add rule 210/2 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Motion to Add Players 336/0 Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become one if a Motion to Add naming em is adopted. Motions to Add are Secondary Approvable Motions. A Motion to Add is adopted if its passage ratio is at least two-thirds. Motions to Add Players may be subject to three-day unanimous consent. The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Add directs the Administrator to add the named Agent to the Roster. ---- add rule 303/1 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Motion to Amend Trivially 336/0 Motions to Amend Trivially are Secondary Approvable Motions adoptable only through two-day unanimous consent, and fail if two-day unanimous consent is not given. A Rule may be unsubstantially amended if a Motion to Amend Trivially naming that Rule is adopted. Motions to Amend Trivially may never become Ballot Issues. The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Amend Trivially directs the Administrator to make appropriate changes to the Rules. ---- add rule 230/3 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Unanimous Consent 336/0 An Agent introducing a Approvable Motion may request unanimous consent at the time of introduction, unless the Rules explicitly prohibit it. N-unanimous consent on a Motion is granted if no eligible voters object to the Motion within time N after it is recognized. ---- add rule 310/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 The Officer of Supreme Justice 338/1 The Officer of Supreme Justice (OSJ) is an Elected Officer. The OSJ is responsible for recognising RFJ's, selecting Judges and recusing Judges. ---- add rule 235/2 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Recognition of Requests 338/1 Within a reasonable time after receipt of a Request for Judgment, the Officer of Supreme Justice shall assign the Request the next Judgment number, and shall select a Player to serve as Judge as per the Rules on Judge selection. ---- add rule 238/1 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Recusal of Judges 338/1 The Officer of Supreme Justice shall, in a timely fashion, recuse any Judge failing to issue a Judgment within three days of eir selection, and replace em with a new Judge. ---- add rule 311/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Elective Offices 340/1 An Office filled through election is an Elective Office. An Office is Elective iff the Rules specify it to be so. ---- add rule 312/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Elections 340/1 At any time prior to the start of voting during a nweek that is either a) the last nweek of an Elective Officer's Term of Office, or b) in which an Elective Office is vacant, any Player may nominate any Player, including emself, as a candidate for that Elective Office. The list of all candidates for an Office who did not decline nomination become the Ballot Issue for that Office at the start of that nweek's voting. Voters may cast a vote for only one candidate on each list for such Ballot Issues. Whichever candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast for an Elective Office shall assume that Office upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officeholder's Term. In the event of a tie for the most votes among two or more candidates for an Elective Office, the Administrator shall select one of those candidates to hold the Office. ---- add rule 202/1 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Ballot Issues 340/1 The following become Ballot Issues at the start of a nweek's voting: 1. Proposals then active 2. Motions requiring a vote introduced since the previous nweek's voting 3. Elections to replace Elected Officers whose terms expire that nweek 4. Elections to fill vacant Elected Offices ---- add rule 313/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Conflicting Legislative Orders 341/0 Whenever two outstanding Legislative Orders are in conflict, the Legislative Order the issuance of which was caused by the lower numbered Proposal must be executed first. Legislative Orders are in conflict if their execution would modify the same Rule or other game element. ---- add rule 314/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Motion to remove players II 342/0 Any Agent qualified as a Player may cease to be one if a Motion to Remove naming em is adopted. Motions to Remove are Secondary Approvable Motions. A Motion to Remove is subject to 10days-unanimous consent. [[this way no player can be removed if e checks the mailing list at least once per nweek]] The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Remove directs the Officer in charge of Roaster maintainance to remove the named Agent from the Roster. ---- add rule 315/0 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Officers and Gentlemen 343/0 If a player is dissatisfied with the conduct of an Elected Officer e may propose a Motion of No Confidence naming that Officer. A Motion of No Confidence is a Secondary Approvable Motion requiring a two-thirds passage-ratio to be adopted. If a Motion of No Confidence is adopted then the Officer who is named in that Motion is removed from es Office and the Office becomes vacant. An election for the Office is held the nweek following the adopted Motion of No Confidence. Motions of No Confidence may not be proposed in the last nweek of an Officer's Term. ---- add rule 205/1 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Terms of Office 343/0 The Term of Office for an Office is five nweeks, unless otherwise specified in the Rules. At the end of the Term of Office the current Officer is automatically nominated for election unless e publicly specifies otherwise. If no Player other than the current Officer is nominated for election then the current Officer is automatically elected for another Term and no election is required. In the event that the election is tied, the Administrator shall select one of the tied players to hold the Office, but the Term of Office is reduced to one nweek. ---- add rule 227/2 l 21 November 2000 00:00:00 Quorum 343/0 Quorum is the number of eligible Agents needed to participate in voting in order for the results of the voting to take effect. If quorum is not met for a nweek's voting: 1. all Ballot Item Proposals revert to their previous state 2. all Ballot Item Motions fail 3. Ballot Item Elections for non-vacant Offices are held again in the next nweek. The current Officer keeps their Office for another nweek. Candidates must put themselves forward for election again. 4. Ballot Item Elections for vacant Offices shall carry on the majority of votes cast. ----