add proposal 379/0 1 13 Jan 2001 18:40:19 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 M'cachessilnath Poetry Competiton c/rg The Poetry Contest is an instance of a challenge/response game with the following attributes: game name: The Poetry Contest contestmaster title: A Nomic's Poet Laureate duration: until repealed repetitive: yes, at discretion of current contestmaster entry fee: 2 When they feel like it, the Poet Laureate should post a Challenge to any public forum. Limits and guidelines: The Challenge will take the following form: The Poet Laurate will set a topic, and optionally a length, a style and/or a title, for the other players to write a poem on. Judging: This is entirely up to the personal tastes of the current Poet Laureate; bribes, threats and other forms of coercion are entirely permissable so long as they break neither the other rules of this Nomic or the laws of the land in the country of residence of either participant in said form of coercion. first Admin: The first Admin of the game is M'cachessilnath. ---- add proposal 380/0 1 13 Jan 2001 18:40:21 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 M'cachessilnath NomicHome Enact a Rule entitled "Home Alone" with the following text: A NomicHome is a particular instance of Place as defined by the relevant rule. Every Player in A Nomic automatically owns a NomicHome. A NomicHome has the following properties, changable by the owner: Location: initially NomicTown Name: initially 's Home Description: initially 'A boring house' Contents: initially just the Player who is the owner of the NomicHome Value: initially 0 points All properties except Contents of a NomicHome can be assigned arbitary values, and the NomicHomes can be bought and sold in the same manner as any Object. Contents can only be modified by adding an Object elsewhere acquired, adding a Player with eir consent or removing an Object or Player already present. To assign a new value to one or more properties of their NomicHome, a Player must post such modifications to any public forum, and these will be treated as a two-day unanimous consent motion [to allow for changes insulting anyone to be barred]. Anyone who quotes more than a sentance (or 10 words; minimum 4 words) of another Player's NomicHome description in their NomicHome description must pay that Player a fine of half the value of their NomicHome nweekly until they have submitted a modification to rectify the matter. [if you want the description, buy the home from the player!] ---- rescind proposal 14 Jan 2001 21:49:24 15 Jan 2001 00:29:36 Poulenc Motions of non confidence ---- rescind proposal 15 Jan 2001 00:29:36 15 Jan 2001 02:11:20 Poulenc Officers and Gentlemen Fix ---- add proposal 381/0 1 15 Jan 2001 02:11:20 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 Poulenc Motions of no confidance Amend rule 315 by changing its title to "Motions of no confidance" and by replacing its text with the following two paragraphs: A Motion of non confidence is a secondary approvable motion used to evict an elected officer who loses the support of the voters. The motion must specify the elected office to be targeted. A Motion of non confidence may not be subject to unanimous consent and requires a passage ratio of two-thirds. Upon the adotion of the motion of non confidence the term of the targeted office is set to expire at the end of the current nweek. ---- add proposal 382/0 1 15 Jan 2001 02:52:34 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 Poulenc Parties 1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows: A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows: The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. 3. Party Privacy The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a CFJ, and the judge of that CFJ is not a member of that party, then they shall be made available to em, but e shall not further distribute them without consent from a member of the party. ---- add proposal 363/1 0 15 Jan 2001 06:30:42 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 Joel Uckelman Cleanup 1. Strike the paragraph in R237/2 beginning with "Upon". 2. Strike the comment text in R304/0. ---- activate proposal 363/1 15 Jan 2001 06:30:42 Joel Uckelman ---- add proposal 375/1 1 15 Jan 2001 06:30:42 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09 Joel Uckelman A Resolution for Point Amnesty Whereas, the Failed Proposal Fine and Adopted Proposal and Opposed Minority Awards in effect during voting for nweek 10 were set several nweeks prior, and Whereas, these were set in order to discourage further activity only until the Adminstrator was able to catch up with eir duties, and Whereas, the Administrator is now mostly caught up, and Whereas, the Failed Proposal Fine and Opposed Minority Award are exorbitantly high, and the Adopted Proposal Award shamefully low given now-normal conditions, and Whereas, everyone forgot that these were still in effect, and Whereas, the Bank itself was not well looked-after during this period, nor were the duties of the Banker discharged in a timely fashion, and Whereas, the first version of the Banker's Nweekly Report for this nweek seems a more equitable solution, and Whereas, it would be too much work to properly rectify the situation, Therefore, be it resolved that: 1. Scores and the Bank's holdings are to be calculated based on the Banker's first (erroneous) Report, not the second. 2. Debts incurred by the Bank in the form of Salaries prior to Nweek 10 are hereby forgiven, and the Officers and former Officers are no longer owed them. 3. Fines incurred by Officers due to bankruptcy of the Bank, the point transfers for which have yet to made, are hereby forgiven. 4. 500 Points shall be created in the possession of the Bank, so as to provide sufficient reserves for operation. ----