Proposal 1551 - Wed 11 Dec 11:52 CST 1996
A Sort-of Experiment with the Value of Money (and exploring another idea)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled "Museum", which reads:

I. Ackanomic Museum of Antiquities

The Ackanomic Museum of Antiquities (Museum) exists; it is a classy building near the Library. It is a Common Location. The Museum has 3 wings: the East Wing, the West Wing, and the McCumber Annex. The West Wing is the most prestigious, but the McCumber Annex is sort of cramped and unused.

II. Curator

The Financier is the curator of the Museum, and it is a duty of that office to maintain records of the Museum's inventory, and other relavent Museum details.

III. Donation

A player may donate any Gadget, Trinket, or Prosthetic Forehead that they own to the Museum, by going there and publically announcing which object(s) they are donating. All newly donated objects (along with the name of the associated benefactor) are placed on display in the East Wing. The Museum has high standards, so it will not accept Prosthetic Forehead donations if it already has 15 such pieces on display. Items on display in the Museum are not considered in the Treasury.

IV. Donation Value

Objects on display are valued by the Museum as follows:
a) Prosthetic Foreheads: A$10.
b) Gadgets: The most recent price paid for that type of Gadget at an auction such that the proceeds of that auction went to the Treasury. If that value is undefined, its value is A$50.
c) Trinkets: The value the Trinket had when it was donated. If it was once part of a Buried Treasure for more than 60 continuous days, it is an Antiquity, and its value is increased by 30% (fractions truncated), upon donation, and it is no longer considered to have once been part of a Buried Treasure for for that length for the purposes of this sub-section, unless it again acquires that attribute.

V. Benefactor Value and Renaming the East Wing

Each Museum benefactor has a benefactor value (BV), which is the sum of the value of all objects on display in the East Wing that that benefactor donated (the benefactor of record is considered to be the last player to donate a particular object). Upon a benefactor's BV exceeding A$1000, the East Wing is renamed in his honor to his player name; this rule is amended to replace all occurrances of the string 'East' which directly precede the word "Wing" or are in single quotes, in this rule with that player's name (the occurrance in single quotes being replaced last).

VI. Bonus Vote

On the first day of each month, the Museum throws a party honoring its benefactors. This is a private gathering. There are door prizes, but as the Museum is always tight on funds, they are pretty lame. The only one of note is a Bonus Vote, which is awarded to a random benefactor. Each benefactor's probability of receiving this Vote is their BV divided by the total BV. If the total BV is zero, however, no award is bestowed.

VII. The Value of Winning

Upon a benefactor's BV exceeding A$5000, all objects donated by that benefactor are transferred to the West Wing, and a big ceremony, which is a public gathering, is held. If this appears to occur simultaneously with a renaming of the East Wing, however, it will occur an infintestimal time afterwords instead. This rule is then amended to replace all occurrances of the player's name which directly precede the word "Wing" or is in single quotes, with the concatenation of the strings "No" and "rth", and then all occurrances of the string 'West' which directly precede the word "Wing" or are in single quotes, are replaced by the player's name. That player is then declared the winner of the Cycle. No player may win a Cycle more than once in this manner, and if it appears that they otherwise would, no part of this section preceding this sentence shall apply in that instance.

VIII. Museum Security

Objects may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules.

{{renumber this rule to 850}}

Proposal 1552 - Wed 11 Dec 11:53 CST 1996
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule with text as follows:
Perform the following actions, in the order they appear.


I. [Registered players]
Renumber Rule 218 "Registered Players" to 250.

II. [Player names]

Amend Rule 570's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols.

Every player has exactly one Ackanomic name. This name must be a string of name characters from three to twenty characters in length. Neither the first nor the last character in this string may be the space character. All official nomic business shall use this name to refer to that player.

A player may change his Ackanomic name, so long as the new name complies with all appliccable rules. This shall be accomplished when the player announces his old name, new name, real name, and short explanation of the change. The Registrar shall record the change. When a player changes their Ackanomic name, all Ackanomic business will be changed to follow their new name.

When choosing or changing their Ackanomic name, no player may take any name previously held by any past or present player, unless they are the person who was previously registered under that Ackanomic name [no one could take the name pTang1001001sos unless they really were the Mark Nau who held that name previously.] It is the Registrar's duty to make sure all names comply with this rule, and it is the Registrar's right to reject any name choosing or change which violates it.

Renumber Rule 570 to 251.


III. [Joining the Game]

Create a new rule, entitled "Joining the Game", with text as shown, delimited by ~ symbols.

A person wishing to join the game should notify the Registrar, providing a valid email adress, their real name, and the legal Ackanomic name they wish to play under. Upon them providing this information, the Registrar shall post a public message announcing the new player and providing their Ackanomic name, real name, and email adress, and if the prospective player provided it, how they discovered the game. Upon the posting of such an announcement, the person becomes registered as a player.

If the just-registered player did not legally choose the name of an extant Undead as his Ackanomic name, he is a New player.

Upon the regisration of a New player, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) The New player is granted 1 kaa of urban land and a Small building thereupon as their legal residence. This building shall be known as their Home. This building shall also be known as "player name's House", where "player name" is replaced by their official Ackanomic name. A player may change the name of this building by publically announcing the new name and unambiguously identifying the building they wish to rename.
2) The New player is paid from the Treasury the lesser of A$900 or the average A$balance of all other extant players.
3) The New player is given 100 newly created PFBonds associated with himself. The Financier shall assign a label that may be used to refer to the PFBonds associated with the New player, although this procedure may continue without waiting for him to do so.
4) The Registrar shall select a Mentor for the new player. The Mentor receives A$25 from the Treasury.

When a player legally takes the name of an Undead, the Undead ceases to exist at the time of the naming. All entities it was haunting immediatly prior to its destruction enter the player's possession. Upon this occurring, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown:

1) All Bond Promissories in that player's real life name are converted to PFBonds associated with that player. Their label is the same as the PFBonds whose conversion created the Bond Promissories.
2) If the player left during the current cycle, his score is the minimum of 0 and the score he had upon last leaving the game. Otherwise, his score is -15N, where N is the number of cycles he has won. If this causes his score to be negative, he is given a Victory Eggplant, and his Eggplant Weight is set to -15N, where N is defined as above.

Renumber the just-created rule to 252.

In Rule 362 "No Dead Players Allowed", delete all text between the string "and treated as if he never joined the game" and the end of the paragraph, inclusive. Add a period to the end of this paragraph.

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 1051 "Mentors" to read, "When the Registrar must select a Mentor for a new player, he shall follow these guidelines. No one may become a mentor except as specified in the rules." Delete the sentence containing the string "A$25" from Rule 1051. Renumber Rule 1051 to 253.

Repeal Rule 1026 "New and Returning players".

Delete the paragraph beginning, "Each player who has not previously..." from Rule 839 "Buildings".

[This next few bits attempts to account for either the passage of failure of reorg-1. Please scrutinize carefully.]

If Proposal 1539 passed, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 665, section I. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 507. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 409, section (b).
[money, PF's, Registrar]

If Proposal 1539 did not pass, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 480. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 481. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 424, section (b).
[same in current ruleset]


IV. [Player States]

Create a new rule, entitled, "Player States" with text as follows, delimited by ~ symbols.

At any given time, exactly one of these three states shall apply to a player.


Upon registration, a player is Pending. A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted or made a proposal.

Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything.

Renumber the just-created rule to 254.

Renumber R457 "Vacation" to 255.

In Rule 306 "The Magic Potato", replace all occurrences of the string, "randomly chosen player" with "randomly chosen Active player".

Amend Rule 201, "Quorum and Active Players," to read, "In a vote on a proposal the quorum required is 50% of (the sum of the number of Vacationing players who voted on the proposal and the number of Active players, less the number of players in Gaol)."


V. [Leaving the Game]

Amend Rule 962.2's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols, and change its name to "Leaving the Game."

Upon a player leaving, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) All of his mimsy possessions are taken away and considered unowned.
2) The player is removed from all offices.
3) If the player was never at any time Active, all of his A$ are transferred to the Treasury, every PFBond associated with him is destroyed, every rented entity in his possession reverts to its owner, every entity remaining in his possession is destroyed, and then the player is deregistered. In this case, the procedure ends here.
4) If the player was at any time Active, the procedure continues.
5) Every PFBond assiciated with him is converted into a Bond Promissory in his real life name. Bond Promissories are tradeable entities.
6) The player is transformed into an Undead; all entities in the player's possession at the time of this transformation are now unowned, in the Treasury, and haunted by the Undead.

Renumber R 962.2 to 256

All Bond Promissories associated with currently registered players become PFBonds associated with that player.

Proposal 1553 - Wed 11 Dec 11:53 CST 1996
Ackanomic History Guild
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule with text as delimited by the ":p" symbols.

1. There exists an Institution called the Ackanomic History Guild, hereafter called the Guild.

2. The Ackanomic History Guild consists of all players who have a Guild Ranking greater than zero. Guild rankings may not be changed except as described by the rules.

3. Any player may submit a public message called a Historical Dissertation. A Historical Dissertation must: (a) be at least 50 lines in length, excluding blank lines; (b) state that it is a Historical Dissertation; (c) describe in detail one or more events in Ackanomic history.

4. Unless more than one-third of the members of the Ackanomic History Guild express disapproval of a particular Historical Dissertation within a week of its posting, the author of that Historical Dissertation shall have his Guild Ranking incremented by 1 seven days after its posting.

5. Only members of the Ackanomic History Guild are eligible for Nomination for the Office of Historian.

For the purposes of this proposal, y=621 if Proposal 1539 did not pass, and y=420 if Proposal 1539 did pass.

Add, to the end of the second paragraph in Rule y, "The Historian should maintain a copy of all Historical Dissertations."

Renumber Rule y to y.1

Renumber Rule 1553 to y.2

Proposal 1554 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Land Baroncy
Jammer (John-Martin Lotz)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

For the purposes of this rule, the area of Acka is the map of Acka as currently maintained by the Map Harfer. For the purposes of this rule, occupied places are locations that a player owns and places that are officially set aside in the rules. For the purposes of this rule, unoccupied places are all places within the area of Acka, that are not occupied places.

All players entering the game are allocated one kaa with the area of Acka. Any active player may purchase an unoccupied place within Acka by paying the current rate.
The current rate starts at 50 A$, and every week the keeper of Random events shall either raise the rate by five percent (5%) raise the rate by 1%, keep the rate the same, reduce the rate by one percent(-1%), or reduce the rate by five percent (-5%). While the current rate may be a decimal value, the rate that a player pays to purchase the place shall be given in the integer portion of the current rate.

Proposal 1555 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Minor Ownership Clarifications
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 500.2 "Entity Ownership" shall be amended in the following ways:

1) The first paragraph shall be changed to the following quotation-mark- delimited text: "Named entities may own ownable entities, and named ownable entities may own themselves. Nameless entities may not own anything."

{{[ That nameless entities may not own anything is currently parenthetical, and hence non-binding. Moreover, the current language seems to imply that all named entities are ownable, which is definately not the case. ]}}

2) Append the following quotation-mark-delimited text to end of the third paragraph: "Unownable entities are never owned by anything."

Proposal 1556 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
The 100, more or less, kaa Acka
Jammer (John-Martin Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Acka is a square area 15 units to a side.

There are two ways in which the area of Acka can be changed.
1) If there are five or fewer free spaces in Acka, each side of the square are increased by 2 and the original map of Acka is placed at its center with one empty space at each edge.

2) If two thirds plus one of the voting members vote for a change in the size of Acka, any increase in its size shall be accomplished in a like manner. If the vote is decrease its size, the outer 1 element from each side shall be eliminated.

Nothing in these rules say anything about what happens to the owners of the palces either created or eliminated.

Proposal 1557 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Email Reform Targets the Promoter and Tabulator
23 Skidoo (David Fisher)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Grandiose proposal.
[This proposal is meant in no way to undermine either the current Promoter or Tabultor, or to question the wisdom of past Promoters and Tabulators. It seems to me, however, that if people are going to keep joining the game, such email reforms may be necessary to reduce the degree of trivilium.]

Amend rule 396 so that the duties of the Promoter read in full,

(a) to accept proposal submissions from players,
(b) to assign each proposal a number, and
(c) to distribute proposals. Proposals shall be issued in a single report, distributed with a maximum frequency of once per day, and a minimum frequency of one every three days. Each report shall contain all proposals submitted since the last such report, in the order in which they were submited. Each report shall also contain, at the head of the report, a "Proposal Ballot," consisting of a number of lines, each containing the number of the proposal associated with that line, and as much of the name of that proposal as will fit on that line. [ie, a list of proposals contained in that report. The function of this list is so that votes can be quickly and efficiently passed on to the tabulator.]

Amend rule 414, replacing

(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals, in the time order in which their voting periods ended.


(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals. This information shall be issued in a single report, distributed with a maximum frequency of once per day and a minimum frequency of one every threee days. Each report shall contain the tabulated information of all proposals whose voting period has ended since the last report, in the time order in which their voting periods ended.

Proposal 1558 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Amend R 1502
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[the amendment to R 720 allows for a reuseable senate voting procedure, which can be used here. It also seems the wording of the second line below could be misconstrued.]

Amend R 1502, "Experts" to replace:

The Senate has 2 weeks to discuss the matter. They must vote to grant the player the title of Expert in each requested area. If half (or more) of the Senate votes to grant the player the title of Expert in a given area, the player becomes an Expert in that area. By the end of the 2 week period the Senate must publicly announce the results of their voting, and declare what area(s) (if any) the player is an Expert in.


For each title of Expert requested, the Senate shall conduct a vote on whether to approve the request are not. The player shall become an Expert in each area approved. This vote has a voting period of 2 weeks.

Proposal 1559 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Experts have the right to summarize any given proposal within the first 4 days after it is distributed publicly. This summary should be a public message whose subject is of the form "Expert Summary: Proposal n" (where n is the number of the proposal to be summarized). The body of the message should be a brief explanation of the proposal in fairly simple terms. There is no limit to the number of Experts that may summarize a given proposal. There is also no limit to the number of summaries of a given proposal an Expert makes. For every proposal an Expert summarizes (regardless of the number of summaries that are published for that proposal) the Expert shall receive 2 points. The following are practices that are considered bad form for Expert summaries:

1. Summarizing a proposal that is substantially similar in content to a previously published summary of the same proposal.
2. Making a summary needlessly complicated or difficult to understand.
3. Publishing multiple summaries of the same proposal without a justifiable reason.
4. Publishing a summary of a proposal that does not fall under one of the publisher's areas of expertise.

The Senate shall consider it a good reason to revoke the title of Expert from a player if that player is felt to be abusing their right to publish summaries (paying particular attention to the above list).

[This is intended to encourage people to vote on proposals that might otherwise overwhelm them, and to encourage Experts to share their knowledge.]

Proposal 1560 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Journalistic Euthanasia
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend R891 By adding the following paragraph between the first and the third:

A newspaper must publish at least one article during each calender month, or it will cease to exist. When this happens, the newspaper is said to have gone belly-up.

Proposal 1561 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Press Ombudsman
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author

1) Create an new rule with the following text:

There exists the optional office of Press Ombudsman.

It is the duty of the Press Ombudsman to maintain a list of all Newspapers and their status. It is also the duty of the Press Ombudsman to make an announcement if a newspaper goes belly-up.

It is a privlidge of the Press Ombudsman to select which among the existing newspapers shall be the State Sponsored Newspaper. He may change his decision at any time by publically announcing that he is doing so.

It is a privlidge of the Press Ombudsman to solicit and accept bribes from the owners of newspapers. However, every bribe to the Press Ombudsman must be reported in a newspaper owned by the briber. Failure to publish such an article with 7 days of the transaction is a crime.


2) Create a new rule with the following text:

Any time there are or more active newspapers in Ackanomic, exactly one of them may become the State Sponsored Newspaper.

The State Sponsored Newspaper shall, in addition to publishing it's regular content, publish as many as two articles authored by any Politcal Officer, at the officer's request. It is considered bad form for an officer to submit articles that do not relate to his office under the provisions of this section, and players are allowed to sneer.

The State Sponsored Newspaper must also contain in each issue a rundown of important senate activities since the last issue. At the request of the senate, it must also publish a "Public Service Message" on a topic of the senate's chooosing.

As compensation for the increased workload, the owner of the State Sponsored Newspaper shall recieve A$50 per calender month. In the event that a newspaper loses its State Sponsored status without completing the current calender month, it's owner shall only recieve A$10 in compensation.

Proposal 1562 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Stop Forehead Discrimination! (again)
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R937 by deleting the final paragraph.

Proposal 1563 - Thu, 12 Dec 1996 22:46:34 -0600 (CST)
Hat Box
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Any play wearing a Silly Vacation Hat may purchase a HatBox from the treasury for a sum of A$ equal to the number of days he was on vacation.

Included in the price of the HatBox is ta minor surgery that removes that Silly Vacation Hat from a players head, and places it in the HatBox. The HatBox must then be worn on top of a players head for the remainder of his Silly Vacation Hat wearing period. Due to the special air-tight construction of a HatBox, the SVH of any player who has purchased one and announced that he is using it, will be preserved, rather than disintigrate, so long as the HatBox is never opened.

Once placed in a HatBox, a Silly Vacation hat can never be worn again, or it will disintigrate. The HatBox can never be opened, or the Hat it contains will disintgrate. Looking at the HatBox funny or publically announcing any details about the Silly Vacation Hat inside the box will also cause it to disintigrate.

A player who is wearing a HatBox on top of his head is not exempted from posting the required text string "Wearing a Silly Vacation Hat" in every public message.

This Rule takes precedence over R937

{{renumber this rule to 938}}

Proposal 1564 - Sun 15 Dec 17:59 CST 1996
Days of Meditation
Lestrade (John Duncan)
Decision: Accepted

My proposal calls for the deletion of a paragraph from R797 the Festival of Torkola, and the replacement of the deletion by a new rule, which I have titled Days of Meditation.

Delete from R 797 paragraph 5c which states:

5c) Upon rejection of 3 consecutive proposals due to Quorum not being met, a Festival of 5 days will automatically start on the day following the public distribution of the voting results of the third rejection. Any rejections which occur during a Festival or before the known start date of one shall not count. e.g, if 6 proposals are rejected on a Saturday, the first 3 are sufficient to start a festival on Sunday, and the other rejections shall be ignored.

The text of the new rule is between the symbols &&&&&

This rule defines the Days of Meditation , a period of reflection and resolve on the part of Ackanomians to craft better rules for the enjoyment of all.

1) Upon rejection of 3 consecutive proposals due to Quorum not being met, the Tabulator shall inform the President that a situation exists for calling Days of Meditation. The President will then declare that it is necessary for Days of Meditation. This will be a 5 day period beginning 24 hours after the President's posted declaration as determined by the President's time zone.

2) During Days of Meditation it is illegal for anyone to distribute a proposal for voting. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would require anyone to do so. This specifically applies to proposals only.

3) If there are more than three consecutive proposals that fail due to lack of Quorum, only the first three will be used to invoke this rule. Any remainder, between the initial occurence of the conditions and the end of the Days of Meditation, shall be ignored.

Proposal 1565 - Sun 15 Dec 18:00 CST 1996
Press Ombudsman
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule with the following text:

There exists the optional office of Press Ombudsman.

It is the duty of the Press Ombudsman to maintain a list of all Newspapers and their status. It is also the duty of the Press Ombudsman to make an announcement if a newspaper goes belly-up.

It is a privlidge of the Press Ombudsman to select which among the existing newspapers shall be the State Sponsored Newspaper. He may change his decision at any time by publically announcing that he is doing so.

It is a privlidge of the Press Ombudsman to solicit and accept bribes from the owners of newspapers. However, every bribe to the Press Ombudsman must be reported in a newspaper owned by the briber. Failure to publish such an article with 7 days of the transaction is a crime.

Proposal 1566 - Sun 15 Dec 18:00 CST 1996
State Sponsored Newspaper
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule with the following text:

Any time there are one or more active newspapers in Ackanomic, exactly one of them may become the State Sponsored Newspaper.

The State Sponsored Newspaper shall, in addition to publishing it's regular content, publish as many as two articles authored by any Politcal Officer, at the officer's request. It is considered bad form for an officer to submit articles that do not relate to his office under the provisions of this section, and players are allowed to sneer.

The State Sponsored Newspaper must also contain in each issue a rundown of important senate activities since the last issue. At the request of the senate, it must also publish a "Public Service Message" on a topic of the senate's chooosing.

As compensation for the increased workload, the owner of the State Sponsored Newspaper shall recieve A$50 per calender month. In the event that a newspaper loses its State Sponsored status without completing the current calender month, it's owner shall only recieve A$10 in compensation.

Proposal 1567 - Sun 15 Dec 18:00 CST 1996
Don't Eat the Potato
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

All mimsy animals and vegetables (and any other mimsy entity that could otherwise be considered a foodstuff) is non-edible. In fact, they are quite poisonous. Any player eating a mimsy foodstuff shall become violently ill and must pay A$100 to the treasury for treatment and medication. He must also post a description of his illness.

The Gumball is safe for casual chewing, but any attempt to swallow it will also result in violent illness.

Proposal 1568 - Sun 15 Dec 18:01 CST 1996
The Star
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Create a new rule reading:
A unique non-tradeable entity called the Soft Strident Star of Elendil (Star, for short) exists. {{ Initially, the Star belongs to Mohammed. }} Every Monday, at the same time the Magic Potato is reassigned, the officer in charge of random things will random choose a player to receive the Star; it is transferred from whoever owns it to the named player. If that player ever loses points while in possession of the Star, the first time it happens since that player most recently gained possession of the Star, the Star will negate part or all of that loss by giving the player as many points as he lost, up to a maximum of 15.

Proposal 1569 - Sun 15 Dec 18:01 CST 1996
Email Reform Targets the Promoter and Tabulator
23 Skidoo (David Fisher)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Grandiose proposal.

Amend rule 396, adding the paragraph,

Proposals shall be issued in a single report, distributed with a maximum frequency of once per day, and a minimum frequency of one every three days. Each report shall contain all proposals submitted since the last such report, in the order in which they were submited. Each report shall also contain, at the head of the report, a "Proposal Ballot," consisting of a number of lines, each containing the number of the proposal associated with that line, and as much of the name of that proposal as will fit on that line. [ie, a list of proposals contained in that report. The function of this list is so that votes can be quickly and efficiently passed on to the tabulator.] The Promoter may, at eir discretion, split the report into multiple pieces to keep each submission a reasonable length.

Amend rule 414, adding the paragraph,

The tabulated voting results of each proposal shall be issued in a single report, distributed with a maximum frequency of once per day and a minimum frequency of one every threee days. Each report shall contain the tabulated information of all proposals whose voting period has ended since the last report, in the time order in which their voting periods ended. This Tabulator may, at eir discretion, split the report into multiple pieces to keep each submission a reasonable length.

23 Skidoo - --
David Fisher (
"Seduced, shaggy Samson snored./ She scissored short. Sorely shorn,/ Soon shackled slave, Samson sighed,/ Silently scheming/ Sightlessly seeking/ Some savage, spectacular suicide." - Stanislaw Lem, "The Cyberiad"

Proposal 1570 - Sun 15 Dec 18:01 CST 1996
Politeness Moon Reform
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Change the text of Rule 400 "Politeness Moon" to the following:

Players sending messages to a public forum should be as polite as possible. If a Player A fails to be polite, another Player B may publically request that Player A soften eir tone of voice. If Player A publically disagrees that eir tone of voice was strident, or if Player B responds impolitely to such a request, Player A may call a Politeness Moon Hearing on the matter.

The valid responses to a Politeness Moon Hearing are "Yes, e was polite." and "No, e was not polite.". If the verdict of the Hearing shows that Player A was not polite, Player A loses 3 points. If it shows that Player A was polite, Player A gets the nickname Jazz JackRabbit for the next 3 days.

{{[The only real change in this proposal is to encourage players to make a good faith attempt to keep things under control before invoking the rules on each other. With the current version, for example, if I wrote a rude message and Mohammed called a Politeness Moon on me, it might just escalate the situation; but if he had first asked me to soften my tone, I might realize that I'm taking things too seriously and calm down.]}}

Proposal 1571 - Sun 15 Dec 18:01 CST 1996
Another Truly Deplorable Pun
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

When 2 or more Swingers are in the same location, they are specifically forbidden from discussing chess or bragging about their victories. This goes doubly so when said Swingers are in a hotel.

Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer is a crime.

Proposal 1572 - Sun 15 Dec 18:02 CST 1996
Hubert's Legacy
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 901, "No E-mail, No Game", to place the following text at the end of the final paragraph:

Such corrections may be applied retroactively, provided they are announced within 3 days of the post or posts to which they are being applied. Moreover, it is a privilege of the Postmaster to post such corrections with respect to other players' posts, if he can factually determine the relavent information.

Proposal 1573 - Sun 16 Dec 18:02 CST 1996
Make the NAP Count
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Add to R985.2 section 2 H (ii) (a) the following text:
With the exception of the NAP Swinger Office. When the NAP Swinger Office is Warm, and there are on-board pieces that belong to that Office, the Chess-Umpire anounces a public NAP turn. During a public NAP turn any non-aligned player who is not a Swinger may suggest a play for the NAP Swinger, by posting it in a public forum. If at least two additional non-aligned players who are not Swingers support that play, and there are more such players who support this play than any other suggested play, before the turn deadline then the Chess-Umpire considers it to be the play of the NAP Swinger, the player who suggested the play receives 2 Swingpoints, and that Round is not counted as a Round in which the NAP Swinger's Office was Warm. If no play is suggested within two days of the begining of the public NAP turn, then the NAP is considered to have Passed by Default. If a play has been suggested within two days of the begining of the public NAP turn then the turn deadline is set to four days after the begining of a public NAP turn. If no suggested play is accepted by the turn deadline then the Nap turn is considered to be a default Pass.

{{The NAP Swinger Office is hereby no longer Warm}}

{{[What this does, is it allows non-aligned players to sporadically play instead of the NAP Swinger and keep the Office sort of 'alive' for sometime. The time intervals are short, but then nothing really happens here as a surprise, and if no suggests plays, then it doesn't hold up PartyChess unnecessarily. More than that, this increases participation and involvement in PartyChess]}}

Proposal 1574 - Sun 15 Dec 18:03 CST 1996
Pyraic Practically Paradox
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal. Create a new rule reading:

{{Add the words, "and the two noun phrases do not share the same occurrence of the same word," after the words, "both plural or both singular," in the last paragraph of the blueprint for the Pyraic Frobnotzer.}}

Proposal 1575 - Sun 15 Dec 18:03 CST 1996
No Bad One-Liners
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest, not to mention Ironic, proposal.

Replace the words "five lines" found in the sixth paragraph of Rule 207 "Scoring when a Proposals Voting Results are Reported" with, "five lines, none of which contains more than 80 characters, including space characters,".

Proposal 1576 - Thu 19 Dec 12:46 CST 1996
Modest Palindromes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

[gist: Allows someone to achieve the title of Sage O' Doe Gas for a palindromic rule without the voters needing to worry about handing out a win (the old way), while preserving the new way.

Also fixes a minor loophole, and clears up the ambiguity (at least in my mind) of which cycle the score changes are applied in if someone wins.]


Amend the Rule created by Proposal 798 [either "Palindromes are Inheritly Amusing" or "Winning by Palindrome"], as follows:

I. Replace the sentence which reads:

Upon each creation of a Rule fulfilling all three of the following conditions:


Upon each creation, via Proposal, of a Rule fulfilling all three of the following conditions:


II. Replace the text in the rule which reads:

(1) win the current cycle of the game

(2) receive the honorific title "Sage o' Doe Gas" to hold until such time as another Player wins a cycle of the game under this Rule.


(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.

(2) receive the honorific title "Sage o' Doe Gas" to hold until such time as another Player achieves that title under this Rule.

Proposal 1577 - Thu 19 Dec 12:47 CST 1996
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule with text as follows:
Perform the following actions, in the order they appear.


I. [Registered players]
Renumber Rule 218 "Registered Players" to 250.

II. [Player names]

Amend Rule 570's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols.

Every player has exactly one Ackanomic name. This name must be a string of name characters from three to twenty characters in length. Neither the first nor the last character in this string may be the space character. All official nomic business shall use this name to refer to that player.

A player may change his Ackanomic name, so long as the new name complies with all appliccable rules. This shall be accomplished when the player announces his old name, new name, real name, and short explanation of the change. The Registrar shall record the change. When a player changes their Ackanomic name, all Ackanomic business will be changed to follow their new name.

When choosing or changing their Ackanomic name, no player may take any name previously held by any past or present player, unless they are the person who was previously registered under that Ackanomic name [no one could take the name pTang1001001sos unless they really were the Mark Nau who held that name previously.] It is the Registrar's duty to make sure all names comply with this rule, and it is the Registrar's right to reject any name choosing or change which violates it.

Renumber Rule 570 to 251.


III. [Joining the Game]

Create a new rule, entitled "Joining the Game", with text as shown, delimited by ~ symbols.

For the purposes of this rule, a player whose most recent departure from Ackanomic prompted the creation of an Undead is considered a Returning player. All other players are considered New.

A person wishing to join the game, and who cannot do so as a Returning player, should notify the Registrar, providing a valid email adress, their real name, and the legal Ackanomic name they wish to play under. Upon them providing this information, should the requested name indeed be a legal Ackanomic name, the Registrar shall post a public message announcing the new player and providing their Ackanomic name, real name, and email adress, and if the prospective player provided it, how they discovered the game. Upon the posting of such an announcement, the person becomes registered as a player.

Upon the regisration of a New player, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) The New player is granted 1 kaa of urban land and a Small building thereupon as their legal residence. This building shall be known as their Home. This building shall also be known as "player name's House", where "player name" is replaced by their official Ackanomic name. A player may change the name of this building by publically announcing the new name and unambiguously identifying the building they wish to rename.
2) The New player is paid from the Treasury the lesser of A$900 or the average A$balance of all other extant players.
3) The New player is given 100 newly created PFBonds associated with himself. The Financier shall assign a label that may be used to refer to the PFBonds associated with the New player, although this procedure may continue without waiting for him to do so.
4) The Registrar shall select a Mentor for the new player. The Mentor receives A$25 from the Treasury.

A person able to join the game as a Returning player may do so by posting a public message to that effect. This message must include their Ackanomic and real life names, as well as a valid email address. The Registrar shall then record their return to the players list.

Upon the registration of a Returning player, the following procedure takes place:

1) The Undead created in response to their most recent departure from Acka, who bears the Ackanomic name that player had immediately prior to his most recent departure from Acka, transfers all entities it is haunting to the Returning player. These entities are now no longer haunted.
2) That Undead is destroyed.
3) All Bond Promissories in that player's real life name are converted to PFBonds associated with that player. Their label is the same as the PFBonds whose conversion created the Bond Promissories.
4) If the player left during the current cycle, his score is the minimum of 0 and the score he had upon last leaving the game. Otherwise, his score is -15N, where N is the number of cycles he has won. If this causes his score to be negative, he is given a Victory Eggplant, and his Eggplant Weight is set to -15N, where N is defined as above.

Renumber Rule 1577.1 to 252.

In Rule 362 "No Dead Players Allowed", delete all text between the string "and treated as if he never joined the game" and the end of the paragraph, inclusive. Add a period to the end of this paragraph.

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 1051 "Mentors" to read, "When the Registrar must select a Mentor for a new player, he shall follow these guidelines. No one may become a mentor except as specified in the rules." Delete the sentence containing the string "A$25" from Rule 1051. Renumber Rule 1051 to 253.

Repeal Rule 1026 "New and Returning players".

Delete the paragraph beginning, "Each player who has not previously..." from Rule 839 "Buildings".

[This next few bits attempts to account for either the passage of failure of reorg-1. Please scrutinize carefully.]

If Proposal 1539 passed, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 665, section I. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 507. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 409, section (b).
[money, PF's, Registrar]

If Proposal 1539 did not pass, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 480. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 481. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 424, section (b).
[same in current ruleset]


IV. [Player States]

Create a new rule, entitled, "Player States" with text as follows, delimited by ~ symbols.

At any given time, exactly one of these three states shall apply to a player.


Upon registration, a player is Pending. A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted or made a proposal.

Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything.

Renumber Rule 1577.2 to 254.

Renumber R457 "Vacation" to 255.

In Rule 306 "The Magic Potato", replace all occurrences of the string, "randomly chosen player" with "randomly chosen Active player".

Amend Rule 201, "Quorum and Active Players," to read, "In a vote on a proposal the quorum required is 50% of (the sum of the number of Vacationing players who voted on the proposal and the number of Active players, less the number of players in Gaol)."


V. [Leaving the Game]

Amend Rule 962.2's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols, and change its title to "Leaving the Game."

Upon a player leaving, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) All of his mimsy possessions are taken away and considered unowned.
2) The player is removed from all offices.
3) The rental period for any rented entities in his possession ends. [They return to their true owners.] If there exist any entities being rented from him, such entities are no longer considered rented; the rental period for such entities does not end, but simply cease to exist; their current possessors become their owners in fact.
4) If the player was never at any time Active, all of his A$ are transferred to the Treasury, every PFBond associated with him is destroyed, every rented entity in his possession reverts to its owner, every entity remaining in his possession is destroyed, and then the player is deregistered. In this case, the procedure ends here.
5) If the player was at any time Active, the procedure continues.
6) Every PFBond assiciated with him is converted into a Bond Promissory in his real life name. Bond Promissories are tradeable entities.
7) An Undead is created; its name is that of the player.
8) All entities in the player's possession are taken away, considered unowned, haunted by the just-created Undead, and in the Treasury.
9) The player is deregistered.

Renumber R 962.2 to 256

All Bond Promissories associated with currently registered players become PFBonds associated with that player.

Proposal 1578 - Thu 19 Dec 12:47 CST 1996
Horn Section
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Made harfy by snowgod at Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:32:10 -0900
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 667, "Fat Lady", to add the following text to the end of the rule:

Any player who possesses both the Great Trombone of Ackanomia, and the Great Tuba of Ackanomia, may accompany her, provided they publically post an original lyrical composition of 8 or more lines while she is singing, for her to sing, and provided they were not the player who most recently accompanied her as described in this rule. Upon doing so, a Bonus Vote shall be created and transferred to the player. It is considered good form for the song to contain at least one truly deplorable pun.

Proposal 1579 - Thu 19 Dec 12:47 CST 1996
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Made harfy by snowgod at Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:32:59 -0900
Decision: Accepted

Create a new Rule entitled: Bartender, with text:

The Title of Bartender is created. There will be at most on Bartender at any one time. Whenever the start of a Festival of Torkula, Parade or any other festivity allowing the frinking of alchololic beverages is anounced, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall randomly select one Player to hold the Title of Bartender. That Player shall hold the Title for the duration of the festivity for which e was selected. Once selected, no other Player may be selected as Bartender for the duration of the festivity. If the Bartender should go on vacation, resign from the game, be placed in Gaol, or for any reason become ineligeble to serve as Bartender, frinking of alchololic beverages shall no longer be allowed for the duration of the festivity.

The Bartender is responsible for dispensing drinks and snacks to Players during the festivity for which e was selected to serve as Bartender. The Bartender shall collect all moneys for drinks and/or snacks due per applicable Rules and maintain an accurate account of all Tabs. At the end of the festivity, the Bartender shall remit one half of all moneys collected for drinks and/or snacks to the Treasury. The other half shall be retained by the Bartender as payment for services rendered.

If any Player frinks the maximum allowable of alchololic beverages during a single festivity, the Bartender shall call a Taxi for that Player to transport em home. The charge for taking a Taxi shall be A$2, paid to the Bartender who may keep the entire sum. If the Player involved does not have A$2, or wishes to decline paying for the Taxi, e may instead entertain the other revellers with a Frinking Song of at least six (6) lines and not longer than twelve (12) lines in length.

During the period that a Player holds the Title of Bartender, e may not frink any alchololic beverages nor give away any alchololic beverages to other Players. E may, however, munch on as many snacks as e likes.

Proposal 1580 - Thu 19 Dec 12:48 CST 1996
No Frinking and Driving
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new Rule entitled: No Frinking and Driving, with text:

At any time should a Player in Ackanomic be found to be consuming or in possession of alcholoic beverages while in possession of any Ackanomic conveyance or golf balls, that Player shall be considered guilty of the Crime of Frinking and Driving.

Proposal 1581 - Thu 19 Dec 12:48 CST 1996
Sanctity of Harf
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

No player may have the character string (delimited by the quotation marks) "harf", nor any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, contained within their Ackanomic name.

Proposal 1582 - Thu 19 Dec 12:48 CST 1996
Auction Reform
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

[gist: I have put R 1023 back the way it was when it worked, with some minor changes, as follows:
a) I have made public auctions extend 3 hours past the most recent bid. The old public auction worked because bids were sent to Chief Cheese, who disclosed them when he got around to it. This new way will make an auction truly public, but eliminate the "hubert" condition. As for the argument that you may not be on-line during those 3 hours, if you really want it, you will bid what you are willing to pay at any time during the normal 3 days. The only alternative is to make all auctions private, which is boring, or extend the thing a day for each bid, which is too much. Under the old R 1023, you generally had to be on-line near the end of the auction anyway. A mix of public and private auctions seems the most fun.

b) I have required each bid, in a public auction, to exceed the previous one by 10% or more. This will eliminate an unending ++ing of the bid near the end of an auction.

c) I eliminated the odd/even business, and made the player calling the auction the auctioneer. It really does not matter for a public auction anyway.

d) I eliminated the private auction style introduced by P 1392. So far, two seperate Chief Cheeses have got it a little wrong, and it seems confusing and bizzare, and the simple private auction seems to play better and easier for Chief Cheese. Also, in the last auction done this way, a player got an item for free, which seems silly.

e) I have given the RuneMaker the freedom to make an auction public or private, per Niccolo's request, and made auctions public by default.]


Amend R 595, "Gadgets", to replace:

(d) announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built and initiating the process to publically Auction the Gadget, as defined by Rule 1023.


(d) announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built and initiating a public Auction of the Gadget, as defined by Rule 1023.


Amend Rule 1369.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", to replace

He also anounces the begining of an Auction for each Otzma Card. The Auction is conducted according to R1023 "Auction", except that on those cases that the Inventor would have been the Acutioneer, the RuneMaker replaces the Inventor as Auctioneer. This section takes precedence over the R1023 "Auction".


E also initiates an Auction (public or private at eir discretion) for each group of Otzma Cards, where the cards are grouped by distinct type. Auctions are conducted as specified by Rule 1023.


Amend R 1023, "Auction", to read:

1) An Auction can be called either as specified by another Rule, or by any Player acting on their own.

The call for Auction must include:
a) the item to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling (or directing a player to initiate) the Auction, and must be a tradeable or gift entity owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player acting on their own.
b) the quantity to be Auctioned (default = 1)
c) the minimum bid (default = A$0)
d) whether the Auction is to be private or public (default = public)
e) the player initiating the auction (default = Speaker)

2) The Auctioneer will be the player initiating the auction. If this is not possible for some reason, the Speaker shall be the Auctioneer. If this is impossible as well, there shall be no Auction until the situation is corrected.

3) The Auctioneer is disqualified to bid in a private Auction. The Auctioneer may use the title of Chief Cheese for the duration of any Auction.

4) The Auctioneer has the following duties: announcing the start of the auction and the relavant details of the auction; announcing the conclusion and results of the auction; making sure the auction procedure is conducted as specified by the rules; and accepting bids in private auctions.

5) The Auction shall last for 3 days, or 3 hours past the auction's most recent bid (in public auctions), whichever is longer, after which time the Auctioneer shall announce the results, and all A$ and items shall be transferred to their new owners. If the Auction was private, the Auctioneer shall keep a 10% commission of all monies transferred to the Treasury as compensation for performing the work and not being permitted to bid.

6) The Auction shall be conducted as follows:
6a) All qualified players are permitted to submit bids of an amount of A$ equal to or less than the amount they possess. If a player submits multiple bids, only the highest will be considered. Anyone who submits a bid in excess of the A$ they have is disqualified, and their bids are disqualified. Anyone who submits a bid below the minimum bid is also disqualified. Bids may not be retracted.

6b) In a public auction, each bid must exceed the previous bid by at least 10%, or it is disqualified.

6c) Let N be the quantity of items up for Auction. The players who made the N highest qualified bids shall each receive an item in exchange for the amount of A$ they bid. If the number of players who made qualified bids is less than N, then the Auctioneer shall receive all the the remaining items, if the minimum bid was A$0. If it was not A$0, then the remaining item(s) shall revert to the player initiating the auction. If, instead, they were unowned when the Auction was initiated, they are destroyed.

6d) If the bids are tied such that the Auctioneer cannot determine who gets item(s), the Auctioneer shall resolve the tie(s) via random means, and disclose this fact.

6e) If the Auction is private, the Auctioneer shall not disclose the bids to anyone during the process of the Auction. If the Auction is public, bids must be submitted to the public forum.

Proposal 1583 - Thu 19 Dec 12:49 CST 1996
Loopholes for Sale
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule which reads:


Amend the Blueprint for "Vending Machine" in the following ways:

1) remove all occurrances of the following text:

A Player can equip eir Vending Machine to sell other items, if the technology exists.

[let the technology, when it comes to exist as specified by the rules, define how it attaches itself to the vending machine.]

2) Add the following text before the period that terminates the first sentence of the final paragraph of the Blueprint.

, so long as the specified Vending Machine is equipped to vend the specified item.

Proposal 1584 - Thu 19 Dec 12:49 CST 1996
Creation of a PartyChessPiece DiscoBall
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

1. A DiscoBall is represented by the ASCII letter D.
2. A DiscoBall may move from one to five squares in any horizontal or vertical direction, providing the destination square and all intervening squares are unoccupied. A DiscoBall may not capture.
3. Where R and C are the row and column, respectively, of a DiscoBall, and R0 and C0 are the row and column, respectively, of any PartyChessPiece, any piece where |R-R0|<6 /OR/ |C-C0|<6 is said to be in that DiscoBall's "sphere of influence."
4. A piece within a DiscoBall's sphere of influence may not capture another piece within the same DiscoBall's sphere of influnce. They are too busy doing a strange dance called "greased lightning" to do so.
5. A DiscoBall has a material value of 6.

Proposal 1585 - Thu 19 Dec 12:49 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Fix My Gadget
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

1. This rule defines an Otzma Card type called "Fix My Gadget."
2. This card is played in the public forum. When a player plays this card, he unamibiguously identifies a currently broken [as opposed to destroyed] Gadget. Upon the playing of this card, that Gadget is no longer broken.
3. Counter-Action: The Gadget that was repaired is once again broken.
4. At any time there may be no more than 5 "Fix My Gadget" cards.

Proposal 1586 - Thu 19 Dec 12:50 CST 1996
Birdhouse in your Soul
G. Peefalt (Aaron Morris)
Made harfy by snowgod at Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:35:15 -0900
Decision: Rejected

This proposal creates a unique, non-named, tradeable entity called the Birdhose in Your Soul.

The current owner of the birdhouse must respond to any reference to a They Might Be Giants song with, "Ack! Not TMBG!" This may be done a separate message or inside a message containing other business. It must be done within a week of the reference, or the owner suffers a 3 point penalty. The owner receives 5 points for each reference acked. References include but are not limited to: trips to Istanbul, but not Constantinople, Prosthetic Foreheads, and Rocks to Tie a String Around.

This rule does not apply retroactively.

G. Peefalt will be the initial owner of the Birdhouse.

-- G. Peefalt

Proposal 1587 - Thu 19 Dec 12:50 CST 1996
Methinks the Priests have been bilking the flock; I'd ask for a refund
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1253, "Tornado", to replace [in the second paragraph of the rule]

If there are no non-Sheltered players, the Tornado has no effect.


If there are no non-Sheltered players, the Tornado has no effect on players' scores as detailed previously in this paragraph.

[I believe the houses were safe once the Bomb Shelter was constructed, for the next Tornado (presumably the Solstice one).

I do not see the part about the houses being blown away claiming precedence over the statement in question, nor do I see a precedence conflict between the new house part of the rule and this statement, so R 210 does not kick in. Furthermore, I do not believe game custom allows the statement in question to be scoped exclusively to the paragraph it is referring to, but it scopes to the entire ruleset by default.]

Proposal 1588 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 00:40:33 -0600 (CST)
That was me in Grade 9
fnord (Michael Thomas)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 450, "Retractions", by changing the sentence

"The player retracting the proposal loses 2 points."


"The player retracting the proposal loses 2 points, except during the first three weeks of eir being a new player (as opposed to a returning player) in Ackanomic, in which case the player instead will lose no points."

Proposal 1589 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 00:47:09 -0600 (CST)
Rule 1539 bugfix I + Identity Crisis
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 414, "President", to append the following to the end of section (iii):

"This section has precedence over rule 401."


[I guess 'Ackanomic' is our official name. I'm not really sure, but we might as well be consistent while I'm here fixing a real bug. There are some inconsistencies on the main web page (in titles, etc), and Internomic has us as AckaNomic, I believe, but that is another issue. There is also 'Ackanomia', I left that alone.]

Amend R 419, "Ambassador" to replace "AckaNomic" with "Ackanomic" where it appears

Amend R 454, "For Personal Glory..." to replace "AckaNomic" with "Ackanomic" where it appears

Amend R 1206, "Games & Contests" to replace "ackanomic" with "Ackanomic" where it appears

Amend R 1349, "Rama-lama-ding-dong" to replace "ackanomic" with "Ackanomic" where it appears

Proposal 1590 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 00:49:16 -0600 (CST)
Internomic Entity Exchange of One Eggplant
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{The Victorious Eggplant Trinket no longer exists in Ackanomic. It shall be removed from Snowgod's list of possessions, without reimbursement.}}

{{[I really like the discussion about inter-nomic trading, and this proposal is in no way meant to usurp that work. But in the meantime, we have this one case to clear up, and I thought this might be a good time to make use of the trinket loophole.]}}

Proposal 1591 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 22:01:55 -0600 (CST)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1023, "Auction", to add the following text at the end of the section whose first sentence is "Let N be the quantity of items up for Auction.":

If the auction was called by a player, and that player no longer has has at least N items at the conclusion of the auction, that player is placed in Contempt. If a bidder does not have enough A$ to honer their bid in either type of auction, they are placed in Contempt. In either of these cases, the auction is voided, and reinitiated if originally called by the rules.

Proposal 1592 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 22:03:30 -0600 (CST)
Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 515/1 ("Trading and Gifts") is amended by changing
A trade that offers or requests any entity that is neither tradeable nor gift, or that the Player offering the trade doesn't own, is illegal. A trade that offers more entities of any type than the Player offering the trade owns is illegal.
A trade that offers or requests any entity that is neither tradeable nor gift is illegal. A trade that offers more entities of any type than the Player offering the trade owns is illegal.

Proposal 1593 - Tue 31 Dec 1996 19:11:26 -0600 (CST)
Amend R 505
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[I needed to amend R 505 to allow entities which are unowned by any acka player to not be in the treasury. This will eliminate precedence claims like those in R 1348.2, and make rules like "Museum" work without the precedence claim. It will also allow items to leave acka and not also be in the Treasury.

I threw in the CFJ 325 fix while I was here, not to steal anyone's thunder, but I was going to do this amendment anyway.

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", as follows:

I. In section II of the rule, replace

The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a storing house for entities that belong to no Player


The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a storing house for entities that belong to no Player, except for those entities for which the rules explicitly state are not in (or considered to be in) the Treasury.

{{all entities in the Treasury that were donated to the Museum are transferred from the Treasury to the East Wing of the Museum, and all necessary transactions are performed to set the state of such items and the Museum to the state they would be in had the above amendment been in force when P 1551 was accepted.}}

II. In section VI of the rule, remove:

"If the item is a Trinket, it is converted into its value in A$ upon transferrence to the Treasury."


Amend R 1348.2, "Buried Treasure!", to remove

"This clause has precedence over R 505."

from the second paragraph.

Proposal 1594 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:12:21 -0600 (CST)
Beldin's Pants
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled "Beldin's Tailor", which reads:

The bearer of the Magic Potato is also Beldin's Tailor. Beldin's Tailor has the privilege of amending the rule entitled "Beldin's Pants" as described in this rule, if and only if they were not the last player to amend that rule via the methods described in this rule.

Beldin's Tailor may amend the rule entitled "Beldin's Pants" in any one of the following ways by publically announcing the amendment, provided said amendment is unambiguous:

1) They may replace any one word in the rule with a different word. The new word must appear in the Official Dictionary or elsewhere in the rules.

2) They may delete any one word in the rule, and, as part of this amendment, optionally delete an article which directly precedes the deleted word (if one happens to directly precede it).

3) They may add any one word anywhere in the rule, and, as part of this amendment, optionally add one article to directly precede the new word. The new word must appear in the Official Dictionary or elsewhere in the rules.

4) They may add or delete one piece of standard English language punctuation, or change one piece of punctuation to another piece of standard English language punctuation. Square brackets and curly braces are not considered standard English language punctuation for the purposes of the preceding sentence.

For the purposes of the above, the articles are 'a', 'an', and 'the'.

The rule entitled "Beldin's Pants" may not be amended by the Spelling Bee, by Common Sense Report (CSR), or by an effect generated by a CSR. This paragraph has precedence over rules 421 and 1022.


Create a new rule entitled "Beldin's Pants", which reads:

Beldin's Pants are a Garment, initially Somewhere Else. Beldin's Pants may only be transferred as described in the rules. Beldin's Pants are unique.

The wearer of Beldin's Pants loses 1 Ackadollar every Thursday at noon.

Proposal 1595 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:12:49 -0600 (CST)
The Golden Baton of Ackanomia
Lestrade (John Duncan)
Decision: Rejected

The Golden Baton of Ackanomia is hereby created. It is unique, and will always be in the possession of one player.

The possessor of the Golden Baton shall be the author of a proposal that ends with the digits '09. When that proposal is made public the previous possessor will post a public message containing within the message the words "passing the baton". At the initial occurance, P1609, or when a player is on vacation or left the game, the President shall pass the baton.

The holder of the Golden Baton will have the privilege of waving it about during parades.

Proposal 1596 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:13:48 -0600 (CST)
Ammend Party Hall
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Ammend R726 "Party Hall" to read in full:
I. Party Hall is an Institution. Party Hall is in session when there are three or more Swingers.
II. the number of members of Party Hall is equal to the number of Parties plus the number of Capital Swingers plus one. Each member is a Political Officer known as a Swinger. The Office of Swinger is an Optional Political Office.
III. There are three kinds of Swingers: Party Swingers, Capital-Swingers, NAP Swingers
A. Party Swingers -
1. Each Party has exactly one Swinger's Office in Party Hall. Each Party's Office may be filled by a member of that Party selected by the Party, by a method decided upon by the Party.
2. A PartySwinger can be impeached by the procedure for Impeachment described by the rules with the additional provision that at least one of the votes in favor of Impeachment was cast by a member of eir Party. This section takes precedence over R404 and R403 where there is a conflict.
3. Whenever a Party's Swinger Office becomes vacant, the Party may appoint another member of the Party in eir stead.
4. When a Party's Swinger or Acting Swinger is on Vacation, that Party may appoint another one of its member as Acting Swinger.
5. If all members of a Party are on Vacation then no Acting Swinger is appointed for that Party.
6. If a Party Swinger leaves a Party, then e immediately ceases to be a Swinger for that Party.
7. A Party Swinger may resign at any time.
8. When a Party dissolves its Swinger's Office continues to exist for 7 days after it dissolves. During those 7 days the Swinger's Office is considered to be On a Limb. If it is legal to purchase a Capital Swinger's Office, then a Swinger who occupies a Swinger's Office which is On a Limb has the option of purchasing a Capital Swinger's Office for a price which A$100 hiegher than the price as calculated in section B of this rule. If a Swinger exercises this option then the Swinger's Office becomes a Capital Swinger's Office, and retains all of its PartyChessPieces and its current board position.
At the end of those 7 days, if the Swinger has not exercised the above option, the Swinger's Office is destroyed and all of its pieces are destroyed.
This section precedence over section B 2 of thie rule.

B. Capital Swingers -
Capital Swinger Offices are Tradable.
If there are fewer than 7 non-Warm Swinger Offices in Party Hall, then additional Offices can be created in the following manner:
1. Any player who is not currently a Swinger may announce eir desire to purchase an Office of Capital Swinger
2. An amount of A$ equal (100 + (Number of Swingers multiplied by 50)) is transferred from that player's account to the Treasury
3. The player names eir Office a legal Ackanomic name.
4. Swingers who acquire their Offices in this manner are known as Capital Swingers
5. When a Capital Swinger goes on Vacation, no acting Swinger is appointed. If a Capital Swinger's Office changes ownership, then the previous owner ceases to be a Swinger, and the new owner becomes Swinger in eir stead.
6. A Capital Swinger may resign at any time. In such a case, the Office of Swinger e resigned from is destroyed

C. NAP Swinger

1. The NAP Swinger's Office is filled by general election as described in the rules with the following exceptions:
a. Only non-aligned players, that is, players who are not members of any political party, are eligible to run for the Office of NAP Swinger.
b. Each vote sent in by a non-aligned player is counted as if it were two two votes.
2. The Player who holds the NAP Swinger's Office continues to be NAP Swinger until e either resigns, is impeached, or becomes a member of a Party.
3. The NAP Swinger may be impeached according to therules describing impeachment, with the additional requirement that e can only be impeached if at least half the active non-aligned players vote for the impeachement, regardless of the number of players who voted on the IP. This section takes precedence over R404 and R403 where there is a conflict.

4. If there are no non-aligned players, then there is no NAP Swinger Office.
5. When the NAP Swinger goes on Vacation, the Speaker shall appoint a non-aligned player as Acting NAP Swinger. If the Speaker is a member of a Party, then e may not be an Acting Swinger emself.

IV. If A Swinger's Office remains vacant for more than 6 days then the Office is declared a Warm Office, until it is no longer vacant.

Proposal 1597 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:14:46 -0600 (CST)
Amend R1269 "Newton, Apples, and Parties"
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammend R1269 "Newton, Apples, and Parties" In the following ways.

1. Replace the text "NoS-1" with the the text "NoS"
2. Replace the text "NoS-2" with the the text "NoS-1"
3. Replace the text "NoS-3" with the the text "NoS-2"
4. Replace the text "NoS-4" with the the text "NoS-3"
5. Replace the text "NoS-5" with the the text "NoS-4"
6. Replace the text "NoS-6" with the the text "NoS-5"

7. Ammend section 4 subsection a to read in full
a. Any set of Swingpoint can be converted to points to be added to the player's score according to the formula points added = Swingpoints*2

8. Append to section 2 subsection a the following text:
"According to the formula in section 4a of this rule."

Proposal 1598 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:15:37 -0600 (CST)
ammend 1311
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Append the following text ro R1311 "Time Zone":
"When a day of the week or a day of the month is specified, and no time of day is specified, then the action is said to occur at 12:00, noon on that day."

Proposal 1599 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:18:13 -0600 (CST)
No False Modesty
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal

Any time a modest proposal is made, any active player may call for a modesty trialby posting ies accusation and resoning as to why the proposal is not modest.

A modesty trial must be requested before the results of any voting on the proposal is announced. and only one modesty trial may occur a calendar month.and no player may be the subject of 2 two trials sucsessively.

If a trial is called, a random, unenvolved active player is selected as Manner Minder, The Manor Minder calls for the question by posted, "This is trial of false modesty, <Name of accused> stands accused of Overwelming Oer Modesty on the issue of <Name, Idnetification and text of Proposal in question> What say you."

All active players vote either "That was a Proposal?" if it was modest, or "I'm Awestruck" if the proposal was not modest.

If a majority vote "That was a proposal?" the accuser loses 20 points and cannot levy a charge of "False Modesty" until a successful charge of False modesty has been made.

If a majority vote "I'm Awastruck" the accused loses 20 points

The Manner Minder is Paid A$ 10 \for services rendered>

Proposal 1600 - Tue, 31 Dec 1996 19:18:52 -0600 (CST)
Elbow room
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest propsal.

A full Kaa of land is needed to build a space in a structure.

Any structure may have additional things built on to it, including towers.