Proposal 1701 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:26:00 -0600
Creation of a PartyChessPiece Sniper
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: failed to meet quorum
Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, with text as follows.

{{[If we're going to have a bunch of Pretty Powerful Party Pieces, we might as well have some Kinda Cool Creative Countermeasures, somewhat like the Marshall-Spy relationship in Stratego.]}}

1. A Sniper is respresented by the ASCII character S.
2. A Sniper can move exactly two squares in any horizontal or vertical direction, provided the intervening squre is unoccupied, or exactly one square in any diagonal direction. It may capture using this move.
3. Alternately, when capturing a piece of material value 9 or higher, it may move up to N spaces in any horizontal or vertical direction, jumping over any intervening pieces. N for this purpose is defined as 2/3 the captured piece's material value, rounded to the nearest integer.
4. A Sniper which makes a capture via the method defined in 3, above, may either remain a Sniper or promote to a Kamikaze. If the controlling Swinger does not specify which option he wishes to take in the message which announced the capture, the Sniper does not promote.
5. A Sniper's material value is 5.

Proposal 1702 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:17:19 -0600
al Creation of a Party Chess Piece Transmogrifier
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: failed to meet quorum

1. A Transmogrifier is represented by the ASCII character X.
2. A Transmogrifier can move up to three squares in any single direction.
3. Each extant Transmogrifier has its own Transmogrification Index, or TI. When created, a Transmogrifier has a TI of 20. Upon making a capture, a Transmogrifier may Transmogrify any one piece within N squares in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, where N is the material value of the just-captured piece.

When a piece is Transmogrified, it is destroyed, and a new piece is instantly created and placed on the square the just-Transmogrified piece occupied when it was destroyed. The absolute value of the difference between the Transmogrified piece's material value and the new piece's material value is subtracted from the Transmogrifier's TI. If this would result in a negative TI, the Trasmogrification cannot take place.

A Transmogrification takes place if and only if the Swinger controlling the Transmogrifying Transmogrifier unambiguously specifies a legal Transmogrification in the same post as he makes the capture which opens the possibility of Transmogrifcation.

Kings cannot be Transmogrified, nor can Kings be Created through Transmogrification.

4. A Transmogrifier has a material value of 12.

Proposal 1703 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:17:20 -0600
*pinging* the Machine
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: failed to meet quorum

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend Rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*", to replace:

VIII. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times during the current Scholar's term, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth, any active player may, within the next three days, submit a CFCJ that the Scholar violated the rules of his duties during the current Scholar's term. If no player does so in that time, or if the returned verdict is FALSE, the Scholar receives 50 A$ for his services, and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.


VIII. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times during the current Scholar's term, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth as directed by this section, the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

{{[the CFCJ business is extraneous; the clause about the money appears to scope beyond section VIII, which was not intended, I would guess. Also, the scholar has most likely already received a boon, making this subgame payoff structure well out of line with other subgames to start with. That's ok, but there is no reason to throw twice what the web-harfer makes in a month on top of that :)]}}

Proposal 1704 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:17:21 -0600
unSneeking the Active Player definition change
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: failed to meet quorum

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 254, "Player States", to replace:

A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted or made a proposal.


A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted on a proposal.

{{[first of all, this was snuck (?) into the player reorg despite acka's opposition to the idea (qv P 1549), but the players reorg was worth it. Remember, active player was defined the way it was because of the Quorum Crisis, therefore voting is the appropriate criteria. Also, voting seems more of an indication that your feet are on the ground than submitting a proposal. This also fixes the case where votes on other things such as elections and subgames do not count.]}}

Proposal 1705 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:17:21 -0600
Keys and Mongeese
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Made harfy by Malenkai at Thu, 30 Jan 1997 20:24:27 -0500
Decision: retracted by author

The yeenewkleorrrrmeeesseilllllee mongoose is the official animal of Ackanomic.

Proposal 1706 - Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:17:22 -0600
Reducing the ruleset size by a factor of 0.0006137
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: failed to meet quorum

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend Rule 412, "Financier and Free Market", to replace the following text:

The Privileges of the Financier are:

a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining, and publishing information pertaining to the above. These assistants may resign. These assistants are not Officers.

b) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.


{{the title of assistant to the financier is removed from anyone who has it. [deleting the clauses above does not change the way the game is played in any way.]}}

Proposal 1707 - Sat, 1 Feb 1997 10:54:02 -0600
Join Assembly
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Append to R720 "Institutions" the following text as section 5:
"When two or more Institutions are called to vote on a matter in Joint Assembly, then all the members of all the Institution in the specific Joint Assembly vote on the matter as if they were all members of one Institution, with the exception that each player votes once for each Institution in the Joint Assembly that he is a member of an acting member of.
If two or more Institutiont are called to vote on a matter and a Joint Assembly is not explicitly specified, then each Institution votes seperately.

Proposal 1708 - Sat, 1 Feb 1997 10:54:03 -0600
Chess Things
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

{{[Now, that's really more like it]}}

This is a Modest proposal
In 1230.2 "Swinger Like to Play Around II - Managing the game"
section 2 J.(i) will be ammended to read in full:
"A Round of play is defined as a time period in which each Swinger played at least once, and at least one Swinger played only once, where a Default Pass also counts a play, and a Special DD-Turn counts as a play for each Swinger taking part in that turn, in eir capacity as Swinger."

In section 2 D the text :
" as a result of the fact that eir Party no longer exists,"
Will be deleted.

{{[The second is a correction to the null proposal. The first should have really gone with the check fix, because playing order may change as a result of check, it is possible that the current condition of each Swinger playing exactly once, might never be met. In the spirit of that ammendemnt, Special DD-Turn also count. With the recently submitted definition a Round could be aslong as one wanted. With this definition, once everyone has played once, a Round is definitely over.]}}

Proposal 1709 - Sat, 1 Feb 1997 10:54:04 -0600
Creation of a Party Chess Piece Transmogrifier
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, with text as follows:

1. A Transmogrifier is represented by the ASCII character X.
2. A Transmogrifier can move up to three squares in any single direction.
3. Each extant Transmogrifier has its own Transmogrification Index, or TI. When created, a Transmogrifier has a TI of 20. Upon making a capture, a Transmogrifier may Transmogrify any one piece within N squares in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, where N is the material value of the just-captured piece.

When a piece is Transmogrified, it is destroyed, and a new piece is instantly created and placed on the square the just-Transmogrified piece occupied when it was destroyed. The absolute value of the difference between the Transmogrified piece's material value and the new piece's material value is subtracted from the Transmogrifier's TI. If this would result in a negative TI, the Trasmogrification cannot take place.

A Transmogrification takes place if and only if the Swinger controlling the Transmogrifying Transmogrifier unambiguously specifies a legal Transmogrification in the same post as he makes the capture which opens the possibility of Transmogrifcation.

Kings cannot be Transmogrified, nor can Kings be Created through Transmogrification.

4. A Transmogrifier has a material value of 12.

Proposal 1710 - Sat, 1 Feb 1997 10:54:05 -0600
Let's Not Let Party Chess Pieces Get Stale, Mate
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest Proposal.
Add the following to the end of Rule 1230.1, section 3.

J. {{On April 1, 1997,}} Any Party Chess Piece Def Rule existing for 10 weeks or more, yet describing a type of Piece of which no example has existed in the past 10 weeks, is repealed.

Proposal 1711 - Sat, 1 Feb 1997 12:33:59 -0600
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[this doesn't really change the way the game is played, except when the treasury is getting too low to back the value of Trinkets, making them unredeemable. The goal here is to set up a true equivelance between A$ and Trinkets, rather than the pseudo one we have now. It also allows the exporting of Trinkets to have some meaning, if we ever export them.]}}


I. Amend R 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", in the following ways:

A. Replace the text of section III, which reads:

AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed. This Rule has precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 75,000.


AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed, except as Trinkets are created and destroyed. This Rule has precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$, except it defers to rules concering the creation and destruction of Trinkets. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 75,000 less the combined value of all extant Trinkets (including those Trinkets created in Ackanomic, yet exported as described in the rules).


B. Replace the text of section VI, which reads:

A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so.


A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the entity is a Trinket, it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.


II. Amend R 506, "Trinkets" to read in full:

A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist.

Trinkets always have a value in positive A$. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules. The owner of a Trinket may transform it into its value in A$ by publically announcing they are doing so. This action destroys the Trinket, creating A$ in its stead, and it upsets the art and antiquities communities.

A player may create a Trinket by publically announcing its name, description, and value, as long as the player has at least as many A$ as the announced value. Upon doing so, the stated amount of A$ is transformed into the Trinket, and the creating player becomes the owner of the Trinket.

Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Trinkets, so long as the rule provides for naming, describing, and valuing the Trinket. In these cases, however, if the value of the Trinket would exceed the number of A$ in the Treasury directly before it would be created, it is not created.

Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules.

[What are Trinkets used for? Adding color, basically. Allowing gifts of value other than Prosthetic Foreheads to be given, and for possible use as Buried Treasure, or other uses.]


III. Amend R 666, "End of Cycle", to replace:

"If the amount of A$s in circulation"


"If the total of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets"

Proposal 1712 - Sun, 2 Feb 1997 22:02:00 -0600
Creation of a PartyChessPiece Transmogrifier
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, with text as follows:

1. A Transmogrifier is represented by the ASCII character X.
2. A Transmogrifier can move up to three squares in any single direction.
3. Each extant Transmogrifier has its own Transmogrification Index, or TI. When created, a Transmogrifier has a TI of 20. Upon making a capture, a Transmogrifier may Transmogrify any one piece within N squares in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, where N is the material value of the just-captured piece.

When a piece is Transmogrified, it is destroyed, and a new piece is instantly created and placed on the square the just-Transmogrified piece occupied when it was destroyed. The Office of Swinger which owned the piece destroyed during the Transmogrification is the owner of the new piece. The absolute value of the difference between the Transmogrified piece's material value and the new piece's material value is subtracted from the Transmogrifier's TI. If this would result in a negative TI, the Trasmogrification cannot take place.

A Transmogrification takes place if and only if the Swinger controlling the Transmogrifying Transmogrifier unambiguously specifies a legal Transmogrification in the same post as he makes the capture which opens the possibility of Transmogrifcation.

Kings cannot be Transmogrified, nor can Kings be Created through Transmogrification.

4. A Transmogrifier has a material value of 12.

Proposal 1713 - Sun, 2 Feb 1997 22:02:01 -0600
Delayed Effect Syntax
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule with text as follows:

{{Renumber this rule to 347.}}

Any rule text surrounded by single curly braces, and preceded in those curly braces by an unambiguous date or date and time (hereafter called the Trigger Time), shall have no effect until the Trigger Time comes to pass. In the case where only a date is included, the Trigger Time shall be noon on that date.

When the Trigger Time comes to pass, the single curly braces and the Trigger Time marked within shall be deleted from the rule, and the enclosed text shall attain effectiveness.

The one-time application of self-deleting text enclosed with a Trigger Time inside single curly braces shall not occur until the Trigger Time; this takes precedence over Rule 346.

All text enclosed in the brackets below is explicitly immune from the effects of either this rule or Rule 346. This also takes precedence over Rule 346.


{March 15, 44 BC {{Julius Caesar is hereby assassinated.}} }
Kills Caesar at noon of March 15, 44 BC, then deletes itself from the rules.

{March 15, 44 BC, 10:30 AM {{Julius Caesar is hereby assassinated.}} }
Gets the assassination done in the morning, so Brutus, Cassius, Casca, and the boys have time to wash up in time for lunch.

{March 15, 44 BC, 10:30 AM; Hereafter, no player may, in a public message, refer to Julius Caesar as any sort of entity other than an Undead.}
Leaves a lasting regulation in the rules, unenforced until the Trigger Time.

Proposal 1714 - Mon, 3 Feb 1997 13:30:36 -0600
What Time is it, Anyway?
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

{{ [ This is intended to resolve various timing issues involved in the game. R370 is amended to establish an "official" time standard for posts. A few potential timing problems are also addressed. ] }}

Amend rule 370, "No E-mail, No Game," by deleting all of the fourth paragraph except the first sentence.

{{ [ The actual timing specification got long enough that I think it should be in its own rule, so here it is: ] }}

Create a new rule entitled "Timing" with the following text delimited by ** symbols:

Posts that are sent through any mailing list maintained by the Postmaster are deemed to have occured at the time that they are received by the list server. Posts that are not sent through such a mailing list and for which the Speaker is one of the designated recipients are deemed to have occured at the time that they are received by the Speaker's mail server. Other posts not sent through any of the Postmaster's mailing lists are deemed to have occured at the earliest time that they are received by the mail server of any of the Players, other than the sender, designated as recipients. If a Player posts a message only to himself, then that post is deemed to have occured at the time that it was sent.

(The term "mail server" is intentionally left open to some interpretation. It is intended to indicate the actual computer used for e-mail by the relevant player if that computer has a full-time internet -- or other form of e-mail -- connection; otherwise it is intended to mean that computer from which the relevant player downloads his mail.)

Players are encouraged to use an appropriate Postmaster-maintained mailing list if available. If the times of two posts are compared and (i) only one of them went through one of the Postmaster's lists and (ii) their times are otherwise within three minutes of each other, then the post sent through the Postmaster's list is deemed to have occured first.

This rule defers to any rule which specifies an alternative method for determining the times or relative times of posts.

Renumber the rule entitled "Timing" to number 371.

{{ [ The following bit will give the Promoter some discretionary power in assigning proposal numbers, and remove any timing problems. This will also cover some cases that previously would have been incorrect proposal numbering or incorrect distribution. ] }}

Amend Rule 406, "Promoter," by changing the text:

"(c) assign the proposal a number 1 greater than the number assigned to the previously distributed proposal, and distribute it for voting."


"(c) to assign each proposal an integer number greater than any number previously assigned to a proposal. It is expected, but not required, that the promoter shall give each proposal a number exactly one greater than the previous proposal's number;

(d) to promptly distribute each numbered proposal for voting."

{{ [ The Tabulator needs a break to avoid violating the rules involuntarilly. ] }}

Amend Rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula," by changing the sentence:

"(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals, in the time order in which their voting periods ended."


"(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals, in the time order in which their voting periods ended; the time of these reports is deemed to be the time indicated by the message's initial timestamp."

{{ [ The Machine that goes *ping* doesn't have a problem per se, but it could benefit from some minor timing-related changes. ] }}

Amend rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*," in the following ways:

a) Replace section VI with the following text:
"Unless otherwise forbidden, each player other than the Scholar is permitted to publicly post a guess at the undisguised form of the Machine's truth. The player during each Scholar's term who legally so posts the correct guess first received by the Scholar shall receive the following rewards: he shall be congratulated by the Scholar; he shall receive one random Boon of the Ancients, created at that time by the Machine; and the Machine shall transport itself to his home.

Each player who posts an incorrect guess shall suffer the following consequences: he shall be publicly ridiculed by the Scholar, who shall be immune from the politeness moon in so doing (this takes precedence over Rule 374), and he shall pay a fine of A$ 10 for mocking the sacred truth. The Scholar must respond to each guess with either congratulations or ridicule, as appropriate, within three days of the time of the guess.

Players are forbidden from posting more than one guess during any given term of any particular Scholar.

{{ If Proposal 1686 was accepted then the text ',who shall be immune from the politeness moon in so doing (this takes precedence over Rule 374) ' is hereby deleted from the text of Rule 1209. }}

{{ [ This removes the restriction on players posting guesses while a guess is already pending, thus making the game more playable by preventing players from accidentally violating the rules. Guesses and magic letter naming which occur after a correct guess are handled by the next change: ] }}

b) Change the sentence:

"During the time after the Machine changes locations but before a new truth is announced, no one may post a guess at the Machine's truth or name the Magic Letter."


"Guesses at the truth and attempts to name a magic letter are wholly ignored for the purposes of all other provisions of this rule if they occur before the current scholar has announced the disguised form of the truth, or if they are received by the Scholar after a correct guess has already been received during his current term."

{{ [ The times that guesses and magic letter names are received by the Scholar is used instead of their posting time so as to protect the Scholar from accidentally violating the rule when two messages are received close together. ] }}

Proposal 1715 - Tue, 4 Feb 1997 15:16:17 -0600
Prayer Fix
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph of R1321.

For the purposes of this rule, a non-vacationing priest is any priest who was not on Vacation at the end of the prayer period.

Proposal 1716 - Wed, 5 Feb 1997 21:22:12 -0600
Lot Sale
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[this will allow things like a group of prosthetic foreheads to be auctioned as a lot, at the option of the player auctioning them, rather than the current system used for Otzma cards, and the like, where each high bidder gets one.]}}


Amend R 516, "Auction", to replace:

a) the item to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling (or directing a player to initiate) the Auction, and must be a tradeable or gift entity owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player acting on their own.
b) the quantity to be Auctioned (default = 1)


a) the item or items to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling (or directing a player to initiate) the Auction, and must be tradeable or gift entit(ies) owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player acting on their own. Default quantity is 1 item.
b) if more than one item is being auctioned, whether or not the items should be grouped and auctioned as a lot (default = no). If yes, then "item" (and "items") as used in the remainer of this rule shall be construed to mean the entire lot of items being auctioned, and quantity shall be 1.

Proposal 1717 - Wed, 5 Feb 1997 21:42:17 -0600
Shubik Auctions
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 516, "Auction", to append the following text at the end of the rule:

7) When a player acting on their own calls a public auction in which exactly one item is being auctioned, that player may declare that auction to be a "Shubik Auction" when it is initiated. An auction may not be so declared under any other circumstances. At the conclusion of a Shubik Auction, the player who made the second highest bid, if such a player exists, forfeits his bid to the treasury as well, and receives no compensation.

{{All Shubik Auctions hereby lose their Shubik status.

[Shubik auctions are sometimes called "Dollar Bill Auctions". An excellent writeup of these sorts of auctions can be found at


Proposal 1718 - Wed, 5 Feb 1997 21:42:18 -0600
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 415, "Presidential Decisions", to replace

"A$500 in construction costs" with "A$850 in construction costs".

Proposal 1719 - Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:49:09 -0600
Vault Divination III
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled "Vault Divination", numbered 222.1, with the following text:

The Golden Frog knows the location of the Chalice Vault. If a player eligible to find the Chalice Vault legally possesses the entity called The Golden Frog, The Golden Frog will tell him where the CV is, and the player will thus find it.

Other players may still possess the Golden Frog, but they shall not find the CV by doing so, unless they are eligible.

Proposal 1720 - Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:58:53 -0600
*pinging* the Machine (resubmit)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend Rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*", to replace:

VIII. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times during the current Scholar's term, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth, any active player may, within the next three days, submit a CFCJ that the Scholar violated the rules of his duties during the current Scholar's term. If no player does so in that time, or if the returned verdict is FALSE, the Scholar receives 50 A$ for his services, and the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.


VIII. If the Machine has gone *ping* thirty times during the current Scholar's term, the Scholar must, within three days of the 30th *ping*, publically post the Machine's truth in its undisguised form.

When the Scholar posts the undisguised truth as directed by this section, the Machine randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

{{[the CFCJ business is extraneous; the clause about the money appears to scope beyond section VIII, which was not intended, I would guess. Also, the scholar has most likely already received a boon, making this subgame payoff structure well out of line with other subgames to start with. That's ok, but there is no reason to throw twice what the web-harfer makes in a month on top of that :)]}}

Proposal 1721 - Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:58:54 -0600
Proposal 1704 resubmit
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 254, "Player States", to replace:

A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted or made a proposal.


A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted on a proposal.

{{[first of all, this was snuck (?) into the player reorg despite acka's opposition to the idea (qv P 1549), but the players reorg was worth it. Remember, active player was defined the way it was because of the Quorum Crisis, therefore voting is the appropriate criteria. Also, voting seems more of an indication that your feet are on the ground than submitting a proposal. This also fixes the case where votes on other things such as elections and subgames do not count.]}}

Proposal 1722 - Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:58:55 -0600
Reducing the ruleset size by a factor of 0.0006137
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted


This is a Modest proposal.


Amend Rule 412, "Financier and Free Market", to replace the following text:

The Privileges of the Financier are:

a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining, and publishing information pertaining to the above. These assistants may resign. These assistants are not Officers.

b) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.


{{the title of assistant to the financier is removed from anyone who has it. [deleting the clauses above does not change the way the game is played in any way.]}}

Proposal 1723 - Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:58:55 -0600
If We're Going to Do This to Ourselves, We Should Do It Right
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

I. Add the following paragraph to Rule 1309 "We don't need Gravity":

If a building is dangling by its emergency tether, players may still enter and leave the building, by climbing up and down the tether. If a building has its emergency tether break and floats free, no one may enter or leave that building unless they have wings, or are given a ride by a winged player. Objects that reside in a floating building cannot be accessed or used by anyone who is not also inside that building.

II. Replace the second to last paragraph ["Wings"] in Rule 854
"Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication" with the following:

Wings: Cost -- 100 A$. Winged players need not worry about dangling from the earth, as they can reattach the suction cups for any player that might lose them. Because of the size of buildings, it requires three winged players to reattach a dangling building's suction cups, and after doing so, they must rest for three days before reattaching anything else. Buildings that have also lost their emergency tether can still be reattached by three winged players, but the strenuous effort will cause the players to lose their wings as well. Since extra heads ruin a player's aerodynamics, a player may not have both wings and an extra head.

{{[This change simply adds information that is currently only specified in the Blueprint for the Gravitation Monopole. That is, it doesn't change anything; it simply puts the information in with the rest of the rules.]}}

Proposal 1724 - Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:58:56 -0600
Table of Contents
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

Title Table of Contents
Author: Jammer AKA John-Martin Lotz

This is neither a modest nor a grandiose proposal

{Renumber this rule as 99}

Part 1:

Rule 101/1 - The Game of Ackanomic
Rule 102/5 - Resolving Conflicts
Rule 103/10 - Proposals and Rule Changes
Rule 104/4 - Adopting Proposals
Rule 106/5 - Voting on Proposals
Rule 107/5 - Quorum and Active Players
Rule 205/4 - When Score Changes Take Effect
Rule 207/10 - Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported
Rule 207.1/3 - That's just silly
Rule 207.2/2 - Keep 'Em In The Game
Rule 209/2 - Modesty and Pride
Rule 211/12 - Invoking Judgement
Rule 212/7 - Selecting A Judge
Rule 213/1 - Delivering Judgement
Rule 214/1 - Possible Judgements
Rule 215/1 - Judgements Must Accord With The Rules
Rule 216/0 - Judgements Are Not Rules
Rule 217/14 - Overturning Judgements
Rule 219/3 - Winning By Paradox
Rule 220/9 - Winning by Points
Rule 221/7 - Winnin is Inherently Amusing (or Winning by Palindrome)
Rule 222/1 - Winning by Finding the Crystal Chalice
Rule 235/11 - Chartreuse Goose
Rule 250/5 - Registered Players
Rule 251/11 - Player Names
Rule 252/1 - Joining the Game
Rule 253/2 - Mentors
Rule 254/1 - Player States
Rule 255/16 - Vacationing
Rule 256/6 - Leaving the Game
Rule 257/7 - No Dead Players Allowed
Rule 258/4 - Undead
Rule 259/0 - Evil Twins
Rule 301/7 - Proposal and Rule Titles
Rule 303/10 - Proposal and Rule Numbering
Rule 305/6 - For Personal Glory...
Rule 307/3 - Revision Numbers
Rule 309/1 - Substantially Similar Proposals
Rule 311/2 - Rule Suites
Rule 313/8 - Proposal Bribery
Rule 315/10 - Tammany
Rule 317/3 - Bonus Votes
Rule 319/2 - Unanimity Is Lovely (although not so lovely as it used to be)
Rule 330/6 - Retractions
Rule 340/2 - Spelling Errors
Rule 342/7 - Spelling Bee
Rule 344/5 - Notes and Comments
Rule 346/5 - Self Deleting Text
Rule 348/6 - " "
Rule 360/5 - Hearings
Rule 362/9 - Crisis Resolution
Rule 370/3 - No E-mail, No Game
Rule 374/5 - Politeness Moon
Rule 380/2 - Time Zone
Rule 401/12 - Offices, Commonalities
Rule 402/7 - Offices, Related Definitions
Rule 403/10 - Functional Offices, Commonalities
Rule 404/5 - Offices, Impeachment
Rule 405/11 - Speaker
Rule 406/5 - Promoter
Rule 407/6 - Web-Harfer
Rule 408/17 - Tabulator and Count Tabula
Rule 409/7 - Registrar
Rule 410/4 - Scorekeeper
Rule 411/3 - Senate
Rule 412/4 - Financier and Free Market
Rule 413/2 - Clerk of the Court
Rule 414/7 - President
Rule 415/5 - Presidential Decisions
Rule 416/4 - Supreme Court
Rule 417/5 - Justices Rock
Rule 418/3 - Justices Are Keeper Of The Sacred Laws
Rule 419.1/6 - Ambassador
Rule 419.2/7 - Ackanomic/Internomic Interface
Rule 420.1/5 - Historian
Rule 420.2/0 - Ackanomic History Guild
Rule 421/6 - Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy
Rule 422/5 - Postmaster
Rule 423/5 - Map-Harfer
Rule 424/3 - Poet Laureate
Rule 425/3 - Praetor
Rule 426/0 - Undead-Harfer
Rule 427.1/0 - Bond-Harfer Meta Rule
Rule 500/0 - Entities
Rule 500.1/0 - Entity Names
Rule 500.2/0 - Entity Ownership
Rule 500.3/0 - Entity Uniqueness
Rule 501/4 - ExtraNomic Entities
Rule 505/10 - Treasury and AckaDollars
Rule 506/2 - Trinkets
Rule 507/5 - PF Bonds
Rule 508/3 - Bond Yields
Rule 510/2 - Voluntary Debt Prohibited
Rule 511/1 - In Debt
Rule 512/2 - Bond Options
Rule 513/3 - Rental
Rule 515/2 - Trading and Gifts
Rule 516/10 - Auction
Rule 593/8 - Ackanomic Research Guild
Rule 594/8 - Blueprints
Rule 595/12 - Gadgets
Rule 596/1 - The Mad Scientist
Rule 597/1 - The Frankenstein Monster(s)
Rule 666/16 - End of Cycle
Rule 667/7 - Fat Lady
Rule 668/3 - Eggs and Fruit
Rule 669/3 - Marks of the Champion
Rule 670/5 - Commission d'Arts
Rule 709/11 - Gaol
Rule 710/10 - Criminal Justice
Rule 711/2 - Appeal for Pardon
Rule 712/7 - Gaoler
Rule 713/1 - Crime
Rule 714/3 - Cow Town Hotel
Rule 715/3 - in Contempt
Rule 716/3 - Patent Infringement
Rule 720/5 - Institutions
Rule 721/10 - Organizations
Rule 722/7 - Political Parties
Rule 723/4 - Rewarding Party Unity
Rule 726/16 - Party Hall
Rule 727/2 - Party Hall party
Rule 728/4 - Swingpoints
Rule 729/1 - Another Truly Deplorable Pun
Rule 835/2 - Locations
Rule 836/3 - Hotels
Rule 837/4 - Nothing Important
Rule 839/7 - Buildings
Rule 840/4 - Library
Rule 841/2 - Towers
Rule 843/4 - Hall of Elders
Rule 844/3 - Land Baroncy
Rule 845/5 - Map
Rule 846/1 - Constructions and Architectural Aesthetic
Rule 850/0 - Museum
Rule 852/2 - Portrait Gallery
Rule 854/1 - Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication
Rule 901/9 - The Magic Potato
Rule 903/5 - Gumball
Rule 905/8 - The Blue Cross
Rule 907/2 - Bronze Torch
Rule 909/7 - Steel Flea
Rule 911/6 - The Great Trombone of Ackanomia
Rule 913/4 - Parades
Rule 915/8 - Prosthetic Foreheads
Rule 917/3 - Rock
Rule 919/5 - Brass Monkey
Rule 921/4 - Acid Rain Dance
Rule 923/5 - The Amber Banana
Rule 925/5 - The Press
Rule 927/4 - Silly Vacation Hat
Rule 929/5 - Baaa
Rule 931/3 - Garments
Rule 933/2 - Purple Robe of Justice
Rule 935/4 - Processing Chips
Rule 939/2 - Beldin's Tailor
Rule 940/1 - Beldin's Pants
Rule 1112.1/2 - Let there be Harf!
Rule 1112.2/1 - And the Harf shall inherit the Earth!
Rule 1112.3/2 - Let those who are without Harf cast the first stone.
Rule 1115/4 - Fulfilling Campaign Promises
Rule 1117/3 - Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Side Effects
Rule 1119/1 - Undead (aka I didn't come back as a bag of groceries)
Rule 1121/1 - This Is Where The Party Ends
Rule 1123/1 - snowgod's Disease
Rule 1125/1 - Bartender
Rule 1127/1 - Sanctity of Harf
Rule 1129/1 - Crazy French-Scotsmen
Rule 1201/7 - Games & Contests
Rule 1203/4 - Decks of Playing Cards
Rule 1205/2 - Description of a Legacy Deck
Rule 1207/1 - Description of a Eleusis Deck
Rule 1209/9 - The Machine That Goes *ping*
Rule 1211/2 - Boons of the Ancients
Rule 1213/5 - Grab-a-Donkey
Rule 1215/4 - Duels
Rule 1217/5 - Buried Treasure!
Rule 1230/1 - Party Chess Rule Suite
Rule 1240/0 - Otzma Cards Rule Suite
Rule 1301/11 - Church
Rule 1303/3 - Synod 
Rule 1305/3 - Taking the Altar by the Horns
Rule 1307/9 - Ackanomic Middle Ages
Rule 1309/1 - We don't need Gravity
Rule 1311/1 - If we don't need Gravity, we'd better have Pressure
Rule 1313/5 - Tornado
Rule 1315/3 - Church Sanctuary
Rule 1317/2 - Codex of Kra
Rule 1319/1 - Round Earth Restoration Society
Rule 1321/4 - Rama-lama-ding-dong
Rule 1502/1 - Experts
Rule 1519/1 - The Size of Things
Part 2: Amending this rule
The contents of part 1 of this rule shall at all times reflect the numbers and titles of all rules in the current rule set. Thus, if a proposal creates new rule, changes the number of a rule, or changes the title of a rule it shall be reflected in the contents of part 1 of this rule.

Part 3
It is legal, though not required, for the Web Harfer to link the contents of elements of Part 1 to the rule it titles or numbers.

[I got the text for this off the Rules page, so It shouldn't take much work to impliment this]

Proposal 1725 - Wed, 12 Feb 1997 11:03:37 -0600
Potato Adjustment
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted

This is modest proposal.

In R901/9, "The Magic Potato" change the "two" to "three" in the last line of the first paragraph, and change the "two" to "one" in the last line of the last paragraph.

{{[The point equality of the Magic Potato and the Greater Tuba has always bugged me. It seemed to me that the goal of the Magic Potato was to encourage players always to have some proposals in the queue. The Greater Tuba, on the other hand, is much easier to take advantage of, since possesion of it is predictable.]}}

Proposal 1726 - Thu, 13 Feb 1997 20:52:55 -0600
The Widget of Yendor
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Fri, 14 Feb 1997 02:04:07 -0500
Decision: Accepted

The Widget of Yendor exists. It is a unique, Tradeable entity.

The Widget of Yendor (hereinafter referred to as simply "the Widget") is in one of two states at any time: the "frobbed" state, or the "tweaked" state. When the Widget is unowned, it is always in the tweaked state.

A player who owns the Widget may change it to the frobbed state by publically stating that they are "frobbing the Widget". They may change it back to the tweaked state by publically stating that they are "tweaking the Widget". (Frobbing the Widget when it is already in the frobbed state has no effect. Likewise, tweaking the Widget when it is already in the tweaked state also has no effect.)

When the Widget is in the frobbed state, any scoring changes that would normally occur to the owner's score fail to have an effect. [In essence, the score of the player who owns the Widget does not change while the Widget is frobbed.]

The Widget will automatically change its state to tweaked if it is in the frobbed state when any of the following are true:

1) the Widget is unowned;

2) the Widget's current state was set by a player other than the current owner [as opposed to an automatic state change];

3) the Widget has been in the frobbed state continuously for seven days;

4) the score of any player is within thirty points of the amount necessary to win.

Furthermore, any attempt to frob the Widget when any of the above conditions are true will have no effect.

{{The Widget of Yendor is currently unowned and is residing in the Treasury. An auction is hereby initiated for the Widget of Yendor.}}

Proposal 1727 - Thu, 13 Feb 1997 20:52:57 -0600
Newspapers Must be Public to be Newspapers
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Make the following two changes to Rule 925 "The Press": 1) Delete the fourth and fifth paragraphs. 2) Replace the first paragraph with the following text:

Any player may start a newspaper, by publically declaring that they are doing so. Newspapers must be given names, which must be announced at the same time that the newspaper is created. A small fee of A$20 must be paid to the treasury to cover start-up costs.

A player who owns a newspaper is allowed to post messages to an official mailing list with an indication that the message is an article of that newspaper. Such an article is then said to have been published in that newspaper.

A posting that is not sent to one of the official mailing lists is never considered to be a newspaper publication. In addition, no player may publish an article in a newspaper she does not own without the express permission of the newspaper's owner.

{{[ With one exception, this doesn't really change the rule. For the most part it organizes the language, replaces a few occurences of "paper" with the word "newspaper", and makes use of our new concept of "official mailing lists". The exception is that this change will specifically exempt private mail from being able to be a newspaper publication. Please note that it does not prevent someone from calling their private mail a newspaper publication; what it does is prevent such an action from actually having any weight. In other words, a CFCJ can't be called on you because you claimed some private message was a newspaper article when you haven't paid the A$20 startup cost.

I've been wanting to do this for a long time, ever since CFCJ 115 and CFJ 301, when this exact situation happened to IdiotBoy. I don't think that we should be trying to extend the rules to regulate our private mail. While it is true that the rules do impose requirements that some things happen in private mail - such as private auctions, Tammany bribes, etc. - it shouldn't go beyond what is necessary to properly conduct game business. To my mind, this comes dangerously close to bringing a form of protection to our private messages.

I hope people don't think I'm overreacting; IdiotBoy went to Gaol over this, after all. I personally do not want to see some future CFCJ called on me - or on anyone else, for that matter - for the crime of "manipulating a protected entity", because I sent a joking email to the Scorekeeper that happend to contain the words "[admittedly this is a stupid example] set breadbox's score to the Magic Number. " ]}}

[Web Harfer's Note - this proposal won the third silver moon award]

Proposal 1728 - Sun, 16 Feb 1997 12:31:52 -0600
Adopting Capital Swingers
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Append the following text to R726 "Party Hall" as section V

"When a Party's Swinger's Office is vacant, it is permissible for the Party to Adopt a member of the Party who is also a Capital Swinger as the Party's Swinger. The Adoption is performeed by posting a public message to that effect, and notifying the Chess-Umpire. When a Capital Swinger is Adopted by a Party, e retains eir pieces, board position and Swingscore, and any other PartyChess related entity or property e posseses. However he ceases to be a Capital Swinger and becomes a Party Swinger. Eir Office is renamed to reflect that change, in keeping with section III.A of this rule."

Proposal 1729 - Sun, 16 Feb 1997 12:31:53 -0600 BIG GAME RESERVE
Ludwig (Chris Lundberg)
Decision: Rejected

Let there be a location named BIG GAME RESERVE. It is a location in which wild animals can be hunted for a fee.
1)Cost: The Membership/Licence fee is A$35 per month. All memberships expire on the last day of the month at 6:00pm, dueto the monthly maintainance of the Reserve. It opens again at 8:00am on the first day of the month. The entry fee is A$2 perday spent hunting with a membership. It costs A$7 for a day without a membership, and you may not keep any trophy that you may procure. This A$2 or A$7 is for the rental of BIG GAME RIFLES. BIG GAME RIFLES are tradable entities owned by the BIG GAME RESERVE. BIG GAME RIFLES are rented for one day at a time, and it is impermissable to take a BIG GAME RIFLE of of the BIG GAME RESERVE.
2) Warden: Let there be an Optional Functional Office called the BIG GAME WARDEN or WARDEN for short. If there is no WARDEN, the BIG GAME RESERVE is closed. The duty of the WARDEN is to control the hunting. The WARDEN randomly decides whether a hunter bags (kills) an animal. The animal can be randomly selected or can be chosen by the hunter. Chances for each animal are below. If the hunter does, the WARDEN sends a letter of congratulations to the hunter and the hunter can pick up his TROPHY at the OFFICE. The WARDEN my also add or subtract an animal from the available list once per month.
3) TROPHY (pl TROPHIES): These are Trinkets worth an amount proportional to the odds for bagging the animal. Each is designated as a TROPHY for a specific animal (The one bagged) and will have a specific value.
4) OFFICE: the office is a small building which houses the records etc.
5) FINANCES: this is a Non Profit Organization. All extra funds go to the treasury. Animals are purchased at A$10,TROPHIES are created at the value depending on the animal.
6) ANIMALS: ANIMALS can NOT escape. The current list of animals,
their odds, and their TROPHY values is:
MOOSE AND SQUIRREL: (1 in 4) A$8 [Combination animal...very strange]
COW: (1 in 2) A$4 [COWS EAT GRASS]
UNICORN: (1 in 8) A$16 [never play leapfrog with]
JABBERWOCKY: (1 in 8) A$16 [Twas brillig in the slithy toves]
LOCH NESS MONSTER: (1 in 32) A$64 [Elusive water dweller]
BIGFOOT: (1 in 16) A$32 [Or Sasquatch]
WASCALLY WABBIT: (1 in 4) A$8 [be vewwy vewwy qwiet]
HONEST POLITICIAN: (1 in 32) A$64 [Very rare indeed]
WHITE WHALE: (1 in 16) A$32 [MOBY for short]
WALDO: (1 in 2) A$4 [Red and White striped shirt appears on the TROPHY]
BUFFALO: (1 in 2) A$4 [simple old buffalo]

Proposal 1730 - Sun, 16 Feb 1997 12:31:54 -0600
Seditious Libel: Ackanomic Middle Ages Part Two
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Bribe: A$50 to every player who votes yes. An additional A$25 will be given to every player who's party generates a unity vote. An adition A$25 will be given to each member of the Church of Seleya should the entire church vote YES.

Create a new rule entitled "The Seditious Libel Act of 1997" with the following text:

Be it enacted that there exists the crime of seditious libel, a felony.

And be it further enacted, that if any player shall publically write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of Ackanomic, including but not limited to the Senate and any political officers, and not excluding functional or optional officers, with the intent to defame said government, or said senate and officers, or to bring them into contempt or disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of Ackanomic, or to stir up sedition within Ackanomic, or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for oppoosing or resisting any rule of Ackanomic, or any act of the president of Ackanomic done in persuance of any such rule, or of the powers in him vested by the ruleset of Ackanomic, or to resist, oppose, or defeat, any such rule or proposal, or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nomic against Ackanomic, it's players or government, then such person, being thereof convicted by any court in Ackanomic having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a sentence in the Gaol not exceeding 14 days, and a fine not exceeding A$1000 or expulsion from the game.

And be it further enacted and declared , that if any person shall be prosecuted under this act, for the writing and publishing of libel aforsaid, it shall be unlawful for the defendant, upon the trial of the cause, to claim in his defence the truth of the matter contained in the publication charged as libel.

And be it further enacted, that this rule shall continue and be in force until the thirty-first day of december, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, and no longer, for on this day it shall be repealed.

{{Renumber this rule to 1199}}

Proposal 1731 - Sun, 16 Feb 1997 12:31:55 -0600
Speaker Succession
Lestrade (John Duncan)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal.
Amend Rule 405 (iv) from:

"The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period immediately prior to going on vacation. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. This section takes precedence over section (ii) of this Rule."


"The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period immediately prior to going on vacation. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. If the Clerk of the Court is also on vacation, then the procedure outlined in section (viii), of this rule, will be applied."

{{( Since the Speaker, and the Clerk of the Court are currently one and the same; there is the possiblity of this situation occuring.)}}

Proposal 1732 - Sun, 16 Feb 1997 21:37:28 -0600
Speaker Succession
Lestrade (John Duncan)
Decision: invalid by R309

This is a modest proposal.
Amend Rule 405 (iv) from:

"The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period immediately prior to going on vacation. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. This section takes precedence over section (ii) of this Rule."


"The Speaker shall appoint a volunteer to be Acting Speaker for the vacation period immediately prior to going on vacation. If there are no volunteers, then the Clerk of the Court shall be Acting Speaker for the duration. If the Clerk of the Court is also on vacation, then the procedure outlined in section (viii), of this rule, will be applied."

{{( Since the Speaker, and the Clerk of the Court are currently one and the same; there is the possiblity of this situation occuring.)}}

Proposal 1733 - Mon, 17 Feb 1997 20:19:01 -0600
More Sensible Weight
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Ammend section 1.B of R1230.3 "Swingers Like to Play Around III - mostly odds" to read in full:
"Absolute Weight for each Swinger is calculated in the following manner:

For a Swinger whose King is on-board
(Total material value of the on-board pieces)+
for each piece( add the maximum distance the piece can move, without making a capture), where distance is defined as the greater of (abs(DestC-C)), (abs(DestR-R))
for each piece (add 3 if the piece attacks at least one opponent piece)
for each piece (add 2 if the piece defends at least one friendly piece)

For a Swinger whose King is off-board

Proposal 1734 - Mon, 17 Feb 1997 20:19:12 -0600
Eliminating unnecessary CFCJs
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal

Amend rule 1209, "The Machine that goes *ping*" to replace:

Should a CFCJ ever find that the current Scholar has violated any part of this rule during the current Scholar's term, the Machine immediately randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.


Should it ever be publically knowable that the current Scholar has violated any part of this rule during the current Scholar's term, the Machine immediately randomly teleports itself to another active player's Home.

{{[a CFCJ seems to be a subset of PK, and PK covers other cases that will save the CotC a little work.]}}

Proposal 1735 - Tue, 18 Feb 1997 10:58:46 -0600
Tammany Reform
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

[ I believe this will allow me to automate the Tammany Bribing process. I really want to get that done soon so that I might be able to fully automate proposal finalization. Please vote YES, barring unforseen bugs in this revision. ]

Rule 315/10 ("Tammany") is amended to read, in full:
Tammany is a unique entity capable of casting one vote on each Proposal. Tammany only votes on Proposals as specified by this Rule.

A statement sent to the Tabulator is a Tammany Bribe if, and only if, it conveys the following information:

a) the Proposal number of a Proposal that has not yet come to resolution.

b) an amount of currency in the range of A$ 25 to A$ 100 (inclusive).

c) a Desired Vote of either YES, NO, or SILENT.

d) the intent of the sender of the message to bribe Tammany the amount specified, in order to vote in the manner specified on the Proposal specified.

It is the Duty of the Tabulator to ensure that each Tammany Bribe remains secret until the end of the voting period of the Proposal to which it applies. The Tabulator shall not intentionally examine the text of any Tammany Bribe until this rule makes it eir Duty to do so. If he should inadvertently do so, he should, as a matter of ethics, avoid allowing this foreknowledge to influence his game actions in any way.

Each Player may submit a maximum of one valid Tammany Bribe per Proposal. Should more than one Tammany Bribe be submitted by a Player for a given Proposal, the Tammany Bribe received most recently by the Tabulator shall be deemed the sole valid Tammany Bribe by the Player for that Proposal, with all others being disregarded.

Before the voting results for a given Proposal are announced, the Tabulator has the Duty of determining whether and how Tammany will vote on this Proposal, based upon the valid Tammany Bribes for that Proposal and the specifications below in this Rule. Tammany's vote and all Tammany Bribes pertaining to a Proposal shall be reported along with the voting results for the Proposal.

Each Player who submitted a Tammany Bribe for a Proposal that is about to be resolved shall have the designated amount of currency deducted from his account. In the case that this would result in a negative currency balance for a Player, his entire Bribe is disregarded.

Tammany shall vote YES on a Proposal if and only if the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of YES is greater than the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of NO plus twice the total amount of currency associated with Bribes that had a Desired Vote of SILENT.

Tammany shall vote NO on a Proposal if and only if the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of NO is greater than the total amount of currency associated with Tammany Bribes that had a Desired Vote of YES plus twice the total amount of currency associated with Bribes that had a Desired Vote of SILENT.

Proposal 1736 - Tue, 18 Feb 1997 19:37:03 -0600
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: retracted by author

{{Number this rule 1213/6}}
This rule takes precedence over 1201/7 [this allows the game to be played for suitable stakes]
[Creates a sub game of Diplomacy]
1. The game: Any player may, by posting a notice to the mailing list, begin a game of Diplomacy. e shall by known as "the game master". The next 7 players to respond to the notice, publicly or privately as specified in the announcement, shall play in the game and be referred to collectively as "the players".
2. The rules: The game shall be played by the most current set of Diplomacy rules published by Avalon Hill except as specified by the game master in the initial announcement of the game. Any variant is permissible, as long as the changes in the rules are knowable by the players before the game begins. Country assignment shall be done randomly, or in any other method specified by the game master.
3. Adjudication: The game may be hand adjudicated by the game master or it may be set up to run on an electronic adjudicator, as specified by the game master. If the game will be adjudicated electronicly, it is the responisibility of the game master to instruct the players in how to use the judge, or to point them towards a suitable set of instructions. If the game is to be hand adjudicated, the game master should publish a sample set of orders for the players to follow before the first moves are due. In case of ambiguous orders, the game master shall rule that the unit who's orders were ambiguous holds. The decision of the game master is final.
4. Stakes: The game master may specify in the original announcement the stakes for the game. The game may be played for fun only, but if it is to be played for stakes, the following is permissible: a) each player may bet up to $A 10 b) each player may bet up to 8 Ackanomic points c) each player may bet up to 10pf bonds of any name.
4.1 Salary: The game master will receive 10% rounded up of all the stakes as a fee for running the game.
5. Scoring: Unless specified otherwise by the game master, the first player to meet the victory conditions of the game [see Avalon Hill's ruleset] will receive the remainder of the stakes. Unless specified by the game master, a draw will only be called if the game reaches 1930 with no winner or 5 straight years pass without a change in supply center ownership. If a draw is declared in this manner, then all players within 2 supply centers of the lead player shall split the stakes evenly. The game master can allow draws to be determined in other manners, if so specified in the original announcement.
6. NMR's/Replacement players: Unless specified otherwise by the game master, any player who does not submit orders by the deadline has instead ordered all of his units to "hold". A replacement player may then be sought out. The original player loses all of eir original stakes, and the replacement player plays for free. If a player submits orders for some of eir units but not all of them or if a player submits invalid orders for some of eir units, the units not ordered or incorrectly ordered are also ordered to "hold". In this case, the player continues to play and a replacement player is not found. Any player who removes eirself from Ackanomic is also removed from the Diplomacy game, and a replacement player must be sought out. The replacement player plays for free. A player may also voluntarily remove eirself from the Diplomacy game, and again a replacement player must be sought out. The replacement player plays for free.

Proposal 1737 - Tue, 18 Feb 1997 19:37:05 -0600
cleaning up the new player rules
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

{{Ammend rule #253 by adding the following text, delineated by ** to the rule. **If a mentor leaves the game or is put on vacation, voluntarily or involuntarily during the time period described in this rule, e shall lose the fee normaly provided for mentoring and a new mentor shall be assigned to the player ** [I lost my mentor when Guy quit the game and never got a new one]
Ammend rule #254 by adding the following text, delineated by !! to the rule.
!!A pending player can only vote on proposals distributed by the promoter after e joined the game.!! [I keep coming up as an active player (although I'm really a pending one) who didn't vote on proposals that were made before I joined. Although I am able to read them by using the #current and #read commands, I missed all the discussion on them and do not feel qualified to vote on them]}}

Proposal 1738 - Tue, 18 Feb 1997 19:37:06 -0600
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

[as a new player, the current ruleset is, at best, daunting. It occurs to me that many of the rules are trivial, whimsical and non essential. Removing some of them from the game will make it easier for new players to read all the way through the rules, simply by reducing the time neccesary to do so.
It will also save space on the rules page, making the download time shorter for everyone]
{{streamline the current rules set by repealing rule #259 [evil twins], repealing rule #222 [winning by finding the crystal chalice (a very long and complicated rule, appears to be trivial and virtualy impossible to ever fulfil its conditions)], and repealing rule #221 [winning by palindrome], repealing rule #207.1 [that's just silly]}}

Proposal 1739 - Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:27:10 -0600
Organized Crime
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Made harfy by Malenkai at Wed, 19 Feb 1997 23:35:06 -0500. Decision: Accepted

{{number this rule 724}}
1. There exists an organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized an organization as its organizers might wish.
2. Publicly admitting to belonging to Organized Crime is a crime, punishable by no more than 5 days in gaol.
3. There exists a Godfather, who shall be an active Ackanomic player. {{The first Godfather shall be Narf}}. Any player may join Organized Crime by privately mailing the Godfather and stating eir intention to join. Public admittance of being the Godfather does not entail admittance of belonging to Organized Crime.
4. If the Godfather leaves the game, the first player to publicly state the e is the Godfather is deemed to have overthrown the previous Godfather and taken over Organized Crime.
5. Any member of Organized Crime can attempt to overthrow the Godfather by publicly stating eir intention to do so. This does not constitute and admittance of membership in Organized Crime. If 2/3rds of the members of Organized Crime publicly acknowledge the challenger within one week, e shall become the new Godfather. Publicly acknowledging the challenger does not entail admittance of membership in Organized Crime.
6. Tammany is a member of Organized Crime. All bribes paid to Tammany, whether succesful or not, are turned over to Organized Crime.
7. The purpose of Organized Crime is to run a bookie ring. The Godfather may, from time to time, publish odds on various game activities. Any and all game events, to include sub games, may be wagered on. Any member of Organized Crime may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering. This also does not constitute an admittance of membership in Organized Crime. The Godfather may set a maximum limit on bets.
8. Organized Crime will never take a bet that it can not cover. If at any time a bet is made that Organized Crime can not cover, the bet is deemed invalid, even if the Godfather publicly acknowledges acceptance of the bet.

Proposal 1740 - Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:27:21 -0600
copyright infringement
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

{{number this rule 308 [all the recent talk about copyrights has got me thinking...]}}

1. A player may claim a copyright on any phrase consisting of 5 or more words that is not already contained in the ackanomic rules set by posting a public message containing the phrase to be copyrighted and eir intention to copyright it. He will hereafter be referred to as the owning player.
2. It is the job of the Web-Harfer to maintain a list of copyrighted phrases linked to the main Ackanomic web page. If neccesary, a volunteer may be found to assist in this task.
3. No player may use a copyrighted phrase in a proposal unless either the copyright is eirs or the owning player publicly consents to its use. The owning player may request a royalty of up to A$10 per word in the copyrighted phrase.
4. Any player who violates another players copyright without the express consent of the owning player may be sued by the owning player for copyright infringement. The case shall be heard by the supreme court. If the Supreme Court finds in favor of the owning player, the owning player may choose between one of the following penalties:a) A monetary penalty not to exceed A$20 per word in the copyrighted phrase, payable to the owning player b) Declare the proposal to be invalid, causing the author to lose points as if e had retracted it. c) Declare the proposal to be valid, but redistribute all points as though the owning player had been the author of the proposal.

Proposal 1741 - Wed, 19 Feb 1997 20:40:24 -0600
Value (resubmit)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[I believe this would have passed had a couple of more people voted last time. I certainly believe it *should* pass :)

this doesn't really change the way the game is played, except when the treasury is getting too low to back the value of Trinkets, making them unredeemable. The goal here is to set up a true equivelance between A$ and Trinkets, rather than the pseudo one we have now. It also allows the exporting of Trinkets to have some meaning, if we ever export them.]}}


I. Amend R 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", in the following ways:

A. Replace the text of section III, which reads:

AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed. This Rule has precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 75,000.


AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed, except as Trinkets are created and destroyed. This Rule has precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$, except it defers to rules concering the creation and destruction of Trinkets. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury. Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number of A$ shall always be 75,000 less the combined value of all extant Trinkets (including those Trinkets created in Ackanomic, yet exported as described in the rules).


B. Replace the text of section VI, which reads:

A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so.


A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the entity is a Trinket, it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.


II. Amend R 506, "Trinkets" to read in full:

A class of gift entities known as Trinkets exist.

Trinkets always have a value in positive A$. The value of a Trinket may only be changed as specified by the rules. The owner of a Trinket may transform it into its value in A$ by publically announcing they are doing so. This action destroys the Trinket, creating A$ in its stead, and it upsets the art and antiquities communities.

A player may create a Trinket by publically announcing its name, description, and value, as long as the player has at least as many A$ as the announced value. Upon doing so, the stated amount of A$ is transformed into the Trinket, and the creating player becomes the owner of the Trinket.

Other rules may also create and bestow ownership of Trinkets, so long as the rule provides for naming, describing, and valuing the Trinket. In these cases, however, if the value of the Trinket would exceed the number of A$ in the Treasury directly before it would be created, it is not created.

Trinkets have no power to affect any entities except as specified in the rules.

[What are Trinkets used for? Adding color, basically. Allowing gifts of value other than Prosthetic Foreheads to be given, and for possible use as Buried Treasure, or other uses.]


III. Amend R 666, "End of Cycle", to replace:

"If the amount of A$s in circulation"


"If the total of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets"

Proposal 1742 - Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:14:35 -0600
Non-voting Players
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a grandiose proposal.

[Gist: Allow players to join Ackanomic as non-voting players; these players cannot vote, make proposals, or judge CFJs, etc. Non-voting is added as an extra player state.]

1. In Rule 252, "Joining the Game", at the end add this paragraph: "Any player joining the game may specify that they are joining as a non-voting player. Otherwise, they are assumed to be joining as a voting player."

2. Amend Rule 254, "Player States", to read in full: "At any given time, exactly one of these states shall apply to each player:

Upon registration, a player is Pending, unless he specified that he was joining as a non-voting player, in which case he is Non-voting. A player in either of the states "Pending" or "Active" is considered a voting player.

A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted on a proposal.

Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything, except where the rules specifically allow non-active players to be selected.

Any non-voting player may become a voting player by posting publicly that they are doing so; e begins as Pending. A player may not do so within two days of having joined as a non-voting player or of having changed from voting to non-voting status, voluntarily or otherwise.

Any voting player may become a non-voting player by posting publicly that they are doing so; at the moment of this announcement, all their existing votes on proposals whose results have not yet been released are cancelled; they are treated as having declined judgement on all CFJ's they have been selected to judge but not yet accepted or declined, and treated as having failed to return a verdict on any they have accepted, and they are removed from all offices non-voting players cannot hold, and removed from the list of candidates in any Election or Nomination for an office non-voting players cannot hold."

3. Amend Rule 255, "Vacationing", by adding to the end of the first paragraph "Whenever a player goes on vacation by any means, his player state becomes Vacation."
by changing
"he shall no longer be considered on vacation" (in the 5th paragraph)
"he returns to the player state besides Vacation he most recently had."

[This is a little tricky -- I'm sharing the one Vacation state between voting and non-voting players, and this little bit of glue ensures the player states are managed correctly. An odd side-effect is that vacationing players are not voting players, but they weren't active players before either and it didn't hurt anything.]

4. Amend Rule 422, "Postmaster", as follows:
In the second sentence, change:
"official mailing list"
"official mailing list and a separate official voting mailing list" and insert after the second sentence:
"[The official list is intended for messages of importance to all Ackanomic, and the official voting list for messages of importance only to voting players.]"

In the fourth paragraph, just before the comment, insert:
"For the purposes of this paragraph and the restrictions in the Postal Code, an action is a statement that the player is doing something regulated by the rules, or a public post required by the rules."

Change the first sentence of the fifth paragraph to:
"For a player not on vacation not to be subscribed to at least one form of the official mailing list is a Crime. For a voting player not on vacation not to be subscribed to at least one form of the official voting mailing list is a Crime."

Add to the end of the rule:

{{ The Postal Code is amended as follows:

Change "ackanomic@wilma is the official mailing list" to "ackanomic@wilma is the official mailing list; actions pertaining to Games & Contest games, Grab-a-Donkey, and The Machine that Goes *ping*, or anything else besides treasure hunts described in the rules as a subgame are not allowed on this list"

At the end of the limits on acka-games@wilma, change "*ping*" to "*ping*, or anything else described in the rules as a subgame"

Change "ackanomic-digest@wilma is also the digest form of acka-games@wilma" to "acka-games-digest@wilma is the digest form of acka-games@wilma"

Add to the end the following:
"acka-voting@wilma is the official voting list; proposal distributions, proposal result posts, and CFJ-related posts are the only actions allowed on this list (but CFJ's pertaining to matters of interest to non-voting players should go to the official list instead). acka-voting-digest@wilma is the digest version of this list. Players are requested (but not required) to join this list in digest form if that doesn't bother them, to prevent a huge backlog of mail queueing up on wilma when a lot of proposals/results are distributed.

acka-research@wilma and acka-discuss@wilma may not be used for any action. acka-research-digest@wilma and acka-discuss-digest@wilma are the digest versions of these lists and are subject to the same restrictions."

5. Amend Rule 107, "Quorum and Active Players", to read in full:
"If the number of players who voted on a proposal is equal to or greater than the number of abstaining Active players at the time the results are posted, the proposal meets quorum; otherwise it does not meet quorum."
[fixes the P1701-1706 dilemma]

[Now take care of the piddly bits, mainly changing "player" to "voting player" where appropriate.]

6. In Rule 101, "The Game of Ackanomic", in the 3rd paragraph, change "player" to "voting player" in the sentence that begins "A player may only win a Cycle" and after that sentence insert "Non-voting players may not win Cycles of Ackanomic."

7. In Rule 104, "Adopting Proposals", in the first paragraph, change "Proposals are made by" to "Voting players may make proposals by", and change "distribute them to the players" to "post them publically". In the last paragraph, change "all players have cast a vote" to "all voting players have cast a vote".

8. In Rule 106, "Voting on Proposals", change "Players" to "Voting players" each time it appears. [3 times]

9. In Rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", in section V, change "be placed on vacation" to "become non-voting" and add to the end of that section "The events which Rule 254 generates when a player voluntarily changes to non-voting status do not occur in this case, but if a player who became non-voting by this rule does not become a voting player within a week of having become non-voting, then the events in Rule 254 are carried out as if the player voluntarily became non-voting. Players who become non-voting in this manner do not lose offices they hold because of doing so, until they have remained non-voting for one week; this takes precedence over rule 401."

10. In the first sentence of Rule 211, "Invoking Judgement", change "active player" to "player", and change "distribute it to the rest of the Players" to "distribute it publically".

11. In Rule 219, "Winning By Paradox", change
"if the final verdict is true then the initiator wins the cycle"
"if the final verdict is true, and the player who submitted the CFJ is a voting player at that time, then that player wins the cycle"

12. In Rule 220, "Winning by Points", in the fourth paragraph, change "a single player" to "exactly one voting player"; in the fifth and sixth paragraphs, change "two or more players" to "two or more voting players" wherever it appears.

13. Amend Rule 222 as follows: In the second paragraph, change "any Player may submit" to "any voting player may submit"; in the sentence after that one, change "one Player" to "one voting player".

In the fourth paragraph, after "If a Player goes on Vacation or leaves the Game" insert " or becomes a non-voting player", and before that sentence insert "Non-voting players are never eligible to receive Keys."

In the paragraph just before the numbered list at the end of the rule, change "a single Player" to "a single voting player" and "a Player opens" to "a voting player opens".

14. In Rule 257, "No Dead Players Allowed", change "any player" to "any voting player" the first time it appears, and change "all of the Ackanomic players" to "all of the voting players".

15. In Rule 317, "Bonus Votes", in section 5 change "A player can use" to "A voting player can use" wherever it occurs [twice] and add at the end of the section of the section the sentence: "Non-voting players may not use Bonus Votes." In section 7 change "A player may pay $A150" to "A voting player may pay A$150".

16. In Rule 360, "Hearings", at the end of the second paragraph, add "Non-voting players may not vote in hearings, unless a rule says otherwise for a specific type of hearing."

17. In Rule 362, "Crisis Resolution", in section 3, change "Any player may publically challenge" to "Any voting player may publically challenge".

18. In Rule 401, "Offices, Commonalities", at the end of section (i), add "Non-voting players may not hold offices unless a rule says otherwise for a specific office." At the end of section (iv) add "Non-voting players may only be acting officers for offices which may normally be held by non-voting players."

19. In Rule 402, "Offices, Related Definitions", in section (ii)e) change "each Player may cast" to "each voting player may cast".

20. In Rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment":
In section (i) change "by a Player" to "by a voting Player".
In section (ii) change "All Players" to "All voting players".
In section (iv)a) change "active Players" to "active voting players".

21. In Rule 421, "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy", in section d, change "2 players" to "2 voting players".

22. In Rule 593, "Ackanomic Research Guild", in section C, change "single player" to "single voting player".

23. In Rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster(s)", change "Any Player (including the Mad Scientist)" to "Any voting player (including the Mad Scientist)".

24. In Rule 709, "Gaol", in the numbered list of actions allowed to players in Gaol, change "player" to "voting player" in actions 1 and 2. {{[making a CFJ or CFCJ]}]

25. In Rule 723, "Rewarding Party Unity", change "every member of a political party" to "every voting player a political party" and change "every three distinct members of that party" to "every three distinct voting players in that party".
{{[ Allow non-voting players in parties without taking away the party's unity vote(s), and don't count them for the purpose of determining now many unity votes the party gets -- a party with fewer than three voting members gets zero party unity votes, as always.]}}

26. In Rule 850, "Museum", in section VII, after "exceeding A$5000, " insert "if e is a voting player, "

27. In Rule 909, "Steel Flea", change "lucky player" to "lucky voting player" in the second paragraph, and change "any other Player" to "any other voting player" in the 4th paragraph.

28. In Rule 927, "Silly Vacation Hat", in the second paragraph, change "a player" to "a voting player".

29. In Rule 1112.3, "Let those who are without Harf cast the first stone.", change "any Player" to "any voting player".

30. In Rule 1213, "Grab-a-Donkey", at the end of the first paragraph add "A non-voting player may be the Wrangler."

Proposal 1743 - Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:03:00 -0600
The Day the Earth Stood Still
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made harfy by Malenkai at Thu, 20 Feb 1997 18:50:40 -0500
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitles "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act" with the following text:

Section I - Abduction

Sinister Aliens exist. They are located at an advance staging base on the metallic universal sphere directly over the top of the earth (henceforth known as the edge of the universe). Sinister Aliens may alter the text of a Rule, in the manner and under the conditions set out below. This process is known as "abduction". The effect of an abduction on a Rule, when it has an effect, is that of a temporary repeal of said Rule, plus any prescribed rule changes contained herein .

The selection of the Rule to be abducted by Sinister Aliens occurs as follows: as soon as possible after the distribution of the magic potato, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall select a random integer in the range [M,N], where M and N are, respectively, the numbers of the lowest and highest numbered Rulespresent in the Ruleset. A number selected by this method shall be known as a Alien Target Designation Number. If the Alien Target Designation Number selected is the number of a Rule, then that Rule is abducted as described below unless the Rule is protected as described below, and no further Alien Target Designation Numbers are selected in that week. If the Alien Target Designation Number is not the number of a Rule, then a new Alien Target Designation Number is selected as above, unless three such Alien Target Designation Number (none of which is the number of a Rule) have already been selected in that week. In that case, the Sinister Aliens are deemed incompetant and no Rule can be abducted until the next Magic Potato distribution.

If a Rule has been abducted or if an abduction attempt has been made but defeated, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall announce the number and title of that Rule. If no Rule has been abducted, then he shall announce that fact.

It is considered good form for the officer in charge of random things to include an epic tale of Ancient Alien Battles or a story of the Sinister Alien's journey from the edge of the universe in this announcement. It is also considered good form to announce that the Sinister Aliens "were surely the Nemesis of our own Ancients" and that "We shall One day triumph over them, just as our forefathers, the ancients, must have!"

An abducted Rule shall be treated as if it has been repealed for a period of one week. After one week the rule is said to be returned by the aliens. All nomic business related to said rule will be put on hold until the rule is returned by the Sinister Aliens. Any deadlines that would be violated because of the abduction shall be extended one week. Any Bad Pointer References created by the abduction (and temporary repeal) of this rule shall be treated as ambigous rule changes.

When returned, the rule is amended in the following way:

A) If the Rule does not already contain the sentence "This Rule defers to all other Rules which do not contain this sentence.", then that sentence is appended to the Rule.

B)If the Rule already contains the sentence, then the sentence is deleted from the Rule.

[Popular Theory maintains that the Sinister Aliens are are amending our rules as some sort of sick practical joke.]

Section II - Protection

The President may purchase an Earth Defense Missle for any Rule for the sum of A$250 per Rule. No other player may purchase Earth Defense Missles, but it is considered good form for a player to donate money to the President to help defray costs. The Prresident may not purchase more than two Earth Defense Missles in any one clander week.

If the Sinister Aliens attempt to abduct a rule that has been protected with Earth Defense Missles the aliens shall be blown out of the sky and the rule designated by the Alien Target Designation Number will remain intact, and in its original form. The President then has the option acting "hip" and making a speech congratulating Ackanomic on its victory.

Section III - Exemption

There is one exception to the above: if this Rule is the abducted Rule the Sinister Aliens shall have abducted the only power they maintain over our ruleset. As it would be impossible for them to return the rule, this rule shall then repeal itself.

All Rule Changes caused by the Sinister Alien Abduction Act shall be attributed to Sinister Aliens.

{{[This rule is a port (w/ modifications) of the Agoran virus rule. Note however that I have been planning a rule like this for quite sometime, even before I knew of the virus, and was not influenced by the Agoran Rule in the creation of this one.]}}

Proposal 1744 - Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:03:00 -0600
Proposal Proposal
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: retracted by author

proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal
proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal
proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal
proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal
proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal proposal

Proposal 1745 - Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:03:01 -0600
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

[According to websters dictionary, a heretic is "a dissenter from established church dogma". Since all Acka residents do not belong to the same church, and do not share the same dogma, the use of heretic in our ruleset needs to be rexamined]

In rule #1307, replace
"...alleged witch shall be branded a witch and heretic."
"...alleged witch shall be branded a witch and a hisitic."

"Any Player who has been burned as a heretic exactly once is considered Enlightened. Any Player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any Player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule. "
"Any Player who has been burned as a hisitic exactly once is considered Enlightened. This is the only way a player can become enlightened. Any Player burned more than once, however, is beyond hope and may never become Enlightened. Any Player who is Enlightened is free to say what they wish, and may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a hisitic. This paragraph has precedence over all others in this rule. "

In rule 1305, replace
"A player who is a member of a Church can't be burned as a witch, or as a heretic provided e follow the following procedure: "
"A player who is a member of a Church can't be burned as a witch, or as a hisitic provided e follow the following procedure:"

add the following paragraph, delineated by :), to rule #1305.

3. There exists an un-ownable entity known as Baron Torquemada. If any player holds the altar by the horns, Baron Torquemada conducts an inquisition, using his chief weapons: Fear and surprise. Within one week, the founder of the church must either a) release publicly all private church policy and dogma, b) disband the church, turning all of the church's assets over to the treasury, or c) donate A$1000 to the treasury. This has priority over rule #1301


Proposal 1746 - Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:07:32 -0600
Lestrade's Shubik Auction Suggestion
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 516, "Auction", to replace:

6b) In a public auction, each bid, except the first one, must exceed the previous bid by at least 10%, or it is disqualified.


6b) In a public auction, each bid, except the first one, must exceed the previous bid by at least 10% for regular public auctions, and at least 1% for Shubik auctions, or it is disqualified.
{{Malenkai loses 5 points, Lestrade gains 5 points.}}

Proposal 1747 - Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:27:14 -0600
Ammend proposal 1739
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Accepted

[If proposal 1739 passes, it was pointed out to me that clause 1 would be invalid. This is a fix]
If proposal 1739 passes, replace

"1. There exists an organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized an organization as its organizers might wish."


"1. There exists a type of organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized as its organizers might wish. There also exists an organization known as Organzied Crime, which is the only legal Organized Crime organization."

Proposal 1748 - Sat, 22 Feb 1997 12:15:27 -0600
Bond Devaluation
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made harfy by breadbox at Sat, 22 Feb 1997 14:41:30 -0800 (PST)
Decision: Rejected

{{[PF snowgod are trading too high. I'm not accustomed to this. It scares me. I must do something to fix it.] Upon the acceptance of this proposal: snowgod will win the current cycle. The fat lady will sing "Kiss Me, Son of God" in honor of the event. All A$ belonging to all players will be transferred to snowgod. All A$ in the treasury will be transferred to snowgod. All Functional officers will be impeached. R101 will be repealed. Ackanomic will declare war on Australia and the United Nations. All Ackanomic names will immediatedly become un-interesting AND snowgod will become dictator with whatever poswers he claims during his first public message after the passage of this proposal.}}

Proposal 1749 - Sat, 22 Feb 1997 15:05:57 -0600
Bonus Vote Tweak
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

[No big deal. It changes "Protected" to "entity" and also changes "Bonus Votes can only be used once" to "A particular Bonus Vote can only be used once" -- that sort of bothered me. Minor rework. Also allows Bonus Vote casters to make mistakes in casting their bonus votes... without their bonus votes being destroyed.

Going over this rule just made me remember how cool it is. Maybe we'll see some Bonus Vote action soon...]

Rule 317 ("Bonus Votes") is amended by changing:
1. Bonus Votes are Protected.
2. Bonus Votes are Tradeable
3. A player can own at most five Bonus Votes at an given time. If a Player who already owns five Bonus Votes receives an additional Bonus Vote, by any means, the additional Bonus Vote is destroyed.
4. Bonus Votes are used in the following manner - A Player sends a message to the Tabulator that e is using a Bonus Vote on a specific proposal, and the legal type of Vote that Bonus Vote represents. Players can only use Bonus Votes that they own. Bonus Votes can only be used once. Any Bonus Vote which does not meet these restrictions is not a valid vote, and is destroyed.
1. Bonus Votes are tradeable entities.

2. A player can own at most five Bonus Votes at an given time. If a Player who already owns five Bonus Votes receives an additional Bonus Vote, by any means, the additional Bonus Vote is destroyed.

3. Bonus Votes are used in the following manner - A player sends a message to the Tabulator that e is casting eir Bonus Vote on a specific proposal, and the legal type of Vote that Bonus Vote represents. The Bonus Vote shall then be counted as a vote on that proposal. When the results of that proposal are released by the Tabulator, the Bonus Vote is destroyed.

4. A Player can only cast a Bonus Vote e owns. A particular Bonus Vote can only be cast once. Any attempt to cast a Bonus Vote fails if it does not meet these restrictions.

{{ The Web-Harfer may amend this rule by inserting and/or removing HTML tags such that each section is in a seperate paragraph. }}

Proposal 1750 - Sun, 23 Feb 1997 13:25:20 -0600
Frobozz Magic Company Factory Outlet
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Rejected

This is neither a modest not a grandiose proposal.

The Frobozz Magic Company Factory Outlet is a cozy building located near = the museum. It contains a Frobozz virtual imaging widget and a Frobozz = creation dohikkey. All awards given are manufactured there and as = result of corporate restructuring all deliveries are made at the store = front. Whenever anyone receives a reward such as a cloak, a Silver = moon and the like e must travel to the Frobozz Magic Company Factory = Outlet location and publicly post a description of eir journey. =20

{[Please, I wanna have something pass <Grin>]}