add rule 237/3 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Judgments P363/1 A Judge shall, within three days of eir selection, give one of the following responses to the Request for Judgment to which e was assigned, accompanied by analysis and Judicial Orders as appropriate: 1. Refused: A Judge may refuse to hear the Request if it lacks a clear Statement or is not germain to the game. 2. True: The Statement is true. 3. False: The Statement is false. 4. Undecided: It cannot be determined at the time of the Judgment whether the Statement is true or false. The Judge shall decide the truth of the Plantiff's statement based on the game state at the time the RFJ was submitted. Judicial Orders presented with the Judgement will be made based on the game state at the time of the judgement. [[so if a problem has worked itself out already, we don't have to fix it twice]] ---- add rule 304/1 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Revision of Ballot Issues P363/1 An otherwise reviseable item which is a ballot issue may be altered, withdrawn, or deactivated if and only if the revision was submitted before the start of that nweek's voting; this special case is otherwise subject to the restrictions for whatever type of item that may be. All outstanding changes to ballot items must be recognized by the Administrator before the ballot is published. ---- add rule 336/1 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Challenge/response games P376/0 A Challenge/Response Game (C/RG) is a Contest, governed by R338, unless otherwise noted here. These are the Contest Rules for Challenge/Response Games: Each instance of a Challenge/Response Game (C/RG) is governed by this set of rules and when it is defined, must include the following attributes: game name, Contestmaster title, period of duration, repetitive or not (if yes, how often), and entry fee. It should also describe the limits and guidelines for the challenge(s) and methods by which to judge the correctness of the answers, and either specify the (first) Contestmaster or describe how to determine who the (first) Contestmaster is. Statements in the rule(s) defining the instance of the C/RG take preference over this rule. The Contestmaster of the C/RG (Contestmaster) should post the/a Challenge to a public forum (once in each period of duration if the game is repetitive). The other Players may, if they choose, submit to the Contestmaster an answer (response) to the challenge. Answers must be submitted privately via a time-stampable medium (e.g. e-mail) within the period of duration after the challenge was posted. Each player may submit up to one complete answer. Partial or incomplete answers (as determined by the Contestmaster) are not considered submissions. For each answer submitted, (entry fee)*2 points shall be transferred from each submitting player to the Contestmaster. After the period of duration after posting the challenge, the Contestmaster will judge the answers e received and select a winner. This judgement should be made in a reasonable amount of time [[like 2 days at most]]. If more than one answer is judged (most) correct, the answer submitted earliest will be selected the winner. Half the total of the entry fees shall be transferred to the winner of the challenge [[the Contestmaster keeps the other half]]. If the C/RG is repetitive, the winner of the challenge shall be the Contestmaster for the following challenge. If less than 2 answers are submitted, the game is considered finished with no winner. All points taken from players as entry fees for the game are returned to their original owners. If it is a repetitive game, then the Contestmaster does not change and play proceeds as normal for the next challenge. [[The changing paid Contestmaster is not only an extra incentive for people to want to win, but also for the Contestmaster to create a challenge to which a lot of people will respond.]] If the Contestmaster fails to change after two consectutive periods of duration, a Secondary Unilateral Motion may me made naming a new (different) Contestmaster for the game which will pass after 2 days if no objections are voiced in any public forum. Players do not need to publicly consent to inclusion in a C/RG (as per R338/Contests) to become Contestants of the Game, they only need to submit an answer to the Contestmaster as per the Contest Rules. The Prize for the C/RG is the points awarded to the winner of the Challenge. ---- add rule 317/1 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 The Bank P377/0 The Bank is an agent, but not an eligible voter. If a debt owed the Bank is overdue the Bank may submit a Motion for Repayment of that debt, at the discretion of the Banker. If a debt owed the bank is overdue the Tax Collector shall, within a reasonable length of time, submit a motion for repayment of that debt on behalf of the bank. A Bank Motion is a motion that, once submitted, becomes a Ballot Item on the next nweekly voting. A Bank Motion should describe one or more actions to be performed by the Bank. If it passes, a Motive Order is issued for the Bank to perform those actions. ---- add rule 337/1 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Three of these things belong together P378/0 The Similarity Game The Similarity Game is an instance of a challenge/response game with the following attributes: game name: The Similarity Game admin title: Similarity Officer duration: until repealed repetitive: yes, nweekly entry fee: 2 Once every nweek, the Similarity Officer (S.O.) should post a Challenge to a public forum. Limits and guidelines: The Challenge will take the following form: The S.O. will publish a list containing at least three distinct items. The answer should be an attribute which is shared between all the items. Judging: More specific attributes are 'more correct' than general attributes [[e.g. 'round' is better than 'same shape']] and multiple attributes are 'more correct' than single attributes [[e.g. 'striped and round' is better than 'striped' or 'round' individually]]. first Contestmaster: The first Contestmaster of the game is Benjamin. [[ Three of these things belong together Three of these things are kind of the same Can you guess which one of these doesn't belong here? Now it's time to play our game! ]] ---- add rule 339/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Poetry Competition c/rg P379/0 The Poetry Contest is an instance of a challenge/response game with the following attributes: game name: The Poetry Contest contestmaster title: A Nomic's Poet Laureate duration: until repealed repetitive: yes, at discretion of current contestmaster entry fee: 2 When they feel like it, the Poet Laureate should post a Challenge to any public forum. Limits and guidelines: The Challenge will take the following form: The Poet Laurate will set a topic, and optionally a length, a style and/or a title, for the other players to write a poem on. Judging: This is entirely up to the personal tastes of the current Poet Laureate; bribes, threats and other forms of coercion are entirely permissable so long as they break neither the other rules of this Nomic or the laws of the land in the country of residence of either participant in said form of coercion. first Admin: The first Admin of the game is M'cachessilnath. ---- add rule 340/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Home Alone P380/0 A NomicHome is a particular instance of Place as defined by the relevant rule. Every Player in A Nomic automatically owns a NomicHome. A NomicHome has the following properties, changable by the owner: Location: initially NomicTown Name: initially 's Home Description: initially 'A boring house' Contents: initially just the Player who is the owner of the NomicHome Value: initially 0 points All properties except Contents of a NomicHome can be assigned arbitary values, and the NomicHomes can be bought and sold in the same manner as any Object. Contents can only be modified by adding an Object elsewhere acquired, adding a Player with eir consent or removing an Object or Player already present. To assign a new value to one or more properties of their NomicHome, a Player must post such modifications to any public forum, and these will be treated as a two-day unanimous consent motion [to allow for changes insulting anyone to be barred]. Anyone who quotes more than a sentance (or 10 words; minimum 4 words) of another Player's NomicHome description in their NomicHome description must pay that Player a fine of half the value of their NomicHome nweekly until they have submitted a modification to rectify the matter. [if you want the description, buy the home from the player!] ---- add rule 315/2 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Motions of no confidance P381/0 A Motion of non confidence is a secondary approvable motion used to evict an elected officer who loses the support of the voters. The motion must specify the elected office to be targeted. A Motion of non confidence may not be subject to unanimous consent and requires a passage ratio of two-thirds. Upon the adotion of the motion of non confidence the term of the targeted office is set to expire at the end of the current nweek. ---- add rule 341/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 The Motion to Create points P384/0 The Motion to Create Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be created. The Motion to Create Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Create Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a numer of points equal to the specified number shall be created, owned by the Bank. ---- add rule 342/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 The Motion to Destroy Points P384/0 The Motion to Destroy Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be destroyed. The Motion to Destroy Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Destroy Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a number of points owned by the bank equal to the specified number are destroyed, provided that the bank owns at least that many points. If the bank owns fewer points than the specified number then the Motion has no effect. ---- add rule 343/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 C/RG: Mediocrity P385/1 Enact a new rule entitled "C/RG: Mediocrity" with text as follows: The Mediocrity game is an instance of a Challenge/Response game with the following attributes: game name: Mediocrity sub-game admin title: the Supremely Mediocre duration: until repealed repetetive: when finished entry fee: 2 The initial S.M should specify what limits are being used for the game set. The limits may contrain quantities that include those described below or others. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the minimum for that quantity. However these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance. In some cases a maximum will also be listed here. The limits may include: (x) The level of Mediocrity game to be played (min. 1) (y) The number of players required for the C/R game to start (min 3) (z) The number of level n-1 sub-games to play as part of each level n game. The S.M is encouraged to be creative and come up with other limits that may apply to Mediocrity games. A level n game of Mediocrity sub-game consists of z n-1 sub games, unless n=1 in which case it consists of z individual challenges. The challenge shall use the following form: The S.M shall post to the public forum a message announcing the sub-game and asking players to submit their quantities. Players then have three days to respond with their quantites by private email. A valid entry specifies one quantity. At the conclusion of a level n Mediocrity sub-game the winner is determined. If n is greater than 1 the winner is the participant who won the most mediocre number of level n-1 sub-games during that level n game; that is whose number of level n-1 wins is exceeded by as many participants as it exceeds. The winner of a level 1 sub-game is the player whose specified quantity is the most mediocre. Prizes shall not be awarded for individual challenges making up a larger Mediocrity game. Instead, at the conclusion of the game announced by the first S.M of the game the entire collection of all entry fees collected for the individual challenges that made up that game shall be paid to the winner. This is an exception to rule 336. ---- add rule 344/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 The Thug and Its Uses P386/0 There exists an entity known as the Thug. The Thug may be used only by its employer, and only once per nweek, to reverse a single vote case by a Voter, such that "yes" vote becomes a "no" vote, and any other vote (or lack thereof) remains unchanged. To use the Thug, its employer shall, when casting eir Ballot, indicate at which Voter and Ballot Issue the Thug is directed. Within a reasonable period following the conclusion of each voting period in which the Thug has been used, the Bean Counter shall randomly select the Thug's new employer from among those Players who voted during the previous nweek. ---- add rule 9/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Randomness and Dice P387/0 Whenever a Player is called upon to make a random determination, it shall be made among all the possible choices with equal probability, or as close to equal probability as is reasonably achievable. The probabilities of a die falling on each of its faces are considered to be roughly equal for Game purposes, baring any tampering with or obvious deformities of the die. Dice rolls may be specified in the form xdy, where x is the number of dice, and y is the number of faces on each die. Coins are considered to be two-sided dice. [[Examples: 3d6 is three six-sided dice, 1d20 is one twenty-sided die.]] A combination of dice or the mathematical manipulation of the results of a die may be substituted for a unavailable die so long as the same probability distribution is preserved. [[Example: the roll of a d6 divided by 2 may be used instead of a d3.]] ---- add rule 345/0 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Consent by Seconding P388/0 An Approvable Motion requiring P seconds in N days is granted consent upon receiving seconds by P unique eligible voters other than the Motion's owner within N days of its recognition. No Motion may be granted consent in this way unless explicitly allowed by the Rules. Any Approvable Motion requiring seconds for which the required number of seconds is left unspecified is considered to require one second. Any Approvable Motion requiring seconds for which the required period within which the seconds must occur is left unspecified is considered to to have a period of three days. An eligible voter may second an Motion requiring seconding by publicly indicating e is doing so. ---- add rule 120/2 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Motions P388/0 The Agent who submits a Motion is its owner. An Agent may never own more than ten live Motions of any one type, and may never submit more than ten Motions of any one type in a single day; otherwise an Agent may make a new Motion of any type at any time. New Motions are live and active by default. Motions are revisable. Unless the Rules allow other Agents to do so, only the owner of a live Motion may alter its parts, or activate, deactivate, or withdraw it. Withdrawn Motions are dead. Only live Motions may be altered or be Under Consideration. No Motion may be altered while Under Consideration. Each Motion is either Approvable or Unilateral, and Primary or Secondary. Approvable Motions are subject to voting or consent, as per the Rules. Unilateral Motions need no such approval to take effect. Primary Motions are assigned serial numbers by type, while Secondary Motions are assigned serial numbers as a group. ---- add rule 229/2 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Adoption of Motions P388/0 An Approvable Motion is adopted iff it is subject to and receives consent, or at the close of voting on it, its passage ratio exceeds one-half. If the Rules regarding a motion establish a different passage ratio, it takes precedence over the passage ratio herein. Orders, Motive or Legislative, in an adopted Motion shall be executed in a timely fashion by the appropriate Officers. Only Motions defined in the Rules have effect if adopted. ---- add rule 230/6 1 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00 Tacit Consent P388/0 An Agent introducing an Approvable Motion may request consent at the time of its introduction, or until such time as the granting of consent could still occur prior to the nweek's voting, unless the Rules explicitly prohibit it. N-day P-consent on a Motion is granted if no more than P eligible voters object to the Motion within N days of its recognition. The appropriate level of consent is considered to have been requested automatically for any Approvable Motion which may be adopted only by that level of consent or greater. N-day unanimous consent is equivalent to N-day 0-consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required level of consent for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to require unanimous consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required period without objection for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to have a period of three days. ----