable)
The Voting Gnome
Sean Crystal

I propose to create an nomic entity known as the Voting Gnome. The Voting Gnome will serve one function, and that is to cast one vote on any proposal. At any time, the Player with the lowest score will have control of the Voting Gnome. The Player that currently controls the Gnome will be known as The Gnome Buddy.

The Gnome Buddy may cast a vote for himself as well as the Voting Gnome for every Proposal dated within the period that the Player has control of the Gnome.

If there is more than one person who is tied for the lowest score, then the next lowest score is used, and continues until the lowest single score is found. If all scores are tied, then no one will control the Voting Gnome until the scores change.

This rule takes precedence over Rule 204. ]]

Proposal 890 - Sun Jun 09 17:58:57 EDT 1996
There's more to voting than proposals
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal will create a resolution that reads:

We the citizens of Ackanomic, apologise to the candidates for all of the offices in the recently held elections. We know that our votes, would we have cast them, are valuable and could possibly have changed the election results for any one candidate.

In the future, we promise to be more faithful voters.

Proposal 891 - Sun Jun 09 17:59:20 EDT 1996
The Press
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

Any player may start a newspaper, by publically declaring that they are doing so. Newspapers must be given names, which must be announced at the same time that the newspaper is created. A small fee of A$20 must be paid to the treasury to cover start-up costs.

The player that creates a newspaper is said to own that newspaper. No player may own more than three newspapers at any one time. Newspapers may be traded among players. An owner of a newspaper may close it down by publically announcing that he is doing so. In this case, that newspaper is said to have "gone bust" and no longer exists.

News articles may be posted by the owner of a newspaper, quoting the of name of the newspaper in the article. Such an article is said to have been published in that newspaper.

No player may publish articles in a paper she does not own without the express permission of the owner.

News articles may be published without reference to a specific newspaper. Such articles are said to be the work of the Underground Press, or Samizdat organisations.

Journalistic pseudonyms are permitted.

Newspapers are protected entities.

Proposal 892 - Sun Jun 09 17:59:35 EDT 1996
Journalistic Integrity
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

This rule defers to any other rule that defines a complaints procedure about news articles, especially if that rule refers to a Press Ombudsman.

If a newspaper publishes an article containing any statement that another player considers to be untrue, that player may ask for a correction to be published in the same newspaper. The player must voice her objection publically within a week of the article being published.

If a correction is not published by the newspaper within a week of the complaint being made, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the correction, then she may make a Call for Criminal Judgement against the owner of the offending newspaper.

Proposal 893 - Sun Jun 09 17:59:55 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

This rule has retroactive application. It holds precedence over R106 and any other mutable rule which would prevent it from having such. It shall be retroactive to June 9, 1996, 1700 hrs New York Time.

Prosthetic Foreheads have the following properties:

Prosthetic Foreheads are difficult to remove. In fact, it takes 10 days from the day it is publically announced by the wearer of such an item that he or she is removing it for it to actually be removed. Therefore, if a player announces the removal of a Prosthetic Forehead after the effective date of this rule, it shall be removed 10 days later.

Prosthetic Foreheads are electrically charged. In fact, they will zap their wearer for 3 points every day that they are worn. The scorekeeper is required to make such change daily to the wearer's of the Foreheads scores, and announce the results; and make any appropriate retroactive adjustments to wearer's scores, and announce the results.

This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule which would deny the scorekeeper such duties. This rule takes precedence over R818.

Proposal 894 - Mon Jun 10 00:25:03 EDT 1996
Map, Creation Of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Let there be the Map of Ackanomia. It is a resource of Ackanomia, and may be owned by no single player.

The Map is a concrete representation of the abstract structure, location, and relationships of the (lands, buildings, residences, boundries with other Nomics, and other geographic entities in Ackanomia, and its interfaces with the Inter-Nomic realm). The non-existance of any of the entities mentioned in this paragraph in parentheses shall not be sufficient to cause the non-existance of the Map.

The Null Map is permissible as the Map. If the Null Map is being used, the officer in charge of the Map must make this fact public.

The officer in charge of the Map may choose any medium he or she desires to render it. The recommended mediums shall be HTML with clickable images/cgi, or VRML. The officer shall consider public opinion, availability, and cost of technology when making such a decision.

If the medium chosen allows what is now commonly referred to as "links", or a similar mechanism, then the Map shall be designed so as to permit links to individual player's "abodes", or other content, so long as the medium that content is rendered in is compatable with the Map's medium.

If there is no officer in charge of the Map (except as follows), the the Web-Harfer shall have that responsibility. If there is no Web-Harfer, or the Web-Harfer declares that he or she does not want the responsibility, then no one shall have the responsibility. This clause has precedence over any other mutable rule which would require the Speaker or anyone else to do the job.

Proposal 895 - Mon Jun 10 00:25:17 EDT 1996
Map-Harfer, Creation of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

The Office of the Map-Harfer is a Functional Office. It is the Duty of the Map-Harfer to create and maintain the Map of Ackanomia, as governed by other rules. If there are no such rules, this rule shall lie dormant until there are.

Proposal 896 - Mon Jun 10 00:25:58 EDT 1996
Universal Nomic
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

By this rule, Ackanomic recognizes that the Universe is a Nomic, and that Gravity was its initial ruleset.

Proposal 897 - Mon Jun 10 00:26:28 EDT 1996
Regulation of Propaganda
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

This rule uses the following terminology :
Official web pages - Web pages put up and maintained by various officers of Ackanomic, either as dictated by the rules, or of their accord, as part of the the services rendered by their offices, and for the purpose of providing information, about the relevant office
Propaganda web pages - Web pages put up and maintained by players for the express purpose of promoting political propaganda

This rules also makes refferences to some terms defined in the HTML 3.0 standard. Whenever such a refference is made, the terms follow the definition laid down by the HTML standard.

1. Any player has the right to put up a Propaganda web-page.
If a Player is unable to so on eir own, for whatever reason, the web-harfer will put provide the necessary web space for them. However, propaganda web-space provided by the web-harfer is limited to a single HTML file, spanning two screenfuls of information , and a few small-images. The web harfer has the right to refuse to include an image on grounds of image size [[The gist is here is that 'public' acka resources may be used, but not abused. I'm giving the web-harfer the final word on somethings, but since he is giving the space, it seems proper]]

2. Propaganda pages may not have any direct links to Official pages.
Similarly, Official pages may not have direct links to Propaganda pages. The sole exception to this section is the Ackanomic home page, which may include direct hyperlinks to propaganda, although it may not include any propaganda itself.
It is permissible for any other web-page, to have direct links to both Official pages, and Propaganda pages.

3. Each Propaganda page must clearly labeled as such. Labeling shall consists of all of the following:
a. Any direct link to a Propaganda page from any other page that is directly related to Ackanomic will include the word 'propaganda' aas part of the anchor text.
b. The Propaganda page must have the words 'This page is published as political propaganda by ' followed by the name of the Player who owns the page.
The words must be placed as a header of level 2 or higher (for example, a propaganda page of mine would have the html: <h2>This page is published as political propaganda by Nicolo Flychuck</h2>) , they must also be visible when the page is first displayed by the browser, that is, near the top of the page
c. There must a clearly visible yellow element. The yellow element can appear as the background or part of it. It can appear as the text color, or it can appear as a dominant color in a graphic. Some or all of these possibilities may be combined. Others manifestations of yellow, which are not specified in this rule are allowed, as long as it is clearly visible, and it can be seen when the page is first displayed by the browser. There is no requirement that the yellow element be visible to users of text only browsers.

4. All Ackanomic web-pages are subject to the Politeness Moon.

5. Official Pages may not contain Propaganda.

Proposal 898 - Mon Jun 10 00:26:42 EDT 1996
Ack! Pfffft!
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Retracted by author

Transmute Rule 106 to Immutable.
[[Mohammed's proposal to transmute this rule to mutable passed almost a month ago. If he had real plans for changing the rule, he should have submitted them by now.]]

Proposal 899 - Mon Jun 10 00:26:57 EDT 1996
Banning Forged Mail
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Nobody may send e-mail related to Ackanomic in such a manner that it appears to be from any email address besides their own, except in the case of resending email to other players/observers, as is the case with mailing lists. [[Leave the punishment up to a CFCJ.]]

Proposal 900 - Mon Jun 10 00:27:19 EDT 1996
Ackanomic runs Ackanomic
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

No one player is said to "run" Ackanomic. Ie, there is no meta-ruler or similar entity who is "in charge". These duties, and the offices that claim them, can only be given explicitly by the rules.

Furthermore, all things Ackanomic, including, but not limited to, the rules, artifacts, game custom, are owned "in common", by the players of Ackanomic.

This rule defers precedence to any other rule which contradicts it, in whole or in part.