Clues, Riddles, and Guesses for Treasure 138

snowgod wrote (Mar 24, 1997):

/dev/joe has found my latest treasure, by sending me a .jpg of David Letterman. The actual map to the treasure said "Whosoever can take this collection of numbers and convert it from the .pict file it was to the .jpg it wants to be and send me that picture shall find this treasure." (followed by 120K or so of numbers, etc).

Breadbox decoded it first, but sadly didn't send me the picture, but as a consolation prize I am creating a trinket, valued at A$50, called the "Consolation Prize" It is a T-shirt that says "I beat /dev/joe in a treasure hunt and all I got was this stupid t-shirt" on the front, and on the back it has holographic pictures of all the trinkets contained in the treasure /dev/joe just found.

I am give the Consolation Prize to breadbox

breadbox wrote (Mar 24, 1997):

Damn. I was looking for hidden messages in the color data and suchlike. Duh.

Wow. I was rather enjoying the idea of having Fibber back again, but I think I like this trinket better than the treasure. I ack this. Thank you, snowgod.

Is one allowed to wear trinkets? No, probably not. And I'm already wearing a Robe....

For the time being, I will hold the Consolation Prize up against my torso everywhere I go.

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