Hall of Elders

As governed by Rule 843.

The Chronological List of Elder's Days
(which are Days of Rememberance):

January 16th

Red Barn's Day

February 27th

mr cwm's Day

March 11th

Chaos' Day

March 20th

Malenkai's Day

March 28th

Niccolo Flychuck's Day

March 31st

Mr. Lunatic Fringe's Day

April 3rd

this is not a name's Day

April 11th

Brinjal's Day

April 24th

Bascule's Day

July 13th

Voting Gnome's Day

August 16th

Balsamic Dragon's Day

August 20th

breadbox's Day

August 30th

IdiotBoy's Day

September 5th

Guy Fawkes' Day

October 13th

Wayne's Day

December 6th

else...if's Day

Note: All information about the possessions of Elders is now listed on the Financier's Pages.

Wayne (Wayne Sheppard) was enshrined in the Hall of Elders.
Wayne's day: October 13th

Although his visage will be seen no longer,
We strive to always think of Elder Wayne.
His hard work helped to make our nomic stronger,
To multiply our fun, and not for his own gain.

As Tabulator and Promoter did he work,
To keep our Ackanomic flowing smooth.
His privileges and duties he would not shirk,
His desire was to see our nomic improve.

The Party of the Underworld he led,
To try to bring variety to our game.
Now he has gone, and left us his Undead,
And Ackanomic shall not ever be the same.

this is not a name (Mike Epstein) was enshrined in the Hall of Elders.
this is not a holiday: April 3rd
this is not a name was Burned as a Heretic, and was Enlightened.
this is not a name held the office of Historian.

Brinjal (Simon Clarke) was enshrined in the Hall of Elders.
Brinjal's Day: April 11th

Voting Gnome (formerly Habeous Corpus) (Ed Graham) was enshrined in the Hall of Elders.
Voting Gnome was the Winner of the 10th cycle.
Voting Gnome's Day: July 13th

Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin) was enshrined into the Hall of Elders.
Guy Fawkes's day: September 5th.
Guy Fawkes was an Expert in Players.

IdiotBoy (Matt Miller) was enshrined into the Hall of Elders.
IdiotBoy's day: August 30th.

Bascule (Matt Black) was enshrined into the Hall of Elders.
Bascule's day: April 24th.

Chaos (Jason Orendorff) was enshrined into the Hall of Elders.
Chaos's day: March 11th
Chaos was the winner of the 8th Cycle.
Held the offices of Tabulator, Promoter, Financier, Inventor, Justice, and President, as well as being Harfmeister and a Priest of the Temple of Azpiazu.

Mr. Lunatic Fringe (Phil Ackley) was enshrined into the Hall of Elders.
Mr. Lunatic Fringe's day: March 31st.
Mr. Lunatic Fringe was an Expert in Internomic Matters and Ackanomic Headwear, was Burned as a Heretic 6 times, and was Enlightened.
Mr. Lunatic Fringe held the Offices of Ambassador, Registrar, Gaoler, and Customs Officer, as well as being Harfmeister, Belt Holder/Wrangler, and Founder of Church of the Markovian Dream.

mr cwm was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on January 10th, 1998.
mr cwm's day: February 27th
mr cwm was Burned as a Heretic, and was Enlightened.
mr cwm held the Offices of Senator, CSRR Officer and Justice, and was a member of (None Yet) and SPAM, and a priest in the Church of Odo on the Wormhole.

Malenkai was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on January 10th, 1998.
Malenkai's Day: March 20th
Malenkai's Achievements:

Burned as a Heretic, Enlightened, Guilty of Patent Infringement, Commander of the Blue Cross, Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired), Won a Cycle of Ackanomic (9 times), Angry Villager

Malenkai was the winner of the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Cycles of Ackanomic.

Malenkai held the positions of Speaker, Speaker Emeritus, Clerk of the Court, Praetor, Tabulator, Treasure-Harfer, Trinket-Harfer, Count Tabula, Financier, Wizard, Ambassador, Justice, and Godfather.

Malenkai was an Expert in Loophole Surfing, Internomic, and Bandwidth-Wasting Gizz.

Balsamic Dragon was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on April 1, 1998
Balsamic Dragon's Day: August 16th


Balsamic Dragon held the positions of Clerk of the Court, Senator, and Ambassador.
E was also a member of the Treasure-Hunting League, the SPAM Party, the Committee for Understanding, the Rebellion, and Religious Nutcase.

Red Barn was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on April 2, 1998
Red Barn's Day: January 16th

Red Barn held the office of Non-Aligned Player Swinger, and was a Priest of the Church of banna.
E was Burned as a Heretic, Enlightened, Weird.
E held membership in the Treasure-Hunting League.

else...if was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on September 6, 1998.
else...if's Day: December 6th

else...if held the offices of Caped Crusader, Chief of the Ackan Reserve, Mad Scientist and Grey Council (Religious Caste).
E was a member of The Twits, Shell #10, Kerplunk Kerplunk III, The Treasure-Hunting League, SPAM (Political Party), and of the Churches of The Righteous Loophold Surfers, The Book of Chorg
E was also a Priest of the Church to the Evil Ballot Stuffer.

breadbox was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on November 4, 1998.
breadbox's day: August 20th.

breadbox held the offices of Promoter, Tabulator, Justice, Poet Laureate, Postmaster, Rule-Harfer, Historian and Spelling Exchequer.

Alfvaen was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on January 23, 1999.
Alfvaen's Day:


Alfvaen at one time or another held the offices of Deejay, Financier, Illuminatus, Herald, Justice, Map-Harfer, President, Promoter, Registrar, Scorekeeper, Speaker, Trinket-Harfer, Web-Harfer, AckaPhysicist, Archaeologist, Bond-Harfer, Mad Scientist, Praetor and Undead-Harfer.

Alfvaen was the winner of the 28th Cycle of Ackanomic.

Alfvaen was an Ordinary Member in the Order of the Blue Cross.

Niccolo Flychuck was enshrined in the Hall of Elders on August 23, 1999.
Niccolo's Day: 28th March 1999.


Niccolo Flychuck at one time or another held the offices of AckaPhysicist, Archaeologist, Chess Umpire (twice), President (twice), Registrar and RuneMaker.

Page previously by: Eric R Murray, now by Duncan Richer.
Last Updated Saturday, January 23, 1999