add proposal 363/0 l,a 4 December 2000 22:33:51 7 December 2000 15:47:12 Joel Uckelman [no title] 1. Strike the paragraph in R327/2 beginning with "Upon". 2. Strike the comment text in R304/0. ---- add proposal 364/0 l,a 7 December 2000 03:03:17 7 December 2000 15:47:12 Poulenc Loans Enact a new rule titled "Loans" with text as follows: An agent may request a loan for a certain number of points and duration from the bank by posting eir request in the public forum. The Banker may then, within 1 nweek, offer that agent eir loan with an amount of interest at eir discression. If the requesting agent, the Banker, and the Tax Collector publicly agree on the terms for the loan, the Banker shall issue the loan by ordering the transfer from the bank to the requesting agent of a number of points equal to the agreed amount of the loan, to be performed as soon as possible. A debt shall then be recorded of the agreed amount plus the agreed amount of interest, to be repayed in the agreed amount of time. A loan to be issued to the Banker or the Tax collector requires the public approval of at least one of the Administrator and the Bean Counter. ---- add proposal 365/0 l,a 7 December 2000 03:19:18 7 December 2000 15:47:12 Poulenc The Price of Nomic Enact a new rule entitled "The Price of Nomic" The Proposal fee is a value associated with the game; it can be changed only as specified by the rules. Initially the value is zero. At the start of the voting period a debt of one Proposal Fee shall be recorded for the author of each proposal on the ballot, payable one nweek from the start of voting by the author of that proposal to the bank. Once per week the Tax Collector may set the value of the Proposal Fee such that it is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty. ----