rfj add 43/0 29 Mar 2001 17:25:42 Zagarna The recusal of player Poulenc from the judgement on RFJ#40/0 and the assignement of RFJ#40/0 to player Blest Lax Monk Pal were invalid. ---- rfj assign 43/0 29 Mar 2001 22:59:02 jonno ---- rfj ruling 37/0 1 Apr 2001 02:27:24 jonno true Motion 22/0: states "I create a new bank motion requiring the bank to reclaim 30 out of the current 60 outstanding points from Poulenc. This will reduce Poulenc's debt by 30". Rule 101/0 "Follow the rules" states "All game entities must always abide by the Rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in efffect. This Rule takes precedence over all other rules". Rule 105: "Agents" states in part "An Agent is an entity capable of action". Rule 115/0: "Execution of orders" states "An Agent who is the recipient of an Order must execute he Order in a timely fashion". Rule 305: "Required Actions" states (in part) "an outstanding 'as soon as possible' actions must be performed before any other actions may be performed by that Agent." and "The time allowed for actions required to be performed 'within a reasonable amount of time' varies depending on what is reasonable for the action, but in no case is it longer than one week". Rule 317 - "The bank" states in part "The bank is an agent". Rule 318 "The Banker" states in part "It is the responsibility of the Banker to post actions to the public forum for the Bank. There are some decisions that must be made and some actions that must be performed by the bank. This office acts as the decision-making and action-performing part of the bank. If a CFJ finds that the banker has not allowed the Bank to preform its required duties within a reasonable length of time e is expelled from the office and fined 50 points". Although the RFJ did not specify which motive order was not followed by Poulenc, a reading of motions current at the time the RFJ was made shows Motion 22 is the only motion which discusses a debt Poulenc owes to the Bank. This motion puts the onus for action on the Bank, not on the player Poulenc. But According to rule 318, responsibility for actions taken by the bank rests with the Banker, and specifies actions must be taken with "a reasonable length of time". Rule 305 states "a resonable length of time" can be no more than 1 nweek. As the Banker (who is also player Poulenc) did not reclaim 30 points from the player Poulenc within 1 nweek of the passage of Motion 22/0, the Banker has not allowed the Bank to perform it's required duties within a reasonable length of time, and e is expelled from office and fined 50 points. ---- rfj ruling 43/0 1 Apr 2001 02:33:46 jonno refused I refuste to hear this judgement on the grounds that it lacks a clear stateent. There is no indicaton as to why the plaintiff believes the action was invalid. ---- rfj add 44/0 5 Apr 2001 16:17:26 Joerg Poulenc has not offered any Go alliances to The Kid, Dave, or M'cachessilnath. A Go player can make no more than one move per day (R365/0), and placing a stone is a move. Thus, Poulenc had already made a move when he attemped to make three other moves by offering an alliance to said players. ---- rfj assign 44/0 5 Apr 2001 22:47:54 Benjamin ---- rfj ruling 44/0 6 Apr 2001 06:36:41 Benjamin true I don't really think this needs much explanation, but just to reiterate: playing a stone and offering an alliance are distinct moves. Players can only make one move per day. relevant rules: Rule 368/0 : Go Moves For each move, a Go player must do one of the following: 1. Place a Stone. 2. Offer an alliance to an enemy. 3. Declare war on an ally. ... Rule 365/0 : Political Go There exists a Contest called Political Go. The Go Consul is the Contestmaster. The first Go Consul is Joel. The Go Board is empty at the start of Political Go. Players become Go players by making a Go move. Go players are unallied by default. Each Go player may make no more than one Go move per Game day, and may never place two Stones consecutively. ---- rfj add 45/0 6 Apr 2001 08:27:57 The Kid Poulenc's placing of a stone on K5 on 30th March is invalid as he had already made a move on that day. The stone should be removed and Poulenc refunded his 4 points. The alliance that Benjamin offered to Jeff on 3rd April is invalid as he had already made a move on that day. The alliance should be canceled. (The re-offer of the alliance earlier today still stands.) The alliance that The Kid offered to various people on 3rd April is invalid as he had already made a move on that day. The alliance with Chess should be canceled This is to bring the game into alignment with RFJ#44. Note to Judge: You'll need to make a judicial order to remove the stone and cancel the alliences. However be careful that you don't cancel any alliance that is made between now and your verdict. I don't know what can happen with K5 in the mean time. I don't think anyone can place a stone there till your verdict as technically Poulencs stone is still there. ---- rfj assign 45/0 8 Apr 2001 20:57:39 Joerg ---- rfj ruling 45/0 9 Apr 2001 15:54:22 Joerg true Poulenc made a move by placing a stone on o4 at 30 Mar 2001 01:11:59 UTC and a second move by placing a stone on k3 (the message says k5, but the board shows the stone placed at k3, and since Poulenc never found something wrong about the actual placement, I think it should take precendence) on 30 Mar 05:37:39 UTC. Thus, he made two moves the same day, which is not allowed. Benjamin has made two moves in the same message. It was not possible for him to make a second move, so he could not offer an alliance to Jeff Schroeder. Concerning The Kid, he actually never made a valid offer for an alliance, since if he wants to offer an alliance, "e must name an enemy Go player to whom e is making the offer" (R368/0), which he did not do. But anyway, he already moved that day, so even if his offer were valid, he couldn't have made it. Judicial Orders: I order that Poulenc's stone is removed from k3 and that the Bank tranfers 4 points back to Poulenc. I order that the alliance between The Kid and M'cachessilnath is cancelled. Note: I do NOT make any orders concerning the alliance between Benjamin and Jeff Schroeder, since they became allied in a valid way in the meantime and the fact that they were not allied from April 3 to April 6 does not affect the game state in any way. ----