add proposal 382/1 1 16 Jan 2001 00:45:13 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Poulenc Parties 1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows: A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows: The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. 3. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Privacy", with text as follows: The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a CFJ, and the judge of that CFJ is not a member of that party, then they shall be made available to em, but e shall not further distribute them without consent from a member of the party. 4. Enact a new rune entitled "Party Security", with text as follows: In no case may an agent be bound by a set of rules of which e is uninformed. In no case may an agent become a member of a party without eir express written consent, although said consent does not nescessarily have to be posted to the Public forum. Party rules may not take precedence over the rules of this game, although this does not nescessarily exempt a player for penalties from failing to abide by the rules of a party of which e is a member. Party rules may not redefine terms used in the rules of this game. ---- add proposal 383/0 1 16 Jan 2001 01:48:12 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Poulenc Extra Vote fix amend rule 320 by changing both instances of "100" in the rule text to "50" ---- add proposal 384/0 1 16 Jan 2001 02:09:12 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Poulenc Motions to Create or Destroy Points 1. Enact a new rule entitled "The Motion to Create points", with text as follows: The Motion to Create Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be created. The Motion to Create Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Create Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a numer of points equal to the specified number shall be created, owned by the Bank. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "The Motion to Destroy Points", with text as follows: The Motion to Destroy Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be destroyed. The Motion to Destroy Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Destroy Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a number of points owned by the bank equal to the specified number are destroyed, provided that the bank owns at least that many points. If the bank owns fewer points than the specified number then the Motion has no effect. ---- add proposal 385/0 1 16 Jan 2001 03:14:53 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Poulenc Mediocraty Enact a new rule entitled "C/RG: Mediocraty" with text as follows: The Mediocraty game is an instance of a Challenge/Response game with the following attributes: game name: Mediocraty sub-game admin title: the Supremely Mediocre duration: until repealed repetetive: when finished entry fee: 2 The initial S.M should specify what limits are being used for the game set. The limits may contrain quantities that include those described below or others. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the minimum for that quantity. However these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance. In some cases a maximum will also be listed here. The limits may include: (x) The level of mediocraty game to be played (min. 1) (y) The number of players required for the C/R game to start (min 3) (z) The number of level n-1 sub-games to play as part of each level n game. The S.M is encouraged to be creative and come up with other limits that may apply to Mediocraty games. A level n game of mediocraty sub-game consists of z n-1 sub games, unless n=1 in which case it consists of z individual challenges. The challenge shall use the following form: The S.M shall post to the public forum a message announcing the sub-game and asking players to submit their quantities. Players then have three days to respond with their quantites by private email. A valid entry specifies one quantity. At the conclusion of a level n Mediocraty sub-game the winner is determined. If n is greater than 1 the winner is the participant who won the most mediocre number of level n-1 sub-games during that level n game; that is whose number of level n-1 wins is exceeded by as many participants as it exceeds. The winner of a level 1 sub-game is the player whose specified quantity is the most mediocre. Prizes shall not be awarded for individual challenges making up a larger mediocraty game. Instead, at the conclusion of the game announced by the first S.M of the game the entire collection of all entry fees collected for the individual challenges that made up that game shall be paid to the winner. This is an exception to rule 336. ---- add proposal 386/0 1 16 Jan 2001 03:48:37 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Joel Uckelman The Thug and Its Uses Create a new Rule entitled "The Thug and Its Uses", with the following text: There exists an entity known as the Thug. The Thug may be used only by its employer, and only once per nweek, to reverse a single vote case by a Voter, such that "yes" vote becomes a "no" vote, and any other vote (or lack thereof) remains unchanged. To use the Thug, its employer shall, when casting eir Ballot, indicate at which Voter and Ballot Issue the Thug is directed. Within a reasonable period following the conclusion of each voting period in which the Thug has been used, the Bean Counter shall randomly select the Thug's new employer from among those Players who voted during the previous nweek. ---- add proposal 387/0 1 16 Jan 2001 03:48:37 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15 Joel Uckelman Randomness and Dice Create a new Rule, numbered 9, entitled "Randomness and Dice", with the following text: Whenever a Player is called upon to make a random determination, it shall be made among all the possible choices with equal probability, or as close to equal probability as is reasonably achievable. The probabilities of a die falling on each of its faces are considered to be roughly equal for Game purposes, baring any tampering with or obvious deformities of the die. Dice rolls may be specified in the form xdy, where x is the number of dice, and y is the number of faces on each die. Coins are considered to be two-sided dice. [[Examples: 3d6 is three six-sided dice, 1d20 is one twenty-sided die.]] A combination of dice or the mathematical manipulation of the results of a die may be substituted for a unavailable die so long as the same probability distribution is preserved. [[Example: the roll of a d6 divided by 2 may be used instead of a d3.]] ----