rule add 340/1 P417/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 10 Home Alone A NomicHome is a particular instance of Place as defined by the relevant rule. Every Player in A Nomic automatically owns a NomicHome. A NomicHome has the following properties, changable by the owner: Location: initially NomicTown Name: initially 's Home Description: initially 'A boring house' Contents: initially just the Player who is the owner of the NomicHome Value: initially 0 points All properties except Contents of a NomicHome can be assigned arbitary values, and the NomicHomes can be bought and sold in the same manner as any Object. Contents can only be modified by adding an Object elsewhere acquired, adding a Player with eir consent or removing an Object or Player already present. To assign a new value to one or more properties of their NomicHome, a Player must post such modifications to any public forum, and these will be treated as a two-day unanimous consent motion [to allow for changes insulting anyone to be barred]. Anyone who quotes more than a sentance (or 10 words; minimum 4 words) of another Player's NomicHome description in their NomicHome description must pay that Player a fine of half the value of their NomicHome nweekly until they have submitted a modification to rectify the matter. [if you want the description, buy the home from the player!] ---- rule add 340/2 P418/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 10 Home Alone A NomicHome is a particular instance of Place as defined by the relevant rule. Every Player in A Nomic automatically owns a NomicHome. A NomicHome has the following properties, changable by the owner: Location: initially NomicTown Name: initially 's Home Description: initially 'A boring house' Contents: initially just the Player who is the owner of the NomicHome All properties except Contents of a NomicHome can be assigned arbitary values, and the NomicHomes can be bought and sold in the same manner as any Object. Contents can only be modified by adding an Object elsewhere acquired, adding a Player with eir consent or removing an Object or Player already present. To assign a new value to one or more properties of their NomicHome, a Player must post such modifications to any public forum, and these will be treated as a two-day unanimous consent motion [to allow for changes insulting anyone to be barred]. Anyone who quotes more than a sentance (or 10 words; minimum 4 words) of another Player's NomicHome description in their NomicHome description must pay that Player a fine of half the value of their NomicHome nweekly until they have submitted a modification to rectify the matter. [if you want the description, buy the home from the player!] ---- rule add 120/3 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 9 Motions The Agent who submits a Motion is its owner. An Agent may never own more than ten live Motions of any one type, and may never submit more than ten Motions of any one type in a single day; otherwise an Agent may make a new Motion of any type at any time. New Motions are live and active by default. Live Motions which are neither being voted on nor for which consent is being sought are revisable, and may be activated, deactivated, or withdrawn, but only by their respective owners. In no other case may a Motion be altered. When a Motion is withdrawn, it becomes dead. Each Motion type is either Approvable or Unilateral. Approvable Motions are subject to voting or consent, as per the Rules, while Unilateral Motions need no such approval to take effect. Each Motion type is either Primary or Secondary. Primary Motions are assigned serial numbers by type, while Secondary Motions are assigned serial numbers as a group. ---- rule add 118/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 18 Eligible Voters Each Player is eligible to vote on each issue on any given Ballot for the duration of the voting for which the Ballot was issued. Other Agents may be eligible voters, if allowed by the Rules. ---- rule add 201/2 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 18 The Ballot The Administrator shall, at least 48 hours prior to the close of voting each nweek, distribute to all Players the Ballot for that nweek. On the Ballot shall be a list of the following: i. Approvable Motions which were at the time when voting began both live and not awaiting consent. ii. Candidates to fill Elected Offices which are vacant or for which the current Officer's term will expire at the end of the nweek. ---- rule repeal 202/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 ---- rule add 224/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 18 One Vote Each Each eligible voter may cast exactly one vote on each issue on any given Ballot, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules. ---- rule add 227/6 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 18 Quorum and Voting Quorum is the minimum number of eligible Agents needed to cast votes on an issue during a single voting period in order for the results of voting to have effect. Motions for which quorum is not met remain alive, but are not adopted. Elections for which quorum is not met are held again in the next nweek, and the term of the current Officer is extended by one nweek." Motions for which quorum has been met become dead at the close of voting, regardless of their adoption. ---- rule repeal 304/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 ---- rule add 309/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 18 Establishing Quorum The Officer charged with maintaining the Roster may, at any time prior the start of a nweek's voting, declare that nweek's voting to be a Quorum Vote. No other Agent may declare Quorum Votes, nor may a Quorum Vote be called during a voting period. If a Quorum Vote is declared for a voting period, quorum is then set at the number of Agents voting in that period. Establishing quorum precedes the determination of the passage or failure of any issues on the Ballot. Quorum may be changed only through the results of a Quorum Vote. ---- rule add 312/1 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 11 Nominations Prior to the start of voting during a nweek in which an Elective Office is either vacant or an Elected Officer's term will expire, any Player may nominate any Player, including emself, as a candidate for that Elective Office. Any Player who declines nomination for an Office prior to voting ceases to be a candidate for that Office. ---- rule add 359/0 P420/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 11 Elections Voters may cast exactly one vote for a candidate for each Elective Office on the Ballot. Whichever candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast for an Elective Office shall assume that Office upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officer's term. In the event of a tie for the most votes among two or more candidates for an Elective Office, the Administrator shall select one of those candidates to hold the Office. ---- rule add 103/1 P421/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 16 17 State and Rule Changes Any change to the game state is a State Change. A Rule Change is the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a rule. Rule Changes are a type of State Change. ---- rule add 360/0 P424/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 3 10 Micropayment Pennies are Objects. One Penny is worth 1/100 Point, one Point is worth 100 Pennies. Whenever an Agent owns 100 or more Pennies, 100 of eir Pennies are destroyed and one Point is created in eir posession. This process is repeated until the Agent owns less than 100 Pennies. Whenever an Agent transfers a number of Pennies larger than the number of Pennies in eir posession, one of eir Points is destroyed and 100 Pennies are created in eir posession until e has sufficient Pennies. The transfer is impossible if the Agent does not have the required number of Points. If an Agent is required to make a payment to another Agent that contains a fractional part, and the rule that governs the payment does not state that the amount should be rounded, e shall pay the fractional part in Pennies. Values, scores, etc. shall be written as the the amount of Points plus the amount of Pennies/100. [[ For example 8 points, 4 Pennies are written 8 + 4/100 = 8.04 ]] ---- rule add 307/2 P426/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 13 Players that are [Away] Any Player may gain or lose the [Away] attribute by sending a message to this effect to a public forum. E may also specify a Date of Expected Return as an additional information. Players that have not voted in the last three nweeks automatically gain the [Away] attribute without any Date of Expected Return, if they have already been Player during these nweeks. In that case the Administrator shall, within a reasonable amount of time, grant them the [Away] attribute by posting a message to that effect to the public forum. Players that are [Away] are not required to make any action if that action was imposed on them while they were [Away]. The Administrator cannot become [Away]. Players that are [Away] do not count when calculating the Quorum. ---- rule add 314/3 P426/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 9 13 Motion to Remove Players Any Agent qualified as a Player may cease to be one if a Motion to Remove naming em is adopted. Motions to Remove are Secondary Approvable Motions. A Motion to Remove is subject to - 10days-unanimous consent if the player has not got the [Away] atribute. - 30days-unanimous consent if the player is [Away]. If the Player specified a Date of Expected Return, no Motion to remove this player may be created before this date. [[This way, no player can be removed, if e checks the mailing list at least once per nweek, or during predictable periods of inactivity.]] The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Remove directs the Officer in charge of Roster maintainance to remove the named Agent from the Roster. ---- rule add 203/2 P427/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 13 The Roster The Roster is a list of all Players. It shall contain, for each Player, at least the following information: (1) The Player's name, (2) eir email adress, (3) eir score, and (4) a list of all attributes associated with em. The Administrator is responsible for updating the Roster so that it reflects the current game state. ---- rule add 213/2 P427/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 12 Administrative Orders An Administrative Order is an Order issued by an Officer in the the course of performing the duties of that Office. ---- rule add 361/0 P429/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 3 10 Item Purchase Items owned by the Bank may be purchased by agents if a purchase price is defined in the Rules. The act of purchasing transfers the purchase price in points from the purchaser to the Bank, and the item from the Bank to the purchaser. An agent may not purchase an an item from the Bank if e does not own the purchase price in points. ---- rule add 362/0 P429/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 3 10 The Stamp of Failure The Stamp of Failure is a transferable object. Initially it is owned by the Bank. If the Stamp of Failure is owned by the bank it may be purchased from the Bank at a price of 50 points. The owner of the Stamp of Failure, but not the Bank, may use it during the nweekly voting to Fail one ballot item. The effect is the same as if the ballot item had failed due to the number of votes cast against it. This use of the Stamp of Failure transfers ownership of the Stamp to the Bank. ---- rule add 363/0 P429/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 3 10 The Stamp of Theft The Stamp of Theft is a transferable object. Initially it is owned by the Bank. The Stamp of Theft has a purchase price of 60 points. The owner of the Stamp of Theft, but not the Bank, may Stamp one item in the posession of another agent, but not the bank, as an action takin in the Public Forum. Ownership of the Stamped object is transfered to the Stamper. This use of the Stamp tranfers ownership of it to the Bank. ---- rule add 364/0 P429/0 10 March 2001 00:00:00 3 10 The Stamp of Confusion The Stamp of Confusion is a transferable object. Initially it is owned by the Bank. The Stamp of Confusion has a purchase price of 70 points. The owner of the Stamp of Confusion, but not the Bank, may use it during the nweekly voting to Stamp an eligible voter. That voters votes are determined randomly by the Administrator instead of by some other method. The stamped voter shall vote either for or against each ballot item, and there shall be a 50\% chance of each. This use of the Stamp returns ownership of it to the Bank. ----