add rule 211/2 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Winning 19 P405/0 Whenever a Player's score reaches or exceeds 500 points, and that Player owns at least 20 Rules, the Administrator shall credit em with a Win. ---- add rule 351/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Automatic Debt Payment 3 13 P407/0 "Automatic Debt Payer" is an attribute which Players can have. A player may gain or lose the "Automatic Debt Payer" (ADP) attribute by posting eir preference to a public forum. The Banker must keep track of which players currently have the ADP attribute. Whenever a debt is created naming a Player (X) as a debtor, if the named Player has the attribute "Automatic Debt Payer" and also has sufficient funds to pay the debt, then the debt is automatically paid, points transferred, and the debt is destroyed. ---- add rule 352/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Parties 21 P410/1 A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. ---- add rule 353/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Party Membership 21 P410/1 The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. ---- add rule 354/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Party Privacy 21 P410/1 The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a RFJ, and the judge of that RFJ is not a member of that party, then whomever is responsible for tracking the state of the party rules and any elements defined in the party rules shall make them available available to judge upon the judge's selection, but the Judge shall not further distribute them. ---- add rule 355/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Party Security 21 P410/1 In no case may an agent be bound by a set of rules of which e is uninformed. In no case may an agent become a member of a party without eir express written consent, although said consent does not nescessarily have to be posted to the Public forum. Party rules may not take precedence over the rules of this game, although this does not nescessarily exempt a player from penalties for failing to abide by the rules of a party of which e is a member. Party rules may not redefine terms used in the rules of this game. ---- add rule 356/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Party Destruction 21 P410/1 If a Party ceases to exist the last known state of its rules, membership, and any variables or other objects defined shall be made publicly available. ---- add rule 208/1 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 The Administrator 11 P412/0 The Office of the Administrator is an Elected Office which does not have a Term of Office (i.e. the Officer stays in Office until e resigns or is removed from eir Office by other means). The Administrator is responsible for all game duties not assigned by the Rules to other Officers. The Office is initially held by the Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman. ---- add rule 110/1 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Resignation 11 P412/0 An Officer may resign from eir office at any time by declaring publicly eir intention to do so. The Office then becomes vacant, and the Administrator assumes an Officer's duties until such time as the Office is again filled. If the Administrator resigns, e shall name a Player who will assume his duties until the Office is again filled. If the Administrator has resigned without naming any Player, the first Player who publicly announces that e will assume the Administrator's duties shall do so until the Office is again filled. ---- add rule 213/1 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Administrative Orders 12 P414/0 The Roster is a list of all Players. It shall contain, for each Player, at least the following information: (1) The Player's name, (2) eir email adress, (3) eir score, and (4) a list of all attributes associated with em. The Administrator is responsible for updating the Roster so that it reflects the current game state. ---- add rule 357/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Randal Judgements 8 P415/0 The verb "to Randal" is defined as "to perform an action which is mostly unrelated to the game, which one does not want to perform". The noun "Randal" is defined as either "an action which is mostly unrelated to the game, which one does not want to perform" when it is used with an article, and "a character from Clerks" when it is used as a name. Any Motion or Proposal which requires a player to Randal may be nullified via the process below. If a player feels that an action required of em is a Randal, he may make a Request for Randal Judgement. A Request for Randal Judgement is a specific kind of Request for Judgement, which follows all the rules of Requests for Judgement. When a Request for Randal Judgement (RFRJ) is made, it is applied to some Motion or Proposal. The player making the RFRJ should specify which Motion or Proposal it should be applied to. The Statement of the resulting RFJ is " requires to Randal and should be nullified". If there is a time limit on the Randal in question, it is extended for the duration of the Judgement. ---- add rule 317/2 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 The Bank 3 P416/0 The Bank is an agent, but not an eligible voter. If a debt owed the Bank is overdue the Bank may submit a Motion for Payment of that debt, at the discretion of the Banker. If a debt owed the bank is overdue the Tax Collector shall, within a reasonable length of time, submit a Motion for Payment of that debt on behalf of the bank. A Bank Motion is a motion that, once submitted, becomes a Ballot Item on the next nweekly voting. A Bank Motion should describe one or more actions to be performed by the Bank. If it passes, a Motive Order is issued for the Bank to perform those actions. ---- add rule 358/0 1 Mar 2001 00:00:00 Motion for Payment 9 3 P416/0 If an agent owes points to another agent e is a debtor and the agent to which e owes points is eir creditor. Said pending point transfer is a debt. The debt shall exist until payment has been made by point transfer, satisfying the debt. If the debtor does not transfer the specified number of points by the time specified at creation of the debt, or within two weeks of the debt creation by default, eir creditor may force payment with a Motion for Payment. A Motion for Repayment is a primary, approvable motion that is not subject to unanimous consent. A Motion for Repayment should specify the debt that is overdue by amount, agents involved, and due date. If a Motion for Repayment passes and the debt remains unpaid a motive order is issued for the transfer of points to satisfy that debt, to be performed as soon as possible. ----