Proposal 2101 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:13 -0500
Robin Hood Strikes Again! (and Again!)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted
On Monday each week 2% of the richest (possessing the most Ackanomic currency) player's Ackanomic currency will be given to the player with the least Ackanomic currency (or the most in debt, if anyone is in debt).

[Original Author: Mitchell Harding aka Robert Sevin, Proposal 645]

Proposal 2102 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:13 -0500
Re-Redistribution of Scores
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

On Tuesday of every week, 1 point will be subtracted from the scores of the 3 players with the highest scores, and from the scores of the 3 players with the lowest scores (if these two groups overlap (i.e. there are only 5 players) then some players will lose points twice). 6 players will then be selected randomly (the same player may be selected multiple times). For each time a player is selected in this way, they will have 1 point added to their score.

[Original Author: Mitchell Harding aka Robert Sevin, Proposal 646]

Proposal 2103 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:14 -0500
Doomsday! Part II
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

All hell shall hereby break loose. Chaos shall reign until June 8, 2001, at which time this rule shall repeal itself. This rule defers to all other rules.

[Original Author: Jason Orendorff aka Mohammed, Proposal 740] {{Add 5 points to Mohammed's score}}

Proposal 2104 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:14 -0500
More Blatant Elitism
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

This rule allows any player of Ackanomic to assume a title, based on their current score. No player may use any title on this list except the title that their score entitles them to. Observers may use the title Harmless.

[[ This table is best viewed using a non-proportional font, eg Courier ]]

     Score          Title

     0 or below     Harmless
     1-20           Mostly Harmless
     21-40          Poor
     41-70          Average
     71-100         Above Average 
     101-150        Competent
     151-200        Dangerous
     201-250        Deadly
     251 or over    Elite
If a player assumes a title which requires a score higher than their own, in addition to any penalties required by other rules, that player is deemed to have been ambushed by Thargoids in hyperspace and blasted into a million pieces, leading to the replacement of any Military lasers in the player's possession by Pulse lasers, and the loss of 1 point.

[Original Author: Matt Black aka Bascule, Proposal 795] {{Add 5 points to Bascule's score}}

Proposal 2105 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:15 -0500
Universal Nomic strikes back!
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

By this rule, Ackanomic recognizes that the Universe is a Nomic, and that Gravity was its initial ruleset.

[Original Author: Randy Hall aka Malenkai, Proposal 896] {{Add 5 points to Malenkai's score}}

Proposal 2106 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:15 -0500
Gimme that Gnome yet again
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Doctor Who, not Star Trek or any other science fiction serial, is the official science fiction television serial of Ackanomic.

The official science fiction television serial is Protected.

[Original Author: Randy Hall aka Malenkai, Proposal 923] {{Add 5 points to Malenkai's score}}

Proposal 2107 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:17 -0500
Unburied Treasure
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1217, "Buried Treasure!", to append the following to the end of the rule:

If a Treasure ever contains 0 or more buried entities, the Map for that Treasure is destroyed.

Proposal 2108 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:18 -0500
Is There A Method To My Madness?
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: invalid - proposal bribery

{{If fnord votes YES on this proposal, change his score to 501}}
{{If fnord votes PRESENT on this proposal, change his score to -501}}
{{If fnord votes NO on this proposal, change his score to -61}}
{{If fnord abstains to vote on this proposal, change his score to -255}}

Proposal 2109 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:19 -0500
The Ackanomicon
Vynd (John McCoy)
Made Harfy by Calvin N Hobbes at Fri, 20 Jun 1997 02:05:14 -0500 (CDT)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled The Ackanomicon, numbered 910. It has the following text:

This rule takes precedence over all other rules.

The Ackanomicon is a powerful book of magic, and the occult, aligned with Chaos. No man knows it's age or author, although many speculate that it predates even the Codex of Kra. It is massive in size, fully 6 inches thick and a foot across, bound in leather and iron. It looks a lot like a Spell Book of Chorg, except meaner.

The Ackanomicon is kept in it's own special room at the Library, called The Vault of the Book, or, sometimes, *that* room. It's not a very popular room, partly because it is well hidden, but largely because, well, people have a tendency to get hurt in *that* room. It is impossible to remove The Ackanomicon from this room, it likes it there.

Any Player may visit The Vault of the Book by going to the Library, and publicly announcing that he is entering The Vault of the Book, in search of forbidden knowledge. No player may visit The Vault of the Book more than once in a calender month, or more than once in any given 14 day span. Don't ask why, you don't want to know.

All players who visit the Vault of the Book will discover that they are irresistably drawn to read The Ackanomicon, which is always open to a random page. No one ever gets past this first page that they read, but even one page of The Ackanomicon can provide one with great insight, or great pain.

Whenever a player visits The Vault of the Book, the Officer in Charge of Random Things will determine which page from the list below The Ackanomicon was open to, by selecting one page at random with (you guessed it) equal probability. Some pages are duplicates, however, or at least discuss the same material. Because of this, some results will be more common than others. Each entry on the list below specifies how many pages of it's type are found in The Ackanomicon, if it does not, then there is assumed to be only one.

Players who read The Ackanomicon are encouraged to post (vague, perhaps) descriptions of the knowledge gleaned from it's text, as well as the effects it had on them.

[This slightly odd set-up is intended to allow keep the really good and really bad effects from being too common, but stil allow the addition of new pages without completely rewriting some probability chart]

The Known Pages of The Ackanomicon:

Arcane Trivia (15 pages): These pages contain many tantilizing but ultimately uneducating bits of information on all manner of things ancient and occult. They have no effect on the reader.

Vile prophecies (5 pages): These are pages describing all manner of terrible events that are to befall the reader in the near future. The reader of one of these pages suffers a loss of 5 points.

Inner workings (5 pages): These pages give glimpses into some of the basic workings of the universe of mortal men, at a price. The reader gains A$50, but loses 5 points.

Arcane Lore (5 pages): These pages describe ceremonies and rites used in the far distant past to gain special powers. The reader gains a random Otzma card. Reading this page is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by the reading player.

Terrorizing pages (3 pages): These pages inspire indescribable terror in all who read them, causing a loss of 15 points.

Ancient artifact (1 page): A page describing the workings of a powerful ancient device. The reader loses A$50, and gains a Gadget (choosen at random with equal probability), which is broken when the reader recieves it. This page has no effect on a player without sufficient A$.

Mutation (2 pages): The contents of the page warp the players mind. He gains the power of Telepathy, or Telekinesis if he already has Telepathy. If the player has Telepathy and Telekinesis already, then he loses both powers, as well as any entities which have granted such powers. Reading this page is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by the reading player.

Dark Domain (2 pages): Reading these pages opens a portal to a terrible realm of darkness and nightmare. The reader is treated as if he was in Gaol for the next 48 hours, except that he may not be released in any fashion before this period is up. The reader has not, however, actually commited a Crime, nor is he actually in Gaol.

Visitation (1 page): This page summons Aliens down to Acka. The Aliens will immediately conduct a raid on the ruleset as if the Magic Potatoe had just been distributed, as described in Rule 1131. This is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by the reading player.

The Secret (1 page): This page contains the great, unutterable Secret. The reader of this page may ammend the rule Beldin's Pants as if he were Beldin's Tailor, any time within the 72 hours immediately after he has read from The Ackanomicon. Doing so, however, will cost the player A$30, he may only do so once.

Long lost treasure (2 pages): These pages decribe the locations of long lost treasure troves. The reader gains A$250.

Doomsday (2 pages): These pages describe the coming apocalypse in excruciating detail. The also compel the reader to act to hasten the end, by forcing him to donate 1/3rd (rounded down) of his A$ to The Round Earth restoration Society.

Forbidden Fruit (1 page): Knowledge no man was meant to know. The reader loses 20 points, and becomes Enlightened.

Catastrophe (1 page): Reading this page unleashes a Tornado into Acka, as described by the Rule Tornado. The reader is considered to be sheltered. Reading this page is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by The Ackanomicon, but the reader must volunteer to be the Krykec for this occurance.

Proposal 2110 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 09:57:29 -0500
Unburied Treasure
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1217, "Buried Treasure!", to append the following to the end of the rule:

If a Treasure ever contains 0 or less buried entities, the Map for that Treasure is destroyed.

Proposal 2111 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 11:12:43 -0500
Yet Another waste of time proposal aka Yet Another fool
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

This rule acknowledges that there is a sucker born every minute. This rule acknowledges that you can fool all of the players some of the time, and some of the players all of the time, but you can't fool all of the players all of the time.

[Original Author: Phil Ackley aka snowgod, Proposals 788 & 789] {{Add 5 points to Mr Lunatic Fringe's score}}

Proposal 2112 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 11:33:56 -0500
Renumbering Harfer
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[this will allow much less delay on getting rules into the right sections, and cut down on cheap points for proposals that do this, now that some sort of rule numbering framework is in place.]}}


Amend rule 405, "Speaker", to add the following text to the end of the rule:

(ix) It is a privilege of the Speaker to submit Common Sense Reports (CSRs), provided that the game effect(s) of the CSR, should it be accepted, is limited to the renumbering of rules and the fixing of rule number references in the rules. The CSR is distributed, and accepted or rejected as described in the rules for CSRs.


Renumber rule 2059, "Amung Gods" to 1143.


Proposal 2113 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 14:34:17 -0500
Spam Spam Spam Spam
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule, numbered 717, titled "Spam", with the following text:

A player who submits more than 10 proposals or more than 5 CFJs in any 24 hour period is guilty of spam. Spam is a crime.

Proposal 2114 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 16:58:30 -0500
Harfer-Harfer (Office Re-standardization)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[No more long justification about the benefits of officer standardization, like that "Work" thing (sorry 'bout that :)). Please vote yes unless there are some glaring defects in this proposal.]}}


Amend rule 403, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to replace:

(iv) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, and there is no Acting Officer for that Seat, the President is to be the Acting Officer for that Seat.


(iv) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, and there is no Acting Officer for that Seat, the President is to be the Acting Officer for that Seat, unless the rules define another officer to be an Acting Officer for that particular office.


Amend rule 412, "Financier and Free Market", to read:

The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional Office. This rule defers to other Officer rules that define another officer to perform a subset of the duties described here.

The Duties of the Financier are:

a) To maintain accurate records of the who owns each ownable entity, what each Player owns, and what each named non-Player entity [such as the Treasury or the Chartreuse Goose] owns.

b) To log (or collate logs made by other officers) all transfers of entity ownership and the creation and destruction of entities, and to verify that these events happen only in accordance with the Rules.

c) To make the records and logs available to any Player upon request.

d) To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any transaction made there was made in accordance with the rules.

The Priveleges of the Financier are:

a) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.


Amend rule 426, "Undead-Harfer", to read:

The Office of the Undead-Harfer is a Functional Office. When vacant, it is filled by the Financier in an acting capacity.

The Duties are:

a) To maintain a list of all Undead, the entities they own, and any other pertinent details of the Undead.
b) To make this list available to any player upon request.


{{[its been commented that the Bond-Harfer isn't even responsible for bond dividend calculations. Lets put it back the way I had it :)]}}

Amend rule 427, "Bond-Harfer", to read:

The Office of the Bond-Harfer is a Functional Office. When vacant, it is filled by the Financier in an acting capacity.

The Duties are:

(a) to calculate and publically report the yields on PFBonds, per PFBond, when they occur.
(b) to calculate and report PFBond yields per player based on the PFBond yields per bond and players' PFBond portfolios.


{{[for Trinket-Harfer, the creation, destruction, ownership, and value debit/credit aspects are already covered by the Financier. If we want a Trinket-Harfer, let them harf descriptions. If we don't, we can repeal this piece, or change the duties, as a seperate action. In either case, it will be standardized. I don't love doing it this way, but the standardization is important to me now.]}}

Amend Rule 428, "Trinket-Harfer", to read:

The Trinket-Harfer is an Optional Functional Office.

The Duties are:

a) To keep an acccurate record of all Trinket names, values, and descriptions, and to make that record available to any player on request.


Repeal rule 429, "Entity-Harfer" {{[a mirror image of the Financier]}}

Repeal rule 400, "Overseers are Volunteers" {{[all my brain can harf is two levels of offices, functional and political, and that standardization took almost a year to obtain in our ruleset. IMO, someone has to make a compelling case for making it more complex.]}}


Create a new rule called "Smooth Transition", numbered 400, with the following text:

This rule has precedence over all rules.

The last player to hold the title of Bond-Harfer is appointed to the functional office of Bond-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

The last player to hold the title of Undead-Harfer is appointed to the functional office of Undead-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

The player that held the name "Malenkai" when the proposal that created this rule was submitted is appointed to the functional office of Trinket-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

Proposal 2115 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 20:49:44 -0500
I Knew The Earth Was Round All The Time
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In Rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", replace the text(delinated by ROUND):


Any player who has been burned as a heretic exactly once is considered Enlightened. Any player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule.


with the following text(delineated by BURN):


Any player who has ever been burned as a heretic is considered Enlightened. Any player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule.


Proposal 2116 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 23:07:54 -0500
Revamping Godhood
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

If Proposal 2112 (Renumbering Harfer) passed [which renumbers Rule 2059 to 1143], then repeal Rule 1143, and create a new Rule, whose number is 1143, whose title (delimited by ") is "Among Gods", and whose text is listed below (delimited by FRANCHISE).

If Proposal 2112 (Renumbering Harfer) failed, then repeal Rule 2059, and create a new Rule, whose number is 1143, whose title (delimited by ") is "Among Gods", and whose text is listed below (delimited by FRANCHISE).

1) A God has the power to change universal constants and other fundamental aspects of the universe.

2) A person has God status when they have been deemed enlightened, have held a public office, have donated to any organization in Ackanomic and must have created at least one trinket or gadget. They must be a voting player, who has not initiated a CFJ and had it judged FALSE during the current cycle.

3) To become a God a player must meet the requirements above and be abel to provide documentation of the trinket or gadget, that they were deemed enlightened, and that they have held a public office. They must then submit a statement, along with the appropriate documentation, to the Speaker requesting the rank of God. The Speaker then must distribute a notice of this. If anyone has an objection to this player becoming a God they may call a hearing on the matter within 5 days of the Speaker's announcement. The valid responses to the hearing are "Yes, e is godlike and wondrous" and "I'd sooner worship a toad!". If the result of the hearing is "I'd sooner worship a toad!", or if no hearing is called within the 5 day limit, then the player becomes a God. Otherwise, the player's request to become a God has been denied.

4) Gods cease to be Gods at the end of every cycle.

5) A God has the ability to change a universal constant. If a GOD submits a proposal they have the advantage of only needing 3/8 of the vote to pass a proposal as opposed to the standard 1/2.

6) God status wears off if a person passes 2 proposals with only 3/8 as defined in section 6.

7) A person cannot become a God twice in one cycle.

8) Only a God can author a proposal that effects this rule in any way. This rule has precedence over any other rules that refer explicitly to Gods. FRANCHISE

Proposal 2117 - Mon, 16 Jun 1997 01:14:01 -0500
Mathematical Oddities
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Made Harfy by Calvin N Hobbes at Fri, 20 Jun 1997 02:05:14 -0500 (CDT)
Decision: Rejected

The number 57 shall be considered prime in Ackanomic.

The following numbers (delimited by quotation marks, separated by commas) are hereby declared to be Auspicious Numbers: "-60,0,5,42,57,196,257,691".

The only valid results from the roll of a zero-sided die are infinity and 1. In order to determine which result is chosen, a zero-sided die must be rolled a second time. If the result of the second roll is infinity, than the result of the original roll is 1. If the result of the second roll is 1, then the result of the original roll is infinity.

Proposal 2118 - Mon, 16 Jun 1997 09:03:09 -0500
Foolish is as Foolish Does
You can call me Al (Wally Holland)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 207.3, replacing the following text:

c) The previously submitted and rejected proposal was authored by the player resubmitting it.


c) Either the player submitting the proposal was the author of the previous proposal, or the player submitting the proposal gives proper credit to the original author. If the original author is still a registered player of Ackanomic, it is considered good form to transfer some of the points gained through the resubmitted proposal's Foolishness to em.

{{[It seemed to me that I'd gone a long time without actually doing anything, and the recent spate of props resubmitted by Robert Sevin got me thinking anyway.]}}

Proposal 2119 - Mon, 16 Jun 1997 12:12:18 -0500
Whammy Oil
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal


[This may just be because I've never seen anxious Whamiols since I joined, but seem a wee bit unbalancing to me...since I don't have one. :-)]

Modify the Blueprint for the Whamiol as follows:

Change the sentence

"Whenever a new Player enters the game and becomes an active player, the Whamiol will increase the score of it's owner by fifteen points(effective the time it is publically knowable the new player is an active player)."


"Whenever a new Player enters the game and becomes an active player, the Whamiol will increase the score of its owner by a number of points equal to the lesser of fifteen and the number of days since the Whamiol last awarded points to its owner(effective the time it is publicly knowable the new player is an active player)."


Proposal 2120 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 01:00:50 -0500
Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a grandiose proposal.
{{[Well, it *is*.]}}

Create a rule entitled "Superduperconducting Superdupercollider", 
numbered 512, with the text delimited by SQUEEGEE:

1) Particle Definitions:
a) Quark:
Quarks are named, non-tradeable entities that may not be manipulated by 
gadgets, and may not be otherwise manipulated except according to the 
rules. The value of a Quark is 0 A$. [The value will probably only be 
important for the purpose of determining the result of Super-critical 
Berryon Decay]
b) Klepton:
Any Quark or trinket that owns another Quark or trinket is a Klepton.
c) Sub-nuclear Particle, Mason, Berryon:
Any set of Kleptons, such that it is possible to enumurate all members 
of the set by choosing any single Klepton in the set, then repetedly 
choosing a Klepton owned by the last chosen Klepton until all members of 
the set have been chosen, is a Sub-nuclear Particle. A Sub-nuclear 
Particle containing two Kleptons is a Mason; one containing three 
Kleptons is a Berryon. 
d) Critical Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon Number is a Universal Constant, initially 5. It may 
only be changed by a GOD once per Cycle, and only to an integer between 
2 and 20 inclusive. This takes precedence over "Amung Gods" [wherever 
that^Rs numbered now.] If the Critical Berryon Number is changed, the 
following sentence shall be amended to state the current Critical 
Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon number is 5.

2) Particle Decay:
The following processes are collectively known as Particle Decay:

a)Large Sub-nuclear Particle Decay
If at any time there is a Sub-nuclear particle containing four or more 
Kleptons, the following shall occur:
i)The Kleptons in that Sub-nuclear particle the names of which are first 
and third alphabetically become a Mason, owning each other.
ii)The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original 
Sub-nuclear Particle become a new Sub-nuclear Particle in which each 
becomes the owner of the Quark or trinket with the name which 
immediately follows its name alphabetically, and in which the trinket or 
Quark with the name which is last alphabetically becomes the owner of 
the trinket or Quark with the name which is first alphabetically.

b) Supercritical Berryon Decay
If at any time the number of berryons in existance is equal to or 
greater than the Critical Berryon Number, the following shall occur:
Any entity owned by the Klepton of greatest value which is part of a 
Berryon, (or if more than one such Klepton shares the greatest value, 
the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding any other 
Klepton-within-a-Berryon-of-greatest-value,) becomes owned by the last 
player to place a trinket in the SDSC. The remaining Quarks and trinkets 
that were Kleptons in the original Berryon become a Mason, owning each 

The Superduperconducting Superdupercollider (inexplicably abbreviated 
SDSC) is a unique unownable entity, located behind a door in the 
AckaPhysicist's Laboratory with a sign on it with bold words in red ink: 
"Vorsicht! \berd|berhochspannung! Lebensgefahr! Betreten verboten!" The 
door is always left open.

When a named entity is placed in the SDSC, the following shall occur:

a) That entity shall become owned by the Klepton with a name 
alphabetically following that of the trinket, and alphabetically 
preceding the name of any other Klepton with a name which alphabetically 
follows that of the entity placed in the SCDC. If there is no Klepton 
with a name alphabetically following

b) Ownership of any entity owned by the Klepton that owns the entity 
placed in the SDSC, excepting the entity placed in the SDSC itself, is 
transfered to the entity placed in the SDSC.

Any player, excepting any GOD, may place a trinket in the SDSC by 
publicly stating that e is hooking the trinket on the superduper rubber 
band and pulling really hard.  No player may, using this method, place a 
trinket in the SDSC which has been in existance for less than 7 days.  
No player may, using this method, place more than one trinket in the 
SDSC in any 7 day period. It is the responsiblity of the player who 
places the trinket in the SDSC to publicly post any changes in the 
ownership of Kleptons resulting from placing the trinket in the SDSC, 
and from any subsequent Particle Decay. The rules may specify other 
circumstances in which entities are placed in the SDSC. If an entity is 
placed in the SDSC, and the rules do not specify a player to publicly 
post all resulting changes in Klepton ownership, it is the duty of the 
AckaPhysicist to do so. [shouldn^Rt happen, but who knows?]

[It is the Author^Rs intention to establish receiving a Quark, 
(preferably through Supercritical Berryon Decay,) as a winning 
condition, but since establishing new winning conditions should not be 
approached lightly, and since we can have a lot of fun with this anyway, 
 the rule to make this new winning condition will be submitted in a 
separate proposal, and every Loophole Surfing Expert shall be consulted 
to ensure that such a winning condition shall not be easily abusable, 
but nevertheless easier to achieve than a Chalice Vault win; if 
receiving a quark is established as a condition for becoming the winner 
of a cycle, this sentence shall delete itself, (to everyone^Rs relief.)]

{{[The next bit sets up the primodial Mason]}}
{{Create two quarks, named "Weird Quark", and "Anti-Straight Quark". 
When they are created, they own each other.}}

[One more thing]
Amend rule 506 by inserting the following paragraph after the fourth 

Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose a trinket, and do 
not indicate where that trinket should go to, or specify that it should 
be destroyed, it shall be placed in the Superduperconducting 
Superdupercollider instead. It is the responsiblity of the player who 
loses the trinket to publicly post any changes in the ownership of 
Kleptons resulting from the trinket being placed in the SDSC, and from 
any subsequent Particle Decay.

Proposal 2121 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 01:19:03 -0500
Atom-Smashing. Okay.
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a grandiose proposal.
{{[Well, it *is*.]}}

Create a rule entitled "Superduperconducting Superdupercollider", 
numbered 512, with the text delimited by SQUEEGEE:

1) Particle Definitions:
a) Quark:
Quarks are named, non-tradeable entities that may not be manipulated by 
gadgets, and may not be otherwise manipulated except according to the 
rules. The value of a Quark is 0 A$. [The value will probably only be 
important for the purpose of determining the result of Super-critical 
Berryon Decay]
b) Klepton:
Any Quark or trinket that owns another Quark or trinket is a Klepton.
c) Sub-nuclear Particle, Mason, Berryon:
Any set of Kleptons, such that it is possible to enumurate all members 
of the set by choosing any single Klepton in the set, then repetedly 
choosing a Klepton owned by the last chosen Klepton until all members of 
the set have been chosen, is a Sub-nuclear Particle. A Sub-nuclear 
Particle containing two Kleptons is a Mason; one containing three 
Kleptons is a Berryon. 
d) Critical Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon Number is a Universal Constant, initially 5. It may 
only be changed by a GOD once per Cycle, and only to an integer between 
2 and 20 inclusive. This takes precedence over "Amung Gods" [wherever 
that^Rs numbered now.] If the Critical Berryon Number is changed, the 
following sentence shall be amended to state the current Critical 
Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon number is 5.

2) Particle Decay:
The following processes are collectively known as Particle Decay:

a)Large Sub-nuclear Particle Decay
If at any time there is a Sub-nuclear particle containing four or more 
Kleptons, the following shall occur:
i)The Kleptons in that Sub-nuclear particle the names of which are first 
and third alphabetically become a Mason, owning each other.
ii)The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original 
Sub-nuclear Particle become a new Sub-nuclear Particle in which each 
becomes the owner of the Quark or trinket with the name which 
immediately follows its name alphabetically, and in which the trinket or 
Quark with the name which is last alphabetically becomes the owner of 
the trinket or Quark with the name which is first alphabetically

b) Supercritical Berryon Decay
If at any time the number of berryons in existance is equal to or 
greater than the Critical Berryon Number, the following shall occur:
Any entity owned by the Klepton of greatest value which is part of a 
Berryon, (or if more than one such Klepton shares the greatest value, 
the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding any other 
Klepton-within-a-Berryon-of-greatest-value,) becomes owned by the last 
player to place a trinket in the SDSC. The remaining Quarks and trinkets 
that were Kleptons in the original Berryon become a Mason, owning each 

The Superduperconducting Superdupercollider (inexplicably abbreviated 
SDSC) is a unique unownable entity, located behind a door in the 
AckaPhysicist's Laboratory with a sign on it with bold words in red ink: 
"Vorsicht! \berd|berhochspannung! Lebensgefahr! Betreten verboten!" The 
door is always left open.

When a named entity is placed in the SDSC, the following shall occur:

a) That entity shall become owned by the Klepton with a name 
alphabetically preceding that of the trinket, and alphabetically 
following the name of any other Klepton with a name which alphabetically 
precedes that of the entity placed in the SCDC. If there is no Klepton 
with a name alphabetically preceding that of the entity placed in the 
SDSC, it shall become owned by the Klepton with the name which is 
alphabetically last among Klepton names.

b) Ownership of any entity owned by the Klepton that owns the entity 
placed in the SDSC, excepting the entity placed in the SDSC itself, is 
transfered to the entity placed in the SDSC.

Any player, excepting any GOD, may place a trinket in the SDSC by 
publicly stating that e is hooking the trinket on the superduper rubber 
band and pulling really hard.  No player may, using this method, place a 
trinket in the SDSC which has been in existance for less than 7 days.  
No player may, using this method, place more than one trinket in the 
SDSC in any 7 day period. It is the responsiblity of the player who 
places the trinket in the SDSC to publicly post any changes in the 
ownership of Kleptons resulting from placing the trinket in the SDSC, 
and from any subsequent Particle Decay. The rules may specify other 
circumstances in which entities are placed in the SDSC. If an entity is 
placed in the SDSC, and the rules do not specify a player to publicly 
post all resulting changes in Klepton ownership, it is the duty of the 
AckaPhysicist to do so. [shouldn^Rt happen, but who knows?]

[It is the Author^Rs intention to establish receiving a Quark, 
(preferably through Supercritical Berryon Decay,) as a winning 
condition, but since establishing new winning conditions should not be 
approached lightly, and since we can have a lot of fun with this anyway, 
 the rule to make this new winning condition will be submitted in a 
separate proposal, and every Loophole Surfing Expert shall be consulted 
to ensure that such a winning condition shall not be easily abusable, 
but nevertheless easier to achieve than a Chalice Vault win; if 
receiving a quark is established as a condition for becoming the winner 
of a cycle, this sentence shall delete itself, (to everyone^Rs relief.)]

{{[The next bit sets up the primodial Mason]}}
{{Create two quarks, named "Weird Quark", and "Anti-Straight Quark". 
When they are created, they own each other.}}

[One more thing]
Amend rule 506 by inserting the following paragraph after the fourth 

Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose a trinket, and do 
not indicate where that trinket should go to, or specify that it should 
be destroyed, it shall be placed in the Superduperconducting 
Superdupercollider instead. It is the responsiblity of the player who 
loses the trinket to publicly post any changes in the ownership of 
Kleptons resulting from the trinket being placed in the SDSC, and from 
any subsequent Particle Decay.

Proposal 2122 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 02:01:22 -0500
Quark on Rye
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Made Harfy by Calvin N Hobbes at Fri, 20 Jun 1997 02:05:14 -0500 (CDT)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a grandiose proposal.
{{[Well, it *is*.]}}

Create a rule entitled "Superduperconducting Superdupercollider", numbered 512, with the text delimited by SQUEEGEE:

1) Particle Definitions:
a) Quark:
Quarks are named, non-tradeable entities that may not be manipulated by gadgets, and may not be otherwise manipulated except according to the rules. The value of a Quark is 0 A$. [The value will probably only be important for the purpose of determining the result of Super-critical Berryon Decay]
b) Klepton:
Any Quark or trinket that owns another Quark or trinket is a Klepton.
c) Sub-nuclear Particle, Mason, Berryon:
Any set of Kleptons, such that it is possible to enumurate all members of the set by choosing any single Klepton in the set, then repetedly choosing a Klepton owned by the last chosen Klepton until all members of the set have been chosen, is a Sub-nuclear Particle. A Sub-nuclear Particle containing two Kleptons is a Mason; one containing three Kleptons is a Berryon.
d) Critical Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon Number is a Universal Constant, initially 5. It may only be changed by a GOD once per Cycle, and only to an integer between 2 and 20 inclusive. This takes precedence over "Amung Gods" [wherever that^Rs numbered now.] If the Critical Berryon Number is changed, the following sentence shall be amended to state the current Critical Berryon Number:
The Critical Berryon number is 5.

2) Particle Decay:
The following processes are collectively known as Particle Decay:

a)Large Sub-nuclear Particle Decay
If at any time there is a Sub-nuclear particle containing four or more Kleptons, the following shall occur:
i)The Kleptons in that Sub-nuclear particle the names of which are first and third alphabetically become a Mason, owning each other. ii)The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original Sub-nuclear Particle become a new Sub-nuclear Particle in which each becomes the owner of the Quark or trinket with the name which immediately follows its name alphabetically, and in which the trinket or Quark with the name which is last alphabetically becomes the owner of the trinket or Quark with the name which is first alphabetically

b) Supercritical Berryon Decay
If at any time the number of berryons in existance is equal to or greater than the Critical Berryon Number, the following shall occur: Any entity owned by the Klepton of greatest value which is part of a Berryon, (or if more than one such Klepton shares the greatest value, the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding any other Klepton-within-a-Berryon-of-greatest-value,) becomes owned by the last player to place a trinket in the SDSC. The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original Berryon become a Mason, owning each other.

The Superduperconducting Superdupercollider (inexplicably abbreviated SDSC) is a unique unownable entity, located behind a door in the AckaPhysicist's Laboratory with a sign on it with bold words in red ink: "Vorsicht! \berd|berhochspannung! Lebensgefahr! Betreten verboten!" The door is always left open.

When a named entity is placed in the SDSC, the following shall occur:

a) That entity shall become owned by the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding that of the trinket, and alphabetically following the name of any other Klepton with a name which alphabetically precedes that of the entity placed in the SCDC. If there is no Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding that of the entity placed in the SDSC, it shall become owned by the Klepton with the name which is alphabetically last among Klepton names.

b) Ownership of any entity owned by the Klepton that owns the entity placed in the SDSC, excepting the entity placed in the SDSC itself, is transfered to the entity placed in the SDSC.

Any player, excepting any GOD, may place a trinket e owns in the SDSC by publicly stating that e is hooking the trinket on the superduper rubber band and pulling really hard. No player may, using this method, place a trinket in the SDSC which has been in existance for less than 7 days. No player may, using this method, place more than one trinket in the SDSC in any 7 day period. It is the responsiblity of the player who places the trinket in the SDSC to publicly post any changes in the ownership of Kleptons resulting from placing the trinket in the SDSC, and from any subsequent Particle Decay. The rules may specify other circumstances in which entities are placed in the SDSC. If an entity is placed in the SDSC, and the rules do not specify a player to publicly post all resulting changes in Klepton ownership, it is the duty of the AckaPhysicist to do so. [shouldn^Rt happen, but who knows?]

[It is the Author^Rs intention to establish receiving a Quark, (preferably through Supercritical Berryon Decay,) as a winning condition, but since establishing new winning conditions should not be approached lightly, and since we can have a lot of fun with this anyway, the rule to make this new winning condition will be submitted in a separate proposal, and every Loophole Surfing Expert shall be consulted to ensure that such a winning condition shall not be easily abusable, but nevertheless easier to achieve than a Chalice Vault win; if receiving a quark is established as a condition for becoming the winner of a cycle, this sentence shall delete itself, (to everyone^Rs relief.)]

{{[The next bit sets up the primodial Mason]}}
{{Create two quarks, named "Weird Quark", and "Anti-Straight Quark". When they are created, they own each other.}}

[One more thing]
Amend rule 506 by inserting the following paragraph after the fourth paragraph:

Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose a trinket, and do not indicate where that trinket should go to, or specify that it should be destroyed, it shall be placed in the Superduperconducting Superdupercollider instead. It is the responsiblity of the player who loses the trinket to publicly post any changes in the ownership of Kleptons resulting from the trinket being placed in the SDSC, and from any subsequent Particle Decay.

Proposal 2123 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:54:14 -0500
Fixing the frankenstein monster blueprint loophole
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

{{[ If this had been written correctly to begin with, the Azpiazu blueprint (if it ever existed) would have been immediately destroyed by section (ii), for violating "a blueprint must unambiguously describe the behavior of a type of gadget". As it is, it gets by because this is only a requirement when a blueprint is created by this rule, and not a general, continuous requirement of blueprints. ]}}

Amend rule 594, "Blueprints", by changing

An attempt to create a new Blueprint fails if its text does not (a) introduce exactly one new type of Gadget, (b) name the new Gadget type, and (c) unambiguously define the behavior of such a Gadget.


Each Blueprint defines a different type of gadget. This definition consists of naming the type of gadget and unambiguously describing the behavior of such a gadget.

and changing section (ii) from:

(ii) When a Blueprint is judged to be in conflict with one or more Rules, the Blueprint is destroyed, as are any extant Gadgets made from that Blueprint.


(ii) When a Blueprint violates or conflicts with one or more Rules, the Blueprint is destroyed, as are any extant Gadgets made from that Blueprint. An attempt to create a Blueprint which violates or conflicts with one or more rules fails; in this case, no processing chips are spent, and the Blueprint is not created.

Proposal 2124 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 12:54:59 -0500
Unity On The Beach
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ This is just so the Harf party doesn't lose any chances of Unity Votes just because Bascule's on vacation... ]}}

Amend Rule 1009, "Big Tents and Rewarding Party Unity", as follows:

Replace the third paragraph

{{[ At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three player members it has. ]}}

with the following(delimited by MARGARITA):


At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every active non-vacationing player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three active non-vacationing player members it has.


Proposal 2125 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 13:46:10 -0500
Aleph Beth Gimel
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule, numbered 349, with text as follows(delineated by ZAYIN):


Whenever it is desired that the relative alphabetical ordering of two entity names be determined, the following procedure is followed:

1) The relative alphabetical ordering of the two strings formed by removing all non-alphabetical characters from the names and putting all alphabetic alphabetic characters from both names in the same case is considered.

2) If the comparison from 1) does not determine an ordering, then ASCII collation order is used.


Proposal 2126 - Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:25:19 -0500
Even Though My Weeks Start On Monday
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Add the following paragraph(delimited by DIMANCHE) to the end of Rule 380, "Time Zone":


When the term "calendar week" is used, it is interpreted to mean a 7-day period from the beginning of a Sunday to the end of the next Saturday.


{{[However much I'd like to begin a calendar week on Monday, which has always been my custom...]}}

Also, amend Rule 509, "Controlling Interest", to replace the phrase "once a calendar week, from Sunday through Saturday" with "once a calendar week".

Proposal 2127 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 10:54:05 -0500
No FALSE Houses
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 348, " ", by changing the first paragraph from:

No two named entities may have names that match. The names of Rules and Proposals are exempted from this restriction.


No two named entities may have names that match. No named entity may have a name that matches any named non-entity defined in the rules. The names of Rules and Proposals are exempted from these restrictions.

{{[ The CSRR should fix the names which currently violate this -- at the time I wrote this, just Vynd's and Red Barn's homes. ]}}

Proposal 2128 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 12:24:59 -0500
Officializing Somewhere Else
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

{{[I really like the term "Somewhere Else", and I don't want to see this bit of whimsy get turned into a chink in the armor. Thus this proposal.]}}

Make the following changes to Rule 835 ("Locations").

I. Renumber section (7) to be section (8).

II. Insert the following immediately after section (6b):

7) Somewhere Else

7a) Somewhere Else is an unownable and unmappable Location. Entities may not be transferred to and/or from Somewhere Else except whereas such transfers are explicity permitted by the Rules. No player may ever be Somewhere Else.

Proposal 2129 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 13:03:18 -0500
False Modesty
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Rejected

Amend Rule 209, "Modesty and Pride", by adding the following text(delineated by OSSIFRAGE):


A Modest proposal has a modesty rating of "Modest". A Grandiose proposal has a modesty rating of "Grandiose". All other proposals have modesty ratings of "Normal".

If a player disagrees about the modesty rating of a Proposal, e may call for a Hearing at any time the Proposal is in the queue, specifying what modesty rating e thinks the Proposal should have(which must be different from the Proposal's current modesty rating). The valid responses to the Hearing are the Proposal's current modesty rating and the modesty rating suggested by the player who called the Hearing.

If the result of the Hearing is the modesty rating suggested by the player who called the Hearing, then the modesty rating of the Proposal is changed. If the scoring for the Proposal has already been calculated, then it is recalculated as if it had always had the modesty rating specified by the results of the Hearing.

Only one such Hearing may be called on any given Proposal.


{{ Increase the player Calvin N Hobbes' score by 5 points. [At least one of P2070 and P2071 was not, IMHO, modest, and I am shocked that CnH would have undervalued his proposals so. That is what this Proposal is in response to. Perhaps I should have put more restrictions on it, but we'll see if it is abused or not.] }}

Proposal 2130 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:48:38 -0500
Sapphire Ballistics
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 2071 in the following ways:

Delete the first instance of the word "trinket" in the third paragraph.

[This is a simple language fix.]

Change the sentence "The most recent, still existing Majik that has the same number as that of a rule which exists is considered" to "A random Majik is selected for consideration from among those existing Majiks which have sapphire bullet numbers that match rule numbers of existing rules."

[This avoids a possible Hubert situation, and makes it harder for players to cause any particular selection to be made.]

Proposal 2131 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 15:06:35 -0500
Too Much Generosity Can Be A Bad Thing
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 207.2 by replacing the string delimited by * with the string delimited by $

*Anyone whose score is below -60 automatically has it reset back to 0.*
$Anyone whose score is below -60 and above -1000000 [negative 1 million] automatically has it reset back to 0.$

Proposal 2132 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 15:43:11 -0500
Abduction Virus
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend Rule 1131, "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act", as follows:

Replace the text(delimited by GROOVE):


If the Alien Target Designation Number is not the number of a Rule, then a new Alien Target Designation Number is selected as above, unless three such Alien Target Designation Number(none of which is the number of a Rule)have already been selected that week.


with the following text(delimited by DEEELITE):


If the Alien Target Designation Number is the number of a Rule Suite, then one of the Rules in that Suite, determined at random, shall be abducted. If the Alien Target Designation Number is not the number of a Rule or a Rule Suite, then a new Alien Target Designation Number is selected as above, unless three such Alien Target Designation Numbers(none of which is the number of a Rule)have already been selected that week.


{{[ I mean, otherwise, what would happen if 1250 came up one of these times? ]}}

Proposal 2133 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 22:47:41 -0500
Repent And Mend Thy Ways
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

{{This is a Modest proposal. Renumber to 1323

[Something that's been in a box a long time, perhaps it has become stale]}}

If there has not been a single flood in the past 6 months big enough to detach the suction cups of at least 5 buildings, then Acka is said to be experiencing a drought. A flood that detaches the suction cups of at least 5 buildings removes the drought status.

On the first day of the months following the month when the drought begun, and on the first of every month after that while the drought is still in effect, there shall be a plague of locusts. Locusts are annoying little creatures that think only of eating.

When there is a plague of locusts, 4 randomly selected buildings will have their tethers eaten away (destroyed) by these locusts. Tethers can be repaired at the cost of A$10 to the treasury, provided the thing the tether was holding hasn't floated away.

After each plague of locusts, it is good form for priests to make a public speech promising that the Acka will mend its evil ways and become virtuous again. Heretics may giggle.

Proposal 2134 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 22:47:45 -0500
Looking For Insurance
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

{{This is a Modest proposal. Renumber to 1325}}

The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, also sells insurance policies. There are various policies. A player is said to be a policy holder for that month if, for a particular policy, he publicly paid the fee of the policy to the treasury during the last week of the previous month. A player may not buy more than one policy for any given month.

A flood policy costs A$30. In the event of a policy holder, or his house, losing their suction cup(s), the treasury will pay him A$150. It is a crime for a priest to be a holder of this policy.

A locust plague policy costs A$2. In the event of a plague of locusts damaging the tether of a policy holder's house, the treasury will pay A$20 to that policy holder.

A tornado policy costs A$40. In the event of a policy holder's house being swept off, the treasury will pay A$200 to the policy holder. It is a crime for a priest to be a holder of this policy.

If there is not enough money in the treasury to pay for all policies on a given month, then no policies will be paid that month.

Proposal 2135 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 22:58:17 -0500
Abduction Go
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 1131, "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act", as follows:

Replace the text(delimited by GROOVE):


If the Alien Target Designation Number is not the number of a Rule, then a new Alien Target Designation Number is selected as above, unless three such Alien Target Designation Number(none of which is the number of a Rule)have already been selected that week.


with the following text(delimited by DEEELITE):


If the Alien Target Designation Number is the number of a Rule Suite(that is, there exists a Rule Suite the base number of whose rules is the Alien Target Designation Number), then one of the Rules in that Suite(including, possibly, the Head of that Suite, if it exists), determined at random, shall be abducted instead. If the Alien Target Designation Number is does not correspond to the number of a Rule or a Rule Suite, then a new Alien Target Designation Number is selected as above, unless three such Alien Target Designation Numbers(none of which is the number of a Rule)have already been selected that week.


{{[ I mean, otherwise, what would happen if 1250 came up one of these times? ]}}

Proposal 2136 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 23:20:37 -0500
Amending R1317 (AP)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: retracted by author

{{This is a Modest proposal.

[Now that I am no longer AP, I have some changes I'd like to make. I believe it will give the job more incentive while at the same time improving it's consistency]

In R1317 insert "The AckaPhysicist is a scientist but not a member of the Ackanomic Research Guild." after the sentence "The optional office of AckaPhysicist exists." At the end of that same paragraph, add "The AckaPhysicist must publish at least one translation per month, but no more than three. For each translation, the AckaPhysicist will receive A$10."}}

Proposal 2137 - Thu, 19 Jun 1997 23:48:33 -0500
Black Power
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new Rule 1340, The Color Black, with the following text:

Black is a color. Contradiction of this fact is Black Heresy. Witchhunts may be called against those who have publicly questioned this fact, using the same methods and results as described in Rule 1307, except that the alledged Heretic need not have claimed the Earth is Round in this case.

Proposal 2138 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 00:04:59 -0500
Slipping a proposal in edgeways
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal rule 904, "The Anti-Gumball".

{{[despite the harf of this rule, the game balance is not there, given the ease with which the bad case can be dodged. If someone comes up with a better way to do that, I will retract this, otherwise IMO it is not balanced well, and hence less fun]}}

Proposal 2139 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 00:59:09 -0500
More Game Balance Harfing
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[The way this is set up, it seems fairly trivial for a scientist to get powerful gadgets at minimal cost. This makes the scientist role far too powerful; again game balance seems out of whack, and when that happens, so is fun]}}


Amend rule 595, "Gadgets" to replace:

If it required no raw materials other than half the number of processing chips (rounded up) used in creating the original blueprint, then it has no owner. If the Treasury provided the raw materials, then the Treasury owns it. If a player provided the raw materials, then the player owns it.


If the Treasury provided the raw materials, then the Treasury owns it, otherwise it is unowned.

Proposal 2140 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 01:10:20 -0500
Removing Red Barn from YORL
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[Red Barn announced that he would be gone all summer, and regretted joining YORL. Lets remove him, and open up that bench. I heard a rumor that Elder Brinjal may come back as an NVP to play]}}


Create a new rule, numbered 1249, with the following text:

This rule has precedence over all rules.

Red Barn is removed from the game of Ye Olde Rusty Lantern that was in progress at the time the proposal that created this rule was distributed, if that same game is still in progress when this rule was created. His cards are transferred back into the deck. He does not win.

Proposal 2141 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 01:27:08 -0500
No Decanters of Endless RHG Juice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend rule 668, "Eggs and Fruit", to replace:

"(a tradeable, potable entity)"


"(a tradeable, potable entity; the action of frinking it destroys it)"

Proposal 2142 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 01:27:08 -0500
Sapphire Ballistics mark II
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 511 in the following ways:

Delete the first instance of the word "trinket" in the second paragraph.

[This is a simple language fix.]

Change the sentence "The most recent, still existing Majik that has the same number as that of a rule which exists is considered" to "A random Majik is selected for consideration from among those existing Majiks which have sapphire bullet numbers that match rule numbers of existing rules."

[This avoids a possible Hubert situation, and makes it harder for players to cause any particular selection to be made.]

Proposal 2143 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 11:14:24 -0500
Quark on Whole Wheat
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Made Harfy by Vynd at Mon, 23 Jun 1997 23:55:17 -0400 (EDT)
Decision: Rejected

This is a grandiose proposal.

Create a rule entitled "Superduperconducting Superdupercollider", numbered 512, with the text delimited by SQUEEGEE:


1) Particle Definitions:

a) Quark:

Quarks are named, non-tradeable entities that may not be manipulated by gadgets, and may not be otherwise manipulated except according to the rules. The value of a Quark is 0 A$. [The value will probably only be important for the purpose of determining the result of Super-critical Berryon Decay]

b) Klepton:

Any Quark or trinket that owns another Quark or trinket is a Klepton. c) Sub-nuclear Particle, Mason, Berryon:

Any set of Kleptons, such that it is possible to enumurate all members of the set by choosing any single Klepton in the set, then repetedly choosing a Klepton owned by the last chosen Klepton until all members of the set have been chosen, is a Sub-nuclear Particle. A Sub-nuclear Particle containing two Kleptons is a Mason; one containing three Kleptons is a Berryon.

d) Critical Berryon Number:

The Critical Berryon Number is a Universal Constant, initially 5. A player who owns a Quark may change the Critical Berryon number once per Cycle by incrementing or decrementing it by 1, but only to a number between 2 and 20 inclusive. No other player may change the Critical Berryon number. If the Critical Berryon Number is changed, the following sentence shall be amended to state the current Critical Berryon Number: The Critical Berryon number is 5.

2) Particle Decay:

The following processes are collectively known as Particle Decay:

a)Large Sub-nuclear Particle Decay

If at any time there is a Sub-nuclear particle containing four or more Kleptons, the following shall occur:

i)The Kleptons in that Sub-nuclear particle the names of which are first and third alphabetically become a Mason, owning each other.

ii)The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original Sub-nuclear Particle become a new Sub-nuclear Particle in which each becomes the owner of the Quark or trinket with the name which immediately follows its name alphabetically, and in which the trinket or Quark with the name which is last alphabetically becomes the owner of the trinket or Quark with the name which is first alphabetically

b) Supercritical Berryon Decay

If at any time the number of berryons in existance is equal to or greater than the Critical Berryon Number, the following shall occur: Any entity owned by the Klepton of greatest value which is part of a Berryon, (or if more than one such Klepton shares the greatest value, the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding any other Klepton-within-a-Berryon-of-greatest-value,) becomes owned by the last player to place a trinket in the SDSC. If a player receives a Quark in this manner, e gains 25 points. The remaining Quarks and trinkets that were Kleptons in the original Berryon become a Mason, owning each other.


The Superduperconducting Superdupercollider (inexplicably abbreviated SDSC) is a unique unownable entity, located behind a door in the AckaPhysicist's Laboratory with a sign on it with bold words in red ink: "Vorsicht! Ueberdueberhochspannung! Lebensgefahr! Betreten verboten!" The door is always left open.

When a named entity is placed in the SDSC, the following shall occur:

a) That entity shall become owned by the Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding that of the trinket, and alphabetically following the name of any other Klepton with a name which alphabetically precedes that of the entity placed in the SCDC. If there is no Klepton with a name alphabetically preceding that of the entity placed in the SDSC, it shall become owned by the Klepton with the name which is alphabetically last among Klepton names.

b) Ownership of any entity owned by the Klepton that owns the entity placed in the SDSC, excepting the entity placed in the SDSC itself, is transfered to the entity placed in the SDSC.

Any player, excepting any GOD, may place a trinket e owns in the SDSC by publicly stating that e is hooking the trinket on the superduper rubber band and pulling really hard. No player may, using this method, place a trinket in the SDSC which has been in existance for less than 7 days. No player may, using this method, place more than one trinket in the SDSC in any 7 day period. It is the responsiblity of the player who places the trinket in the SDSC to publicly post any changes in the ownership of Kleptons resulting from placing the trinket in the SDSC, and from any subsequent Particle Decay. The rules may specify other circumstances in which entities are placed in the SDSC. If an entity is placed in the SDSC, and the rules do not specify a player to publicly post all resulting changes in Klepton ownership, it is the duty of the AckaPhysicist to do so. [shouldn't happen, but who knows?]


{{[The next bit sets up the primodial Mason]}}

{{Create two quarks, named "Weird Quark", and "Anti-Straight Quark". When they are created, they own each other.}}

{{[One more thing]}}

Amend rule 506 by inserting the following paragraph after the fourth paragraph:

Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose a trinket, and do not indicate where that trinket should go to, or specify that it should be destroyed, it shall be placed in the Superduperconducting Superdupercollider instead. It is the responsiblity of the player who loses the trinket to publicly post any changes in the ownership of Kleptons resulting from the trinket being placed in the SDSC, and from any subsequent Particle Decay.

Proposal 2144 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 17:28:54 -0500
One Million Dollars? That's Right!
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Renumber Rule 1399 to 1000000.

Proposal 2145 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 18:11:04 -0500
Fix Them Otzma Cards
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In R1240.1 "Definition of Otzma Cards" Ammend section III subsection 5 to read in full:

The maximum number of Otzma Cards that the RuneMaker may create on an Otzma-Day is equal to the smallest integer equal to or greater than (LSAP-1)/2. If LSAP is equal to or greater than 10, then the RuneMaker must create at least 1 Otzma Card, provided that the number of Cards created does not bring the total number of Cards in existence over 100. If no Otzma Cards types are defined, or if the restriction on the types which are defined make it illegal to create Cards of that type, then the RuneMaker does not create any Otzma Cards, instead e posts a message to the effect that it's too bad e can't create any Otzma Cards.

Proposal 2146 - Fri, 20 Jun 1997 22:11:19 -0500
End of Cycle Rebirth
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 666, "End of Cycle", to replace

l) All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol.


l) All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol. All players who are in the Ackanomic Afterlife are relocated to their homes.

Proposal 2147 - Sat, 21 Jun 1997 01:05:32 -0500
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[The gist here is to allow players to create Trinkets of value associated with their name, while preventing others from flooding the market with cheap imitations, if for some reason, Trinkets associated with a particular player have some sort of value. This is not inspired so much from the lexical warfare, but more from the 'Malenkai's Coin thing'. It would be cool to have players be able to create their own coins, etc, for treasure purposes, or where ever imagination takes it, without needing to worry about cheesy imitations. This will not compromise anyone's ability to find Treasure 166.]}}


Amend rule 506, "Trinkets", to replace the following:

Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules.

[What are Trinkets used for? Adding color, basically. Allowing gifts of value other than Prosthetic Foreheads to be given, and for possible use as Buried Treasure, or other uses.]


A player-created Trinket, whose name contains the name of a current or former player other than that of the creating player, such that the player name in question existed before the Trinket was created, is a forgery. The rules may define other circumstances under which a Trinket is a forgery. Upon it being discovered that a Trinket is a forgery, it is transferred to the Treasury. For the purposes of this clause, the Trinket name "contains" a name N, if it contans a word or phrase of the same length in words as N, that when stripped of any conventional English morphological changes, matches N as described in rule 348. [e.g. "Malenkai's Loophole" and "Malenkai-esque Statues" would be forgeries].

Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules.


Amend rule 1141 (referred to as 'CPPIA'), to replace:

the Trinket(s) are donated to the Treasury.


the Trinkets(s), if they still exist, are forgeries.

Proposal 2148 - Sun, 22 Jun 1997 02:43:53 -0500
A random walk through the rules.
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Long proposal.
This is a Modest proposal.

{{[just some minor loophole repair, bugfixes, and standardizations. Sorry Alfvaen ;-), but at least they are all in one proposal.]}}


Amend rule 254, "Player States", as follows:

I. Replace "two days of having" with "three days of having" where it appears [standardize most everything on 3 days].

II. Append the following to the end of the rule:

{{Amend the Blueprint for the "Whamiol" to add the following sentence at the end of the Blueprint:

"'Active', for the purposes of the above, only applies to the first time a particular player became active."

[admittedly an "argument loophole", but there nonetheless.] }}


Amend rule 255, "Vacationing", as follows:

I. Replace "609" with "401" where it appears [bad pointer reference].

II. Replace

The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation.


The only thing a player on vacation may legally do is take himself off vacation and send public messages.

[CFJ 336 probably makes sending messages while on vacation illegal, but we do it anyway.]


Amend rule 256, "Leaving the Game" to replace

"Active" with "Active or Non-Voting" all places that it appears.

[This is a tough one. I think if a player is aware enough to join as a Non-Voting player, they seem less likely to be a "Tim" situation. Also, you can build up a pretty decent character as an NVP. I'd rather handle the "Tim" situation on a case by case basis then when someone loses their character.]


Amend rule 257, "No Dead Players Allowed" to replace:

"communicate publicly with all of the voting players"


"send a public message"

[voting players on vacation are permitted to not be on the mailing list, and functionally, we look for 'send a public message' anyway.]


Renumber rule 260, "Public Actions", to 373

[the 300s is more geared towards public messages, etc.]

Amend rule 330, "Retractions", to replace "1201" with "1250.1".

[bad pointer]


Amend rule 342, "Spelling Bee", to replace

6) Once the flight has been announced, it has been considered to be made, and the changes may be physically made by the officer. If a player objects to a stinging or stinging(s), they must Call for Judgement on the matter that the change violated this, or other rules. If the CFJ finds for the player's position, the change(s) must be undone. (Note that the officer will be liable for CFCJ as well, for initiating an illegal flight of the Spelling Bee). If the CFJ does not find for the player, their only recourse is a Proposal to change the language back.


6) Upon the flight being announced, the legal changes are applied to the rules.


Amend rule 370, "No E-mail, No Game", to add the following sentence after the first sentence of the third paragraph:

"This applies to players on non-voluntary activated vacation".

[I don't think rule 370 can do what it claims, due to rule 255's godlike precedence]


Amend rule 407, "Web-Harfer", to remove its last sentence.

[By the time this rule change is applied, the aliens will have added that sentence to the end of the rule. See my comments on the alien rule itself about this.]

Amend rule 409, "Registrar", to replace

(e) asking new players how they found out about the game, and making this information public. if the player provides the information.


(e) asking new players how they found out about the game, and making any answer they provide public.


Amend rule 413, "Clerk of the Court", to read:

The Office of the Clerk of the Court is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Clerk of the Court are:

            (a) to receive Calls for Judgement (CFJs),
            (b) to select Judges for CFJs, distribute them publically,
and to otherwise administer CFJs as necessary
            (c) to receive verdicts from Judges and other judicial
entities, and to distribute the verdicts publically, at which time they
become official.
            (d) maintaining and making public upon request the CFJ
Ineligibility List. 
The Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker when there is no Speaker, and is the default Acting Speaker when the Speaker is on vacation.


[Current text:

The Office of the Clerk of the Court is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Clerk of the Court are:

            (a) receiving a request for judgement on a statement and
making it an official Call for Judgement (hereafter referred to as CFJ),
in accordance with the rules.
            (b) selecting judges for CFJs in accordance with the rules.
            (c) reporting the results of CFJs publicly, and making
certain that the Web-Harfer has up-to-date information concerning CFJs.
            (d) any administration of CFJs as defined by the rules.
            (e) the Duties of the Speaker when there is no Speaker or
the Speaker is on vacation.
            (f) maintaining and making public upon request the CFJ
Ineligibility List. 


[format harfing of the Internomic interface rule, making consistent use of the term Liaison, and providing more of a format to add new sections as new things go on in Internomic. We also know our name is "Ackamomic", at least for now :)]

Amend rule 419.2, "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface" so that its title is "Internomic Interface", and so that its text is:

I. Liaison

The Ambassador (or, in the absence of an Ambassador, the Speaker) is Ackanomic's Liaison to InterNomic. The Liaison shall keep the Players of Ackanomic apprised in a timely fashion of events in InterNomic of interest to Ackanomic.

II. InterNomic Proposals

Any Voting Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison. If said Proposal is adopted by InterNomic, the player who requested it receives 7 points upon the Liaison reporting the fact of its adoption to Ackanomic.

III. InterNomic Voting

Whenever Ackanomic is permitted to vote upon any matter in Internomic, the Liaison shall initiate a binding vote in the Senate to determine how e should cast Ackanomic's vote in Internomic.

In the event that the Senate does not reach a decision, the President shall determine how e casts Ackanomic's vote.

IV. InterNomic Judgements (ISFJs)

Whenever Ackanomic is required to serve as a judge in Internomic, the Liaison shall publically post the statement for judgement along with the initiator's reasoning, if any. During the three days following this post, players may respond to the statement for judgment with whatever comments and reasoning they may have on the judgement. Three days after the Liaison's posting of the statement for judgement, a Hearing will commence. The valid responses for this Hearing will be the allowed verdicts Ackanomic may deliver in response to the ISFJ. For the purposes of determining a verdict in this Hearing, each response from a Bronze Torch holder counts as two player responses, and non-player responses do not count. The verdict of this hearing shall be the verdict delivered on the statement for judgement. In the event of a tie or a verdict of "Never Mind", the Liaison shall determine which verdict to deliver. This section has precedence over rules governing Hearings. When reporting the verdict to Internomic, the Liaison shall use whatever player comments he feels are appropriate, including dissenting ones, and shall annote these comments with their author's Ackanomic name.

V. Internomic Attitude

In order to change the Attitude of Ackanomic toward any other member nomic of InterNomic, a vote must be held. Each Senator has one vote, and the Liaison has one vote (if the Liaison is also a Senator, e only gets one vote total). These votes are duties of the respective offices. If 60% or more of these eligible voters vote in favor of changing the Attitude of Ackanomic, then the Liaison shall take whatever steps are necessary and possible to carry out this decision in InterNomic.


Amend rule 421, "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to replace:

(c) A privilege of the CSRR is publishing Common Sense Reports. A common sense report (CSR) is a suggested change to the rules. A CSR is not a proposal. The changes suggested in a CSR may only consist of amending, renumbering and repealing rules.


(c) A privilege of the CSRR is to issue Common Sense Reports (CSRs). A CSR is a list of suggested changes to the rules, but it is not a proposal.

[This gets rid of that annoying provision that CSRs cannot create new rules, leading to appending self-deleting fragments to the end of other rules to achieve the same effect]


Amend rule 424, "Poet Laureate", to remove the following text:

"(any of the Public Gatherings listed in Rule 1115 are appropriate)"

[rule 1115 is long gone]


Amend rule 500.3, "Entity Uniqueness", to remove the following text:

[Mimsy entities cannot be owned by Undead. See Rule 962.2 .]

[rule 962.2 is long gone, or at least rearranged, and mimsy is defined elsewhere]


Amend rule 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", to replace

"combined value of all extant Trinkets (including those Trinkets"


"combined value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks (including those Trinkets and Majiks"

[it should balance if we are going to cling to this hard currency thing that has been around since the beginning of time in this game.]


Amend rule 506, "Trinkets", to replace "discovered" with "publically knowable". [This will only take effect if proposal 2147 is accepted.]


Amend rule 511, "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die" to replace

Once a Majik becomes a trinket again, it is automatically destroyed, following the rules for trinkets.


Once a Majik becomes a trinket again, it is transformed into its value in A$.

[The statement is ambiguous. Is it transformed or donated (the only two primitive actions really available to the trinket subclass). In the latter, case, the owner loses the A$ value. I do not know what was intended, but I figured the less harsh interpretation was preferrable]


Amend rule 517 so that its title is "Contracts"; replace "restrictions" with "provisions" where it appears in the 3rd paragraph; replace "recognized" with "knowable" where it appears in the paragraph labelled as "2)"


Amend rule 594, "Blueprints" to replace "260" with "373". [Bad pointer caused by this proposal.]


Amend rule 595, "Gadgets" to remove section (i), then reletter all sections with the corresponding lowercase roman numeral one lower than its current label; then change "Gadgets, Creatures, and Artifacts" to "Gadgets" in section (iv).

[For Mohammed :)]


Amend rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster(s)", to replace:

provided that Player has not already done so since the prior Thursday.


once per calendar week.

[more standardization]


Amend rule 666, "End of Cycle", to replace "extant Trinkets" in section e) with "extant Trinkets and Majiks". [tax section]

[When I wrote the Trinkets rule, I had a pile of money, and specifically left that tax loophole in. I'll leave it to someone else to fix it if they want, but we should be consistent with Trinkets/Majiks. There really should be a class above Trinkets and Majiks, or better yet, Majiks are Trinkets in all ways except ... I will leave that to someone else too]


Amend rule 710, "Criminal Justice", to replace "artifacts" with "tinkets" where it appears in the suggested penalty section.


Amend rule 844, "Land Baroncy", to replace:

Any active player may purchase a kaa of empty, common land by paying the current Price of Land (rounded down to the nearest whole number of A$) to the treasury.


A player may purchase a kaa of empty, common land for A$50.

and also remove:

At the time officer's salaries are paid, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall choose one of the following five possible events to occur at random, with equal probabilities:

            A. The Price of Land increases by five percent (5%)
            B. The Price of Land increases by 1%
            C. The Price of Land does not change
            D. The Price of Land decreases by 1%
            E. The Price of Land decreases by 5%
If this results in the Price of Land having more than 3 digits to the right of the decimal point, those beyond the third are truncated.

[Its just one more thing for me to forget, and the price flucuations are so trivial anyway. Also lets NVPs own land]


Amend rule 1040, "Party Hall" to replace "more than 6 days" with "more than 7 days".


Amend rule 1044, "Swingpoints", to replace "Tuesday" with "Monday {{the Chess Umpire will use his descretion to declare which upcoming monday is the appropriate one to make this transition on.}}";

and also replace "2a" with "4a" where it appears in section 5d.

[more standardization. Everything is moving to mondays]


Amend rule 1131, "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act" to remove:

When returned, the rule is amended in the following way:

A) If the Rule does not already contain the sentence "This rule defers to all other Rules which do not contain this sentence outside of quotation marks.", then that sentence is appended to the Rule.

B)If the Rule already contains the sentence, then the sentence is deleted from the Rule.

[Popular Theory maintains that the Sinister Aliens are are amending our rules as some sort of sick practical joke.]

[I do not think the virus is incredibly harfy or fun, it can only serve to make the game more confusing for newbies, more of a hassle for the officers, and more points for Malenkai to write proposals to remove it. It is also a bit of a clutter in the rules. While I have nothing phisosophical against rule viruses, the fun and creativity of the virus should exceed the work and hassle, as is true for all things.]


Amend rule 1215, "Duels", to replace:

accepted for listing (or listed) on the Games & Contests web page


in the Games and Contests Rule Suite

[I thought I fixed this. Did you guys vote it down? In any case, its sort of difficult to do duels now]


Amend rule 1301, "Church", to remove:

This rule defers to all other Rules which do not contain this sentence outside of quotation marks.


Create a new rule entitled "Definitely Finno-Uralic", numbered 17, with the following text:

This rule has precedence over all rules.

First, take all Runestone of Jukkasjarvi Fragments that are not owned by currently active players or vacationing players, and disperse them randomly amongst the currently active non-vacationing players.

Then transfer the trinkets that were transferred by rule 2079 to Niccolo Flychuck, if there is such a player, and there are such trinkets.

[this seems to be what was intended by rule 2079]


Proposal 2149 - Sun, 22 Jun 1997 02:43:54 -0500
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal the rule created by proposal 2059, (called "Amung Gods" at the time this was submitted).

Create this rule: "{{All players with title of GOD lose that title}}".

[I think the implementation is unsalvageable, and I do not want any tomotoes thrown at me for scamming it ;-). If we want to do something like this, we should probably start from scratch.]

Proposal 2150 - Sun, 22 Jun 1997 02:43:55 -0500
Good thing Malenkai didn't pick Spades
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1215, "Duels", as follows:

In the fourth paragraph of section 2, change the first occurrence of "a player" to "another player".

Add the following to the end of the fifth paragraph of section 2:

If the Challenging player, the Challenged player, and the two Seconds are not four different players, then the team option is not available and the contest chosen must be playable by exactly two players.

{{[ For those who failed to notice, Alfvaen is the second for both sides of a current duel. This proposal does not prevent this relationship, nor does it prevent one player from being the other player's second, but it ensures you can't be your own second, and disallows team games if the duelists and seconds are not all different.

The rule already ensures that a player can't challenge himself to a duel, or be both the challenging player and his own second.]}}