add proposal 358/0 l,a 25 November 2000 14:47:58 28 November 2000 05:11:49 M'cachessilnath No place like home If Proposal 345/0 passes, enact a new rule with the title "No place like home" and with text as follows: "A Place is a special instance of Object, which has the additional variables 'position', 'Player-capacity' and 'Object-capacity'. A Place may hold a given number of Players and a given number of Objects, and may be owned by more than one Player at one time. Places may be subdivided, but only into subcatagories such as 'rooms' which belong strictly to that Place - this part of this rule supersedes the relevant part of the rule entitle 'Objects'." ---- add proposal 359/0 l,a 25 November 2000 14:21:44 28 November 2000 05:11:49 M'cachessilnath The Name Game Revise Rule 1/0, entitled "The Game", to the following text: "'A Nomic' shall refer to the specific instance of Nomic game which possesses the body of rules containing this definition, unless it is made clear, whether explicitly or via the context, that 'A Nomic' refers to something else. Only the permutation of letter case which has both the initial A and the initial N of the second word capitalised may be take in this context, since the name in any other permutation case may be ambiguous." ---- add proposal 360/0 l,a 27 November 2000 16:59:59 28 November 2000 05:11:49 Benjamin naming the nameless enact a new rule entitled 'proposal titles' with the following text: This rule applies only to proposals which (propose to) create a single new rule. When the appropriate officer recognizes a new proposal, then: if the proposal lacks a title but the proposed new rule would have a title, the title of the proposal becomes the same same as the title of the rule; if the new rule lacks a title but the proposal has a title, the new rule's title becomes the same as the title of the proposal. If neither the proposal nor the new rule have titles, this rule has no effect. ---- add proposal 346/2 l,a 27 November 2000 19:40:47 28 November 2000 05:11:49 Poulenc Transferable Voting! If proposal 345 passed then the rules are to be modified in the following ways: Rules 224 and 226 shall be repealed, and a new rule shall be enacted titled "New Transferable Votes" with text as follows below. With the nweekly distribution of the ballot, the Administrator shall create for each ballot item one New Transferable Vote for each eligible voter, and transfer ownership of these to each eligible voter so that every eligible voter recieves one New Transferable Vote on each ballot item. [[Each player gets one and only one NTV per ballot item. Each NTV can only be used to vote on the ballot item for which it was issued.]] New Transferable Votes are entities that may be created by the administrator only when required by the rules, they may be destroyed by their owner at any time. They may be transferred by their owner to any other legal owner by posting to the public forum. Eacn New Transferable Vote is marked with the serial number of the ballot item it represents, and can be used by its owner to cast a vote on that item. This may be done either by posting in the public forum or by privately notifying the Administrator. This use destroys that New Transferable Vote. No vote may be cast except through this use and consequent destruction of a New Transferable Vote. At the end of the voting period the Administrator shall order any remaining New Transferable Votes destroyed. [[Players may swap, sell, trade or otherwise manipulate NTVs until the end of the voting period. During that time they each one may be used to cast a vote on the ballot item for which it was created. If you can get hold of several, you may cast several votes on that ballot item.]] "NTV" may be used to stand for "New Transferable Vote" in official and unofficial documents. ---- add proposal 346/3 l,a 27 November 2000 19:36:59 28 November 2000 05:11:49 Poulenc Transferable Voting! If proposal 345 passed then the rules are to be modified in the following ways: Rules 224 and 226 shall be repealed, and a new rule shall be enacted titled "New Transferable Votes" with text as follows below. With the nweekly distribution of the ballot, the Administrator shall create for each ballot item one New Transferable Vote for each eligible voter, and transfer ownership of these to each eligible voter so that every eligible voter recieves one New Transferable Vote on each ballot item. [[Each player gets one and only one NTV per ballot item. Each NTV can only be used to vote on the ballot item for which it was issued.]] New Transferable Votes are entities that may be created by the administrator only when required by the rules, they may be destroyed by their owner at any time. They may be transferred by their owner to any other legal owner by posting to the public forum. Each New Transferable Vote is marked with the serial number of the ballot item it represents, and can be used by its owner to cast a vote on that item. This may be done either by posting in the public forum or by privately notifying the Administrator. This use destroys that New Transferable Vote. No vote may be cast except through this use and consequent destruction of a New Transferable Vote. At the end of the voting period the Administrator shall order any remaining New Transferable Votes destroyed. [[Players may swap, sell, trade or otherwise manipulate NTVs until the end of the voting period. During that time they each one may be used to cast a vote on the ballot item for which it was created. If you can get hold of several, you may cast several votes on that ballot item.]] "NTV" may be used to stand for "New Transferable Vote" in official and unofficial documents. ----