motion grant 26/0 20 Mar 2001 22:17:51 ---- motion grant 29/0 20 Mar 2001 00:13:50 ---- motion grant 32/0 20 Mar 2001 01:38:44 ---- motion grant 33/0 20 Mar 2001 01:38:44 ---- rule add 316/1 M29/0 20 Mar 2001 00:13:50 Objects Objects are indivisible and may be possessed only in nonnegative quantities. Agents may own Objects. No entity may be both an Object and an Agent. Objects may not be created, destroyed, or otherwise altered, transferred, or adulterated except as allowed by the Rules. ---- rule add 358/1 M32/0 20 Mar 2001 01:38:44 Motion for Payment If an agent owes points to another agent e is a debtor and the agent to which e owes points is eir creditor. Said pending point transfer is a debt. The debt shall exist until payment has been made by point transfer, satisfying the debt. If the debtor does not transfer the specified number of points by the time specified at creation of the debt, or within two weeks of the debt creation by default, eir creditor may force payment with a Motion for Payment. A Motion for Payment is a primary, approvable motion that is not subject to unanimous consent. A Motion for Payment should specify the debt that is overdue by amount, agents involved, and due date. If a Motion for Payment passes and the debt remains unpaid a motive order is issued for the transfer of points to satisfy that debt, to be performed as soon as possible. ---- rule add 364/1 M33/0 20 Mar 2001 01:38:44 The Stamp of Confusion The Stamp of Confusion is a transferable object. Initially it is owned by the Bank. The Stamp of Confusion has a purchase price of 70 points. The owner of the Stamp of Confusion, but not the Bank, may use it during the nweekly voting to Stamp an eligible voter. That voters votes are determined randomly by the Administrator instead of by some other method. The stamped voter shall vote either for or against each ballot item, and there shall be a 50% chance of each. This use of the Stamp returns ownership of it to the Bank. ----