Common Sense Report Archive (101-150)

Common Sense Report 101 - Sun, 2 Jun 1996 05:44
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Result: ThinMan objected at Tue, 4 Jun 1996 12:34:55

R663/1 has recently been exploited by a player who was attempting a paradox win. This CSR will change the first sentence of R663/1 from "A player may declare that a proposal is a resolution" to "A proposal may state that it is a resolution."

ThinMan's Comment:

I officially object to CSR 1.

CSR 1 attempts to step beyond the purpose of the CSRR as established by R 695: "[...] to make changes to the rules when it finds that the rules, as written, do not make sense, are redundant, do not conform _in fact_ to their interpretation in game custom, or are redundant." The loophole in R 663 is unfortunate, but does not fall into any of the above categories.

Moreover, I believe that it is entirely possible to resolve the current situation without resorting to "magically" modifying the rules to fix things. Apprehension about this sort of thing is exactly why I supported Malenkai and his faction for CSRR officer.

Common Sense Report 102 - Tue, 11 Jun 1996 05:31
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Result: this is not a name objected (without comment) at Tue, 11 Jun 1996 14:44

Rule 695/1 is hereby repealed. The text of Rule 695/1 is below.


Rule 695/1 (Mutable)
Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy
The Governor (Dan Marsh)

(a) The Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy shall exist. This office may be referred to as CSRR.
(b) The purpose of the Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy is to make changes to the rules when it finds that the rules, as written, do not make sense, are redundant, do not conform _in fact_ to their interpretation in game custom, or are redundant. The Office may perform other functions if they conform to the rules. [The Office should make minor changes. But if it can get major changes past the, shall we say, review process, it can.]
(c) CSRR shall be a Functional Office with one seat.
(d) (1) The CSRR Officer may publish suggested changes to the rules. Such a publication may be referred to as a "Common Sense Report" or "CSR." The CSRR Officer shall assign a unique number for reference purposes to each CSR he publishes.
(2) Changes to the rules suggested by a CSR shall be limited to modifying an existing rule or repealing an existing rule. A CSR may not propose the modification or repeal of immutable rules.
(e) (1) If any player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Official Voting Period, he shall publish his objection. The changes proposed by the CSR shall not be made. This subsection shall not prevent any formal proposal from being made. [In other words, even if there are objections to the CSR, the CSRR Officer, or anyone else, can still propose it as a formal rule proposal.]
(2) If no player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Official Voting Period, the changes proposed in the CSR shall be made. The CSRR Officer shall publish a notice that the changes have been made. All Officers responsible for modifying any official rule set(s) [e.g., the Web-Harfer] shall modify such rule set(s) upon receipt of such publication.

Common Sense Report 103 - Mon, 1 Jul 1996 10:33
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Kelly Martin objected at Mon, 01 Jul 1996 13:32

R362/0 (No Dead Players Allowed) shall be ammended by appending the following as its final sentance: "This Rule shall not apply to any player who is on vacation, provided that player has placed himself or herself on that vacation."

Kelly Martin's Comment:

let it be known that i object to this CSR, if for no other reason than that it would facilitate Malenkai's continued egregious malfeasance as Speaker with respect to Rule 362/0.

Common Sense Report 104 - Thu, 25 Jul 1996 15:27
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

Amend R 306 to change the title from "The Magic Potato, Creation of" to "The Magic Potato"

Amend R 355 to change the title from "The Voting Gnome, Creation of" to "The Voting Gnome"

Amend R 495 to change the title from "Gumball, Creation of" to "Gumball"

Amend R 504 to change the title from "The President of Ackanomia, Creation of" to "The President of Ackanomia"

Amend R 514 to change the title from "Contracts, Creation of" to "Contracts"

Amend R 554 to change the title from "Tammany, Creation of" to "Tammany"

Amend R 583 to change the title from "The Ambassador, Creation of" to "The Ambassador"

Amend R 593 to change the title from "The Inventor, Creation of" to "The Inventor"

Amend R 594 to change the title from "Blueprints, Creation of" to "Blueprints"

Amend R 614 to change the title from "Appointer, Creation of" to "Appointer"

Amend R 615 to change the title from "Speaker, Creation of" to "Speaker"

Amend R 621 to change the title from "Historian, Creation of" to "Historian"

Amend R 709 to change the title from "Gaol, Creation of" to "Gaol"

Amend R 712 to change the title from "Gaoler, Creation of" to "Gaoler"

Amend R 720 to change the title from "R. Institutions" to "Institutions"

Amend R 721 to change the title from "R. Organizations" to "Organizations"

Amend R 726 to change the title from "R. Party Hall" to "Party Hall"

Amend R 762 to change the title from "The Great Trombone of Ackanomia, Creation of" to "The Great Trombone of Ackanomia"

Amend R 775 to change the title from "Church, Creation of" to "Church"

Amend R 786 to change the title from "Gadgets, Creation of" to "Gadgets"

Amend R 818 to change the title from "Prosthetic Foreheads, Creation of" to "Prosthetic Foreheads"

Amend R 823 to change the title from "The Brass Monkey, Creation of" to "The Brass Monkey"

Amend R 826 to change the title from "Acid Rain Dance, Creation of" to "Acid Rain Dance"

Amend R 827 to change the title from "The Amber Banana, Creation of" to "The Amber Banana"

Amend R 832 to change the title from "Postmaster, Creation of" to "Postmaster"

Amend R 839 to change the title from "Buildings, Creation of" to "Buildings"

Amend R 840 to change the title from "Library, Creation of" to "Library"

Amend R 894 to change the title from "Map, Creation of" to "Map"

Amend R 895 to change the title from "Map-Harfer, Creation of" to "Map-Harfer"

Amend R 937 to change the title from "Silly Vacation Hat, Creation of" to "Silly Vacation Hat"

Amend R 964 to change the title from "Undead, Creation of" to "Undead"

Common Sense Report 105 - Fri, 2 Aug 1996 14:45:56
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 563 "Justices Are Keeper Of The Sacred Laws," which currently reads:

Before the result of a CFJ is made public, a Justice or Bronze Torch owner can add their own reasoning to the official publication of the result by sending it either to the person in charge of CFJs, or to the public forum. This reasoning can be made public by no one other than the author of the reasoning.

to read:

Before the result of a CFJ is made public, a Justice or Bronze Torch owner can add their own reasoning to the official publication of the result by sending it either to the person in charge of CFJs, or to the public forum. Prior to its official publication, this reasoning can be made public by no one other than the author of the reasoning.

Common Sense Report 106 - Mon, 23 Sep 1996 10:23
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: mr cwm and IdiotBoy objected by Mon, 23 Sep 1996 11:00

Amend R695 by appending the following text:

{{All CSR's, past and present, shall have 100 added to their number if their number is less than 101.}}


Amend R569 to remove the following sentance (note that there actually is no penalty):

"In the event that a player opposes the appeal, they may appeal agian to the Supreme Court by paying the penalty."


Amend R by appending the following text:

"if the player provides the information."


Amend R1112.1 by appending the following text:

{{P1194 hereby loses its Harfy status.}}


Amend R1237 by increasing all numbers in the enumerated list by one, and numbering "Witch Burnings" as 1).

mr cwm's Comment:

Oh, pooh. I object to CSR 6 as being impossibly vague in the matter of "if the player provides the information." Someone else object, and I'll get a corrected version out.

IdiotBoy's Comment:

Man, do I object! That one section is impossibly vague!

Common Sense Report 107 - Mon, 23 Sep 1996 17:57
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

Amend R695 by appending the following text:

{{All CSR's, past and present, shall have 100 added to their number if their number is less than 101.}}


Amend R424 by appending the following text to the sentance in item (e):

"if the player provides the information"


Amend R1112.1 by appending the following text:

{{P1194 hereby loses its Harfy status.}}


Amend R1237 by increasing all numbers in the enumerated list by one, and numbering "Witch Burnings" as 1).


Common Sense Report 108 - Fri, 25 Oct 1996 15:32
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

Amend R1276 by replacing "round" with "game" in the last sentance of the first paragraph of section G.


Amend R1099 section 3 to insert "days" after "3" in the first sentance of section 3.


Amend R1099 section 3 by appending to it "{{The nomination period of Wayne and this is not a name ends now, if it has not already done so.}}"

Common Sense Report 109 - Thu, 21 Nov 1996 14:54
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

Insert the word "ramdomly" into R730 ("Steel Flea") before the first occurance of the word "shall".

Common Sense Report 110 - Wed, 27 Nov 1996 11:50
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: Accepted

1) Amend R 1445 to append "}}" to the end of the rule. [typo]

2) [typo] Amend R 595, "Gadgets" as follows, in the order specified:

0) renumber the first section (vi) to section (iv)

1) In section (iv), replace "the Inventor" with "a Scientist" and replace "The Inventor" with "A Scientist".

2) In section (iv)(e), replace "succeeding Inventor" with "succeeding (or another) Scientist".

3) In section (iv)(a) thru (iv)(e), replace all occurrances of the character string "Inventor" with the character string "Scientist".

Common Sense Report 111 - Tue, 10 Dec 1996 03:44
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Result: Accepted

Amend R423 by adding the following text to the end of the Rule: {{renumber this rule to 450.}}

Common Sense Report 112 - Mon, 16 Dec 1996 03:49
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Result: Malenkai and /dev/joe objected by Mon, 16 Dec 1996 20:29

Amend R 592 to append the following text at the end of the rule:

{{Amend the Blueprint for "Gravitational Monopole" to replace 'Magnetic' with 'Gravitational' and to replace all misspellings of 'Gravitational' with its proper spelling in the title and text of the Blueprint}}.

Malenkai's Comment:

I object to this CSR. The proper rule to amend is R 593, although any rule will do. R 592 was protection, and is gone, unfortunately. If someone else could object, and snowgod could issue a corrected version tonite, I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure if the change to R 451 would handle this typo.

Common Sense Report 113 - Tue, 17 Dec 1996 01:42
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Result: Accepted

Amend R 593 to append the following text at the end of the rule:

{{Amend the Blueprint for "Gravitational Monopole" to replace 'Magnetic' with 'Gravitational' and to replace all misspellings of 'Gravitational' with its proper spelling in the title and text of the Blueprint}}.

Common Sense Report 114 - Tue, 24 Dec 1996 20:33
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Result: Accepted

Amend R 970, "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface", as follows:

I. Replace

Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison. If said Proposal is adopted by InterNomic, the player who requested it receives 7 points upon the Ambassador reporting the fact of its adoption to Ackanomic.


Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison. If said Proposal is adopted by InterNomic, the player who requested it receives 7 points upon the Liaison reporting the fact of its adoption to Ackanomic.

II. Replace "ambassador" with "Liaison" in the fifth paragraph.

Common Sense Report 115 - Fri, 24 Jan 1997 16:53
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: retracted

In R313 "Proposal Bribery", insert the word "other" before the phrase "rule change" in the first sentance. [Currently, the bribe paragraph must come before any rule change in a proposal. If a bribe were to be considered a rule change (a description of a game effect) one might say the bribe paragraph must come before itself, which would violate Common Sense.]


In R405 "Speaker", replace the first sentance, which currently reads:

"This rule takes precedence over all rules."


"This rule takes precedence over all other rules."

as Common Sense would preclude a rule from taking precedence over itself.

Common Sense Report 116 - Sat, 25 Jan 1997 21:45
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Result: accepted

In R313 "Proposal Bribery", insert the word "other" before the phrase "rule change" in the first sentance of paragraph IV.A. [Currently, the bribe paragraph must come before any rule change in a proposal. If a bribe were to be considered a rule change (a description of a game effect) one might say the bribe paragraph must come before itself, which would violate Common Sense.]


In R405 "Speaker", replace the first sentance, which currently reads:

"This rule takes precedence over all rules."


"This rule takes precedence over all other rules."

as Common Sense would preclude a rule from taking precedence over itself.

Common Sense Report 117 - Tue, 29 Jul 1997 01:09
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: accepted; two-star objected at Wed, 30 Jul 1997 23:54:12

In Rule 419.2 VI. delete the second and third sentences and replace them with: "Any player may join this Institution by posting a public message stating they are doing so. Any player may leave this Institution by posting a public message saying they are doing so."

two-star's Comment:

The real problem, IMO, is that since the rule change is not retroactive, the membership of PCI will still be filled with players who will have posted an odd number of messages between the passage of p2246 and the acceptance of csr 117.

Common Sense Report 118 - Sat, 16 Aug 1997 09:46
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: accepted

Ammend Rule 419.2 by adding the following text to the end of the rule:

{{The current members of the People's Council for Internomic are those players who have declared in a public message that they are joining the People's Council for Internomic, or words to that effect, and only those players.}}

Common Sense Report 119 - Fri 5 Sep 1997 19:03
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: accepted

Ammend Rule 340 by replacing the word misspelled with the string: mispelled

Common Sense Report 120 - Sat 27 Sep 1997 20:21:28
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: mr cwm and Malenkai objected by Mon 29 Sep 1997 18:04:29

Renumber Rule 2283 Viva la Revolution to 1090.

Renumber Rule 1317 Codex of Kra to 1310.

Renumber Rule 1311 If we don't need gravity, we'd better have pressure to 1312.

Renumber Rule 1309 We don't need Gravity to 1311.

Renumber Rule 1319 Round Earth Restoration Society to 1315.

In Rule 2290 Flat Earth Preservation Society, replace the first occurance in the third paragraph of the phrase Round Earth Restoration Society with the phrase Flat Earth Preservation Society. Also replace all occurances of the the string R1319 with R1315. Then renumber Rule 2290 to 1316.

Renumber Rule 1320 This is the way the world ends to 1317.

Renumber Rule 1313 Tornado to 1320.

mr cwm's Comment:

Oh, I object! That mess in R2290 was the only reason I voted for it. What better way to preserve the Earth's beloved flatness?

Malenkai's Comment:

I object to this CSR as well. My reasoning is completely different :-)

Common Sense Report 121 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 00:53:00
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Result: Accepted

Renumber rule 390, "The Orange Menace", to 1135.

Common Sense Report 122 - Wed 10 Dec 1997 01:40:38
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: Accepted

Amend section VI of Rule 505 by replacing the phrase "of A it" with "of A$ it"

Amend section C. of Rule 1213 by replacing "willbecome" with "will become"

Amend Rule 1240.1 section III. b. by replacing "theRuneMaker" with "the RuneMaker". Also, in section III. g. replace "OTzma" with "Otzma"

Rename Rule 520 to "Auction them Entities" {{[rather than Auction then Entities, although that would be an interesting thing to see...]}}

Common Sense Report 123 - Wed 10 Dec 1997 02:02:08
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: Accepted; Slakko objected at Wed 10 Dec 1997 04:41:42

In Rule 594.16, place a double quotation mark immediately before the first occurance of the word They" in the last paragraph.

In Rule 594.15, replace the word Widget with Frobnotzer.

In Rule 594.1 place an open parenthesis symbol immediately before the first occurance of the word which.

Slakko's Comment:

I object to this CSR. It is possible that other types of Frobnotzer besides the Pyraic could be created later, turning this into an ambiguous reference. I would not object if Widget was replaced with Pyraic Frobnotzer.

Common Sense Report 124 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 01:23:22
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: Accepted

Amend Rule 709 Gaol by replacing the phrase "R655 (Treasury and Hard Money)" with "R505 (Treasury and AckaDollars)" {{[Anyone know how old that line is?]}}.

Amend Rule 711 Appeal for Pardon by deleting section 3) {{[Redundant]}}.

Renumber Rule 713 Crime to 701.

Common Sense Report 125 - Wed 14 Jan 1998 15:46 EST
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Result: Accepted

Insert ", unless otherwise specified" before the final full stop in section 2E of Rule 1230.1.

{{[This ensures that the change listed in Pawn Flick will actually have an effect other than to reduce everyone's piece allowance by 1.]}}

Delete sections (i) and (ii) of Part 8 of Rule 1230.2.

Amend section (iii) of Part 8 of Rule 1230.2 so that it reads:

"(iii) The Sucker transfers A$100 to the SneakThief. If the Sucker has insufficient cash, then all eir $A will be transferred to the SneakThief, and the Sucker is said to have Lost Eir Shirt."

Relabel sections (iii) and (iv) of Part 8 of Rule 1230.2 to sections (i) and (ii) respectively.

{{[This eliminates the PFBonds language while not affecting the result of the application of the rule.]}}

Replace all instances of "has not a Free For All" with "has not been a Free For All" in Rule 1230.2 Part 9.

Common Sense Report 126 - Sun 1 Feb 1998 23:27 EST
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: Malenkai and else...if objected by Mon 2 Feb 1998 16:38 EST

{{[In this this CSR, all quotation marks are delimiters only.]}}

Delete the following text from the second to last paragraph of Rule 217: "Members of a Jury that ruled on a CFJ may not appeal that CFJ, neither can the Judge, Prosaecutor and Consaecutor of that CFJ."

Amend the second paragraph of Rule 348 by replacing "to one" with "to match one"

In Rule 408, delete the text "; the time of these reports is deemed to be the time indicated by the message's initial timestamp" {{[Redundant]}} from section c). Also delete the text "(except duty (b) below)" from section d).

Add the following text to the end of the first paragraph of Rule 212, and then delete it from Rule 417: "Supreme Court Justices and acting Supreme Court Justices are ineligible to be selected to judge CFJs."

Replace the last word of Rule 929, "entities", with "garments"

In Rule 1240.1, section III sub-section 1., replace the "Cards created in any period" with "Cards created by the RuneMaker in any period" {{[So as to conform with what we are actually doing]}} In sub-section 2., delete "any Institution,"

In the first paragraph of Rule 1240.6, replace "player to play" with "player to pay" and "pays the names amount" with "pays the named amount".

Malenkai's Comment:

I object to this CSR. If proposal 2673 passes, this amendment will clash somewhat with the rework of rule 212. More importantly, if this CSR goes through before 2673 (possibly) passes (and it is scheduled to), 2673 will make a mess, by only partially working.

I encourage someone else to object as well, and then try again after the fate of 2673 is known.

else...if's Comment:

Sure. I object to CSR 126.

Common Sense Report 127 - Mon 2 Feb 1998 22:03 EST
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2654, "Prolix Propositions", to 207.5.

{{[ While I'm at it, and while I still have renumbering abilities, let me try to fix some of the rules that Slakko was unable to give the sub-rule numbers he wanted in the Party Chess suite... ]}}

Renumber Rule 1230.22, "Stabitooum", to 1230.30.
Renumber Rule 1230.23, "Winning a Hand", to 1230.40.
Renumber Rule 1230.24, "Party Chess Piece Gess", to 1230.22.

Common Sense Report 128 - Tue 3 Feb 1998 00:50 EST
Vynd (John McCoy)
Result: accepted

Amend Rule 1044 Swingpoints by adding the following OUCH delimited text as a seperate paragraph, appearing before any other text in the Rule.

Swingpoints are tradeable entities. Swingpoints may only be created as described by the Rules. Whenever the Rules call for someone or something to recieve Swingpoints, and does not specify where those Swingpoints are to come from, then new Swingpoints equal to the number owed that recipient are created in its possession, and it is considered to have received its Swingpoints.

Delete section 3 of Rule 1044, and renumber section 4 to 3, and section 5 to 4.

Common Sense Report 129 - Fri 13 Feb 1998 22:44 EST
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2682 ("The Chocolate Frog") to 1140.

Common Sense Report 130 - Sat 21 Feb 1998 15:27 EST
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2716 "La grande fromage" to 611.

Common Sense Report 131 - Sun 15 Mar 1998 07:46 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

Modify rule 1250.19 (Word un-association) to replace:

" If e fails to do so within three days of the start of the round then e loses three gamepoints and the round ends immediately.

All Confused must then try to find a word to link the original word and the announced word."


"If e fails to do so within three days of the start of the round (that is, when the referee announces the results of the previous round) then e loses three gamepoints and the round ends immediately.

All Confused must then try to find a word to link the original word and the announced word and post it to the referee."

Common Sense Report 132 - Wed 18 Mar 1998 17:01 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

Amend Rule 212 by replacing the first occurrence of:

remaining pool


remaining pool of players eligible to judge CFJs

{{[Some people found this unclear]}}

Further amend Rule 212 by replacing:

"the other active players"


"the active voting players eligible to judge CFJs"

{{[In the remainder of this CSR, all quotation marks are delimiters only.]}}

Amend the second paragraph of Rule 348 by replacing "to one" with "to match one"

In Rule 408, delete the text "; the time of these reports is deemed to be the time indicated by the message's initial timestamp" {{[Redundant]}} from section c). Also delete the text "(except duty (b) below)" from section d).

Replace the last word of Rule 929, "entities", with "garments"

In Rule 421 replace all occurrences of "CSSR" with "CSRR".

In the first paragraph of Rule 1240.6, replace "player to play" with "player to pay" and "pays the names amount" with "pays the named amount".

In rule 1250.13 replace "A round lasts three days after this announcement." with "A round lasts three days after this announcement or until all players have submitted a move, whichever is sooner."

In rule 593.4 replace "A$7" with "A$8" {{[The price to buy a magic radish]}}

In rule 344 replace "broad and obfuscate" with "broad or obfuscate"

Common Sense Report 133 - Mon 30 Mar 1998 14:19 EST
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2785 ("The Great Sphere Probe") to 1340.
Renumber Rule 2789 ("Societies") to 1004.
{{[Give your rules numbers!]}}

Common Sense Report 134 - Mon 06 Apr 1998 22:26 EDT
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2802 ("The Color Black") to 1307.1.

{{[Sigh. Proposal 2802 attempted to create a Rule 1340; however, Rule 1340 already exists, thanks to my CSR 133, which I submitted hours after distributing Proposal 2802. Don't I feel stupid now? Boy, I hope this doesn't leave a black mark on my record....]}}

Common Sense Report 135 - Sat 11 Apr 1998 12:38 EDT
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

Modify rule 594.21 by deleting the text "I am using one of my scientist for a day otzma cards and paying the required fee to make the following discovery for a Good Ballot Stuffer: " and by changing all occurrences of the string "an GBS" with the string "a GBS".

Modify rule 594.14 to read in full:
"The Cheez-Whiz is a small pyramid. 3 of its sides are white, whilst the 4th is black. A Cheez-Whiz will transfer all of its owner's Ackadollars to the Treasury if its owner legally chews the Gumball. If all the Cheez-Whiz's owner's Ackadollars are transferred to the treasury in this way then the owner of the Cheez-Whiz may specify any individual cheese to be destroyed. The cheese in question will then be destroyed. This power of the Cheez-Whiz may only be utilised once per day. It is said that the Cheez-Whiz can also be used to help find long lost Treasure.

All sentences that follow this one are, or describe, attributes of grapefruit, and they conflict with this one. "

Swap around the order of the last two paragraphs of rule 594.4.

Add to the end of section c in rule 530 the text "At the end of each Acka day, one second after the loss of an eighth of a point, the activity value will be rounded to the nearest tenth."

Replace "Every three hours the activity value will decrease by 1/8 of a point" in rule 530 with "At twelve, three, six, nine (a.m. and p.m.) the activity value will decrease by 1/8 of a point"

Modify rule 421.1 by replacing all occurrences of the string "CSSR" with the string "CSRR"

Common Sense Report 136 - Mon 11 May 1998 06:03 EDT
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2889 ("Otzma Card of Type Founder's Boon") to 1240.19 {{[what proposal 2979 intended to do]}}.

Renumber Rule 2967 ("Admissions Policies") to 1007.1 {{[from TGW's recent proposal which almost specified a rule number but didn't]}}.

Common Sense Report 137 - Thu 14 May 1998 06:31 EDT
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 2997 ("Trusts") to 1017 [from else...if's proposal which specified a number already in use]. Renumber Rule 3008 ("Quarantine") to 1389 [from TGW's proposal which didn't specify any number].

Common Sense Report 138 - Thu 14 May 1998 17:58 EDT
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

Remove the text "AtP" from rule 1302

In rule 1213 replace the text:

"ii. If B had a herd of two or more donkeys at the start of the round, during the noise and confusion of the grab one of B's donkeys will become terrified and flee into the Wilds of Ackanomic (where it will graze peacefully, returning to the Game Box at the conclusion of Grab-a-Donkey). B's herd is reduced by two at the end of the round. "

with the text:

"ii. If B had a herd of two or more donkeys at the start of the round, during the noise and confusion of the grab one of B's donkeys will become terrified and flee into the Wilds of Ackanomic (where it will graze peacefully, returning to the Game Box at the conclusion of Grab-a-Donkey). B's herd is reduced by two at the end of the round.

iii. If B only had a herd of one donkey then the size of her herd is reduced by 1 [i.e. she is removed from the game]."

In rule 1003 replace "inan" with "in an".

In rule 1230.2 replace "capturedis" with "captured is" if such is possible [Alfvaen asked me to do this ages ago and I have only now got round to doing it. I don't have a copy of the chess rules handy so I can't check if this is still there.]

In rule 594.6 replace "rule 1364" with "rule 854".

Common Sense Report 139 - Sun 17 May 1998 09:51 EDT
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

Delete the last sentence of section 3) of rule 1060 [This organisation will require a trade licence to be of any use] [I can't quote it directly because it's in square brackets] including the notes brackets in which it is contained [just to be on the safe side].

Replace the text "b. Change membership policy " in rule 1003 with the text "b. Change admissions policy ". In the same rule replace " is the average of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A)." with is the average (mean) of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).

Append the following text to rule 1020 immediately before the full stop of the first sentence: " which is an unownable entity"

Common Sense Report 140 - Tue 19 May 1998 21:18 EDT
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 3048 ("Feuds") to 1216. [Please vote for Proposal 3061.]

Common Sense Report 141 - Wed 20 May 1998 04:17 EDT
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Result: accepted

Amend Rule 1230.1 by replacing the quoted text

"An on-board piece is in a Defensive Position if the distance between that piece a friendly King is equal to or smaller than 4."

with the quoted text

"An on-board piece is in a Defensive Position if the distance between that piece and a friendly King is equal to or smaller than 4."

[Thanks to Niccolo for pointing out this bug, and apologies to him for having to send him the CSR twice.]

Common Sense Report 142 - Tue 02 Jun 1998 04:32 EDT
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Result: accepted

Renumber Rule 1400 ("Who Will Buy K 2") to 1352.

Renumber all rules with a base number of 1399 so as to have a base number of 1390 (any sub numbers remain unaltered).

{{[This will leave a small buffer so that any more weird rule creations will still fit into the 1300s.]}}

Common Sense Report 143 - Fri 26 Jun 1998 17:40 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Result: saaremaa and JT objected by Fri 26 Jun 1998 18:02 EDT

In rule 611 replace the phrase "achieve a winning condition" with "lose all their A$ and have the number of cycles they have won reduced to 0".

{{[Note: I very much doubt this will get through, I'm just trying to see how committed the scammers are.]}}

saaremaa's Comment:
I object to this CSR. I am neutral w.r.t to the scam, but always object to CSRs that substantially change the way the game is played.
JT's Comment:
I object to this CSR.

Common Sense Report 144 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 20:11 EDT
JT (JT Traub)
Result: accepted

Add the Artist: Vernor Vinge (Author of True Names) to the Literature List

Common Sense Report 145 - Fri 07 Aug 1998 12:47 EDT
Atilla the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Result: Vynd (John McCoy) and IdiotBoy objected by Fri 07 Aug 1998 13:11 EDT

Add the following STUFF-delimited entries to the Literature List:


Artist: Aeschylus
Artist: Jerome K. Jerome; author of Three Men in a Boat
Artist: Tom Lehrer; satirist
Artist: Douglas Hofstadter
Artist: Peter Suber; the Nomic guy
Artist: Edgar Allen Poe
Artist: Robert A. Heinlein
Artist: Herman Melville
Artist: Julius Caesar
Work: The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America
Work: The Oxford English Dictionary
Work: On Formally Undecidable Propositions in _Principia Mathematica and related systems; Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem

Vynd's Comment:
I object to this CSR. I don't think its a good idea to have a Dictionary as Literature.
IdiotBoy's Comment:
<AOL> Me, too. </AOL>

Common Sense Report 146 - Tue 18 Aug 1998 11:14 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Result: IdiotBoy and 867-5309 objected by Tue 18 Aug 1998 14:56 EDT

In rule 1240.20 (Otzma Card of Type Roulette Wheel) replace "Deterministic Method" with "Probabalistic Method"

[As JT pointed out the runemaker could pick a card at its instance limit to just destroy the card]


In rule 1240.17 (Otzma Card of type Arctic Explorer) replace the text "description[that is, an entity with the word "Ice Pick" in its name], then" with the text "description (that is, an entity with the word "Ice Pick" in its name), then".


Renumber rule 845 (Map of the City ) to 846
Renmuber rule 844 (Here There Be Dragons) to 845
Renumber rule 1390.4 (Maps) to 844


Ammend rule 721 by replacing "a player to lose currency during the first three weeks of eir being a new player" with "a newbie to lose currency".

IdiotBoy's Comment:
I object to this CSR.
867-5309's Comment:
As do I.

Common Sense Report 147 - Fri 21 Aug 1998 05:18 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Result: accepted

All Ackanomic documents, except the rules, that were amended by Proposal 3383 are modified so as to be identical to their state prior to Proposal 3383's modification and all amendments applied subsequent to Proposal 3383 are reapplied in order.

Common Sense Report 148 - Mon 24 Aug 1998 05:41 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Result: (Slakko objected at Mon 24 Aug 1998 06:53 EDT)

(The following three changes are of the form "Rule number, current text in that rule -> text the currnt text should be changed to with double quotes acting only as delimiters).

Rule 205, "before the score change" -> "before the rule change".

Rule 1301, "asspecified" -> "as specified"

Rule 1390, "Miscellanous" -> "Miscellaneous"


Amend Section V "Upon Becoming (and while) Vacationing" of Rule 250 (Players and Player States) by replacing the phrase "Players who gone on Vacation voluntarily" with "Players who go on Vacation voluntarily"

Amend section iii of Rule 403 (Functional Offices, Commonalties) by replacing the phrase "for a Functional Office vacated by vacation." with "for a Functional Office whose encumberant is on Vacation."

Amend Rule 370 (No E-mail, No Game) by replacing the phrase "A player inactivated" in the second paragraph with "A player put on Vacation".
[P3451 will fix this if it passes].

[JT's proposal will prolly fix these anyway?]
Amend Section 8 of Rule 1250.23 (Eleusis) by replacing :
the phrase "When a player goes vacationing," in its first sentance with
"When a player goes on Vacation".
the phrase "If a player goes vacationing" in its second sentence with
"If a player goes on Vacation".
the sentance [4th] "If the player going vacationing is the Deus, they must notify their substitute of the secret rule before they go vacationing." with "If Deus goes on Vacation, they must notify their substitute of the secret rule before they go on Vacation.".
the phrase "When a player is vacationing," in the final sentene with "While a player is on Vacation,".

[I might try to repeal this, but for the present I'll just fix it]
Amend Rule 594.24 (Blueprint: Finger of Justice) by replaceing the first paragraph with:
A Finger of Justice is a life-size replica of the index finger from the left hand of the Brass Monkey. It exists in three mutually exclusive states: vacationing, active and quiescent. When created it is in the vacationing state.

Slakko's Comment:
I object to this CSR. The word "encumberant" in the above paragraph should properly be "incumbent".

Common Sense Report 149 - Mon 24 Aug 1998 17:58 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Result: IdiotBoy and Rex Mundi objected by Mon 24 Aug 1998 19:40 EDT

Repeal the following:
Rule 594.6
Rule 594.8
Rule 594.11
Rule 594.12
Rule 594.15

[These were K 2's attempted debunks which were accepted. I believe that this mirrors the intent of the voting populace. Whilst I'm sure a lot of people would rather not see all these go (myself included) I would hope that people would not object to this unless they feel my presumption that the voting masses want to see these proposals gone.]

IdiotBoy's Comment:
I object to this CSR.
Rex Mundi's Comment:
As do I.

Common Sense Report 150 - Wed 26 Aug 1998 12:36 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Result: accepted

Add forment and hrumph to the Ackanomic Lexicon

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