Proposal Archive (3601-3650)

Proposal 3601 - Mon 14 Sep 1998 09:03 EDT
What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

{{[ Somewhere along the way, we made blueprints *far* too general. There seems to be no limits on what a blueprint can do, except that if created as a discovery, it must initially describe the behavior of one new gadget. Also, some things were broken by the global deference thing, or maybe even never were really written such that they would work.

This also repeals all the blueprints that Acka voted to debunk. ]}}

I. Amend Rule 594, 'Blueprint Rule Suite', by changing the quoted occurrence of "<name>" in section III to "Blueprint: <name>" and by replacing section VI with the following TAOS-delimited text:

VI. Blueprints defer to all non-Blueprint rules, except as specified elsewhere in this rule. [This allows blueprints to claim precedence or defer to one another, and allows the Whamiol's trade restriction to work.]

VII. A Blueprint may only define the behavior and attributes of gadgets of the type which is named in its title, define ways in which such gadgets and their attributes may be manipulated, manipulate or destroy (but not create) such gadgets and/or their attributes, and place restrictions on how such gadgets may be created, destroyed, or otherwise manipulated. Restrictions of this last type do not defer to other rules by default. {{[R515 defers, so the Whamiol's trade restriction will now actually work.]}}

Blueprints may not create, destroy, or manipulate any other entities, except in the ways that they direct their gadgets to do so. {{[It is still possible to write blueprints that claim extra power, for instance, by having the first gadget created do whatever other stuff they need, but this will make such blueprints/discoveries look much more scammy, so hopefully they will be voted down, debunked, etc. It also prevents the 'instant creation' scheme which has become too popular.]}}

Each Gravitational Monopole, Jukkasjarvi Mind Control Laser, Bonus-Vote Add-On, Gimme Shelter, Pulse Laser, Finger of Justice, and Saaremaa's Codex of Wizardry in existence is converted into a random gadget of one of the existing types not listed in this sentence.

Repeal Rule 594.6, "Blueprint: Gravitational Monopole".
Repeal Rule 594.8, "Blueprint: Jukkasjarvi Mind Control Laser".
Repeal Rule 594.11, "Blueprint: Bonus Vote Add-On"
Repeal Rule 594.12, "Blueprint: Gimme Shelter".
Repeal Rule 594.15, "Blueprint: Pulse Laser".
Repeal Rule 594.24, "Blueprint: Finger of Justice".

Repeal Rule 594.26, "Blueprint: Saaremaa's Codex of Wizardry".

{{[ The Codex of Wizardry is, unfortunately, not compatible with the recent change which eliminated scientists as gadget-builders, so it goes. ]}}

{{[ Other misc changes to make the existing blueprints fall strictly in line with this limitation. Most of these are simply changing 'x happens' to 'the gadget does x'. There are also some bug fixes, marked as such. ]}}

1. Amend Rule 594.1, "Blueprint: Scroll of Crumble" by changing

"If this action is successful then the specified gadget is destroyed. If the gadget was indestructible, three points are deducted from the score of the Scroll of Crumble's owner."


"If this action is successful, the Scroll of Crumble destroys the specified gadget if it is not indestructible, or otherwise deducts three points from the score of its owner."

2. Amend Rule 594.2, "Blueprint: The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really" by changing (at the end of the next-to-last paragraph) "then x's name is changed to the specified anagram" to "then The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really changes x's name to the specified anagram".

3. Amend Rule 594.4, "Blueprint: Vending Machine" by inserting after the second paragraph the paragraph from Rule 594.11, "Blueprint: Bonus Vote Add-On" which begins "While an unbroken Bonus Vote Add-On is strapped" and delete that paragraph from Rule 594.11.

4. Amend Rule 594.5, "Blueprint: Automatic Sculpture" by changing

"When an Automatic Sculpture is buried as, or as part of, a Treasure, it is possible that the panel may open up, minute polyjointed arms may sneak out, and the Gadget may carve itself into a fascinating (though perhaps offensively avant-garde) stone figurine. In fact, when a Player other than the Player who buried the Automatic Sculpture finds it, he or she shall see that the Automatic Sculpture has transformed itself into a Trinket worth A$123. (The Trinket's name is "Sculpture", followed by a space and then by a number, the least prime number that would result in a unique name.)

When an Automatic Sculpture transforms itself into a Trinket, The Officer in Charge of Random Things shall choose a player at random(who will be called the Mad Sculptor). The Mad Sculptor shall be responsible for providing a description of the trinket formed by the Automatic Sculpture. Should the Mad Sculptor not publicly post such a description within three days of being selected, e shall lose one point and the description shall become "it is X", where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155."


"An Automatic Sculpture is always in one of two states, active and dormant, and begins dormant. When a player other than the player who buried a dormant Automatic Sculpture finds the treasure containing it, it becomes active, and minute polyjointed arms sneak out of the panel, carving the gadget into a fascinating (though perhaps offensively avant-garde) stone figurine. When an Automatic Sculpture becomes active, it designates a player at random to be its Mad Sculptor. The Mad Sculptor is responsible for posting a description; when he does so, the Automatic Sculpture sets its description to that description. If e does not do so within 3 days of being selected, the Automatic Sculpture deducts one point from the Mad Sculptor's score, and sets its description to "It is X." where X is one of the colours defined in Rule 1155, chosen at random, or green if no such colours exist.

When the description of an active Automatic Sculpture is set, it transforms itself into a trinket worth A$123, with the same description the Sculpture had, and the name "Sculpture X" where X is replaced by the least prime number that would result in a unique name."

5. Amend Rule 594.9, "Blueprint: Spell Book of Chorg" by changing "one of the following effects shall occur" to "the Spell Book of Chorg shall cause one of the following effects to occur". {{[ A handy shortcut... ]}}

6. Amend Rule 594.10, "Blueprint: Plunky Monkey Wrench", by changing "The Wrench is then destroyed, and the mechanical Gadget into which it was thrown becomes broken" to "The Wrench then causes the gadget it was thrown into to become broken, and then the Wrench is destroyed" and by changing "the mechanical Gadget then ceases to be broken" to "the Wrench then causes the mechanical Gadget to cease to be broken", and by deleting "; whether or not this happens shall be determined by the Inventor, unless the rules assign that duty to someone else". {{[ Oops, the inventor is no more. ]}}

7. Amend Rule 594.14, "Blueprint: Cheez-Whiz", by changing "The cheese in question will then be destroyed" to "The Cheez-Whiz will then destroy the cheese in question".

8. Amend Rule 594.16, "Blueprint: Silver Spaceship" by changing "the launcher is transported to the Location named" to "the Spaceship transports the launcher to the location named".

9. Amend Rule 594.18, "Blueprint: Butler" by changing "then any player who wishes to may enter that player's Home" to "then whenever any player publicly asks to enter that player's Home, the Butler will transport em there".

10. Amend Rule 594.19, "Blueprint: Pyraic Frobnotzer", by changing "those two noun phrases trade location within the Rule set" to "the Frobnotzer swaps those two noun phrases within the Rule set".

11. Amend Rule 422, "Postmaster", by deleting "(as by the BWG Laser)" and adding the following paragraph to the end of the rule:

"Whenever a player is Hosed, all public messages by them should contain nothing but poetry, specifically original haikus, limericks, sonnets, sestinas, and rhymed couplets, and no other forms (except of course, proper madrigals). Whenever a Hosed player authors a public message that contains something other than this (excluding customary headers, quoted material written by someone else, or customary instructions to officers), they automatically transfer A$79 from them to the Treasury, if they have that much. If they don't have that much, a random organization which they are a member that has that sum transfers it to the treasury. If no such organization exists either, the player is deemed Weird, with no further effects, unless they are the Harfmeister, in which case they are deemed Really Weird."

Amend Rule 594.17, "Blueprint: BWG Laser", by deleting the last paragraph, changing "who's" to "whose" in the first paragraph, and replace the fourth paragraph with:

"When the BWG Laser fires a pulse beam at a player, one of two things happens. If the target has one or more pulse shovels, the beam bounces off the shovel, the BWG Laser transfers one of his pulse shovels to a random player, the beam hits the player who provided the BWG Laser with fuel, and that player becomes Hosed for 3 days. Otherwise, the target is Hosed for 3 days.

Amend Rule 594.20, "Blueprint: BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment", by adding "for 3 days" to the end of the sentence first sentence of the second paragraph, and change "BWG Laser with a BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment attached to it" to "BWG Laser Shotgun Attachment attached to a BWG Laser".

12. Amend Rule 360, "Hearings", by adding the following to the end of the fifth paragraph: "If exactly one Good Ballot Stuffer attempts to shut Evil Ballot Stuffers out of a hearing, then no responses from Evil Ballot Stuffers shall be counted in determining the verdict."

Amend Rule 594.21, "Blueprint: Good Ballot Stuffer" by replacing the paragraph which begins with "The boring lever is used" with:

"In any hearing or election, the owner of a GBS may flip the boring lever by privately telling the hearing harfer that e is doing so. The GBS will then attempt to shut Evil Ballot Stuffers out of that hearing. [See the Hearings rule - this makes EBS votes not count, if and only if no other GBS was used in this way.]"

In addition, in that rule, replace "2. One bonus vote is created"

with "2. The GBS creates one bonus vote",

and replace "3. The owner of the GBS receives"

with "3. The GBS gives its owner",

and replace "4. The game state is changed such that any player who posts a public message in the next week that does not contain the word "harf" (or a derivative of it) shall lose one point for every such message."

with "4. For the next week, each time any player posts a public message that does not contain the word "harf" (or a derivative of it), the GBS deducts one point from that player's score."

and replace "Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of 3 things will occur with equal probability. A GBS may not be used between the time it starts to shimmy and shake and the time the this random determination is publicly knowable at which time it shall cease to shake and shimmy:"

with "Upon a GBS starting to shake and shimmy uncontrollably, one of the following 3 things will occur with equal probability, except that if item 4 on this list above occurs, it will shake and shimmy for one week before one of the 3 things happens. In either case, when one of the 3 things happens, it will stop shaking and shimmying uncontrollably. A GBS may not be used while it is shaking and shimmying uncontrollably."

13. Create a new rule numberes 935, entitled "Holotapes", which reads in full:

"Master Holotapes and Holotape Copies are named, tradeable entities. Each records the text of a public message from Acka's past so a player can display this message in his home or any other place. Master Holotapes differ from Holotape Copies because with an appropriate device, Master Holotapes can be copied into Holotape Copies. When a Holotape Copy is made, it receives the name of the Master Holotape it was made from, with 'Copy #N' appended, where N is the smallest positive integer necessary to make the name be unique."

Amend Rule 594.25, "Blueprint: Transtemporal Holographic Image Recording Device" to read in full:

"A Transtemporal Holographic Image Recording Device (or THIRD) is a wonderful mechanical Gadget created from Ancient science. A player may use a THIRD to create a Master Holotape containing the text of any past public message or subset thereof. To do so, the player must quote the text of each message publicly, and pay into the Treasury a fee of A$1 for each week or portion thereof prior to the present time each message was posted. The player must also give a name to the Master Holotape.

A player with a THIRD and a Master Holotape may pay A$5 to have the THIRD create a Holotape Copy, which contains the same text as the Master Holotape (this text need not be posted again to the public forum to do so)."

14. Amend Rule 1215, "Duels", by adding to the end of the section 4b: "A player owning a Highlander's Sword is never untouchable at any other time. This takes precedence over the later sections of this rule." and by adding the following to the end of section 4i: "A player with a Highlander's Sword may exceed these limits, but only with a single Challenge each calendar week."

Amend Rule 594.28, "Blueprint: Highlander's Sword" by changing "When any player in a duel owns a Highlander's Sword, the following effects take place at the end of duel."

to "When any player in a duel owns a Highlander's Sword, it performs the following effects at the end of the duel:"

and delete the paragraph "A player owning a Highlander's Sword is never Untouchable, but may still be in only one duel at a time. This rule takes precedence over rule 1215 where it is in conflict."

and change the last paragraph to
"At the end of any calendar week for which two or more players have owned Highlander's Swords and were not engaged in a Duel for any part of that week, each Highlander's Sword owned by such a player, who also did not challenge another player with a Highlander's Sword to a duel during that week, will deduct one point from its owner's score."

Proposal 3602 - Mon 14 Sep 1998 09:05 EDT
Eliminate Hubert wherever we can
saaremaa (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected


(no offense if there is a player still named Hubert, BTW :-))

It appears that I Huberted Vynd out of being part of a full Cortex. After considering the specific situation at great length at the request of a particular player, a general problem was apparent, at least to me -- that problem being that the current cortex system can lead to a general Hubert situation when a justice resigns, with the cost of being Huberted meaning you may have to wait months to hear CFJ appeals. This doesn't seem fair to Vynd, me, or anyone else who has earned the right to be a justice and would enjoy performing the duties. We are here to have fun, after all. (This won't occur all the time, and sometimes the "other" Justice being resigned on can be "Huberted" in a backwards sense, but the fact that it occurred this time is proof by existence).

My solution is to replace the static Cortex system with Cortices generated on the fly for each appeal. While the system is slightly more tracking for the CotC, I believe eliminating Hubert where we can in this game is is a worthy goal. (I also think it will be fun to mix and match who you work with over time, but even if there is contention on this effect, it doesn't seem fair to a particular individual to exclude them completely in order to support the current system).

(Another thing accomplished by this proposal is to bring the cortex stuff in with the CFJ stuff, where it belongs, rather than have it spread out in both the 200s and 400s)



{{[convert from static to dynamic Cortices]}}

Create a new rule with number 101.99, title "Cortex Conversion", and text:

This rule has precedence over all rules except itself.

For all CFJs under appeal, a Cortex Converter is created composed of the particular Justices hearing the particular CFJ appeal; this creation is created with respect to the particular CFJ appeal in all cases. Cortex Converters are not entities; they are groupings of justices with respect to particular CFJs.

Upon it becoming the case that all CFJs under appeal have Cortex Converters associated with them, all Supreme Cortices are destroyed.

[this rule will be repealed shortly, but it cannot self-delete]


Amend rule 416.1, "The Supreme Cortex", to read:

I. Definitions

A Supreme Cortex (hereafter Cortex, plural Cortices) is a grouping of one or more Justices with respect to (or considering) a particular CFJ. It is not an entity.

For the purposes of this rule, "Justice" means any active player who is a Justice or Acting Justice (or both).

II. Forming a Cortex

Whenever the Rules call for the Supreme Court to consider a CFJ for the first time, the Clerk of the Courts (CotC) shall select a group of Justices to be the Supreme Cortex for that CFJ as follows:

a) If there are no Justices, the CFJ is assigned to a new Judge as described in rule 212 as if the previous Judge or Cortex had declined it, and no Cortex is actually formed.

b) If there exists exactly one Justice, the Cortex is composed of that Justice.

c) Otherwise, the Justice who is in the fewest number of Cortices (but not in the Cortex being formed), is selected to be in this Cortex. If there is a tie, it is broken randomly by the CotC. This step is repeated until the Cortex is composed of two Justices. For the purposes of this subsection, Justices who have previously been grouped in a Cortex considering the particular CFJ in question are considered to be in a number of Cortices one greater than the number of outstanding CFJs, with respect to that CFJ.

III. Dissolving a Cortex

a) A Cortex is dissolved upon it being publically knowable that it delivered a verdict, declined a CFJ, or its only Justice resigned or left it.

b) When a Cortex that has not delivered a verdict is dissolved, another Cortex is formed to consider it's CFJ as per section II of this rule.

IV. Leaving a Cortex

A Justice grouped in a Cortex may leave it as a public action. This action fails if the Cortex e is leaving is not clearly specified. In addition, when a member of a Cortex is no longer a Justice, e is deemed to have left all Cortices that e is is grouped in.

When a Justice leaves a Cortex, an acting Justice is selected to act in his stead as if the leaving Justice had gone on Vacation, unless the leaving Justice is the only member of that Cortex. [This is how a particular Justice declines to hear a particular appeal].

V. Conversion

All extant Cortex Converters are converted to Cortices, with Justice composition unchanged, and the CFJ they exist that they exist with respect to unchanged.

Rule 101.99, "Cortex Conversion", is repealed.


{{[merge and put where it belongs, with the other appeal stuff]}}

Repeal rule 217.1, "Selecting a Cortex"
Renumber rule 416.1, "The Supreme Cortex", to 217.1



I. Amend rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", as follows:

a) in section II, replace "owners of the Supreme Cortex" with "members of the Supreme Cortex".

b) amend section V to read (some has been moved to 217.1):

Supreme Cortices should make every effort to return their verdicts within a reasonable amount of time. A Supreme Cortex may decline its CFJ; this action is accomplished and occurs upon all members of that Cortex publically identifying the CFJ and stating that they wish to decline.

In addition, if a particular Cortex has existed for more than 30 days, that Cortex shall automatically decline its CFJ upon this fact being pointed out publically by any active player.


II. Amend rule 416, "Supreme Court" to replace the word "owner" with "member" everywhere it appears in section IV; then replace the word "owners" with "members" everywhere it appears in that section; then replace the article "an" with the article "a" everywhere it directly precedes the word "member" in that section.


III. Amend rule 417, "Justices Rock", to replace the last paragraph with this: "{{[this is the paragraph detailing justices declining particular cfjs, usually because of conflict of interest. it has been absorbed into the new Cortex rule where it belongs]}}".


Proposal 3603 - Mon 14 Sep 1998 09:07 EDT
Well that'll only solve half the problem
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.

I. Amend rule 250 (Players and Player States) by replacing the existing text which includes and occurs below the phrase "VI. Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice:" with the following text:
VI. Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice:

a) They are removed from any offices they hold.

b) Section IV is applied as if they became Non-Voting.

c) All their existing votes on proposals, elections, and hearings whose results have not yet been released are cancelled.

d) Their score is set to 0. Players who are On Ice never gain or lose points, nor do they ever gain entities.

e) They are removed from all organizations of which they are a member.

f) If the Player never voted, their state is changed to Non-Player.

g) All of their mimsy entities are transferred to the treasury.

h) Upon being On-Ice for 90 days, their state is changed to Non-Player, unless they (or their likeness) is enshrined in the Hall of Elders, in which case they will never become a Non-Player.

VII. Upon Becoming a Non-Player:

a) E is removed from the CFJ Ineligibility List if possible.

b) All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury except for land which becomes unowned and buildings which . All of eir nontradeable entities are destroyed.

This rule has precedence over all other rules.

II. [Repair the damage]
a. {{ All entities which were destroyed as a result of Rule 250, Section VI, Subsection b, while it read:
All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury. All of eir nontradeable, nonunique entities are destroyed. Of all eir remaining entities, if it would be possible by some means not defined in this rule for a given entity to go Somewhere Else, it does so; otherwise, it is transferred to a random active player.
shall be un-destroyed (ie created with the same properties, creator, creation date etc. as they had before they were destroyed) and resorted eir former owners. Similarly those entities which were transferred as a result of the application of the quoted section shall be returned to the players who owned em prior to the application of that section.}}

b. {{ The trinket Little Bag O' Chips A is transferred from mr cwm to K 2 [Wadaya mean I should read the rules before playing an otzma card]}}

Proposal 3604 - Mon 14 Sep 1998 09:24 EDT
Ackanomic Unity
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: accepted

Should it ever occur that every player eligable to do so should vote YES on the same proposal then the following shall happen:

1) The day of Ackanomic Unity shall be declared to be that day upon which the result in which this event occurs. Should the day of Ackanomic Unity already have a date then it is moved to this day.

2) All players participating in the vote gain one randomly determined Boon of the Ancients and each Unity Vote cast causes the party casting it to gain one randomly determined gadget, which it may dispose of as it=91s members will. All Bonus Votes are returned to the player(s) casting them.

3) The player who proposed the proposal shall gain a Blue Cross Bonus if they do not already have one.

The day of Ackanomic Unity is an Ackanomic Holiday.

Proposal 3605 - Wed 16 Sep 1998 14:52 EDT
New, MSG-Free Harfing
Fo (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

[I've been saying for a while that we could do with cleaning out some of the clutter. First, let's simplify the proposal scoring a bit. Just a bit, mind you.]

Repeal Rules 207.1 and 207.3.

[Contains monosodium glutamate has been around for a while. The silliness of the silly points has worn off, I think, and we may as well clear it away. Foolishness is more work for harfers, breadbox usually having to point out the instances in which it fails (and hence e checks all the foolish ones to make sure they comply). I don't see why we need to keep it, and if anything it just encourages more bad proposals to be submitted again on the off chance. Good proposals would tend to be resubmitted even without the doubling of the reward, if enough support was obtained.]

Proposal 3606 - Wed 16 Sep 1998 14:53 EDT
The Haiku Boon
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Fo (Duncan Richer) on 23 Sep 1998 11:37 EDT

Any player who
writes a haiku about harf
is very harfy.

Proposal 3607 - Wed 16 Sep 1998 15:02 EDT
And this'll solve the Other Half.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

I. Amend rule 250 (Players and Player States) by replacing the existing text which includes and occurs below the phrase "VI. Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice:" with the following text:
VI. Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice:

a) They are removed from any offices they hold.

b) Section IV is applied as if they became Non-Voting.

c) All their existing votes on proposals, elections, and hearings whose results have not yet been released are canceled.

d) Their score is set to 0. Players who are On Ice never gain or lose points, nor do they ever gain entities.

e) They are removed from all organizations of which they are a member.

f) If the Player never voted, their state is changed to Non-Player.

g) All of their mimsy entities are transferred to the treasury.

h) Upon being On-Ice for 90 days, their state is changed to Non-Player, unless they (or their likeness) is enshrined in the Hall of Elders, in which case they will never become a Non-Player.

VII. Upon Becoming a Non-Player:

a) E is removed from the CFJ Ineligibility List if possible.

b) All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury except for land and buildings which become unowned. All of eir nontradeable entities are destroyed.

This rule has precedence over all other rules.

II. [Repair the damage]
a. {{ All entities which were destroyed as a result of Rule 250, Section VI, Subsection b, while it read:
All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury. All of eir nontradeable, nonunique entities are destroyed. Of all eir remaining entities, if it would be possible by some means not defined in this rule for a given entity to go Somewhere Else, it does so; otherwise, it is transferred to a random active player.
shall be un-destroyed (ie created with the same properties, creator, creation date etc. as they had before they were destroyed) and restored to eir former owners. Similarly those entities which were transferred as a result of the application of the quoted section shall be returned to the players who owned them prior to the application of that section.}}

b. {{ The trinket Little Bag O' Chips A is transferred from mr cwm to K 2 [Wadaya mean I should read the rules before playing an otzma card]}}

c. {{One point is transfered from K 2 to breadbox}}

Proposal 3608 - Thu 17 Sep 1998 15:13 EDT
OK then... maybe this will work
Studge (Tom Mueller)
Status: retracted

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

Create a rule numbered 1 with the title "Heh, Heh, Heh, Didn't think you'd see this in the ruleset" with the text "The player known as Studge when e joined Acaknomic is able to amend, delete, and add rules as a public action."

Proposal 3609 - Thu 17 Sep 1998 15:14 EDT
OK then... maybe this will work
Studge (Tom Mueller)
Decision: rejected

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

Create a rule numbered 1 with the title "Heh, Heh, Heh, Didn't think you'd see this in the ruleset" with the text "The player known as Studge when e joined Ackanomic is able to amend, delete, and add rules as a public action."

Proposal 3610 - Thu 17 Sep 1998 15:15 EDT
E lives under the bridge!
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal

{{The name of the player who at one time or currently had/has the name Fo is changed to the following string, minus the quote marks: "Gretchold the Evil Math Troll"}}


Add the following MAGNESIUM-delimited text to the rules as rule 249. If rule 249 already exists, this rule is instead given the highest unused rule number less than 249.

Any player named "Gretchold the Evil Math Troll" may not change eir name.

Proposal 3611 - Thu 17 Sep 1998 15:16 EDT
Narrow Your Eyes
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal

Add the following ALUMINUM-delimited rule to the miscellaneous rule suite:

Eyes are non-unique, nontradeable entities.
All players have two eyes per head.
Eyes can be blinded as defined in the rules.
Any player blinded in only one eye is known as a pirate and is given an eye patch.
Eye patches are garments.
Any player blinded in all eir eyes is known as blind
If a player loses a head, e loses two eyes. e may choose what combination of eyes [blind or not] to lose.

Proposal 3612 - Thu 17 Sep 1998 15:17 EDT
Grads are for Surveyors! Bring on the Radians!
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Fo (Duncan Richer) on 23 Sep 1998 11:37 EDT

This is a modest proposal

Add the following SILICON-delimited rule to the end of rule 340:

X The trigonometric functions evaluate in radians unless otherwise specified, except that the trig functions of a googolplex are the following:
sine(googolplex) returns the string "Math is Fun!"
cosine(googolplex) = "Vulcan Once Ruled Ackanomic"
tangent(googolplex) = Math is Fun!"/"Vulcan Once Ruled Ackanomic" = "Rule 1 evaluated over the interval [Vulcan, K2]"
secant(googolplex) = "Phoebe is a Steel Flea"
cosecant(googolplex) = e*pi*sqrt(2)*c
cotangent(googolplex) = e*pi*sqrt(2)*c/"Phoebe is a Steel Flea" = "INSLDWMI(Irrational Numbers and the Speed of Light Divided by a Wise Metallic Insect)"

These are considered to be exact values, and as such have perfect precision.


Proposal 3613 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:33 EDT
It Is A "Stick", Your Majesty
Eris (Gavin Logan)
Decision: accepted

Create a new rule, named "Imports Rule Suite", numbered 503, with the following HARF delimited text:

[This is a link to the Imports Rule Suite.]

An import’s Nomic Of Origin (noo) may make a public message [as per rule 419.3] placing that import into the set of a type of entity. That entity type may not be a type currently defined by a rule inside or outside of this rule suite. [e.g. The noo may place the entity into the set "dollars" or "donuts" but not "Ackadollars".] If the same noo makes an announcement of this sort more than once in a calendar week, then all announcements after the first are ignored.

When this announcement is made, a rule is created within this rule suite named "Import Type: <type>", where <type> is replaced by the type announced by the noo; numbered 503.X, where X is the lowest positive integer such that this is a unique rule; with the following double quote delimited text:

<type> are tradeable, exportable entities.

where <type> is replaced by the type of entity concerned and any necessary capitalisation may be performed by the Rule-Harfer. Players are encouraged to augment the rules in this rule suite so that these types mimic the properties they have within the rule set of their noo, or have at least nominal worth or use within the game of Ackanomic. If an officer or any player responsible for accepting an import from another nomic is informed that such an import falls into a pre-defined type within this rule suite, that player must announce this fact publicly before this import is accepted.

All rules in this rule suite take precedence over rule 501, "ExtraNomic Entities" where there is conflict.

Proposal 3614 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:35 EDT
Plagarism Is A Crime, Unless You Get Away With It
Eris (Gavin Logan)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

{{In rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", replace the following D'OH! delimited text:

V. Newbie Author Bonus/Soft Penalty

Newbies shall receive a bonus equivalent to the points which would be gained by anti-voting[one point for Modest proposals, five points for Grandiose proposals, three points otherwise] whenever one of their non-Modest proposals is accepted or any one of their proposals is rejected.

with the following WOO-HOO! delimited text:

V. Newbie Author Bonus/Soft Penalty

Newbies shall receive a bonus (one point for Modest proposals, five points for Grandiose proposals, three points otherwise) whenever one of their non-Modest proposals is accepted or any one of their proposals is rejected. WOO-HOO!}}

{{Eris loses 3 points. Weishaupt gains 3 points.}}

Proposal 3615 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:37 EDT
Twit Me Twice and it's still Shame On You
Fo (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Create a new Rule, numbered 105, titled "Equal Opportunity Act", with the following FAIR-delimited text:

Any proposal which discriminates between players on the basis of their identity shall be deemed invalid and removed from voting consideration.

Proposal 3616 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:38 EDT
Less Harfing for the Financier
Fo (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Delete subsection e from section 3 of Rule 1044, "Swingpoints".

[This part is the one which limits how frequently conversions can occur. I don't see that it is all that necessary anymore - it just adds to the Financier's workload by forcing em to check the last times for Swingpoint conversion before they can ack the current one.

The only types of conversion which are restricted in this way are Swingpoints into Bonus Votes, PartyChess Pieces, and Benefyts. Bonus Votes - each player can only have 4 anyway at any one time, and can only cast one per proposal - why the extra restriction? PartyChess Pieces - can also be bought for cash, so no real restriction. Benefyts - you can use at most one per Play, and usually Plays occur not more than once per week anyway.]

Proposal 3617 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:39 EDT
Fill in the Blank: Edinburgh *blank* Festival
Fo (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 1280, titled "Fringe Festival", with the following SURRY-delimited text:

If no Fringe Festival has occurred in the last 30 days, it is a privilege of the Office of President to call a Fringe Festival.

A Fringe Festival is designed to celebrate the life and times of Ackazens, especially one in particular [I'll let you guess which one.] The first part of the Festival lasts 7 days.

During the first part of the Festival, any player may donate any Trinket they own, with a value of A$25 or more, to the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee is an unownable entity which may own Trinkets.

Once the first part of the Festival has concluded, the intermission begins. The intermission lasts for 1 second. In the intermission, a Trinket valued at A$50, titled "First Prize #x", where x is replaced by the smallest natural number which would produce a valid new Trinket name, and with the description "What do you think it is, buddy boy?" is created in the possession of the Awards Committee. Once the intermission has concluded, the second part of the Festival begins.

In the second part, a Festival Hearing is called, with the Archivist as its Hearing Harfer. The valid responses to the Hearing are the names of the Trinkets owned by the Awards Committee.

The verdict of the Hearing is chosen as follows:

(1) Ignore all responses which were the names of Trinkets donated to the Awards Committee by people who did not vote in the Hearing.
(2) Of the non-ignored valid responses, pick one at random from those with the largest number of votes.

This takes precedence over any rules which specify how a verdict is obtained in a Hearing in the event of a conflict.

The player who donated the Trinket whose name matches the verdict of the Hearing receives all Trinkets owned by the Awards Committee. In addition, an Admiralty Moon (a nontradeable entity which looks like a Silver Moon but has a crazy Fringe around it) is created in the possession of said player.

Proposal 3618 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:40 EDT
OJ Simpson, avenge thy name!
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal

Amend rule 710 (CFCJ) by replacing the following PHOSPHOROUS-delimited text

8a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period".

with the following SULFUR-delimited text

8a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period". In addition, at this time, to any other penalties, Player X will pay the standard Harfer Fee to the initiator of the CFCJ to cover "legal costs".

and replace the following CHLORINE-delimited text

9b) If a TRUE verdict is not upheld on an appeal, any penalties, except SENTENCE, are reversed, effective the time of the appeal verdict.

with the following ARGON-delimited text

9b) If a TRUE verdict is not upheld on an appeal, any penalties, except SENTENCE, are reversed, effective the time of the appeal verdict. This includes the "legal costs" that were transferred to the initiator of he CFCJ by section 8a.

Proposal 3619 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:41 EDT
Let the dice be rolled!
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal

Amend rule 230 (Random Things) by adding the following POTASSIUM-delimited text to the end of the rule

This rule defers to any rule which sets up an alternate scheme for random decisions.

Proposal 3620 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:42 EDT
Yawn. Another Minor Fix
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

In rule 907 replace the following URANIUM delimited text with the following NEPTUNIUM delimited text:

Verdicts which are still appealable or have been overturned do not count towards this total, nor do any verdicts other than True or False.

Verdicts which are still appealable, are currently under consideration by the Supreme Court or have been overturned do not count towards this total, nor do any verdicts other than True or False.

Proposal 3621 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:48 EDT
404 Not Found (Joel Ricker)
Decision: accepted

Replace the following OLD_COLOR delimited text in Rule 1150:

grey; indigo;

with the following NEW_COLOR delimited text:

grey; harf; indigo;

Proposal 3622 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:49 EDT
CFJ's by Voting Players
404 Not Found (Joel Ricker)
Decision: accepted

Replace the sentence in rule 212: "i) All Active Players are eligible." with "i) All Voting Players are eligible."

{{[This proposal keeps this rule consistent with Rule 250 second IV part a]}}

Proposal 3623 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:50 EDT
New Assistant Web-Harfer Stuff
404 Not Found (Joel Ricker)
Decision: rejected

Replace the following SQUIRREL delimited text in 407:

c) To seek and appoint Assistant Web-Harfers (who must be volunteers) to help keep the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date. [This mainly would be, for example, putting an assistant in charge of the CFJ portion of the page.]

with the following NUT delimited text

c) To seek and appoint Assistant Web-Harfers, who must be volunteers. The Web-Harfer may issue a Call for Duty in the public forum, asking for volunteers

and detailing what assistance the Web-Harfer news.

Renumber rule 407.1 as 407.2

Create and a new rule with number 407.1 with the title: "Assistant Web-Harfer" (minus the " ") with the following ZIPPERS delimited text:


The office of the Assistant Web-Harfer is a Functional Office. The duties are:

a) To assist the Web-Harfer in maintaining the Ackanomic WWW pages and keeping them up-to-date, at the request of the Web-Harfer. [This mainly would be, for example, being put in charge of the CFJ portion of the page]

b) The Assistant Web-Harfer may also maintain pages associated with the information generated by other Acka offices/officers but where those offices are not required to keep a web page as per their respective rules. [ie, Dungeon Master]

c) To be the substitute for the Office of Web-Harfer.

Proposal 3624 - Wed 23 Sep 1998 10:51 EDT
Entity Name Loophole
Fo (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[We currently have a way to deal with entities which are not given a valid name at their creation. However, if the name then becomes invalid later there is nothing done about it.]

In Rule 500.1, "Entity Names", replace the text
'If a named entity at any time ever does not have a name, it shall immediately take the name "Nameless Thing #X"'

with the text
'If a named entity at any time ever does not have a name, or has a name which does not comply with the Rules, it shall immediately take the name "Nameless Thing #X"'

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