Proposal 701 - Sun May 05 16:13:10 EDT 1996
Endangered Species (or Protecting the Voting Gnome)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Retracted by author
Any proposal that concerns the voting gnome, or the gnome buddy, with a number higher than 700 shall be deemed invalid, and if it is somehow passed it will be repealed by this rule.

Proposal 702 - Sun May 05 18:15:10 EDT 1996
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Pulse, No Service
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

No computer program or other non-human entity may be a Player of Ackanomic. No Nomic may be a player of Ackanomic. Ackanomic may not be a player of any other Nomic.

Proposal 703 - Mon May 06 13:25:03 EDT 1996
Rob Ert Sevin
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted

Nothing in Ackanomic shall have a Name or Title that would be the same as the Name or Title of anything else in Ackanomic if all alphabetic characters in both Names or Titles were lower-case, and all space characters were removed. If two or more things in Ackanomic are found to be in violation of this Rule, the Player who selected the most recent Name or Title shall change that Name or Title to bring it into compliance. If the identity of that Player can not be determined, or if that Player has left the game, that Name or Title shall be brought into compliance by the Officer, should one exist, in charge of making minor changes to the Rules, or by another Officer as directed by the Rules.

[[Currently, this would prevent someone from naming themself president, Dr Mcspong, or mr cwm, for example. Additionally, for example, it would prevent the phrase "I'm under the president" from having multiple meanings: are they the vice-president? operating the president gadget from below? subject to the president rule? contracted to the president player? (You get the idea.)]]

Proposal 704 - Tue May 07 07:40:41 EDT 1996
Endangered Species (or Protecting the Voting Gnome)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Any proposal that concerns changing the status the voting gnome, or the gnome buddy, with a number higher than 700 shall be deemed invalid. Furthermore, any proposal that would repeal, transmute, or take precedence over this rule in matters that concern the voting gnome or nome buddy with a number higher than 700 shall also be deemed invalid.

If any rule somehow passes that meets the conditions in section one, the promoter will distribute a proposal to repeal said rule. For purposes of scoring, the proposer of the repeal propasal shall be the same person who proposed the original [offending] proposal.

This rule does not apply to itself.

[This is take two of this proposal. I believe it clears up all the problems with the original proposal]

Proposal 705 - Tue May 07 07:42:37 EDT 1996
Gnome Power
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

Any petition for repeal on a rule affecting the status of the Voting Gnome, other than the rule that created the Voting Gnome, shall have 5 extra votes cast by the Gnome in favor of the repeal.

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules except itself.

Upon the passage of this rule, every player who voted for the proposal that created this rule will be awarded 20 points in addition to any points they would ordinarily receive; this sentence will then be removed from this rule.

Proposal 706 - Tue May 07 07:42:37 EDT 1996
Coke Is It
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

Coca-Cola is hereby made the official soft drink of Ackanomic. The Financier must bill the Coca-Cola Company USD$16,209.62 as promotional consideration, taking any legal measures e deems appropriate to recover this sum. Any proceeds recovered from the Coca-Cola Company will be shared equally among all players who voted in favor of the proposal that created this rule, after the Financier is first awarded an extra $200 for his/her efforts in claiming the money.

Proposal 707 - Tue May 07 07:42:37 EDT 1996
Make 490 Mutable
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

The passage of this proposal would transmute rule 490/1 to be mutable.


Rule 490/1 (Immutable)
What A Thankless Job

If in any rule an action is required to be carried out, and the rule does not either specify who is to carry it out or define a mechanism for choosing someone to do so, the Speaker is required to carry out the task.

Created by Proposal 490, Mar 25 1996

Transmuted to Immutable by Rule 446, Mar 25 1996


Proposal 708 - Tue May 07 07:42:37 EDT 1996
Hot Potato
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

An entity named the Hot Potato is hereby created.

The Hot Potato is Protected.

Each Monday, beginning the first Monday after the passage of this proposal, the officer responsible for selecting the bearer of the Magic Potato, should such an entity exist, or the Speaker in the absence of such an entity, shall select at random from all Players a bearer of the Hot Potato for the week.

The Hot Potato may be given, sold, lent, mortgaged or traded with the consent of all Players involved in the transaction; however, even if possession of the Hot Potato changes during a week, it will revert to a randomly selected player the next Monday.

Should the Magic Potato exist and the Hot Potato ever be held by the same Player as the Magic Potato, both entities will Elope and thus disappear until the next Monday. The Player who held both entities when they Eloped shall receive a Double Thumbutter-Twisted Jaw of Death, unless e already has a Double Thumbutter-Twisted Jaw of Death, in which case e will receive a Nothing.

A player who holds the Magic Potato may not take possession of or otherwise hold the Hot Potato except by random selection as outlined above.

Each Double Thumbutter-Twisted Jaw of Death must be referred to (in its presence) as "Lizardopolis". The plural form of "Lizardopolis" is "Kaweenimansi".

Double Thumbutter-Twisted Jaws of Death and Nothings are Protected.

Proposal 709 - Tue May 07 07:43:45 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This rule shall create an Ackanomic entity known as the Gaol. The Gaol is unlimited in capacity; it may hold 0 or more players silmultaneously.

If a player is in the Gaol, they shall not count for the purposes of determining Quorum. This superceeds ARN 201 "Quorum".

If a player is in the Gaol, they may perform no game actions except those on the following numbered list and those allowed by ARN 115. If a particular action on this list is not defined elsewhere the rules, however, it is considered to be "prohibited". This clause defers to any other rule which regulates any action on the following list:

1) A player in the Gaol may make a Call for Judgement (CFJ)
2) A player in the Gaol may make a Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ)
3) A player in the Gaol may make an Appeal for Pardon (AFP), as long as that player is not the President.
4) A player in the Gaol may bribe the Gaoler, if such an officer exists
5) A player in the Gaol may go on Vacation
6) A player in the Gaol may return from Vacation, or alter their "vacation period"
7) A player in the Gaol may invoke ARN 111

Note that "game action" means anything where the player must act. Examples include voting, submitting proposals, AOJs, chewing the Gumball, etc. Examples of what this does NOT include are things like gaining points, passively receiving currency or the Magic Potato, or winning.

Proposal 710 - Tue May 07 07:44:08 EDT 1996
Criminal Justice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This rule creates the Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ) procedure. Except as detailed in this rule, it shall be like the Call for Judgement in all ways, including how it is submitted, how judges are selected, how it is appealed, etc. Any changes to the CFJ procedure will automatically be "inherited" by the CFCJ procedure when they do not contradict the exceptions detailed in this rule.

1) A "court fee" of 50 units of currency will be forfeited by the player making the CFCJ, to the Treasury.

2) A CFCJ will be clearly labelled as such, to distinguish it from an ordinary CFJ.

3) Its "statement" shall be "Player X has violated R101", where X is replaced with the name of a registered player.

4) Its "reasoning" section shall show how Player X violated R101, usually by showing how they violated another rule, thereby violating R101.

5) It shall include a "penalty" section, which is a recommended penalty to be imposed on Player X, should a verdict of TRUE be reached. More than one class of penalty may be recommended. The valid classes of penalties are:
a) a DEDUCTION of 0 or more points from Player X's score.
b) a FINE of 1 or more units of currency payable by Player X to the Treasury.
c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X, if such an entity exists.
d) the TRANSFERRENCE of one or more artifacts in the possession of Player X to the initiator of the CFCJ
e) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.

6) Upon a verdict of FALSE on the CFCJ, there will be no effect, (except for the court fee). The verdict may be appealed in the manner that CFJ's may be appealed.

7) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period", during which time Player X may appeal the verdict as with a CFJ. This superceeds all mutable rules and game custom which establish or dis-establish a "grace period".

8) All other verdicts shall work as they would for a CFJ.

Proposal 711 - Tue May 07 08:39:53 EDT 1996
Appeal for Pardon
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Any player may make an Appeal for Pardon (AFP), provided all of the following are true:

1) The player is not the President.
2) The player has had a verdict of TRUE reached against them within the past 3 days on a CFCJ, OR the player is in the Gaol.
3) The player is not on vacation

An AFP must be made to the public forum. From the time it is made public, the President has 3 days to GRANT or DENY the pardon. If there is no President, the President is on vacation, or the President does not act on the AFP within 3 days, the AFP is considered DENYed.

If the AFP is GRANTed, the penalty from the most recent CFCJ against the player is waived, and/or the player is immediately released from the Gaol, if they are in the Gaol.

Proposal 712 - Tue May 07 08:39:57 EDT 1996
Gaoler, Creation of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

If there is no Ackanomic entity known as the Gaol, this rule shall
lie dormant until there is.

(i) The Functional Office of Gaoler is hereby created.

(ii) There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by

(iii) The duties are
        a) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol,
and there remaining sentence.

(iv) The Priviledges are:
        a) To receive NO salary.
        b) To be able to accept bribes of currency from players in the Gaol.
        c) To release players from the Gaol before their sentence is up.

Notes: All bribes and releases must be made public. The Gaoler is not
obligated to release a player from which they have received a bribe.

Proposal 713 - Tue May 07 08:46:19 EDT 1996
Transmute 106 to mutable
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 106 ("When Rule Changes Can Take Effect") is hereby transmuted from immutable to mutable.

[This says a rule change takes effect at the end of its voting period. I want to rewrite that part to read "When a proposal is accepted, the rule changes described by it are adopted." The restriction on retroactivity is in R106, too, but I have no desire to change that.]

Proposal 714 - Tue May 07 08:47:10 EDT 1996
Amend "What is a Rule Change?"
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

The rule entitled "What is a Rule Change?" shall be modified to read, in full:

A rule change is valid if it calls for one or more of these effects, and no other effects: the creation of a new mutable rule; the amendment of an existing mutable rule; the repeal of an existing mutable rule; a change of the mutability of any rule.

When a valid rule change is adopted, the effect or effects called for by its text shall be carried out.

Proposal 715 - Tue May 07 08:47:47 EDT 1996
Transmute "Winning the Game" to mutable
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

The immutable rule titled "Winning the Game" is hereby transmuted to mutable. [This says the winner of one game becomes the Speaker of the next. Robert Sevin proposed this transmutation way back during the quorum crisis, and it sunk.]

Proposal 716 - Tue May 07 08:50:19 EDT 1996
Transmute "At Least One Mutable Rule" to mutable
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

The immutable rule titled "At Least One Mutable Rule" [ARN 112] is hereby transmuted to mutable. [I don't think we're in danger of running out of mutable rules anytime soon. Why not get rid of some clutter in the rule set? Hey, we can work without a net...]

Proposal 717 - Thu May 09 02:07:43 EDT 1996
Amend R478
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

The first sentence of R478 will be amended from:

"A new entity will be created called the Senate."

"A new Institution will be created called the Senate."

Proposal 718 - Thu May 09 02:08:03 EDT 1996
House of Thai
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

1. This rule is active when there are three or more Thai-Elders
2. Let an Institution be established called the House of Thai
3. The House of Thai has three seats. Each seat may be occupied by a Thai-Elder. A Thai-Elder who occupies a seat in the House of Thai is known as Thai-Resident
4. Whenever the number of Players increases by one, all seats are vacated, and elections are held for the House of Thai
5. All Players may vote for any Thai-Elder they like. Players vote by sending their votes to the Tabulator. The three Thai who receive the largest number of votes become the three Thai-Residents.
6. In case of a tie, those Thai-Elders who can be said to have unambigously won their seats, become Thai-Residents, and new elections are held for the remaining seats.

Proposal 719 - Thu May 09 02:08:23 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Paragraph A
1.Whenever a Player is declared winner, that Player is awarded the title of Thai-Elder.
2. The title of Thai-Elder is retained throughtout the following cycles of the game of Ackanomic.

3. Should Official Ceremonies be carries in Ackanomia, and a Thai-Elder is present at a ceremony, then the Thai-Elder will preside over the ceremony. If no Thai-Elder is present, the Thai-Elder may delegate another Player to pereside in e's stead. If more than one Thai-Elder has delegated a Player to take e's place in the ceremony, then the Player delegated by the most senior Thai-Elder will preside over the Ceremony. For the purpose of this rule, the most senior Thai-Elder is the Player who has been Thai-Elder for the longest duration of time.

Paragraph B:
This is the first sentence of Paragraph B, which includes the header "Paragraph B:" just before this sentence. Upon passage of this Rule, Robert Sevin shall be awarded the title of Thai-Elder. Then, Paragraph B, which ends with this sentence, shall be stricken from this Rule.

Proposal 720 - Thu May 09 02:08:41 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Let a new class of entities be established called Institutions. Singular- Institution.
Institutions may only be established according to the rules.
Institutions may be abolished according to the rules.
The rights, privileges, duties and roles of Institutions will be defined by the rules.
If there is no rule that defines the authority, rights, privileges, duties, or roles, for a given Institution, then that institution has no authority, rights, privileges, duties, or roles, respectively.

Proposal 721 - Thu May 09 02:09:08 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Let a new class of entities be created called Organizations.
Organizations may only be established or disbanded according to the rules.
When an Organization is formed its type and name must be declared.
The Organization type must a type defined by the rules.
The name must be a legal Acaknomic name.

Proposal 722 - Thu May 09 02:09:32 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A new Institution will be created called Asefa.
There can only one instance of Asefa at one time.
The Asefa will be established if the numbers of Players in Ackanomic exceeds 24 and there is no Asefa.
The Asefa will be disbanded if the number of Players in Ackanomic drops below 16..
There is no limit to the number of times the Asefa can be established or disbanded as long as there in no more than one Asefa at any one time.
A member of the Asefa shall be known as a Shatz.(plural Shatzi)
There will be six Shatzi, each Shatz will occupy one seat in the Asefa.
The Asefa seats shall be known by the following names:
Each such will be known by a name corresponding to the name the seat e occupies: The Blue Shatz occupies the Blue seat, the Red Shatz occupies the Red Seat, and so on.
A Shatz may keep e's seat until e resigns, is voted out, or until 12 weeks have passed since e's current term in the Asefa started , whichever comes first.
Whenever there is a vacant seat in the Asefa, elections will be held for that seat.
All Players may vote for any Player they wish, by sending their votes to the Tabulator, except for someone who is a Sentor, a Speaker, a Shatz, or a President
The Tabulator will report the outcome of the elections.
This rule defers to R609,R610,R611 in all the details of elections that have not been specified in this rule.

Proposal 723 - Thu May 09 02:09:53 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

No Player may be forced, by any means, either legislation or game action to become a member of an Organization against e's will.
This rule takes precedence over any other rule that is concerned with membership in Organizations.
For the purposes of this rule a Political Party is recognized as a type of Organization.

Proposal 724 - Thu May 09 02:10:14 EDT 1996
Higher Function
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. Let there be a new of Organization known as a Higher Function
2. Members of a Higher Function may be Organizations. A Political Party is treated as a type of Organization for the purpose of this rule.
3.A Higher Function is defined as a three or more Organizations, who declare themselves as a Higher Function, provided they are not all of the same type.
4.The member Organizations of a Higher Function retain their identity as Organizations, in the same way that Players who are members of an Organization retain their identity as individual Players
5.When a Higher Function is formed, a public anouncment must be made. The public anouncement must include the name of the Higher Function, its purpose, and names of the member Organizations.
6. An Organization may join or leave a Higher Function at any time. When an Organization leaves or joins a Higher Function it must make a public anouncement to that effect.
7.Whenever the number of Organizations in a Higher Function drops below three. Or all the Organizations in a Higher Function are of the same type, the Higher Function is dissolved. When this happens a public anouncement must be made.
8. If a member Organization has dissolved for any reason, then it can no longer be a member of a Higher Function, because it no longer exists as an Organization.

Proposal 725 - Thu May 09 02:10:40 EDT 1996
Friendly Societies
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

1.Let there be a new type of Organization called  a Friendly Society.
2.A Friendly Society is defined as any group of four or more Players who
decide to form a Friendly Society. 
3. a.A Friendly Society has a Fund.
    b.A Friendly Society may own assets.
    c. A Friendly Society may enter contracts.
    d.A Friendly Society may deal in the Financial Market.

4.a. The initial Fund of a Friendly Society consists of a a contribution of
5 units of currency from          each founding member, plus an identical
number of units of currecncy donated by the Treasury,       should such an
entity exist. If there no Treasury then the second half of the initial Fund
comes         from the same place that the salaries are coming from.
   b. In Addition Each founding member contributes five pfBonds to the
Friendly Society Fund.
      Each additional member who joins the Friendly Society makes a
contibution, the amount and       manner of which are decided by the
Friendly Society. However, the entry contribution of each     additional
member is not matched by a donation from the Treasury.

5  a. Each Friendly Society will appoint a Treasurer .
     b.  The Treasurer will act on behalf of the Friendly Society on all
financial matters, and will be responsible  to report to the appropriate
Officers all  the transactions that the Friendly Society is engaged in.
   c. A Friendly Society cannot use non-existent funds. If the Friendly
Society Fund has insufficient currency to complete a transaction, then it
will be as if the transaction has never taken place.

6.a.  When a player who is member of a Friendly Society is short on funds
for the completion of an     action that requires the spending of funds.
That Player may request to draw on the Friendly       .Society Funds.
  b.  The appeal will be performed in the following manner: 
      i)The player will send the message, the result of which is payment
beyond es ability,  in two         copies, one copy to the player that e
would normally send the message to, in accordance with         the rules,
and a second copy to the Friendly Society Treasurer.
      ii)The sentence - 'Appeal to FSF for the amount of ..'
         followed by the number of units of currency the player wishes the
Friendly Society to pay,
        must be included in the message.
    c. The Treasurer may refuse the request or confirm it.
       i)If the Treasurer confirms the request e may spcify the whole
amount, or part of it.
      ii)Either way, the Treasurer sends a the refusal or confirmation
message in two copies, one to          the player making the appeal, and one
to the officer who has been informed of the appeal.
     iii)If an appeal is refused, or the number of units of currency
confirmed by the Treasurer,           together with the number of units of
currency the player holds, are insufficient to complete          the
trandaction, then the player will treated as a Player with insufficient
funds to complete the         tranaction.
7. Whenever there are less than four members in the Friendly Society, the
Society is dissolved.
    For the purpose of this rule, players on vacation are counted as members.
8. For the purpose of this rule the remaining members are those players who
have not left the Society by the time it is dissolved.
9. When a Friendly Society is dissolved, its Fund divided in the following
    a.Half the units of currency revert to the Treasury, should such an
entity exist. If there is no             Treasury, then half the units of
currency are destroyed. The other half of the currency is divided equally
among the Players who remaining members members of the Friendly Society.
   b. Players may buy back their own pfBonds for half their value. Any
PFBonds which are not  sold          back may be put for sale on the
Financial Market. Any PFBonds which are not sold within a 
      9 days become are bought by the Treasury for half their market value
   c. Assets must be offered for sale on the Finnancial Market. Any proceeds
are divided equally among the remaining members of the Friendly Society
      Assets that have not been sold within 11 days will be bought by the
Treasury for a price set by the Treasury, provided that the price is at
least 2 units of currency per item per remaining member.

10.a. When a member leaves a Friendly Society, and e has been a member of
the Friendly Society for at least 4 weeks, e receives a share of the number
of the currency units of the Fund. The player's share is calculated as follows:
  Let n be the number of members of the Friendly Society, counting all
members who are on vacation, and the player who leaves the society
  let C be the number of units of currency in the Friendly Society Fund.
  let p be the total value of all the pfBonds owned by the Friendly Society.
  Share=(c/n)+(p/(n*3))  [[note that 1/(n*3) is a third of 1/n]]
  b. When a member leaves a Friendly Society, and e has been a member for
less than 4 weeks, e gets back the original e gave when joining the Society
, including any units of currency,pfbonds, and assets, that were part of
that donation.
11. a. Members of the society may contribute to the Fund at any time.
      b. Any contribution to the fund is a financial tranaction and must be
reported to the officer 
         in charge of financial transactions.
     c. The Friendly Society Treasurer will always act in accordance with
the rules and guide lines set          set by the Friendly Society of which
e is a member.

12. Players may join or leave a Friendly Society whenever they wish. A
Player must make a public anouncement when e joins or leaves a Friendly

13.  Anything that has not been specified that has to do with the internal
organization of the Friendly Society, is the responsibility of the Friendly

Proposal 726 - Thu May 09 02:11:04 EDT 1996
Party Hall
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A new Institution will be established called the Party Hall.
The Party Hall will be in session when there are three or more parties.
The number of seats in Party Hall will be equal to the number of Political Parties plus one.
A Player who occupies a seat in Party Hall will known as a Swinger (pl.swingers).
Each Party will have exactly one representative in Party Hall. The represenatative will be chosen by the party by a method decided upon by the party.
The remaining seat will be occupied by a Player who is not a Party member - i.e. a Non-Aligned Player, or the NAP Swinger.
A Swinger, whether a Party Swinger, or a NAP Swinger, holds e's seat until e resigns or voted out.
A Swinger can be voted out by 2/3 of the Players.
Whenever a Party Seat becomes vacant the Party whose Seat has been vacated is responsible for filling that seat within one week.
When the NAP Seat becomes vacated, general elections will be held according to the rules governing elections with the following exception:
Only a Player who is not a Party member may be elected for the NAP Seat.
The previous sentence takes precedence over all the rules governing elections and eligibility for public office.
All Players may vote for the NAP Seat.

Proposal 727 - Thu May 09 02:11:29 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

1. Let there be a new type of Organization called a Church.
2. Any Player may found a Church, however a Church may be officialy recognized when the player has three followers, in addition to the Church Founder.
When a Church is officially recognized a public anouncement must be made by the Church Founder.
The anouncement must include the name of the Church, its Dogma, the name of its Founder, the names of all the members, and any alternative terminology that the Church has chosen to use publically.
3. The player who founded the Church will be knows as the Church Founder.
4. Any player who joins the Church is known as a Follower
5. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests
6. The internal organization of a Church is the reponsibility of the Church.
7. A Church may use alternative terminology to the terms defined in this rule, provided that any terminology used in a public forum is defined as part of Church Dogma. for the purpose of this rule, a Church mailing list, should it exist, is not a public forum. Any private communication between Church members is not a public forum.
8.No Player may be a member of more than one Church
9. Any Player may leave or join a Church at any time
10. A Church must always have at least one Priest. The Church Founder is also a Priest
11. Whenever a Church has no Priests, or fewer than four members, counting Priests and Followers, then the Church is disbanded
12. If a Priest declares that e refuses to reognize that the Church has been disbanded, then the remaining followers may be known as a Cult. Cults have no official status whatsoever.

Proposal 728 - Thu May 09 02:12:03 EDT 1996
That's just silly
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

If an adopted proposal contains the phrase "cows eat grass", then the proposer who proposed the change is said to be silly, and shall score 5 points.

[[ This rule does not apply to this rule. ]]

Proposal 729 - Thu May 09 02:12:26 EDT 1996
Ackanomic Middle Ages
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

The Earth is flat. Contradiction of this fact is Heresy.

If, in a public message, a player refers to the Earth being round, or implies that this may be the case, any other player may call for a Witchhunt, by publically posting that they are doing so.

During the Witchhunt, which lasts 3 days, players send their votes to the tabulator (hereafter referred to as the Witchfinder General) containing the name of the alleged Heretic. Players can vote either "No! E said the Earth is flat", or "BURN THE WITCH!"

After the Witchhunt is over, a simple majority (50% or more) will determine whether or not the alleged Heretic has been burned.The Witchfinder General will publicly announce the outcome.

If the witch has been burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic afterlife, should such a place exist. E shall be excommunicated from the Ackanomic Catholic Church, should such an organisation exist. And e shall lose 10 points.

Proposal 730 - Thu May 09 10:48:10 EDT 1996
Steel Flea
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Accepted

Phoebe the Steel Flea lives in a matchbox. Phoebe the Steel Flea looks like a flea, feels like a flea and behaves like a flea most of the time. However Phoebe is a nomic entity that was created thousands of years ago by Acka-scientists who had access to advanced nano-technology that has since been lost in the mists of time.

Whenever Phoebe's matchbox is missing, the Officer in charge of random things shall determine which lucky player has found the matchbox with Phoebe in it. It is a red and blue matchbox, very pretty, if a little battered. If no Officer is in charge of random things, this duty shall fall to the Registrar, unless e indicates that e can't be bothered, in which case this duty falls to the Speaker. Phoebe's matchbox should be found within 3 days of it going missing.

The player who has found Phoebe's matchbox is very lucky, since she is very wise, having been built in an era of knowledge and wonder. In the week following eir marvellous discovery, e should open Phoebe's matchbox and listen to her make a statement of insight and wit. They should share this wisdom with the rest of the players of Ackanomic, by publically posting a message headed "Acka: Misc: What Phoebe Says", and will gain 6 points for being so generous.

If any other player believes that this message is obviously fake and not clever or witty enough for the nanotech Phoebe, they may challenge the authenticity of the message by posting to that effect publically. There will then be a 3 day voting period, during which players may send one vote each to the tabulator saying either "Phoebe would not say anything so crass", or "Phoebe said much the same thing to me once". No quorum is required, a simple majority of votes challenging the message's validity will prove that the player did not accurately report what Phoebe said, and they will lose the 6 points awarded previously, and will be fined another 6 points for selfishly keeping Phoebe's wisdom to eirself.

If a message was posted within a week of the player finding Phoebe, that player is deemed to have carefully hidden her matchbox at the time of posting the message, and the matchbox is deemed to be missing.

If a message was not posted within a week of the player finding Phoebe, e is deemed to have lost the matchbox and is fined 3 points for being so careless. If this happens, the matchbox is deemed to be missing.

[[ Should this proposal be adopted, Phoebe's matchbox is initially missing. ]]

Proposal 731 - Thu May 09 11:32:58 EDT 1996
Encourage Creative Proposals
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Rejected

The passage of this proposal would change the number "10" in rule 218 to "4".


Rule 208/0 (Mutable)
Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated

When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.

Initial Mutable Rule, Jan 22 1996


Proposal 732 - Thu May 09 22:28:02 EDT 1996
Amend 457 - Vacationing
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 457 shall be amended to read:

A player shall be considered "on vacation" when he makes a public request that he desires to be on vacation. Players are only allowed to put themselves on vacation. The Rules may specify other ways a Player may be put on vacation.

While a player is on vacation, the player shall not not be randomly selected for anything. The player shall also not be chosen to perform any task. The duties of any offices help by the player shall be performed by the Speaker or someone appointed by the Speaker.

The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation. A player shall take himself off vacation by declaring to the public forum that he is back from his vacation. As soon as the player makes this public declaration, he shall no longer be considered on vacation.

Votes cast before a player went on vacation shall count normally. If a vacationing player does not cast a vote on a proposal, then the player shall have no vote or abstention recorded for that proposal. This paragraph has precedence over all other rules regarding voting.

Proposal 733 - Fri May 10 07:25:58 EDT 1996
Simple Majority Vote
Brinjal (Simon Clarke)
Decision: Retracted by author

Whenever a vote is to be taken by the process of Simple Majority Vote, that vote will be carried out in accordance with the regulations stated in this rule. However, any rule stipulating a Simple Majority Vote may also specify regulations for that vote which override any or all of the regulations in this rule. This rule defers to any such regulations.

The regulations for a Simple Majority Vote are as follows:
1. Each active player of Ackanomic shall be entitled to ONE vote and only one vote.
2. No other entities may cast a vote.
3. The voting period, from the time the vote is announced, will be the Prescribed Voting Period.
4. All votes must be sent to the Tabulator, in the form specified when the vote was announced. [This may be Yes/No, True/False or any other form of words such that two or more outcomes are possible] Votes which are not in the form specified shall be treated as Abstentions.
4. At the end of the voting period, the number of votes cast for each Outcome shall be published by the Tabulator.
5. The Outcome of the vote shall be that which received more votes than any other Outcome.
6. In the event of the vote being tied, then the President will have three further days to cast an extra vote, also known as a Casting Vote, in order to decide the Outcome.
7. There is no quorum requirement.

Proposal 734 - Fri May 10 20:51:01 EDT 1996
Repeal 692 - "Hungry, silly, and poisonous"
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This rule change repeals R692

[Text of 692 as is follows:

Proposal 692 - Fri May 03 23:20:17 EDT 1996
Hungry, silly, and poisonous
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Should the Gnome Buddy ever come to hold the Magic Potato, the Voting Gnome will immediately become uncontrollably hungry and eat the Magic Potato, thereby destroying it and removing it from the game.

[As Magic Potatoes are poisonous to Gnomes,] this action by the Voting Gnome will immediately kill it, thereby removing the Voting Gnome from the game as well.

If, however, the Voting Gnome had legally chewed a Gumball on the thursday before the day the Gnome Buddy received the Magic Potato, the hunger described above will not have occurred, its effects will not have occurred, and will not occur as long as the Gnome Buddy continiously holds the Magic Potato.]

Proposal 735 - Fri May 10 20:58:49 EDT 1996
Amend 207 - Scoring on Proposals
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 207 be amended to have the following Title and text:

Scoring on Proposals

When the votes are tabulated on a proposal, points shall be given out as follows:

Each player that legally cast a vote shall be awarded one point. The author of the proposal shall gain X points where:

X = ( Votes for ) - ( Votes against )

Proposal 736 - Fri May 10 21:01:26 EDT 1996
Repeal 208
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 208 [listed below] shall be repealed.

[ Rule 208/0 (Mutable)
Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated

When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.

Proposal 737 - Fri May 10 21:06:34 EDT 1996
Repeal 427 - Vice Versa
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 427 shall be repealed.

Rule 427/0 (Mutable)
Vice Versa
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Any player voting for a proposal that does not pass will be awarded 3 points above and beyond any other bonuses or penalties.

This rule complements rule 207, 208, 379 if and when they are in effect.


Proposal 738 - Sat May 11 22:31:02 EDT 1996
Private Entities
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Rejected

A new rule shall be created with the following text:
Ackanomic entities may not be manipulated in any way by anyone except a player of Ackanomic, unless the Ackanomic rules explicitly allow it.

Proposal 739 - Sun May 12 15:21:50 EDT 1996
Who's on first?
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This is the first sentence of the first section of this rule. This section of the rule creates an Ackanomic entity known as Wimbley, that cannot be owned nor controlled except as specified below.

This is the first sentence of the second section of this rule. This section allows Wimbley to cast one vote on every Proposal. This takes precedence over any rule that would deny Wimbley the right to vote.

This, the first sentence of the third section of the rule, states that Wimbley will cast a YES vote on every proposal with an even number. This, the second sentence of the third section of the rule, states that Wimbley will cast a NO vote on on every proposal with an odd number. This is the third sentence of the third section of this rule, and serves no useful purpose.

If this was a sentence, which it appears to be, it would state that Wimbley will begin voting on the first monday after the passage of this rule. The final sentence of this rule of this rule states that should the voting gnome, or gnome buddy, be removed from the game (if they indeed exist when this rule takes effect) then Wimbley will go into mourning for period of one week during which he will not vote.

Proposal 740 - Sun May 12 15:22:12 EDT 1996
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

All hell shall hereby break loose. Chaos shall reign until June 8, 1996, at which time this rule shall repeal itself. This rule defers to all other rules.

Proposal 741 - Mon May 13 05:53:59 EDT 1996
Friendly Societies
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1.a. Let there be a new Ackanomic entity called a Friendly Society
   b. A Friendly Society is a Protected entity
   c. If Organization is defined then Friendly Society is a type of

2.A Friendly Society is defined as any group of four or more Players who
decide to form a Friendly Society. 
3. a.A Friendly Society has a Fund. The fund is Protected and may be
reffered to as the FSF
    b.A Friendly Society may own assets.
    c. A Friendly Society may enter contracts.
    d.A Friendly Society may deal in the Financial Market.

4.a. The initial Fund of a Friendly Society consists of a a contribution of
5 units of currency from          each founding member, plus 5 units of
currency per member donated by the Treasury,  should such an entity exist.
If there no Treasury then the second half of the initial Fund comes from the
same place that the salaries are coming from.
   b. In Addition Each founding member contributes five pfBonds to the
Friendly Society Fund.
      Each additional member who joins the Friendly Society makes a
contibution, the amount and       manner of which are decided by the
Friendly Society. However, the entry contribution of each     additional
member is not matched by a donation from the Treasury.

5  a. Each Friendly Society will appoint a Treasurer. The Treasurer is a
Protected entity
     b.  The Treasurer will act on behalf of the Friendly Society on all
financial matters, and will be responsible  to report to the appropriate
Officers all  the transactions that the Friendly Society is engaged in.
   c. A Friendly Society cannot use non-existent funds. If the Friendly
Society Fund has insufficient currency to complete a transaction, then it
will be as if the transaction has never taken place.

6.a.  When a player who is member of a Friendly Society is short on funds
for the completion of an     action that requires the spending of funds that
Player may request to draw on the Friendly Society Funds.
  b.  The appeal will be performed in the following manner: 
      i)The player will send the message, the result of which is payment
beyond es ability,  in two         copies, one copy to the player that e
would normally send the message to, in accordance with  the rules, and a
second copy to the Friendly Society Treasurer.
      ii)A phrase of the form- 'Appeal to' <FSName>' FSF for the amount of
'<X> <units of currency>
        must be included in the message, where
       the name of teh Friendly Society is substituted for <FSName>
      the number of currency units is substituted for <X>
     the name of the unit of currency may be substituted for <units of currency>
    c. The Treasurer may refuse the request or confirm it.
       i)If the Treasurer confirms the request e may spcify the whole
amount, or part of it.
      ii)Either way, the Treasurer sends a the refusal or confirmation
message in two copies, one to          the player making the appeal, and one
to the officer who has been informed of the appeal.
     iii)If an appeal is refused, or the number of units of currency
confirmed by the Treasurer,           together with the number of units of
currency the player holds, are insufficient to complete the trandaction,
then the player will treated as a Player with insufficient funds to complete
the         tranaction.
7. Whenever there are less than four members in the Friendly Society, the
Society is dissolved.
    For the purpose of this rule, players on vacation are counted as members.
8. For the purpose of this rule the remaining members are those players who
have not left the Society by the time it is dissolved.
9. When a Friendly Society is dissolved, its Fund is divided in the
following manner:
    a.Half the units of currency revert to the Treasury, should such an
entity exist. If there is no             Treasury, then half the units of
currency are destroyed. The other half of the currency is divided equally
among the Players who are the remaining members of the Friendly Society.
   b. Players may buy back their own pfBonds for half their value. Any
PFBonds which are not  sold          back may be put for sale on the
Financial Market. Any PFBonds which are not sold within a 
      9 days become are bought by the Treasury, from their original owners,
for half their market value
   c. Assets must be offered for sale on the Financial Market. Any proceeds
are divided equally among the remaining members of the Friendly Society
      Assets that have not been sold within 11 days will be bought by the
Treasury, from the remaining members, for a price set by the Treasury,
provided that the price is at least 2 units of currency per item per
remaining member.

10.a. When a member leaves a Friendly Society, and e has been a member of
the Friendly Society for at least 4 weeks, e receives a share of the number
of the currency units of the Fund. The player's share is calculated as follows:
  Let n be the number of members of the Friendly Society, counting all
members who are on vacation, and the player who leaves the society
  let C be the number of units of currency in the Friendly Society Fund.
  let p be the total value of all the pfBonds owned by the Friendly Society.
  Share=(c/n)+(p/(n*3))  [[note that 1/(n*3) is a third of 1/n]]
  b. When a member leaves a Friendly Society, and e has been a member for
less than 4 weeks, e gets back the original e gave when joining the Society
, including any units of currency,pfbonds, and assets, that were part of
that donation.
11. a. Members of the society may contribute to the Fund at any time.
      b. Any contribution to the fund is a financial tranaction and must be
reported to the officer 
         in charge of financial transactions.
     c. The Friendly Society Treasurer will always act in accordance with
the rules and guide lines set          set by the Friendly Society of which
e is a member.

12. Membership:
  a. A player may leave a Friendly Society at any time. A Player who leaves
a Friendly Society must make a public anouncement to that effect.
  b. Any player who wishes to join a Friendly Society will contact that
Society's Treasurer and inform the Treasurer of eir wish to join the
Society. If the Player joins the society, e must make a public anouncement
to that effect. 

13. Whenever action is to be taken, or a decision is to be made, by the
Friendly Society, and this rule does not explicitly state that the action,
or decision is the responsibility of the Treasurer, then the decision, or
the decision to take that action, will be made by a majority of the
membership of the Friendly Society. In case of a tie, the decision will be
made by the Treasurer.

Proposal 742 - Mon May 13 12:19:01 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

1.a Let there be a new type of Ackanomic entity called a Church
  b. If Organization is defined, then a Church is a type of Organization
  c. A Church is a Protected entity.

2. a. Any may Player may declare eir intent to found a Church. A Church is
officially recognized when the player has three Followers in addition to
b. The Player who founded the Church will be known as the Church Founder. 
c.Any Player who joins the Church will be known as a Follower
d. Once a Church has been officially recognized, a public anouncement will
be made by the Speaker to that effect. The anouncement must include the name
of the Church, the name of the Founder, the names of all the members, and a
document called Church Dogma.Church Dogma includes any infomation concerning
the Church that the Founder wishes to make public.

3. a.Each Church may have a Church Policy. 
 b.Church Policy is an internal Church document. 
c.All Church members must abide by the rules set down in Church Policy.
d. The initial Church Policy will be set by the Founder. Church Policy may
only change according to Church Policy
e. A Church is not obliged to divulge Church Policy, in whole or in part, in
a public forum. 
f. Church Policy has no effect over the power to ordain Priests. It cannot
take this power away from the Founder, neither can it give this power to
anyone else.
g. All Church members must abide by Church Policy as long as they are
members of the Church.

4.a. The Church Founder has the power to ordain Priests.
b. A Founder may ordain a Player as a Priest iff that Player is a member of
eir Church.
c. The Founder may delegate any of his duties or authorities to the
Priesthood, except for the power to ordain Priests.
d.In the absence of the Founder, the most senior Priest will perform the
duites, and have the authority of the Founder, except for the power to
ordain Priests.
If seniority is not defined in Church Policy, then the most senior Priest,
will the one who has been Priest for the longest duration of time.
e. If a decision is to be made by the Priesthood, and no method for making
such decisions is defined in Church Policy, then the decision will be made
by a  simple majority rule. In case of a tie, then seniority is taken into
account. [[the side that has the greater total seniority is considered to
have the majority]]. If seniority is not defined in Church Policy, the the
seniority of a Priest will be defined as the length of time that has passed
since that Player has been ordained as a Priest in that Church.

5. a. A Church may define its own alternative terminology for the Church
specific terms defined in this rule.
 b. Any terms that the Church intends to use in a public forum, must be
defined in Church Dogma.
c. If undefined terminology is used by Church members in a public forum, any
player may publically request the Church to provide an explain of that term.
The Church must respond within 4 days with an explanation it finds suitable.
A Church may provide such an explanation even if no request was made.
d. A Church mailing list is not considered a public forum.

6. A player may not be a member of more that one Church at the same time.

7. a.When a player wishes to join a Church, e may communicate this fact to
the Church Founder either publically or privately. 
b. If Church Policy has nothing to say on accepting new members, then Church
membership will be up to the Founder.
c. Whenever a new player joins a Church, the Church Founder must make a
public anouncement to that effect.
d. A player may leave a Church at any time.

8. a. A Church must always have at least one Priest.
b. A Church must always have at least at four members, including Priests.
c. For purposes of membership, the Church Founder is considered  a Priest
d. Any function that can be performed by a Priest, can also be performed by
the Church Founder.
e. If at any time a Church does not its membership criteria, that is, it
either has less than four members, or has no Priest, it is officially
disbanded. When a Church is disbanded, apublic anouncement is made to that
f. If a Priest refuses to recognize that the Church  has been disbanded,
then the remaining Church members may be known as a Cult. a Cult has no
official status whatsoever.

9. Church, Church membership, Foundership, Priesthood, and Church Dogma are

Proposal 743 - Mon May 13 12:19:53 EDT 1996
Amending "Overturning Judgements"
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

The rule entitled "Overturning Judgements" shall be ammended by appending the following sentence to its text as a seperate paragraph:
Supreme Court Justices may not appeal Judgements or Supreme Court appelate decisions to the Supreme Court.

Proposal 744 - Mon May 13 21:24:44 EDT 1996
House of Thai
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Retracted by author

1. This rule is active when there are three or more Thai-Elders
2. Let an Institution be established called the House of Thai
3. The House of Thai has three seats. Each seat may be occupied by a Thai-Elder. A Thai-Elder who occupies a seat in the House of Thai is known as Thai-Resident
4. Whenever the number of Thai- Elders increases by one, all seats are vacated, and elections are held for the House of Thai
5. All Players may vote for any Thai-Elder they like. Players vote by sending their votes to the Tabulator. The three Thai who receive the largest number of votes become the three Thai-Residents.
6. In case of a tie, those Thai-Elders who can be said to have unambigously won their seats, become Thai-Residents, and new elections are held for the remaining seats.

Proposal 745 - Mon May 13 21:25:20 EDT 1996
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

One of the purposes of this paragraph, paragraph A, is to establish what is meant by the term sentence A. Sentence A is not an instruction as it appears in this rule, if you are reading a rule, nor is it an instruction if you are reading a proposal, not that such an instruction would be legally binding within the rules of Ackanomic if it were included within a proposal and not a rule. Sentence A is included within this proposal, if you are reading a proposal, or this rule, if you are reading a rule, should it be that the players of the game Ackanomic have been so confused as to make this body of text, which used to be a proposal (unless you are reading a proposal) into a rule, simply as an example of the text that should be included in future proposals if this rule (assuming you are reading a rule and not a proposal) is to apply to them. Incidentally, this sentence, including parentheses, hyphens, quotation marks, commas and a full-stop (apparently people "Stateside" refer to full-stops as "periods", the contents of these parentheses are included to clear up any confusion, the first parenthesis referred to is before the only appearance of the word "apparently" in this sentence, apart from that one, and the second parenthesis is just coming up now), but excluding spaces, this sentence contains 410 characters. Sentence A is the sentence that follows this sentence, and is delimited by quotation marks. "This sentence has been included in this proposal because once this proposal becomes a rule, should it become a rule, this sentence will be deleted, to be replaced by an alternative sentence, as dictated by the rule entitled Obfuscation, should such a rule exist, that will demonstrate my belief that long sentences within rules are extremely confusing and should not be used where at all possible.". This sentence marks the end of paragraph A, which started some time ago.

Should any rule other than this rule contain sentence A, it shall be deleted and replaced with sentence B. Sentence B reads: "Please use short sentences when wording proposals."

Proposal 746 - Mon May 13 21:25:49 EDT 1996
Fix Multiple Winners
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

Replace R422 entirely with the following text:

Let the Magic Number be defined as the number of points needed to win a cycle. Immediately upon passage of this proposal, and immediately after players' scores are reset as the result of someone winning a cycle, the Magic Number will be set to have the value of 257. It is possible that the application of this rule and others may modify the value of the Magic Number during the course of play.

Immediately upon a single player reaching the Magic Number of points exactly, that player will be declared the Winner of the Cycle, and all rules pertaining to what happens when someone wins the cycle, including, but not limited to, ARN 666, shall apply.

If 2 or more players reach the Magic Number at exactly the same time, as determined by the Scorekeeper, the Magic Number shall be incremented by 13, and none of the players shall be declared winner of the cycle at that time.

If 2 or more players reach the Magic Number at substantially the same time, and the Scorekeeper, in a good faith attempt, cannot determine which of the players reached it first, then the players are deemed to have reached the Magic Number at exactly the same time, and the preceding paragraph shall apply. Making this determination is a privilege of the Office of Scorekeeper, and this clause supercedes any mutable rule which would deny the Scorekeeper this privilege.


Rule 422/1 (Mutable)
Required Number Of Points To Win

The winner is the first player to achieve a score of exactly 257 points (no more or no less).

Initial Mutable Rule, Jan 22 1996
Amended by Proposal 422, Feb 28 1996


Proposal 747 - Mon May 13 21:26:07 EDT 1996
Removal of Nonfunctioning Officers
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

No player shall hold an office with the intent of disrupting the business of that office as defined in the rules. For the purposes of this rule any player doing so will be known as "the offender".

Should a player believe that an officer is holding an office in violation of this rule he or she may submit a CFJ containing the text "x is holding the office of y with the intent to disrupt the business of that office" where x is the alleged offenders ackanomic player name, and y is the name of the office.

Criteria for a judment of TRUE may include, but not be limited to, a public statement by the alleged offender declaring his intent, or failure to preform the duties of the office as defined by the law.

Should this CFJ be judged TRUE the offender's score shall be reduced by %10 of it's current value everyday that the offender holds the office. Furthermore the offender shall be fined a sum of A$5 each day that he hold the office.

Upon the players removal from the office [either by resignation, impeachment, or any form of vacating an office allowed by law] the penalties shall cease.

If an offender places himself on vacation penalties shall accumulate over the vacation period and be incurred upon the offenders return.

This rule takes precedence over other rules concerning score changes and finances.

Proposal 748 - Mon May 13 21:26:30 EDT 1996
Rotating Justice (Amending R588)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Append the following text to the rule entitled "Selecting a Judge", currently numbered R588/2 on the Web Page:

The random procedure used by the officer to select a judge will have the effect virtually assuring everyone a chance to judge at least one CFJ before another player is selected multiple times. The procedure will be substantially similar to the following:

Upon the passage of this rule, all players are marked as potential judges. Any player who joins the game after the passage of this rule is also marked as a potential judge.

If no players are marked, or all the players marked are ineligible to be selected as judge for the particular CFJ in question, then all players are immediately marked as potential judges.

A judge is randomly selected from the pool of marked players. Immediately upon that selection, the player is unmarked.

Proposal 749 - Mon May 13 21:26:51 EDT 1996
No Loophole Surfing (Amending R508)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Upon passage of this proposal, R508 shall be entirely replaced with the text following this paragraph. It shall be numbered R508/1. This paragraph superceeds any other mutable rule which would cause it to be numbered in any other way.

Justices Rock

The players that are also Justices (should the position exist) that is, members of the Supreme Court, have the following powers, provided all agree to use it and how to use it, on the one instance.

They may nullify a Presidental decision. That is, a decision made by the President acting in his or her capacity as the President.

They may nullify a Senatorial decision. That is, a decision made by the Senate acting in its capacity as the Senate.

They may nullify a previous Supreme Court decision. That is, a previous decison made by the Supreme Court acting in its capacity as Supreme Court, including, but not limited to, AOJs, and CFJ appeals.

The decision must be made public by an Act Of Justice (AOJ) in which they give a statement on what decision is being nullified, and an explanation as to why. The AOJ must be published with the names of all the justices at the end, with the phrase "verified and agreed" before each of their names. As soon as it is made public, it is in effect and cannot be overturned except by another AOJ, unless it is deemed unlawful by a Call For Criminal Judgement (CFCJ), should such a procedure exist.

The following types of AOJs are explicitly prohibited:

1) An AOJ to nullify a Presidential Decision to appoint a particular player to the Supreme Court.
2) An AOJ to nullify a Senatorial Decision to confirm a particular player to the Supreme Court.
3) An AOJ that nullifies a decision made 7 days or more prior to the time of the (attempted) AOJ.

This rule stays dormant if Justices do not exists, until they do. If either/both the Senate and president do not exist, then Justices cannot use their first two powers.

[[original text:

Rule 508/0 (Mutable)
Justices Rock

The players that are also Justices (should the position exist) that is, members of the Supreme Court, have the following powers, provided all agree to use it and how to use it, on the one instance.

They may nullify a decision made by the President.
They may nullify a decision made by the Senate.
They may nullify a previous decision made by the Supreme Court.

The decision must be made public by an Act Of Justice (AOJ) in which they give a statement on what decision is being nullified, and an explanation as to why. The AOJ must be published with the names of all the justices at the end, with the phrase "verified and agreed" before each of their names. As soon as it is made public, it is in effect and cannot be overturned except by another AOJ.

This rule stays dormant if Justices do not exists, until they do. If either/both the Senate and president do not exist, then Justices cannot use their first two powers.

Proposal 750 - Wed May 15 00:30:24 EDT 1996
Children, children...
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Rejected

1. Any player of Ackanomic may start a Playground Argument by posting a public message headed "Acka: Misc: My Dad's bigger than your Dad". This player will be known as the player who started the argument. The body of the message should include a controversial statement, preferably an insult, e.g. "Robert Sevin smells! Eeeeuuuurrrgghh".

2. Any other player may enter the Playground by posting a reply to this message. The body of this response should contain a one word answer that contradicts the original statement, eg "Doesn't", "Isn't", "Didn't" etc. This player will be known as Argumentative, and the argument is started.

If multiple players respond to the statement, the player who started the argument can choose which player to argue with, without losing the argument, unless they choose to argue with nobody.

If no player responds to the statement within 30 hours, the player posting the statement has won the argument.

3. If an argument has started, the player who started the argument has 30 hours to reply by posting another message, with a contradiction of Argumentative's statement, e.g. "Does", "Is", or "Did".

4. Argumentative has 30 hours to respond to this message, by posting another message along the lines of their first message. And so on. Each player should respond to each of the other's messages within 30 hours. If a player fails to do so, e has lost the argument, and the other player has won the argument. Messages may be embellished by whatever means the players choose, eg using capitals, to emphasise that they are right. If a player repeats the same word over and over again in the message (eg "Did Did Did Did Did"), that indicates that e is probably right.

5. If the argument is won by the player who started the argument, e may post a message headed "Acka: Official" where the body of the text repeats the allegation used to start the argument. If the argument is won by Argumentative, e may post a message headed "Acka: Official" where the body of the text is a refutation of the allegation that started the argument.

6. If a player goes on vacation during an argument, e loses the argument.

7. If the argument lasts for more than 28 days, Teacher breaks it up and both players gain 1 point. Neither player has won the argument in this case, although they may have another argument in order to resolve the issue.

8. No player may be involved in more than one argument simultaneously.