The postal code is regulated by Rule 422.

All addresses below which end in @wilma should be treated as having "" appended to the name. All mailing lists mentioned below are public forums unless otherwise specified.

ackanomic@wilma is the official mailing list; action pertaining to Games & Contest games, grab-a-Donkey, and The Machine that Goes *ping*, or anything else besides treasure hunts described in the rules as a subgame are not allowed on this list.
ackanomic-digest@wilma is the digest version of this list.
acka-priv@wilma is an alternate form of ackanomic@wilma, suitable for messages desiring a private reply.

acka-games@wilma may only be used for actions pertaining to Games & Contest games, treasure hunts, Grab-a-Donkey, and The Machine that Goes *ping*, or anything else described in the rules as a subgame, or trades or gifts of entities.
acka-games-priv@wilma is an alternate form of acka-games@wilma, with the same restrictions, but suitable for messages desiring a private reply.
acka-games-digest@wilma is the digest form of acka-games@wilma

acka-chess@wilma may only be used for actions in Party Chess, purchases of party chess pieces, and trades involving only Party Chess Pieces and Ackadollars..

acka-finance@wilma may only be used for trades or gifts of entities, and for auction announcements and bids.
acka-finance-digest@wilma is the digest version of this list and is subject to the same restrictions.

acka-voting@wilma is the official voting list; proposal distributions, proposal result posts, and CFJ-related posts are the only actions allowed on this list (but CFJ's pertaining to matters of interest to non-voting players should go to the official list instead). acka-voting-digest@wilma is the digest version of this list. Players are requested (but not required) to join this list in digest form if that doesn't bother them, to prevent a huge backlog of mail queueing up on wilma when a lot of proposals/results are distributed.

acka-research@wilma may only be used for game actions related to current proposals.
acka-research-digest@wilma is the digest version of this list and is subject to the same restrictions.