motion add 30/0 16 Mar 2001 16:24:02 18 Mar 2001 01:38:44 Poulenc Motion to Amend Trivially I move to Amend Trivialy each non-case-specific instance of "Repayment" in the rules to "Payment" ---- motion object 30/0 16 Mar 2001 17:10:51 The Kid fails ---- motion rescind 16 Mar 2001 19:14:05 16 Mar 2001 19:19:28 Poulenc Motion to Amend Trivially ---- motion add 31/0 16 Mar 2001 16:21:01 18 Mar 2001 01:38:44 Poulenc Motion for Repayment The Bank submits a Motion for Repayment for 30 points which poulenc does not owe the Bank anymore. ---- motion add 32/0 16 Mar 2001 19:19:28 18 Mar 2001 01:38:44 Poulenc Motion to Amend Trivially I move to amend trivialy R358/0 by changing each instance of "Repayment" to "Payment". ---- motion add 33/0 16 Mar 2001 19:36:37 18 Mar 2001 01:38:44 Poulenc Motion to Amend Trivially I move to trivialy amend R364/0 by replacing "50/%" with "50%". ----