Proposal 1451 - Tue 19 Nov 17:33 CST 1996
King For a Day
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Wed, 20 Nov 1996 18:15:55 -0500
Decision: Rejected
Anyone who attains a score of 196 points, and retains this score for 5 days (with no changes in their score whatsoever, even if the changes would negate one another and return the score to 196) becomes "King For a Day". For the next 24 hours they will hold this title, and in that time the player may do up to 2 of the following 3 things:

A) Both Cover Their Donkey, and Grab Someone Else's Donkey simultaneously (if a game of Grab-A-Donkey is taking place)

B) Adjust their score to the sum of their current score and the current lowest score in the game held by a player.

C) Adjust their ears such that one is pointed and one is not.

Proposal 1452 - Tue 19 Nov 17:33 CST 1996
Simplified Succession
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend R 362, "No Dead Players Allowed" to append the following paragraph at the end of the current rule:

If the player in question was the Speaker himself, the Speaker has 2 days to respond to the original message in the public forum, or be placed on vacation with an expected duration of 2 days.


Amend R 457 to remove the following paragraph:

Succession Proceedings may not be called against a player on vacation.


Amend R 615, "Speaker", as follows:

1) Amend the first sentence so that it reads:

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.

2) renumber current section "(viii)" to section "(vii)".

3) add the following text to the end of the rule:

(viii) If it it ever the case that no active Player is Speaker or Acting Speaker, and the application of other rules and/or the preceeding clauses of this rule do not correct that situation, the following succession procedure is used to appoint an Acting Speaker:

a) All offices are listed in the order of the rule number which creates or defines the office (in the case of a rule defining multiple offices, the offices are listed in the order in which they appear in the rule).

b) All offices not held by an active player are then removed from the list.

c) The player holding the office at the top of the list becomes the Acting Speaker. If, however, that office has more than one seat, the active player whose Ackanomic name appears first in an alphabetic listing of active seatholders of that office becomes the Acting Speaker. [The Acting Speaker then has the duty assure that all offices are filled, including Speaker, as the case may be, in accordance with the rules.]


Repeal Rule 779, "Succession Proceedings"


Proposal 1453 - Tue 19 Nov 17:34 CST 1996
Don't Say the C-Word
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Wed, 20 Nov 1996 18:15:55 -0500
Decision: Rejected

The official flower of Ackanomic is the chrysanthemum.

Anyone who publicly says the word chrysanthemum must be publicly slapped by a member of the Supreme Court, and must spend a period of 3 days in Gaol, where they must compose a speech to present publicly to express their repentance for their actions. If this speech contains the word chrysanthemum, the player who composed it must spend an additional 10 days in Gaol, and they must compose 3 poems. One poem must be about fish, the second poem must be about octagons, and the third poem must use the word harf. If any of these poems contain the word chrysanthemum, the player that composed them loses 57 points from their score and any message referring to them must refer to the fact that they come from "Palookaville".

Proposal 1454 - Tue 19 Nov 17:34 CST 1996
Mars Needs Women!
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

I. Every player in Ackanomic must have an Ackanomic Gender (hereafter referred to as AG). It is the responsibility of the Clerk of the Courts (hereafter referred to as the CotC) to assign all players an AG as quickly as possible. The two possible AGs are Male and Female. Once a player is assigned an AG, it may not be changed except as explicitly defined in the rules.

II. It is the goal of the CotC to make the ratio of Males to Females in Ackanomic identical to the ratio of Males and Females on the planet Earth (ie the ratio of Males to Females in "real life"). Therefore all AG assignments must be made in order to try and meet that goal. It is the responsibility of the Web-Harfer to determine the current Male:Female ratio in "real life", and to report it to the CotC.

III. It is the responsibility of the Web-Harfer to publish the AG of all players on the official Ackanomic Web Page. Further, the Web-Harfer must also publish the Ackanomic Male:Female ratio, and the "real life" Male:Female ratio.

IV. Any two different players that have had AGs assigned to them may get married to one another. A player can only be married to one other player at a given time. It is the responsibility of the Web-Harfer to publish which players are married, and who they are married to. In order to get married, two players must take the following steps:

A) The players must find an official (that is not one of the two players wishing to get married) of an existing church that agrees to marry them. This church must be licensed to marry players. In order for a church to become licensed, the church must send a request to the Ackanomic Senate stating their desire to become licensed. The Senate may then discuss the issue among themselves, as well as publicly questioning the church on whatever issues they consider appropriate. Then the Senate must vote on whether or not to grant the church a license. Half of the Senators (or more) must vote to grant the license in order for it to be granted.

B) If the players are of the same AG, they each must pay A$20 to the Ackanomic Treasury in order to "Fly to Hawaii". They must also pay (between the two of them) A$20 to the Treasury in order to fly the church official to Hawaii to perform the ceremony.

C) A fee of A$10 must be paid by each player to the Treasury in order to pay for the privilege to be married.

D) The church official must send a public message announcing the union of the two players, and is encouraged to describe the marriage ceremony. At this point the two players are officially married. The Web-Harfer is responsible for publishing a list of all marriages, and the date of their occurrences.

V. The only way that two players can cease to be married is for one of the players to send a public message stating the reasons for the separation. The President of Ackanomic must then publicly decide whether to grant the separation or to force the two to remain married. If he President grants the separation, both players must pay A$15 to the Treasury for the privilege of being separated. A player may petition for a separation only once during a given President's term of office. The Web-Harfer is responsible for publishing a list of all divorces, and the date of their occurrences.

Proposal 1455 - Tue 19 Nov 17:35 CST 1996
Division by Zero
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

The result of division by zero, in Ackanomic, is the number Infinity. The number Infinity is defined as the number that is 3 cats greater than the current largest number, excluding Infinity. Whenever a calculation involves the number Infinity, it is the duty of the Ackanomic Physicist to determine the value of Infinity at that time (by going out and measuring the largest number, adding 3 cats to it, and then converting the result to an integer or a real number, whichever is required for the calculation in question).

Proposal 1456 - Tue 19 Nov 17:35 CST 1996
Magic, Mathematics, and Mayhem
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Once a month the Web-Harfer can select two other players in Ackanomic whose scores are not identical. The Greatest Common Divisor (hereafter referred to as GCD) of the two players' scores will then be calculated, and those points will be added to the score of the member of the Ackanomic Senate who most recently joined Ackanomic. In the event of a tie, the points are split between them evenly (if the number of points is odd, the extra point goes to the President of Ackanomic). The Web-Harfer must make a public announcement stating that this action will be taken, so the appropriate officers can update the scores.

Euclid's Algorithm is the official algorithm of Ackanomic. It must be used for any GCD calculations made in Ackanomic. The following is Euclid's Algorithm for determining the value of GCD(x,y).

If x = 0
  Then GCD(x,y) = y
Else If y = 0
  Then GCD(x,y) = x
Else If x >= y
  Then GCD(x,y) = GCD(x mod y, y)
Else GCD(x,y) = GCD(x,y mod x).
x mod y is defined as the remainder resulting from dividing x into y.

Proposal 1457 - Wed 20 Nov 19:36 CST 1996
Unanimity Is Lovely (although not so lovely as it used to be)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

When a proposal passes, and had no votes other than YES votes cast, the President shall publicly congratulate the author by giving a formal speech. Also in celebration of this joyous occasion, the player with the lowest score shall have their score increased by 2 points. If more than one player is tied for lowest score, all of their scores change to 2. If this would cause a player to lose points, that player will instead have their score increased by 3 points.

Proposal 1458 - Wed 20 Nov 19:36 CST 1996
Undead (aka I didn't come back as a bag of groceries)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Any player publicly that kisses an undead cannot cast votes for 4 days following the kiss. The kiss will cause a scandal and an article about it must be published in at least one newspaper within the next 10 days (i.e. the newspaper, with the article, must be sent out within 10 days of the kiss) or all players who own newspapers lose 3 points.

Proposal 1459 - Wed 20 Nov 19:36 CST 1996
Ackademy Awards Ceremony
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Once every two months the Ackademy Awards Ceremony (hereafter referred to as AAC) will be held. The AAC will begin on the 1st day of the month, and will end on the 8th day of the same month. The AAC will take place in the following months: December, February, April, June, August, October. At least one newspaper must cover each AAC by containing an article about it. Each AAC will be assigned a number. The number assigned to an AAC is equal to the number of AACs that have ever occurred, including the AAC being assigned a number.

The following awards will be given out at the AAC:

Most Valuable Player
Most Harfy Player
Most Dedicated Player
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Observer
In order to create new awards in the future, the above list should be amended.

Each award must be given out (unless there is no one eligible to receive it), and awards may only be given to players or observers. A player or observer may receive multiple awards. The following steps will occur for each AAC:

1. On the 1st of the month, the Registrar must send a public message announcing the beginning of the AAC. In this message the Registrar must include a list of all current players and observers. This is the list of people eligible to receive awards.

2. All non-vacationing players can vote in the AAC. These votes must be sent to the Tabulator before the 8th day of the month. A player may cast up to one vote for each award, and in this vote they must specify which player or observer they are voting for. If an award's name contains the word "player", votes cast for that award may only be cast for a player. If an award's name contains the word "observer", votes cast for that award may only be cast for an observer. If an award's name contains neither of the above words, votes cast for that award may be cast for either a players or an observer.

3. On the 8th of the month, the Tabulator will publicly announce the results of the AAC.

3.1) If an award for a player had less than 5 votes cast on it, the award goes to the player whose score is closest to 57. In case of a tie, the player whose Ackanomic Name (hereafter called AN) comes last alphabetically wins.

3.2) If an award for an observer had less than 5 votes cast on it, the award goes to the observer whose name contains the least vowels (tie goes to the observer whose name comes first alphabetically).

3.3) If an award has less than 5 votes cast on it, and it does not specify whether a player or an observer must win it, then if an odd number of votes were cast on the award (or if there are no observers), the player whose AN comes first alphabetically will win, but if an even number of votes were cast on the award, then the observer whose name comes first alphabetically will win.

3.4) Otherwise, the person who receives the greatest number of votes for a given award wins that award. In case of a tie, the Tabulator randomly chooses the winner from among those who tied.

Proposal 1460 - Wed 20 Nov 19:37 CST 1996
Games Bonus
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

1. Every Ackanomic player has a G&C Count.
2. When a proposal is accepted for either the Games & Contests section or the General Equipment section of the Games & Contests web-page, the G&C Count of the the author of the proposal is incremented by 1
3. Whenever a player's G&C Count is incremented to an even number - a Bonus Vote is created and given to that player.

{{All G&C Counts are set to zero. A Bonus is created and given to Malenkai. A Bonus Vote is created and given to Niccolo Flychuck}}

Proposal 1461 - Wed 20 Nov 19:37 CST 1996
Presidential Debate
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend the first paragraph of R504 to read in full:
The Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with one Seat. The player who holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is 8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office. The Election period for the Office of President is seven days. This paragraph takes precedence over R611

Create a rule entitled "Presidential Debate" which contains the following text:

1. Every Presedential Election where there are at least two candidates, and no more than 30 candidates is preceded by a Presidential Debate.

2. If the Speaker is not a candidate for President, and no other player volunteers for the job then e acts as the Debate Moderator. If the Speaker is running for President, then it is his duty to appoint another player who is not running for President as Debate Moderator. In any case, the name of the Moderator should be anounced no later than the end of the nomination period.

3. Once the Moderator's name has been anounced players and candidates may send debate questions to the Debate Moderator. Each player may send up to two questions. Each Candidate sends at least two questions, and at most 4 questions. If there are two or more substantially similar questions, the Debate Moderator may unify them into a single question.

4. Once the names of the candidates have been anounced, the Debate Moderator anounces the begining of the Presidential Debate

5. All posts which are part of the Debate, must have the word 'Debate' in their subject line.

6. The Debate Moderator may post the Debate questions in any order, and in any time interval, as long as each post contains at most 5 questions, the first post should posted five days before the end of the elections and the last post for any given elections is posted at least 24hours before the end of the elections.

7. Each candidate may post one reply per question. Each reply has the folowing limits:
a. A maximum of 10 lines of qouted text
b. A maximum of 15 lines of unquoted (original) text.
c. A maximum of 20 lines altogether.
The question, if qouted, is not counted in any of the above clauses .

8. Each candidate may reply to another candidate's reply to a debate question, provided the other candidate's reply is a direct reply to a Debate question, and not a reply to another candidate's reply. Such replies are limited to one reply per candidate per question, and must meet the restrictions in section 7 of this rule.

9. In any posting which is outside the context of the Debate, candidates may not quote either questions or answers that were posted as part of the Debate.

10. If a candidate violates any of the above restrictions, each violation counts as one vote for each of the other candidates.

11. Should any of the above fail to occur for any reason, the elections still end at the prescribed time according to R504.


{{[Note that the only required parts of the Debate are for each candidate to write two questions, and for the Debate Moderator to distribute the questions he receives. clause 11 takes care of the concern raised by breadbox. I don't believe this rule was powerful enough to create such a problem. The appropriate rules would take precedence, but I added it. Lengthening the election period was the only way I could make the debate work. I know this has been proposed before, and I recall voting for it back then. ]}}

Proposal 1462 - Thu 21 Nov 18:05 CST 1996
Better Dead than Red
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

All members of other Nomics have been discovered to be Communists. To this end, Ackanomians must endeavor to:

1. Create anti-Communist legislation
2. Discover secrets from other Nomics that will advance the Ackanomic cause
3. Feel extremely self-righteous
4. Try and include as much anti-Communist sentiment as possible in public messages
5. Attempt to discover and blacklist (redlist?) all Communists within Ackanomic
6. Hold bomb and air raid drills

If a player is discovered to be a Communist (through any means defined in other rules) then that player faces criminal charges to be decided by the President, but that must include a loss of currency and score, and also should include a public chastisement that denounces Communism and promotes Ackanomic. The player is then considered to no longer be a Communist (but can be discovered to be one again if circumstances warrant).

Proposal 1463 - Thu 21 Nov 18:05 CST 1996
The Men In Black
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

The Men In Black exist and they cause all mysterious, inexplicable events in Ackanomic. They wield enormous power, but no proof or evidence of this exists. Once during every calendar month a player may publicly claim to have seen The Men In Black up to something. They must describe in detail (yet vaguely) what they witnessed. After this sighting is reported, a council of players is called into existence, composed of the following players:

1. The Speaker
2. The Financier
3. The player with the highest score (in case of a tie, choose from the tied players the player whose Ackanomic name comes first alphabetically, and the player whose Ackanomic Name comes last alphabetically)
4. The player with the least currency (in case of a tie, choose from the tied players the player who has the score closest to 57. In case of a further tie, choose from the tied players the player whose Ackanomic name comes closest to having 1 vowel. In case of a further tie, choose from the tied players the player who has been in the game the longest. If this still does not resolve it, randomly choose from the remaining players)
5. The player who most recently had one of their proposals pass

The council shall be made up of 5 players. If any of the above criteria result in selecting the same player twice, the Speaker must randomly choose from the remaining players until the council has 5 players on it. The player that described the siting cannot be on the council.

The council has 5 days to decide what The Men In Black were doing, and how it effects Ackanomic. They must publish their results publicly. This publication has absolutely no effect, except that if the council does not publish it before the 5 day period ends, all players on the council lose 10 points. At least one newspaper must run a story about the activities of The Men In Black.

Proposal 1464 - Thu 21 Nov 18:06 CST 1996
Games Bonus
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. Every Ackanomic player has a G&C Count.
2. When a proposal is accepted for either the Games & Contests section or the General Equipment section of the Games & Contests web-page, the G&C Count of the author of the proposal is incremented by 1
3. Whenever a player's G&C Count is incremented to an even number - a Bonus Vote is created and given to that player.

{{All G&C Counts are set to zero. A Bonus Vote is created and given to Malenkai. A Bonus Vote is created and given to Niccolo Flychuck}}

Proposal 1465 - Thu 21 Nov 18:06 CST 1996
Appeal to the People
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Append the following text to R201 following the first paragraph: "Special Quorun is defined as at least 75% of the active players."

Replace the word "quorum" on the last line of R201 with the text: "quorum or Special Quorum."

In R569, append the following text immediately following the fourth paragraph:
Once an Appeal has been made to the Supreme Court, players who are not Justices can vote on the Appeal. The legal votes on an appeal are Uphold and Overturn. Votes are sent to the clerk of the courts. The Voting Period on an appeal is 7 days. If at the end of the Voting Period the number of players who voted on an Appeal has reached Special Quorum, and at least 2/3 of those players voted the same way, then vote of those player overrides the decision of the Supreme Court, and is deemed to be the decision of the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court had already submitted their decision then the Justices are counted as if they voted according to the Supreme Court's decision. If the Justices had not delivered a verdict on time, and the vote had already overridden their decision, then they are not required to deliver a verdict, however, they are still required to set a fine, in cases where it is necessary.

Proposal 1466 - Thu 21 Nov 18:07 CST 1996
Otzma Card of Type Organization Expansion
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of Type Organization Expansion" which is a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player who is a member of an Organization plays a Card of this type then the Organization e is a member of, is considered to have one member the number of players who are members of that Organization, for a period of 7 days. If the player is a member of more than one Organization, then e must specify which Organizations e is a member of the Card is to affect.

Counter-Action: The Organization is no longer considered to have the extra member.

This Rule takes precedence of all rules that concern Organizations.

The maximum number of Cards of this type in existence at any given time is equal to twice the number of Organizations in existence.


Proposal 1467 - Thu 21 Nov 18:07 CST 1996
Untouch my Otzma
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Untouch Me" which is a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite, and contains the following text:

An Otzma Card of type Untouch Me can only be played in the public forum. When a card of this type is played it has the effect of rendering the player who played it Untouchable for a period of 7 days
Its Counter-Action: The player who played this card ceases to be Untouchable.

At any given there can be at most 18 Cards of this type in existence.


Proposal 1468 - Thu 21 Nov 18:07 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses", which is a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite", and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays this card, e must also anounce the number of a proposal authored by emself that failed within the preceding seven days. The effects of playing this card are as follows: Bonus Votes are created equal in number to the absolute value of the difference between the number of yes votes and the number of no votes that were cast on the proposal named by the player. The player may take one Bonus Vote to emself, the rest are given to players of eir choice.

If the player failed to post the number of a failed proposal e authored, then the Card transforms into a Cheshire Cat style smile, and a few seconds later it disappears.

Counter-Action : If the player who played the Card has two or more Bonus Votes, then two of eir Bonus Votes are destroyed. Otherwise, 10 points are deducted from eir score.

Proposal 1469 - Thu 21 Nov 18:08 CSt 1996
Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses", which is a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite", and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays this card, e must also anounce the number of a proposal authored by emself that failed within the preceding seven days. The effects of playing this card are as follows: Bonus Votes are created equal in number to the absolute value of the difference between the number of yes votes and the number of no votes that were cast on the proposal named by the player. The player may take one Bonus Vote to emself, the rest are given to players of eir choice.

If the player failed to post the number of a failed proposal e authored, then the Card transforms into a Cheshire Cat style smile, and a few seconds later it disappears.

Counter-Action : If the player who played the Card has two or more Bonus Votes, then two of eir Bonus Votes are destroyed. Otherwise, 10 points are deducted from eir score.

At any given time there can be at most 8 Cards of this type in existence.

Proposal 1470 - Thu 21 Nov 18:08 CST 1996
Share The Wealth
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a rule entitled:"Otzma Card of type Share my Expenses", which is a member of Otzma Card Rule Suite, and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player who is about to pay any sum of money, plays a Card of this type e anounces the name of another player, and anamount he wants that player to play, provided it is at most half what the former player has to pay. The player whose name was anounced pays the names amount, and the player who played the card, pays the remainder.

Counter-Action: The player who played the card pays the player whose name e anounce, the sum of money e originaly named when e played tha Card, plus 10 percent, the sum of both being rounded down to the nearest integer.

At any given time there may at most 10 Cards of this type in existence.

Create a rule entitled:"Otzma Card of type Share your income", which is a member of Otzma Card Rule Suite, and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played inthe public forum. When a player plays this a Card of this type e also names another player, and a sum of money which is at most half of a sum the named player received in the preceding three days. The Named player transferrs that same to the player who played the Card

Counter- Action: The player who played the card transfers the amount of money e named to the player e named, plus 10 percent, the sum of both being rounded down to the nearest integer.

At any given time there may at most 10 Cards of this type in existence.

Proposal 1471 - Thu 21 Nov 18:08 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Swinging Sale
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. A player who plays this Card, can purchase a Capital-Swinger Office for half its normal price, provided that such purchase does not violate any restrictions on the purchase of Capital-Swinger Offices.

At any given time there may exist at most one Card of this type.

Proposal 1472 - Thu 21 Nov 18:09 CST 1996
Otzma Card type anti-Entity Attitude
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

An Otzma Card of type anti-Entity Attitude can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays a Card of this type, e anounces the name of an Ackanomic Entity which is not a player. This has the effect of causing the Entity to lose all its powers, effects, and special property, and it becomes a Null Entity for the duration of three days. The player can extend this duration in up to three additional days by anouncing this when e plays the Card. For each additional day, A$100 are deducted from eir account and transferred to the Treasury. The money is deducted when the Card is played.

Counter-Action: The Entity the Card was played on immdiately regains whatever powers, effect and properties it had, and is no longer Null. If the player chose an extended duration, then e is not refunded the money e spent on the extended duration.

At any given time there can at most 8 Cards of this type in existence.


Proposal 1473 - Fri 22 Nov 14:38 CST 1996
Would two Pyraic Frobnotzers attached at the same place short out?
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule reading:


Amend the blueprint for the Pyraic Frobnotzer to replace the first occurrance of the word "amended" with "amended, repealed, or modified in any way".

[to me, "amended" in ackaspeak has a very specific meaning, and may not apply to all potential rule changes, such as Spelling Bees, Crisis Recovery, other Frobnotzers, etc.]

Proposal 1474 - Fri 22 Nov 14:39 CST 1996
Fixing the Lamb
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1046 to replace the second paragraph with:

Any player may take possession of the Little Lamb by publically announcing they are doing so, unless it is currently possessed by a player who has possessed it for less than one week.

Proposal 1475 - Fri 22 Nov 14:40 CST 1996
Something Fishy with Counteractions
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1369.2, "Otzma Card Type Go Fish" to replace section 3 with:

3. Counter-Action:
a. If the Go Fish Card was used on a Card that has no Counter-Action defined for it, then the Counter-Action is identical to the effect of the Card it was used on.
b. If the Go Fish Card was used on a Card that has a Counter-Action defined for it, then the Counter-Action is as follows: A new Card is created that is identical to the type of Card the Go Fish Card had been used to Counter, and it is given to the player who played the Card that was Countered by the Go Fish Card.

{{[admittedly all this does is change a couple of verbs and articles, but I could not easily comprehend the current version. The "the" for "a" makes a huge difference, for example. Of course, I may be completely missing something.]}}

Proposal 1476 - Fri 22 Nov 14:41 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Map Shard
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled: "Otzma Card of type Map Shard", which is a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and has the following text:

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum.

A player who plays this Card shall announce the name of a Map Writer or Map Custodian, and name a Buried Treasure that has not yet been discovered, for which the named player is privy to its Map.

The named player shall, within 3 days of the Card taking effect, privately post any 10 consecutive words from the named Map to the player who played the Card. The passage chosen must contain at least one verb and one noun. If the Map contains no qualifying passage, however, the named player shall post this fact instead.

This rule has precedence over Rule 1348.2 where there is a conflict.

Its Counter-Action: The private post per above shall be posted publically as soon as humanly possible by either party who was privy to it. (Once posted by one player, the other player is not obligated to do so).

Proposal 1477 - Fri 22 Nov 14:41 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Summon Tornado
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled: "Otzma Card of type Summon Tornado", which is a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and has the following text:

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum.

A Tornado shall sweep through Acka 4 days after this card takes effect [i.e., 7 days after it is played].

At any given time there may exist at most one Card of this type.

Proposal 1478 - Fri 22 Nov 14:42 CST 1996
Untouch my Otzma
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Untouch Me" which is a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and contains the following text:

An Otzma Card of type Untouch Me can only be played in the public forum. When a card of this type is played it has the effect of rendering the player who played it Untouchable for a period of 7 days Its Counter-Action: The player who played this card ceases to be Untouchable.

At any given there can be at most 18 Cards of this type in existence.


Proposal 1479 - Fri 22 Nov 14:42 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses", which is a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type Spread Them Bonuses can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays this card, e must also anounce the number of a proposal authored by emself that failed within the preceding seven days. The effects of playing this card are as follows: Bonus Votes are created equal in number to the absolute value of the difference between the number of yes votes and the number of no votes that were cast on the proposal named by the player. The player may take one Bonus Vote to emself, the rest are given to players of eir choice.

If the player failed to post the number of a failed proposal e authored, then the Card transforms into a Cheshire Cat style smile, and a few seconds later it disappears.

Counter-Action : If the player who played the Card has two or more Bonus Votes, then two of eir Bonus Votes are destroyed. Otherwise, 10 points are deducted from eir score.

At any given there may at most 8 Cards of this type in existence.


Proposal 1480 - Fri 22 Nov 14:42 CST 1996
Otzma Card type anti-Entity Attitude
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

A proposal to create a rule entitled Otzma Card type anti-Entity Attitude which is a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite anc contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type anti-Entity Attitude can only be played in the public forum. When a player plays a Card of this type, e anounces the name of an Ackanomic Entity which is not a player. This has the effect of causing the Entity to lose all its powers, effects, and special properties, and it becomes a Null Entity for the duration of three days. The player can extend this duration in up to three additional days by anouncing this when e plays the Card. For each additional day, A$100 are deducted from eir account and transferred to the Treasury. The money is deducted when the Card is played.

Counter-Action: The Entity the Card was played on immdiately regains whatever powers, effect and properties it had, and is no longer Null. If the player chose an extended duration, then e is not refunded the money e spent on the extended duration.

At any given time there can at most 8 Cards of this type in existence.


{{[I was tempted to add a clause that says:"This card cannot be owned by a player witht he Ackanomic name of Mohammed" :)]}}

Proposal 1481 - Fri 22 Nov 14:43 CST 1996
Share The Wealth
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled:"Otzma Card of type Share my Expenses", which is a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player who is about to pay any sum of money, plays a Card of this type e anounces the name of another player, and anamount he wants that player to play, provided it is at most half what the former player has to pay. The player whose name was anounced pays the names amount, and the player who played the card, pays the remainder.

Counter-Action: The player who played the card pays the player whose name e anounce, the sum of money e originaly named when e played tha Card, plus 10 percent, the sum of both being rounded down to the nearest integer.

At any given time there may at most 10 Cards of this type in existence.

Create a rule entitled:"Otzma Card of type Share your income", which is a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played inthe public forum. When a player plays this a Card of this type e also names another player, and a sum of money which is at most half of a sum the named player received in the preceding three days. The Named player transferrs that same amount to the player who played the Card

Counter- Action: The player who played the card transfers the amount of money e named to the player e named, plus 10 percent, the sum of both being rounded down to the nearest integer.

At any given time there may at most 10 Cards of this type in existence.

Proposal 1482 - Fri 22 Nov 14:43 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Swinging Sale
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of type Swinging Sale" which is a member of the Otzma CArds Rule Suite, and contains the following text:

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. A player who plays this Card, can purchase a Capital-Swinger Office for half its normal price, provided that such purchase does not violate any restrictions on the purchase of Capital-Swinger Offices.

At any given time there may exist at most one Card of this type.

Proposal 1483 - Fri 22 Nov 14:44 CST 1996
Otzma Card of Type Organization Expansion
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Create a rule entitled "Otzma Card of Type Organization Expansion" which is a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite and contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum. When a player who is a member of an Organization plays a Card of this type then the Organization e is a member of, is considered to have one more member then the number of players who are members of that Organization, for a period of 7 days. If the player is a member of more than one Organization, then e must specify which Organizations e is a member of the Card is to affect.

Counter-Action: The Organization is no longer considered to have the extra member.

This Rule takes precedence of all rules that concern Organizations.

The maximum number of Cards of this type in existence at any given time is equal to twice the number of Organizations in existence.


Proposal 1484 - Fri 22 Nov 14:44 CST 1996
End of Cycle Pardons
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Section l of R666 is relabeled as section m
Append the following text as section l
All players who are in Gaol are released from Gaol.

Proposal 1485 - Fri 22 Nov 14:45 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type Divining Stick
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule entitled " Otzma Card of type Divining Stick" which is a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and contains the following text:

An Otzma Card of this type can only be used in the public forum. When a player plays an Card of this type he also anounces the number of a Treasure which has not been found yet. In response the Map Custodian for that Treasure must reveal a portion of the Treasure Map. It is considered bad form to reveal a portion of the map which is already widely known.

Counter-action: The player donates A$40 to said Map Custodian's favorite charity. It is permissible for any entity, player or otherwise, that can own currency to be a player's favorite charity, if it is not defined as a charity elsewhere in the rules.

Proposal 1486 - Fri 22 Nov 14:45 CST 1996
Mages, Demons, and doorknobs
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A proposal that has the following effects:
Create a rule, member of Party Chess Rule Suite, entitle "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Mage", which contains the following text:
1. A Mage is represented by the ASCII character G
2. A Mage has the following move - two squares diagonally, and then 3 to 12 squares either vertically or horizontally, the second part of the move is at a 135 degree angle to the first part, and provided that all the squares the Mage passes through are unoccupied.
3. The Mage has material value of 20.
4. When a Mage is purchased, the player who purchases the Mage may also purchase up to four of the following Otzma Cards, provided that total cost of the Cards does not exceed A$210
The Otzma Cards e decides to purchase are created and transferred to Swinger whose Office receives the Mage.

a. Mage - Teleport (A$80)
b. Mage - FireBall (A$70)
c. Mage - Exchange (A$120)
d. Mage - Freeze (A$50)
e. Mage - ShapeShift (A$50)
f. Mage - Teleport II (A$120)

5. When a Mage is created by the process of Promotion, then none of the above Cards is created.
Append to R985.1 Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces, the following text:
"8. A Frozen piece can neither Move, Capture, or be Captured. However, if a Swinger who controls a Frozen piece surrenders, it becomes an off-board piece. Pieces can be made Frozen only according to the rules. A Piece can be made Frozen for a maximum of 3 Rounds. If a Piece is Frozen, and no time has been set for it to cease being Frozen, then it ceases being Frozen exactly one Round after it became Frozen. It is impossible to Freeze with material value equal to or less than 2. The concept of Frozen is protected.

A proposal to create a rule, a member of Party Chess Rule Suite, entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Demon", which contains the following text:
1. A Demon is represented by the ASCII character D
2. A Demon has the same move as the King
3. A Demon Captures the same way it Moves, except when Capturing a Mage. A Demon can Capture a Mage in any given direction, at a distance of up to 4, provided all the squares between the Demon and the Mage are unoccupied.
4. A Demon is Promotable. A Demon is Promoted iff there exist two friendly pieces of the same type (as one another, not necessarily Demons), %a and %b, such that %aR<DR<%bR /AND/ %aC<DC<%bC, where %aR,%aC,%bR,%bC,DR,DC represent the position of %a,%b, the Demon in Row,Column format, respectively.
5. A Demon has a material value of 2
{{[This does several things - one it creates something that can act against a Mage. Analogous in some way to the Spy/Admiral relationship in Stratego. The Promotion conditions also shift some of the balance away from the center. The Center is still very significant, it is the only area from which the long range pieces can control nearly the entire board, pawn promotions give it added value, but I want to have other potentially strategic states/areas as well]}}
IV. Create a rule, member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled" Otzma Card type Mage- Teleport", which contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type Mage - Teleport can be used only by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and only on eir turn. Playihng a Card of this type allows a Swinger to move one of eir on-board Mages to any un-occupied square on the Party-Board, provided that in its new position it does not attack any opposing piece.
When a Swinger plays this Card, e is considered to have Passed on eir PartyChess turn.

The Counter-Action of this Card is as follows: The Mage is returned to the square it was Teleported from. If that square is occupied, the Mage becomes an off-board piece.

The maximum number of Card of this type is equal to the twice the number of Mages in existence.

V. Create a rule, member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled" Otzma Card type Mage- Fireball", which contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of type Fireball can only be used by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and only on eir turn.
A Swinger who plays a Card of this type may remove from the board and take possesion of an opposing piece which occupies a square at a maximum distance of 5 in any given direction from one of eir on-board Mages. When a Swinger plays a Card of this type e is considered to have Passed on eir PartyChess turn.

Counter-Action: The Counter-Action for a Card of this type is as follows: The piece that was removed is transferred to the Swinger who controlled it before it was removed. That Swinger chooses one additional piece from among the off-board pieces of the Swinger who used the Card, provided that it has equal or lesser material value than the first piece, and that piece is also trasferred to him.

The maximum number of Cards of this type is equal to twice the number of Mages in existence.

VI> Create a rule, a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled "Otzma Card type Mage - Exchange", which contains the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be used by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and only on eir turn.
A Swinger who plays a Card of this type e may exchange the positions of any two friendly pieces.
When a Swinger plays a Card of this type e is considered to have passed on eir PartyChess turn.

Counter-Action: The Counter-Action for a Card type is as follows: The two pieces that were exchanged returned to the position the occupied before the exchange. If either square is occupied by a another piece(not one of the exchanged pieces), then the Swinger loses points equal in number to the sum of the material values of both pieces, and the pieces remain where they were after the original exchange.

The maximum number of Cards of this type is equal to the smaller of (the number of Mages in existence, the number of Swingers)


VII. Create a rule, member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled "Otzma Card type Mage - Freeze" which contains the following text:
A Card of this type can only be played by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and can only be played on eir turn.
A Swinger who plays a Card of this type can Freeze any on-board piece, except for pieces which can't be Frozen, for a period of exactly 1 Round. When a Swinger plays a Card of this type e is considered to have Passed on eir PartyChess turn.

Counter-Action: The piece which has been Frozen, ceases to be Frozen.

The maximum number of Cards of this type is twice the number of Mages in existence.

VIII Create a rule , member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled "Otzma Card type Mage - ShapeShift", which contains the following text:
A Card of this type can only be played by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and it cannot be plated on eir turn.
A Swinger who plays this Card can anounce that one of eir on-board Mages has assumed the guise of another type of PartyChessPiece. The Swinger must specify which on-board Mage has done so, and what type of e is masquarading as. Once this has been anounced, the Mage will be considered to be a piece of that type for exactly one Round, for all purposes except for Weight calculaion, which will conisder its true material value.

Counter-Action: The Mage drops its disguise and is no longer conisdered to be anything but a Mage.

The maximum number of Cards of this type is twice the smallest of (the number of Mages in existence), (the number of Swingers)

IX. Create a rule, a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, entitled "Mage - Teleport II", which contains the following text:
A Card of this type can only by a Swinger who has an on-board Mage, and only on eir turn.
A Swinger who plays a Card of this type may place of eir on-board pieces on any unoccupied square, provided that it does not attack any opposing piece.
When a Swinger plays a Card of this type, e is considered to have Passed on eir PartyChess turn.

Counter-Action: The piece is returned to the square it occupied just before the Card was played. If that square is already occupied, then Swinger loses points, equal in number to the material value of that piece, and the piece is remains in the square it was Teleported to.

The maximum number of Cards of this type is equal to the lesser of (the number of Magesin existence), (The number of Swingers)

Proposal 1487 - Tue 26 Nov 15:23 CST 1996
A Truly Deplorable Pun
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal. Add the following text to the end of rule 306:

There also exists the Great Tuba of Ackanomic, a unique entity. Whenever the Magic Potato is transferred from one player to another, the Great Tuba is given to the player who just lost the Magic Potato. The holder of the Great Tuba scores two extra points whenever one of his proposals passes.

Proposal 1488 - Tue 26 Nov 15:23 CST 1996
Making Towers Useful
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

Amend rule 841, "Towers", by adding the following new section at the end:

9) Each building with an Ostentatious Tower also has a basement capable of holding one player for each 20 meters in the combined height of all towers on that building. When a Tornado strikes, if the total number of players in a building with a basement who are not otherwise sheltered is less than or equal to the capacity of the basement, then all those players manage to escape to the basement and are sheltered. If there are too many such players in a building, then while fighting to get into the basement, none of them manage to get in before the tornado hits.

Proposal 1489 - Tue 26 Nov 15:24 CST 1996
Counter-Action fix
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
In R1369.1 append the following text as section 11 d:
An Otzma Card can be Countered at most once.

Proposal 1490 - Tue 26 Nov 15:24 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Blank
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

A new Rule is created as a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite; it is titled "Otzma Card Type Blank", and reads: ---
The Runemaker has the Duty of calling a Hearing sometime in the week leading up to the first Friday in January, 1997, to determine the ability and counteraction of blank Otzma cards. The valid responses will be the letters A, B, and C; at the time the Runemaker calls the Hearing he must, in order to fulfill the Duty, post three separate paragraphs, one each labelled A, B, and C, which are possible definitions for an Otzma Card type. (The Runemaker is encouraged to take submissions for possible Blank Otzma Card actions inbetweentimes, and use his favorite submissions as A, B, and C.)

When such a Hearing ends, if the verdict indicates one of the paragraphs in the Runemaker's message, the paragraph following "played:" below shall be replaced with the paragraph indicated by the verdict. Then, the month and year in the first paragraph of this rule shall be changed to indicate the next following month on the Julian calendar that will last for 31 days.

Until that Hearing occurs, when a Blank Otzma Card is played:

A chicken shall flop out from the Runemaker's robes and chase the Players around. The Players can run, but they can't hide. After three days of chasing, the Players shall collapse in a heap, the chicken shall bite them all, and they shall all then have chicken fever, indefinitely. Counteraction: the chicken shall be struck with a Ray of Chicken Expansion and a bolt of lightning from the sky, in quick succession, and the Players shall all have fried chicken (and no tea) for a week.

Proposal 1491 - Tue 26 Nov 15:24 CST 1996
Renting Bugs
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend rule 1323, "Rental", by changing
"trade them to Player A."
at the end of the third paragraph to
"trade them to Player A, or any action permitted by an immutable rule; if he trades them to Player A, or if they leave Player B's possesion in any other way, the rental period ends when Player B no longer possesses them."
and delete from the fifth paragraph the text:
", unless player A is no longer in the game, in which case Player B becomes their owner for all purposes"

{{[ As it stands now, you could rent something to another player that you will soon have to give up for whatever reason, have him trade it back early, lose it as some rule requires, and then get it back later when the rental period ends. The rule prevents this abuse with A$, but it could happen with other things. I'm not sure if any such things exist now, but the original Magic Potato could be traded (though it would still get reassigned as usual); by playing this trick, the potato's owner could keep stealing it back every time it was reassigned. When PF bonds partly reverted to their original owners at end-of-cycle, you could do this with PFbonds too. ]}}

Amend rule 962.2 by renumbering the steps 2 through 7 in the procedure when a player leaves the game to be steps 3 through 8, and inserting the following after step 1:
"2) All entities e is renting from other players return to their previous owners. All entities e is renting to other players become fully owned by the players renting them, and the rental periods of those entities end."

{{[ The recent amendment of the rental rule has made it fall prey to the giant axe of rule 108, since it prevents a player renting an object from leaving the game, as this would cause him to no longer possess the entity. ]}}

Proposal 1492 - Sun 1 Dec 20:28 CST 1996
I'd like to buy a vowel, please
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 1240 to replace all occurrances of:

"The player whose post was considered then forfeits 10 A$ to the Treasury."


The player whose post was considered then forfeits the Magic Letter Premium to the Treasury. The Magic Letter Premium is based on the type of letter chosen, from the following schedule: Common vowels ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o') cost A$25, Common consonants ('d', 'l', 'n', 'r', 's', 't') cost A$15, all other letters cost A$5.

Proposal 1493 - Sun 1 Dec 20:28 CST 1996
Fixing one loophole introduced by the Entity rewrite
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend R 1243, "Chartreuse Goose", to insert ", non-mimsy" after the first occurrance of "nontradeable"

Proposal 1494 - Sun 1 Dec 20:28 CST 1996
Amending R1109
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Add to the end of R1109:

If a Modest proposal is voted down, then the author loses only half the normal points. If a Grandiose proposal is voted down, the author loses all normal points and then 6 more.

Proposal 1495 - Sun Dec 1 CST 20:29 CST 1996
Heretics! Heretics Everywhere!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

All heretics may be burned at the stake. This burning is considered a public event. Other rules may define other ways of becoming a Heretic. Four basic ways are listed here.

(1) Any player that has A$ 1666 more than the poorest player will be considered a Heretic until such time as by charitable contributions (money transfers) to any player or to the treasury, the player no longer has A$1666 more than the poorest player.

(2) If a player uses the words "can", "fly" and "cows" in any order, in a single message, then that player is considered a Heretic for three days.

(3) Every month, on the first of the month exactly, the leader of the largest church (oldest if tie) shall publicly decide on an official ink color for proposals. All proposals for that month will then have to have a self deleting line that says:

"This proposal was written in <color> ink."

Where <color> is the color they wish to use. If it is not the legal color, or no color is used, then the player is considered a heretic for the following three days. If there is no church on the first of the month, or self-deleting text is not allowed, or the church leader does not pick a color, then proposals do not require a designated ink color.

(4) Every Monday, the Clerk of the Court may publicly decide on a flavor. Every CFJ submitted on the next day must include a sentence that says:

"This is a <flavor> CFJ"

Where <flavor> is the flavor they wish to use. If it is not the legal flavor, or no flavor is used, then the player is considered a Heretic for the following three days. If there is no Clerk of the court, or no flavor is picked, then CFJs do not require a flavor. This line must be removed (and is allowed to be removed) by the judge ruling on the CFJ.

Proposal 1496 - Sun 1 Dec 20:28 CST 1996
Barracks As Temporary Lodgings
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

A small, puny building is created (1 kaa), called the Barracks. It is used to provided a home for players that do not possess any land or home. It can house up to 6 players at any one time. The living conditions there are poor but the building is built to bomb shelter, atomic shelter and seismic shelter standards and can act as such.

No player owning land may live in the Barracks. Senators may use their office in the Senate as their home and so do not qualify to live in the barracks. The President and Speaker may also use the Senate in the same way. The Historian may use the library in the same way.

If there is not enough space in the barracks, then a player with nowhere to establish residence is said to be Homeless.

Title: Undead Space Reclamation
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Any player may become an Undeadbuster by publicly declaring this desire.

An Undeadbuster may go into a haunted home and exorcise it by posting a message to that effect, preferably in the form of a poem. This removes the undead from the premises, forcing it to leave for the Ackanomic Afterlife where it will then stay.

The home where the undead was located then loses its name and is returned to the common plots of lands to be used as free land. Until an undead is removed from a haunted home that plot of land may not be used.

An Undeadbuster may only exorcise one haunted home per month. They can never exorcise the home of a player that had joined the game before they did, unless they have now been in the game for twice as long as the player had been in Acka.

For each exorcism, the Treasury will pay A$321 to the Undeadbuster.

Proposal 1497 - Sun 1 Dec 20:29 CST 1996
Undead Space Reclamation
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Any player may become an Undeadbuster by publicly declaring this desire.

An Undeadbuster may go into a haunted home and exorcise it by posting a message to that effect, preferably in the form of a poem. This removes the undead from the premises, forcing it to leave for the Ackanomic Afterlife where it will then stay.

The home where the undead was located then loses its name and is returned to the common plots of lands to be used as free land. Until an undead is removed from a haunted home that plot of land may not be used.

An Undeadbuster may only exorcise one haunted home per month. They can never exorcise the home of a player that had joined the game before they did, unless they have now been in the game for twice as long as the player had been in Acka.

For each exorcism, the Treasury will pay A$321 to the Undeadbuster.

Proposal 1498 - Sun 1 Dec 20:30 CST 1996
Saving the President's Breath (aka Unanimity is Both Lovely and Special)
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal

Replace the first instance of "When a proposal passes" in Rule 1457 with "When a non-modest proposal passes".

Proposal 1499 - Sun 1 Dec 20:30 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Tactical Retreat
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule, a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite; its title is "Otzma Card Type Tactical Retreat"; its text is as follows:

1. This rule defines an Otzma Card type called "Tactical Retreat"
2. Once an Otzma card of type "Tactical Retreat" is played, Swingers have another type of Party Chess move available. They may, in their turn (but not on a special D-turn or special DD-turn) remove any single friendly Party Chess piece from the Party Board and add it to their collection of off-board pieces. Swingers may exercise this option using the syntax for a Move, with the phrase "off-board" replacing the destination square. This option will remain available until it is either exercised or the Tactical Retreat card which made it available is countered.
3. Counter-action: When a Tactical Retreat card is Countered, the Party Chess option made available by the Tactical Retreat Card is no longer available. If the option was not available when the Countering took place, the Counter-action has no further effect.
4. There may be at most 10 Otzma Cards of type "Tactical Retreat"

Proposal 1500 - Sun 1 Dec 20:30 CST 1996
The No-Longer-Quite-So-Magic Number
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

[Synopsis: this changes the requirement for winning by points. Currently, the Rules require an exact hit-- you must get exactly Magic Number points. If this passes, overshooting the Magic Number will be considered a win.]

1. Rule 422 is amended by changing its title to "Points" and changing
Immediately upon a single player reaching the Magic Number of points exactly, that player will be declared the Winner of the Cycle, and all rules pertaining to what happens when someone wins the cycle, including, but not limited to, Rule 666, shall apply.
Being the only Player with at least the Magic Number of points is a Winning Condition. [See Rule 666 for the effects of winning a cycle.]
and by removing
If the score of any player becomes greater than the Magic Number, then the Magic Number is increased by 16, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater.

2. Rule 666 ("End of Cycle") is amended by changing
Upon a Cycle winning condition being achieved, the following steps occur, in order:
Whenever a Player achieves a Winning Condition, the following steps occur, in order:
and by changing
* c) The winner is given the title of winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak are created in that player's possession. If this results in his having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory.
* c) The Player who achieved the Winning Condition is given the title of winner of the cycle, Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak are created in that Player's possession. If this results in his having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory.