Ackanomic Games - Double Crash

Game 1 - Tue, 2 Sep 1997 02:05:58 -0400
Player 1: breadbox
Player 2: Vynd

First salvos:

  Vynd      breadbox
angry - 0    adeem - 0
eagle - 1    eerie - 0
ionic - 1    hooch - 0
otter - 1    kappa - 1
uhlan - 0    kraal - 0
years - 1    oxbow - 0

Second salvos:

  Vynd      breadbox
ettin - 0   matty - 0
ovals - 1   pants - 0
inlet - 1   quipu - 0
yards - 2   sails - 1
shalt - 1   uvula - 5

At Sep 3, 00:33 EDT, breadbox posted his word, 'sanes'.

Nobody found any error, so at Sep 6, 00:33 EDT, breadbox won the game.

Game 2 - Sun, 16 Nov 1997 11:45:58 -0500
Player 1: Alfvaen
Player 2: Vynd

First salvos:

  Vynd        Alfvaen
hairy - 1    tulle - 0
these - 0    rajah - 0
manes - 1    erses - 1
eland - 0    lycid - 0
preen - 1    vodum - 0
scold - 0    leuch - 0

Second salvos:

  Vynd        Alfvaen
parka - 0    arbor - 0
heder - 1    ebony - 0
mourn - 1    fishy - 1
punky - 1    miter - 2
color - 1    naifs - 0

Third salvos:

  Vynd        Alfvaen
tempt - 0    sinew - 5
glued - 1    bidet - 2
money - 3    pixel - 2
jokey - 3    cimex - 2

At Nov 21, 00:35 EST, Alfvaen posted his word, 'dopey'.

Nobody found any error, so at Nov 24, 00:35 EST, Alfvaen won the game.

Page by: Aaron Humphrey, Duncan Richer.
Last Updated Wednesday, February 25, 1998