add proposal 353/0 l,a 23 November 2000 20:39:33 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Joel Uckelman Tax and Spend 1. Repeal R232. 2. Repeal R233. 3. Replace R231 with the following text, entitled "Proposal Scoring": "Whenever a Proposal is adopted, the Bank owes: 1. the Adopted Proposal Award to the Proposal's owner 2. the Opposed Minority Award to each Agent who voted against the Proposal Whenever a Proposal fails, the Bank is owed: 1. the Failed Proposal Fine by the Proposal's owner" 4. Create a rule entitled "Proposal Disbursements" with the following text: Once per nweek, the Banker may set the Point values of the Adopted Proposal and Opposed Minority Awards such that the value of each is neither less than zero no r greater than twenty. Once per nweek, the Tax Collector may set the Point value of the Failed Proposal Fine such that its value is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty. 5. Create a Rule entitled "Office of the Tax Collector", with the following text : "The Office of The Tax Collector is an Elective Office. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector to recover from Agents debts owed the Bank." 6. Create a Rule entitled "Bankruptcy": "If ever the Bank's Point debts exceed its Point holdings plus the total Points it is owed, the Bank has become bankrupt. Whenever the Bank is bankrupt, the Banker and Tax Collector are fined 20 Points each, with the excpetion that the Bankruptcy Fine may be imposed no more than on ce per turn." ---- add proposal 346/1 l,a 23 November 2000 21:32:59 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Poulenc Transferable Voting! If proposal 345 passed then enact a new rule titled "New Transferable Votes" to read as follows: With the nweekly distribution of the ballot, the Administrator shall create for each ballot item one New Transferable Vote for each eligible voter, and transfer ownership of these to each eligible voter so that every eligible voter recieves one New Transferable Vote on each ballot item. [[Each player gets one and only one NTV per ballot item. Each NTV can only be used to vote on the ballot item for which it was issued.]] New Transferable Votes are entities that may be created by the administrator only when required by the rules, they may be destroyed by their owner at any time. They may be transferred by their owner to any other legal owner by posting to the public forum. Eacn New Transferable Vote is marked with the serial number of the ballot item it represents, and can be used by its owner to cast a vote on that item. This may be done either by posting in the public forum or by privately notifying the Administrator. This use destroys that New Transferable Vote. No vote may be cast except through this use and consequent destruction of a New Transferable Vote. At the end of the voting period the Administrator shall order any remaining New Transferable Votes destroyed. [[Players may swap, sell, trade or otherwise manipulate NTVs until the end of the voting period. During that time they each one may be used to cast a vote on the ballot item for which it was created. If you can get hold of several, you may cast several votes on that ballot item.]] "NTV" may be used to stand for "New Transferable Vote" in official and unofficial documents. _____ Repeal rule 224 [[This allows one vote and one vote only. This is unnescessary, even a hinderance since player will now vote through the use of the NTVs rather than the old system.]] Repeal rule 226 [[Rather than amend rule 226 I chose to incorporate the same idea into the NTV rule.]] ---- add proposal 350/1 l,a 23 November 2000 22:04:42 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Poulenc Points are transferrable objects foo ---- add proposal 352/1 l,a 24 November 2000 00:35:46 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Poulenc Salaries for Officers and Judges Enact a new rule with the title "Salaries for Officers and Judges" and with text as follows: The Offical Salary and the Judicial Salary are values associated with this game. They may be changed only as specified by the rules. Initially, the value of each is zero. At the end of each nweek, the bank owes one Official Salary, in points, to each agent who hold one or more paid offices. An agent that holds multiple offices cannot recieve more that one Official Salary. When a judge returns a judgement, the bank owes one Judicial Salary to em. Once per nweek, with a post to the public forum, the Banker may set the values of the Official Salary and the Judicial Salary such that the value of each is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty. ---- add proposal 354/0 l,a 23 November 2000 21:53:20 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Poulenc Nomic: not just a game but a way of life! Append "The Rules of this game" to the list of recognized religious texts in rule 302. ---- add proposal 347/1 l,a 24 November 2000 00:28:48 24 November 2000 02:52:28 Poulenc The Bank Enact a rule entitled "The Bank" with text as follows: The Bank is an agent, but not an eligible voter. If a debt owed the Bank is overdue the Bank may submit a Motion for Repayment of that debt, at the discretion of the Banker. A Bank Motion is a motion that, once submitted, becomes a Ballot Item on the next nweekly voting. A Bank Motion should describe one or more actions to be performed by the Bank. If it passes, a Motive Order is issued for the Bank to perform those actions. _____ Enact a rule entitled "The Banker" with text as follows: The Office of The Banker is an elective office. It is the responsibility of the Banker to post actions to the public forum for the Bank. There are some decisions that must be made and some actions that must be performed by the bank. This office acts as the decision-making and action-performing part of the Bank. If a CFJ finds that the Banker has not allowed the Bank to perform its required duties within a reasonable length of time e is expelled from the office and fined fifty points. It is up to the Banker to decide what actions the Bank will take, and post those actions to the public forum. Eir nweekly report should include a summary of all actions taken by the Bank in that nweek, and also a list of the scores of each player and all debts owed by or owed to the bank. The Banker may always cause the Bank to perform an action in an Administrative, Motive, or Legistative Order, provided that it is a legal action for the Bank. The Banker may also cause the bank to repay any debt that it owes. If another action is to be performed, the Banker must act on behalf of the bank, and although the action is performed as if acted by the bank, it cannot affect items owned by the bank or enter the bank into any debts, or be any other effect not normally allowed by the action an independant agent. ______ Enact a new rule titled "Points Owed" If an agent owes points, e is considered a debtor. The agent to which those points are owed is eir creditor. If e does not pay those points which e owes within whatever time is agreed upon in advance by those parties, or two nweeks otherwise, the debt becomes overdue and eir creditor may submit a Motion for Repayment for that particular debt. A Motion for Repayment that is submitted becomes a ballot issue at the start of the next nweekly voting. If it passes then a Motive Order is issued for the repayment of the debt, to be performed as soon as possible. ----